Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 25, 1914, Image 5

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    orkcon' rrrv r.NTKijpjnsi:. i uiiav. I)i:ci:mim:i -: rm.
R. L. I10LMAN Leading Fnneral Director
movaJ to muft commodious parlors Sih and Main St,
W carry the moil complete stock of Undertaking
' Supplies in Clackamas County.
Our lUbllahmaM cemprlste private rtcapllon roam, prlvttt
fsmlly room, sanitary laying tut room, private ahaptl for strvltae.
Ijpiflor srvlca, bill good, moil modtratt prlcot, DAY OR
I local wuers
' , . i 1
it. riniii, '' bo'n '" """ h
ii r ltniiakr. of MuIbIIb, was In
ln Tuesday and Wadnraday.
Humor Trutllnicr. nf Molalla, la
uiuidliii " I days In III rouiily
Philip llatiiiniiliit, of Canby, la ap'-lid
I11K Ida first of the wim k In the count
J, W. llvliun waa vlnltiir at Hi
I'ortland adM'k ahiiw la 1'urtland latt
Mln lii'M Mykol, of Ihla city, will
aptiiid Chrlatiima llli hr parcute al
J. J. Junr-s, of the Colton district
waa In Ilia rou my ai-at Saturday and
Frank Vaughan,' of Ilia Molnlla dla
trlrt waa In town Monday evening and
I Tuetday.
Mra. E. Malhltiwa. of llravar Creek
district, la apcudlng attvcml daya In
Orim niy.
' M. K. Kandlu, of the Highland dla
trli t spruit aiviral daya here tha flrtl
Dart of tha week.
George A. Rutherford, of thr- Hlrh
lnnd district, waa In town rrlilay ever,
lust and Huturday.
Mra. II. C. Slovens, or Portland, via
Iti'd at tha humn of Mr. and Mra. Hur
ley Htevrna Tuesday.
J. ('. Fi'llowa. of tha Mulalla dla
trlrt. waa In tha county Beat Wcdnes
dny and Thursduy.
W. W. Klkliia. of Mulalla. came to
tha county at-at Monday evening for
atay of Bcveral daya.
Mr. and Mra. C. KrlKliaun, of Kla
cada, came Into the county i-at FtI
day for a atay of several daya.
F. A. Nlrkvraou, of Springfield, came
to town Wednesday. II left Thura
day lor Molnlla to overlook farm prop
erty. Paul Dunn, of llorlnic. and Ilnd
Thompson, of Iluhhnrd. road viewers,
worn In tha county aval aeveral daya
tlili week.
Mini E. Linker, of Goldondnlo. Waah.
who haa been visiting with friend In
thla city, returned to her home Thura
day morning.
U. A. Ktmlson. of Hubbard, apent the
flrat part of the week In OreKon City
0. W. Mstlett, of Mullno, was In
town Tur-aduy.
Frank Wlli-hart. of Wooda, Ore, haa
returned to Oregon City to visit rela
tives after a long absence. Ha lived
hare 30 years ago.
Jack Dean, tho son of Mr and Mra.
Ray Pean of Molalla, came to the
county Beat Tuesday evening. He will
apend several daya here.
E. P. Dodman, county recorder, is
111 at hla home with lumbago. He hna
been 111 alnce Saturday and will not
basable to resume hla dutloa for sev
oral daya.
County Health Officer Van nrakle
has taken the quarantine from the
home of George Dollok In Willamette.
Bovoral membera of the Dollok family
wero 111 with diphtheria.
fiome Wardon Hen 8. Patton and
Deputy Bliorlff A. 0. Amea, of Estneo
da, were In the county Boat over Wed
nesday night. They arrested two trap
pers on the upper Molalla river Mon
day. Mlsa Clara Doute, who recently un
derwent nn operation for appendlcltlB,
at the St. Vlnconta hoapltnl Portland,
la recovering rapidly and will be able
to return to ber home In this city the
latter part of this week.
Mra. Mnry Horn, formerly a resi
dent of Oregon City, la seriously ill at
her home In Cleveland, Ohio. Little
hope Is entertalnod for hor recovery.
Her daughter, Mrs. Alvlna Horn Ful
ler, of Portland, Is at her bedside
Balloy Hill, of Wlllamotte, has re
turned to his homo after spending sov
eral weeks at Vancouver, Wash.,
whore he was employed on a river
boat. The Ice In the Columbia river
lino hlndornd navigation on that
Mss. Edwin Foster returned to her
home In this city Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Foster has spent the past six
woeks at hor old home In Independ
ence Kansas, she exporlonced some
unusually cold woather while enroute
from Kansas to this city.
Carl Schrnm, a well known young
m,n formerly of this city. Is spending
a few day,, s tho guest of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. So.hram. He Is nlso
visiting other relatives and frlonds.
Mr. Bchram Is with tho Powell River
company at Powell River, B. C.
Students In northwestern univers
ities and colleges who live in Oregon
City have returned. j0e Hedges, Kent
Wilson, and Misses Edna Holmnn. Ann
Topolnr and Erna Petzold hove come
back from the University of Oregon;
AI Vlerhus nnd Everett Dye from Ore
gon Agricultural college, and Miss Nor
ma Holmnn from tho Unlvemiiir nf
i-i.i ' "
F. C. Charmnn, after spending the
pnst two weeks in this city and Port-
Innd visiting relatives, left by Steamer
Boavcr Thursday afternoon for San
Francisco, where he has made Mb
home for some time. Mr. Charmnn
recently resigned his position as purs
er of the Siberia Bailing from San
Francisco to China, but expects to ac
cept a Blmlllar position with the same
company In the near future.
MAIN 4151
Pluna fur an active acanon rr
iiibiIh t tha iiireilm of ih flarlmmaa
Coiuity Hrli(H)lmen'i rlub held at Oak
drove Palurday iilMlit
Oratorbal ronlnli debates, iliort
lorr roiiieiii, a track me-t and an es
say ronteat will make tho spring
iiinnllia tha busiest ones In IIia history
of tha club, according to the me in lien.
Kularada, Mllwaukle, Canby and Mo
lnlla high achoola have entered the
debating conical and these four
scboola with Oregon ('II y are In thr
oraturiiul and say rontesta. The
flrnt debate will be made March 12
and the finiila March 24. Tho tunny
and oratorical contend will be staged
at Mllwaukle April 12. Papers must
bn In March 19.
The grammar echool of the county
will filter a declamatory and short
atorr contest. The former will bo held
In Oregon City March 19 and the pa
pera In the latter mutt be In the hands
of the aerrctury of the league before
March 5.
The annual track meet held under
the auspices of the club May 8. No
entrance fi will be charged aa In pre
vious years.
Principal II. F. rnngsten of the Ore
gon City high school will be president
of the club for the coming year. Other
officers elected Saturday night are:
Vice president. F. II. Keeland; aecre
tury. J. V. Kike; treasurer, Ijwla E.
Reece and reporter. 0. W. Leonbardt.
Ross Bawtell, of Molalla, and Leo
Thlesscn. of Mllwaukle, will be the
student members of the executive
committee. J. E. Calavan acted aa
chairman of the meeting Saturday
night and F. II. Keeland as secretary.
Thoae present were: A. O. Freel, H.
F. Pflngsten, Robert Ooetx. T. J. Gary.
Ilrenton Vedder, R. W. Rose, Oeorge
Sehrelber, 0. W. Leonhardt. J. V. Flkc,
F. 11. Keeland. Harness Ford, Robort
Oenthor, lwls Rees, R. W. Mann and
J. E. Calavan. The next meeting will
be held at Cunby, January 30.
Cmel and Inhuman treatment Is the
grounds on which Mrs. Ulunche Walk
er aska for a divorce from Ernest I.
Walker. They were married In thla
city June 30, 1906.
The following divorce decrees were
signed by Circuit Judge Campbell
Thursday: Delia Mayo from llyron
Mayo. Ileuluh Drew from David Drew
and Francis A. Warren from Ralph E.
In The Social Whirl
Currant Happenings of Intarsst In
and About Oregon City
Cicero Grimm and
Gladys Murray Wed.
Cicero Orlmm and Miss Gladys Mur
ray were married Wednesday at 1
o'clock at the home of the bride's
aunt. Mrs. A. J. Wilson at hor resi
dence on Sixteenth and Jackson
streets. Rev. W. T. Mllllkon of the
First Pnptlst church performed the
ceremony In the presence or oniy a
few relatives.
The bride was neat In a tailored
Biilt of navy blue serge nnd woro a
black picture hat. She carried white
carnations. The young couple was un
Mrs. Grimm la the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J, Murray of Mullno and Mr.
Grimm Is the eon of Mrs. M. Grimm of
Mr. and Mrs. Grimm loft Immediate
ly for Aurora where they will make
their home on a fnrra recently pur
chased by Mr. Grimm.
Social Notes.
Judge nnd Mra. John N. Slevers are
being congratulated on the arrival of
a llttlo doiighter December 20.
The Empire Manufacturing Co., Spo-
knne, nnd Pondloton Iron Works, have
asked Pendleton citizens to subscribe
for stock of consolidated company
formed to manufacture rotary pump,
Icoless refrigerator, spilt wood pulley
and other articles.
MYERS-COX Ruth Myors and Stan
ford Cox, of Estacada, received a
marriage license here.
Haskell and Edgar Horner, of Esta
enda, were grunted a marriage li
cense heret i
HORN to Mr. and Mrs. John N. Slevers
a daughter, December 20.
Wednesday was a rush day at the
marriage license counter In the clerk's
office. Four licenses were Issued,
they nro: Helen Dodson to Ed Dsvls.
of La Grande; Mabel Deardorff to Roy
Cockle, of Wilbur, Wash.; Anna R.
Williams to R. George Simmons, of
Seaside; and, Martha Doss to George
Hulh, of Beaverton.
0flnlt Annownamt nl f Htm Man
ayimtnl'a Policy Eiputtd an
n.lurn of 0. T. McBain
From South
Threw bundr-'l and fifty men am J
fei led by an order rrell Ly man
agnrs of tha Crown Wlllalliello mill
In-in from offldala of the company In
Han Kraii' lMO In atop tho paper ma
i blnea from i o'clock Tburxlar after
noon until the morning of Monday
January 4.
The r-an for tho rioting of
part of the mill Is riot definitely known
hero rlirire tho fact that Hk mill
would i loaa for tha 10 day period here
be aiiiM public, many minora have
been ( In iilaled, none of wbli h ran
I coioldered authentic. Officials
here do 't thoroughly undemland the
reason for doting tlie mill.
Mill Manager II. T. M llaln la now
In California and ha la cipectnd to re
turn early In I ho week. Ho left for
Knn Francisco last Thursday, bcfl
alio announcements of the plans of the
new company are ripe ted upon hla
return to Oregon City.
!o Pautte and L. W. McCurdy.
two trappora living 30 mllea beyond
Molulla on tha Molalla river, were con
victed before Justice Klurera Wt-dnea
dny on a double charge of killing deer
out cf tea hod and of hunting d -er with
dogs. Paquette la serving out a $'-0
fine In the county Jail and McCurdy's
fine of fr0 waa suspended. He will
return to their cabin on the Molalla.
The arrest waa made Monday
by Deputy Sheriff Amea and Deputy
Game Warden Patton. The trappera
were killing deer to aecure meat with
which to bait their traps. It required
two days to bring the two hunters In
to Molnlla, the officers spending the
night with their captives on a moun
tain trail.
PLACED AT $1,500
Damage estimated at $1,500, result
ed from a fire In the store of Evan
Lewis at Carus Wednesday morning
about 3 o'clock. The loss Is not cov
ered by Insurance.
The blaze started In the roof of the
building and spread to every part of
the structure In a short time. A broth
er-ln-law of Mr. Lewis saw the fire
but was unable to save any of the
goods In the store.
Gas service will be established in
Oregon City within a month by the
Cluckamaa County Gas company, a
subsldary of the Portland Gas & Coke
An extension on the franchise of the
company which was secured last sum
mer will expire unless service Is es
tablished soon. Mains are laid
throughout the resident districts but
not along Main street.
Gas will be secured from the Linton
plant of the Portland Gas & Coke com
pany. The Sellwood main la tapped
near the Multnomah-Clackamas line.
L. W. McCurdy and Leo PaqueUe,
two trappers working on the upper Mo
lulla river, are held In the county jail
here to face a double charge of killing
deer out of season and hunting deer
with dogs. They were arrested Tiies
day afternoon.
ESTACADA, Ore., Deo. 22. After an
Illness of several months due to heart
weaknesa and old age, Henry Koplin,
of Estacada, passed away Sunday
night Mr. Koplin came to Estacada
about five, years ago, from Berlin, Wis.
Ho Is survived by two daughters and
seven sons.
Salem Statesman: Cyrus Ward,
who Is S6 years old, arrived In this
city Sunday afternoon from Corvallls,
having walked the entire distance dur
ing the morning. He has been staying
with a daughter while at Corvallls, and
came here to visit a' eon and daughter
living In this city.
Clara A. Guild charges nou-support
against William Guild in her suit for
a divorce filed against him In the cir
cuit court. They were married In Kn
lama, Wash., October 10, 1906.
PLACERVILLE, Cnl, Dec. 21. Chas.
Lllley, aged IS, has confessed that he
robbed the Camino postoffico of $2S1
to buy Christmas presents.
NEW YORK, Dec. 22. The Rock Is
land railway was offered for sale to
day on the steps of the New York
county courthouse. It was bid In by
James Wallace, president of the Ccn-
itral Trust company, at $7,135,300
Hill Ajitbln. waMtd hrtm oh a
( bar of agraa y, lias Ml Lis hum
!le tmiim bear MlUaxkla and d
auip4 for pans unkaoan, atcordiaa
Ui o al ftl'la!a, largelf a- tiM f
llirralt Mijula If bit fallow tbulitry-
men is PoMlari'l.
Comlabla r.'rott wedl to MUwaukt
lat week lit arreat Iba Italian who
flipped through tho fli.rs of the of
tiit by a almpla ru. Ixranio went
on Into Portland stayed aeteral day
In an Italian roomli.g Louae.
'Hlier &atln (if the tunny south
leanit-d of lha plight df Ilia old man
and told bl in that the offUeri wauled
bl in so that they ton I I tend blin bar
to Italy aliere. they tal-L ho was want
el on a murder thaue.
When the (natter was eiplalned to
Ixreiii'i he pa ked about half of bit
few beloiiglnga and left. County of
fl'iala do not know where bo la and
are leea. C. Hchmbel, Ixjrenro's at
lorney. Is confident bis client will re
Ixiremu waa tried In the circuit
court b-re recently in a charge of aa
nulling liepuly Camo Warde n Frank
Krvln with a dangerous weapon but
as not convicted because the Jury
waa unable to agree. He waa r'ieated
unde: 00 bonds furnished by Mr
H hucU-l.
The attempt of Andrew Zangera. of
Liberal, to obtain a Judgment from
II. II. Itabl on tha grouuds that be se
cured a piece of property from Dahl
which did not prove to be aa repre
sented, ended In the circuit court when
udge Campbell dlainiaaed the case.
About Hires years ago angers trad
d property In Canada with It. II. Dahl
fur land In the Liberal district. Neith
er party In the deal aaw the other's
property before the transfer waa made
When Zanger arrived In Clackamas
county h claims be found land which
aa represented to him as level, fertile
and well drained, to be full of marshes
nd untlltable. After owning the land
three years he began a suit In the
court here to obtain damages from
Dahl. Judge Compbell held that Zang
era did not have sufficient cause for
A cigarette and a coal oil-soaked bed
started a fire Sunday afternoon In the
home of Mrs. J. W. Hill on Water
street between Fifth and Sixth which
would have destroyed the cottage,
which Is the property of George A.
Harding, had It not been for the fortu
nate arrival and immediate applica
tion of chemical equipment from the
fire department. The buildings was
not damaged and the loss was limited
to the bedding and a few articles of
Early Sunday afternoon Mrs. Hill
cleaned the bed with coal oil. A short
time after the bed was cleaned a
boarder laid down on the bed with a
lighted cigarette In his hand. Sparks
from the cigarette fell on the oil
soaked clothing and the bed was en
veloped In flames In a short time. Bed
clothing was thrown out of the win
dow and a fire alarm was sounded.
The house is occupied by two fam
ilies, that of Lafe Blakesley and Mrs.
SANDY, Ore. Dec. 19. At the meet
ing of Sandy Grange yesterday 11 can
didates received the first and second
degrees. In the afternoon the follow
ing officers were elected for the en
suing year: Master, A. C. Thomas;
overseor, Mra. J. McKenzle; lecturer,
Blanche R. Shelley; steward, Joseph
DeShazer; assistant steward, Mrs. J.
Chown; chaplain, Mrs. J. Sinclair;
treasurer F. T. Morrison; secretary:
James Bell; gatekeeper, William Bell;
Ceres. Mrs. Robert Jonsrud; Pomona,
Mrs. McKenzle; Flora, Mrs. Douglas;
Sandy Grange closed its most prosper
ous year, having gained largely in
membership and Interest.
The Sandy Masonic lodge has .elect
ed and Installed these officers for the
ensuing yenr: .Worshipful master, W.
A. Proctor; senior warden, George H.
Walte; Junior warden, R. I. Anderson;
senor decon. Edward - Burns; Junior
deacon, Fred L. Proctor; secretary. C.
D. Purcell; treasurer, W. V. Rogers;
senior and Junior stewards, H. S. Eddy
and William Craswell.
The Commonwealth conference at
Eugene last week endorsed consolida
tion of all state boards and commis
sions under a few heads.
Salem has an offer of a beet sugar
industry upon supplying a sufficient
acreage of beets and raising a sub
sidy of $250,000.
Corvallls cannery is being reorgan
ized with a larger capital.
mm um w urn hili
City Dwldsd Into District so That
Soliciting Commlttta May
Work Systematically
f 1000 la Aim
Krery one of the I3S school dlatrb ta
III be atked to co-operate In the
movement tu ralao ItKi9 In Clacks
mat county for the ablpload of flour
which will ! tent from Oregon o"'l
Waahlngton for the telle-1 of tiiffereirt
In the war-ridden eoun'rk-a if Kurope
T. V. Hulllv in, cbalrnan of lb r
lint organization, bar aMrem-l a let
ler to every dlatrlct whir Ii Cannot be
reached peraonally by a member of the
committee. Tb llitereat of County
Ju'Ikb And r"n haa lf-n aecured and
bit Influence la being uaed to extend
the work Into the country dlttrlcta.
Tho rlty Ittelf haa been divided into
dlttrlcta and a soliciting committee
haa been appointed for each dlvlalon
In the liawley Pilp I'ajwr mill and
that section of the city south of Fourth
atreet. excepting the Oregon City
Woolen mill, 1!7 bad tu raised up
to Tuetday night and It was expected
that I00 would be exceeded today.
Tb.i letter ent to tho achoola fol
The slates of Oregon and Watblng
ton have undertaken Jointly to fend
one 7(00 ton ahlp laden with non-fx-r
Ithable food atuffa to the relief of the
ttarvlng Belgians Thla ahlp leavet
Portland. Oregon, about January Uth
1915. Tbla state'a part la under the
direction of the Oregon Development
league committee. Thla county's part
haa been delegated to the Cltlzcna'
committee organized here tho execu
tive offlcera of which are:
"Chairman, T. W. Sullivan, president
Oregon City Commercial club
Vice president. W. P. Hawiey. pres
ident Hawley Pulp A Paper company.
Secretary, E. Kenneth Stanton, mill
secretary Crown-Willamette Paper Co.
Treasurer. Jos. E. Hedges, attorney.
'The citizens' organization, through
the above named officers, appeal to
all the citlaena of the county through
Its school district organizations to
meet at once and contribute what they
can do thla noble work for the relief of
Buffering humanity.
Forward your contributions to the
treasurer of this organization, Mr. Jos.
E. Hedges attorney, Oregon City, Ore
gon, with the names or tne donors ana
the number If your district Acknowl
edgement will be made and credit giv
en through the public press also. All
contributions should be sent in as soon
as possible and not later than Janu
ary 7th, 1915.
"Oregon City will raise $1000.00.
Chairman Citizens' Organization."
Boring lodge, No. 234, Oddfellows,
together with Boring Rebekah lodge,
No. 213. entertained Henry West-
brook, grand warden; Mrs. Westbrook,
E. E. Sharon, grand secretary, and
Mrs. Sharon the first of the week.
They made an official visit.
E. F. Donahue delivered the address
of welcome to the grand offlcera, to
hlch Secretary Sharon and Grand
Warden Westbrook responded. A mu
sical and literary program was car
ried out, followed by a banquet Of
ficers of Boring lodgo , are: Noble
grand, William E. Wheeler; vice grand
George Tacheron; secretary, William
A. Morand; treasurer, W. R. Telford.
Officers of the Rebekah lodge: Noble
grand, Minnie Meyers; vice grand,
LoulBa Johnson; secretary, Nora Mey
ers; treasurer, Myrtle Telford. A Joint
i.. n,llnllin rf thaoA nffteprn Will he
i.. . K
held January 5. I
Grand Secretary Sharon and Grand
Warden Westbrook complimented the
lodges on their activity.
, , ,,
EUGENE, Ore., Dec. 17. Hugo Bess- 5
dek was re-elected coach of the Uni
versity of Oregon football team at
meeting of the athletic council toda'
The terms of the contract were left
to A. R. Tiffany, graduate manager,
with the understanding that it was the
sentiment of a majority of the mem
bers of the council that a permanent
coaching staff should be established.
The members of the council favored
five-year contract with Bezdek.
,1 TT ,1 . , 1 . n ,rl n tn CiTZOnn A VPHf
uBo JJ0u0 vu
niro. after tne grauuaie coacuius aya-i
tern had been tried and proved a rail-
ore. Seven vears Deiore mai lime ne
had been mentor for the championship
lemon-yellow eleven. Although he has
been defeated by Washington for the
last two years It has been by low
scores after desperats fighting on the
part of the handicapped Oregon teams.
Tor Infants and Cbilditen.
Tha Kind Yea Have Afaajs Bought
Bean the
Signature of
With Cbrlttmaa cioae tne members
of the Co-operative Relief roininllleo
are endeavoring to make tho holiday
teaaon a merry one fur the (Oodd fain
lllea on their llatta.
Although IA batkeii were dlttribuled
Tuetday, appeala are allll coming In
from needy pertons. Among th moat
pathetic Is the following letter, which
waa received by Mrs. J. W. .Writ, fl
nanrlal irretary cf (be committee,
My butliand cuts wood for a liv
ing, but In at Saturday he cut hla f o!
to badly that b cannot walk so we
won't have any Cbrlttmaa money
have four girl aged two, four, alt
and elrM, They all want a doll. Do
you think you could get some one to
tend them four little dolla? God and
w would bleaa you to make tbern
Mrs. N'orrls haa the name and ad
dreta of tho mother and she atka that
any person winning to give a doll leave
It at Jones' drug store.
Tho headquarters of the relief com-
mlttec will be open Saturday to re
ceive and distribute auppliea. The
rooms In the Masonic building are
open twice a week although memb-rs
of the committee will give food and
clothing on other daya when an un
uaual cate la found. -
The following donations are
acknowledged by the committee: Jelly
from Mrs. A. U Ileatle. home made
cookies, potatoea cabbage and a ne
comfort from Mra. Hughes, coffee,
fruit and groceries from Mra. Frank
Moore oranga from Mra. Lewthwalte.
dolla books and groceries from Mrs
l.ydla Olmsted, nuts from Mrs. Ladd,
four big dolls from Mrs. William An
dresen, oranges. Jelly and groceries
from Mrs. Tschlrgl, books and games
from Emerson Hoeye. and nuta and
Jolly from L. L. Carter.
Forty-seven candidates for a teach
er's certificate are now enrolled In tne
class which Is taking the examlna-
Hon under the supervision of County
Superintendent Calavan.
Those who are taking the tests are:
Blanche Davenport, Park place; Ozel-
la Anderson, Parkplace; Marie Holmer
Parkplace; Lula Sprouse, Colton;
Lena A. Grlbble. Aurora; Cbarolette
Nash, Cherryvllle; Annabel Arnold
Cherryvllle; Irene McCole, Clacka
mas; Clara Imogen Landon, Clacka
mas; Marie Leunenberger, Clackamas;
Marcla Romlg, St. Johns; Clarence
Myers, Scott's Mills; S. G. Shelter
Hubbard; Eva A. Sprague, Molalla; J.
W. Leonhardt, Oak Grove; J. I. Rob
erts, Sandy; Sylvia L. Schultz, Ore
gon City; Esther Downer, Oregon
City; Emma Schultz. Oregon City;
Mildred Aiken, Oregon City; Esther
S.' Re veil, Estacada; Rachael Mae
Reed, Estacada; Junta M. Johnson.
Aurora; Mrs. A pal Crecraft, St. Johns;
Daisy D. Rush, St. Johns; Grace K.
Schuebel. Oregon City; Elsie L. Dahl
strom, Colton; Helta S. Week, Aurora;
Carrie Lamoreaux, Boring; Ethel
Lake, Oregon City; Madellna Barlow,
Oregon City; Delia Newstrum, Canby;
Mary A, Brlteser, Willamette; Louise
Winters King, Portland; Alfred
Pearce, Portland; A. B. McReynoIds,
Oregon City; John Fisk, Oregon City,
Floyd S. Wolf, Beaverton; F. M. Roth
Canby; Alice R. Lovell, Boring; Lulu
Miller, Oregon City; James West,
Oregon City; Lela Reed, Oregon City;
Elva Watte, Oregon City; A. A. Bald
win, Aurora; Ellen B. Vlerhus, Ore
gon City and Amy M. Peckover, Park
place. R. M. C.
R. M. C. Brown, who was sent to
- .
"1D iu.ucl
16, died Sunday following an illness
which has dated from about the first
of this month. ,
Mr. Brown with his wife came to
Oregon City about eight years ago
from Klamath Falls. They lived at
302 Molalla avenue. Besides his wid
ow, Mr. Brown is survived by a son
living in Wyoming and one daughter,
Mrs. George Offield, of Klamath Falls.
Tne Doay was snipped irom auiem iu
,. .., i,nmo nf vr, rtrown u-hpr
the funeral will be held.
nMcLoughlin Home Is
Scene of First Wedding
Since Pioneer Days
Th. ,..,. EB of Mr8. Anna R. Wil
Hams or tms city, ana itouen. ueorge
oiiiimuus, ut prawmj, uic6",
emnized in this city on Wednesday
evening, December 23, tho ceremony
being performed at 5:30 o'clock by
Rev. J. O. staats. in tne apartments or
the former's uncle and aunt Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Alldredge, In the old his
toric McLoughlin home. This was the
first marriage ceremony that has tak
en place in this home since pioneer
Only relatives of the contracting
parties attended. After the marriage
ceremony the bride and groom left for
Portland and from that city will go to
Seaside, where they will take posses
sion of their furnished bungalow.
Mrs. Simmons is the youngest daugh
Charlta A. Rogtra, Ei Convict, Prin
cipal Witness Agalntt Could
Ptdtral Charge of Coun
terfeiting Olamlattd
Joo Gould, freed on a counterfeiting
charge aod then rearrested by Clack
arnaa county offbialt for forgery, was
releaaed Monday afternoon when D. 8.
llurna, a grocer at Gladstone was un
able to Identify him aa the man who
paaaed the forged check on him hat
Gould waa arretted December II by
Secret Service Agent Glover and coun
ty officials on Information furnished
by Charlea A. Rogers, brother ift U uf
Gould. A melting pot and other parts
of an alleged counterfeiting outfit
were found near Gould's cabin on tho
Clackamas river and taken to Portland
aa evidence agalntt the man.
The counterfeiting case against
Gould waa baaed on statements of hla
divorced wife and Roger. Rogera hat
agreed time In the state peultertlary
and hla former wife cannot bo com
pelled to testify against him, making
the case against blra a weak one
When the federal charge rat drop
ped last Friday, Gould waa brought to
Oregon City to face a charre of for
gery. Rogers, hla relative, was nguta
the Informant but county officials were
unable to check up hla testimony. D.
S. Burns, who was one of Gould's v1
tima according to Rogers, was not able
to Identify blm as the man who panel
a bad check.
Mrs. Harrlette Wilcox, the wife of
Frank Wilcox, died at her home In the
Redland district early Thursday morn
ing after an illness of about two
Mrs. Flora Hughes a daugber of
Mrs. Wilcox, died two weeks ago and
It Is thought that the lots bos affected
Mrs. Wilcox's health. One other
daughter of Mrs. Wilcox ' died less
than a year ago.
She has lived In Clackamas county
for the last 26 years. Her widower
and one son, Frank, survive her.
The funeral will be held at 2, o'clock
this afternoon from Bethel church and
interment will be In the Redland
cemetery. Rev. E. A. Smith, of Ore
gon City, wlU officiate.
A blacksmith's and a borswihoer's
leln were filed In the circuit cour Tues
day by Scripture & May against J A.
Clark for $25. Such lelns ae uuusual
and the two were tie first which have
been filed for several months.
Mrs. Mary McCall charges cruel and
Inhuman treatment against her hus
band, Tennle M. McCall, In divorce pro
ceedings Instituted in the circuit court
here. They were married In Portland
June 22, 1904. She asks that a lot In
Portland be deeded to her.
The Mutual Realty Co., has filed a
suit to collect $625, alleged to be due
on a note from W. O. Walter and Laura
The will of the late E. A. Boeckman,
of Stafford, has been filed in the pro
bate department of the county court
George Bockman and Louise Walsh
have been named executors.
The Meier & Frank company, of
Portland, has filed a suit in the cir
cuit court here against Eva R. Hart,
now Eva R. Sinclair, and B. F. Hart
for $368.88, alleged to be due on a mer
chandising account.
After a married life of 17 years, Mrs.
Margaret Van Home has found that It
was a failure and she has filed a suit
in the circuit court for a divorce from
Arastus A. Van Home for a divorce.
Cruel and inhuman treatment' is al
leged in the complaint
Because her husband found fault
with her housekeeping, Mrs. Nora
Knoll believes that she Is entitled to
a divorce. They were married in
Clackamas, September 1, 1906. The
wife asks for her maiden name, Nora
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Boylan,
formerly of this city, but now ot Sea
side', and is well known here where
she has a host of friends, having re
sided in this city smce childhood. She
has held the position of deputy county
recorder for the past four years, and
for one year siie was acting county re
corder until Mr. D.iman took posses
sion of the office. She served for two
years under Mr. Dedman. She re
signed her position during the past
week to take up her residence at Sea
side. Mrs. Simmons is a sister of Mrs.
W. C. Green, of this city. Mr. Sim
mons has many friends in this city,
and Is a resident of Seaside, having re
sided in that city for the past year,
where he is in business.