ouvAios cm kntkui'hihk. kwim.w. .iantahv ir. Summen lit lha Ir Court of II.. Hiala of Oregon, for lb County Sf Uarke at, Mary JohnaoD. I'lnlntln, va. Mlka Johnson. Ilafeiidanl To Mlka Johnaon, lh almr iiaiii.d Dif.ndanl: III Ilia uama of lha Hlaln of Oregon You ara r. -1 . ragulrad lo appear anil ana,r Hi '".niilalri nlad again! you In ilia Ihi named ault on or lrr tha ifml ilar of Januarr, lilt, enld data UIur lha day Iliad by Iba Court, anil balni ali wka from Iba flral pub llrallon of Ibla Hurninona. aud It you fall lo appear and anawer Mid Com plftM f..r wanl tharanf. plaintiff will pply to iba Court for Iba relM prayad for In lha Complaint, to-art t: beer of IMn.r.a, dissolving Iba bonds of inatrlmoiiy, baralofnra and now ailal inr between plaintiff anil defendant, on tba ground of daaartlon, and for unh olbar and furtbar rallaf aa thl lloimralili. Court ma deem equitable and lust. Thla Hummona la putillahan by ordar of J I'. Campbell. Jodc of lha Clrrult Court of flarkainaa County, Oreaoii. wtiMi ordrr e madn and rulrrad thla Kith day of Oerrmber, IBM, and lli. tuna prrrlbl for Ilia pulillratloo of thla Hiimnioiia la alt wka, bln nlnt with lha lanua dalad Hrremher 1Mb. IU. and continuing every wk thereafter up to and Including lha la aua datnd January 12nd, ll W A IH'flKK Allornay for I'lalnllff ummoni In tba Circuit i in of tba State of Drcgon for lha County of Clarke Ml Mangum Itonilg. a partnerahlp, I'lalnllff. va. Carl llargatrom Defendant. To Carl llrrgalmm. Iba aboTe named defrndant In the name of the Hlale of Oregon, you are berehy required lo appear and nawer the complaint filed agalnat you In th above entitled action, on or before the tlh day of January. lir. al.l date being aftar the eiplratloii of als weeka from tha flrat publication of thla aumniona, and If you fall lo go appear and anawrr aald complaint for want thereof plaintiff will taHn JuOg MM agalnat you for 1331 CO. together with Inlereat thereon at the rate of tl p. r cnnl per annum from the Ilth day of October rot and coala and dlal.uraenicnla of thla action. Thla aummona la served upen you by publication thereof by order of the lion J. V. Campbell. Judge of the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon, lNt No . which order waa made on the 17th day of December. 1114. and the time preacrlhed for publication thereof la ali iuceeaalva weeka, begin ning with the laaue dated December I ft, 1914 and continuing each wek thereafter up lo and Including the la aue or January .-!.. 114. which la tha date of the laat publication ther of. 0. W. KAHTII AM. Attorney for Plaintiff. la a flral Han upon lha premie and thai tba court make and enter 4 craw for Iba Mia of lha property da airtbed In Mid mortgage In snrord anca allh lha law, and a further da era In plalntlff'a aarond rauae of ault. agalnal defendant Itoae Heilon and Hay Hton, for Iba aun of ITTa M and li,l. i. .1 II, i. from the Plh day of Oi tuber, 1(11 until data of Judgment, for lha gum of till 00 aa ettomera fee; for bla coala and dlaburwnVewU herein aud that the court make and enter decree for the Mia of Iba lead deecrlhed In plalntlff'a .owplalnt lo It Iba NH of Iba HH of a certain tract of land containing 10 aire, da M-rtlaad aa beginning at the NW ihiih i of lha llalhaaay D I 0. tk,l K. I" roda. thaoc N. 40 rod, thence W 40 roda, thence N 40 roda to the place of beginning. In Hoc. 11, T. I M. II 2 K Wll. Mar Clarkamaa County, Ore gon, aa dcecrlbcd by la and that the defendanta and all pereone ilalmlne i.. Ihioiigli and under in-ee ner.uo ante, be forever barred and fore loeet of all right In aald land Thla amiim. iia la pobllabed b) order of lion II H Anderaon, Judge of lha COSSll t'ourt whlih order iu made on the lllh day of Hoc. 1114, and the lime preacrilMad for publlcathan there of, la all weeka. beginning wllb the laaue deled Krlday Jan. III. HIS, and continuing m4i weak thereafter to and Including Krlday, February 1114a HIS. OBO. C. fIROWNKM.. f'll AH T. HIKVKII8, Attorneys for I'lalnllff Summon! In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka maa. J. It. Hpurgcon I'lalnllff. Tl. Nellie Hpurgeon. Defendant. To Nellie Bourgeon, tho above turned defendant: In Ihe iinine of the Hlnle of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint filed agalnat you In the above entitled ault, on or be fore tho 21th day or January. 1115. anld dale being more than nx week from the ISth day of December. 1914. on which date publication of Ihli sum inona waa ninde; und if you rail to ap pear and aniwer herein, Ihe plaintiff will apply lo tho court lor tho relict! prayed for In plalntlff'a complaint on tile horeln, to-wlt: For n decree ot thla court annull ItiK. cancelling and dliiolvlng the lunula of matrimony nnd nmrrlar.u ri Intlon nnd contract between plaintiff nnd d( fendunt. nnd ror iuch other ro ller an to Die court may Ho.'lii proper in Iho promlaeti. Thla Htiinnioiiri li aorvod upon you hy publlcntlon thereof In the OreKon Clly Kntcrprlao, n paper or general circulation published In Iho clly or Oregon City, County ot OlftOklfllM Hlnlrt of Oregon, onco a wock ror a period or alt auccosalvo weeka, by ord er of the Hon. J, 0. Cninptioll. Judge ol the bIkivc entitled court, which order Ih dated the 12th day of Decem ber. 1914. Tho ditto or tho flrat publlcntlon or thla lummoni la Krlday, December 18 1014, nnd tho (Into of tho hint publica tion Uiereot In Friday, .Innuary 29, 1915. IiRN C. DESY, Or Allornoyn ror Hnlntlff. 609 Fouton Building, Portland Oregon. lummoni In tha Circuit Court of lha male of Oregon, for Clarkamaa County. Klhel llryre, plaintiff VI. Chae. H. Ilryce, Defendant. To Cnaa. II. Ilryce, above named de fendanl: In the name of tha etat of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and anawer tba complaint filed agalnat you. In the above entitled ault. on or before the lal day of Feb, III! Mid date being tba expiration of all weeka rrom the nrat publication ol tbla aummona, and II you fall to appear or anawrr Mid complaint, for want thereof Ihe plaintiff will apply to the court for tha relief prayad for In the complaint, to- wlt: For a decree dlaaolvlng the bond or matrimony now eilallng between the plaintiff and defendant and the cuitody of Iba minor rhlld. Jack Charlea llryre. and lor auch other and further relief aa to the court Memi Juat and equll able. Thla aummona li publlihed hy order of Hon. J. V. Campbell. Judge or the Clrrult Court which order vu made on the 17th day of Dec . 1114. and the time prearrlbed lor publication theraot la all weeka, beginning with the laaue dated, Friday. Dec. Ilth. and conttnu Ing each week thereafter lo and Includ Ir.g Friday, Jan. H 1111. WM. P. U)RD. Attorney for plaintiff. Ihe turn of 117 II, with lalr4 lhare on al lb rail of ( per aeal ft an num from lb H day of Dtbr I til, and Ik further ana of Its ..Hita ami dl.l.ureMii. Ola ai,1 lha carta of and upon Ikl writ, totoniaudlng t out of Ike praoal property of Mid d'fandanla. aad If aufflrleal eould not l found, tka out of iba real property bebniglag lo Mid dafendMl on aad after Iba dot of HkJ alb My of De camber, llll. to .aii.fr Mid aula uf 117 11 and alo lb roal upon Ibl Mid wrll Now therefore, by virtue of Mid e edition, judgment order and dorr, and In compliance wllb Ihe command of Mid writ, i. in unable to and any pereonal properly of Mid defendant I did on the rati day of Jan. llll, du ly levy upoa Ibe following danrrtlMd real property of Mid defindant, all I aad being In Iba County of Clarke maa and Mtate of Oregon, to wit The R. & H of ft. K . the H W U of H. E ', . the H. K U of H VV V, of rtertkaa f ; Ih I. H of H W . ibe H. VY of U. r iot. 10; lb N. K. 14, K H of H A til tba N. K of H. K . aertlon II, Townhlp I Houib. Hang J Kaal of VV. M , and I will, on Friday, Ihe lib day of IVi.ru ary ltd, at lb hour of 10 o'rbrk A M , al lb front door of tbe County Court Houm la Ihe City of Oregon City In Mid County and Htal. aell al pub He auction, auliject lo redemption, to Ibe hlgbea) bidder, for C H gold coin caah In band all Ihe right, title and Inlereat which the within named de fendaoia. or either of Ibeui. bad on the dal of Mid lib day of Jan . llll. or alnra had In or to Ibe above derribd real property or any part iberwof, to Mtlafy Mid Judgment order, dwree, Inlereat. coat and all accruing coat VV. J VYIIJION. Hherlff of Clackama County. Oregon. Hy K C HACKKTT. Deputy. Dated. Oregon City, Oregon. Jan Mb. llll. Sheriff 81 In the Clrrult Court of the Htate of Oregon, for the county of Cla. ka ma D K Dahlberg Plaintiff, va. O. W Kaatham. Delay H rUitham, I Deltoe. The Ai lagging Company H. J Kamlnky and Fred It. Madl on, Defendant. 8TATK OF OKKiiON Cqunly of Clack r balaa tbax aurtb II 04 taw n4 lo i lain. Ita tbeace aactb legr tnagal 1 44 cnala . I 1114 elaaeM. Ibeave aswlb I M eaala. la at 1 rktUi IkeajM north 41 70 r balaa to the place of kjt glaaUaa eaalalgag II 't aaor or I, all In ciachaiaaa t vrnaiy Or mv aad ird In f'dlootag erit ad) imad: Hlai.ii.g al a polal 10 chain w4 of Ik aortaaaet eoraer of lb Donation CTaJ of Joka Mark aad running tbeo wan on claim Mm I II cbalaa. inane aoutk 1117 ehalae lo aoutb boundary Of Mid 'lalav lbc ea4 M llnka; Umc north II 17 rhain them 7 71 .balaa lo a Mi l t19 rhnlae aoutb from tk pnve of beginning; thence north 41 70 chain to lb place of beginning. ...Mainlng 34 acre And I will, on Friday. Ibe 11th day of Fatmnry III, at the hour of 10 14 o'clock A. M . al Ike front door of the Cowaljr OaJft How In ibe Clly of Oregon City, In Mid County and Hlale. Mil al public auction, aablaet to r dernplloo, to tk klghe! bidder, for V. . gold coin, cneh In baad. all tk right till aad later, at which lb with in named defendanta. or either of them, bad on Ik date of Mid fltk day of I-. ember. 1114. or alar had in or lo Ihe abov deerrlhed real prop erty or any part Ikereof. lo Mtlify aald Judgment ordar, decree. Inter. at, coat and all accruing W. J. WIIJION Hherlff of ClnckaJnaa County. Oregoo lly K C. HACKKTT. Deputy. Dated, Oregon City. Oregoo Jan. 1Mb. llll. gon, m la liana aad giaa far tk kriM af any ): tun to Ik aaid I Ml report aad Ik atikatei iJterw-1 of. IIJAI.afAJt IJCVfgN. Hur.l.lni etwiulor of fb eatate of Ola lleneoo, 4 er ). in rut lit iiKK. AltorMy tor t PROFES8IONAL DIREOTORY ....... g C'M William Summon. In the Circuit Court of tho Stato ot Oregon, ror Clackamas County, lUohtrd Dandts, Pininiirr, vs. Itose Sexton, and Hay Soxton, hUBDftlld and wire, and Churlon Li, Norlon, ami LsiSB May Norton, hUBhnnd and wlfo, Dcfendnnta. To Mono Box ton liny Sexton, Charlea U Norton, and Lnlali May Norton, ahoy.) namod dofondanlB: In tho nnme or tho Stato or Oregon you are hereby required to npponr ami UBWSr tho complaint filed iie.alnui you In tho nhovo entitled Bull, on or before Fohrunry 12th, 1915, Bald date helm; the expiration of nix weeka from the llrflt piihllcatlon or this Biimnjonn, and If you fnil to appear or uiiHwer aal'l OOtllplalnl for wnnt thereof thS plain tiff will apply to tho court tor tho re lief prayed ror In hlg complnlnt, lo .wit: For n decree In hlg flrt cnuno of ault, Betting anlile the relenBO ileacrlh ed In plnlntlff'g comiilalnt and dedli Ing the same to ho an BBBlKnment of the mortr.nRo aot up In Raid first cause of Bull, and ror a Judgment agalnat the dofendantB Roae Sexton, Ray Sexton CharloB l- Norton and l.alnh May Nor ton, and each of thm In the num of l&OO.OO with Interent at 8 por cent, alncn May 21st, 191.1 and the further auni of $75.00 attorneys' fee, and ror costs and disbursements, and tor a fur ther Judgment and decrco that the plaintiff hns a JiiBt nnd valid lien upon tha lands described In plaintiff s com plaint to secure the payment or said Minis or money and that said mortgage Notice of Sheriff! Sale In the Circuit Court or the Stale of DreKon for Clackamaa County. Kllen Hulh Kockwood. Plaintiff. VI. Clarence William Matthews aa admin letratnr of the eatate of Sarah Mat thewa, deceased, Clarence William Matthew and Fern F, Matthews, his wife, H. W. King and 0. Dirrlm, De-fondant. lly virtue of an execution. Judgment order, decree and order or sale iMUed out or tho above entitled Court In the above entitled cause to me directed and dated the 28th day ot December. 19l4,upon a Judgment aud decree ol rorecloaur rendered and entered In aald Court on the 26th day or Decern hor. 1914, In lavor or Kllen lluth Rock wood, plaintiff, and agnlnst Clarence William Matthews ai Administrator of the Kitnto of Sarah Mattbcwi, de ceased derendant, ror the sum of $500. with Interest at the rate of 6 per cent pi annum from the 4th day ot Octob or, 1912, amounting, principal nnd Int erest, to $616.83, which sum la decreed to plaintiff, with Interest at Ihe rate or 6 por cent, per annum trom the date or this docren, Dec. 26th 1914, beside $S0.00, attorney's foes, and the tur ther sum ot $19.50. costs and disburse- inontH, und Ihe costs or nnd uxm thla writ, commanding me to make sale of the following dcicrlhcd real property, to-wlt: All ol lot number twenty (20). Rock wood Acres, Clackamas County. Ore gon, according to tho duly recorded pint thereof. Now thercforo, by virtue ol nald exe cution, Judgment, order, docreo and order or gale and In compliance with Iho commands or suld writ, I will, on Saturday .the 110th day or JSSIh nry, 1915 at 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of tha County Court House In Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, sell nt public auction, (sub ject to redemption) to tho hlgbost bid der tor cash In hand all lha right, li tin and Interest which tho within liuined Sarah MntthowH, deceased, had OD the 4th tiny ot April, 1912, tho date or the execution or tho mortgage fore closed In this suit and decreed to he n llrsl Hen on the nhovo described prem ises or since that data had In and to Iho above described properly or any pnrt thereof, to satisfy said exocntlon, Judgment order and decroo, Interest attorneys' tees, costs and accruing costs. E. T. MASS, Shorlff of Clitckamas County, Oregon lly B. J. STAATS, Deputy Dntod this 28th day of Dec, 1914 lly virtue of a Judgment order, da re and an execution, duly lMUd out of and under the aeal or the above en tilled court. In tbe above entitled eauae, lo me duly directed and dated Ihe 'Mb dav of January. 191", iim,ii Judgment rendered and entered In Mid court on the 7th day ot January, till In ravor of D. F. Dahlberg. Plaintiff and aglnt O W Kaatham and Dal II. Kaatham, Derendanta, ror Ihe mm or $3670.00. with Inlereat on $9:o 00 thereor from Ihe 9th day of November, 1911. at tbe rate of 7 per rent per an num and with Interval on $2750 00 thereof from the 12th day of March 1113 at the rale of 8 per rent per an num. and ror $136.45 with Inlereat thereon at the rate of 15 per rent per annum trom Ihe 1 Kth day or Decern ber. 1913, and $5S 01 lor taxes tor th year 1913 paid by the plaintiff, and the further aum of $150.00 attorney fee, and the further aum of $21.50 coat and disbursements, and the coita ot and upon thla Writ commanding me to make Mle ot the following describ ed real proierty, iltuate In Ihe county ot Clackamaa. Stale or Oregon, to-wlt The South Half or the Southeast Quart or ot Section Eighteen (18). In Town ahlp Three (3) South ot Range One (I I West or the Willamette Morldl an. In Clackamas County. Oregon. NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue or said Execution Judgment order nnd de oroe, nnd In compliance with Ihe com mands or Mid writ. 1 will on Satur day, the 12th dny ot February, 1915 at the hour 10 o'clock A. M., at the rront door or Ihe County Court House In the City of Oregon City. In said County and State, soil at public ntir Hon subject to redemption, to the highest bidder tor U. S. gold coin cash In hnnd. nil tho right, title and Inter est which tho within named defend nnta or either of them, had on the dale of the mortgage herein or since had In or lo the nbove described real property or any part thereof, to satis fy said execution, Judgment order, de creo. interest, costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WIl-SON. Shorlff of Clncknmns County, Oregon lly E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Hated. Oregon City, Oregon, Jnnunry 15th, 1915. Sheriff's Sale on Execution. In thn Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for tho County of Multno mah. Oregon Surety nnd Casualty Company, a corporation, Plnlntlff, vi. A. S. PuulHon nnd Josophlne Paulson, Dorendants. ' (Case No. 139,077.) Stato o( Oregon, County or Clnckamas as. lly virtue or a Judgment order, do creo and an alias execution, duly Is sued out ot and under the goal ot the above entitled Court, In tho above en titled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 31st day ot December, 1914, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 5th day ot Decem ber 1914, In ravor or Oregon Surety and Cagualty Company, a corporation, Plaintiff and agalnat A. S. Paulgon and Joaephlnq Paulgon, Detendants, for Sheriff's Sale on Execution. In the Circuit Court ot the Stato or Oregon, ror tho County or Multno mah. W. W. Mellrlde, Plaintiff, va. J, K. Marks and E. F. Drlggs, Defend ants. ST TE OF OREtiON, County of Clack nmiia. sb. lly virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and nn execution, duly Issued out of nnd under the seal of the above en titled Court, In the nhovo entitled cause, to mo duly directed and dated the 28tli day of December. 19t4, upon a Judgment rendered nnd entered In said court on the 14th day of Novem ber. 1890, In fnvor or W. W. Mellrlde, Plaintiff, and against J, EL Marks and E. F. Drlggs, Defendants, for tho sum of $115.12, with Interest thereon at tho rate of 6 por cent por annum from the 14th dny of November, 1896, and the further sum of $5.95 costs nnd dis bursements, and tho costs of and upon this writ, commanding me out of tho personal property of said defendants, nnd if sufficient could not be round, then out or the real property belong ing to said detondants on nnd after tho date of said 14th day of Nov., 1896 to satisfy said sum of $115.42 and also tho costs upon this said writ. Now, Thereforo, by virtue or said execution, Judgmont order and decrco and In compliance with tho commands or said writ, being unable to find any personal property of said dorendant's, I did on tiio 11th dny or January ,1915, duly levy upon the fallowing described real property or said derendanta, sit uate and being in the County or Clack amas, and State ot Oregon, to-wlt: lie pinning at a point 20 chains west or the northeast corner ot the Donation Claim ot John Marks, and running thence wast on claim line 8.24 chalus; Sure mon In ih circuit Conn of the Htal of Oregon, for Clarkamaa County. Had Klrka Kmroo. Plaintiff, va. Thorn. II. EBrwn. IMehdaaL To Thomaa H. Emerson, defrndant abov named: In ih nana of the Hut of Orvcxan you are hereby rnqulrwd to Har and anawer lb rontplalnt filed herein again! you In Ik above entitled Court and cauM within ii wee from in ilnd dny of January. 1915. Mid dale being Ih flrat day of publication cf thla aummona. And ir you fall to ao appMr and anawrr for want thereof, th rirtiff will apply lo th court for lb, relief rieiLeOded and prayed far In tbe cou. plalul filed herein to wit 7nat th nirilal bond now exlatlrg betwnon the plaintiff nnd defendant herein b forever dlaaolved and for uch other relief aa to ntjvlty may aeem meet. Thla lummona I ervod upon you by virtue of an order made by Ibe Honorable J. U. Campbell. Judg of Ih Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, ror Clackama County, dated on the 1Mb day of January. 1915. and which order pranrrihed thai the aum mona In thla ault hould he aerved upon you by publication once a wk far ill eurcMlve and concutlr wewk In th Oregon Clly Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation In lb County of Clarkamu. Slat of Oregon. SAM M JOHNSON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Mohawk llulldlng. Portland, Oregon. Dale of first publication. January 22nd. 111. Date of hut publication. March 5th. 1915. la Ik circuit Court of Ik Htal. of Oregon for uv ham County. i bailee William.. J'laiallg. 0rt4 WllJunu Defrndant 7o tjertrude WifliaaM. abov defend l In Ik nam of Ik alai of Oregon. oi ar. berrby required lo ap Mr Ih complaint Bled ag.m.i you. in Ik nbov raitlUd auu, uu or nature Ik Ilk da of Mar. h, llll. Mid data being tbe riiraiion of m weeka from tli. first nuMb-allon uf 11,1 sui Md If yen fall to appear or anawer Mid o.u.plali.t, f..f ..M tbrr. ,f lb. plaintiff will ippljr lo Ik oourt for Ik relief prayed fur In lb ooipl!nl, to It; For n decree dlaaolvlng lb bond of matrimony now aalallag nwen lb plaintiff and defcndaal. and for auch utbr and furtbrr rwiief m lo Ibe noun Tbla aummona la published by older of lloa. J. V. Campbell, Judg. of the cirull Court, whb-h order waa made on tbe 1Mb day of January, llll, and Ihe lime prescribed lor publication (hereof Is all weeka. beginning with ihe laaue dated, Friday, January 11. llll, and continuing mrt work therr alter lo and Including Friday. March I. llll. WM P. IX1RD. Attorney lor plaintiff Notice to Creditors, In the County Court of Ike Stat ot Oregon, for Clackamaa County. In the matter of the eatate of Heater 1.. Plnkley, de.caaed. Notice la hereby given that tbe un derslgned, Charles Dahlqulat. Jr. haa been appointed by tbe County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, as administrator ot the eitate ot Hester U Plnkley. deceased. and haa qualilled as iuch. All persons having claims agnlnst laid estate are notified and required to present the same, properly verified, as required by law, to said administra tor at the office of bla attorney J. J. Johnson. 314 Spalding llldg.. In the city or Portland, Oregon, on or befare six months rrom the date of tbe first publication of this notice. Dated and tlrst published Janunry 15. 1915. CHARLES DAHLQI'lST, JR.. Administrate of tho estate of Hester L. Plnkley. deceased. J. JOHNSON 314 Spalding Hltlg-. Portland Ore.. Attorney tor said Estate. Wants, For Sale etc. POTATOES If yon have any to Mil get my price before you Mil. rhone W. H Locke. Phone A 71; I '.rifle Main 441. Ware houses al Caniy gad Oregon City. COUNTY COURT CROSS, HAMMOND fc BUKKE ATT0.ll Y 4 AT LAW We w m4 t or s"n quarters In IK gy.r Building Naal le tit A4rMn aViliSlag Real faint Anatretu min v-..t ii in.or.nt Oraft City, Or. JOSEPH E. Ill DO IS Lawyer MOMIV TO LOAN WaUMHARD nuiLDIRC U C lUWURJaTTm fr f J MRTakft. Cla skin The First National Bank of Ortgoa City. Oregon CAPITAL, MotiSnlgax. rrsnssat s gMm4 ' On) rr f A U I f. at William Hammond Pacific Pnen II Philip L. Hammond Mom Prior A-271 Hammond & Hammond ATTORNEYS AT LAW Abatracta. Real Katnt, Lean. Insurance OREGON CITY, OREGON (Continued from Page Thro). tut 21.10 2120 1.40 R. 8. MrUugblln D. 0. Day J. C. Strickland . . C. N. Urklng J. 8. Mullan ... John n. Jarkson C. H. Dauchy, Jr. Fred Sterner Neli I. Malum . Geo. Adams F. ltlrkemeler . . C. W. Swallow . . E. Sbobert C. N. lurking . . . Hal Mndaley .... Huntley nron. . . . Mrs. Moreland . . J. H. Clark Frank Ervln D. E. Front C. C. Mullan .... 22.60 1 1 18.40 I960 23.40 25.40 22.40 1160 22.40 6.40 7.40 .70 6.50 10.00 10.00 4.40 3.20 0. 8. Roylea 21.20 Notice to Creditors. Not ire is hereby given that the un dersigned have i ron duly appointed by th County Court of the State ot Ore gon far the Comity of Clackamas exe cutors or the estate or E. A. Boeckman, deceased. All prrsons having claims ng.ilnst the snlil estate are hereby re quired to present them to us at the of fice of C. BohuebeL Oregon City. Ore gon, properly verified as by law re quired, within six months rrom the date liereot. Date ol first publication, December 25, 1914. OEOROI ROECKMAN, LOI'ISE WALSH. Executors ot the estate ot E. A. Tioock- mun deceased. C. SCIll'EltEL, utorney fur executor E. T. Elmer W. 8. Eddy J. K. Morris F. A. Mile W. A. 8bnver R. J. Slants M. F. McCown E. T. Mans Chas. A. Worthlngton 3.60 4.40 4.40 4.40 560 4.40 10.40 4.40 6.40 IriMns Weatern t'nlon Telegraph Com pany Drs. Mount a- Mount opt. Schools E. 8. MeCormlek Hrrnion Vsdder J. E. Calavaa Huntley Bros. D E. Frost J. K Cnlnvna Beard of Health 0 I "711 , Huntkty Bran. W. B. Taylor , Mllwaakl Merc. Co Miller Parker Co. C. R. Arnelt C. D. Housr Dr. J. A. Van Rrakl Fruit Inspector O. E. Freylag Veterinarian W. 8. Eddy Indigent kold.er Sarah Dixon E. A. Hathaway Mrs. J. J. Defard RoswVU Holmsn County Poor Wm. Danfarth W. T. Gardner David E. Jones Mrs. Bmdtl J. W. 8. Owens Sam Rooher Dock Moaler Mrs. Jeul Allen Patton Horn A. J. Rosenthal , Mary Buol Peter Ertckson Sarah Gibbons Ella Payne Henry SpleM W. T. Moldenhauer Louise Rsllow Matilda Carlisle Mrs. Galhraltb Harry Cooper Kate Gardner L. P. Williamson Anna L. Snyder I 21 1000 I1M04 . 123.00 141 . WO 7.SS . M7 I 1100 . 31.23 . 50.00 . 7.7S 500 . 11.21 . 2500 . 40S9 $ 14.15 . 30.00 t 500 6.00 . 10.00 . 45.00 .1 15.00 . 10.00 8.00 . 10 00 . 20.00 . 16.00 . 10.00 . 20.00 . 16.00 . 10 00 5.00 . 15.00 . 20.00 . 10.00 . 1000 . io.no . 15.00 . 15.00 . 15.00 . 20.00 . 15.00 5.00 . 15.00 Phone--Parlflc 53 Home A lii GEOROE C. BROWNELL Attorney-at-Law All legal Mnlnr.a promptly attended to e C. 8CHUEBEL Attorney-at-Law Oautacher Advokat Will practice In all court. collections and ..Itl.mrnls. a Ogle In gnurprU HutWIng. i I Oregon City. Oregon. -.---.-. e a . al a, 0. O. A 0. C LATOURBTTg I Atterneys-aVLaw Commercial, Ran Batata and ? Probata our Specialties. Ol- o So In First National Bank n nidg , Oregon City. Or gon. ------. -e-e-. - . I . . t Mrs. 0. W. Thompson 10.00 L 0. Eaton 3 00 Drs. Mount & Mount 10.00 R. W. Brown 7.20 Frank Ott 16.22 Administratrix Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istratrix of the estate of R. M. C. Brown deceased; all persons having claims ngalnst said estate are hereby notified to present the same with prop er vouchers, duly certified according o law, at tho office of Geo. C. Brow ne!!, nt Oregon City, Clnckamns Coun ty. Oregon, within six months or the dnto of tho publication or this notice. Dated .tnnuar K'th, 1915. ELIZA H BJTH M. RROWN, Administratrix of the estate of R. M. C. Ilrown, deceased. CEO. C. HROW NELL, Attornoy for administratrix. Notice of Final Account n Ihe County Court or the State ot Oregon far the County ot Clackamas. n the matter oi tae CBtnie oi -io Benson, deceased. Notice is hereby given that lljalninr .eveen, the surviving executor of the estate of Ole Henson, deceased, has filed his Ann! report In the nbove es tate in the above entitled court, and that the court has set Monday, the first day of Marrh, 1915, at the hour thence south 61.37 chain to the south ot ten o'clock A. M at the county boundary of said claim; thence east court room, Clackamaa County, Ore- H. W. 8trebig 4.40 Ueorge Raliton 6.80 R. L. McKlnile 10.00 V. H. Holder 6.00 A. A. Ballingcr 3.00 .1. R. Kelso 3.60 B. P. Oleay 10.00 Justice of the Peace John N. Shavers 3 50.90 D. E. Frost 39.00 Tom Mlske 1.70 Frank Pacer 1.70 S. lloguslaskl 1.70 John N. Slevcrs 3.00 E. T. Qulnn 2.00 Fred Miller 2.00 E. L. Davidson 3.00 F. E. Davidson 2.00 William Dyer 2 00 Claude W. Devore 3.00 W. D. Henthorn 2.00 A. E. Snacks 2.00 V. E. Kelso 6.25 C. A Lewis 3.00 J. Dean 2.00 B. D. Olds 2.00 J. E. Pomeroy 23.15 Percy T. Shelley 12.10 Coroner S. T. Edmlston I 1.70 Alvln Auer 1.70 J. L. Elspas 1.70 Dr. W. E. Hempstead 1S.00 Wm. J. Wilson 18.S0 C. T. Slevers 23.00 Dr. M. C. Strickland 5.00 W. E. Hempstead 16.70 Aetna Accident & Liability Compnny .' 9-00 R, H. Walls 1-20 A. F. Klser IM Chas. Stewart 1-20 R. Lee 1-20 W. R. Mellner 1-20 L. W. Ollnger . 1-20 H. Hanson 120 Enock S. Grindeland 1.20 C. 0. Tull 1.20 K: H. Sletager 1.20 J. A. Andrews 1 20 R. P. Ita.it 1-20 Dr. G. P. Glesy , . . . 10.00 Jack Boyles 1 SO A, C. Snyder 1-90 ErneBt Stroud 6-50 Ole E. Mcl,ane 6.50 Surveyor D. .Thompson Meldium 1134.00 Bud Thompson 54.00 Paul Dunn 54.00 Harry Shelley 25.00 , .,, I ... anri I.tdhlllrv Company 1&-00 1 Robblns Bros 7.60 A. S. Brown 6.00 D. M. Klemsen 13.00 C. J. Wollerti 10 00 Mrs. E. E. Raker 8.00 Gertrude E. Woodward 20.00 O. Wlsslnger 12.00 Wm. Dahlke 12.00 Board of Water Com 4.00 C. J. Bentley 20.20 Larsen & Co 10.00 Geo. Reddaway 15.00 Denis Donovan 12.50 Jos. E. Hedges 12.00 W. W. Pollock 18 00 Frank T. Barlow 25.40 W. P. Brown 4.00 Denver Market 15.00 W. J. Wilson 4-00 Bntdorf Pros 5.00 Keller's Grocery 11-40 Welch Grocery 10 00 Parr Bros 15.00 R. L. Holman 20.00 Hogg Bros. 1.80 C. J. Hood 3.50 Meier & Frank 2.48 Myers & Brady 20.00 J. W. Norrls t 4.00 A. B. Buckles 31.00 L. Adams 6.00 Dr. J. W. Norrls 16.65 Jail E. 'i. Mass 3113.86 V. Harris 195 Juvenile Officer D. E. Frost 3 23.95 Mlnda E. Church 19.00 Printing and Advertising Oregon City Courier $119.75 Oregon City Enterprise 224.25 Tax Rebate R. H. Coshun $ 28.85 State Fair Huntley Bros $ 6.85 R. M. Standlsh 50.00 Weights and Measure W. Grisenthwaite $ 33.00 W. S. EDDY. V. S., M. D. V. Graduate ol tk Ontario Veteri- nary College at Toronto, Canada, i and the MrKllllp School of Bur- gery of Chicago, la MtbUahd st raehlon stable. Firm HL. b l tWMn Main and Water 8ta. Both Telephone. ! Omic Pacific. Main II; Horn, i A 15. I RMldence Pacific Main 111 e-- a -e-e CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney -at-Law Notary Publio Eitacada. Oregon. -.- e-.-.-e .-.-e-e-e-. i e ) KA MI f jALDBUkT i o-.-. -.-- We make a pectl'y of Install- J Ing water systems and plumb- Ing In th country. W carry th Leader tank and Sto asv J glnea. We have a fall I Ml Myers pumps and stray pump, f Price alwaya Iowmx. 720 Main St Oregon Clly Phone UK. I Office Phones Pacific Main 405; Home A-270. ' Residence Home B-214. WILLIAM M. STONE Attorney-at-Law Beaver BIdg., Room 6 OREGON CITY - - - OREGON 0. D. I Y Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnlak ed, bind titles examined, eatatea settled, general law bualnana. Over Bank of Oregon City. ---- aa -m TomJ.Myers-E.A.Brady UNDERTAKERS Deafness Cannot Be Cured by locnl appllcattons, avj they cannot retch iho tlifeagjHl portion of the ear. There la only tine wy to cure deafneaa. and that la by conatltutlonal retnetllea Deafneaa la cauad by an Inflamed condition of the mu coua llnlns of the Eustachian Tube. When thla tube la Inflamed you have a rumbling ound or Imperfect hearlnf. and when It la entirely closed. Deafneaa la the reault. and unleaa the Inflammation can be taken out and thla tube reatored to lta normal condi tion, hearing will be deatroyed forever; nine caaea out of ten are cauaed by Catarrh, which la nothing; but an Inflamed condition of the mucoua turfaeea. We will (We One Hundred Dollars for any caae of Deafneaa (cauaed by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Haifa Catarrh Cure. Send for clrculara. free. F. J. CHENEY -v CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Bold by Drug;a;1ata, Tic. Take Haifa Family Pllla for conatipatloo. w , 1 ... . . 3 ; U VJrHSjassB The only residence unoertaklng ev tablishment In Clackamas County. Day and Night Service Tenln and Water Streets Main 123 A-37 SPECI AL TO WOMEN The moat economical, cleansing and germicidal ot all antiseptics la A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douches In treating catarrh, Inflammation or Ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by teminine ills It has no equal. For ten years the Lydia K. Pinkham Medicine Co. has recommended Paztina in their private correspondence with women, which proves Its superiority. Women who have been cured ear It is "worth Its weignt in gold." At druggists. 60c large box, or by mall. The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass.