OIM'OON CITY ENTERPRISE. KIM HAY. SEPTEMUMIf 2 WW. 1 n1 T O'Mearte 58 DROWN WHEN COASTER SINKS LlflOOAT WITH it INCLUOlNd WOMEN AND CHILOHIN WAMPgO IN ITOMM By Louis Joseph Vance CHAPTER XXVI. Maka-Btllsv. for upward! of three-quarter of aa hour of lht golden morning blcb fol lowed the night of bla return to New Tori. Mr. Law waa permitted lo es teem blmitf .he happiest of morula. And Inasmuch aa Ibli ta not only a Longer uninterrupted lrm of happi ness tbao la humanly common but la mora of Ibat emotion thin ordinarily leavens the whole of a lifetime. Alan was perbapa to be envied, even though disillusionment when It came waa sud den, sharp, and to him unspeakably shocking a swift, unprrsaged plunge from aunllt peaks of auprema content to the black deptba of a bleak Aver out of deapalr. Tbt beginning of the period waa synchronous with the alam of a taxi cab door tbat abut away a superfluous world from tba company of two who lovad. Tba aound apelled aafety aa well as lucceta In Alan'a undemanding. Tba car allpped amoothly away from the curb, puraued only by a little g uat of teml-lronla checra from the little company of working men wbo bad wlt oeaaed aa well aa measurably partici pated In Jia putatlre elopement from lb bouae of Trine. Vigilant for any Indication tbat tbelr rasloa bad bad a witness In tbat strange borne of deathless hatred. Alan watcbed It through the little window In the back of the cab until a Corner blotted out the Ylslonof It; then with a algh of relief sank down ty the aide of the woman to whom bla very thought, lmpulae and emotioa were dedicated. "Rose!" be whispered, and tenta tively touched one of the banda that lay clenched In ber lap. She responded with never a sign to Indicate consciousness either of bis touch or bla whisper. And reminding himself of the strain Imposed upon ber by the experience through which they bad ust passed, Alan excused her unresponsiveness on grounds of reaction, and for the time felt constrained to let bis sweetheart rest and regain ber normal poise: there waa bliss enough for him lo the consciousness tbat he bad won her safely away, tbat nothing now more than a short hour's drive across town and by ferry across the Hudson stood between them and the marriage that should prove the consummation of all their trials . . . Barring accident! Alan bad too often suffered the pen alty of disappointment for over-indulgence In this failing of bla for depreci ating the unforeseen, not to make the mental reservation, "Barring acci dents!" with a little shiver of dread. Had any of Trine's household been cognizant of bia daughter's escape, Alan argued, interference must have been Instant. Despite the reassuring aspect, the preoccupation of bis companion so vcore upon him that he was presently do longer able to refrain from disturb ing her. "Rose!" be begged again, closing a hand tenderly over hers. "Dearest girl, don't worry another instant! Do calm yourself: remember we are safe f ' i ' MA .... a 9 y '" ,4V ' . ' '' JJ' t v V v i f- it '-' i . - i j t r- i ', ' i 1 1 ; 1 ' ) r- I clung patslonately to blm. Tell rn asam that you love niel" U ii.iyed. "I'nuiiltii me you'll never let att) thing cum betaeen ua. I'rumu uie, AUn pruuilta ma you'll be kiud lo u, al a)s. dear!" Tan you doubt I will be klndT bo murmured reproachfully. "1 am afraid . . she whlnpored. "How could 1 be anything else, lov ing you as I dor "I am afraid . . ." "Why should I be unkind lo youT" 'It Uu't that. ... I'm Juat afraid." "Of wbatr "Of losing you." "Hut that can never be!" "Vou can't be aun. What If yoa ere to Ond you'd been mlttakenT" She caught ber breath and added hastily -That you didn't really love me, I mean." "Oh. thare ridiculous!" "I can't be sure. Nothing in life la permanent. What is love? Ulutlon of the aenies! What la bappltifi'S? A wlll-o'the-wisp! What la life? A make-believe!" Dearest!" He held ber more close ly still. "You are nervous and over wrought You don't know what you're saying. You cant mean what you're aylng. . . . But say that It's so that life Is all make-believe. Tbcn make-believe you lovu me" "Oh. but I do, I do!" "And make-believe for a little we're caught the wlll-o'-the-wlsp only for a little until you wake up and reullxe that It's all real and true." She closed her eyes again: "Yes," ahe breathed, "you are right. Let'e make-believe It'a all true for a little longer . . . and forget . . ." He could by no means account for this strange humor; but be did bla best to comfort her, none the less ten- derly because of his mystification. And for a long time she let Illusion blind her, resting quietly In his arms, mak ing believe . . . Only on approaching the Twenty third street ferry they must needs rouse and sit apart constrainedly for fear some one might glance through the window and surprise tbelr secret As If one needed the evidence of a caress exchanged to know that they were lovers, who had eyes to see the flushed loveliness of the girl shrink ing back In her corner or wit to inter pret the radiant happiness that shone In Alan's face as he bent forward and watched warily from the window. them was momentarily growing less noticeable. As Marropbat's car drew abreast Alan nodded and said quietly: 'Don't be alarmed; I ran attend to this gen tleman alngle handed." And this be proceeded to demon strate with admirable rase, even though called upon to do so far soon er than he bad thought to be thanks to Marrophat's batr-bralned precipe tancy. Kor, falling to lufluence the taxi driver by shouted demands or threats, or to gain the least attention from Alan, Trine's first lleutenaut ab ruptly and surprlsltiKly took bis life In bis bands and In one wild bound bridged the dlitanc between the two flying cars and landed on the taxi's running board. Etop!" be screamed madly. "Stop, I say) You don't know what you're doing! Let me toll you" He got that far but no farther. In the same breath Alan bad flung wide the door and was at the fellow's throat There was a struggle of negligible duration; Marropbat was In no way bis antagonist's match; within three aeconds he threw out both banda, clutched hopelessly at the framework of the cab, and fell heavily to the street The taxi sped on without pause. Its driver deaf to the balls of Innocent It Indignant bystanders. Alan pulled himself together and looked back Just in time to eaten a glimpse or a num. : Inclined ("Hove (tint Marropbal i hoped to stop the taxleab by Uenrlv Ing It, In course of time, of He ful ' And with this In mind be was pruaent I ly surprised, aa the cab took a corner, ! to eee Marrophat'e car stop at that ' corner and Marrophat blnuelf get down. The brow of a hill Intervened, ahutttng off sight of the Muckguard aa he knelt and lit a match. It waa the girl who gave the alarm, suddenly withdrawing her head Iivm the win dow to scream at Alan: "llo'a fired the gasoline! It's Own ing along the street, following the line of the leak and catching up with usl" Without pausing to put Ills band to the latch, Alan kicked the door open. "Jump!" be cried. "Kor your life Jump! As soon aa that flame catches up with the tank" Simultaneously the chauffeur, over hearing, abut off the power. Tbe three gained the aldewalk bare ly In time: the tiny trail of flumes, al most Imperceptible In the aunllgbt, was not a yard from the Jet that spurt ed through the bullet hole In the tank. In the flutter of an eyelash the explo sion followed. Had the cab been load ed with nitroglycerin Its destruction could have been no moro absolute. There waa a roar . . . and then a heap of smoking ruins. Without waiting to admtro the ipee taclo, Alan caught the arm of the girl and hurried ber up the street, at the same time calling to the chauffeur to Wanes to move aiMe, but setied him o fiercely by the wrists that be lu Uncllvely lifted to prutncl himself, and she fairly threw blm half a doien feet from her. Ha brought up with a crash against the wall even aa the door slammed behind the girl. When Alan, tlm first to recover, gained the aldewalk, she waa already In the taxleab. Whatever reward she bad promised the nian, he whlpiwd his machine away aa If from the fear of auddun death. And darting from the house bard on the minister's heels, Marrophat leaped Into his own car and, aa If ha had not beard ber threat or received aubatantlal proof of ber earnestness, tore off In pursuit CHAPTER XXVIII. ! ber of loafers lifting Marrophat to bla ! follow. And chance brought them to feet and helping him to the aldewalk 1 the BMt corner aa another cab. fare- CHAPTER XXVII. Appeared Anxious to Without Being Seen. now; we fooled them handily thanks to your faith and bravery, sweetheart! and everything is going to be well with us from now on. Over in Jersey the minister is waiting now to marry us; and down at the White Star dock the boaf is waiting that is to carry us off to England the moment we're nar rled. Think of that anti that I love you. Nothing can possibly break the Strength of that combination!" For another minute ehe rested as she had ever since sinking Into her corner of the taxicat) moveless, taut, unresponsive. Then a long sigh shook her to her yery heart, and of a sudden the small fist In Alan's grasp relaxed and her face turned to his like a flower to the sun, a face transfigured, its lips now soft and yielding, its eyes un closed and smiling into bis a smile all misty with unshed tears. "Alan." ahe breathed gently. "It can't e true! I'm trying eo hard to believe but all the while I know It can't be true!" He converted a skeptic with the mute eloquence of his lips . . . Head upon his shoulder, the girl The Ring. Theirs was the last vehicle to swing between the gates before these last were closed. And this was quite as well; for Alan. rising for one last backward glance through the rear window, started in- voluntarily and choked upon an ex clamation when he descried a power ful touring car tearing madly toward the ferry-house, Its one passenger half rising from the front Beat, beside the driver, and exhibiting a countenance purple with congested chagrin aa be saw his car barred out of the carriage entrance. Quickly sensitive to his emotion, tha girl caught nervously at Alan's hand. "What is it. dear?" "Marrophat," he snapped. She uttered a hushed cry of dismay. "Don't be alarmed, however," ho hastened to comfort her. "He's lost the race: tbe gates are shut even the passenger gates and there must bo a company spotter somewhere near by, for the gateman is virtuously refusing to be bribed by a roll of money as thick as my wrist!" At that instant the taxleab rolled aboard the ferry-boat; the deck pates were closed; a hoarse whistle rent the roaring silence of the city; winches rattled and chains clanked; and the boat wore ponderously out of Its slip. "So much for Mr. Marrophat!" Alan crowed, sitting down. "Foiled again! He can't stop us now!" "Perhaps . . ." "Why that perhaps? Why that tone?" he demanded sharply, struck by the foreboding her accents con fessed. "This Isn't the only ferry. There's the Pennsylvania and the Lackawanna and by bard driving he might even manage to catch the boat that con nects with this from the Christopher street ferry of tbe Erie!" "Impossible! I don't believe it! I won't!" "Let's not," she agreed. "Cut, Alan "Yes?" ( "Promise me If he should manage to catch up with ub you won't let him talk to you. I mean, donl let him" "No fear of that!" be esservated hotly, "if he tries to exchange one word with me I only wish he would!" She seemed satisfied with that; but the Incident had served appreciably to chill their spirits. They accomplished the remainder of that voyage in a silence that waa no lens depressed be cause they sat band in hand through out. Nor was their taxleab three minutes out of the ferry house on the Jeraey shore though the chauffeur, sti.uu later by Alanjs extravagant promises, was doing his best to fracture te speed laws and escape arrest when the girl's fears were amply Justified; a shout from behind drew Alan's head out of the window on one side and the girl's on the other and proved to both tbat Marrophat had indeed found some way to make the crossing without great delay. His touring car was within fifty yards when they first were aware of It; and Marrophat, standing on the running-board, was shouting Inarticu lately and flourishing an Imperative hand; while the distance between i I M IS , 'I "That Woman la Judith Trine, You Idiot Not Rossi" of an unsavory-looking tenement, be fore the cab took a corner on two wheels . . ." "Not seriously Injured, I fancy," ho told tbe girl In response to ber eager look. "Worse luck!" he added gloomily. But It seeemed that he was to have greater cause than this to complain of his luck, before that ride was ended. Three blocks further on a tire blew out with a report like a cannon-cracker, and the taxi lurched perilously, hesitated, slowed down, and limped dejectedly to the curb. Alan and the chauffeur piled out In the same Instant, the one standing guard with an eye out as well for another cab while the other assessed damages. "Nothing for it but a new tire, sir," this last reported sympathetically. "It must have been a broken bottle or something like that It sure did rip the usefulness clean out of that shoe." ''Go to It," Alan advised him terse ly; "and if you make a quick Job of It, I'll stand the cost of the new tire." "But If another cab comes along while you're at It you'll lose uu as quick as a wink. Here's my card, In case we have to desert you In a hurry; you understand this is a matter of life and death, and I'll nave no time to 6ettlo up with you. But you can call at Mr. Digby's office and he'll fix things up to your satisfaction." The man took the card and after a glance at the name touched his hat with moro noticeable respect. "All right, Mr. Law," he agreed; "anything you say." And forthwith got to work. The rapidity with which he com pleted the change of tires proved hlrn an excellent chauffeur, an adept at his craft; but the delay was one disas trous for all that. It worked together with what Alan pardonably described as the devil's own luck to bring the touring car in sight at the precise mo ment when the chauffeur waa cranking up and Alan on the point of re-entering the cab. And though they were off again before Alan could close the door, the attempt was hopeless from the start. And yet whether or not because Alan's distaste for interference had been too convincingly demonstrated the touring car for the time being contented itself with trailing about fifty feet in the rear, while the taxi fled the tenement purlieus of-tho Ho boken waterfront and found Its way Into the broader streets of un unpre tentious suburban quarter. Not until they werj? well Into the suburbs, with few dwellings near and no pedestrians to Interfere, did Marro phat's purpose become apparent. Then, however and it happened while Alan was looking back the touring car drew In swiftly and easily and Marro phat, rising In his seat, leveled a re volver over the windshield and fired. Tbe crack of his weapon was prac tically coincident with a metallic thud beneath the rear seat of the taxleab. Not for some moments did Alan ap preciate the Tlcionsness of tbe scheme. EurmlslDg tbat the gasoline tank bad been punctured by the bullet, he waa less, hove Into view. Promising Its driver anything he might ask. In or out of reason. Alan gave him tbe ad dress, and helped the girl In. If Marrophat pursued Alan could see no sign of him. The second car made better time than tho first. Unhindered, and as far as could be determined, without being followed, It covered the brief remaining distance In a grate fully short lapse of time. The suburb dropped behind a maze of streets where dwellings stood shoul der to shoulder and dooryards were scant. The car Bwept up to a corner i sibly, houso of modest and homely aspect Two minutes more, and Alun was ex changing Bulutatlons with und making his bride-to-be known to Digby's good friend, the Reverend Mr. Wright. Embarrassment worked confusion with tho young man's perceptive facul ties. As this moment approached when two should be iHado one who had gone through fire and flood, literally as well as figuratively, for each oth er's sake, Incredulity drew a veil be fore his vision. He viewed the world as in a glass, darkly. He was aware of a decently fur nished minister's study; of two wit nesses In tho gulHO of unassuming womenfolk of the minister's house hold; of tho Itev. Mr. Wright himself as a benevolent voice rolling sono rously forth from a black-clad pres ence; of tho w oman of his heart stand ing opposite him; of questions asked and responses made; of a ring that was magically conjured from some storo apparently maintained agalnHt precisely similar emergencies; of a hand that took the hand that was to bo his wife's and placed it in his; of ills clumsy and witless bungling with tho task of fitting that ring to the finger of his sweetheart's hand . . . And then he was aware of a door that banged violently In tho bullway; of the sound of a man's voice making some Indistinguishable demand; that Rose's hand was suddenly whipped away, before he could fit on the ring; that the study door was flung open and that this animal of a Marrophat had j precipitated himself Into the room. i Ho opened his mouth to protest And the Rose. Taking the dated young man by the hand, as though be bad been a child, the Reverend Mr. Wright ted Alan back to his study and established htm In a comfortablo armchair beside bis desk. "Sit there and compose yourself, my dear young friend," he Insisted lu a aoothlng voice. At the elbow of the Reverend Mr. Wright a telephone shrilled Impera t'vely. With a gesture of professional patience he turned to tho Instrument, lifted tho receiver to his ear, and poke In musically modulated accents. "Yea . . . Yes: this Is Mr. Wright ... Ah, yes. Mr. IXgby. . . Not coming? Hut, my dear sir, Mr. Law la already hero. I must lull you" He checked with a reproving glunce for Alan, who was twitching bis sleeve Insistently. "If you please." Alan begged. "let me speuk to Dlgby at ouco. Forgive me" Reluctantly tbe minister surrendered the telephone. "That you. Dlgby?" "Alan! Mens my soul, what are you doing over there? Is Miss Trlno with you? Hut bow can that be posalblo? "Rose? No. What about ber?" Alan demnnded, stammering with anxiety. "Why one of my aples has Just re ported by telephone He was going on duty this morning when ho saw a young woman either Roso or Judith wearing a rough coat over boudoir dress climb out of one of the base ment windows of Trine's houso. She was apparently In great dintresa of mind and anxloua to escape without being aeen from the bouse; but boforo my man whoso post of observation la In the third story of one of the houses opposite could get to the street, sho had been caught by several rough-looking customers, wbo rushed out of Trine's houso, seized tbe girl, and mado off with her In a motor-car bearing a New Jersey license number. I am sending men to watch tho Jersey ferries. Call mo up In on hour " Without a word of response, and without a word bf apology to the Rev erend Mr. Wright, Alan dropped the receiver, snntcbud up bis hut, and fled that hounn llko a man demented. Rose, escaping from Trine's house, overpowered and mado the cnptlve of Trine's lowest creatures gunmen p- of tho stump ft that nnlinal whom Trlno bad charged with the as sassination of Alan liiii night before! There wus neither a motor-car In sight for blm to charter nor any tlmo to waste In seeking ono. Alan could only hope to find one on his way back toward the ferry. It must have been ; upwards of an hour before bo came Into a street which ho rucognlzeiL by j Its dlnglness and squalor, as that In which ho hnd thrown Marrophat from the running-board of tho taxleab. I And then, as bo paused, breathless ! and footsore, to cast about him for the J way to the ferry, a touring car turned a corner at top speed and slowed to a stop before that selfsamo tenement of tho unsavory aspect to whoso sidewalk I he had seen Marrophat assisted by j the loafers of tho quarter, j And this touring cur was occupied ; by some half-a-dozen ruffians In whose 1 hands a young girl wrlihed and Btrug- gled when, Immediately on tho Btop, they Jumped out and wrestled her out with brutal Inconslderatlon. Like a shot Alan had crossed the street but only to bring up noBo to the panels of tho tenement door, and U find himself seized and thrown roughly aside by a burly denizen when he grasped the knob and mado as If to follow In. "Keep back, young feller!" his n sallant warned blm viciously. "Keep outa this, now, If you don't want to get Into trouble." To tho speaker's sldo another ranged, eyeing Alan with a formidable scowl. At discretion he stepped back and turned as If persuaded to mind his own business, then swung on his heel, surprlsa had mined lha rinsed door bnfois thujf rueovared and sought to atay Mm. , ludlfletelil lo IIikiii all, ba shook tbe knob and shouted "Kiao! llo!" Her cry came bark to him, a muf fled scream: "Alan! Help! Help!" Hacking away with a mad Idea of throwing himself bodily against the door and breaking It down, h waa sud denly confronted by a hideous mask of humanity fare of nun all misshapen, bruised and awillen and dlsrtgumd with smears of dried blond and a dirty bandage round bla temple, but noue the lets vaguely lerognliabla. The words that aireamed from Ita distorted Hps drove recognition boms. "Gee, fellers, look t who's here! If It ain't th' guy what threw inn off'n thst girder this nioriiln'. Hi mid back and let me kill th " Without the hnsllatlon of a heart beat Alan swung heavily for the thug s Jaw. The blow went solidly hums. Tbe man fell like a poled ox. Pandemonium ensued. Rallying to tbelr comrade, lha rulfiana attacked Alan with one mind and one Intent. Murder would hate been done then and there bad It not been for a rotten banister rail, which f tvti way. precipi tating the lot to the ground floor of the hallway. Simultaneously the lamp on the wall was struck from Its bracket and craxhed to tho floor, Ita gliiM well breaking and loon lug a flood of kero sene lo rveelvu the burning wick. 'Ihn explosion folUiwnd inMautly. In a trice the hallway wus a Iskn of burn ing oil, and hungry names wire lick ing up the rotting wallpaper and rat ing Into decayed banehoards and stair treads. Htlll fighting like a madmnti, con testing every foot of the wuy, Alan was bonis down the ball and out of the front door. A scream of ' Fire!" greeted hi in aa be reeled out Into the open. It was echoed by a dozen throats. Tha doorway vomited men and women of tho tenement. Tin y choked It for a time, blocking both egrcsa and Ingress. Hy tho tlmo they broke out and left Ihs way clear a solid wall of flame stood behind It. Thrice Alau essayed to pass that barrier of fire, and thrice It threw him back. Then, atrugKllug and kicking to release himself and try again, ha was suited by a bruro of able bodied policemen and rushed fifty feel from the bouse before, let go. I.nrk of breath checked him momen tarily. He looked up, dashing from bis smarting eyes tears drawn by the stifling clouds of smoke, and saw vaguely at the second story window a woman leaning out and shrieking for help. That It was hopeless to attempt the staircase ho well knew. 'Drawing nslde, lio endeavored to come lo his sober senses, and cant n limit for turns more feasible way lo c fleet tho rescue of bis Rose. The tenement oceuol-d one corner of n narrow strei t. Directly opposite. n Ktor.i;;n wari-rour- r-tnn.l u-wii tho other corner. ! f -r-i ii;!j iuat was the lomimm laiulin. stngu for truck de- Iverks, protected by a shed roof. And, suspended from a timber that peered out over tho eaves, a hoisting WEN ARE fORCCD BACK By PISTOL Altsaniiir f erred, el ttrm,na j4) Ona ef To Pltasd Prom Its Hslalsa Tsle tf Horror AKTRI. Oi. H-H. j . ... elshl persons, al l-a.t, .1,4 wl))r more, p. -Mslied when the strum rr Knincia II. Ij-kkcU sank In u llille gnl I'D lllltes south of llin I ,i,m. Ila mcr ainl 30 miles iiorilir,t ,. iior'h of Yaiiilna light, off I lie (rl roast shortly after 3 o'clock I'rl'Ur t'l. rniooii. Mm It Is I lie Information tallied ben l.wUjr. oilier illn,JtH plitrn the iiiiihIht of i. c 70. ),, women, a hoy and a girl are aiimiii the miming. 1 wo persona are known lo have Urn re ueil, after dinning x ul ,,,Ui, lu wrekage IosmiI by a vicious 114 and an unconfirmed reiHirt aaa a Ihn.) per line le u p aed up. Tlt.i known paaaeiigi-r list, furnl.hi.l lv the owners al Hun Krunolx-u, l. IiiIimI 3&. llealdes t'aptulii Muro. t, Ugiieii carried a crew of :i men. Two llfehoala are reported to hat been (Hied and lowered. One on tallied 10 oersona and I tin otliir ruin All tint Women and children wn in. clmled. Heavy ca swamped li, iu In. a ( Immediately upon Ihelr sink'ng tlm water. Tim known survivors are Aleiandrr 1'nrrell, of Haeraiiin(n, (. tlenrgn I'ulltiiflii. or Tollman, of win. nlpcK, Man. lUith were rescued by tlm oil tiwikcr Km 11k II. Iliick, which u I III! off tint nioiilll of tbe Columhla riv er tonight aw ultiiig a unlet sea to en Icr this hnrhor. luriell was irumfer red tu the steamer Hearer and taken lo Portland. Il told a thrilling storv of his riperleiico and gave pathetic ac counts ot lrownliiii of persons al- loiiipttlit; lo cling lu w rt-cknice. Tlm l.egtieli ai en route lo Halt I'miikUcu from limy lliirlxir Ports. Iu vlim left Cortland a few days sko for Wunliinc.toii low m to lnuil luinher. REV. WALTER SUMNER IS ELECTED BISHOP REV. C. W. ROBINSON OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH DESCRIOES METHOD OF CHOICE mmwm 1 'NV and Marrofihat silenced lilm with a caught the two In the very act of open- cry. Ing the door, and threw himself be- "You fool! Drop that ring! Stop j tween them, this farce! Don't you know whom I An elbow planted heavily In the pit you're marrying? That woman Is Ju of the stomach of ono dlwposed of him dlth Trine, you Idiot not Rose!" I for the time being. A blow from tho Blankly Alan turned to tho girl. shoulder sent tho other reeling to tho Her flaming face, her sullen eyes, 1 gutter. And Alan was In tho teno- Charoed With the Assassination Alan. of her very pose, from which the man ner of Hose had dropped like a cast garment, confessed tho truth of Mar rophafs assertion. And as If this were not enough, Judith confessed It doubly with a sudden outbreak of such rage as never could have been brewed In Rose's gentle nature. "You devil!" tie cried and threw herself In front of Marrophat with a spring as lithe as that of a leopardess. "Take warning now from me: keep out of my way forever after this or take the consequences! God knows," she panted, "why I don't kill you as yon stand!" He was In her way, between her and tha open door. She gave him so ments lowermost hall a foul and evilodored place, dark as a pit the instant the door was closed, Its murk relieved only by tho flame of a kero sene lamp smoking In a bracket near the foot of tho stairs. Sounds of scuflllng of feet were au dible on the first landing. Alan ad dressed hlmfielf Impetuously to tbe staircase, gaining Its top In balf a dozen leaps, and only In time to see a door slammed at the forward end of the ball and hear a key turned In Its lock. A cluster of men blocked the way. He didn't pause to wait for It to be cleared, hut threw himself headlong Into their midst, and by dint ot tha taeklo dragged tho ground with Its ropes. It was tho work of a minute to con vlnco a thick-headed policeman that tho attempt was feasible and should bo permitted. It was the work of less than another minute to rig a loop In tho lino and fasten round his body beneath the nrms. Volunteers did not lack; a couple of husky longshoremen sprang to tho ropes at his first call. They heaved with a will. Ills foot loft the ground, he soared, ho cnimht the eaves of the shed-roof, and shouting to ceaso hauling, drew himself up on this last, backed a little ways down It. and calculating his direction nlcoly, with a running Jump launched himself out over the streot. Tbe momentum of his leap carried him well out over the heads of tho throng assembled In the street and truly toward that window whero Rose was waiting. Then Its forco slack ened. For an awful Instant he be lieved that he had failed. I!ut with the last expiring ounce of Impetus, be was brought within grasping distance ot tbo window sill. Hauling himself up, be gathered her into his arms . . , A great tongue of tawny flame licked angrily out of the wlndowa aa ba swung her back to safety. (To be continues.) l'OltTt.ANI. Ore.. Hept. i;.wfcit. Ing from yesterday afternoon tinu early this morning resulted In th" cW--lion of (he Very Itev. Wuller T. Sum lier, of CIiIciiko. as Kplacopul lllshop of Oregon by the clergy and luy dele gates of this dlorcs In spi-clul convo cation at Trinity parish bouse. Tho eleeilon orcurn-d after tho lay delegates hud twice, refused lo accept Ihn selection by tho elergv of Itlshop Kheldon M. (irlnwold of Siillnu. Kan us, anil I'eelBlvelv rejectisl lb" lioinl tuition of Id v. C. II. Young, of Chlcniio, win) hud not been mentioned before. 1'nder KplKcopal rules (.!- eleeilon of tbe bishop of Oregon must go for confirmation first to the KtnmlliiK com mittees of nil other dioceses of tint fulled States, then !u nil Hie other bishops who vote Individually. Very rarely, however. Is confirmation re fused (lie election by tho clergy and hilly of a diocese. Itev. Mr. Sumner' name was placed In nomination yesterday afternoon by Itev, Frank K. Howard, chaplain at (he flood Kamiirltnti IiohiiiI. iiihI a for mer eliisstniite of Itev. Mr. Stunner, who has been for elirht years deiin of the Cathedral of St. l'eter and St. Paul In the heart of Chicago's slum district. As lay ib'IceatcH from St. I'mil's MplHcopnl church to attend Hie elec tion of 11 bliihop In I'oriliiinl, tho fol lowing were elected: K. A. Clmrmiin, warden: (leorge Harding nnd I'r. L. A. Morals, and the iilterunle delegates nro T. P. Ilamlall, Vniirn Kdwnrds and linear I.. Wooilfln. In (lescrlliliig tho election, Rov. C, W. KoMiiHon, of St. Paul's church, salil: "According to Its canoiiH each priest In charge of a cure has ono vote. Knch parish, selects through Its rector ami vestry, three lnynien, romniunlnuiH In good standing, to h delegates- TlieHO have ono vote between tlienl, S majority counting one. "On the day appointed tho clew and lay del-gates nssemlilo for the l'l' ot. Tho Holy lOiichurlHt Is first celo- lirnled and prayers offered for tU guidance of the Holy Spirit. All nomi nations are Hindi) by tlm clergy nut t10 election of imy man iiiiihI bo concur red In by tho laymen. Thus the clurff H helpless lo eli'a t without tho con sent of tho laity. A IllllJor IV of HI" voien u. rr dergy and parishes elects. I IJIH, How ever, does not inako mo " ed u bishop. Next in oni-r "Mill ¬ ing committees or im " " the United Slates must bo notllled and 11 consent or a nmjoi ..j. ........... ... , .... presiding bishop or 1110 i'.Mscopiii lurch n this coumry is 111011 in formed npd ho must olilaln tho con sent or a majority 01 nil inn iiiHnojm Then tit tho proper time three bishops aro appointed to eoiiHeci-nto the deHle nnled priest In the Kiilscopnto. "It Is possible, of course, to elect a missionary bishop to a diocese anl after tho proper consent ho Is then merely Installed." Po-Do Lax Banishes Pimples Had Illood, Pimples, Iiendaches, Illl- ousness, Torpid I.Ivor, Constipation, In., come from Indigestion. Tnko I 0- Do-Lnx. tho pleasant und absolutely sure Laxative, nnd you won't Buffer from a deranged Stomach or one roubles. It will tone up tlio lii"" and purify the blood. Use It regular ly and you will stay well, have cie. complexion and steady nerves. Hot a fiOc bottle today. Money burn 11 satisfied. AH Druggists. 1'-'