OKI-WON CITY ENTEIIPKIHM, KIM DAY. OOTOMKU 1(5. 1!M I. i ! ill i i?. it DEBT OF CITY IS SHOWN BY REPORT (Continued from I'm 1.) Oregon CHy Cah 0l, October !. III. Fund Sewer ')lL No. I Extension Her PUt. No. J Bower put. No. T Monro fit ' John Adam Culvert Fourteenth fit '"' Sewer PUt. No. I rllttreblb PI General Fund ' Ro4 fund Cemetery Fund Water Fund Special Water Fund ' library Fund Taylor Street Alley. Mock No. B (Overdrawn. 17) gcmer PUt. No t Bewer Dlt. No. J Water Htreet Extension, Tod. (Overdrawn $::.7S Main Street Jacktun Street Washington Street Water Street (Overdrawn Ill.H) Madison Street Widening Ninth Street (Ocrdrao $: 45) Widening Taylor Street (Overdrawn!:!.:!) Eleventh Street Ttflh Street Center Street, 2nd Extcnalon Sixth Street (Overdrawn 1124.21) Jefferson Street Center Street. 3rd eitmtlon Ninth Street, 2nd extenalon Sever Plitrirt No. Fourth Street Thirteenth Street J. Q. Adama Street. 3rd extension (Overdrawn $152.43) Elevator DAD Fund Ran. Imp. Bond Sinking Fund Amouuia I l.slls l4l l.ceicf li 44 - ii'i a 37.l , 1.510 o Si oo J73I Thirteenth Hirert Fourth Ulrrrl Hmrr put. No. fietr PUt. No. I Krttr Put. No. t Main Htrvel Fi'urtmh fit Sidewalk Lk-oa (lol lnlrrv.t not computed l.lrli Jur Engineering sertbr !0OlW Sua 37 fck I ) SO 00 40J 30 400 1 U7.7 11.60 22 514 330.11 271.1s 71.7S 20 9s 21.70 175.4S :n.5 137 1.46 43 262.'.' 1.653.30 10.491.09 Total (Overdrawn. $$59.77) Less Overdraft 2S.S49 36 S59.77 Balance 27. Warrant Indebudne, Cloaa of Buaineaa, $pt 30th, 1914. S'J.59 Total 14.310 Also the follow Inc di-nrll-ed property owned by Oregon City Hh Improve ment lln a poled: lot T and . block U3 I W. H UH 1. blk IS W. U lot 2. Mo.h !', Easterly 100 ft. of Northerly 41 ft. lot 2. block 1 15 Fast 100 ft. I..t I. Murk Hi tMadlson Hi ) lot I. block Hi (Eleventh fit.) 31 ft. lot. 2. block Hi Uh 1. block 145. Monro Mt t, block 145. Monroe U.I 7. block H5. M mro I At , block 145. Mum U't 1. block I5. J y. A Jama lt 2. bliH'k Hi. J. Q. Adama Uit 3. lhk 145, J. Q. Adama Lot I. block H5. J. Q. Adima U 5. 4 7. and t, blink 152 Utt 4 and 7. block 9. 1'ark Add Uta 1. 2. 7 and K, block 145. utn Bt Lola 7 and i. bloi k 11 770 : kt 71 llO.bl 19544 23 611(H) 1 lo.yii 137.b0 12&00 1.17 60 225 00 200.00 150 00 160 00 212 bO 725 0O 150 00 6116 770.2!t 1 FORCES CAPTURE GHENT RCFUCIIt CROWD (TCAMIM IN KFPORT TO IICURI IAFITV ON BRITISH 8HORII BELGIANS ARE IK STATE Of PANIC British Coniul In OttcnJ Lvtt London Belgian Coatl City ftt' Attack From Mail of Ttulont for Total I 4.858.00 Total Llrna I 21.0SS 90 Hanrrft Llena 7I.35S.79 Cash on hand 27.4!9 &3 Total ranh and Men Credit f I22.937.2J Total City tndfbiedniiis. eirept Watr Conimlailon 1461405.43 l.ra raih on hand and l.lena 122.937.2S Net indebtednna 33H.6C! 15 The appraiser valuation for tho purpose or luciimi'iii naa nui jii been plnced on the property benefitted bv the followln named ImproVcruenta, vt: Seventh alreet. llixh tivet. Cen ter treet. MadUon tre't. Sewer Pl- lirt No. 10 and Sewer IMitlrlct .No. II. When lien ara adjuated covering- the Improvement It will give an ad dltlonal credit to the city of aeveral thousand dollar; ai the account now aland they show a debit In this re port, including- Intereit. of f54.!i2l.20. Keipectfully (ulimlttcd. J. O. 8TAAT3. Special City Auditor. Fund Center Street Jefferson Street .... Madlaon Street Eleventh St. Taylor St. Ninth SL 2nd Ext .. Twelfth St W'aihington SL Center SL 3rd Ext. . . Sixth SL , John Adams Culvert Monroe SL Fourteenth SL Alley Block No. 5 J. Q. Adam SL Water St, 6th to 7th . Sixteenth St Jackson St Main St Thirteenth SL Seventh SL High SL Fifteenth SL Sewer DisL No. 2 Sewer Dist No. 6 Sewer Dist. No. 9 . Sewer Dist No. 10 Sewer Dist No. 11 OuUtandinf Warrant Interest Total .1 91.460.6S S 4.C92.94 I 96.153.62 . 30.640S4 1.64927 32.21)0.11 . 2.653.S3 705.71 3.359.54 6S4.56 152.07 8.16.63 . 3.250.00 315.25 3.565.25 S0O.0O 303.46 1.103.46 . 10.202.SS 1.002.36 12.205.24 . 1.421.44 165.36 1.5S6.S0 . 6.462.27 751.12 6.213.39 . 1.118.45 206.00 1.324.45 . 6,301.63 46S.04 5.769.67 357.6S 53.17 410.85 . 6.612.07 1.323.39 7.935.46 1.1S9.85 202.48 1.392.33 , 10,544.10 917.63 11.161.73 4C2.96 96.59 659.55 22.20 5.00 27.20 . 7.7S5.51 605.82 8,391.33 203.80 45.74 249.54 4.799.65 347.01 6.146.66 6,724.54 404.86 6,129.40 639.44 19.0S 658.52 3.432.46 245.29 3,677.75 12,763.06 396.95 13,160.01 , 22.3S9.3S 5S4.34 22,973.72 , 2.551.73 146.68 2.698.41 , 2.4S7.2S 65.42 2.552.70 2,627.16 47.82 2.674.98 939.44 4.38 943.82 726.75 96.09 822.84 1,000.00 194.17 1,194.17 5.250.74 854.22 6,105.02 1,616.37 187.08 1,833.45 300.00 60.60 350.60 11,923.66 1.034.9S 12,958.64 496.60 4.55 501.15 S259.S73.01 S 19,344.92 $279,217.93 Total Warrant Indebtedness Improvement Bonds 82,387.50 Funding & Refunding Bonds 100,000.00 Total City Indebtedness, Sept. 30th, 1914 J461.G05.43 Lien Under the Bancroft Act held by City Against Property Benefitted by Improvement. Extension Sewer District No. 2 3 281.90 Main Street v 7,147.37 Thirteenth Street 97.92 Sixteenth Street '. 1,471.19 Jackson Street 787.50 J. Q. Adams Street 2,521.47 Sewer Dist. No. 8 1,390.47 Sewer Dist. No. 7 3.040.71 Monroe Street 7,592.71 Fourteenth Street 591.55 Water Street between 6th and 7th 417.65 Sewer Dist. No. 9 .,, 502 07 Sewer Dist. No. 6 3,529.75 Ninth Street 5,415.94 Washington Street 6,126.14 Taylor Street 1,053.18 Jefferson Street 8,876.76 Sixth Street 3,273.97 Center Street, 2nd Extension 4,079.82 Washington Street, south of 7th 4,148.24 Twelfth Street 7,194.12 Water Street, 6th to 6th 34.86 Eleventh Street 2,371.49 Madison Street 806.60 Ninth Street Extension 46.11 Lower Ninth Street 96.63 Lower Tenth Street 115.86 Sewer Dist No. 5 123.20 Sewer Dist. No. 4 131.02 Center Street 226.97 Jackson Street 186.85 Sewer Dist. No. 2 139.34 Sewer Dist. No. 3 200.40 Total "Bancroft Liens" held by city 74.258.79 Lien Held by City not Covered by Bancroft Act. (Improvement) Sewer Dist. No. 3 5 418.27 GERMANS ARE STRICT IN CONQUERED CITY LONDON. Oct. 13. "The. municipal employe of Antwerp have to wear al legiance to the German empire." ay the Evening New correspondent at Gericen-on-Zoon, Holland, In a dtipatrh dated Monday. The mesaaie con tinue: "The policemen were allowed to re tain their arm. The police have been ordered to remove the Belgian flag from all house. The usual regula tion enforced at LWge. Vervter nd other Belgian town are being Intro duced In Antwerp. Tbee rule In clude the obligation to light the houses at night and leave the door ODen. The Imuerlal standard must be saluted when the army Is passing through the streeta and soldiers have been aeen to strike oft wltn tnetr sa bers the hat of person who did not give tuch a salute. "Already thousand of fugitives are returning to Antwerp and shop are slowly reopening. Many more thous ands, however, are hesitating, appre hensive that the Germans present friendly conduct may change later on. "The town also has been ordered to supply all requisitioned wares free. For Instance, two tons of potatoes were to be provided today. All bakers, butchers, grocers and provision deal ers not reopening their shops within five days are threatened with stringent measures. "The Germans say that there are 125.000 of their men in Antwerp, but this figure seems to be exaggerated. Several thousand of the landwehr troops and marines probably will re main as a garrison. "Negotiations for the surrender of the city last Friday threatened to col lapse, for the Germans insisted on hav ing the signature of the Ilelglun com mander, General De GulBe. They eventually accepted that of another of ficer, M. Weerbrouck. 11. S. CITIZENS MAY SELL WAR SUPPLIES PRIVATE TRANSACTIONS DO NOT VIOLATE NEUTRALITY, STATES OFFICIAL 3000 LOSE LIVES IN E WASHINGTON. Oct. 14 Commer cial transactions between the belliger ent governments of Europe and private citizen of the I'niled Stulea In no way affect the neutrality of tbla country, even If arma and ammunition are In volved, according to a statement Is sued today by Kobert Lansing, acting errutary of state. Mr. tanning says that he was prompt ed to make the itatemeut by numer ous lnciulrtea and cotuplalnta. Indicat ing a widespread Imprecalon tbal Am erican business men cannot sell war supplies to the belligerent without committing an un-neutral act "In the first place," the statement add, "It should be understood that, generally speaking, a citizen of the I'nited States can sell to a belligerent government or agent any article of commerce which he pleases. He Is not prohibited from doing this by any rule of International law, by any treaty pro vision, or by any statute of the Lnltd States. It makes no difference wheth er the articles sold are exclusively for war purposes, such as firearms and explosives, or are foodstuffs, clothing, horses, etc., for the use of the army or navy of the belligerent 'A neutral government Is not com pelled by international law, treaty or statute to prevent those sales to a bel ligerent. Such sales, therefore, by American citizens do not In any way affect the neutrality of the United States. "It Is true that such articles as thoBe mentioned are considered contrnbrand and are, outside the territorial Juris diction of a neutral nation, subject to seizure by the enemy of a purchasing government, but it is the enemy's duty to prevent the articles from reaching their destination not the duty of tho nation whoso citizens have sold them." ffiftTl? Kl5 lriyC -XVfl'lVl"t4Cn LONDON. (M. 13 -A dUpati h from Amsterdam say tho (ieriimn are marching toward Ontcnd and German ilryclltl already hate been seen Hear Kt'cloo, II mile north of (ihetll. tier man ratalrynien are near limne. The Inhabitant of the country went of Ghent are fleeing In the direction of Ardenburg, and the Germans are throwing a pontoon hrldiw at .letaete, 10 mile in the north of Ghent, Ghent, about 35 mile to (he ea"t of Ostend, wa ox-cudled Monday by Ihx German after two dav of flxhtlng near Ouatrecht and Melln. Cavalry men apH-atvd at first, but did mt stay. Donate greeting at a mewling on a bal I jiter Infantry advanced from all lle. tletlehl. KAISIH AND ELDEST SON KISS EACH OTHER ON THE FIELD OF BATT ml JOIY OF ANTWERP" FALLS BEFORE FOE FEW FONTS HOLO OUT A0ANT FIERCE ATTACK OF r.. 1 MAN FORCIS BIG BATTERIES ARE BIOM? ITwe Brigade of Drlii, Bui ,000 M.n, Cut Off r , Hollantf-Artij pUf) Sllll RaM KaUer Wllhrlm and hi fit n Minimis, Oct lo AmB . fallen Into the band of Hi. v',J llh the elrepllou of a f. ou.V fori, whli h rannnt affwl Hi w,(M! Iii fort, but II i apt lire, ImT and stirring a II ha been, bed of mm h of It Intrinsic .w ? roiilHpInd here, by Ibo g garrison. Tho defender. It aptx-ar. hu occupied the Hotel du Vlllo and ramped In the treet. So great I t tin demand for passage on steamers I nun Osteiul tliat tmiae boat arriving at Kolkestotia today car rled no bagxaite. Aso soon a they dis charged their passenger the steamers returned to Osteiul, where thousands of IWIglan refugee were rlatnorlng for transportation to Kugland. The statements of some of those who succeeded In getting away Indldlrato that a panic exist at Osteml, where thousand of Belgian refuge were clamoring for transportation to Kng- land. The statements of some of those who succeeded In getting away Indi cate that panic exists at Ostend. where crowd of fugitives continue to I arrive, spreading exaggerated reports regarding the proximity of the German pursuers. Among today's arrivals at Folke stone and Dover were several hundred wounded Belgian soldiers. It la likely that their number will be considerably Increased In the next few days. They are being looked after by the relief committee for wounded allies and are being sent In small bodle to differ ent provincial rltle and towns, where arrangementa have been mado to pro vide thera with hospital accommoda tion. MOR mm hae alwavs been close friends, and '"" nuh lo enable them to uUhi during l ha present war their aff Ion " h of the situation and rW- ha been mor Intense than usual. The lherie alien It Iterame evlijraim, kaiser and Crown ITInce Krederli g 'h d"""1 "f "" a e,l4 j. William am here ahiiwn In an after warn the rloaa or lbs der.i,., oel, . ... .. UhI !... ... 1 . . - - iiii. inn BMinp-in i' wura ins rBu!a- Ing available gun was rt to hold au werp. The first official admission that (a llrttUh participated In the d.friiM of Antwerp la contained In an a!mli!t. siinoniiiefiieht that three natal brt. ladra. wilt) heavy gtina, bad been s.m there during the last week of tha (irt. nouni enirnt a 'li "in Antrp wt de rra tied (). lend afely. Tho other, himetsr. cut off lo the north of U,krrrn. a tow, of Kaal Marnier. II nilrt niinhm or Gl-ent. anil 2000 of I In Biro rr Interned In Holland. The retreat of the llelglan army u accomplished iiirreasfully. The lossea of lb llrltlsh naval brt. gadea probably will be k-s than 30 out of a total of II 000 men. At midday lYIday Ilia advam force of the German reached Antwero mot Dtstruction of Island I Principal Ob- lh full aurrender of the city evidently urnureu ai i ju in ma aiiernoon. Ileat E CALL IN BRITAIN Sh HIGH STANDARD FOR FIGHTING MEN IS LOWERED IN ENGLAND LONG WAR IS CURZON'S PREDICTION jtct of Kaiser Mtn, Say Gtn oral In Army of th King en back front their last detauu-a, ib Helgtana I, Ww up their heavy Uttsrle and withdrew to rejoin their rooridr I who previously bad evacuate lif positions. The fort around Conttrh. til atta I southeast of Antwerp, are aald la V Intact and the duel between them n4 lh German artillery Is retMirtrd u till proceeding today. The oiilcoo cannot b In doubt, It having brencofr lelushely proved In the last two month .ONPOS. Oct. 13. J:40 A. M. The Helglan town of Ghent I now occupied by the Germans, according to an Am sterdam dispatch to the Itepter Tele gram company, rhlana have arrived a Ual a . . iknri I , n .u m,.m I II ia eaumateu mai aireauj neari7 (ihent nd th. enmni.mlee annnnnre.l .LZV ' ."T """- 100.000 llelglan refugee, have landed .., . mu -,,,., , ., "'a ? n in an ex.sea on lhee bore. It la feared that th ,L" nf " ' - uanon iana no cnanc against mourn atrvam of fugitive will Increase ,n " le howluer. volume a the German occupation of I I T no real extent of th destmrtlel Ilelglum become more complete. LONPON. Oct 1 J. Kngland's need within the wall of Antwerp will ts H-rbert Ioul Sumuel. president of or more righting men wa rmpnastieq siow in reaching the outl.le world the local government board. Issued to- by the announcement tonight that the from nnpartlsan aourcea, for Hi. rea- Infantry stniulnnl. wnirn Had been rnlsed to chi-ck the great rush of re cruits at the outbreak of tb waa, ha again been lowered. The minimum height for recruits, I day an appeal asking that committees he formed In various parts of the conn try to assist In obtaining food and shel ter for the strangers and to help to find homes In which they may be placed. Mr. Samuel said that K000 refugees already have lieen dlstrlbu' son that roiiimunlrallon with lh eltr Ms either cut or entirely la the hsmfs of military authorities. I'rom ThiMtn lit Is asserted that the ralbeilraV ot Notre pamo has not been damaged. which formerly wa 5 feet 6 Inchea, ha The museums and other public build- been reduced to & feet 4 Inchea and ed among homes In different part of chest measurement from 35 Inchea to the country. WASHINGTON. Oct. 13. American Consul Johnson at Ostend reported to day thut llrltlsh Interests thoro had iM-cn turned over to him and the llrlt ish consul would leave for Knglund to morrow. Whether this meant the abandonment of Ostend by llrltlsh ns well as Helglnn military forces was not explulned, but tho dispatch'- Indicate tho rapid approach of tho OrmmiH from Antwerp. Mr. Johnson reported thnl communl cation between Ostend and Ghent bin! been severed since yesterday and the belief prevailed In Ostend thnt Ghent had fallen. He said he was utile still WASHINGTON, Oct. 13. More than 3000 lives were lost In the earthquake In the province of Konla, Turkey, Oc tober 5, according to a cablegram to day from Ambassador Morgenthau to the state department. Thousands of buildings were de stroyed, rendering countless numbers of people homeless. Ambassador Morgenthau was unoffi cially requested by the minister of tho interior of the Turkish government to solicit help from the people of the United States through the Ked Cross and other organizations. WRECKEO OFF TOKU. 41.00 .70 742.80 2,205.22 252.21 921.71 255.48 Sewer Dist. No. 5 Lower Eighth Street Madison Street Eleventh Street Water Street Washington Street Sixth Street Jefferson Street 2,413.04 Ninth Street 677-7s Widening Ninth Street 1,229.50 Alley, Block No. 6 " - John Adams Culvert Monroe Street Sewer Dist No. 7 ' Extension Sewer Dist No. 2 J. Q. Adams Street JaoVoon Street 22.60 68.00 883.50 905.01 238.15 1,850.30 625.00 SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 13. Accord ing to cable advices received here to day, tho steam schooner S. T. Alexan der, owned by the Cbarlea NelBon com pany of San Francisco, Is a total wreck off Toku Island, in the Friendly group, and her cargo of lumber lost. Captain H. Laurfltzen of Oakland and the orew of 10 men were saved. No details wore given to explain the cause of the wreck. The Alexander galled from Puget Sound July 18, carrying a cargo of lumber, with Pago Pago as her final destination. PETROGHAl), Oct. 14. The ad miralty here still refused today to dis close the exact spot where the Hub slan cruiser I'allaila was sunk October 11 by German submarines. The offi cials announced today that two Ger man submarines were sunk by the Hus sion fire. They added that the Pallada waa of an antiquated type. CARROLL EXONERAED 34 4 Inches. An appeal has been Issued In Glaa- gow for lOiio recruits to replace tho na val men Interned In llotlnnd. Earl Curxon of Kedlcaton, formerly viceroy of India, In a speech at a war meeting at Harrow school tonight, said the taking of Antwerp was a dellberulv part of tho German plan. "Germany has laki n Antwerp lo for tify It, to keep It, to make a gr at tin vnl port of It, ;o use It ns n g;vnt Jnirn Inn off pln'-o for her future attempts upon Ibis country. It i n i tuiipornry oci upa: Ion unless wu iiiuke It so." Tho nptuker added thnt by fortifying Antwerp. Germany would secure a grin to communicate with Ilrug nut fur on tho whole of Ilelglum, make Hill ings also may have escaped. It la to be noted that the report of destruction have almost Invariably obtained from excited refugee and tel egraphed from points more or less dis tant from Antwerp. T OF IS 45,000 GERMANS BELGIANS PLACE FIGURE AT HIM MARK TUETONS NOW DE MAND $100,000,000 distant from Ostend. NEW BILL TO EASE COTTON CRISIS, PLAN land play her will and then settle down to her main object the destruction of this country. Ho said England was In for a long wnr, and declared ho was THK HAGt'K, Oct. 12. GermM Iohhi'S In killed nml u-oiiiwliul totalled shocked that some people should think 5.000 at the siege of Antwerp, accord ing to Information received here to day from Helglnn sources. Much tlnmnge, It was until, was loti SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 13. A cor oner's Jury today exonerated Knockout Carroll of blame In connection with the death of Young Huddle, who succumb ed to concussion of the brain follow ing a four round bout with the former here recently. JACK JOHNSON FINED LONUON, Oct. 13. slack Johnsoi was fined the llrltlsh equivalent of $10 by a police magistrate toduy for obstructing the street with his auto mobile. Johnson pleaded that people were so anxious to see him that they crowded about Mm, making the ob struction Involuntary on his part, but the magistrate was unmoved. LORIMER INDICTED PARIS, Oct. 13. In the announce ment of the transfer of the Uelgian capital to Havre, it was stated that, for the present, the minister of war would remain with King Albert with the llelglan army. It was also said France would accord Iielglan "the same rights of sovereignty within a sovereignty as Italy now accords the Holy See." SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 13. The Holt Manufacturing company of Stock ton protested today before Special Ex aminer Henderson of the Interstate commerce commission against the pro posed raising of boat freight rates from Stockton to Portland from 18 to 27 cents per 100 pounds. County School Superintendent E. J. Moore reports 415 teachers employed in Lane county and a salary roll of $181,5.13. The great majority of these teachers have had college training and in. W.ii Vr. P JT-f. . rif"'!'?nfl- CHICAGO, 111., Oct. 8. Ex-United States Senator William E. Lorimer was indicted here this afternoon by the federal grand Jury on a charge of mis application of funds of the defunct La Salle street Trust & Savings bank. James P. Gallagher, one of Lorimer's associates, also was indicted. On mo tion of Assistant United States Attor ney Fleming, United States Judge Car penter fixed Iyorlmer's bonds at $15,-000. KING CHARLE8 DEAD WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 Efforts of southern members of congress to pro cure leglslntlvo relief for tho cotton states aroused considerable doubt to day as to the time of adjournment. An amendment will be proposed to morrow by southern senators to pro vide for a $250,000,000 government bond Issue for the purchase of 6,000, 000 bnles of cotton, or one-third of the season's crop. Considerable progress was mado on the bill In the senate which agreed without a rollcall to the proposed In creased tax of 75 cents a barrel on beer, taxes of 5 cents a gallon on roll- fled whisky, $1 a thousand on bank capital and surplus, and the amend ment eliminating taxes on gasoline and life Insurance. Some of the proposed stamp taxes also wero approved, sec tions relating to proprietory medicines, express and freight, tobacco manufuc turers and dealers and wines being passed over for further consideration Action on some of the administra tion features also were deferred, Sen ator Simmons giving notice thut ho would ask for a night session tomor row. Senator Gronna, of North Dakota, said the real reason for levying addi tional taxes was found when totnl op- propriations for tho fiscal year were considered. The falling off In customs the hostilities would be over by Christ mas. In his opinion more than one Christ mas would roll by before tho ending of hostilities. In conclusion he advised his hearers not to begin to divide up tho German empire "before you have tho Jail roof, plundered extensively un- Kot hold of It. der rover of tho confusion. An official communlciillon from Iler- From Germnny rnmo nn nccoiint of lln says that on Saturduy German env- Gio routing by the kaisers ravairy airy completely routed a French cav- Saturday or a French division or nomo alrv division west of I.lllo. which Indl- west of 1.111k. by Inmates of tho prison In Antwerp, who, released tho lust night of th slego because shells wero fulling lo The French town of Albert, south of Arrus, was said to hnvo been fom pletely destroys! by bombardment from both Gorman and French srllll ery. COPENHAGEN. Oct. 12. On ! tfnBt 1'russliin frontier. Petrognid ad vlws today said, tho Ilnssliins were still engaged with tho German rear iriinrd no'llheiixt nf Wlrhnllcll. Th cntes that the extreme limit of tho western battle Is within 20 miles of tho Struits of Dover. A dispatch to Renter's Telegram company from Ilerlln via Amsterdam gives tho following statement which wns Issued last night by the Germau general staff: Our cavalry on Saturday completely routed a French cavalry division west nt T ilt., f.n.1 llnvnl.n.w.l. In. fllctod s'evero losses on nnothor French Hussion province of Sownlkl cavalry division. Until now tho en- clenred to bo entirely clenrou oi w gagements on the front In tho western mnns, . theater did not lend to a decision." For strategic rousons, It was " The news of German movemonts ho- plained, Petrogrnd had no report y tweon Antwerp and Ostend up to tho to malic concerning development! present is so fragmentary and con- hnr to the southward, In RuhsI" r tradlctory as to be ulmost worthless. bind. Ilerlln dispatches muu mo military authorities were 'nf,''n)00 payment of tho imSSsed pounds (about $100,000,000) lmt80 against Antwerp. FARM ER8 MOVE OFTEN " WASHINGTON, P. C, Oct. 8. I" oomnlllng data ror inn insi reuerai i bus. tho onumernlors TO TIGHT -IS PLAN naked evor 1 uriL'h. SHERIFF ASKS FOR WITHDRAWAL fnpm(,J. n Oregon this question: "Ho - -" t "vj'i. ijj nun in; i ri iiiiui i OF TROOPS WOULD END -00,000,000, while appropriations ex ceeded those of lust year by more tbun az,ooo,ouo. ROME, Oct. 13. Cardinal Gasnarr! tonight accepted (he papal secretary of state. TROUBLE, HE SAYS long have you lived on the fnrm you now oocttpy?" This question wns an ,t,nn hv io nr.,1 nr Hi if, r,ns! farm op erators in this state. More thnn 12,000 stated that they had occuplod thoir NACO. Ariz., Oct. 12. An American farms only one year or less, i .n.if.i nirvttir i rn m 2 in vpnrH n.nii um the international boundary by. the years and 11,001 10 years and over.. LONDON, Oct. 10. King Charles, of Roumania, la dead, according to a spe cial dispatch received here tonight from Petrograd. The king was report ed 111 several days ago. It was thought at that time this was an excuse for re maining In retirement Roumanian con ditions being much strained, owing to his majesty's pro-German sympathies, while popular sentiment was all for Russia. WASHINGTON, Oct 12. Ex Attor ney General McReynolds was sworn in odsv n a Jutlri; of the supreme tne international iioiiiiuur uy- j- - . Ninth and Tenth United States Cav- The most restless class of peopw i alrv under Colonel C. A. P. Hatfield this state Is the tenant who operates 1,172 of these farmers In this state! SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 12. Mayor T. - . , . ... . I noipn was hurt n an automomie acci- 'ry ' "... .Jr.' Kaia There are dent near liyron Springs Saturday, It to prevent tho Villa and Carranza fac Mi farm on the share basls. Therea waB learnex'. here today. Ha wns taken "ons irom again onnging muir - . the to the springs, and was Jtill there to- fare onto American soil. '.' ut iioni ii.aU -" tnat day This follows the second appeal io query anu luoir leiiioD - rres aent wi son ror Droiecrion ui um i,, ur mmui r town against the remarkable number moved evory year. of stray bullets and shells whicn ror PASADENA, Cal., Oct. 14. Lieuten ant Tulllnferrn nf the srmv aviation corps at San Diego made the flight tn days have fallen hero instead of In from San Diego to Pasadena this morn-1 tne Mexican camps. lng In 1 hour and 50 minutes, carry ing Lieutenant Sutton as a passenger. Lieutenant Morrow, carrying Ser geant Baxter, made the flight In 2 hours and 20 minutes. The Gervals postofflce baa been ad- 8PRINGFIELD, III.. Oct 13. Seer . . 0. ll.rn, Wnillla CnmlTlH" e Mexican camps. " d"" Kini cu.i lf l'l,l- InAav vnlnn.l anlelrla hum VPHlerilftV. hlS body D1-'"" the wishes of many Naco Americans found today In a garage In the rear o .t . . j ' ...... i Li. i rrk kh q found W" wnen ne assea uovernor nuui. iu nave nm umiic. " - . .jii0r the federal troops withdrawn and the morning by Walter Townsena, ea situation turned over to him. He of- of the Springfield Record. Wooas s fered to gather 600 cowboys who would ed his life with a revolver, wooo .... .i . .,.i . ji ....i ..i .. AraaA tnr tha Democru"" liruitn; mo lunu wiliiuuv uiD;unoiiiB I v;oiii.i nao aitnntnrlaljjanuna.ufln