OHKflON CITY ENTHnPUIRK. IIUMAY, KI'I'TKMHIlIt IB, 1011. 1 Summon. Ik Circuit Court if Hi rllate of ,in''. fr Clackamas County. ' UuiM ! Kull'T. lfndiil. T M'irl'1 Y"'f tf-ii1nt : la ill" ii'" I'1 Hinl Hi Oregon: vu ' h"'"1' "l"lf"4 ' iir an I ,inir id ruiiiiiiit of Hi pUlmirt null "' y ln "' nt ltlfl r,iiiH wUhl" " k f" th I1'1 l,r All(""1' 1,10 !,l ihn flrt publication of I til uui ...,,,,1 ,iii if ym fH l'pfr and ',,. fur n( llixrMif Ihu pluliiilfT lu Hi 'nirl for Hi ri'iuif ;rn fr In Hi" ' I m I it t , lo wit ; for . .htm of illin from jrou on Hi IUI ( dwrtlon ml for inch utlmr " nvt mr npiliaM. . I iii miininoiii I rvil upon you by tmhlliailon by order of Hi lion. II. H. ,Ali,.r.iii, jiiiin of tii I'o inix conn, J,,., Iii ni oiiirroil on Ilia lilili ilny of Atlurimy for Plaintiff Summon. In lli Clrcull Court of Hi Htaio of iiri'". '"r 'l'kin I'nunly. tuuli'M1 I'"'1. I'lulnilff, ,Ui l-imtt. In-f-niUnt. lu Ci1li I'"111' I'1" shove nanmd ilu- f. n.Unt- l ih amnn of Dm HUto of Oregon, r hereby rriilnd lo appear and ditoT Hie complaint flli'd a K a I it nt you In Id elmr named ault, on or before sih day of Hi pi , l'JH, aald dutn llii dm riplraiJon of li wit kit from h nrnt nililli'tlon of llil Hiitiinion. mid If you fall lo iMnr ur anewer ulil rolliilllil, for Hlil thereof Ihn (ilniiitirr will apply to Ihn court for (tin rrll. f prayed for In lir compliant, to ll: Knr diHTv dissolving Hi lunula nf matrimony now viUiing iM'iwo-n llin plaintiff and lifiiiilunl. Till um it i tit I iiiI.IIhIiim liy order of II. 8. A mliTmiti. Judge of I tin County Court, which onliT win mini. i in it entered on the 4lh day of Auk., Ill II, ami thtt llino prearrlU'd for puhlliatloii thereof Is nil urt-ckl, beginning with lh 1110 dated f rlilay. Auk. 71 Ii. l!M4. mil con 1 1 ii ll In K rnrh wri'k thereafter to mil 111 finding thn Ih4u of Krlduy, 8ept. lHth, 1511. HROWNF.I.L STONE. Atioriny for Plaintiff. Summon. In the Clri'iilt Court of the Klnin of Oregon, for Ihn County of Clark, nia. K a Cohln, I'lulntirr. v. Mury A. Mi lluli-y. MiOInm Kllnisor, th unknown hilr of Mrliuiln Wyant, uVriai'1. Mury K. Traylor lliml.-n-hriHik. William Trnlor. Jr., I.ula Mil) lli'lil. Albi'N Travlor. May Ma-li.-n. Iioyd Traylor. H:lv Hiimlcr. l.ir tU Traylor, Mary Traylor. Nnw. lm Traylor. Wllllniii Trnylor. Sr.. Iliuiry Traylor. Kuima "iiwiill. Not Ho Ili'iidiTi-r, Anna l-'i-iion. Kit win Traylor, Ja'r Woodwork. Ni'wtnn WiMidi'tN'k. Ad K. IliurlnianW. I). Wooilroi k, Ki alnh H. Hainiiliy, Will lain H. WiHiilrm-k, 1'lioitia I'. Wood pork, A. C. WiMiilrork, nlno all othrr piT.uiii or purtlr unknown rlalm Ink any rlnht. till". tli'. Hn or IntiTPHt In Hi" rrnl riiittlB driiTllx'il In the romiilAlnt Iht.-Iii, I i'f.-iulniitH. To Mnry K. Trnylor llurdenlirook, lloyd Traylor. Irrtta Traylor. Mury Traylor, Jimper Voudi:(M-k, Nnwton Woodrork. W. I. WiMidnx k. William S Woodrork. Thoma I'. WooiIpw. and ttm unknown hlr of Mltud W,at. drrrard. ttl " otfii-r P-r-miii or partlo unknown pIiiIiiiIiik nny rluhl. mlr. ritutf. ll.m or Intrr nut In Dip rra' ptnl drm rltird In Ihn Complaint. Iieri'ln, thu nliovo linmi'd dpfi'iidunlH: In thn iiamn of III Hlalo of On-non. you and rnrh of you nro hrri'liy rn iiulrrd to nppi'nr and nnawpr thn Com plaint flli'd BKiilnHl you and pnrh of you In thn nliovo pntlt'd uli on or hpforn Hnturdny, tho 17th day of Oc lolhT. litll. ald dutn IipIiik tho pspirn Him of tlx wrk from tuid aftrr tho ilulo of thn tlMt pulillratloii of thin Summon, nnd If you full to o apprur iiml aiiHWpr for want thi-rpof, thn plain tilt will apply to tho nliovo Court for thn rrllrf Ii iiiiiiiiIi'(I In lur romplalnt on IIIp IhtpIh. nnd will tnko a dcrrno of ihn oIkivb Court auniimt you and i iu h of you a follow, to w it: That you nnd i-arh of you dofriid ant ho roipilrpd to .-t up In your niiHwiT to Hiild complulnl tho actual nature of your aovorul odvnmo nnd ponitlPtliiR claim to plaintiff In and in tli followliiK dmcrlliiid mal prop rrty, lowlt: Sltuntu In Clacknma Count, State of Oi'prou. That portion of tho N. W. 4 of the S. W. W of Section 2. T 6 8. K. 2 K. of Hid W. M.. that lie Enat of tho middle lino of tho Molalln Hlvpr; nnd Alan hPKlniiliiK 10.&0 challia E. of Ihu 14 corner lirtwi-pn bcctloim 2 nnd 3. In mild TownHltlp, nnd running thence E. 7.7G duilim; thenco N. i2 doKrecH, 45 minute, W. 8.&0 clmlnB; thence S. U degree. W. 6.25 chain to the place of lieglniiliiK. contalnltig 4.01 nere. moro or lens, nnd nlw) Gov ernment Lot 3, of Bald Section 2, ex cepting tho laiiilB conveyed to J. w. Htnudlnger, by two dr-eds of convey ancp, one dated March 9. 1905, nnd re corded at 1'ago 401 of Hook 81, of ftocordB of Deeds, or said Clarknina County, nnd tho other dnted Fob. 12. 1907, nnd rocorded nl I'ngo 612, or Hook 98, of aald llocords of Dcod; nnd that plaintiff I the absoluto own er In feo Hlmplo of said real property nliovo described, nnd ovury part there of, and that you defendants nnd each of you, nnd nny Kirou or pornons claiming or to claim by. through or .....i... -ni.i .inrnminntH. or any of them, hnve no right, title, estate, lien or In terest In or to tho said real proporty or nny part thereof, nnd that they nnd eiich of thorn bo forover bnrred and PHtopiied from asserting or claiming any right, tltlo. OBtato, Hon or Intorcst In said real proporty or any pact there of. That plaintiff's tltlo In and to snld real proporty nnd the whole thereof, Iw forever quieted, and for such other and further relief as to tho Court may seem Just nnd equitable in the prem ise. This Summons Is published by order of the lion. J. U, Campbell, Judge of tho Circuit Court or tho State of Ore gon, for Clncknmns County, which ord er, was mndo and enterod, on Uie,3lBt diiy of August, 1914. i . Date of first publication of this Sum mons, Septomber 4, 1914; dato of last publication thereof October 16, 1914: nnd tho time of publication thereof In six weeks from and after the dale of first publication thereof. D1MICK & DIMICK. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 8ummon. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. N. Younger, Plnlntlfr, vs. Anna Younger, Defendant. To Anna Younger, the above named defendant: In the name of the SUte of Oregon, you are linrnby rnqulrod lo appear and answer lb rouipluliit nixd again! you In Ihn aliov iiNiund ull, oil or Imfor Hi Inih day of () l , llil I, ld dl lm- Ing Dm niplriillon of nil wniik from I Ii m flmt piilillraMim of llil RuiiimuiiN, and If you fall lo appear or answer ald romplalnt, for wnnl lliireof tli plaintiff will apply lo Ihn roiirt for Dip relief prayed for In III roinpliilnt, lo-wit: Kit a ilrrre dlinnlvli k Ihn bond of liilrliiiony now piInIIhk between Ihn plaintiff nnd defendant. Thin mm uiona la piihllRhml by order of Hon. J. V, Campbell, JihIk" of Ihn ( In nil 1 ourl, wblrh order iniuli and en tered on thn 2nd day of Hnpl., IKI4, and Ihn (linn pr..iTlln d for publica tion (hereof I Nil wnrk, hrKllinlllg wllh ihn Inmin dnled Friday, Kept. 4th, and roiillmiliiK i-mi Ii wm k Ihereafler In and liiclinlliiK thn lku of Friday Oct. Illlll, IUH. IIUOWNEI.I. HTONK, Atiorney for I'lalnllff Summon. Ill Ihn Circuit Court of Ihn Slain of Orn Rim, for t Ii n Cntiiity of Clin kuiimn. Ilanrord Moyd, I'lulnllir, v. N'ellln l.loyd, llefpiuliih'. To Nellln l.loyd, ihn above named dn felidnnt: III the riamn of Ihn Ktuln of Oregon, you rn hereby iimmonil and rn quired lo appear nnd unuwer th com plaint filed ui-nliiHt you In th alovn enlllled court and rnuit: on or before ihn Iftih duy of (x ioln r, mil, nnd If you fall no to answer, for want thereof Ihn plaintiff will apply lo thn court for relief demanded In thn romplalnt, to wit: For a tlnrren dlnsoliliix the bomln of matrimony between Ihn plaintiff and defendant and for 'irh oilier relief a lo ihn court muy aeein Juki and equit able. Till iiiiiiiioii I diircd upon you by pulillratloii pursuant lo an order of Ihn llouorahln j. U. Cumpbell, JiuUn of thn uld court, iniiilu and entered on Ihn 1'Kth day of AukuhI, 1914. Thn dato of (tin flmt publication of thl summon I thn 1 1 It day of Sep tember, 1914, and the hint day of pub lication will bn on tho Kith duy of October. 1914. FKANK ('. IIANI.KY, Attorney for Plain tiff. till l.ewl llldg., rortlaiid, OriK'in. B 1 1 n. n n In thn Circuit Court of the Slate of tin-nun. for tne roiiniy or l litcku mit c. i). siimik. riuintirr. v. Katharine Shook, Defendant. To Knlhnrlnn Shook, thn above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you nrn hereby required to appear and answer thn complaint filed agnliint you In thn aliovn entitled mlt within six week from the dato of thn first publi cation of (his summons, and If you fall to npenr and answer plaintiff will apply to thn court for the relief prayed lor In hi complaint, lo-wlt: for a decree of divorce forever dis solving the bond of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defend ant. . Service of this siimomns I muue upon you pursuant to an order of Ihn Honorable J. I'. Campbell, Judge of lint Circuit Court of the Btato of Ore lion for tho County of Clackamas mado and entered on tho 10th day or Sep tember, 1914. Dnln of first publication September IK. 1014: date of lat publication October 30, 1914. A. 0. THOMPSON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notlc of Executor' Sale. In tho County Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. In tho matter of the estate of Mrs. Delilah Sargent, deceased. Ity virtue of and order isued out of the nUive entitled court in tho nliovo entitled matter, directed to mo, the undersigned, executor of tho Inst will and testament of Mrs. Delilah Sargent, deceased, dated September 4th, 1914. and commanding me to make sale of the following described real property Ih.IoiivIiic lo said estate, to-v.lt: Iots One (1), Two (2). Seven (7), and Eight (K). in Mlork Twenty-Eight CIS). In thn Town of Mllwnuklo. Clarkanuis Count v, Oregon. I will, on Saturday, tho 17th dav of October. 1914. at ten o'clock A. M-. upon the promises above described, sell at public auction, to thn hlL-hi'Ht bidder for cash In hand. all tho nliove described r.-al property. Dated tills 18th day or September, 1914. JESSE A. KECK. Executor of tho last will nnd testnment of Mrs. Delilah Sargent, deceased. Dnte ol first publication, September 18th, 1914. Date or Inst publication, October Kith. 1911. No'tlce of Final Settlement. In the County Court of tho Slnto of Oregon, for tho County of Clnckn mns, In tho nintter of tho estate of Roy T. llerry, Minor. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, Ounrdlan of tho Estnte of Hoy T. llerry, n minor, hns filed his nnni tvtnort ii h Riieh irunruian. in tne County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, and nsked for his dlschnrge and settlement of snld minor's estnte, said minor having nttnlned his mo- iM-liv nnil Ihn Court In I nil fully nd- vlseii hnB set Mondny, tho 19th day of October, 1914, nt 1U o ciock a. in., or snld day for tho hearing of said final report nnd tho settlement of snld es- tnte- .. Any person having nny objections to such final report is hereby notified to Hln tho same in said Court on or bofore said date. J. D. RITTEK, Guardian as aforeBald. Final Notice. XT... l.rt la hnrnbv iHvpn that tllfl 1111- .a . . . . ' j n derslgned executrix or tho estate or Felix A. Dillon, doconaed, hnB filed her final account in said estate ln the County Court or the State of Oregon for Clncknmns County, and that the Judge ot said court hns appointed Mon dny, tho 21st day ot scpu. ai ju o'clock A. M tor hearing objections to said account and ror aettUug said es tate, i, ESTEI.LA M. DIU.ON, , , Executrix or the estate of Felix A. Dillon, docen'sed. pnOWNELL & STONE. Attorneys for executrix. Wants, For Sale etc. DltY I10DY WOOD At my rancn at Denver Creek, I2.S0 per cord; de livered, $1.60. Dr. G. F. Anderson, 414 Main St, FOR 8ALE: A now 4-room bungalow at Oak Grove, on Center and Cedar Sts.. near River Rond. Cheap and terms. Enquire of Louis Epelet on Foil KENT My bum, rornliln of t fitom Iioum, harii and two aT of orchard nd rU n. A. F. H' hulti, Ii02 Division Ht., Oregon City. I Pr Cent lil Mortyeje Per Cent 1 1, 'no tnorlMK for l; erurlly, real i-tfutn viid at ihnm. V, H Mort ftiign Co, 17 lltavir llldg, Oregon CHy, My offlrn la now lomt.-d al 17 U Heaver lliilldlng, Oregon I lly. O.-n.T iii law prrrtt, loan ami rollei lion. Prompt and agreeabln a-rvlH assured. O. W. KAHTIIAM. (Adv.) Eight Hour Bill For Women A lull for law providing (or an rilit hour day ami r-r rnoiii ventil ation for female vtnrlrrt iiiitialnl ly the Kilil Hour Ir4j,'ur. lit pune it lo uiiirinl Scnioiu 5037 ami 50.V), I mini's (htffm law, wi n in limit ilif lioun of lulHir ami rnpiiir irrtain (uriilitiniit of ml for fcuulr woiVett ami make rilit hours a il.iy'i labor, not In rxtrml over more tluii irn cnnvrruiivr liourt in any il;iy, in all iminofui luriiu;, inn haniial, tnertantilr ami inmicr) rtulilisliiiirnl, anil il.i rt of aimiwinriit, luiinilriri, hotrU, rooming lioiitrt, iipartitirnt liouv ami rlaurunM, ami trlrraph, Irlrplionr, rtprrM ami tianv portation liiiinrsrt, and office rmployinrnit, ami proviilin wnjlf y for vio lation of the art. Afflmatlv Argument. ir Amerli uii women am lo bu moth- er or a winning race l hey must have time fur ciliinillon and development ol the mind: they must hot be drudge In factory and shop; they must have freh air, recreation, tho uimorUtlon of other women; they must have op portunity to enjoy orgiuilratlon in clubs and soclntles In efforts to un derstand thn problems which their children will bn called upon lo solve. American women cannot work from dawn lo dark every dny and live ihn live which thn lime demand 'liny should live. Men have regulliled their own day' work, and year after year thn hours havn been lessened tint II about one-third of Ihn average day's time In Industry hss been rut orf, wllh chances that fun her reductions In working time will be forced through leghihitlon during the coming yen'. While men have demanded and se cured recognition In factory and work shop women hove been denied the right to sharn In thn benefits gained. in many rnse women havn to work murh longer hours than men doing practically tho sumo work, and for murh less pay. If the American people are In mnln- tuln a position of prominence In the progress of the world American wom en must Ih given opportunity In educa tion. In Industry, In civic activity. If women are to he given thn rights and powers of citizenship, and are to be forced Into shop, mill and factory wllh men, they must bo given the rights now held hy men to hava leisure as a menus to maintaining health, and to develop bodies equuj to the demands smde iiKn them. In California and other states where the eight-hour Inw for women Is In operation, the results htivo been alto gether gratifying. No. 8558 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bank of Oregon City at Oregon City, In the Stat of Oregon, at th close of business. Sept f$, 1914. RESOURCES Ixans and discounts , 97,240.?; Overdrafts, secured nnd unsecured ti!V!M V. S. bonds to secure circulation- ." 12,500.00 Other bonds to securo Postal Savings 32.600.00 llonds. securities, etc. (other than siocks) ; C0.fil4.sS Hanking house, furniture, nnd fixtures 15.00o.0i Due from National hanks (not reserve Due from state nnd private banks and nnd snvlngs banks Duo from approved reserve agents Checks Biid other ensh Items Notes or other National banks ' S.oo.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 812.57 Lawful mrtney reserve In bank, viz: Specie f 31,775.75 U'gal-tender notes 625.00 32,300.75 Redemption fund with V. 8. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation).. t23.00 ToMl 1337.912.75 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 5C 000.00 Surplus fund 8.015.2') Cndlvldod profits, less expenses and taxes paid 295.40 National bank notes outstanding 380.00 Individual deposits hubject (o check 241,5::5.18 Demand certificates of deposit 11,678.10 Certified checks 20.00 Postal savings deposits 23,088. S9 Totiil ' $337,912.75 Stnte of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss: I, D. C. Lntourotte, president of the above-named bank, do solemnly swenr that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge nnd bollef. D. C. LATOURETTE. President. CORRECT Attest: C. D. LATOURETTE, , M. D. LATOURETTE, E. S. LATOURETTE, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to bofore me this 15th day of September, 19H- 1 (SEAL) No. 209 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF ( The Farmers' Bank of Wilsonville at Wilsonville In the State of Oregon, IZth, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts Iionds and warrants .- Hanking house Furniture and fixtures '. Due from approved reserve banks Cash ci hand Total 86,857.35 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates of deposit Time certificates of deposit Total 86.855 STATE OF OREGON. County of Clackamas, ss. I. Joe J., Thornton, Cashier of the that the above statement is true to the best of my Knowledge ana oeuer. JOE J. THORNTON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of September, 1914. (SEAL) KATE WOI-BERT, Notary, Public for Oregon. CORRECT Attest: J. W. THORNTON, ' K. C. THORNTON, 1 ' Directors. th f,rfl,tilfl HlUM I... II I.U.I.A HllB (It real aelalat l.uali. all Otrf lb aii hu strui'K U.III-UI. wiiii ein-m l.r.....l..a tt L...I..I 1. ... . I..... I u.liiniitl fi m rdh. i. urai ,itH around Cimdoii is bring offered at '' an a r. Th Courier ) Dial boil pi king In Hi llogu alli-r lies b.. ii loinpl.-l d and Hi crop itorrnl In wf-li'.uv- without luting l n loiK hud by rain. Th Imp ar a better grad Itiab In former year. A Herin. "What I berliir "A girl know li ran'l aing and tau'l roaiml ilry."-l lliitiiii Negative Argument We all approve thn splendid work ol Hie Industrial Welfare rommlsalon In aliorleiilng Ihn hours for women. Hut lo arbitrarily takn the matter out of (he hands of Ihi-se good people who havn been giving a vast deal of Intelli gent and energetic thought lo thl problem, Is without si-nun or reaon. We are oppoi-d to till bll berauie it doe Just thl. Thn Industrial W.-lfnrn commission composed of Edwin V. O'llara, llertha Moore and Amed M. Smith, Invent tlgate nit matt' r relative to the hour of employment, minimum wage, etc.. for women worker. They have already put Into effect ihn following laws, vlt.: (a) Limiting work for girls under eighteen years of sgn in any manufac turing, mercantile, millinery, laundry, hotel, telephone, telegraph establish ments, etc., lo eight hour and twenty minute. lb) Limiting hours of work In above lines ror all women, regardless or age lo eight hour and t-nty minutes In some ruses and nine hour In olher. Id Establishing a minimum wage for women In each ol the above classi fications. 0!) Limiting office work for wom en to fifty-one hours per week. We contend thesn laws alone Indi cate the necessity for classification or women worker and further show that the present commission is giving due ronsideratlon to tht circumstances sur rounding each employment. There may be conditions In specific lines of work, owing to (he character of the work itself, which would make Impructlrulilo any general law. When we discover that the present Industrial Welfare commission Is not properly handling this matter, it will be time to get a new one appointed. agents) 16,100.56 hankers, trust companies, .... 2.181.55 66,176.1't 2.5S4.0N K- C. IdVrUUKETTE, Notary Public. at the close of business September t ou.su." iu.uju.u ' L026.lt . 2.2S1.71 17,693.91 a nno O'J n,t0. 15,000.00 - 3,000.00 taxeB paid , 6,076.14 48,615.83 250.00 13,315.38 above-named bank, do solemnly swear COUNTY COURT IXffNOITURI fOn THE MONTH OP AUGUST, 1I4. GCNIRAL FUND. Sheriff. (1, A. Ilrurm 100 K, T. Mai I7 Huntley pro , -J' 'h Wtetorn t'hlon 137 Milh-r l arler Co 1 10 Wiu. J. Wlloo 100 Clfk. lluii'ley lro. Co W. I. Multey 10 O'J I tan non A Co &Q Ciidrrwood Typewriter Co Recorder. Klbert Charman I tZ Ml Inj Cm lira n tSOO lliindey Pro. Co "' K. P. Idii.ii 10 00 Treasurer Alice Dwlggln f (000 K. C. Market! 100 Surveyor. Huntley !ln. Co t I CS Harry fiU lly ' IS 00 1. Tbftmpeon Mi-ldruin 37.20 A(or. Huntley Pro. Co f 2 2- ). E. Jark 1 00 Court Houee. Pacific Tel. Tel. Co I 30 C5 Home Telephone Co K.s5 Huntley pro. Co 4 00 Willamette Pud k Supply Co. 3S2 03 Circuit Court II. N. Everhart I 20.00 liobt-n Peterson 3 CO Tho. Kelly 7.20 Ctaudo Conser Augusta Uruch 3.s0 Marian I luff man 6.00 Virgil Cooper 5.00 P. J. Pnraona 4 40 j Uui llruck 6.20 j John Iimck. Jr S.20 County Court A. Tuft t 20.00 34.00 1.75 12.00 W. II. Muttoon II. S. Anderson J. W. Smith Justice of th Peac. E. M. Kellogg $ 9 93 Frank Krvln 3.80 8.60 E. U Davidson I. C. Halnca, Jr 6.30 0. S. (Jough . 1.70 . 3.40 . 1.70 . 13.20 . 16.00 . 1.70 1.70 . 40.05 . 100.50 . 3.75 . 18.40 . WO . 1.70 .1 4.00 Mr. C. S. Cough E. P. Ilawko E. M. Kellogg Prank Ervln D. E. Frost J. A. Van Ham John N. Slcvers D. E. Frost F. II. Dungan U C. Hubbard City of Oregon City Hubert Hasbrook - - - Coroner. E. J. Daulton j ,7o J. D. Turnledge Julius Flechament G. II. Rny 1.70 1.70 ' 10.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.7J 1.70 1.70 10.00 1.20 1.20 1.20 10 1.20 1.20 , 25.50 , 52.90 5.00 , 10.00 6.00 , 6.00 10.00 . 15.00 II. S. Mount E. J. Daulton David Caufleld Philip Kohl H. W. Tremhath C. F. Bilker H. Greaves i G. A. Golden Adolph Aschoff C. R. Holt Dr. W. H. llarondrick Otto Aschoff - Henry Von Helms L. E. Emery James T. Ogden R. A. Ten Eyck H. H. Thomas C. T. Sievers Wm. J. Wilson Dr. M. C. Strickland Dr. C. H. Melssner Dr. J. W. Norris Ed Wright Insane. Dr. J. W. Norris Drs. Mount & Mount Supt. of Schools. Huntley Bros. Co. I 1.60 ' 9.S5 3.50 106.60 75.00 75.00 90.00 7.73 75.00 J. E. Calavan Wm. J. Wilson Brenton Vedder T. J. Gary Elizabeth Mathews M. L. Fulkerson E. Calavan A. O. Freel Board of Health. Huntley Bros. Co 9.75 6.50 14.00 25.00 Wm. JWllson J. A. VanBrnkle Dr. R. Morse Stock Inspector. W. S. Eddy .$ 10.00 .J 11.50 Indigent Soldier. Meade Post G. A. R County Poor. F. T. Bnrlow .$ 30.00 . 10.00 . 10.00 . 6.00 . 10.00 . 15.00 . 25.00 .. 10.40 . .' rafto Beverlins Grocery E. Case White Grocery Co W. A. Holmes V. Harris ; A. B. Buckles i. .. . C. J. Bentley Roswell L. Holman ...".i L. Adams ,v ....... H. F. Padhara . . . . ; . - 15.24 . 7.00 . 24.00 . 15.00 . 5.00 . 12.50 . 20.00 ,. 20.00 . . 10.00 ,. 7.00 , . 40.90 , . 23.00 . . 7.00 Frank Hopp Jos. E. Hedges Geo. Reddaway Batdorf Bros Denis Donovan D. M. Klemsen Keiinard & Adams Larsen & Co. O. Wfsslnger St. Vincent's Hospital Fair Bros Fred Clack Mrs. G. E. Woodward H. S. Anderson .. 20.00 26.00 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Harvey f, Creae CROSS & ATTORN I YI W have new m1 t ur ulldlnf. Neat t th Red fetjt Abtrt Lean. Ineurant. JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MOMKY TO LOAN p. C. laTOURaTTTaT, rrtrldoL Tte First National Bank of Oregon City. Oregon CAPITAL, IM.000.00. Tre1 0nrl Banklflf SiMl4. 0 trm I A- M. U I P. M Jail. K. T. Mae -..I 71 Juvenile Court I). K. Frot Mlnda K. Church Wild Animal Bounty t 31.05 2S80 Theodorq Marsnall Charles Johnson I 15) 11.00 1.50 J. T. Kvan Printing and Advertising Oregon Cl'y Courier f C2.95 139.10 Oregon City KnterprU But and County Fair, noheri M. Btandlab .$ 77.80 Huntley Pro. Co 1520 20.35 45.8' W. II. Uwton A. C. Newell Ta Department Alberta Dunn '2.30 E. C. Hackett 77.90 Jessie Paddock I"00 J. A. Tuft Cl.tO Forest Fire. Fred Baker 1 J. C. Miller 6.00 6.00 4.00 2.50 6.00 2.C0 2.60 4.00 1.30 S. Lyons R. Gibson noy Davl C. Whitehead C.Cates E. Hill S. Wilson F. Groberg 2.50 A. Unqulst N. Stone 2.50 50 E. Gibson 150 C. Devlne I-60 'o. Stolke 4.00 4.00 1.50 E. Griffin J. Turner H. Gibson- 150 11 V r.lhuin 2.50 W. H. Stone 1.50 1.50 S. J. Devlne S.Stone 150 F. Jones 8.00 F. Kelnhorer 2.00 W. Kaiser 17.50 County Poor, Wm. Dantorth $ 15.00 8.00 , 10.00 David E. Jones Boys & Girla Aid Society Mrs. Bradtl 10-"0 I J. W. S. Owens 20.00 Sam Booher 16.00 10.00 20.00 16.00 20.00 6.00 15.00 20.00 10.00 Dock Mosler .... Mrs. Jessie Allen Patton Home A. J. Rosenthal . Mnry Huol Peter Erlckson . Sarah Gibbons .. Ella Payne Henry S pleas 10-00 W. J. Moldenhauer 10 00 Louise Ballou 15-00 Matilda Carlisle 15-00 J. E. Selfer I5-00 Mrs. Gnlbraith 15-00 Harry Cooper 20.00 Kate Gardner 15 00 Alice Williamson 15.00 In the mntter or the ncceptnnce or the frnnchise granted the Portlnud and Oregon City Railway Co. Ordered that said franchise be filed. In the matter or the claim of H. M. Courtrlght for redemption of certain delinquent certificates. Ordered that said claim be and is denied. In the mntter of the plat of the subdivision of block 20, of Brightwood. Ordered that said plat be approved. In the matter or transfer of 1619.50 from special fund of road district No. 40 to the special fund of road district No. 58. Ordered that treasurer make proper transfer on" his records. In the matter or deeds from Henry Yost and Victor T. Neal for road pur- Ordered that said deeds be accepted and recorded without charge. In the matter of the petition or J. F. Adams and others ror a county road. Referred to the Board of County Road Viewers to report at next regu- Inr term. Tn the matter of amount due Irvine Brown and wife on account or gravel pit. Ordered that a warrant on the gen eral road fund be drawn ln ravor or said Irvine Brown for $100.00. Tn the matter or the petition of J. H Vlck and others for a county road. Referred to the Board of County Roadyjewers to report at next regular term, In the matter of the petition of J. C. Carlson and others to vacate the War- nock Road. ; Ordered continued to October term. In the matter of the State fund for the payment of premiums at county fairs. Ordered that the Secretary of the Clackamas County Fair Association be and In authorized to draw on said fund. ln the matter of Anna L. Snyder, an indigent person. Ordered that said Anna L. Snyder receive the sum ot $15.00 until further 'order of the court William Hamm) HAMMOND AT LAW maneBt quarter In the Bvf Andreeen BulUlna. Main ltr Orge City, Or. WKINHARO UlLDINft T. 1. MITCR. Caahle Phone Pacific 11 Home A 111 BROWNCLL A BTONI Attorny-t-Law All legal buslnast promptly attdd U U'RIN A ICHUIML Attornyt-Law Deuttthef Advokat Will practice In all court, make collections and settlements. Office lo EnUrprUe ButlJlog. Oregon City, Oregon. T C. D. A D. C. LATOURETTt Attorny-trLaw Commercial, Real Xatate and Probate our Specialties. Ot- flee la First NaUonal Bank I Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. W. 5. EDDY, V. S H. D. V. J Graduate ot the Ontario Vetert- nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKllIlp School ot Bur- gry ot Chicago, 1 eetabllehed f at Faihlon Stable, Fifth fit, be- t tween Main and Water St. Both Telephone f Offllc Pacific, Main 65; Home, J A 95. I I Residence Pacific, lfaln 184 CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney- t-Law Notary Public Estacads, Oregon. ---------------- t i STRAIGHT & SALISBURY We make a specialty ot Install- lng water system and plumb- ing In the country. Wo carry f the Leader tank! and Stovw tv a gtne. Wo have a full 1 el I Myers pumys and stray pump. Price always lowest a 720 Main 8t Oregon City Phone 1682. t O. D. E B Y ( I Attorney-at-Law t Money loaned, abstract furnish- J e d. land titles examined, estate i ' . . . . ' I settled, general law business, o I r i . a r lit. t a uver ouu oi ureguu TomJ.Myers-E.A.Brady UNDERTAKER The only residence unaertaklng es tablishment in ClacKamas uouniy. Day and Night Service Tenth and Water Streets Main 123 A-37 SPECIAL TO WOMEN The most economical, cleansing and germicidal of all antiseptics Is A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douches In treating catarrh, Inflammation or ulceration ot noae, throat, and that caused by feminine 111b It has no equal. For ten years the Lydla B. Plnkham Medicine Co. has recommended Faxtlna In their private correspondence wita, women, which proves its superiority. Women who have been cured say It Is "worth Its weight in gold. At druggists. 60c. large box, or by malt The Paxtod Toilet Co, Boston, Mass. Rheumatism Pains Stopped' The first annlicatlon of Sloan's Lini ment goes right to the painful part I : I " '. X - -T HEH-l . ... ' . . .. . ' r .-. ' i? ' . ' ' ';" .- Vdt?: f .VV .i"l it ill.-. .J,,:V.J'- "----Bll ' 'lal'lYllBMl II I I it penetrates witnout ruoomg u stops the Rheumatic Pains arcund the joints and gives relief and comfort. Don't suffer! Get a bottle today! It is a family medicine for all pains, hurts, bruises, cuts, sore inroat, neuralgia and chest pains. Prevents Infection. Mr. Chas. H. Wentwortn, taiirornia, writes: "It did wonders for my Rheu matism, pain is gone as soon as I ap ply it I recommended it to my friends as the best Liniment I ever used." Guaranteed. 25c, at your Druggist (Adv.) premises.