Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 06, 1914, Page 7, Image 6

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    OI.I.(.(N' (TIT KSTKUI'KlSi: Kill HAY. XOVl.MI.KIi fi, 1911.
la lb I" Ull tii'ill vt til HtaU of
p,iir A. rikliuit
U U. 'Iff,
William I r'Wmrl. id a4anl.
1 William I I'aikhurat, II, lUm
earned d" f "0 rl n I ;
In ih name (( the HUlai of 0r nu.
yiiu liil'f uiiiiiiiniid and (
aiol anr Ilia rum
alfi"' FV il In ll alM
,,, hlrj '. hiM and laum im nt Ufnf
li, lib day uf NiMiiilf r, lH, and
If )i.u Nil " ! iir, fir ant
,.riif Ilia l at I n ' I ft III iitr )
(llll f'r III relief lli'llialnli 4 In Ilia
,i.iii'Uiiii. luali t'ir a Wr ill
f.liinit Id bond lit niaUliiiiilir b
larrli Hi plaintiff an 4 d fi'lnUlil ami
fur ! tt oiluT r IU f aa In ll.a murl
li, r a 4 hi )"" ' 'ultM.
Inia iiiiiiiHiin I iirif.) umiu uu
, t,iilillialliin pura'iaiit In an r . r of
,n lli.li.nalil J. 'lniMI, judka
,,( 1 1 ,r aald eourt. lua. In aiii iilrf.J
n I li d" "' M I'fliil'ir. Il I
a dal" " Dial mMI. ailno i.f
II, la ai Mtf ' " I Hi" I ml day nf Hi lull
,r. I ''I'. "'' "'" '' "lay "' l"il'lli
H,'n "III ' ",H I ' 'la uf Nut fin
.r. IU.
Attorney for I'UiuillT
In lfi ( In nil Court i.f llm H'ale of
ifrnii, fur Clai katnn fount r.
Mi. I. lien (VUTii, I'laln'IfT,
V. J. rnl. rauii. Mr. Kii.tn Wei. u.
Mr Matilda Ni.rliy, Mr. Marlamia
niKilnlfr, CtirUHaiia Nrladuter. ami
Anil ii Ni'l.nn, iii ir ai law of Will
lam (Vilnraiiii, iii t-aacd.
To Mr Marianne (ilmlolir, ('hrlallana
Ni'Uilnir, ami Amlrr Nlun, of
I hii alxivai nam i' ileriiiilaiila:
III III lilt III n of Hi Hlaln of Ofi-nnn.
ymi ami i-arh of you are lii-Miy r
ijulr. il tu appear ami anawrr lb colli-
ilnllil flleil aicalrial fun la Ilia alxiv 1
iilllli'il court ami r a '!. on or Imfure i
Hi 70111 day of NcniMiiln-r, Ull. and
lililn ai eeki of id first publica
tion of till aiiiiiiiioiia; and If you fall
to ain-ar and amarr, fur ant
HieriHif, ,UliillfT will laki juilKiimnt
Knliiat you a prayed fur In plaintiff a
iniMi'laliit. In nil: fur tlin an in of
I'j7.ti'i, and ! al Intereat thereon from
His vinli. r lit. Tilll; for tlin further 111111
of fill CO. and legal Intereat ou IMiiu
from IXT-iiiber lal, 1JM. and for plain
tiff roala ki.il illalnirai'ineni Inniln
utnl tH'iiiid In aiiid ai tluu.
Tlila ! in M i on at a aervrd UImiii yuu liy
liililt'atliii tliereif In tin- ( iri-Knu City
l:nierirle, a iieiaper of Reiieral rlr
culiittoli, pulillalii'd weekly at Ori-Kuli
(I'). Ori-Knn, by order of lion. J. V.
Cm pU-ll. Judiin of tlin aliovn named
Court, on OrtoliiT I'.th, 1911: firnt nub-
li. a'lou Oi toiler th, 1)11, ami limt puli- j
iliallotl, .Noveuilier :'Hll. VJli.
WrTll A MVKItrt,
Attorney for i'lalntlff.
In tho Cln-ult Court ot Hi Rtnte of
Orrnon, for thn County of Clacka-
Hnrali K. Con net t, rialnllff,
Albert l Cotinntt, Defendant.
To Albert I.. CotiiiPtl, iIkivo namvd
' defendant:
lu thn natnn of thu Ptato of Oregon,
you art) hereby required tu apiM-ar and
nnawer tho complaint filed aKulnnt you
In tha abov entitled ault. on or before
tho 20th day of Nov, ltttl. aald Uat
H.tn tli riplratlon of nil week from
thn llrat publication of thl iiiiumiiiii,
tind If you fall to appear or annwni
mid complaint, for want thereof thr
plulntlrr will apply to tho court for the
relief prayed for In her complaint, to
wlt :
For a decree (IUroIvIur the homli ol
matrimony now phIhUiik between the
plaintiff nnd defeudnnt, Thl mini
muni I puhllahed by order of J. U.
Cnuipbcll, JuiIko of the Circuit Court,
which order m imido on the fith day
of Oct., 1911, nnd the tlmu preicrlbeil
for publication thereof la six week,
beKliiiiliiK with the Ihruo dated. Krlilav,
Oct. 9th, 1!14, nnd colitlnuiiiK each
week thereafter to nnd InchnlliiK Fri
day, Nov. 20th, 1914.
Attorney for Hulmlff.
Notlc to Creditor.
Notice la hereby nlven that tho
f'oiiiiiy Court of tho Stnte of Orexon,
for the Comity of Clackamas, ha ap
pointed tho nmlerHlnned execnttix ot
Iho Will and EBtnto of Cyrus A. llrnd-
'orii, (locenHou. All pernons UttvliiR
claims nitalliHt thn said decedent, or
his estute, are hereby Klven notice that
, they "hull present them to tho uiulnr
bIkikmI executrix nt the office of Jos.
K. HedKi's, Esq., in tho Wolnhurd Hulld
ItiB, In Oreon City, Orenon, within
hIx months from tho date of this not
ice, with proper voucher duly verllled.
Executrix of tho Will and Estato of
Cyrus A. llradford, deceased.
Datod, Ootohor lth, 1914.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Orogon, for the County of Clncka
nins. Duuliih Drew, Plaintiff,
Pavld K. Drew, Defendant
To David E. Drew, above named tie
fondnnt: In the name of tho Stato of Orogon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer tho complaint (lied against you,
In the above entitled suit, on or before
tho 20th day of Oct., 1914, said date
being the expiration of six weeks from
the first publication of thiB summons,
nnd If you fall to appear or answor
uilf complaint, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho
relief prayed for In her complaint, to
wlt :
l''or a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between the
plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons Is published by order of H. S.
Anderson, Judge of tho County Court,
which order was made on tho 2nd day
of Oct., 1914, and the time prescribed
for publication thoreof Is six weeks,
beginning with the Issue dated, Friday,
Oct. Oth, 1914, and continuing each
week thereafter to and Including Fri
day, Nov. 20th. 1914.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
lu the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Ethel Steward, Plaintiff,
McConnell Steward, Defendant.
To McConnell Steward, above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
Jou are hereby required to appear and
answer tho complaint filed against you,
In tho above entitled suit, on or be
fore the 20th day of Nov., 1914, said
date being the expiration of six weeks
rem the flrt publication of this lum
ttons, and if you fall to appear or an
iiTer,Bald complaint, for want thereof
l"e plaintiff will apply to the court for
id nlltf (,')4 f"r la tr complaint
I'i-r a d r d:Miii; ll.a boiid of
iralllllii'lif b'il alUlll, letw Hi
lilaliiliff an 4 4 ftadanl. 1 lila auiiiiiuin
la puMlahl If ui4r of II. H. Ant-r
mil. Judge ot lit County Court, ttlili li
order made on 111 III 4 !jr i,f o
111, ami lb lliii l itK rill fur puti
lln'l.ii lliorwif I all fill, .r(li,iiiii(
Mil III laaii Oali .l. Ill.Ur. Ill I kill
111, Bli4 tontlnulli; ah -. Iln fe-
aflar I" li I In lu'lln FrUlar, Nor,
vin, in.
Allnriii-ji tut I'lallillir.
Sntriff Sal.
Ill III Cln-ult Court of Id Hlatn of
ori-ciii, for Hi County bf 'la ka
('. K. releraon. I'talntlrf.
II. Y. MM, inula and lllam li MrOlinil
lila lfn. and Maynard l(liiioml, in.
Hlal of tlrnnti, Count y of Clark
mat,- a.
Hy tin u of a ludcineiit order, il
f and an r in inioii, duly laaued out
of and under ilia ea of lb atiora i n
lltletl court. In thn alriir rntl'li-d
rauae. lo In duly Ulrix led and ilut
Hi lal day of () tolr, mil, ui'io
luditiiii'iit reinlerd and rnii rd lu aald
court on lb 11 day of October. IVI4
In fator of ('. :. IVteimn. ruinilfr.
and ai'lnl It . Mrtilnnl and
lllaiicb Mililiml. hi wife, llefcnd
aula, for Ilia mm of Il iOo oo. IHi lot
r-t Iherwn at th rat of 6 per rent
; per annum from Hi Uth day of April,
.lull, aud lb furiber a uiii of l.'ti 19,
l(h liiti-real I hereon from thn 2Qih tl)
of AuKut, I'JI I. and thn further luni of
IUuOii, a ailurtiey'i fen, and thn fur
ther mini of t-'OO", roai and ilitiur-m-iita,
and thn coat of and upon thl
rlt. roiumamlliix inn In mukn anln of
thn following ii i-rllii-i real pp perty.
alluatn In tlin county of Cl.u-kama.
tain of OriKini, to-ult: HllualeJ In the
Ciiimty of Clai kaina and Hiato of Orn-
Kin, and In Hitdoii Towtiahlp 3
rloiitli of It. Hi 1 W ent of Ibn Willam
ette Meridian, and morn particularly
li-ai ribed a IxnUmlK 3' f' t Houth
of thn Noribeaat com. r of tlin I huia
lion Land Claim known on Id plat
and aiirvny of tlin Culti-d Htat.-a a
Noil flea Hon No, nr'i and Claim No,
Ci In th atori-nulj lbnhlp and run
lilhK tlielint Houth ::.".l feet, thenr
Went tu IIm Kaat bo notary linn of tlin
Hooiie' Kerry Road; Ih-ni-n North 11
ili rre , i niliMile", Ijmt lo a point
dlrerlly Went of tlo lieKlnnllia; )lllt
thereof (which I a'n Ihn rloutliweii
corner of 2 2i acr li i t of bind dwiled
by II. I). Iliirmn to 1 "flu M. Ilnrina):
thi-ncn Kunl In tlin 'r -e of Ix-ln tilnar.
(HuitulnlnK & acrea, I r e or lea.
Havn and rjcept f-o n th abovn d"-
acrllied tract a mrc. 1 of land contain
lux about .13 acrn di ed by C, K. reler-
son and Kniina A. l 'i'roii, hi wife.
and liertha M. Harm lo V. A. White.
K. I. S. ly. II. I). Adi-n. C. E. IVterson.
and Calvin Kuinnnr. Trualer of the
Methodist Kplacopal Church at Wllnon
.Villa fMiinLalllHa f'nlllilV a,ri..tl lit
.i,..,,' ,,,,, ,.,, ,.,, ., . '
nd In Ihn office of Ihn County Recorder
of Clat'kama County. OrvKon, on tho
10th day of AiiKunt. 1011. on puite 610
of llook 121 Kecord of Deed of Raid
The land herein conveyed containing
I.7& acre, moro or lea.
Now, therefore, by virtue of aald elo
cution. JuilKineiil order and decree, and
In compliance with tho commanda ot
aald writ, I will, on flatunlay, the 7th
day of November, 1911. at tho hour o
10 o'clock A. M., at thn front door of
the County Court lloimo In tho City of
On-con City, In laid County and State,
ell nt public auction, subject to re
demption, to tho lilKhfKt bidder fot 17,
S. Kiild coin ennh In hnnd, oil the riitht,
title and Intermit which tho within
named defetiilunlH or either of them.
It ml on the date of tho inortKURO heroin
or nlnro had In or lo tho above do-
dcrlbcd real property or any part there
of, to latlxfy raid execution, judKnient
onler. thi-reo, Interest, cobIs and all
nccruliiK cost.
Sheriff of Oluoknma County, Orenon.
Hy H. J. STAATS, Deputy,
Dated. OreRon City, Ore., Oclolier
7th, 1911.
Sheriff' 81.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Mlnnlo Foster, rialntlff.
Idn Whlto, F. E. Jackson nnd Mnmlo
Jackson, his wife, Defendants.
Stnte of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, s.
Ity virtue of a Judgment order, do-
creo nnd an execution, duly Issued out
of nnd under tho senl of tho nbovo en
titled court, In tho above entitled cause,
to mo duly directed and dated tho 3rd
day of October, 1914, upon a Judgment
rendered and entered In said court on
tho 17th dny of September, 1914, In
favor of Mlnnlo Foster, Plaintiff,' and
against Ida Whlto, V. E. Jackson and
Mamlo Jnckflon, his wife, Defendants,
for the sum of ISliO.00, with interest
thereon at the rate of 7 per cent, por
annum from the 26th dny of May, 1911,
and the further sum of J2S.0O with
Interest thereon from the 6th dny of
March, 1914, and the further sum of
$38.75, costs and disbursements, and
the costs or and upon this writ, com
manding me to make sale of the fol
lowing described real property, situate
In the county of Clackamas, state of
Orogon, to-wit: South half () of the
South half O) of tho Northeast Quurt
tor iYi) of the Northeast Quarter (U)
of Soctlon Thirty-three (33) in Town
Bhlp One (1) South of Range Three
(3) East of the Willamette Meridian In
Clackamas County, Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said exe
cution, Judgment order and decree, and
In compliance with the commands of
unlil writ, I will, on Saturday, the 7th
day of November, 1914; at the hour of
10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of
the County Court House in the City
of Orogon City, in said County and
State, sell at public auction, subject to
redemption, to the highest bidder, for
U. S, gold coin cash In hnnd, all the
right, title and Interest which the with
in nnmed defendants or either of them,
had on tho dnte of the mortgniro herein
or since had in or to the above de
scribed real property or any part there
of, to satisfy said execution, Judgment
order, decree, Interest, costs and ull
accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Hy 11. J STAATS, Deputy.
Datod, Oregon City, Ore., October
7th, 1914.
Sheriff' Sals
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
John A. Howland, rialntlff.
Portland-Pacific Investment Company,
a corporation; Martha M. Roussel
lot, Joseph Roussellot and W. J.
Summers, Defendants.
Stabs of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
By virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
of and under the seal of the above
eiiiitinl rourt, In Vm lUri untitle.
cauan. 1 1 mn duly dlfVcled lid dated
iii I7h day of (hioiiir, 'ill, upon
ImlKuiifit rlid rd and et.t.-fed In lil
louit on llm 1 7la day of Ute'r. IVII
In fator of John A. Iloaland. I'UlntlfT,
mid iiliiit I'lrlland Iviflo Invea
mini Cumpany, nirporllnn, liefelid
nl. fur Ilia uin bf II ZW.'iO, with lift
nieai tin reon at llm rtn of per rent
per a mi n in from in lnh day of Jan
unrr. and llm further niiii of
I.4 0U, a attorney' fn, and lb fur
lli.r auin of III iU. to.ia and dlaburui
inriita, and lb roai of and upon Ihl
lit, rommatidlnc Inn to makn tain of
thn follnaliii; deacrlbnd real properly
Ituatn In llm county of C!a kaina
lata of Ornxon, to-wlt: roiinnnnelnK
at a point In thn Mouth Una of Math-iw
ItlcbardMin Ixinatpin Land Claim N'l
li, I" In part of Kii tlon , , M and
17, In Tnwiiahlp 1 hro (3 Houth of
Kanr llinn (i) Mat of Ihn WHIain
mtn Meridian, which point la North
l ili-rrei-a, haal I chain and li
link from lb Hoothweat rorm-r of
aid Initiation I .ami Claim: (henm
North parallel with thn Weat boundary
Hii of aald rial in 3 CO chain; Ihenrn
North 4 decree, Kl II chain and
-IIS link; Ihenca houlh and puralM
with aald VVe.t ixmuilary lllm of an Id
Claim ::tr,i) i halna; lhen- Houth til
di-itrwa, Weal II thuln and it '-4 llnki
to Ihn place of Ih-KIIHiIik. contulnltiK
I'lfty I'.U) acre of land, Im-Ihk and
lliiatt-d In Cliickaiiia County, Hiatn of
Now. thereforn, by virtue of laid r
ecutlon. JmlKUieiii order and decren,
and In compliance with thn rommaiidi
of aald writ, I will, on Haturday, thn
:it day of November, IJII: at th
hour of 10 o'i lock A. M , at lh front
I'Hir of Ihn County Court llouan In Ilia
City of Orea-on City, In anld County
ml Htale. e at publlr: auction, itile
)ec In reilemptluri, tq tho hlxlu-iil
hldiler, for V. H. K"l'l coin rash In
hand, all Ihn rlnht, title nnd Interent
hlih Ihn within named defendant
or either of them, hail on thn data of
th uiortKaKH herein or allien had In
r In llm above dcm-rlbed real proper-
y or any part thereof, in vutlafy aald
tecutloii, juilKment order, d-rren, Int
real, cost and all arcrulmr. coat.
Sheriff of CliK-kaimi County, Orexon.
Ity II. J. HTAATS, Deputy,
tinted, Oreiton City, ().. Oct. 2uth
Iho Cln-ult Court of tho State of
On-Kon, for the County of C luck a
niu. Mullnda I. Cruhaui, I'luintlff,
To (ieorKo Crnliam, above named de-
UeurgB (Jrnham, Defendant.
In the numn of tho State of Oregon.
you are hereby required to appear and
utifwer tho complaint filed against you
In tho above entitled suit, on or bo
fore tho 27th day of Nov., 1914, said
dale being the expiration of six weeks
from the first publication of this sum
mons, and If you fall to appear or an
swer said complaint, for want there
of tho plaintiff will apply to the court
fur the relief prayed for In her com
plaint, to-wlt;
For a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between the
plulntltl and defendant. This sum
inons Is published by order of lion.
11. 8. Anderson, Judge of the Count y
Cnurt. which order wa made on the
lGth day of Oct- 114. and tha time
prescribed for publication thereof Is
six vk. beginning with tho issue
dated Friday, Oct. ltith, 1914, and con
tinuing each week thereafter to and
Including Friday, Nov. 27th, 1914.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Evelyn Pyle, PInlntlff,
Henry Edward Pyle, Defendant.
Henry Edward Pyle, tho above named
In tho name of tho State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer tho complaint tiled against you
lu the above named suit, on or before
tho 13th day of Nov., 1914, said date
being the expiration of six weeks from
the first publication of this summons,
and if you fall to appear or answer
said complaint, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relief prayed for In her complnlnt, to
wlt: For a decree dissolving tho bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant, and the
custody of Hownrd V. Pyle, a minor.
This summons Is published by order
of J. U. Campbell, Judge of tbe Cir
cuit Court, which order was made and
entorcd on the 24th day of Sept., 1914,
and the time prescribed for publication
thereof is six weeks, beginning with
the Issue dated Friday, Sept. 25, 1914,
and continuing each week thereafter
to and Including the Issue of Friday,
Nov. Oth, 1914.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Louisa Moulton, Plaintiff,
N. n. Moulton, Defendant.
To N. li. Moulton, above named do-
la the name of the state of Oregon.
you are hereby required to appear and
answor the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit, on or be
fore the 18th day of Dec, 1914. said
date being the expiration of six weeks
from the first publication of tbla sum
mons, and if you fail to appear or
answer said complaint, for want there
of the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for In her com
plaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving tbe bonds ot
matrimony now existing between the
plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons is published by order of Hon.
I. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court which order was made on the
4th day of Nov., 1914, and the time
prescribed for publication thereof Is
six weeks, beginning with the issue
dated Friday, Nov. 6th, 1914, and con
tinuing each week thereafter to and
including Friday, Dec. 18th, 1914.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice for Levy of Additional Road
a. Notice Is hereby given that we, the
undersigned Tax Payers, consisting of
ten per cent, of the Tax Payers In
Rond District No. 37, Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, hereby give notice to the
Tax Payers of said Road District No.
37 that there will be a meeting of the
Tax Payers of oald District in School
house at 3 o'clock P. M., on the 28
day of November, 1914, to vote an ad
ditional tax In aald District for road
purposes, as provided by an act ot the
legislature In 1913, Section 6321, Page
24, of the Road Laws of Oregon.
O. O. Kruse. J. YV. Stone, Metta F.
Stone, T. O. Rees, C. W. Kruse.
Notice for Levy of Additional Moid
Notlio I b.reby Kiiun thai wa, l
uinleriitiii-i '(! I'ari-n, eoiiaUUna; of
ten per cent, of tb 1 i Payer In Itiwd
lilalilct No. 47, Claikaina County,
Orefon, hereby flva noil'a tu thn Ti
I'aji ta of said llod Jllatrii I No. 47
that there will b a meeting of tha
Tax payer of aald lna'rli l In Ut
ilorf ball at Jeimintra l-odir, on Ibn
2ith day of Nuveinber, lull, at II
o'clock I'. M , lu tola an additional
lax In aald lil.trlct for road purpoaei.
pmvl!e1 l.y an act of thn IckI.I
lur In 1113, Hectloa paga 21. of
Ihn (toad 11 of Or-Kon.
Henry WrKlnr, (). p. Ibwibn, P. I).
Newell, li. Kind. tJ. M. Caldwell. II.
W. Hleveii. C. W. Ill.ley, Win. Hall.
U. (J. Joiiea, C. A. W nrtlilnxton. V. C.
"urn n. Ma M. Warren, Ira Hart. H.
II. lull. II. Huberts, J. A. Waldron.
. II. Itatdnrf. (5. C. Meld, Frank Um-
bert. Win. K Cook, W. II, Jennings,
Alien Klaley, J. M. Itoberts. A. liyron.
P. C, liavldM-u, Murli, K. limned, p.
Kliicarson, J, M? Ilolluavll, Anna Itln-
arson, W. W. Thompson, Harsh Klno
uraoii, l.illlun Heath, Hnrab lllnearson,
A. (j. Hlnveiii, M. A. Thompson. ('. P.
Harris, Nell J. Mclean, J. A. Johnson,
W. T. Illilop. M. K. Illilop. W. lUwl-
Iiiks, C. K. Miildruiii. J. It. Townaley,
Kd IliM-thii, J. A. Nalkon, J. F. Joritilntf .
li. F. Itusaell, (j. K. Tabor. W. A. Hen-
(lersoii, II. H. U.aey. Iiertha Halt, (,'. N.
White. W. II. Htokes, John F. Jtlsley,
Muriuiret W. Worthlniiton, 8. A, Hull-
ard, Myrtle I Williams. Jullen DroetK
Clara Ilnx-tle, W. II. Harkmtulo. . M.
Illchiirdaon, II. U. Htarkweather, Alice
M. Htarkweather, Kiln II. Itlaley. Henry
W filter.
Notlc for Uvy of Additional Road
Notice a hereby given that wn, the
undernlgned taxpayer, conslitliig of
10 per cent, of the tuxpuyer In itoad
District No. 13, Clackamas County, Ore
gon. hereby give notice to the tax
purer of suld Koud District No. 43 that
tlurn will be a meeting of thn tax
payer of laid district in Wllliern'l
Hull at F.aglo Creek on thn 2Mh day of
November, 1911. at onn o'clock P. M.,
n veto an additional tax In said dls
rlct for rood purposes, a provided by
an Act of the U-glalature In 1913. Sec
tion CI2I, Page 24, of the Itoud Uwi
of Oregon.
F. Illiindell, Fred HofrinelHter. N. E.
Stlni:ley. A. D. Ilumett. M. C. Glover,
liuls Pnker, It. M. HniHli. It. E. Mum
it, J. W Cahlll. C. W. Murphy, W. It.
WiHidle, It. II. Gibson, James Smith,
William F. Dougltt. C. G. Test. W. G.
lover. II. (). CuHhmun. II. S. Glbron
tieo. W. Judd. E. U Tnilllnger'. lw.
Hehull. II. F. Forester, J. P. Htrnhl. J.
It. Glover. E. C Butler, A. II. Ander
son, W. II. Iiouglas. K. Naylor. II. C.
Glover, J. P. Kowillff. Oren Ilnllou.
Notice for Levy of Additional Road
Notice Is hereby given that we, the
nderslgned Tax Puyers, consisting of
t-n per cent, of the Tax Payer In
Itoad District No. 38, Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, hereby give notice to the
Tax Payer of said Road District No.
.18 that there will be a meeting of the
Tax Payers of said District In Concord
school house at Concord, Oregon, on
the 2xth day of November, 1914, at 7:30
clock P. M., to vote an additional
tax in said District for road purposes.
provided by an act of the leglsla-
ure In 1913, Section C321, Page 24, of
the Road Laws of Oregon.
John K. Onlnelrt. 1 Wilcox. Sylvia
M. Wilcox. J. W. -Hm W; 1j. Stark
weather. Augusta C. HolmeB. Phil. T.
Outfield, Albert J. Crolien, Lena Gro
ben, ('has. P. Laudieu, Esther G. Imi
dleu. H. Thlersen, T. R. Worthing
ton. W. P. Hushnell, W. J. I.lddell, E.
Olund, W. F. Warren, A. C. Arnold.
Mary A. Arnold, Mrs. G. C. Hrownell,
J. D. Fellows, A. G. Ilroetje, Amanda
J. Outfield, R. Richardson, W. E. Kuehl,
W H. Allen. A. U Kuehl, M. A. Rich-
nrfdson, Ida S. Deny, J. B. Hicks, G.
W. Thlersen. W. F. Oetken. E Oetken,
II. II. Warren, R. G. Kennedy, V. H.
Moon, J. Ilaumgnrtner, Minerva Titles
sen, C. Gtittmoenn, N. J. Uindgren, J.
H. llroetje, U. H. I,ook, C. James Key,
II. Touslng, J. A. Ktiks.
Notice for Levy of Additional Road
Notice Is hereby given that we. the
undersigned Tax Payers, consisting of
ten per cent, of the Tax Payers in Road
District No. 35. Clackamas County.
Oregon, hereby give notice to the Tax
Payers of said Road District No. 35
that there will be a meeting of the
Tax Payers of said District In the
school house at Cottrell, on the 2Sth
day of November, 1914, at one o'clock
P. M., to vote an additional tax in said
District for road purposes, as provided
hy nn act ot the legislature in 1913,
Section 6321. Page 24, of the Road
Laws of Oregon.
Fred Wagner, W, A. Proctor, Q. N.
Hood, E. R, Brook. Wm. Booth, E. E.
VanFlcet, Chas. U Hunter, Paul Dunn,
Jnmes Spiers, J. J. Judklns, A. C.
Browning, U L. Griffin, R. A. Hutchins,
B. Fowler, J. B. Jones
Notice for Levy of Additional Road
Notice is hereby given that we, the
undersign Tax Payers, consisting of
ten per cent, of the Tax Payers iu Road
District No. 41, Clackamas County,
Oregon, hereby give notice to the Tax
Payers of Bald Road District No. 41
that there will be a meeting of the
Tax Payers of said District in school
house at Dover, on Saturday the 2Sth
day of November, 1914, at 1:30 o'clock
P. M to vote an additional tax In said
District for road purposes, as provided
by an act of the legislature in 1913,
Soctlon 6321, Page 24, of the Road
Laws of Oregon.
Cora M. Udell. Alfred Shirley, A. J.
Morrison, T. F. Evans, J. W. Bingham,
D. Bodley, John Affulter, S. R. Kltzmll
ler, Alex Bews, Alice S. Schminley,
Joseph O. Shazer, Lcy A. Cuhbage.
Notice for Levy of Additional Road
Notice Is hereby given that we, the
undersigned Tax Payers, consisting of
ten per cent, of the Tax Payers in
Road District No. 5, Clackamas County,
Oregon, hereby give notice to the Tax
Payers of said Road District No. 5 that
there will be a meeting of the Tax
Payers of said District in the Turner
Bldg., at Boring, Oregon, on the 28th
day of November, 1914, at 2:00 o'clock
P. M., to vote an additional tax in said
District for road purposes, as provided
by an act of the legislature Id 1913,
Section 6321, Page 24, of the Road Laws
of Oregon.
J. W. Stine, W. R. Telford, Wm. A.
Morand, E. T. Donahue, J. W. Roots,
Geo. Tachern, A. E. Gynne, C. M. Lake.
F. Sternberg, J. Myers, J. W.
Brooks, E. A. Wheeler, H. Naas, W. H.
Boring, H. A. Beck, F. C. Lamoreaux,
H. Germand, O. W. Boring, Peter
Schweitzer, Grant Sloop, C. H. Sloop,
O. W. Hale, Helmer Johnson, M. H.
Wheeler, W. E. Wheeler.
Notice for Levy of Additional Road
Notice Is hereby given that we, the
undersigned Tax Payers, consisting of
ten per cent, of tbe Tax Payers In Road
District No. 13, Clackamas County,
Oregon, hereby give notice to the Tax
'Payers of said Road District No. 13
England I proud of Sir David 1 len
der win , head of tha royal flying corps
of tha Itrltlsh army. Kir John French,
head of thn Hrltlsh force In Franco,
puld Hlr David thl compliment: "I
wish particularly to draw att-ntlon to
tho admirable work done by tha royal
flying rorp under Hlr David Hender
son. Their skill, energy and porse
veranco have been beyond praise.
They have furnished me with the most
complete and accurate Information,
which ha been of incalculable value
In the conduct of operutlun. Fired at
constantly both by friend and f'xi and
not hesitating to fly In every sort of
weather, they have remained undaunt
nd throughout. Further, by actually
fighting In the air they have succeed
ed (at the time of writing) In destroy
Ing five of the enemy' matchluci."
that there will be a meeting of tho
Tax Payer of suld District In Mr
Grovo school houke at Redland, on thn
28th day of November. 1914. at 2:00
o'clock P. M., to vote an additional
tax In ald District for rnnd purposes,
as provided by an act of tfie legislature
hi 1913, Section C321, Page 21, of the
Road Laws of Oregon.
George Hie In hot ham, N. A. Carlson.
A. M. Klrchem. W. H. Drown. J. T.
Fullam. Aug. Hubert, A. U Allen. 11. A.
Allen. Geo. N. Gill. F. A. Mattoon. N.
McKllllcon. Geo. II. Armstrong, E. N.
lirock, J. W. Potter, V. II. Uonney, R.
Executrix Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed Execu
trix of the estate of Sarah E. Nelson
deceased; all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present the same with proper vouch
ers, duly certified according to law,
at the office of Hrownell & Stone, at
Oregon City, Clackamas County, Ore
gon, within six months or the date ot
the publication of this notice.
Dated Oct. 2Srd. 1914.-,-
Executrix of the estate of Sarah E.
Nelson, deceased.
HROWNELL & STONE, attorneys for
Sheriff'! Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. J. P. Henry and Peter Henry. Plaintiffs,
W. T. Klnsey and Gertrude Kinsey, his
wife, M. B. Rngan and Mary Ragan,
his wife, Gilbert Jonsrud and Robert
Jonsnul, Defendants.
Stnte of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
By virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, auly issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
tiled court. In tbe above entitled cause,
to me duly directed and dated the 30th
day of October, 1914, upon a judgment
rendered and entered In said court on
the 27th day of October, 1914, in favor
of J. P. Henry and Peter Henry, Plain
tiffs, and against W. T. Kinsey, Gert
rude Klnsey and M. B. Ragan and
Mary Ragan, Defendants, for the sum
of $10,144.00, with Interest thereon at
the rate ot 6 per cent per annum from
the 30th day of June, 1914, and the
further sum of $37.75 taxes, and the
further sum of $500.00, as attorney's
fee, and the further sum of JO. SO In
surance premium and the costs of and
upon this writ, commanding me to
make sale ot the following described
real property, situate in the county of
Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit:
Situate In Clackamas County, State of
Oregon: Beginning 50 rods South of
the Northeast corner ot the East half
of the Southeast quarter of Section 4,
Township 2 South of Range 3 East of
the Willamette Meridian; thence West
80 rods to the West line of said East
half of the Southeast quarter afore
said; thence South 110 rods to the
Southwest corner of said East half of
the Southeast quarter aforesaid:
thence East SO rods to the Southeast
corner of said East half of the South
east quarter aforesaid; thence North
110 rods to the place of beginning, ex
cept 1 acre described as beginning 30
feet North and 30 feet West of the
Southeast corner of said East half of
the Southeast quarter of Section 4
aforesaid; thence North 13 rods;
thence West 124 rods; thence South
13 rods; thence East 12H rods to the
placo of beginning; the land herein de
scribed containing 54 acres, more or
Now, therefore, by virtue of said exe
cution, judgment order and decree, and
In compliance with the commands of
said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 5th
day of December -1914; at the hour of
10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of
the County Court House in the City
of Oregon City, in said County and
State, sell at public auction, subject to
redemption; to the highest bidder, for
U. S. gold coin cash in band, all the
right, title and and interest which the
within named defendants or either of
them, had on the date pt the mortgage
herein or glnc had in or to the above
described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg
ment order, decree, interest, costs and
all accuring costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By B. J. STAATS, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., November,
Rth, 1914.
Sheriff Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
J. P. Warinner. Plaintiff,
W. E. Shaw and Catherine J. Shaw,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
Hrv L Cr4
Wa hav aow moved lo our prmananl quarter la th BmvW
lulldlnf, Nt I tho AndrMn Dulldlno.
Rial Itt Abtr4 mI S4ry
Ln, InMinnce. Orgou City, Or
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
Tranaoeta Cmrl Bankm Bawl.
of and under the -al of the above n-
ttth-d court. In the lxv entitled
fauim, to me duly diri-ctrd and dated
he J'M h day of October, 1914. upon a
Jmli'inent rendered and Mitcr-d In ld
court on the ZCih day of Hnptember,
191 1, In favor of J. P. Waiinner, IMaln
tiff, and arslnat W. K. Hhaw and Cth
erlne J. 8 haw, Defendant, for the
urn of I3.K6I.OO, with Intereat thereon
t tho r' of 4 per cent per annum
from the 11th day of Augmt, 1914, and
tlie further mm of .'31 IK with Inter
eat thereon from tha 1Mb day of Aug-
at. 1113. to Auguit 11th. 1914. and
the further uio of tluO.Oo, n attorn
ey' f-e, and the further sum of JK.70
Imtirince, and the coat of and upon
hi writ, commanding me to make isle
of th following described real proper
ty, (Ituate In the county of Clackauiax,
tale of Oregon, to-wlt: The South
est quarter of the Houthcunt Quarter
of Section Twelve. Township Four
South of Hang Ono East of the Will-
mette Meridian, containing Forty
aerei. more or Ui.
Now, therefore, by virtue of aald
xecutlon. judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
said writ. I will, on Saturday, the
th day of December, 1914; at tbe hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door
of th County Court Home in tbe City
Oregon City, In said County and
State, sell at public auction, ubject
to redemption, to tbe highest bidder,
for U. ti. gold coin cash In hand, all
the right, title and Interest which the
ithiu named defendants or either of
them, had on the date of the mortgage
ereln or since had In or to tbe above
egcrlbed ral property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution. Judg
ment order, decree. Interest, costs and
11 accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon.
By B. J. STAATS. Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., November
th, 1!H4.
Yants, For Sale etc.
My office Is now located at 17-18
Beaver Building, Oregon City. Gener
al law practice, loans and collections.
Prompt and agreeable service assured.
Pounded Up.
Chuck up full of Bargains. Every
single day for 10 days, beginning next
Tuesday, the 10th. See pages 4 and 5.
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 4. Ball play
ers are only human. They are after
the money at all times, and overlook
no opportunity for grabbing it. A
most striking ttistance occurred during
the visit of the all-star teams here
Saturday and Sunday.
Arrangements were made before the
teams arrived to put them up at one
of the leading hotels here. Frank Ban
croft, after he arrived (and he is the
business manager of the all-Nationals),
said that the players were kicking on
the expense entailed, and would have
been glad to stop at a cheaper hostelry.
However, this was Impossible, after ar
rangements had been made.
The reason for this is simple. The
players are direct partners in the trip.
They share and share alike. Every ex
tra bit ot expense cuts into their own
pocket. When these same players are
on the road during the regular season
there isn't a hotel on the road which is
good enough for them.
Some of tbe pampered stars want
the bridal suites, a drawing-room on
the Pullman, and it their steak isn't of
the proper size and thickness, and done
exactly to their liking, there is an aw
ful howl.
The same players were out at the
local park on Saturday afternoon, ca
vorting on the diamond, although it
was raining the greater part of the
time. They waited until long after the
advertised hour for starting the game
before it was decided to call It off.
These same tossers, who during the
season refuse to get into the game if
they have any kind of an ache or pain,
were all willing to take a chance it
the cold, drizzling rain. You see, It
makes all the difference whether the
players are In on the cut, or whether
they are simply playing for a salary,
letting the owner of the team do all
of the worrying. ,
$50 Reward
Will be paid for any advertised bar
gains not found see pages 4 and 5.
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 4. Accord
ing to reports from the south, Billy
Ncal, the scout of the Philadelphia
Nationals, who has been hanging
around San Francisco for some little
time, has left for Los Angeles and has
the authority to talk to Dave Ban
croft, and if hA can come to terms with
the Portland shortstop he will be pur
chased by toe National league club.
Walter McCredle denied that he had
given him explicit Instructions to this
effect, but admitted a little later that
it would be all right with him if Neal
managed to tie Bancroft up to a con
tract realizing that he had little chance
of holding him here.
Neal saw McCredle when the latter
was in San Francisco during the last
week , of the season, and they had
con flab there. Bancroft left for the
south to play ball in the Imperial Val
ley Winter league, and Neal is undoubt
edly prepared to make Bancroft an of
William Hiiwmafttf
f. J. Wim. CaaUaa
OpoM from I A M. t I . M
Phone Pacific II
Homo A-lll
All If iJ builo promptly attaodod to
Dutchr Advokal
Will practice la all court, aiak
collection and settlement.
Offlco la Enterprise Building.
Oregon City, Oregon,
Commercial, Real Eaut an 41
Probate our Special'.. Ot
Ac In First National Bank
Bldg.. Orogon City. Oregon.
W. 5. EDDY, V. i, M. D. T.
Graduate of tho Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and th McKUlIp School of Sur
gery of Chicago. 1 eitabllihod
at Faahlon Stable, Fifth St. bo
t'ee o Main and Water El.
Both Telephone
Oflllco Pacific Main 65; Homo,
Residence Pacific, Main 184
Attorny-at-Lw ;
Notary Publlo - '1
Eitacada. Orsfoo. Z
We make a specialty of Install-
0 lng water aystema and plumb-
lng In th country. We carry
1 th Leader tank and Sto vi - ,
glne. We have a full I V ef I
I Myers pum and stray pump.
Price alway lowest
I , o
720 Main 8t Oregon City
? Prion 1682. I
u, D, E I Y
Money loaned, abstract furnish
ed, land titles examined, estate
settled, general law bualneau.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Tom J. Myers-E. A. Brady
-V - V-V-- -'-
- --X.p- .V.,,; . j :
pi 1'-'iy . ..y . .' --
aaaa-ilaawaWM-iaViV a'aHaama' wftan n
The only residence undertaking es
tablishment In Clackamas County.
Day and Night Service
Tenth and Water Streets
Main 123 A-37
The most economical, cleansing and
germicidal of all antiseptics la
A soluble Antiseptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as needed.
As a medicinal antiseptic for douches
in treating catarrh, Inflammation or
ulceration of nose, throat, and that
caused by feminine Ills It has no equal.
For ten years the Lydla E. Plnkham
Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtlne
in their private correspondence with,
women, which proves its superiority.
Women who have been cured say
it Is "worth its weight in gold." At
druggists. 60c. large box, or by mail.
Tho Puton Toilet Co, Boston, Mass.
Don't Delay Treating Your Cough
A slight cough often becomes ser
ious, Lungs get congested, Bronchial
Tubes fill with mucous. Your vitality
Is reduced. You need Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey.
It soothes your irritated
air passages, loosens mucous and
makes your system resist Colds. Give
the Baby and Children Dr. Bull's Pine-Tar-Honey.
It's guaranteed to help
them. Only 25c at your Druggist.
Klamath Falls' paved district has
been extended by the completion of a
six block contract on Third street, be-
lwr r-tl-j 31 f.r-irf ... I.