8 OltltfON (TIT KNTKHIMMKK KKinAY.NOVKMIIKU'Jrt. 1IIM APOLOGY FROM TURKEY AWAITED WASHINGTON INSTRUCT! AM BASSADOR TO OBTAIN DC TAIL! Of INCIDENT OITICERS IN NAVY WE CAUTIONED No Action Will be Ttktn by Snip Un- IrM Command ll 8nt High Officials Bliv Act Wm Friendly On Official County Budget, 1915 Notice it hereby gwtn that on TueUy, lWemlr, 15th, 1914, In the County Court room in the City of Orguii City, a Hireling of the County Court Mill to hrU for the purpon of levying Uir to defray protbie eipn of the lounty, and that at mi J lime end placei any taxpayer subject to turh levy hen made, may be heard in favor of or atraiiul any prvpotrd Ul lrvir as may he rr.uirsj U rie the amount ai lion by the itrmiird rtttmate of contemplated expenditure from the nionryi prupoJ to be raucj by taxation, at made by the County Court, U-iiik' a follow: KtUmate of amount of mwiry to l rairj by taxation for the )cwr 1913, for each department of rounty $ overnment, alto the tat levied by all K'hool diitrut. alt road dittricU and ail rate within Clackamas County, at provided by Chapter 234, U of 1913; IWtp stamp and trvlinf -tin 35 00 rnill, pii, irk ami niHri 10 lJ T)prilrr iiUmmui ami rrpelre. 1000 Tracing cloth, I mil V 00 TOTAL Taking rentu of Ctackamai County . I'ret for wnim, ImpjoU, Itnraane juror, ph)uian, TOTAL IJ734 O0 KHKJ00 ll'.IHKHI WASHINGTON. Nov. It The Vnlt ul Hlnte government haa directed Amtwsaador Moigcnthau at Conntan tluonle to aak the Ottoman govern meiil for an explanation of tb firing hr TurkLh land forces at a launch from the American rrulaer Tenneoe, tiroceedtni from Vourlah to the Am rrlcan ronaulate at Smyrna. Alia Minor. Secretary Daniel, with the approval of rrmldcnt Wilson, cabled tne cow mander of tha Tennessee and the North Carolina. alo In the Mediter ranean, to take no action hlcn tnignt euitarra the American government and to await pclflc Initrurtlona from Washington concerning tne general ittuatlon. The step followed the receipt of rneuaire from Captain nenion IWker. commander of the Tennessee, which waa paraphrased In thl atate- rwnt from the navy department: "Captain D. C. Decker. In command of the Tennee. wired Secretary Daniel thl morning that while rr rM-dlnr from Vourlah to Smyrna to make official calla boat wa flrvd at Comul waa anxlou for aafety to con sulate. Tennesw-e proceeded to ana left Vourlah at request of ambassador and la now anchored In the harnor or Sclo (Chios). Greece, from which Cap tain Decker- telegram wa aent. Pec rvtary Panlelt tekgraphed for fuller Information. Although without definite detail a to Jimt what occurred. hlKh official of th Wanhlnrton government nad no doubt that the Incident, no matter where the reponlblllty lay. would be promptly adjusted through diplomatic channela. President Wilson 1 deter- mlned that under no circumstance ahall the United State be Involved In m.r milh Turker. If the TorKlsn Oi' fleer acted without the authority of the Ottoman government and the fir ing was not Justified by naval pro cedure In a closed port. It I confident ly believed here that the Ottoman gov ernment will render an apology. On account of the alow cable com munication from Constantinople through the only available route Hub garla, Roumanla, Austria and Italy no message concerning the Incident came from Ambassador Morgeuthau, his last dispatche dated November 15 arriving only today. Tbey were of a routine character. With the navy's message as the.only basis for judgment. President Wilson and administration officials were con siderably purzled over the affair. The :.iM-!.i-.!..-Xnii((l Secretary Dan. prtnuvm icn-iiu-n-a. ------- - - lels several times durfnf W J? and aUo discussed the situation with act ing Secretary Lansing. Two suggestions were vouchsafed by high officials, although they admit ted that their views were purely specu lative. The firing, they thought, prob ably was a friendly act, giving the cus tomary warning by a single shot, signi fying to the Tennessee's launch that tjo port of Smyrna was mined and closed, or else the boat was turned back because It attempted to enter without making previous arrange ments with the Turkish authorities. Ofiiclals of the government declined to believe that the firing was an un friendly or hostile act. County Judge, salary Milmge 1'oaUge and .Stationery Clerk, etc TOTAL.. f K'lHUX) . r.'i.oo 75.00 . 100.00 $1500.00 Two County Commiationrrs. Each 700 00 County Sheriff, talary f 1700.00 One I'eputy Sheriff, aalary IHHl.OO One iH-puty Sheriff, salary tKKJ.OO I'oatage - 100.00 Invettigatintr crime, including auto and livery hire 1000.00 Stationery 25.00 Uond 35.00 TOTAL. County Clerk, aalary 1 1300.00 One IVputy, aalary tHHl.OO On IVputy, aalary 7S0.OO One Deputy, aalary 7.,0.00 'outage and box rent 1:10.00 ln typewriter K'5.00 Hook machine 17500 "Office supplies 100.1H) Kllinir caaes 60.00 liond 35.00 llw-OOO TOTAL f 15 15.00 County Surveyor, f for roJ ur- try, ilialnmrii, t'J Viewer and lixvry hire SthW.tK) Office (upplip. drafting paper, nt. CiKjiity Veterinarian, fi TOAL Slfw, etc - 100 00 Equipment 600.00 lt.d map 154100 l.'nfinrerinf t 35O0.UU TOTAL Krolt' lnpector, fee TOTAL.. fiiOO.OO $7000 00 fJOO.OO It.-d'Utef nj Journal nj blank form. Cl.ik' Ufa. AJvtialnf for bid "50 00 lU.k and blank 810 00 Tftw,, ()ff(( Huuka, stationery and updl4 - 800 00 Kecurdar' Offtt Tas roll, printing and advrtilli(f fo0 00 Aaaatat.r'i (iff(f, Mwrlff office, 100.00 TOTAL I11I0.W TOTAL I'orttt fire, eat una led ... HUxk lixctor, tllnaled , TOTAL State and County I'alr, tlinale.l, ., TOTAL . 'a nam a 1'alr Itoad and Highway TOTAL County Sealer of Weight and Meat urea, feo, upplioo and livery hire - TOTAL.. Hoard of Health, talary Kuniifc-atint and ditiufcvUnU Travrhng rxenar U'HtJ Knginrer, aalary II nionthi 17l0 00 Ktentea IHiO.OO (iaaiillii rulialwut 450 00 TOTAI lor State Tan, eatimatrd f 125,000 00 lor School Tas, eatlmattHl a 5.:'(H).00 TOTAL. School Library fund IfKJlK) IVMIIMJ I'M 00 l-'PHHHhn) I-5I0.IW I-'IOJOODO llVlOQ TOTAL.. .... f 675.00 100.00 400.00 im nns. ilhtimati:!) i00.00 ICMjnty Clerk I 7000.00 County Kecorder 1000.00 County Sheriff f.50.00 I'ine, Circuit Court 750.00 TOTAI Tax rett TOTAL County Recorder, aalary One Ik-puly, aalary One Deputy, salary One l)puty, salary Ilox rent and po.tag .... Kxtra help Bond County Treasurer, salary One Ieputy, salary footage .. Ink and pencil TOTAL.. . $ 1200.00 .. m.oo .. 810.00 .. 7S0.00 .. 100.00 .. 130.00 9.00 Tax TOTAL.. Collector, ,.$ 1000.00 .. 720.00 .. 100.00 6.00 3959.00 $1825.00 400.00 COO.OO 300.00 180.00 450.00 425.00 200.00 Collection of taxes. 8 months . One Chief Deputy, 8 months One Clerk in Tax Dept., 5 month One Clerk in Tax Dept., 3 months Three Clerks in Tax DepU 24 months Night men for checking tax tax re-.... Bond TOTAL Superintendent of Schools, salary .. $ 1000.00 One Clerk, salary 480.00 Postage and express . 200.00 Truant Officer (Schools) 100.00 Expenses of Superintendent 200.00 Institute Fund ., 400.00 Eighth Grade Examinations 108.00 Two School Supervisors, salaries 2100.00 Traveling expenses . 530.00 Supplies 200.00 FiliiiR cabinet 27.00 Dictionary , ; - - ii.oO Teachers' examination 25.00 TOTAL County Assessor, salary $ 1250.00 One Deputy, salary 900.00 Two Clerks writing tax roll 1320.00 Extending tax roll and computing School and Road valuations 400.00 Deputy Assessors for County 1800.00 Court House, telephone Two janitor, fi'0.00 per month Water Wood Coal Itruthea Toilet paper ....... Mop . Lawn hoe, etc. Oil I.ock and" repair Ola- Ice "ZZi".'.'.' I'lumbing lamp Miscellaneous TOTAL. Jail, estimated cost of ne Jail Board of prisoner, ti mated Supplier TOTAL.. County Poor, estimated TOTAL.. Widows' Pensions, estimated C00 00 . 141000 CO.OO . 275.00 . 3C5.00 . 32.00 11.00 13.00 35.00 20.00 15 00 15.00 10.00 60.00 . 30.00 . 25.00 , 15000.00 . 1200.00 11175.00 1750.00 f 15(00.00 TOTAL.. Indigent Soldier, estimated TOTAL.. $2555.00 $5281.00 Insane, estimated TOTAL.. Election t TOTAL. Expert of book and accounts Circuit Court, Jury, grand jury, wit ness fees, bailiff, meals, report er fees, and special counsel, .... TOTAL... Justice of the Peace, fees, witnesses, jurors, Constable Juvenile Court, estimated TOTAL e "total... Armory rent, present cost to county, $25 per. month Wild Animal Bounty TOTAL $2998.00 $16200.00 $10000.00 $11000.00 $450.00 $275.00 $1000.00 $150.00 $10000.00 $2500.00 $1000.00 $.100.00 $450.00 $450.00 3 Of 29 MEASURES OFFICIAL COUNT H0W 1J.1S1 Of 14400 VOTIRt IN COUNTY CO TO POLLS Printing and Advertising, proceed ings of County Court and Ex penditure $ 1500.00 The official count of all Initiative meaaurra, which waa completed Krl day evening, show that the Clarka mat county volar approved only three: the city mnaolldallon amend ment, the ritliemblp amendment and prohibition. The cltlrvnahlp amendment, which wa the flrtt on the ballot, received the largett affirmative vote, 71 C, while the negative wa 2097. Prohi bition, over which the warmest ram palgn wa conducted, patted with the final count standing In the county, af flrrtiallve, (Ml and uegutlve. 4700. The city coniMilldulliiii amendment patted the cou my lth the Vote In approval of the plun. 4ia and against It. a74. Twelve thontaiid. onu hundred and flftyne voters of the H.H00 In the county went to the txdl. according In thn official count. The percentage of voter I considered large and com pares favorably with any pnrt of the Hate. The official totals on all measures follows: (Itlienshlp amendment Ye. 7412; no, 707. Lieutenant governor amendment Ye, licit; no. 7209. City and county consolidation bill Yea. 3406; no, 4S43. Itoail and Irritation amendment Yes. 1910; no. 7167. P'.rtl taxation amendment Ye. :2.f'S; no, HMO. Second taxation amendment Yes, 1S20; no. 2o.1. Ashland normal school bill Ye. 2IU7; no, C394. City consolidation amendment Yes, 40.19; no, 3874. WeaUm normal school bill Ye. 274fi: no. 6IC5. legislative salary Inrrense bill- Yes, 135K; no, 7340. t'ulveraal elsjhl hour day amend-inent- Ye, j:u; no. 7834. K I clil hour day for female Wurk.r - Yet. 40.'; no, (3(1. Nun portlaan Judlcary bill Yet, 33f.; no. 4WI. Iir.no las exemption Ye, 3559; no, I'uMle d'H'ka and water fnuitar ametidmenl Ye. 3370: no, 424. M.ihUII'til wharves bill-Ye. 3::,:; no. x:n. l'r"hlliltlon anH-ndment Y. Cfill; uo. 47oo. AlHilithlng death penally Ye. 43'J; no, 4V74. Oradiiated extra lai amradment Yet, 2II93; no, IHO. Ciiiiaolidatliig corporation and Intur- anta deartiiieiil Ye, l&H; no. 531.1. Denll dry I. Ill-Yet. 3921!; no, 655K. County nrriiert' term amendment Yet, 3540; so, (110. Tax rode commlttlon bill Yet. 1211: no. C9IS. AlKillahlng detert land board -Ye. 1672; no. e.-.n I'roixirtloiial repretentation amend mentYet, 2t03; no. 6H39. AlK'lllilng state aenate Yet, 3NC0; no, 4714. Iiepartment of Industry and publlo works Yet, 2953; no. lilt. Primary delegate election bill Yes 110'; no, 7153. Kipiul atteanment and laxxlloa a men il mint Yea. 1CA3; no, CS 13. MURPHY DENItS STATEMENT CIIICAliO. Nov. S-Chrle Weegb- man, hederal li-ag'ie nffli never haa had an option on any amount of atiM k In the Chicago National league club and that club will play next lea son aa uaual on Its Weat Hide ground In this city. Alto, Itnuer Hretnahan. catcher will aurreed Henry O'Day aa mnnsger of the Cubs next aeaton. These positive statement were made today by Charles W. Murphr. part owner of tho Cub, upon kl re turn here from a conference in On rlnii.iti with Charl" I'. Taft, tup posed to be the principal owner of tlm club. It had been reported that Woegh man had an option on the Taft Interest In the el ii it and that thn Culm would pluy next ten son on tho Kedernl leiigun ground on the North Hldu If a pur rlum.i wn made. OFFICIAL COUNT FOR CLACKAMAS COUNTY ON CANDIDATES FOR LEGISLATIVE AND COUNTY OFFICES. PRECINCT LOST FIRS! OF WEEK FOES DIVIDE POSSSESSION OF DIXMUDE RUSSIANS BEAT EN BACK ON VISTULA LONDON, Nov. 18 The correspond ent of the Times In Flanders tele graphs that the Germans have com pletely evacuated the left bank of the Yser canal and that the floods are ser iously placing the German position at Dixmude in Jeopardy. The French are nominally holding the south end of the town of Dixmude and the Ger ments the north side. There is much hand-to-hand fighting. "Recent days have been entirely fa vorable to tho allies," the correspond ent says, "and it may be taken as cer tain that the retreat of the enemy is simply a question of time." PETROGRAD. Nov. 18. The fol lowing official communication from general heHdqur-.rttrs was itsited to--night: "littween th? Vistula and the Warta our advanre guards, in an engagement with the nermann, who took the of fensive, foil Lack in the direction of Bzoure. The enemy succeeded in gain- Infi a footing in the region of Lentch iUa (Ienczyca) and Orloff. throwing our advance guards in the direction of Pinotek. "In East Prussia our troops continue to make progress, and fighting is go ing on near the Gumbinneii-Aiigerhurg front, which the enemy is defending. "In the trenches which we captured near Varschlaghen the enemy aban doned more than 300 dead. Among the officers whom we took prisoners here was an artillery officer, sent to the Infantry because of a lack of of ficers for that branch. "On the front along the Mazurian Lakes our troops reached the wire en tanglements of the enemy's position and forced them." Senator 12th Hist! Senator Mth Dint. n 3 Representative 10th District A central library, to be housed in the city library building, and to in clude all the Individual 6chool libraries is proposed at Eugene, 'inis central i.a .ni iihrnrv. if established, will Include 4000 to 6000 volumes, and a competent librarian will be piacea in charge. "North Bend," remarks the Coqullle Sentinel, 'Is a close second to the state In the matter of ballot proposi tions. There are 27 to be voted on there at the city election next month. Abernthy Anlenwald Harlow Rarton Reaver Creek No. 1 Beaver Creek No. 2 Boring Rull nun Can by No. 1 Can by No. 2 Canemah Cams Cherryvllle Clackamas Clarks Cottrrll ',. Cotton Damascus Dickey Prairie Dover Eaele Creek ' Estarada No. 1 . . . . Estacaila No. 2 . Evrereen Garfield Georue Gladstone No. .... Gladstone No. 2 T'armonv Highland Jennings I)dge . . . . Klllln Liberal T.egan Mnckshnrg Maple Lane Mnrrjunm Milwauklr? Nn. 1 . . . Vwanlrlp No. 2 . . . Mihvaukie Heights . Molalla Mount PleaRant Mnlino . . . New Era Needy , . Oak Grove Oswego No. 1 Oswego No. 2 Oregon City Nov 1 . . Oregon City No. 2 . . Oregon City Js'o. 3 . . Oregon City No. 4 ... Oregon City No. 5 . . , Oregon City No. 6 . . , Oregon City No. 1 ... Pleasant Hill Pandy Roda Springs Rpringwater Sunny-aide Tualatin Union Viola West Linn Wllsonvllle Willamette Total 174 Ct 119! 55 59' 17 91i 32, 56' 21 2-Sl 16! 75 3fil 2S1 4.1! 2"! ! 691 37! 80 j 51 35 fi: 12: 24! ll! 2 '143! 87 26: 01 j 241 211 CO 47 4li 14! 11! 79! 47j I 5.1! 25 5Si 25 128! Ill 83: 351 79! 291 55 142i 4lii ft r.ui on "I ""l "I 14! 89 34 2' 44! H 9j 45j 14 6 57 14 8 641 10 9 40 16 J9 11 60! 24 (ii 138 50 3! 6.1! 211 761 181 24! 13! 92 75 101! 811 32 5fi! 29. 1 5 27! 17; 561 56, 88 19 119! 151! 127! 106 74; .121 24! 38! .18! 11 16 33 305 44 75 23, 37 6 llfii 47 3.1 19 41 21 41 11 96 .19 51 i 34 23j 9 64! r 65 47! 94 43! 01 12 721 15 309! 105 60! 2." .14 89 12.1! 48 38 50 115 107 122 1311 49! 52i CI, isoi 129 7j 50, 8' 142 137 130 84 286 192 146 165 110 18.1 1I9 98 211 46! 13 13 15, 10' 38 25 111! !'.7 139 21 3.V ! 9! 32 2.i; 37, 241 7i 103; 127! 23 25 35, 11 14 5 26 I 10 26 100 C9 43; 17! 88; 43 76! 52 751 28 891 391 671 85 127 51 46; '48 21 14 86 52 52! 1921 127 13 711 12 95 72 43 112 4.1 70 46 3 156 78 48 2.1j 70, 771 58 46 141 8.1 108 69 68! 22 25 91 4.1 24 27 36! 2.1 20 47 26 17 371 5 14 441 71 6 17i 23 27 2.1 2.1, 22 17 20 34 9 6 38 7 33 11 37 101! 1U 88 24 71 23 76 281 118 2 134! 98 135j 78 841 46 232, 64 169; 82 165 65; 34i 148 21 4 741 25; 122 92 22 1311 36 40 18 5 29 62 81 52 25; 122 64 97 24 38 22 15 68 29 62 Sr ? 5 P .i 9 6 S " C? a u it Ct N O , V p ' x 3 n c r 3 i! 7 " S a .... r ' ; ; 3 9 106, 82 1241 431 Mi 67T2Tj42 UT 7; 63. 41 59j 26 50 25! if, 8 13 31 ' 9nl 57 S5 43 5.ri 17l 22 17 16 2 47 30 331 20 121 ll l.li 4 2 l .12! 15 45 171 34 1 6! 3 0 4 71 27! 30 50 15l 26 7 8 0 6 5 52 55 43 55 23 is 11 5 8 "2 29 17 261 5 26 2! 41 10 7 ,5 115 77 11)8) 5o 74 21 9 23 13 3: 107 82 100 52 65 2l 231 60 38 ll 36 .16 54 31 67 27 IP 4 9 2 43 31 60 21 42 111 fi! 14 12 0 20 15 21 7 4 ll 51 7 6 6 106 91 117 49 75 241 15 36 40 3 27 25 45 19 32 6 14 3 7 1 43 25 44 75 .19 11 5 12 14 10 .18 37 46 201 11 11 It 5 7 9 83 103 300 4l 75 28 31 9 IS 3 35 .10 37 42 43 9 10 4 2 1 15 13 13 18 14 7; 31 9 11 7 59 40 C7 E9r41 14 151 8 13 7 112 36 59 51 50 16 11 4 10 4 152 41 89 61 56 1.1 2fl! 14 17 .-7 43 .18 47 8 41 8 1 1' 8 18 5 93 .18 74 33 25 8 9, 4 4 1 27 111 19 16 12 1 fi 1 1 4 89! 681 107 46 88 .15 13 1 6 15 104! 8l 125 30 107 49 231 7 10 35 108 79' llej- 76 105 381 301 25 23 9 37 27 70 10 28 5 1 5 12 22 12 j 82 621 87 47 101 42 li 15 23 4 69 56 61 53 62 26 1 D j 16 10 0 23 22! 12 9 161 4! Ii 19 14 10 51 33! 80 18 fid 21 28' 7 7 4 55 71 48 48 97 14! is. 38 27 C 49 41 j 69 261 46 15 30 26 45 3 .75 51! 75 57 59 24 16' 8 7 6 305 89! 121 37 132j 25 t 27 30 2 43 .10! 65 17 53 1 1 V, 5 7 10 302 68 113 40 96 29 19 14 17 6 101 74 93 121 131 27 21 33 23 10 79 69 91 22 65j 24 14' 9 19 8 fil 38! 87 15 36 14! 12! 24 18 5 57 66; 51 40 61 13 15 13 18 C 92 68 96 32 64 26 26! 29 31 17 125 95 120 106 179 42 71 28 29 12 307 121 138 73 138 22 26 9 16 8 76 65 85 ?A 64 16 IS 5 10 7 395 145 144 98 183 45 29 29 26 4 136 108 137 69 156 241 16! fi 5 2 1 78 50 1 17 26 52 29 2 4' 23 32 4 131 1161 110 90 175 25 20 10 19 1 52 37 78 43 68 19 7 14 20 J 108 71 146 47 99 37 20 14 21 8 102 64! Ill 23 96 27 18 2.1 15 4 76 C5 78 25 34 19 131 5 5 8 89 91 105 188 . 61 28 5 9 14 2 371 23 39 19 25 9 6 7 6 1 51 25 .13 26 42 9 8 17 19 4 69 60 53 27 54 14 19 10 16 6 64 63 49 66 64 12 10 10 10 1 44 28 48 26 31 14 12 2 2 3 29 19 39 14 28 2 15 10 12 3 100 94 90 65 132 29 23 18 16 4 77 62 68 29 47 18 14 7 4 2 102 75 89 61 83 14 lli 12 13 154 4830 3652 5006 2838 4307 1304 1082 897 1019 9 Repr. 17111st. .1 o s Judge Comity County Commissioner 42 7 14 6 11 1 9 27 14 32 16 17 10 34 6 21 5 12 1 15 26 15 16 13 11 4 80! 1491 .11 60 18! 61 67 27 5 65 64 33 73 4 nil 49 23 27 53 35 6 61 46; 45 34 27 3 5 49' CO 43 69 27 5f 10! 19 13 28 28 5 30 7 11 24 9 11 30 26 20 5 C 24 4; 14 8! 18 36 25 49 5 16 11 6 4 7 14 5 7 71 28! 77 24 49 26 47 104 62 64 C6 49 80 47 23 8.1 98 66 C6 41 99 7.1 24 41 15 28 .27 61 12 30 .65 28 39 69, 81 36 31 51 60 37 109, 111 69 CO 2:1; 114 41 63 43 105 51 19 64 601 76 47 65 27 83 118 I1.r 42 98; 80 .12 67 82 57 91 134 60 80 9; 9.1 69 87 114 133! 151 101 223 110 88 150 67 111 92 91 140 37 38 65 86 57 28 117 73 99 82 67 77 29 31 27 42 or.1 8 111 38 3 9 90 35 44 30 81 30 15 73 70 96 32 38 4 78 73 1 115 48 76 65 10 60 44 08 50 99 46 95 143 60 47 41 59 161 79 41 111 128 63 95 65 107 79 3.1 73 27 42 62; 42 19 33 83 44 70 162 66; Ml 69 66 64 91 41 l.lf 152, 6:t; sol 22 165 48 50 62 159: 64 23 95 62 93 73 83 16 14 130 162 128 72 111 78' 37 1I9 113 11 82 160 61 137 12 115; 74 81 144 188 113 , 61 225 1891 41 43 102 12 55 72 5! 11 35 20 71 55 38 47 140 45 35 62 27; 123 140 81 128 68! 1371 39! 1621 sol 179 140 91 138! 26 56 82 9 56 49 130 sol 1 17 101 66 62 44 39 75 42 39 61 671 26 15 97 48 72 40 9 14 (I 3 4 6 8 13 36 01 If 9 30 7 14 3 9 1 io; 9 9 17 11 3 1 5 8 17 18 14 11 13 3 19 31 4 31 5 18 38; 9 17 9 29 37j 7 6 20 23 35 11 n; 17 3! 13 4 12 8 4 3 6 14 3 5 772 10 1 11 21 7, 11 10 27 12 14 4 3S 6 18 5 6 0 9 10 7, 12; 5 6 1 6 12 21 19 13 C 3; 4 12 31 fi 27 4 16 "I y 17 6 24 29 6 6, 25 6 31 13 16 13 23 6 19 4 14 6 8! 2 5 11 3 8! 7801 16 10 3 12 1 0 9 5 0 6 5 61 22, 2 8 3 38 0 0 8 11 10 3 8 4 30 10 16 2 2 9i 1 15 3 4 8; 29 5 7 6 4 3 fi 5, ii Sheriff County Clerk 1 IK 60 119 33 31 42 62 39, 166 166; 68 45 22 102 30 54 30! 76 64 18 77 73 100 45 71 13 99 I. 'IS 127 30 88 99 25 30 79 r.o; 101 II. 11 60 119 115! 89! 72 82 97 138 16 7 91 5 236 61 162 9 4 6 8 61 22 3 9 401 ' 2 3 3 3 80 151 64 132 104 96 128 49 26 52; 76 67 18 12.1 79 106 95 4 411 .111 4.1 41 31 21 47 7.1 30 64 7 70 46 32 39 90 41 16 67 6S 69 46! 30! 14 69 47 79 67 67 61 28! 87, 95 78 50! 73 25 49! 143 61 46 59 85! 131 71 43 .103 87 74 91 66 86 54 26 67 16 49 4 41 27 47 93 46 66 61215460 371714206 83 43; 59 21 12 "5 3o! 61 7.1 63 41 10 73 25 no 32 109 60 17 74; 72' 73 27 36 18 61 50l 112 33! 62; 63 14 30! 81 41 69 123 44 67 132 61 67 68 fil 133 216 131 142 83 68 133 64 63 42 60 101 27) 46 77 88' 40 27 109 71 84 4"9" 9 20 JJ 2 5 8 9 73 98 8 13 ! 33! 4 16 3 11 2 9 7 8 13! 9 7 1 5 11 19 21 '12 15 12 9 1 43 42 9 23 4 16 27 19 17 13 28 18 6 4 18 10 15 10 12 13 19 4 15 6 16 10 6 3 8 13 3 8 lti671 31 62 11 48 40 20 19 62 76, 36 58 8 56 45 2.1 2f 62! 35 13 41 61 41 46 2 8 CXI 86 82 35 60 66 15 55 59 69 100 68 62 67 77 36 97 78, 62 69 21 128 61 47 43 103 3 20 74 67 111 65 77 10 125 162 122 66 106 85 27; 98! 69 81 9l! 68 108: 51 55 117 119 10: 5(i 611 123 158 63 39 229 175 119; 143 76 181 153 86 121 42 36 67 64 46 36 119 64 108 20 39 101 54 48 62 69 121 80 48 13fi 98 80 111 CO 124 70 32 66 22! 45 39 40 32 39 79 28 65 17(! 85; 11 77 24 44 89 48 147 130 801 45 23 155; 37 72 60 163; 65 23 107 95 143 49! 90 21 130 136 148 68 105 101! 27 76 101 62 107 1831 County Treasurer County Recorder s? a. E 0 Coroner 149 87; 70! 99 no. 28 35 69 41 120; 131 41 18 49 49 21 2.11 67 r,8 20 6; 9 881 33 39 7(1 145 173 115 75 89 116 192 172 100 223 162 95 155; 75 124 1091 100 162 48 47! 92 95 61 28 137 91 138! 993 5631 3453 6562 843 572fi4140 33 4 14 6 9 3 1(1 10 9 1 8 4 2 9 8 16 16 36 II 12 7 23 31 4 23 fi 19 25 10 16 9 26 22 6 5 25 0 29 18 39 16 28 4 20 4 13 9 8 2 6 18 8 4 113 29 61 38 1211 58 23 73 (14 97 49 81 21 95 128 126 40 86 83 26 62 85 73 94 129 64 115 112 97 66 74 135 105 163! 104 256 146 9.1 171 80 119 109; 100 138 44 38 67 76 59 20 151 82 134 II 81 41 33 31 79 37 14 70 77 80 43i 23 13 86 79 100 49 80! 69 ' 13 82 63 67 62 95! 46 70 150 62 70 64 37 212 94 511 116 1141 74 110 66 134 89 31 73 2 47 60 59 23 44 81 45 65 49 7, 14 1 1 0 9 8 13 38 5 21 81 34 fi 351 4 14 0 10 9 7 18 7 7 2 1 8 8 19 2.1 14 12 14 7 26 37 11 28 4 14 231 10 14 30 31 14 4! 3 16 6 26 1 9 7 13 4 21 4 17 11 8 2! 7 14 7 12 835 207 89 146 Gl 61 72' 851 66 190 191 92 83! 26 193 6 80 65 181 74 26 106 120 131 79 99, 28 153 177 18i fir 13: 133 40 121 111 101 124 182 80 102 213 137 93 119 163 246 214 12.8 298 228; 132 2 85, 199; 149 108 178 (57 691 108 109 72 50 174 99 149 8213 63 230 201 75 25 104 103 12 22 140 142 18 12 66 67 4 11 67 69 1(1 8 72 C.9 10 23 92 86 18 13 65 64 10 20 1119 171 20 45 178 169 60 21 96 97 24 28 S3 81 26 11 21 25 111 42 179 , 1(18 64 11 61 63 17 21 81 81 23 10 71 63 11 28 165 16S 32 15 75 73 7 13 35 32 12 31 119 114 13 17 112 113 14 60 151 135 33 16 87 79 15 - 10 101 94 12 3 30 25 3 16 140 1 7- 12 21 181 203 19 38 195 183 26 42 79 76 29 30 135 141 22 19 135 119 23 11 41 31 17 13 111 1HI IS 28 1.16 121 36 62 110 9K 48 29 135 132 16 64 206 193 41 11 76 81 5 30 163 164 29 41 207 192 39 26 135 125 26 36 115 90 37 21 111 111 27 38 1501 1511 ,16 47 253 238 45 23 206 211 21 17 126 120 17 47 291 317 42 24 218 231 29 41 135 153 33 30 214 247 22 40 108 98 36 4(1 207 214 32 31 160 171 27 8 111 126 6 40 193 182 35 5 67 55 7 2.1 71 66 22 23 10.1 104 19 17 102 104 14 3 69 70 9 14 63 51 14 30 171 199 28 17 104 111 9 21 140 161 17 169 8291 8256 152.1'