rrn rr rr rr" rnrrrn m ," r ;i r T r -f i 7 ,r - t r ' .1 i. t"! 7.'"" PH." T 1 4 LOCAL MILTS II. l Wllanli, l( WIII10II lama In Iowa 'llniraday fur aiaf of afal days. II H llama, iy, of MnUlU, iiiii In III rniwly ( rrlalr fur 'ay '' aeteial day a II. Y. Hiand'Hi, a farmr roiliM gear llear Creek, ylalted IIm hiiii CHy Tua-aday Harry 8 Imriiduin of Canby waa In Him ruiuily a.al Mmi'lay, altelidllil liualiiaas HiaMt'ia, Mra K C. Warr it of Oak (;m waa In irri,ii city MinUr liMthitiBj after liialnia Inteieala. V. A He. k, of Mulalla, U iMli'llni trunl day a III tha munly aiat In l tend lo hualneaa Inallera. Frank I MlKt. a farmer r-MliK riear f titlr. I" Orem.n nty " rr bualneaa Inl-rcala Haltirday. Mr and Mra W. II. Inm, of Hi Mulalla lllatllrl, War III til aullllty eeat the lallrr rt nf t It- waa-k. C, H. Wertnan, nf Mulalla, was In Oreg m nijr Friday ami HnhinUr of IhW we-k to attend In bualiirae inal l-fi Kurl l.anklna nf Hubbard aa In thla clly Himday, Ihe gueal of hit giandpar ml a, Mr. and Mr A Hlmmniia of Kali aai City ad'lltlun. Heiiatnr ami Mra. Waller A. tilinhk ami ooti at ami. Niirman, liave taken up Itirlr frald' lirai al Halt III, during the seaalnn of thai h (Mature, Ml. a Fern Winer, of Caldaail, Ida arrived In Oregon I'llr Monday. Hhr III h'ato thla lunriillift- for H'avrr Creek ln rn lin tlalt. Mlaa Vera llamlrlrka. of Parkplaa tiaa acacplaiil a pualtloii with llnm, limliil ami Hammond during that III lira of MIm Julia K. Pakcr. A. II DiMillltlii, of I'uwrll Itlvrr, la I (i t t 1 at a week In Oregon Clly. II"" III li'nva fur !" where ha will make Ma tiiiiniv Mr. Iioulltlle formerly lived In orrmm cuy. II. J. Hlnala office ltiil r under r (Sheriff Man, left Monday morning fur Haleiu turn lie III I'" clerk for ll Ciackamaa munly delegation tlurtim 111" la-glatulure. Flbert (')iarinan. aon of Mr. ami Mra T. U Charman, h'ft Wnlin-ailar tiiornlna for Hnli'in, wlirrn ha will I10I1I lm iMialllou of li'ltiiraiili'r fur Hi'lia tor W. A. DI111I1 k tl'irlnu lli l Ulnilr aaanntily. T. U Itli kmaii, of ( linrntut. Tllla niiMik aa In Ori-Kim CKr on liualniai WVdlii-ailtiy. Mr. Illrkmaii liu la a liriiuilm-iit fnrimr III Itial anllon la Ilia miihi-w of Mra. A. '. Warm r if Ml. I'li aaalit. ank firlinw a fnrtiifr rvalila-nl of Mulalla. I10 tiaa appnl llio paat yrar In California, aa In llila clly Mnmlay I In haa arnln lakrn up lila rvalilnrit at Moinlla ami Im alo 011 a farm In thai ritIIoii. Jnliii Voiiiik. of Kllvrrluti, nml U A Yoiitm, of CriMik rounly, vIhIIih! tlirlr timtht-r. (iiMirno Yihiiik. tlm fm pari of ihn ''k. U A. Ymmit allmnlril the IrrlKullon riinfiTi'iirii In IVrtluml lnt wi'i-k atul hla wlfiiaml chlMn n vlnllnl Mr. ami Mra. (!imr Yoiiii hi ro. . 0. IMfHMAN AND r. i- ftHIH MAN fOUNO OUILTV BV JURY IN JUITICC COUNT. A i Kliorinan aiit K i. Wurman, ao liaira lui '" arrtl ! ynml Mulalla ly (lain Wanli na Amxa a 11 J I'aM'.ii, tfim fouml 'illiy hy a urr III Ilia )iall) of Ilia a' I'"ir1 Krl'lay on a ilar( of klllii,( il'r mil uf aaaon II la aall Dial Ida raa la llin atwunit namn trial In hit h a Jury rHurii-l a r,i I of Kiillly In ( la, kamaa riHinly Jn,l liranl It. and Wald-r IM111I1 k, at lnrnpra fur lli Hliprinaiia. amiuiiniti'l that liny aoiiM aiial li I ha rln'iilt rmirt A fill" of I ,Q aa lmioa il on ra h Tim to iiirn, do ara lirulhora, mtr arnalnl rarly In Ilia nrk on Ihclr (n rm i-IkIiI lullia fiuin Mulalla. A ,i. uf il-r meat aa funml nar I lii-1 r ral'ln amt n -! aa nliiin aralual lluin Tha tra..i-ra dinlii) ft cry alali'inrtit iiia'ln ly tlm aainx ari na. REQUESTS M V. S- RATES sent HOD PIPE HEN FOR IRRIGATION 10 TO FIGHT PROJECT - TWf NT f OlH TATION hAMCO1 SUII AGAINST LOCAL Ihn ault of Mra. Iluiti I-.Ib Crali lr. a furriii-r tiai hcr In h" al iulillr a huola. aKulnt dlalrli't u. f. rum lrlainK llriKuii Clly, aa nun auliiil MumUy a'tniiM,n lr Clmill Judr Caiuil'll. Hhn a-ki-il fur Mra. CraMrm rau-ii-l h r Halllun II I Ihn Imal h.xila In Ki hruary, I'd I. afli-r rllii( (' ailiuil lxari Ihrrn iloia nullii. Tliri'D 'ka aalary aa itni lil Ilia Ixxiril irl'iacd In Ir alli Ktii that In r ronlrnrt. lihh ralla fur HO ilay nullia had Ix-rn tlolalnl ropy of tlir ii hrr'a ruiiirai l aa n-ad and tin mlnutna of tlm tuhixil board In Ihn court room. E J Klim, a Harlow aaloon kwiH-r, tiaa tri'ii houml ovrr lo the icrond Jury on a rharno of ai-llliiK liquor to Knlli Italy, a minor. Il walvrd riamlna llun ami aa n li aand on bond. Klnc II la rharK'd. aold llijuor to llaty iHTi'iulicr Z. Only aa llh a party of nun and buy a from Mulalla and th"Kroup rwurtird to ttn lr hmnr hnre tin y rro arri-alril on rharic' of Ix'Iiik drunk and dlaurdrrly. When lh raan aa brouitlit tn-foro thn M lnlla munlrlpal rourt. It aa dlacov- rri'd that Hnly aa a minor and the Theodora- Ted" Ahlberu. aHalalanl i mattiT aa put Into the lunula of IHa- aKi'tit III the rreluht deparlm. lit of the Irli't Attorney Jleunea. rortlund Itiillwny, l.li ht l'oer iin 1 ' " pany In thla rlty lina been lranafirred to tti i IXiiriulit oirii'i1 aoreiit tbe luviioy III Ihul Mime eoiiipiuiy, Mr. AhlNTK hna been In the employ of the Portland Itiillwuv. Ucht ft 'iw it roinpiiny for the piml to yenra. CHARIER MEMBER Of ' LOCAL IIK home of 1'oi.tinnntiT mid Mra. Vii T, V. Hamliill Vina Ihn aeenn of a pnlly vieililltiit Monday evriilnii, when Mlaa Mnrparet Mnyd and Mr .liinica !. Wood of rortlund were mar rled by Itev. C. V. lloblliHon of HI raul'a l:plneopal Churi'li. The youim i-unplo entered the par lor will) MIh Maude Nelnon, nlere nf Dm brlile iim brlih'Hmald anil Krank Halter nt tended the Kromil, The wel dim; waa perforini'd lit 8 o'elnrk, Hev ItoliliiHiin iihIiik the impreHHlve rltiK gervlio. The lirldn waa clinrniliiK In n rowii of rreani brocaded crepe do rlilue. She ratrled while rartmtlnnn. Mra. Wood In the hIhIit of Mra. Hun dull. She la n Kraduatn nnuo mid haa inndo Iut homo In l'urtluml for n dmiii Iht of yrara. Mr. Wood Ih a well known and prospermia "Vlieat xrower of Morn, Ori'Kon. A Himill receptliin waa nerved nt the homo of the bride's aluter following llio reremmiy to only the Immediate relatives and a few frlemln prem-nt. Mr. nml Mra, Wood lire, at prem-nt In Portland furtherliiK plana for tholr new homo In KiiHlern UreKon, rnilTI.ANH, r, Jan. - lloli dl Im ( laiallnii and l"lid la'ira ifa ( oii,ii,n,ird l,i His Htala l-lalatura ht Ihn llroKoii lirlaalluii Cunarraa today aa inraiia of alala aid fur lrrUatl'li Olef.ila a. K-dia4 nuaraiilM bond fur Ulatfl' t Irrlfallun pn)r la and dirr.t approprl allou of K"dil fumla protiired by mnriraftnf iiiiappruprlated natural r.iiii,fa Itbln Ilia ataln ! In doiu d aa f al,l plana tliruiiKh hli U Ilia Nalloiial liotvililnent lU aid III l la in a I lull ink. The Hlala l.rallal'ire aa pelHIuiifd on hiinieruua aubjMla, hUh, UilJ'i Ilia ai pial to levy a lai of half mill on all priMrty In llm alala and aubmll In Ilia pMipIn t'iatllutloiial amend inelil aulliurtrlni Ilia ala to laaue iHiiula fur Irrirailun ,,ik, lm ludrd r-'t oiiiiiieiidallnna In turn Umi mmiky ae rrtilnx from tha farmera on tli Tu Ina In Irai t lliln Iha iii-ral alala treaa ury and rapprtln It "under aKb roiullllutia aa may artn prupi r,H to Kli the Tumaln ailll-ia 20 year a to romplelai their paylMMa, lo retina lli Irrlfallun rle an (hit Irrlxatlon dla Irbta III bate the Kuwriimeiital h era of munli Ipallllea, In amend the law an llntt rurMirainiia may vota aa In dltld'iala In lirlratlnn dlalrdla, to r u ill the law BtlnX lai on water pnwir nilnca lo Kirn Irrirailun dla Irlila poaer In dla,ae nf their a'ir plua water Micr atid lo adopt a drain a:e rode. BCTWHN ORtCON CITV AND MT. ANCIL, I'aaMliKrr rat'" for llin WllUnirite Valley Hnulbera l.aia Um 'it t" Ilia alala rallay -mii,iilii) for ap prua aiid II la l-'ld tUl (be mill liilxlnn will report lla detinou tibln fw day a. T'i,ty fuiir ila'lm.a tiara bren nained on Iba roada li Utu (if anu Clly and Ml. Ai,(, I TLey are 'rr(uii Clly, Call. a. I ampliie. Maple IjiIi", llnbblna lU-mtrr Crk li,!iaui. HpUnrer, lal. M jlliio, Nnrth l.iu-ral, l.llrf-ral, Ituhard. Mulalla Kaylrr. Illli biuaii, YuW r, liuwh, Muiiltur. liuinliiU', lUrnlii Colli t' and Ml Annel. Tba far from 'lrr'0 City n Ml Anrel, under tha v In.l iU of rain. Ill b kO renta or In in I'nrtland to Ml. Anir l, over the I'mil.nd Itatlaay, Maht and l'or Ci,n.p:,i,jr and Iha WllUmeMa Valley Knnl.V in, . Tha fara to Mulalla frtn Of f n ( ny will be CO renta, to Milium I.', nnia; to Heaver Creek, 20 rei.la; In M iiiltnr, ') renta; and lo IJber.il, lit tenia I fOMTtAHO INTCRCtTI LAN TO TAf ACTIVE PANT IN PUHl IV OftfGON CITV IIIUC. WOOD FIFE 01 HOIK IS SIOCJM GRANGES ASK EOR KMOLUTION AOOfTCO BV MP PCtCNTATIVei OP THftfC VAUEV COUNTICt COUNTIES MUST PAY EXPERT IS HERE TO H Amandmant Itnt to Beaton Band It pn f laclion Pfobably B Maid Lata In fitruny tr In March. That rerlaln I'nrtland tnlrreata. principally wixhI pl rnalera. rontrar lra and rertaln (ronp of hoi,, buy era. Mill n,ak a arrlnua ifr,.rt In d feat tba pruix.aed atl pipe III, I)!. ....... ' ... . ',',mm a a ii aH. "ii'i Itcprrarii'ailvra of Iha tartuua i,l Mullliniiiah, (la- kainaa, ( u lumMa and Waabinrun mniili't at a p'iMir tnrrl.nf al Ida Hnntr'.Mn rixina uf ll, Cmiiiiirrridl bib build. tif In 1'nrtlarid Tuaday flTii'o paa d re,luiii,fia re'iueatln Iba president of Ilia alata board of tiurtirullure, with Ida approval of tb (ntrriiur, tit do llar a 'juarantiiie aainat all poiat'M-a ibliped in (iref,,n frmii Catifun.la uu 111 tha danger of lfie lion frin tba t j ber modi la i,buid. Th reazlutinna era a!irnd by J. J. Jul.naon, maaterleet i,f M'illnuiiiah Comity ronmna iraiiKa and maaier of Iba Keiilii( Hut (irmic: W. II. II PORTLAND TO TRY 111 II 'ACTcniinnino CXPCRTI CO OVtR MIP.ITB OP LIQUID NOW THROWN IN RIVIR BV LOCAL WILLI. 'nth fork of tba Cla Vafeaa rlter b rauae of Iba r f uaal lf I lie roiiifnlttee ! If. HlrVae:her, of Clakama roiinl v n ...e ,.lr Vjr,.m. ueia. Th r.,()ll)loli d,rUr. ,!,, ,,,.,. anuan inirn an aiiiunraiiTa anurre ATTORNEY GENERAL BROWN MAKES DECISION FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY OP LINN. COUNTY STATISTICS. I lOI'TM A N-DHATON Wnmln Iloff mini nnd Myrl A. Denton, of Sandy, Hooured n uinrrlaKo llennae Wed-miHilay. HAYMAN YOUNU Matllo 0. Ilayman ' t ti i. Lj v iril...... ..no. nun ifunin n. iuiium, in nnou v uiw otit ill nod n nmrriiiKO llcenan hero Saturday. ZIKI-INSKI I1UNKIC Vermin Zlellimkl mid (i'.'orKO G. Ilunke, of Will umuttn, have Htwurod inarrlaKo llo eiiHH from Cminly (!lerk llarrliiKton. Andrew Olb-r, a charter in nilii-r of Wiii'lienn tribe of Itedmen died lit Wautia. near AKtorla, Tueaday niter a Ioiik lllhexa of coiiHiimptlmi. The fun eral will bo held nt 10::i0 o'clock (hla mornliiK from the llnliiuin Chnpcl and Interim-tit will In Mountain View cemetery. Tim Wucheliu tribe of Ited men will have charto of the Bcrvlcm Mr. Oiler livid In Oregon City until about IS year niw when he moved to the town on Ihn lower Columbia river where ho lived until hla death. He la Hiirvlved by hla wife, two roiih nnd one daughter, llo was Gil yciira old tit the time of lilt) il nlli. HAI.KM. Ore.. Jan. II That the rountlea of Oreann are liable fur thn ripenan Incurred In making an audit of their book a by the atate board of arrounlancy la thn opinion or Attor ney Ceneral iron. given today to Matrlct Aitorney Cain fl. Hill, of l.lnn rounly. Thn iiieall(in put up to tha atlnney neneral waa whether l.lnn county waa dependent of any anion aa to the rea annableiieaa of a bill, claim analnat the county for aervlcet rendered hjr au arrnuntant In rxpertiiix tha bouka un tier Ihn provUlona of chapter ISC, laa of 1913. and certified aa rorvct by the alate Inaiironce roiunilMloner. In hla opinion. Attorney (Iwiul Tlrun aaya that It la plainly apparent an far na thn lunKuaxn of the atatule la concerned that inch a claim la a valid one aknliiHt the county and the only queatlnn la whether the Icglala- turn hnf authority to enact a law lm IxihIuk inch llabllltlca, and tnkinR the county hualneaa to thla ritenl from the Jurisdiction of tho rounly court. anting for the transaction of county bualnean. Thn attorney general quote provl nli.nn indlciitiiiK that the Jurladlctlon of roiirta may be chaiiKod by alntute One article provides na follows regard lug dutica of county courts: "To have general care and manage ment of county property,' funds and liimlneHS whetv iho luw does nut other wlm provide." W. A Itarr, of the utemlun aervp e nf tba Oregon Agricultural College, h-ft Wrdneaday fur a vlalt of sev eral Clarkamaa county schoula Hb the obji-a-t of encouraging the atudy of dulrlng among the puplla. Mr. Itarr la Waiting huola In every part of the atate. :u! k teatera have liren Inatalled In v tuola nf other rountlea and Iha pupils Inatrurteal In their oprratlun. Children are urged to bring areata to the school where It ran be trata-d and tba value of Die cow de-taTtnlned IN MEMORIAM. Lillian FYanrla Cans was born In Mllwaukle. Oregon. Oct :3, ISTS. died In Mullno. Oregon Jan. ;. 1915, aged 36l leresta. Wctneaday nK-bt Oalng In Iha fait that the Houth lurk Water rommllte haa not formally algne a rontrart with llr'i"0 Kngliieerlng and Conatnrtinn romi-any for thn ronatrurtlon of a riveted atee line. wixmI pipe makers atlll ee a poaainlllly that their product may be selected. Attumejfs ra-preaent- Ing I'm (land firm and certain dealen In bonds have been making repeated trips to Oregon City and during the last week an effort haa been made lo bring presaurn to bear on the mem l-ra of the committee. Wood pipe or nothing seems to be thn alogan of the tnsnufartura-rs. If l the voters ton down a steel line th still see a possibility that through second election, wood pipe may be adopted. Dealer In wood pipe have carried on a mot aggretalve campaign from thn flrat. Representatives of Portland manufacturers made dally trips to Ore gon City during the three weeka pre vious to the tliua the South Fork Water committee sela-cted steel pipe. In their frantic efforts. I'ortlnnd newspapers were apea!ed to and one evening pa per reaponded with a bidden advertise ment on the front page whlrh waa clearly Inaplred by the wood pipe In- lion la liiiaieiiata lo prevent Infer llun of Oregon potatoes with the tuner moth which Infests potatnea prwlU' ed yet; In many hxalitlra la California and tbejiutw (!,( t a vitally Important to the atate'a welfare to k-p out tba inoh whPb Is the most aeriuus men are to the farming Intereais of any state Infeated with II. Thla meeting waa an adjourned one from a former meeting, called by Coun ty r'rult Inspector J. K. Ktnai,erywho ataned tba agitation axatnat the moth among the granges. A nm! r of granges bad previously gune on record In favor of the quarantine. Height at jennings years, 2 months and 10 days. Her en tire llfn was spent In Oregun. Pur seven years, from 1901 to 1908, she taught school. In which occupation she took great delight and as a marked succeas. On June IT, 190t, khn was united In marrlago lo I'ayne A. Howard, her now greatly bereaved husband To Ibis union were born three children, one having passed on before and the other two, l-orna. 4 years, and Hurrell. S ya ars of age, are left as sacred charga-s to the care of the father nnd other loving bands and hearts. Mrs. Howard was a most devoted wife and mother, a great lover of home, a woman of htgl) ideals and ever bend ing her rnergla-a toward their accom pIlHhment. She lived a truly noble aud unselflnh life, h ndltiK and being spent for others. Tbe South Fork Water committee haa dune Its work quietly and made all da-claions on merits alone. Tbe best pipe for the least money has been the working sloran from the first. The amendment which will be aub niltted to the voters baa been pre pared and baa been sent to Toaton bond experts w ho w ill examine It. Tbe dcK'iiment was prepared by Morris Urns., of Portland, and last week the South Fork committee checked It over with City Attorney Schuebel and L. Stlpp. Several minor changes were made before It was forwarded to the eastern city The proposed amendment will be re turned within two weeks, and then It will be submitted to the council. Tweu ty-ono days are required to call a spe cial election so that the election will probably not bo held before the latter T Warrants have been Issued for tbe arr-st of F. M. Ogden. Nina Ogden. I.lzzle Ogden and Marlon Ogden, of Portland, atharglng assault and bat tery on Mrs. Ulllan J. Clark son. of Jennings Mlge. F. M. Ogden leased place from Wijllam Jennings and the latter, by bringing a suit In the circuit court, evicted the Odgen family. While the Odgena were moving from tbe bouse, Mrs. Clarkson. sister of Jennlnga, clalma ahe strolled paat the place and (he family dropped all the furniture they were carrying to a moving van and Jumped on ber. She alleges that they threw ber to the ground. The Odgena maintain that Mra. Chirkson started tbe fight. ESTATE OF MURDERED SUIT TO PORECLOSE ON NOTE Saturday Herman l.cimniui tiled a suit In tho circuit court against Hurry Perilling nml Kdlth Ilerdlne to fore- rloNu on a ttnoo iniulKiiKe on proper ly near Mullno on the lino of thn Will amette Valley Southern. Tho nntount Hiieil for with Interest umounU to J1300. Tho Willamette Valley South ern Ih named n n defendant because of n claim for $7,110 w hich tho railroad company holds against tho land. J. V.. IIimIkch Ih appearing for tho plain tiff. TURNIP WEIGHS 16 POUNDS. Sixteen pounda Ih tho weight of tho turnip grown by Fred Stclncr on hla pliioo near ClnckaimiH. Ho brought tho largo vegetable, to Iho county neat tlit) Unit of tho wook and It la now In tho court hotiBu. Nino families nro now under qunr nntlno In thn mild smallpox epidemic here. City Hnnlth Officer NorrlB, who Ih handling the Hituntlon, expects that there will bo several more cases before tho crest of tho cpldemio passos. No snrlouB cases have been reported. It being so mild that in many cases it has been pronounced chicken pox. County Hcnlth Officer Vnn Ilrakle hns found three cases outside of the clly limits, although each of them are ' near the boundary of tbe town, Aa In tbe city, these cases are mild. PORTLAND EGG TRADE DECIDEDLY "MIXED" rOHTI.AND. Ore,, Jan. 12. All sorts of prices nro ruling in the fresh igg trado In Portland nt this tltno with sales of select rnnch reported from 30c to 21o gonornlly, with occasional biisl iichh In llmltml lota ns high na 3'.'c. Loading handlers Tuesday expressed tho opinion Hint the market was really sick. They claimed that even nt 30c a dozon the market wns really not rIiow lug a healthy tone, and that a further drop In values was likely utiles re ceipt a again showed a dereaso. This Inter condition Is not likely In view of the reports now coming from the country, nt lenHt for some time. Shipments of fresh egga to the local mnrket contlnuo to Increase, and with Callfornln and Puget Sound prices tending; lower there Is no likelihood of an early burst of strength hero. It Ih too early for nn extensive out side trade hecnuse arrivals are not yet sufficient for tho trade to safely quoto large lots to other markots. If this was done It might have a tondency to stiffen values to such an extent that the sellers would not bo able to fill tholr orders nt a profit. CITY IS SUED FOR MISS OLIVER'S DEATH GIRL'S FATHER ASKS FOR $7500 DAMAGES CONTRACTOR SHEA IS DEFENDANT ALSO The city of Oregon City and J. W, Shen, n contractor, were named de fendants hi uu action filed Monday by David Oliver, administrator of the es tate or Carlo I,. Oliver, his daughter, for tho death of the girl following her fall from High street April IS. The suit asks for $7500. Wood Montague, and Hunt and Donald M. Graham of Portland are appearing for Mr. Oliver, Miss Oliver fell from tho sidewalk on High street before It was accepted by tho cty nnd while tho street wns still In tho hands of Contractor Shoo. She backed off of tho walk and fell a distance of nbout 15 feet, Btrlklng on her head, Death followed In a few hours. In the complaint, Mr. Oliver alleges that there wns no railing on the wnlk through tho carelessness of the con tractor and tho city, DRISCOLL CHILD BURIED The infnnt child of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Drlscoll, of Cnnemah, wag burled STATE IRRIGATION TAX IS PLANNED PORTLAND, Ore., Jnn. 8. A state wide tax levy of 1 mill doubtless will he reconiended to the Legislature by the Orogon Irrigation Congress now In session at the Imperial Hotel. Thla action was indicated today by the repeated utterances of Irrigation lsts from various parts of the state and seemed to meet with the audible approval of the great body of delegates. The suggestion was formally launch ed at the afternoon session by Joseph T. Hlnklo of Hermiston, and was sec onded a few moments later by Frank Davey, of Burns. MoBt of tbe delegates feel that the congress should not ask too much from the state, and declare that if the plan for tha direct levy is approved It will In Cnnemah cemetery Monday. The be all that reasonably can be expected child died four days after its birth. from the Legislature. . . '. Hi'sldcs her lo sweet children nnd part of February or the first of March. her husband whom she loved w ith the ardor of a true wife and mother, she ' h aves to mourn her departure, a fath er, Henry Oans, of Oswego, Oregon, two sisters. Mli-s Roue Cans of Oswego and Mrs. Klva Ulackburn of Woodland Wash- two step sisters, Mrs, O. W. Martin, of I'ortlnnd, Oregon nnd Mrs. C. F. Willis, of Montana, one brother, Henry 0. Guns, of San Francisco. Calif., and one step brother. L. C. Cuslc of Portland, Oregon, and a host of true friends who vie with each other as lo who can say iho kindest things in memory of their departed friend. Rev. A. S. Mulligan, of Sheridan, con ducted a beautiful and Impressive fun eral service nt tlio crematory at Sell- wood in the pre-ence of a large con course of friends. The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful. SMALLPOX MILD IN Count Road fninr Appliaa tub eanc t T ttrttchaa af H gh Rriults Walchad Clcaaly. If the riprr1iiinte now bring ran. d iaieil by County Jtoad Knglnear Jloh. axm l!li waala from Iha In, al papaaf inllla pro that tha liquid la adaptd fur aiaa no roads aa a aulialltula fur oil, Portland may adopt tba liquid and w It c. luibtly on streets and roads. Two road eiperta from the Portland aireet department apent Tueaday In Orgun City with Mr. Ilubann, Warn ing tbe mertia of tha liquid, lu-fora leaving for I'urtUnl tlief said that from all that they bad barn'd tbe aubatame Wa well ajjpted for use on roads and waa aa good If not bet ter than oil. A wrk imi Mr. Hohaa appll4 the liquid to a strrlrb. of 10 feet of road In the rlty limits) of Wrat l.lnn and Tuea day a almlUr atretrh waa treated. The two Portland men with Mr. Ilubann thoroughly niamlnH the atretrh of treated road and watched the appli ance of the second section today. Mr. Hudson la making hla experi ments with the aim of learning the true value of the liquid In Oregon. In the aat, where It la marketed exten sively. It baa been found a succeaa and a number of states bave adopted it exrlualvnly for nae ou roads. It ran be uaed In building roads as a binder In place of oil or water or It can be applied direct to the aurface of the completed road. Multnomah county and the city of Portland uaed laat year almost one million gallons of oil. Tbe waate from the mill la applied to the roads In the same proportion as oil and, according to Mr. Hobson, has a better effect on tbe road than oIL DATE FOR DEBATE IS DELAYED ONE WEEK 0. C. H. 8. WILL COMBAT SALEM AND NEWBERG ON ROSTRUM JANUARY 21. LOCKER LAW IS OPPOSED BY DRYS' GRANGE AT OSWEGO PORTLAND, Oe., Jan. 9. Tbnt the Committee of One Hundred will feel compelled to orpose any law that may be proposed giving clubs the power either to havo locker rooms or to sell liquor, or similar privileges for hotels, no matter what their size, was declared yesterday by J. E. Wheeler, chairman of the committee, talking by long dis tance telephone from McCormlck, Wash. "I am inclined to believe," said Mr. Wheeler, "that even wore we willing to support the clubs or hotels in their reported desires, any measure giving them special privileges would be held unconstitutional. 'Our legnl committoo has given a great deal of time to this bill. As it is drawn up it expresses our beliefs. We can make no compromise with the hotels. Were we to do so, where J would it end The Committee of One Hundred hns no Intention of being ac cused of playing fast and loose with the people." The estate of Oorse .1. Hanlcn. thi patrolman who was killed by a des perado April 2t. 1910. was filed in the probate department of the county court Monday afternoon. ' The value of the proierty Is placed at JI'iO. The widow nnd one son, Kil-! wad A. Hnmcn, aged 13 years, are named as heirs. W. L. Mulvey, Tomer county clerk, Is appearing for Mrs. Hnnlon. Tho estate of R. M. C. Rrown. who died at Salem last mouth, was also pro bated. He loaves property valued at J3S0O to his wife, his daughter. Mrs. Winifred Offield, nnd his son. Madi son Drown. Mrs. Elizabeth Drown, his widow, Is administratrix. That the few cases of smallpox which have bem reported In Oregon City are mild In form and well con trolled by the haalth officers and phys icians Is tho belief of City Health Of ficer Norrls who has personally In spected every case which has be.'n re ported to him. A number of cases were reported among bli;h school students and Fri day City School Superintendent Tooze and Dr. Norrls held a conference at which It was decided that the condi tion was not serious enough to close the schools. Dr. Norrls estimates that not over six families are affected. LOCAL PERSONS AT BANQUET Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Mass, C. W. RIs- loy, Charles Thompson and C. S. No bel attended the banquet of the Jack son club In Portland Friday night. JONES DRUG COMPANY PLEASESCUSTOMERS The Jones Drug Co. reports custom ers greatly pleased with the QUICK acton of simple buckthorn bark) glycer ine, etc., as mixed in Adler-I-ka. This simple remedy drains the old foul mat ter from the bowels so THOROUGH that 6NE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE of constipation, sour or gassy stomach. It is so powerful that it Is used successfully in appendicitis. Adler-I-ka never gripes and the IN STANT action Is surprising. (Adv.) The . Oswego Grange No, 175 met Saturday and had a successful meet ing, with about 75 members present nnd a number of visitors. Dirthday memorials were observed. Dinner was served by the ladies of the Grange after which a good pro gram wns rendered. The following officers were installed by M. C. Glover, Deputy State Master for Clackamas county, ns chief installing officer: master, C. C. norland; overseer, Mary G. Wilmot; lecturer, Mrs. Notts, Stone; steward, J. Hugh Jamison; assistant steward, W. R. Wilmont; chaplain, C. W. Pryaut; treasurer, C. T. Dickinson; gatekeeper, Harry Porland; Ceres, Elizabeth Stephenson; Pomona, Lela Stone; Flora, Eva Holton; lady asssit ant steward, Lucile Stone. The Grange officers are planning to make the com ing year the most prosperous and suc cessful one in the history of the Grange. MULVEY APPEARS AS KEEP IT HANDY. FOR RHEUMATISM No use to squirm and wince and try to wear out your Rheumatism. It will wear you out Instead. Apply some Sloan's Liniment. Need not rub it in Just let it penetrate all through the affected parts, relieve the sore ness and draw the Pirln. You get ease at once anu feel so much better you want to go right out and tell other suf ferers about Sloan's. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and bave it In the house against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. Buy m bottle todar. (Adv.) W. L. Mulvey, appearing for the county, filed a motion Saturday in th suit of Detective L. L. I.evlngs for $2,000 for Investigation in the Hill murder case asking that tho detective be compelled to show a copy- of the contract with the county. Mr. Mulvey is the retiring county clerk and has been in close touch with the matter since Levings first present ed his bill at the November ttrm of court. District Attorney Hedges will not appenr for the county because he recommended the payment of the sum to the detective. County Judge Ander son announced last week a special at torney would be appointed. Mr. Mul vey has offices with Dlmlck and Dim-ick. Instead of being hadd Thursday, Jan uary H. the first series in the stale debating league In this part of the state has been postponed one weak and will be held January 21. The Oregon City affirmative team will de bate Salem negative team In this city while the Oregon City negative will debate the Newberg affirmative teaur at Newberg. Superintendent Tooze Monday night announced that the affirmative team of the Oregon City school will be be: Edward Sheahan, Milton Miller, and Miss Myrtle Young. The negative team will be: Harold Nash, Earl Pad dock. Alvln Wicveslck. and Miss Stile lie Shallow. Government ownership of mlroads Is the subject which has been chosen. Mrs. II. U. CartUdge, head of the English department at the local bigh school, is coaching the team. She in structed the successful team of a year ago which was defeated only by the state champion, Pendleton High school. Only one member of the Inst year's " team is with the 1915 organization. COURTNOTES Mrs. Minnie L, Johnson charges de sertion in her divorce suit against Walter G. Johnson. They were mar ried in Spokane, Wash., November 29, 1901. Circuit Judge Campbell has signed a decree separating Telitha Smith from E. Smith. Herbert W. Atkinson, of Portland, charges desertion in his divorce suit against Francis Marie Atkinson. They were married in Portland, July 10, 1911. The Continental Realty and Improve ment company has filed a suit in the circuit court against H. W. Hogue, Lin da H. Dorcy and Den H. Dorcy to force the division of property in which all the parties in the suit hold undivided interests. YOUR COLD 18 DANGEROUS BREAK IT UP NOW A Cold is readily catching. A run down system is susceptible to Germs. You owe It to yourself and to others of your household to fight the Germs at once. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey Is fine for Colds and Coughs. It loosens the Mucous, stops tbe Cough and soothes the Lungs. It's guaranteed. Only 25c at your Druggist. (Adr.) E SUIT AGAINST W. V. S. A compromise closed the suit of D. M. Eby for $15,000. personal In juries, against the Willamette Valley Southern. The compromise sum was $2S00. Eby was injured in the Oregon City yards of the company last spring when a derrick fell. The late F. M. Switf received a fractured skull at the same time which resulted in his death. Eby's suit was filed In the circuit court early in December through the office of William Stone and was to have been tried January 12. MRS.N.S.VOGELDIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS Mrs. Nettie S. Vogel died Wednes day night at her borre on the South End road after a long illness. The funeral will be held today from the residence. Rev. J. R. Landsborough of ficiating, and interment will be In the Mountain View cemetery. She is sur vived by her husband. Mrs. Vogel was born in Nevada, Mo, and came to Oregon with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. I. Schockley. She mar ried G. V. Vogel several years ago. . She is survived by her parents, hus band, four brothers, Robert, William, Walter and Douglas and one sister, Miss Goldie. WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. Contract has been let for the Medford federal building to tbe Sound Construction company of Seattle for $96,123. It must complete the building in 13 months. Oregon stone is ordered used In the building. Eugene improvements for 1914 total $750,000.