OKKOON CITY KNTKRPKIHK, FRIDAY. XOVK.MIiKR 13, iUU. ENDLESS CHAD Imiad or inquiay INTO nocK ISLAND WIFE OF LEPER CLINGS CAN Mt "COMf BACK P ELECTION RETURN! IHOW THAT ME CCHTAINLV CAN UMBDR6ER CHEESE STILL ON THE MENUS Pftf SIDf NT PAftfllAGA MADV TO LIVE VP TO Game Caie Dropped When Juitice Eat All The Evidence RAILHOAD IVITEM TREATY WlTM E iOLAf0 10 SURE PROSPERS 10 HIM ONTO THE END I INVMTORI BUILD UP WEALTH ON FOUNDATION OP SAFE INVESTMENT) A firw Vurk iuiu who had aaved dill.' njr ml Mauled lu II ri hi ml froiii manager of l,t. I. .ink. Ilia Saw Yufk Time. - m miiC I" I'lH Ilila iimuki where II ulll absolutely tutu," lia eiplaliird. " witlil aufiirlliliig In Ilia Una uf -riiiltli ", aoim-lalna" Dial won't require any attention from loe. eoiiietlilng that wmi I !' I' "rTT about Dial will bring " I" "i l"'"a and Dial at Ilia mux I"" win coinmn ma tav cnrlty "f ' ''"""-lit villi Ilia rlieuM-nl of epeculalloii ." " hut la rather large unli," coin, pienled the "Vou acein lu ant l '""' and keep II ixi ll ""' ' ' don If Jou buy aim " I"'"1" yu'e K"t lu I either an linest! "C iHK iilttliir There la id mC middle ground hvra you can lti Investor tin) apsK'Ulator. "Hun, tny friend, li t ma tell you a Irua atory. 1 1 iimjr Ou you aoiue good, I la alHiiii a man I know, uuw a eolld rlll. n of (lila iii'iiililairliixxl, who twen. 1 year ago wst In Very much tti same alliiallmi a jruu. ara at tlila min ute. Ila lial eaved a llttla money and wanted lu Inveat It la wanted bulb au Investment ami a speculation, but ha concluded thai they wouldn't Dill any more tlian oil and walur, ao ha derided to runflna himself to Invest- tnniL Kafcty nrat-lliat waa bl Idea, and It waa a mighty good on. "Ila liad about f I.Omi. and llh that ba bought a good, aafo railroad bond that brought liliu In 6 (r rant ou Ibe mount lurt-atmL Neat year ba eared tuithiT $1,110 aud bought a not bar bond-not of Ilia aauia buua, because ba didn't want tu put all bla egga la th aaiua bakvt "Every year alnra than ba baa aaved II.OUJ ami bought a bond. Tha Income frtiiu bla bonda ba baa Invrwted M('b year In good, aafe, dirt dciid paying preferred aturk. aoine tiling that would bring liliu In an aver an of between t! aud 7 per rant on tha amount Invested. For Instance, tba first year of bla career aa a bondholder ba received aoinvlhliig Ilka l-'AJ In In tsrrst Ila put that In tba saving bank, where In lha coure of tha neit year It earned bliu $i Tba aacond ;mr ba bad of rounta. two bond, and tha Inti-rrat amounted to eomcthlng Ilka 1100 With that and a llttla mora from bla taring ba bought bla Drat lhare of preferred alork. "Ila baa followid tha aame plan arar I nee. Aa soon aa ba get tha Interest from bla bonda Into bla banda ba buye preferred atock-buys It outright "All thce years, of eourae, our frlrnd bua been rwclrlug an lucoiua from bla) preferred atoi'k. At Drat all be hud waa one almro, and thMt brought til in In only alwiit 17 a year. Hut graduully aa b baa Increaaed bla boldlnga of preferred aloek. bta birotua from that aourr haa arowo. and now It la eomlilerabla. All that bla pre ferred ato'k lm a brought him In lie haa lnvratrd In dividend paring couiuiuu atock "Ilia rouimuu atock brluga blm In a tittle more than 8 per rent luteal lug In couuuou atock, of courao, la more or letta of a aHH-ultlun under aluioat any rlrctinitnncea, but It waan't enough of a apeoulntlon to antlafr the latent gnmbllug fever In thla man the fever that be had aiuotln-rrd all theae year ao when ba begun tu get nu Income from eominou alo-k he cut looao. Kvery rent bla common alork baa brougbt In be haa Invented lu purely aet-ulailva venture. "Tixliiy, aa a reault of hla syiomat Ic auvlng u nd luvoHtjUeiit of fl.UOO a y-:i r for twenty yearn, this man luia from hla tint claaa luvcatuieiita bonda wurtli JS'O.IKX) or mure, from bla aeo ond preferred atock worth enally $12. ami from bin third common atock Unit In any normal market bo could ell for, any, SU.OOO, all together bring 1'iR blm In a liherul uud atendy lu O'liio. in addition, he baa bla purely piH'ulntlve liivvatmeula, mid they are rtli pcrhnpa ull told SO.UOU Thua our friend I worth nearly JtKUXX) In Incomo hrlii;lii aecurltten. "liven If hi apeculutlve purchnaea had roNiilted lu n total Ions he would Mill liiire lioiidH nnd Ntocka lirliiKlug lilui In n ciiiiirurialile return. llu would have itriiililtHl IiIm craving for "peculation without anything approach lug I'liinplein diNiixtor "Now he' Ktarti'd a new cycle n ec mid xei'lei lle'x canny All the monej lie L'elH froni IiIh fourth lino of Invent lucutx -Miiliilng xlncliH nnd go fort h ho pulM lulu IhiiiiIm OiIktwIno, he linxirt I'hiuiL'ed lilx plan a particle Unmix viclil lil in preferred ftocU. that In turn dividend pnyum common Htnck. tluit In Its turn xieciilutlve noudlvl (lend payliii: Keciirltlex. and those, when they Iicl'Iii tu pay, mure IioikIh It'x nu 1'iiillesM chain, an unheatiilile Hyxti'in Anybody who can wive money can ituike It produce, ami It Isn't nec eHNiirv to have SI.imki to atnrr. " "liny me $I,ihhi iviirtli." mi Id the In VMtor i'TH Mtnrt an eiidleH chain" AN (' v. . - . ,v i " - ' A V . .-- . 'A k k t 1 t i - . " i ' J-i ' - ' Y JUDSUM C.CLEMEflTSl Jmlaoii ('. ( leiiK'iita, a iii' ml" r of Iliu InleratnlM coiiiiiii rre kmiiiiiUiIoii. la coiiductliig tha InvcallKHtlnii Into the Itixk Inland railroad avuli'iii. It la al IcK'd that tlila ruad lia liei-n J 'i'K ' 'I and inUinniiauccI Kullroud lueii and llniiliclera aa ell aa lnwaiora h country our are atchliig the re tela tlona that are being made. COWS DRILL LIKE SOLDIERS. Hard of Jaraeya Do Squad Formation at Command. Oniiieravllle. nd. Korreat Ilnldwrll, hu Uvea near here, baa taught a berd of alxtreii JerM-y nmi to du aipiid rlKht. aijuad left and other movement In military drill. Knterlng the lot at milking time, tha young mnn will about "Atteiitlonr and the browalng Ixivlm-a, lxomliig alert, atainHxle for a certain axt In U'o lot ami line up In double runka Ilka a com pany of aoldler. W hen the trainer call. "8iuad right r the row awing Into lltu-a of four abrrnut and iunr b tu the atnble, turn ing lu the right or lu Ilia left aa Uio jrlllmiiKtcr iiny direct At the atnble door the rattle mark time until the trainer glvce tbo word fur them to pu Into tlio barn. Oricrad !o Leaa Homa, Sha Begs to Remain a! His Side. Wllkeabnrre, '.- In (i, of ha two boinea Mhbb they ohii Jou-pll Nor umli. ak-ed llilrtymu, with hla wife and two i lill.ln u. la almt roiiiilitelr If ftoiu the wrld Thu wife and Will lien are piUomr Im iihj l,cy cIiom lu rUk lepro.y u be ili h altllcb-d bii't'iiiMt ii i . 1 1 fiither, for icrt have dix lared .Norman lu be a ! txr. Al d I o- klo mi hla flue Ix-iira lib UiNtukuble evldeie of Ilia ilreud mnl ml) Win n coin luring proof bad IfM-u oil Inliu-d Hint .orimui waa a lex-r 111 il'H.r of bla home na o.i oi fur (he ewaHi uf wife and iblldieii. Jlr. Noruiau win lii'irie led to nit axuy from her lnibuiid foreu-r Hie left the hoi.e ben ii mi abe Ixdleved alio lliimt. Nell i!ny .lie took her llttla Mm and with them went lo Hie city ullli liila and Ix'K.'i J t.i lx allowed to return They einli-nvorcil tu dlwuade Ixr "I ennnot live wlllioiii my hiubnnd," ahe cried, falling mi her knii-a. Ml waa Imjipy a III aweelheiirt I waa happy when he Hindi me hi wife. I have Ixeii Imppy during the eleven yenre that we Imve llviw toifether nnd atrug- gled to lay alde a lilt las, money fur tba rainy dny. My love tin Imtii fanned Into a big flu me by hi gixxlueaa and hi rare of iui. I Ixx-nmo bla wife for Ix'tter or for wore. I bav trli to tx a kind, dutiful and loving wife. 1 bare borne blm children, wbom we both lore. 'When diK-tnra told ma that be waa a r led in of leprmy I fully realized that It menu! a life of exile for blm. Hut I determined at once that bla fate hould lie my futu, and aa bla wife It waa my duty never tu desert blm 'until death du u part.' I thougbt Hint per hap I might l-e allowed to live In exile with blm, but I feared that the chil dren would Ixi taken from ua. Hut. while my lie art will break at separa tion from my children. I cannot ace my buaband go Into exile alone. With blm I will go," V 11 American Mi Product Good an J Plentiful, Say Authorities. Wanlilngton. - Kpli-nrraiia, Ixm l ml. loUti-r palma bnbltue and all t ' Y her lot era of g.xJ living, atteiitiout t m Jk-. . X i i in mM UflCLE JOE CAtinOM Tba Myatle Canine, A barrister once opened bla croia lauilnatlou of a tiiint writing expert by asking, "Where la the dog" "What dogT an Id the aatoulahed Wit ness. The dog." replied the tormentor, "which the JmUe nt the last asalxea aid be would uo bang ou your evi dence I" With the Clsrk'a Help. 'So your work la monotonous U It? Why don't you gel a Job In a shoe alorer 'Why there eeclttllyr' "Something new going on all the tlme."-Ilotou Transcript LORD BUXTON FACES Bia BOER UPRISING IN SOUTH AFRICA Heart to Heari Talks ly CHARLES W. LURIC Kormi r foinrreaamnn and Hpeaker of thu IIiiiihij Joseph (!. ('uniion tin only I'licle Joe waa willing to bet a long black pl:ir tliul he could "come back" before the eli-ctlon. He wu the Ite- piilillcan candidate from bla congres nlonul district In Illinois In the gen-riil election and be has taken the Beat away from t'utigreanmitn Frank T. (J'llulr, Democrat. GENERAL OE WET. BOER LEADER. HEADS NEW 8QUTH AFRICAN WAR 1 . :i V .... . vswa, ... itjV-, ,i, w Wallack on tha Ballet. 'l'lio Into I.CHler Wnllnck onco told a "lory of (i m hi in muro f unions fntlier, James v that hh either an nctor or u manager ho could never tolerate tlio ballet. "o day tliero camo to him n filend, man nliout town, who Raid, "My dear "aiiuelc, it la very curious that you (lo t see the beautlos of Imagination Hhown by the poxes of tlio linllvb" Clo- "if! on in this utniln, tho vlxltor nt last wore out the pnllenco of the nctor liiiinufjcr, who replied: "Look here. It Is bad enough to stand iiu.hu niiNiirditlcN In mi opera: but though I can comprehend people sing ln their Joys, I am bunged If I can their dancing their Brief" ti V -.' 'r. ' jrittj;ilia "lii' vii 'inr-y IlORDSIPNET BUXTON J Lord Iltixton la governor Koncrnl of the I'lilon of South Africa, When dun go r of tlio How iiprlKlnR boenmo ncutu ho (leclurod martial law. It wna re ported that iiiost of tho native Afrlkan- dura romiiliiod loyal. Many of the Iloerg rovollod and went over to the (iernians. Lord lluxton facod a seri ous crlsiH. In Wartime. Real to Him, Mlnhitor (culling on lmnnto of prls-ni-rieiuemlier. Mr. Keiincy, that tone walln do not n prison mnke, nor run bars n on go. Kenney-Wcll. theyve got me hypnotized, then. Hint's ""-IVnn State Froth. Now airlko tlie Hour upon the clock. Tlio black ulici'p limy rebuild the yeara; May lift the father'a prUia he broke, And wipe away hla moihur'a tear. To hlai, the mark tor thrifty acorn. QikI hath unolhiT chance to Klva, 8tln la hla hi-nrt a flniiiirtiowborn Uy which hla muddled auul may UVa. Thla la the dny of tha prodigal, Tho dorent pcnplu'a ahnmo and grief; When he ahnll inaka aim mis for all. The way to Klory'a bloody and brief. Ciena, from hla baptism of blood, Now from tha lira he springs ngnm. In shilling" armor, bright anil good, lluyoud the wise bomokeopliig men. Boniewhore tonight no tears be ahcdl With ihnkliiK hands they turn the aheet, To find hla name among the dead, Flower of the army and the fleet. They tell with proud and atrtcken faoa Of hla white boyhood far away Who talked of trouble or disgrace? "Our splendid son la dead!" they aay. Katharine Tynan In lirltlah Kevlew. Hindsight. I-ots of men know a good thlnjr the mlnuta the other follow sees it first I'uck. THE CASE OF FABRE, Conalder now the case of Jean Ocnrl Fabre, the French entomologist. For eighty yeara and more be obeyed the Illbllcal Injunction and went to the ant and studied her ways, although be waa not a aluggnrd. lie became wise In the wnya of the ant and of tba other Insects of the fields and woods, ao wise that now tbe world calls blm famous. la standard reference books trot yet ton years old his name is not men. turned, although Darwin, who died In 1882, called him an "iucouiparahlo ob server," and Maeterlinck, who made tbe "Life of a Deo" a romance, credit ed him with the Inspiration of tbnt masterpiece of literature and scientific observation. Now tbe world honors Fabre, and not to know of blm is to confens Igno rance of current ningiixlno literature of the better sort Then only the llluml- nntl, tho cullghtcned, could Identify him. Fntuo came to blm very Into In life. Like Lincoln, who was born only fourteen years before Fabre, the lat ter rend his first books In tbe fields and by firelight Again, like Lincoln, be never studied nt any college. Famo cnino to him later in life than It did to Lincoln, but ho has lived many more years than wero allotted lo the American. It Is recorded of Fnbre that he Is "without university degrees, without laboratory cxperlenco under etpcrt di rection and nlmost without education, yet Uttlo by llttlo bo absorbed nu mat tlio world bad to offer ou the subject of Insects by reading sclentlfln reports from tbo great educational ceirters and books, nnd he learned other lunguages than his own that bo might rftid more reports and more books." For recreation he wroto poitry. It la true poetry, for a mnn so Imbued with the sense of the teeming llfo of tho world can write only that sort It was only about three years ngo that tlio world nwoke to the fart that In n llttlo French village lived one of Its greatest scientists, old and neglect- d. It proceeded to pay honors to him nd would have given blm money, but tho old mail said, "I have enough." IIo had not sought fame, but at the end it sought blm. lie Is n very, very old ninn. The recognition cun moan little to blm now. Rut the world hon ors Itself In honoring the man who could wait pat Jtly for tho praise tbnt was bis due. There Is a lesson In his life for the Impatient and the headstrong. If your work Is worthy the wcrld will find you anil crown It. Collisions at Sea. About 60 per cent of the losses of vessels and life nt sea are caused by collisions. Laughed and Won. When tho Urltlsb were storming Rndajoz the Duke of Wellington rodo up and, observing an artilleryman par ticularly active. Inquired the man's name. lie was answered "Taylor." "A very good name too," said the duke. "Cheer tip. my men! Our Tay lor will soon make a pair of breaches In the walls!" At this sally .the men forgot tbclr tinnier, a burst of laughter broke from them and the next charge carried tbe fortress. London Answers. It mi 1gEKER.AL.DE ETl General Christian Pe Wet, the fa moua iloer lender In the South African war, is now arraged against the Eng lish In South Africa In connection with the present war. Many of the Doers have revolted, urged on by German In fluence, and the Hrltlsh forces in the I'nlon of South Africa face a period of guerrilla warfare, with the possibility of an open and serious revolution. ra nil (ienrral war or no grunal war I l Ku roe, A inert a ran ket-ji up the supply of lliiihurm-r hrr, nu matter If Hie allies draw and maintain an lm-fi-trnbln n.rdoii around the fatherland forever. The department of agriculture arise lo assure a ilUloartciiid nation that I'n. le Hum I eijiyil lu the tatk, and the i rn firm i prxiuci or ii creamery may renin In on the bills of fare ibrougbou the land rek'ari:ew ut commerce d atroylng rrulacr and the extraordinary demand of the lni rlnl Orman rum flibmlirlnl. In an offiVuil bulletin the department has announced "There la no reason by aome of till detlcleiii-y cannot made good a home If Ibe fa runts will furuUb th milk." II I felt thai till statement will prove at least enlightening, for It ex plains that lluibiirger cheese I really made from milk. Then Ibe bulletin continue: All American rbrs-ae rank, la tbe opinion of expert, fully as high as fur elgn rbeeM of the same class. 'One of the mwt striking Instance of this la llmburgi-r rbeeae. In quality and price American rbi-eae of the llin burger type long ago drove Its foreign rival out of the market Very little forelgu Umburger baa been Imported Into this country for many yeara. Many consumer bare clung to the belief that they were eating a foreign cheese. There I no reason at all wby they should not now ktow that the Auiriican product 1 exactly as good as the foreign. Moreover, now that aome of the mure exciijve types of foreign cheeses are not likely to reach as for long time, the demand for domestic Umburger ahould be gn-atly Increased." Tbe bulletin also relates that Swiss type cliecw of quality equal to the best of Gruyere su.1 Sweltzer bare been ninde lu the Culled Htatea and are sold In competition with tbe for elgn product Ha Wanted to Know. Didn't you aay." demanded the young man of the captain, "that this blp waa equipped with all appliance for human aafvtyT "I did." "Then bow does It happen that 1 now find myself engaged to a lady 1 did not know when tha Teasel left her plcrf Judge. a) . sa, s X '-iDtn T 0 ARK.IA6A I'resldeiit d ArrtaKu of l'urtuitl baa ordered the mobilisation of too p p'lb lira tnMipa. Port ok l la iret lirll aln'a old.-st ally and. until the alliance with Japan aa arrai.Ked, a Her only -illy. More than one treaty baa been algned covering the terms of tlio al linrice, which pruvld that In case of ar or Invasion botb puaera will a- Isl In the protection of each other's colonies by arndlng troops or warships or both. The treatlea. not being limit I to any term. ar In (heir nature perpetual. They have been confirmed from lime to lime. I'onugal's friend ship with Kugland la of very ancient stunning. JVr l!m re4n thai Justbe of the IVi aidii, of Oaexo, ate Ibe ctldrdce lha rata against a I'urt Und boater, charged l'h vtolattt f the game Is as. ba Ua dnH.Ded bv lit tri'i Attorney lledgts. Tbe arrest made recently by a deouty (Una adeii. Th name of ll.n bonier , re ivrU i'.li Ibe luslii abu.g :ih o plump pl.ratanis, a e Id. m e, Ulitll llm follottllig day hen the pies ere lu fa)i trUl Jilatlce laldvin iteMsltri Ibe bird In Ibe family pantry, b it further thought on the eat l.i if iojl:i!e of bjrda lu n- er and fat pbraaant In prtlci. Ur developed an apl-i'e hlcb aff I rd the pistlia, a hearty rair, lxly, mind and ,ol. The llio'i-tit of a leinpilng U:li, to liroon birds r,kd lo a turn by bis wife, ho ba roo. abl--rr an eipert In domestic ceiu , otereatne blin al last and tor aupper on (be tiUtit of tbe arrest Ibe pbeaa- an') diked Hie iafhls.n lable. The warden In the meantime In. formed lilstrlcl Attorney Cilllx-rt k1 res of the rase and th official planned the prosecution. The first a'ep waa to rail J. mire fiavldson. when he learned the facts in the ram It waa dropped. COAST SEASOiN lOffl TMP.ee CLASS AA WINNERS MAY PLAY IN SOUTHLAND THREE BEAVERS CO EAST POHTLAND, Ore Nov. . ft Isn't often that one minor league team bat the honor or misfortune lo send three of Ita four Inflelder to the major In ona season. Positive assurance that Dave Bancroft woul J go to the I'bllllea eeerna about to be realized. This puts Korea at third base wltb the New York Omnia. Kodgers at sec ond for the Cleveland Naps, and Han croft at abort for tbe i'hlllle. All of tbrse men will have to make rood. Tbey will bave competition, and It will be a case of tbe survival of the fittest. Hut It aeetns certain that at least two of theae men will do ao. What other minor league club In tbe country Is there which can boast of such rec ord. Hit Finish. "Did you ever complete your educa tion r No; my wife did." Houston Post PRINCE LOUIS OF BATTENBURG UNDER FIRE IN ENGLAND ..V''" . w PRItlCE LOUtSOF BATTEflBURG. rrlnce Ijouls of Unttenburg, first sea lord of the Hrltlsh admiralty, is under fire because he was once a German. A cry has been raised In England that he' bo dismissed, it being claimed that his sympathies nt iioart are with the Germans. It is said Iheso rumors were traced to n personal enemy of the prince. He is held in high esteem by the king and those In power who know him personally, but the people In the street ara suspicious of him, now thnt tho cry against him has been started. I'rlnco Inils has lieen ill the Hritish naval service for forty-five years and longer ngo than that gave up his Ger man nationality. Ho has held many honorable dntnlls in the navy nnd re ceived a medal nnd the khedive's star for his services for'' the crown in the Kgypllan war in 1SS2. He has com manded several important squadrons In tho Hritish navy and ranks aa an aid do camp to the king. He has been first sea lord of tho admiralty since 1912. FREDERICK THE GREAT. Carlylt'a Pan Picture of tha Famous Old Pruuian Rulsr. On the 17th of August, 17S0, died one of tbe most remarkable sovereigns Eu rope ever produced, Frederick IL of Prussia, called Frederick the Great. Thomas Carlyle thua descrlbea him: "Tbe man Is not of godlike physiog nomy any more than of Imposing stab ore or costume. Close shut mouth, with thin lips, prominent Jaws and nose. receding brow by no means of Olympi an height; head, however. Is of long form and has superlative gray eyes In It Not what Is called a beautiful man, nor yet by all appearances, what la railed a happy. "On tbe contrary, the face bears evl denco of many sorrows, as they are termed; of much hard labor done In tbls world and seems to anticipate but moro still coming. Quiet stoicism, ca pable enough of what Joy there wen but not expecting any worth mention; great unconscious and some conscious pride tempered wltb a cheery mock ery of humor are written in thnt old face, which carries its chin well for ward in spite of the slight stoop about the neck; snuffy nose ;nther flung Into tbe air under its old cocked hat like an old snuffy Hon on the watch; and such a pair of eyes as no man or Hon or lyns of that century bore elsewhere, according to nil the testimony we have. This Is the mnn who, among the common people who much loved and esteemed blm. was Vnter Frlu Fa ther Fred a name of familiarity which bad not bred contempt in tbnt in stance," Descriptive. "Is she homely?" "Well, I wouldu't sny that exactly. But after taking one look at ber no one would ever think of asking why she had never married." Detroit Free Tress. Rot ic ot the Past. "I'd like to see a one boss shay," re marked the city visitor. "Out of date," said his country host "The nearest we can come to It now U a one cylinder car." Pittsburgh Post ' Born to Fighting. Mons began fighting. Caesar found ed it as a camp and n short time lat er Cicero's brother sustained -a siege by Ambtorlx. Its most famous siege was In 1572. delivered by Frederic of Toledo, one of the distinguished gen eruls of Alba. The siege lasted from the end of June to the middle of Sep tember; sorties and relief were vnlu; the town capitulated under the most honorable conditions. In 1CJ1 the Mnrcchal do Luxembourg attacked the town, inflicted great damage and forc ed surrender. In 1709 Marlborough and Prince Iiugene attacked and car ried the town after a siege of 120 days. In 17 10 the Prince do Contl laid suc cessful siege. In 1702 Mons was the first fruit of the republican victory at Jemappes. and In 1704 the Austrlnns were subjected to a crushing defeat New York Sun. Overheard. "Tinker haa placed an old railroad sign. 'Stop, look nnd listen!' nt the en trance to his driveway." "What's the idea?" "His wife Is running tbe touring car."-Judge. Russia1 Fisheries. Russia ranks third among the flsh and deep sea food producing countries of the world. The total yield of flsh is well over $8,000,000 worth a year, but even this great supply is not equal to the needs of the population. LANGFORO MATCHED ba. rKA.Nustu. Nov. 7. it was definitely announced at the Clabby- Chip ringside last night that San Lang ford and Harry Wlllia, of New Orleans negro beavywelghta. will fight there Thanksgiving day. There will be no title at stake, last nlght'a contest prob ably being tbe hist top-lint prizefight that California will aee, owing to the passage of the antl-flgbt law at Tues day's election. Thla law will become operative five daya after the vote has been officially certified, which prjb- abiy will be In about a month. COUNT ZEPPELIN AIDS KAISER WITH EXPERT KNOWLEDGE OF FLIGHT 1 x S j v , V POHTLAND, Ore, Nov. 7.One of the reasons that the Pacific Coast lea gue aeaaon It advanced on week next year, according lo Judge; McCredle, la to make poihl a arbeme blcb baa been considered aerloualy lately. Tbe question of a post seaton aeries of iiniei fw-tween the Coast league, pennant winnera and thoae of the In ternational league and American as sociations has always been turned down because; of th fart that the east ern clubs always closed their aeaaon ao much earlier that ll was found Im possible to keep thiro together until tbe coaat raoe bad finished. Ily closing one week earlier It will bring the season more In Una with those of the two other clasa AA cir cuits, and such a plan could be worked out to advantage. Tho scheme which waa considered and approved at the last meeting of tbe Coaat league directors would be to hare tbe pennant winnera of the three cluit AA leagues and a fourth team, composed of Pacific Coast league stars, which would play out a six weeks' achedule after the close of the coast circuit It would be possible to arranae thla playing the games In San Francisco and Los Angeles, and such a series ought to draw well and be a winner financially. There would be enough of an objec tive In sight to make it worth the while of all the players to compete. and the Coast league magnates are go ing ahead wltb tbe Idea, believing that It can be worked out along these linea. The Coast season will close on Oc tober 17 next year, which la only a little more than a fortnight later than the time the other circuits close, liy the time tbey could arrive on the Coast they wouldn't have to wait long before they could start in the first game of the series. WARD TAKES GAME PRINCETON IS DOWNED BY A 20 TO 0 SCORE COUNT ZEPPELIN Count Zeppelin, the famous inventor of the Zeppelin dirigible airships, with which Germany ia so plentifully equip ped, has offered his services to the army. He agreed to navigate one ot hla army dirigibles himself if needed. It is probable that he will lend his aid to his government in an advisory ca pacity rather than in active service In the air. CAMBRIDGE, Mass, Nov. 7. Har vard defeated Princeton with a 20 to ,0 score here this afternoon. Two years ago Harvard won from Princeton for the first time in 23 years. Last year Harvard won again. Har vard was a slight favorite in the bet ting, but a large body of Princeton backers arrived today and the odds dwindled to nearly even money. The line-up was: Princeton. Hnrvard. Hlghley L. E. ..T. J. Coolidge McLean L. T Parson Shank L. G Weston Grnnert C Bigelow E. Trenkamp R. G Penuock Ballln .......R. T. ..' Trumsull Shea ...R. E Hardwick Ames Q Logan Gllck L. H Mahan Tlbett R. H. Bradlee Drlggs F. Francke Neither team had been defeated this fall, although each had been held to a tie. Since 1S77, when Harvard and Princeton began playing intercollegi ate football, the Tigers have won 12 games to Harvard's five, the crimson having won the last two contests. The crowd was slow in arriving, but flocked to the stadium in the last 30 minutes before the game and when play started the structure was filled. ESTACADA TEAM WEAK VIOLATORS OF TRAINING RULES ARE TAKEN FROM SQUAD Bullet Wounds. The entrance wound caused by the modern small arm bullet la not a grewsouie spectacle. It is small, and Its appearance has been compared to that produced by the bite of a certain parasite Insect Often there la bvt little external bleeding, but this is not to be taken ns a danger signal, aa might be popularly supposed. London Telegraph. How to Prevent Croup. It may be a surprise to you to learn that in many cases croup can be pre vented. Mrs. H. M. Johns, Elida, Ohio, relntes her experience as fol lows: "My little boy is subject to croup. During the past winter I kept a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy in the house, nnd when he began having that croup cough I would give him one or two doaes of It and it would break the attack. I like it bet ter for children than any other cough medicine because children take it will ingly, and it is safe and reliable." Obtainable everywhere. (Adv.) Violation of training rules Is respon sible for a shake-up on the Estacada high school football team, according to the progress. In the last issue of that paper, the situation is explained: "Next Saturday afternoon at 2:30 the Estacada high school football team will tackle St. Johns high boys, on the Estacada grounds. "Owing to an infringement of the training table rules, Principal Ford was compelled to expel from the squad several of the regular players, and their absence will prove a handicap for the locals. It is understood that the lineup will comprise a good ag gregation and soma new gridiron stars may be brought to light." EASTERN WINNERS Yal 14, Brown 6. AnnapolisNavy 21, Foidham 0. Ann Arbor, Mich Pennsylvanla 3, Michigan 0. Ithlca, N. Y. Cornell 13, Frank lin and Marshall 3. ?