Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 08, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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t I ! I I
In li ('In oil Court i.f ll Mat of
Of'l'ii, fur III Counly lit Claris
Vlr f Jiilin"n, I'UIn HIT,
Mia Jiiliuwin, IMmnUiit.
To Mlka J.il.nsiili, Ilia altor naltifd
I. f. mlant:
In Id uawa of lli Hid of Oregon'
Von ar harchy rulrtl 10 appear end
iisrr lh Complaint Wd against you
In Hi 'm tiaim-d mil on or t-f.r
Hi 2:iid ilar of Joiuarr. 1I5. aalil
ilai liring Hi ) r fiml by Hi Cu.irt.
int llii ili ' from lh Drat pun
liidilon of Dili riiiniiuoiit, ii1 If you
fall lu appear I unvr laid Coin
plaint for nl Ihormf. plaintiff Vrlll
apply to Hi Court for Hi rell. f prayed
for In lh Coiiilliil, tinll: irr
of ior", dliaolvlng Hi bond of
matrimony, liiTrlufoia and now nUt
liiR lii-l'n lallilllf and defendant,
mi lit (round of drrtlii, and for
am h oilmr and furilur ri'll. f aa Ihl
llniiHfal.il' Court max dew (Miillalil
and jnal.
'I lila Huimii'Mia la f ulillalird If rdr
of J. I'. Campl-i-ll, Jii.lgn of III ( In nil
Court of ('larfcaine t ".Mint r, Oregon,
tilth i.ili r iihuIp and rnt'rrd
tMa Imh day of Iiim i iiiIk r, 1311, and
iIik lliu or illifl for Urn pul.lu alloii
of (lila 8n111i1n.11 la alt as, Im-kIii-IiIiiX
Uh lh" Ion" ilnlrd I inlx-r
I llh, 19 H. and roiillnulim nrj
On ri'iifli r up In ami Im hiding Hi l
aim dated Jmuiiry .'.'ml, 1 V 1 0.
AMi'llicy f'r i'lnilillff
noiu In Of fin City, Clai kan.i L'ourt
ly, Oregon, on or l f.ir Hi lal dar
of r'ei.rwaty. IDS, and ho raua If
any ihrr l hy an ordr almuld not
li (ranlad If Id alxn i,aiid
ioiiiI for Hi aal of Hi al"i d
irllmd rral prirt)r aa rard for In
aid lltlmi, at prlfal aal.
Wltmss my band and a-al of rourt
atiiad llila I'll) laf of lfiwinlit-r,
W, I.. MtM.VKY.
fH.al) Voutily Clirk
Ily Y. W. iliKi;.N'MA.V,
In llm ('In nil Courl of tlin Hlrtlo of
Ori mi fur Hi" Comity of Cl.n ka
li, a
M.iiit'ini IIhiiiIk, a .iiiii' rlilp,
Administrate Nolle.
Nollra a In ri-l.x jrivni Ilia! Hi un
d (algm-d, Administratis of Hi l iU
of Joapll Vit, dix aa1, liaa fllad IiT
Klnal A' count lu-r?lii llh Hi County
Court of Clai kauia County, ( Iff nil
and Hi County Ju.lg liaa l Monday
January II If). 191'', al Hi liour of
10. 00 o'clix k A. M. al Lh County Court
room In Orrgon CUr, Oregon, said
Couulr and Hlal", Hi tun Kiid
plain for hearing olijt lion In (aid
final Airounl Kiid for lh final i"tlln
IIH'M of aald ll.
(). I). Kliy, AHormr for Aduilnlatr'
Cuil lirr ulri.in lli'frintaiil.
To Carl i. raatr. iii. Ill" l"'" liainod Almri(,)r f n, Kalul of Imrlua
Nolle of Final Stltltmtnl
Of llm i:liil of liarlu Kniiln, Iw
i a d
N'oll.'K la liiTfl.y Kltdi llinl III" Un
iit!,:ih l ailiiiliilalrninr of (Im ilnli'
of Inirnn f'oiita, i liaa lil'l
In lli Cniititr Court of Clin k.iniaa
Cnniil), Hlal" of llr.unn liU Tlnil
i n i ii t na am h ailinliiUlriilnr of andl
.Inln nml dial Mmnluy, lli Z'.lli iluX
of Jiuiuiirr, I'.il'.. al i ln Iionr 10 o'i lin k
A, M baa ln f!i'l hy aald murt a
tlin limit for li.-arliiK of oIiJm llnin lo
aid report and Hi" t mi-tt l!ifr.-if.
liAttll H C. KOI'TH.
trail of land containing 10 '. d
u rnd lnlM,H. al Hi SV.'. rornrr
of Hi llalliaaar l ! I'i'ix K t'l
riMla. Ilioio H. 40 roda, lliii.ia SV. it
riwta; llifix N. 40 rod t'l Hi pin
of Ixcliii.tiif, In flix', 21, T. I H. It
I K. Wll Mr Claikama Conntr,
on a drurlld l- law and that Ilia
dfinlaiita and aJI lo ramia i lalinlur
t,r, llirounli andaT nlur I ! dif. nd
aula, l f.irr l lrird and lnra. li-.!
of all rltit In aald land
llila auiniiiona la pulllilmd tf ordir
of Hon, II ri. Aiidcraon, Ju of Hi
( null If Court Mill ordrr aa load"
on Hi J'Jih dar of lim-. Ill, and II.''
lima prrarntxtd for pulilliallon lli-f
of. la all Hka. Irlnnlna allli Hi"
lam daiod r'rldar Jan. 11 i, and
conllnuiiiN ca.li fk itixri-afier to
and In. In. ling r'rldar, Kt lTuarr l-'ti
Ait'irri"i for I'luintlff.
ll. frll.lillll
III tl" liaiii't of Hi" Mini" of (In roll,
you artt ln ri l.r f"uli"d lo aiM'.irnd
ii r III" i oitii1IiiI ni. d nK'ilu'1 "U
In Km nlx.v.i i iilltli'd ai lion, oil or
lipforit Ik" :"'Hi ilr ' Jaiiuarr, l!IS,
rill ilati' lirlnu Bft.r llm riilrnllnii
i.f ali w.cka friun Hi" Rral pulillialloii
of llila iiuiuiona and If )ui full to an
Kouta, il.M-.Dnrd.
C. HCIII i:ni:l., Atti.rii.-y for Admin
Ulrninr. '
Nolle of Final Scttlament
Nnl.ro hi-rt'l.r rlvi n Hint th.t tin
drrl;:ti'd niutrlx of l!i.i Will of
J. .tin II. Jaini', d.y a"'d lina (ll.vl In r
lti'nr and nmw.'r raid rtnii Ial lit for final in", ouiil
vi .ml tli.r.'i.f plnlntlfT lll titkn u.Ir i (lai kninaa Couiitr. Ort-Roii, nnd Hint'
in. 'hi .nltil rmi for ITtl.fiO, tmi'tlirr it,,, a, four! hua npHilntrd Miiliduy
with Im.'tf.t Ilirr.Min al Hi rnl" oft tint 1 s t ti day of Jiuinnrr. l'.UV at lu
ii . r ri'iil "T niiuiii from Id" iMh
tiAY al (iitnh.'r I'Jll. and roata and
llinl. iirni'im nla of llila a. linn.
Till auinMiona la mrnd iion you
tv pul.llc allnn Ci.'r.of ly ordrr of Hi"
II. hi. J. C. Cniupli'dl, Ju.lK" of lli'
( Iri iill Court of III" Hint" of (ir"nti,
IHkI No. '., lil.h onliT R ina.ln on
lln Kth day of lin-fintuT. 1914, and
Hi" llni" preai rlt'".! for pulillrnllon
tli.'rn.f la alt an. i'.'Klvn r ka, Ix'Kln
lillllt ltll tint laaun diitrd Iiitri-mtifr
1. 1H1I mid roiitlnnliiK cnih wwk
(h. rinft.T ill' to nnd Inrludlnt Hi" la
mm of Jaminry 2th, 1911. hli-h U
llm ilnU. of Him Inat pulillcall'in tlier
of. (). V. KASTII AM.
Atlorni-y for I'lnlntllT.
In III" Circuit Courl of tho Rtuln of
On-Kon fur Hin County of Clark
ma. J. It. HpurKixm, l'lulnlirr,
Ill Urn Clrrull Court of thn Hint
OrrKon, for CliK'kiunna County.
Klhrl Hr)". rinlnlllT.
Clina. II. Hrycit, D.'fni.liint.
To ('hua. II. llryc", nbovv iniinid
In llm iiiunii of llio tntt i.f OrrKon,
you art ti.Toliy miulri'd lo n;i.ar nnd
Mm rr Hi" romplulnt fll.nl nullit )'otl.
In Hut ii I line cnlllli'd ault, on or before
til" 1 nt day of rYli, 1015. tnlil dutt
v..liin HmirifiHin. I)..fiindant. I '"'"'a "e expirniion oi aix w.-.'Ki irom
To Nrlllo Ppurgron. llm aliove num.! , ,I,P nr"1 P''II al' of t!ila autntnoui,
flini ii you inn lo iii'iienr or annwvr
mild romptnlnt, for want tlmruof Ihe
drf 'iiilnnt:
lu Hin nnino of lh Stnto of Or.'Rnn,
you am licrrby rrqiilritd lo apprar and
unawer tlio roinptnlnt niml nKnlnt you
In Hi" nlmvo piitltlril am It, on or li-
foro llm 29lli dny of Jaminry, 1915.
aid dnto I'i'liiK moro Hum aix weuka
from llm ISth dny of Dort'iiibor, 1914.
on whl. h dnl" piilillcalkm of llila buiii
tiion wiih iniido; nnd If you full to np
P"nr mid anHwor brrrln, tho plulnlllT
will npply to tho court for Hin rollnf
prny.nl foV In plaintiff' rotiiplnint on
fllo li.Ti'ln, to wlt:
l'or a docrro of tbla court niinull
Iiik. raiu't'lliiiK nll iIIbhoIvIhk tho
lionda of matrimony nnd mnrrlnr.e ro-
latloii nnd contract Imtwcin plnlnlln
nmV di-ri'iidaiit, nnd for auch olhor re
lief na lo tho court may aocm proKr
in tho prcinlHoa.
This aumnioiia Is arrvod upon you
by publication thereof In tho OrcKoti
City Knlerprlao. n pnper of Kcneral
elrciilntlon pu lil Ulicd In the city of
Orenon City, County of CliiekntimH,
Stnto of Oregon, onro a week for a
period of alx auncoBHlvo woekn, by ord
er of tho Hon. J. U. Cnmpbell, Judno
of tho nlmvo entitled court, which
order la dnlod tlio 12th dny of Docem
tier, 3014.
Tho dato of tho flrnt publication of
thin urn itih la Friday, Drremlmr 18.
,1911, nnd tlio data of tho hiHt publica
tion ' thereof la Frldny, Jnmmry 29,
HEN 0. I112Y,
Of Attorneys for I'lulntlff, 609 Fonton
IlulldliiR, I'ortland, Oregon.
Notlc of BHarirr lal '
In Hi Clrrull Court of Hi Hut of
rron for Clarkamta ( nui.ty.
Kllm llnlh ItiHkw'Mid, I'lalntlfT,
CUr. inn William Maltlirai admin
latrator of Hi. i-atntn of Kurali Mai
Hia, ii.a.l. Clnmire William
M,i'lti.'a and Kern K. Mnllli". bl
lf". H. W. King .ind (i. lHrrlin. I"
f.'li.lniita. Ily vlrtn" of an mh iiIIi H, jnl k fit
order, dm-rt'" and ord.-r of ! Inau.-d
out of llm abiivn ctitttM Court lu II"
alxivit fnlltl.d raiin ! Ill" dlrtrlr.)
and rial'-d H. 2''.th dnr I .- tn r,
I'Jll, upon a Judr.nii nt and d r of
(or loaur r-nd-i"d nnd eni' rr.1 in
aald Courl on Hit 20th diy of li.trm
l.er, llt, In favor of KUmi llu'h II'" k
.mi., pliiltitlfT, and .iliit Cl.ir.-iii'.-William
Matthew aa Admlnlalrator
of Hi" Ktut of h'arab Mjl'b"a, d"
rrna.'d d. fi-lnljiil, for Hi" a'nii of $'nn
ltli liit.-r. l at lb" rt of lr rent
per mmum from tlu i h d.ty of (Mob
-r, 1!I.', amouiitliiir, prim Ij.al and Int
i-r"f. lo I'.'.OJ, lib h nun la il reed
lo .ii!nil(T. with Interrat at llm rn
of 6 p r1 rent, per Bliliillil If nu Hie dut
of tblt d r. e. I . 2i;th. I'll I. benl.lea
t'.Ono. ailortiov' (. and Hin fur
Itli. r of I19.5H, ..'( and dUburae
w.iiIm nml iIia ..Im i.f nml oiion tbla
Hut County Court of, (.I1nBIll n make aale of
Hie fiillonkK d.-arrlb.-.! r-al property
All of loi number twenty (20) Ilork
w.hi.I Arrt-a, Clurkaiima Coiiuty, Ore
(on. arrordluK to llm duly record".
plat thereof.
Now the re fom, by virtue of auM ""
rut lim. Judgment, order, d.-cree am!
order of aal" and In eouil'llnnr" with
the couiuian.l of aald writ, I will, on
Saturday. Hit 30th day of Jiinu
ury 1915 nt 10 o'clock A. M . nt the
front door of tho County Court llouar
In Oregon City. Clackanina County
Or K"i. aell at public auction, (aub
Jr. t to redemption) to Hie hlgln-at bid
d.r for rnhh In hand, all Hid right, II
tie and Intercut which Hit witliln
named Sarah Matthew", decenaed.. had
on tho 4th duy of April, 1912. the date
of the execution of the inortgnge fonv
rloited 111 llila ault nnd d.-rreed to b
llrnt lien on the above dewrlb -d prein
lues or alnco thai lal" had In and to
the abovt descjllied property or uny
part Ihereof. to aatlnfy aald execution
JiKlgnient Ord.-r and decree. Intercut
attorney!' feea, coKla nnd accruing
K. T. MAS3(
Sheriff of Cliickainna County, Oregon
Ily I). J. STAATS,
l)atod thla 2Sth dny of Dec, 1914
o'cIim k A. M , at tlio County Couri
room In llm County Court Hunan In
Oregon CUr, Oregon, a Hid Hunt and
i.b. for hearing aald final a. count
and objertloua thereto and for let
(ling Hut anmit.
Kieculrlx of the Will of John II.
Jumel. deeraaed.
JOS. K. IIKIm;i:s, Attorney for Kvecu
Irlx. '
Dat-d, memb'T 12lh. 1911.
In tho County Court of tho Btnto of
Oregon, for Clucknnms County.
In tho niuttor of tho oulnto of Edward
J. Hammond, dorcntied.
To Tliomns Ilnmmond, KllzAhoth
Maddao nnd Gonrgo V. Adiilua, the
next of kin nnd bolra at law and tho
(IovIhcos numnd In tho will of Edwnrd
J. Hammond doccnHOd:
Whorona, upon petition of W. W,
Everhnrt, executor of the last will and
tcstiimout of snld (Incensed, nn order
above entitled court and rauno on tho
wiib duly ninda nnd onterod in the
Kith dny of Dec, 1914, Hint you appear
on or before Monday, Fohrnnry 1st,
1915, nnd show cauno why nn order
of snlo should not be granted for the
sale of the following descrlbod real
property, belonging to tho estate of
mild deceased:
All or lot 3 of block 2 of Molnlln,
Clncknmns County, Oregon, nccordlns
to the duly recorded mnp and plat
And whnrens by order dnted the 15th
dny of December, 1914, duly mndo and
entered in this cause It was directod
that citation lssuo by tho Clerk of this
Court to tho said Thomas Hammond.
Elizabeth Maddoc, George V. Adams,
directing you and each of you to np
pear in said court on or before Snld
dale nnd show cause why said Order
should not be granted.
Now therefore In the name ot the
State of Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby
cited to appear at the County Court
plaintiff will apply to the court for the
rdlcf prayed for In the complaint, to
wlt: Kor A decree dissolving tho bonds of
matrimony now exlxtlng between tho
plaintiff and defendant and the custody
of tho minor rhlld, Jack Charles Hryce,
nnd for such other and further relief
na to the court seems Just and cqult
'Thla summons Is published by order
of lion. J. IT, Campbell, Judge of the
Circuit Court, which order was mndo
on Hie j7th duy of Dee., 1911, and the
time proscribed for publication thereof
Is six weeks, beginning with tho Ihsiio
dnlod, Frldny, Doc. ISth, nnd continu
ing each week thereafter to and Includ
ing Krldny, Jan. 29. 1915.
. Attorney for plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of tlio Sttito of
Oregon, for ClackamaH County,
Richard Dundtis. I'lalntlfT,
Itoso Sexton, nnd Ray Sexton, husband
nnd wife, nnd Charles I Norton, nnd
l.nlnh May Norton, husband nnd
wife, Defendants.
To Hobo Sexton, Ray Sexton, Charles
U Norton, and Ijilnh May Norton,
above named defendants:
In tlio liunio of tho State of Oregon
you aro hereby required to appear and
answer tho complaint filed against you
In tho above entitled suit, on or before
February 12th, 1915, snld dnto being
tho oxplrntlnn of six weeks from the
(li'Ht publication of this summons, mid
If you fail to appear or answer said
complaint, for wnnt thereof tho plnln
tllT will npply to tho court for tho re
lief prayed for In his complaint, to
wlt i
For a decree In his first cause of
suit, setting asldo tho release describ
ed In plaintiff's complaint and declar
ing tho same to he an assignment of
the mortgage set up In snld first cause
of suit, and for a judgment against the
defendants Roso Sexton, Ray Sexton,
Charles L, Norton nnd Lalnh May Nor
ton, nnd each of them In tho sum of
J500.00 with interost nt 8 por cent,
since May 21st, 1913, and the further
sum of $75.00 attorneys' fee, nnd for
costs and disbursements, and for a fur
ther Judgment nnd decree thnt the
plaintiff has a Just and valid lien upon
the Innds described In plnlntlfl's com
plaint to secure tho payment of said
sums of money and that said mortgage
Is a first lien upon the promises and
that the court mako nnd enter a de
cree for the sale of the property de
scribed In sold mortgage In accord
ance with the law; and a further de
cree In plaintiff's second cause of suit,
against dofendnnts Rose Sexton and
Ray Sexton, for the sum of $775.00 nnd
Interest thereon from tho 13th day of
October, 1912, until date of Judgment;
for the sum of $125.00 as attorneys'
fees; or his costs and disbursements
herein and that tho court make and
enter a decree for tho sale of the land
described In plaintiff's complaint, to
wlt : the Ntt ot the S of a certain
Notlc of Sal
Ity virtue of tho Laws of tho State
of Oregon relative to tho enforcement
of liens nn personal property for lulnir,
euro nnd attention bestowed on '.he
same, the undersigned will on the 11th
day of January, A. D., 1915, at the hour
of 1 o'clock In the afternoon of snld
day. at tho Mill Silo at River Mill Sta
Hon, on tho Estncada car line, In
Clackamas County, Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest and best bid
dor for cash, 1 Holstein Hull and 19
head of Holstein milch cows, or so
mnny thereof as may bo necessary to
satisfy the claims ot the undersigned
Ono I,. F. Potter Is the owner, or
reputed owner of tho aforesaid prop
Dated Doc. 15, 1914.
Notice to Creditor.
Notice is hereby given thnt the un-
derslgned hnve been duly appointed by
tho County Court ot the State of Ore
gon for tho County of Clackamas exe
cutors of the estato of E. A. Roeckmnn,
deceased. All persons having claims
against the snld estato are hereby re
quired to present them to us at tho of-
(lco of C. Schuobol, Oregon City, Ore
gon, properly verified as by law re
quired, within six months from the
ditto hereof.
Date of first publication, December
25, 1914.
Executors of tho estate of E. A. Doock.
ninn, 'deceased.
C. SCHUEHEL, Attorney for exocutors
Sheriff's Sale on Execution.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County ot Multno
Oregon Surety and Cnsunlty Company,
a corporation. Plaintiff,
A. S. Paulson and Josephine Paulson,
(Case No. 139,077.) '
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas
Ily virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an alias execution, duly is
sued out of and under the seal of the
above entitled Court, In the above en
titled cause, to mo duly directed and
dated the 31st dny of December, 1914,
upon a Judgment Tendered and entered
In snld court on the 5th day ot Decem
ber, 1914, In favor of Oregon Surety
and Casualty Company, a corporation,
Plaintiff and against A. S. Paulson and
Joaophlna iPaulson, Defendants, for
the sum of $837.45, with Interest there
on nt the rate of 6 per cent, per an
num from the 5th day of December.
1914, and the further sum ot $!9A
coBts and disbursements, and the costs
of and upon this writ, commanding me
out ot the personal property of said
Id -
ton SIXTH TIM I", WilftGN
Pit't onari Ar Told Matltr It On Cor
Btata to Dadda Long Inter.
vl le Cranttd To
The blark velvet gown Mint rated Is
iVtelopMl almoal entirely of on pl"ce
of Velvet draped to rulinliigly coiin-al
the faati-nlng on the left hip. The bod
Ice and aklrt aro In one tut Hie left
al evB Is of lure. I'pon Hie right ahoul
d. r Is p.-rrhed a large pink roae with
green foliage.
il. f'-n.liinta. and If scfTlrU nt could nut
be found, then out of the r al property
belonging to said d.-teinlantN on and
after lb" date of aald 5th dny of De
cember. 1914, to aatlisfy ald rum of
ts 17.31 and aUo the routs upon thla
mild writ.
Now. then-fore, by virtue of snld ex
rut Ion, Judgment order and dwr"e,
and In compliance with the rommunds
of aald writ, being unable lo find any
personal property of aald defendant's,
I did on the r.tb day of Jan.. 1915. du
ly levy upon Hie following described
real property of snld def. ndant, situ
ato and being In Ihe County of ( lacks
niiia. and StaM of Oregon, lo-wit:
The 8. E. Vi of S. E V. ; tho S. W
i of 8. E. K ; the 8. E. 4 of 8. V
i of Section 9: the S. 4 of S. W.'i;
the 8. W. V of S. E. U Sec. 10: the
X. E. V;. S. V4 of S. E. i; the X. E
of S. E. Vi. section 15, Township 5
South, Range 3 Hunt of W. M , and I
will, on Frlduy, the 5th day of Febru
nry. 1915, at the hour or 10 o rlock A
M. at the front door of the County
Court House In the City of Oregon City
In said County and Stnto, sell nt pub
lic auction, subject to redemption, to
tho highest bidder, for V. S. gold coin
cash In hand, all the right, title and
Interest which the within named de
fendants, or cither of them, had on the
date of said 5th day of Jan., 1915, or
since hnd In or to the above descrlbod
real property or any part thereof, to
satisfy snld Judgment order, decree,
Interest, costs and nil accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
rty E. C. HACKETT, Deputy.
Dnted, Oregon City, Oregon, Jan
8th, 1915.
Wants, For Sale etc.
If you have any to sell get
my price before you sell,
phone W. H. Lucke, Phone
A-72; PaclfloJInin 44S. Ware
houses at Canby and Oregon
4 months' old heifer. Inquire John
ston Stock Farm. Route 2, nox 67,
Oregon City.
WAHIIIN.JTOX. Jan. President
Wll ti decline.! today for Hie alitti
llm aln'e h haa riitnmd the While
Houmi lo support a Federal Connlltu
t Ion a I aiueiidiiM-nt for woman auffraxa
Wb- n a d Ii-xatln of Ix-mor ratlc worn
en, who declared Ihey had ln-!p-d In
elect him, pren.-nted Hie alt'ti formal
petition III I'reald.lil repeated ll.
prevlo.i d duration that W rot.nld
i-nd an.Trjce a state laaue.
Mr, (iron A. Armea, prenld' tit of
the IHalrlct of Columbia branch of the
VHon and Manhntl tongue; Mini Al
beru Hill, of New York, and Ir
France M'-Oaakln nx.k.-smiin for lb"
d-legation which rill.-d at the Whit'
lloune, reminded Hm president thr.t
the Hon, would Tote on Hin sulTrnge
smendrii'-nt January II, and ak"d that
! he l-nd bis moral upport to the move
'1 am moat unsff.Tt-dly compliment
e, by Hil visit that you have paid me,"
the I'realdelit told the women. "I have
been ealb-d on several time lo mj
what my poaltlon is on the Important
matter that you are so de-ply Inter
"Med In. I want to say that nobody
ran bx.lt on Ihe fight you are niuklni:
without great admlra'lon, and I cer
tainly am one of thone who admire
the tenacity and the skill and the ad
dress with which you try to promote
the matter that you aro Interested n
"Hut. I, ladles, am tied to a convic
tion, which I have had all my life, that
change of this sort ought to be
brought about state by state. If It
were not a mutter of female suffrage,
If it were a matter of any other thing
connected with suffrage, I would hold
the same opinion. It Is a long stand
Ing and deeply matured conviction on
my prt, and therefore I would be with
out excuse to my own constitutional
principals If I lent hit supixirt to this
very Unportac! movement for an
amendment to tho Constitution of the
fnitcd States."
CLEVELAND, Ohio. Jan. 5. Napo
leon I-aJole, former manager of the
Naps and recognized as king of second
basemen for many years, was today
released to the Philadelphia Athletics.
Connio Mark came here and closed
the deal with President Somers. .
I.arry came to Cleveland In May,
1903. from the Athletics; thus h re
turns to his old love. Lajoie has con
sented to the deal to return to Phila
delphia. His contract has two years
to run.
Harvey C. Cre
William Mammon1
Thom lurk
W hav now moved to our permanent quarter In th Btavar
Building. Neat le h Andreatn Building.
Rial rlt Abstract Main Strtet,
Leans, Inturanc. Ortgon City, Or.
D. C. l-ATOURBTTat, Pr4oL T. J. MIT. Caafcla
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
Transact a 6nrl Banhmg IwaM 0n frm f A as. U I P. M
NEW YOUK. Jan. 5. The passing
ot "Harlem Tommy" Murphy as a pug
ilistic attraction w,-as seen here today
as a result of the beating he sustained
last night at the hands of Willie Beech-
er In a 10-round bout before the Long
Acre Athletic club. Murphy was un
able to do anything with Ileecher, the
latter mauling the veteran ringman
about the ring and irritating bim by
swinging left jolts to Tommy's sore
left ear.
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 5. After
weeks ot dickering, the Venice club of
the Pacific Const Paseball league be
came today the owner of Pitcher Hi
West, formerly of the Portland Beav
ers. Manager iiogan, or cntce, an
nounced that he had purchased West
outright, but refused to make public
the price.
Two years ago West experienced a
good season at Portland and was re
garded as one or the best twlrlers In
the league. Last year, partially be
cause ot illness, he was unable to
maintain his pace. Iiogan expects
him to be one of his mainstays next
No. 209.
Farmers Bank of Wilsonville
at Wilsonville, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business, December 31st,
, - Resources
Loans and discounts $ 40.G3G.6T
Overdrafts, secuivd and unsecured 4.75
Bonds and warrants 11,030.25
nnnking houso 1,020.14
Furniture and fixtures 2.2S1.71
Due from approved reserve banks 29,000.39
Cash on hnnd .( 3 535.62
TOTAL $ 87,515.53
Capital stock paid In 15.000.00
Surplus fund 3,000.00
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 7,755.47
Individual deposits subject to check 47.47S.10
Time certificates of deposit 14.2S1.96
It.al e-tate tranfi-r filed with the
rounty recorder Thurnday are a fol
low a:
K'ui.-r Col-man et ux. lo Bteplieii
Carn r, Iraci of land In iwtlon 8. tov. n
hip 2 aouth, rar.ge i eait of Wlllam
etto meridian; l.
Jamea A. lymgliottntn et ux. to Rub
-rt IS. lying 40 a' re In section 2
toiihh!p 6 south, range 2 eat of Wll
lainette meridian; f I.
Itob rt lng et ut. to Albo V. !-or,g
bottom, to acr In lownnhlp C. sou Hi.
ring 2 east of Willamette meridian;
C. J. Van Tmyn et ux. to Irene Ad
am et al.. 'i lnt.-rent section 25. town
li I ;i 2 south, rango 5 eat of Wlllam
ette ni-rldlan; 1.
Charl-s II. Mores et u. to Karl V.
Morgan tract of land in lot 1, blxk Sr..
Minthorn addition to I'ortland: 11200.
Heal estate tranafera filed with Lie
county recorder Monday are as follows:
J. N. IVarcy et ux to Perry I. M
sler, lots 12. 3. 15. 17, IS. block 41.
South On.-go; I00.
Annie II. Thompson to R. E. Arnold
tract of land In section 9. township
south, range 2 eajst of Willamette
meridian: 3 10.
Mary Kllzabeth Wylend to A. 0. Wy-
land tract of land in section 8, town-
hip 6 south, range 2 caat of Wlllam
trv meridian; $00.
W. E. Honney to John Pretx. et ux
2 acres in section 23. township 4 south,
rang" 3 east of Willamette meridian;
Mathias Nelson et ux to J. S. and
Frank Howies, lot 10, Clackamas
Heights; 10.
Waller II. Capps to Cora P.. Capps.
lots 5, 6. 7. 8. block 3. Pleasant Place
addition to Oregon City: J 1000.
Vnlted States to A. W. Olson, ISO
seres in section 4, township 7 south,
range 3 east of Willamette meridian;
Real estate transfers Died with the
county recorder Tuesday are as follows:
J. T. Drake to John II. Drake, tract
of land In the J. M. Drake donation
land claim; $10.
John Crawford to Jane C. Crawford,
1 acre In the William Holmes donation
land claim: S3.
A. J. Wilson to August Erickson. 4
acres in the Ezra Fisher donation land
claim; S13G3.36.
Pearl M. Hos t, et at to W. P. Stan
ley, lot 3, block 6, "Tho Shaver Place
Real estate transfers filed with tho
county recorder Wednesday are as fol
Herman Smith to W. H. Smith et
ux.. lots 3. 4, block 11, Pompeii; $1
Ida Hclghton ta Helen Helghton. lot
16, tract 16, Hedges addition to Ore
gon City; $10.
Ide Heighton to Ralph Helghton et
al., lot S, tract 15, Hedges addition to
Oregon City; $10.
Eva M. Rhodes et vlr. to Estella
Jones. 2 acres In section 23. town
shin 3 south, rango 4 east of Wlllam
ette meridian; $10.
Estacada I. O. O. F. to W. F. Palma-
teer, lot 6, block 6, Lone Oak Ceme
tery; $25.
Jacob R. Carnoy et ux. to Fred A.
Wentzel, tract of land in section 30
township 2 south, range 5 east of Will
amette meridian; $10.
Anna Howell et vir. to E. F. Riley
tract ot land in Bection 27, township 2
south, range 2 east of Willamette me
ridian; $1.
J. W. Thomas to J. H. Vernon, H lot
4, block 1, Gregory 1st addition to Mo-
lalla; $10.
W. L. Mulvey et ux. to George E
Swafford, part ot block 167, Oregon
City; $400.
I'bonra Ta'lflc S3 lloni A Ul
Attorney at La
All leral bualnena promptly attended to
Attorney at Law
Dutchr Advokit
Will practice la all courts, make
collections aod etUornenti.
Offlc In Enterprta Building.
Oregon City, Oreon.
I a
C. D. A
Commercial. Real Estate an 4
Probst our Spaclaltle. Of
flc la First National Bank
Bld(, Oregon City. Orejoo.
ii c rnnv v c u n v t
n. j. Lvui, i, jn pi. v, I. a
Craduat of to Ontario VeUrt-
nary College at Toronto, Canada.
and the McKllllo School of 8ur-
gory of Chicago, la establish
b- I
at Fashion Stable, Fifth 8L.
tween Main and Water Sta.
Both Telephone
Offllr Pacific, Mala (5; Horn,
A 15.
Reeldence Pacific. Main 114
Attorn ey-at-Law
Notary Public
Estacada. Oregon.
Tor Infanta and Children.
The Kind Yen Havs Always Bought
Beara the
Signs tare of
BUENOS AIRES. Jan. 2. Dispatches
to local newspapers said a revolution
was in progress In Paraguary, with
President Sherer a prisoner.
CENTRALIA, Wash., Jan. 2. Mrs,
Alvenla Wagner, nn old resident of
Centralia, died in her home in the north
end of the city Thursday while her
husband, almost a helpless invalid, Bat
alone In another part ot the' bouse.
TOTAL , 87,515.53
STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. ss.
I, Joe J. Thornton, Cashier of the above-named bank, da solemnly swear,
that the above stntement Is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th dar of Jan., 1915.
(SEAL) KATE WOLBERT, Notary Public for Oregon.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
br local applications, aa they cannot reach
the dlieaavd purtion of the ear. There la
only une way to cure deafneaa, and that la
by conitltutlonal remedira. Dfafneaa la
caun-d by an Inllamed con.lltlon of the mu
cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube Is Inllamed you have a rumbling.
sound or imperf.-ct hearing, and when It Is
entirely closed, Deafness Is the result, and
unless the Inflammation can be taken out
and thla tube restored to Its normal condi
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine
cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh,
which la nothing but an Inflamed condition
of the mucoua surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
eaae of Deafneaa (caused by catarrh) that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY st CO., Toledo. Ohio.
Sold by Druggists. 7Sc.
Taas Hall s Family I'llla or constipation.
We mak ipeelaity of Install-
log water system and plume-
Ing In tho ountry. W carry j
th Leader tank and Store a
glnes. W bar a full I kl
Myers pumas and stray pampe,
Price always lowest
720 Main St.
Phone U82.
Oregon City
Office Phone Pacific Main 405;
Home A-270.
Residence Home B-2H.
WILLIAM M. STONE -Attomey-at-Law
Reaver Bldg., Room 6
O. O. I B Y
Money loaned, abstract furnlasv
ed, land title examined, estate
settled, general law buaine.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Tom J. Myers-E. A. Brady
1 ., 1 1 1 1 .' j ' , i r
'-'''. . ; -.'.
-. " .. r
'- aT ;. - , . -
' -; ? : i
! - m,'-f-ir .-.. 'i"; i
The only residence undertaking ea
tablishment in Clackamas County.
Day and Night Service
- Tentn and Water Streets
Main 123 A-J7
The most economical, cleansing and
germicidal ot all antiseptics Is
A soluble Antiseptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as needed.
As a medicinal antiseptic for douches
in treating catarrh, inflammation or
Ulceration of nose, throat, and that
caused by feminine ills It haa no equal.
For ten years the Lydia E. PInkham
Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtlno
in their private correspondence with,
women, which proves Its superiority.
Women who have been cured say
it is "worth Its weight in gold." At
druggists. 50c large box, or by malL
Tho Paxtoo Toilet Co, Boston, Mass.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2. Represen
tative Smith of Georgia today urged
the house rules committee to report
favorahly on his resolution maklns the
house irrigation committee an oppro
priating body to consider projects un
der reclamation. No action was taken
by the committee.
England is asking for bids from Ore
gon and Washington mills for 20,000
000 feet of railroad ties.