OR ICON II I 3TOR I CAL ECCIttr. I ! . I i ! A V I 0 K CITY B) ID) (D) (1 p ; ; Njl I Th Panama Peclfl t. V .arwwinf vtun.;. 4)4 4 44444444b fORTY NINTH VIAR-No 4. OICKOON CITY, OKKUON, I'M PAY, JANUAKY 2J, WIS. ilTASLUHIO 1HI EGON ENT SCHUEBEL ID ABOLISH EISH AND GAMEC0MM1SSI0N CLACKAMAS RIPRlBtNTATIVt IN TRODUCIS MIASURl IN HOUSE SATURDAY. COUNTY'S DELEGATION SUNOS AS UNIT TOR STRICT ECONOMY Join! Representative Hurlburt Takes Active Part In Legislative Work Oregon City Member Ha Mora Meaeure. HAI.KM Ore. Jun. IHpwIal.) "TM bill If II iwmi-i HI yl lil n'it .r iliio.ooo annually lu (ha alalo." de clared Henrr-ae ntatlva rVlniebel today Just before Introducing B measure abolishing lh alala Hall and game rauniiilsslon. It aulhorUee lira gov rnnr lo appoint a master flh warden ami a mauler game warden wlih ainlnr I. a of IKOO year ra b. Tim mastr fUh warden now fwlM :I and maalrr gaino warden 12100. The 8 hueltl measure redurea the aalurlc of deputy icame warden from 3 a ilar 10 12 60. All fund rwelvrd from license are lo go lo the general fund, and the department will lm con ducted under the appropriation y tint. Mr. Hchurbcl figure that about 1100.000 haa been ot foolishly lijr tho commission. Hunt Haa Road Bill. It..rcsenlllv ll'int Introduced Mil today, which 1 designed lo aid road building In tha coonllc. It pro vide that district apportionment from general fundi shall be Increased from to to 70 pr cent nd that all inror unrated cities nd town ahall be con sldered aa aeparat road districts and receive tha itme pro rata of the road fund aa other dllllict. The Clackamai county delegation U a unit for economy. Senator Dlmlck waa the author of the first economy mnaaurea caaard In the cnate the onea abolishing the Immigration com nilaalo and repealing the Uw provld In I for a croeue being taken every 10 year-end Representative Hunt, Rl- ley and Hchunbel have ueen jusi aa artlvo In the house. Although under the rule adopted each la entitled to a clerk or a stenographer they have only one stenographer between them, and they and Joint Representative nun murt have only one clerk. "We think we can Ret along with one atenographer." wild tr. Hunt to day, "and even though we are cniiuou to more wo have dt-cldod It would bo a waate of money to employ additional help. We are working In harmony, and doing all we ran to help along the economy program." Political Line Dropped. . "Oh, ye. I am working in perfect harmony with my colleague from ('iiickamita county, even though wo are not of tho aamo political fulth," aatd nepreaentnttvo lllaley. "Thla I no time for politic. We are hero to work, and all of are doing It. Wo are together on Clackamaa county af fair, and If I veto differently from tho other member of our county on cortnln outHldo bill It la of amnll Im portance." i Indication uro that NopreHentallvo Hurlburt will retain hi eut. Ho ha received conmltttee appointment aim apparently I working a Induatrloualy na any other member: hokcoo r. iiurm hi Democratic opponent at tho recent election, o fur aa I known horo, lb not planning to content Hurlburt aoat. It probably Ih too lute even should he deBlro to do ao. Thero oom to bo no disposition upon tho part of the house momuers to unwnt tho Joint reproBcntntlvo, deBplto IiIb repudiation by hla own party boforo the election. Schuebel Ha More BUI. Iloproanntntlve Buhuubal has a num bor of blllB In various Btagos of ad vancement In tho hoiiBn. One consoli dates all Btate funds Into tho general fund. It Is regarded by porBona fa miliar with Btato affairs as an oconomy nionMiiro. Under present contimona when one fund Ib exhausted IntoreBt bearing warrants arc. lBBiiod until the fund la replenished even thoiiRU more may ho $1,000,000 Idle In other rumis The Schuobol bill would pavo tho moil cy now paid out as interest which Is estimated to average about ?ju,iiuu a CLACKAMAI CIVII W TO WAR VICTIM! , Thml'r II. WIU mi, of I'url bind, who la leading tlta imit- lm nl lo i h'l alilt'id of flour lo Ihe alrb kn ruiiiitrli tit KurMi, rlaiurday r'lid a rbw k fur 1707 It, Cli kuinm cuutiiy'a rotilrlliiillun, from 1. V., f Ih'daxa, Inutur-r of I he CllixW OrKunUatloM. Thr iiiom-y will buy ltl barrrla I of flour. AIIIioukIi Ilia ttaitn la f now ahova fl a larrl, Mr. Wilroi in fnwTiiiber axriwd lo provide fliMir at j a barrrl fur any tnon- t- y hl h iiiIkM Ih ralai'd In tliU ciuiily. a Mont of Ilia inoiiry rollN-t- d In Origini City, aihouc'i olhi r roininiinltlr In tha country 4 contribute). DELEGATION FROM IS NTY IS S AT SALE BILL TOR JOINT OWNCRBHIP Of WATIR IVITEM NOW AWAIT! COVKRNOR. fIRIT TRIP MADI TO MT. ANOCL OVER W. V. I. I f A party of railroad offlilal llh Judx (Irani II. Imnli k Inada I- Ihe flrat Irlp from (rf,tt City to 4 Ml. Aacul In one of the new aire- 4 trie car ovf M( rail of th WllaioHte Valley H'ullii-rri t'tl 4 dty. The Irlp wal !"'! la t'"l llm and Ih party lk In 4 Orrguit CMy early In Ihe afti-r 4 4 iiooti. AniiouB'-xmaul of pi-rma- 4 4 unit paaM-iigirr arrvlie alll lm 4 aiade soon. 4 4 4 444444444 4 4 44 GOVERNOR SIGHS TWO RETRENCHMENT MEASURES BY DLMICK PASS THE SENATE MARRIAGE TO END MACADAM STREETS DECLARED WASTE JUDGE J. U. CAMPBELL AOVISE! WEIT LINN TO OUILO PER MANENT ROAD! ONLV. OTHER METHODS "HAND-TO KOUTfT "Every Voter Should Cut Ballot for Pur Water," He Bay Plan Mad to Divide City Into Four Ward. Ichuebel. In Lower Hou, Load In Attack on Junhetlng Resolution Which Ar Defeated by Large Vote, ROMANCE OF 1860 BILL FOR SOUTH FORK PIPE ORECON CITV ANO WEIT LINN riHIT BENEFICIARIES OP THE LEGISLATURE. DOUCK WOULD PREVENT THE BAITING OE DUCKS 0?? COLUMBIA WILLAMETTE SETS SHARE HAI.KM. Ore. Jan I J (Hpwlal.l Hinatcir lilinUk and Itiprcu'ntatlve hVh'ii-M tixlay pavl the way for the Ori-Kou City and Wra! I.lnn purn water aupply. A bill Introduced by HcIiukM providing that rltlr and town may unite in obtain wau-r and build a plant aaa rurhed Ihrouith the boiiae and the fliutn and will be l''d by Governor Wlthyroinbe at once, ao the routrtn L'lnt'il l3Tjfin0 bond Uaue may be voted upon at the earlleat opporunlty It wa the flrat bill paad. Two bill Introduced by Senator I Mm lik In Ihe retrenchment e were A. R. Doollttle, who Da been In thl paard by the aonate today. Oue txl I cit r vUltlnj hla eon, Ioul Doollttle. A. R. OOOLITTLI ANO MRS. MAR- CIA ALLSHOUIC TO WED AT PERRY, IOWA. PRINCIPALS FORMER SCHOOLMATES Mr. Ooollttle, Formerly of Oregon City, Ha Spent Lait Two-Year With Powell Rlvr Paper Company, That the construction of macadam treet la a waate and the moat eco mimical and biiKlneaa like method of building atreela la to hard surface them waa the atatemvnt of Judge J. l!. Campbell lu an addrea. "Municipal Improvements," which wa delivered before the Weit Linn Improvement olub Thuraday night. Judge Campbell declared that West Una wa making a mlatak In laying any macadam atreet. Hard lurface I many time better than any other type of Improvement, he eald. "The people of Went I.lnn would back the Improve ment club If It made a decided aland for hard aurfaee atreet." h aald. "It I easy to see the many advantage of a modern, permanent atreet over the usual macadam roadway which last only a few year." He characterized the construction 'Of street other than hard aurfaee aa "hand to mouth method. Judge Campbell touched on other points. He approved tho plan of West I.lnn lo unite with Oregon City In se curing pure mountain water and de clared that the city ahould make an effort to aocure water at a early a date a possible. "Every voter In West Inn ahould cast hla ballot for pure water," he anld. Ho also declared that tho city ahould add to It dignity by keeping cattlo oft Ita l reels at all hours. M. K. Clancey waa appointed a com mittee of one to go before tho council with tho request that tho city be di vided Into four warda as la provided In -tho charter. Tho committee on the club hoiiao reported thnt of the $lt00 which must bo subscribed In stock bo foro corporation papera could be Is sued, all had been taken except $300. A motion waa paBsed directing the framing of the picture of tho commit tee of 10 which drafted tho WeBt I.lnn charter, Refreshments were served at tho close of tho meeting. Clackamas Senator Bellevea Measur Would Reviv Sport Along the Willamette Hunt Call Public Hearing. HAI.KM, Ore.. Jan. H. (Special.) Oregon City and Weal I.lnn are the first lieneflriarlr of this eslon of the legislature. House bill No. 3, by Reprerentatlve Brhuebel. which pro vide (hat Oregon City and West I.lnn may provide a pure water ayitem Joint ly was signed by ihe governor tonight and, having an emergency clause It be came a law at once. , Quirk action waa necesaary In order that the cities might vote a ooon a poKslble upon a bond Issue of 1373,000. The bill wa rushed through the house by 8chuebel and throrgh the aenate by Dlmlck. Dlmlck Introduced hills today to pre vent baiting of duck and other wild fowla on lakes and pond along the 4 WAHIIt.ViTO.V, r. c, J,n. . 4 (Hprlal ) The share which lll be rrvd by 'lie Wlllam 4 etta river la th rlv-r and harVor 4 bill. Just paused, la i:9. This 4 sum will be spent above rortlund. 4 4 Th bill provide HOuO'l for 4 Cooa liay; WfiOQ tor Cixiilll; l.170 fur N'ehalem; 1 .1000 for 4 Coo river; I IK, WW for Kluslaw; 4 r00 for Vaiulna; I'UiO.OOO for 4 4 lower WlllsHM-tto and Columbia rlvera; I! ,2M,00 for the Colum- 4 bla river bar. and tiooo for 4 4 Cliitsksnle. 4 In all, KtS.I25 or 7 per cent of Ihn entire amount carried by 4 4 the bill I appropriated for water- 4 4 ways In the first congressional 4 4 dlatrlct. SCHEUBEL'S BILL T EDBYII AIIS LOBBY PASS USE CLACKAMAS REPRESENTATIVE BELIEVES MEASURE WILL CO THROUGH SENATE. D DISTRICT DS EXCEEDED COUNTY CLERK HARRINGTON IS NOW CHECKING UP RECORDS FOR YEAR. SUPERVISORS NOT ALWAYS BLAMED lhr the Immigration commission, for and family, will leave I'urtlsnd Janu which i:,Q.00O wa appropriated for the ary IS for Iowa, whert he will marry nasi two years, and estimate of more Mrs. Marcla Allshoue of Perry. The than 171.000 was made In the budget marriage will be aolemnlied at the t Columbia river. He aald portmen of for the next two year. The other re. home of Mr. Allhouae, and their fu-j Portland were the orfender. ana a a peal the Uw which provide for tak jture home will be In that city. reult bird never reached the Wil ing of wnau every two year. M, rjooiitne arrived In tht city from I nver a lormeny. aponing 8.M-relary of State Olcott who ug- Powell River. XI. C recently having, C,UD T roniano are prepanng w grated that bill providing for the cen been employed by the Powell River ma be repealed, aald that proposed Paper company for th last two year. work thl year would have cost the He waa a resident of this city from countlr 1100.000. An emergency jsso until hortly bcrore leaving for clause I attached to the Dlmlck bill. Powell River. He la a member of the HnnrentstWa Schuebel today vlr- Methodist chuwh of thl city, and tually defeated resolution In the houe while making hi home here he took providing for Junketing trip lo the an active Interest In church affair. .. . m a. j . &. . r-- Am Int In rom anrai la rnnnvtfl4i i niver.ity oi uregon snain. "a " I, 7 Doho1 uld fight with Dlmlck to Agrlralutral College. It haa been the with the .econd marriage of Mr. Doo-f irurvllknTm custom for each bou to aend a com- Ultie. u waa wniie a 007 ae oecamr mittM to look over theae lntltu Ion, acquainted wita Miaa atartta uiiia. ano The Clackamaa county man aald It waa who waa hla school m la the county a waata of time and money, and that of Henry, iiunoia. 10 iswr." legislator ihould 4tlck to their bus! Mis Hill Married Mr. Allhouae, nea at the capital. He changed icntl- who enlisted In the Civil War and ment to euch an extent that the reso- fought to the end of the war. Alte lutlona were defeated by large major the war waa over Mr. Doollttle, wh tie. married Mis Mary Grenwalt. and Air. nnr...enitlve. c.iiv T. HunL having and Mrs. Allshouie remained aa neigh- recovered from a severe attack of neu- bora for eight year, when the Utter ralgla as a reault of an uncerated left for ferry, lowa. ana air. ana ra. innih I. hiistf nrenarlna- h a road b . uooiuue movea 10 iuimm, u later 10 camornia, ana iiwiiiy vuuiiuk Hnake right against the measure. Dlmlck Introduced a bill standardizing the welghta of sack of ahorta and bran. Weight for shorts I fixed at 80 pound, and of bran, 60 pound. Mple I.ane farmer complained to him that they were getting short weight and losing about three acka to the ton. Dlngham. of Lane county, announced It relate to work In district and will be Introduced Monday FRAUD SUSPECTED IN T GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION PROBABLE FOLLOWING THE SHERIFF RECOUNT. IS year. Another bill of tho Oregon City man placcB a license tnx of 3 per cent upon tho grosB rocelpts of oil compimlcB. telephone companies, telegraph com panies and express companies. Mr. Schuebel also has started the machin ery koIiir which Is expected to ropeal all continuing appropriations. Ho says tho bill wold savo much money by cut ting out uflnlofls appropriations, which a majority of tho voters do not know anything about. "My anti-lobby bill is going 10 no passed by the house," declared Mr. Schuebol. "It was passed two years ago you know and the Bcnate killed it. I don't know what that' body will do to It this time." Tho bill provide that persons np nearlng In the capital In the Interest of certain measure or opposing them must renter with the secretary pr state and make all appearances before committees by filing brlefB. The con cerns employing them are required to file atatemcnta of expense after the session with the secretary of state, ; the Bame aa candidates do now. BOOST YOUR TOWN IS ADVICE OF P. S. BATES LIVE WIRES HEAR 8EVERAL PORTLAND SPEAKERS BOARD OF TRADE GUEST. PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 20. Thnt votes for the office of sheriff on 121 ballots In Precinct 37 were chnnged In favor of Tom M. Word aome time between 8 a. ni. and 8 p. m. of Novem ber 4 was Indicated today at the ro- count proceedings tnstluted by Mr. Word against Sheriff Hurlburt. Evi dence of fraud were bo apparent that It waB predicted freely about tho court house that a grand Jury Investigation to Oregon to make thelrfuturehome. During tht time the two families kept up a correspondence. Mrs. Ale house' husband died seven years ago, and Mr. Doollttle died In this city two year ago. It was during; the past few month that the old time Infatuation wa renewed by the Mr. Doollttle and Mr. Allshouie. Mr. Allshouse Is a prominent mem ber of the Methodist church of Perry. and has been chaplain of tha Women's Relief Corp for many yeara. She Is well known In the city where ahe is re siding, and Is held In the highest es teem by all. Mr. Doollttle while a realdent of Ore gon City made many friends among the old and young In Clackamas coun ty. His daughter. Mrs. A. w. Cheney whose husband Is one of the members of tho firm of tho Tacifio Stationery company, resides in Portland. Benja min Doollttle, a son, is superintendent of the mnchtnery department of tho Powoll River Paper company, and two daughter Mrs. Cora Hutson Is secre tary of a large mining company In Ne vada, while Mrs. Charles Lynch Is a resident of Powell River, her husband abolish county school lupervlaors. He aid tbey had coat Lane county $22,000 In four yeara, without commensurate Ureaults. If superintendents need help the counties can furnish It, he declared Representative Hunt, chairman the house committee on horticulture. has called a public hearing for Friday to consider a bill by Vawter. of Douglas county: It provltics for the appoint ment of a horticultural commissioner. the Inspection of trees, planta, agricul tural products, etc. It carries an ap propriation of $30,000. The measure Is far-reaching and will be carefully con akicred. Shortage of $5914.90 I Found In West Linn District Figures Show Expenditure ef Last Two Yeara. TO CHANCE ROAD LAWS CLACKAMAS COUNTY REPRESENT ATIVE FAVORS RETURN TO FORMER SYSTEM. "lloost your town all the time wher ever you are and If you can't booBt It, get out of the place." Such was the emphatic, advice of Phil S. Hntea, editor of tho Pacific Northwest and a natural born booster from the ground tip, to the mombors of the Live Wires and the Hoard of Trade ut tho weekly luncheon of tho former body Tuesday noon. Tho board was the guest or the othor clvlo body. Mr. Hates' talk hlngod on a trip ho recently mndo Ih rough California when he took particular notlco of tho pride In clvlo Improvements manifest there. Ho came oack to his home city, Fort- land, with a llbernl share of the CM fornla boosting spirit In his own henrt, Cioorgo A. Ilnteson and K. C. Tllsloy, both of Portland, seconded the state ments of Mr. Hates. The Wires ex tended a vote of thnnkB to the speak ers near tho end of tho meeting. F. J. Cnvanaugh, ninnngcr of tho Nlohoff Shoe Manufacturing company, of Portland, and Georgo S. Smith, also of Portland, who Is Interested In tho manufacture of children's shoes, were present at the meeting. Both are In terested In the establishment of shoe factories In some Willamette valley town. .Walter E. rillss, special agent and adjuster of the Insurance com pany, was another of tho speaker. would be demanded Sixty-nine bnllota wore known a'- bolng ono of the night superintendents ready to nave looaoa so suspicious 10 of the p0Well River Paper company, tho Judges on tho night board that they t)00itti0, ihe youngest son, of rejected them. Tho recount officials tillg ctty tg connected with the Adams yemenmy uiscoveiim i mum """ Department Store, had boon counted uy me ciay ooara ior Mr. Word and on which erasures of votes cast for Mr. Hurlburt were plain ly visible. One more erasure was dis covered in tho night board's ballots, making a totiaj of 121 ballots which evidently had been tampered with. The Lako county court has made provisions to a fnrm expert, appropri ating $1500 for that purpose. ; FISHERMEN WIN-FIRST VICTORY AT CAPITAL $ SALEM, Ore., Jan. 20. (Spo- clal.) The Oregon City fisher- S men won a substantial victory S tills nfternoon when the house ? $ committee 011 fisheries returned a majority against the Gill bill, which would close tho Wlllamotte S ? below tho falls to commercial net $ fishing. ? A minority report was submit ted to the house favoring the bill. J Tho measure will be taken up by $ the house tomorrow and It Is prob- t' $ ably that definite action will re- S I suit. Local opponents of the bill are confident that it will be snowed tindor by a substantial vote. ? & Late today a telegram was re- $ $ celved from an Oregon City $ sportsmen's club favoring the S passage of the bill. S PAPERS ARE FILED Articles of Incorporation of tho Ladd Hill Commercial club were filed with County Clerk Harrington Friday by Clarence A. Allen, William Campbell, Georgo Smith, James A. Parrott and C. C. Loucks. all of the Buttevllle dis- rict. The club plans to build a clubhouse In Buttovillo near the . Clackamas Marion county line. The object of the organization as stated In the articles of incorporation, is to promote literary and social interest. FRED HAINES INJURED Fred Haines a fireman on the Wil lamette Valloy Southern, was Injured about the face and neck Wednesday while working on an oil valve. He came to Oregon City for treatment. Ho is not seriously Injured. SALEM. Ore., Jan. . (Special.) Two bills designed to facilitate the construction of county road work were Introduced In the house today by Rep resentative Hunt of Clackamaa county One repeals section 347, passed at the 1913 session, which permits county courts to order roads opened without petitions from residents of districts where the thoroughfares are to be lo cated. Mr. Hunt said the new system had caused endless confusion and virtually had made the road laws unworkable. His plan Is to return to the old system which provided thnt county courts or der roads opened upon petition of 12 freeholders of a district. County Judge Anderson, of Clackamas County, and in fact, county courts all over the state approve Mr. Hunt's bill. The other bill repeals chapter 142, 1913 laws, which provides that work on roads costing more than $1000 shall be let by contract. Bids must be asked and the contract given to the lowest bid. Preliminary arrangements, such as advertising, moving of rock crush ers and other machinery, Mr. Hunt de clares, absorbs a large part of the money intended for building the roads. Under the old system the counties, which have rock crushers and other machinery did the work, excepting In cases of large expenditures. That Clackamas county road super visors have. In many case, materially exceeded the allowance granted them by the county I evident from figure now being; prepared by County Clerk Harrington. Work of checking up on the dlatrlct wa begun Monday but It will not be completed for several days. The figures will be submitted to the coun ty court which will be in session the Utter part of the week. Many of the districts have exceeded their allotment with tb eonaent of the court and the understanding that pro vision would be made for the shortage either from the 1915 taxes or from the general road fund. In several case the districts show a shortage In the general road fund while In the special fund there is a large balance. In such cases a transfer will be made. Clackamas county spent almost twice aa much on roads in 1914 as In 1913 and with an 8-mill tax levy for roads this year there will be a still further In crease In 1915. County Clerk Harring ton Monday compiled totals for the two years. The total money raised by general and special road tax In 1913 wa $163,- 552.10 and in 1914, $307,599.08. Of the latter sum. $69,469.34 was raised through special districts taxes. In the year preceding, special district tax $52,196.80. With an eight- mill levy, the 1915 road tax, excluding the special district taxes, will total about $232,000. - RISLEY HAS BUETO ALLOW DISTRICTS TO SELL BONDS Oak Crov, Clackamas and Jennings Lodge Would Benefit Dlmlck' Bill Against School Super visors Crest Stir. The right foot of J. W. Aune, who lives near this city, is seriously in Jured as a result of a hunting accident early in the week. He was climbing over a fence on his place when the trigger of a 22 caliber rifle which he was carrying caught and discharged the gun. SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Jan. 15. Sheriff Stewart believes today that he has solved the mystery surrounding the disappearance of a score of im ported peacocks from the Montecito es tate of Milionalre Gardner Hammon. We arrested Dan McGraw last night," said the sheriff, "and he con fessed to wholesale chicken thefts. He used many of the fowla to make chick en tamales, which he sold at the tour 1st hotels." SALEM, Ore, Jan. 20. I Special.) Representative Rl!ey will lnlrodure bill in the house tomorrow which will provide that towns may Incorporate for the purpose of obtaining a water upply, but that the Incorporation (hall not be blndlnr otherwise. The pur pose I to make It possible for thickly settled communities to sell bond for obtaining water. Oak Grove. Jennings Lodge anil Clackamas probably will be the first to take advantage of thl measure. ReildvnU of these town are advocat ing a public inpply. Hunt made his maiden spe-cb In" the house today in advocacy of hi bill to -give the tame protection to cord woo) choppers a other lumber workers In matter of obtaining wages. His 6W) would give them lien on the wood) cut nntll money is paid. It I reported ' that Clackamas county wood chopper have been vlcltlmlxed by unscrupulous employers. Schuebel' antl-lobbying bin has paased the bouse, with only 11 mem bers opposing It He thinks It will be passed In the aenate. It paased t'he house in 1913, but waa defeated by the senate. It provides that persona working in the; interest of or against any measures must register win the secretary of stale; that all appearaace before committees most be througtt written arguments and that statements ' of expeases must be filed with tha secretary of state the same as candi dates file now. Senator Dlmlck, who bas a bill be fore the committee on education, which repeals tho law providing for county school supervisors, has been asked by the committee to prepare a substitute making It. optional with counties as to whether tbey adopt the supervisory system. The Clackamas senator declares a majority of hla constituents think tho employment of supervisors is a wasto of money and the positions entirely unnecessary. At a meeting of th committee this week County School Superintendent Calavan, of Clackamas county, spoke in favor of the supervis ory system, declaring that it had put the country schools in the class with the city ones for efficiency. He even went so far as to say that country children were a little further advanced than city ones. "That being the case," said Senator Dlmlck today, "I think we can well do without the supervisors. Our people In Clackamas county will be well satis fied with their children holding their own with the children of Portland. I think the plan to make the system op tional with the counties a good one. If the law I shall prepare is passed, and I think it will be, supervisors will not be employed in Clackamas coi'nty for a year or two at least." RIVERSIDE, Cal, Jan. 19. Califor nia, citrus crop for 1915 will be worth between $16,000,000 and $20 000,000, ac cording to estimates made public here today. Both the orange and lemon crops are slightly lighter than last year. In his enthusiasm for the sugar beet project now being boosted at Medford, a market man of thnt city has offered to pay $200 for the first beef animal fattened from a sugar beet factory in Jackson. And that is not by way of betting there won't be any such ani mal, but that there will be, and that it will be well worth the money. FRED HETMAN,AGED 77 .DIES AT WILLAMETTE Fred Hetman, a pioneer In the state. died at the home of Charles Moehnke. of Willamette, at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Death was indirectly due to old age. Mr. Hetman was born March 6, 1837, In Germany and came to this country when a young man. He has spent the great part of the last 20 years In Clack amas county. The body Is held at Holnian funeral parlors. Services will be held at the Ten O'clock church at Beaver Creek and Interment will be in Beaver Creek cemetery. No imme diate relatives survive. ' ' Clackamas Delegation Is As Active As Any Other At State Capital SALEM. Ore., Jan. 20. (Special) It is doubtful if there is any county In the state which has a less active deleeatlon than Clackamas county. In the house Representative Schuebel Risley and Hunt have introduced a number of measures which rank as among the most important which have yet made their appearance while in the senate, Dimick, known as an insur gent, is fighting for efficiency, econ omy and common sense applied to the problems of the commonwealth. Representative Schuebel has intro duced a number of .bills in the house. exceeding, perhaps, the number brought out by any other one member and in the lower body, Dlmlck bas a similar lead. The bills framed by Schuebel have been listed but one of the first lists of Dimick measures fol lows: To prevent baiting of ducks and other wild fowls In lakes and ponds near the Columbia river. To standardize weights of sacks of shorts and bran for protection of far mers. Weight for shorts 80 pounds and for bran 60 pounds. To abolish act providing for decen nial census. Passed by senate. . Cost of each census about $100,000. To repeal Immigration bureau, Bur eau asked $71,000 appropriation for next two years. Passed by senate. To abolish bureau of mines annd geology. Appropriation of $50,000 asked. Referred to committee on minei To abolish naval militia. Appropriiv tion of $26,000 asked. Referred t) committee on military affairs. To repeal act providing for school supervisors. Author says It will save Clackamas county $2,542.55 annually. Referred to educational committee. To repeal act creating bureau of sealer of weights and measures. Au thor says Its passage would save the state $10,875 annually. Referred to the committee on navigation.