OHKOON (!1TV KNTEIU'KISK. I'lllllAV. SKI'TKM IIKIt K l!'M- Enterprise News Service Covers Clackamas County E FAIR THROWN OPEN GOVCRON OSWALD WIST SCMff UtCD TO MAKE AN ADORl J ON LAtT OAV 'SPUDS SENT IN 10 MEET. DEMAND IIEREiEv?S:EvH r 1ml on Hutiirday r-nltit, 8epl. II. at Ilia A O 1'. W. ball, undi-r tb auopua it the Ppaortb l-AKui1. OAK CROVK, Or,, 8.l II -Th Concord Oak (irutu uir opmrj at Oak Crore a. h"illiiiu liljy an J l run tltitia unill tomorrow urning, hm (J.ivt-rnor Wtii I sbrdui-J lo iMiv.-r an addrrt. All iic at-houl room at've tho ba.rmriit i rrodil aitb Industrial, agricultural, horticultural nil dm-atlc nicu-e eihlhlt. thr baf mpnt la a wait i.( rlub and n-frh nirut UkiIIii and winl tftiu bavo born pitched on tli K li(H) ground for mwtlnM. Mr. Ton 1 1; tit (b rhixd children prwnt rd ratitala. uiiJt lh dim-lion tit Mr. K'nirrald Waldron. la one of the tnnts. The taliy aliuw continued ulilll lata tbla a(iTn.xn. Tbo In rbaty tit the la-nnt booth arr- ai fuiloat: Concord Pa rent Trarhi-ra" (Irrmuu booth, Vr. F. Hrooki: Dak Cimo Part-nt-Twirhi-r bootb, Mr. Nrllia lalon: Oak Grove M. K. church. J4m:na bootb. Mr. May Kuka: PnMStvhe rlub ol Oak drove, yp.y and colonial booth. Mr. I.ol Smith: candy, Mta. Ul Ken nedy: and fruit Ixiolh. Mr. Clara F. Hunhnell. II. 0. Starkweather I rrr. ldrot of the fair u.oin lallon. FAIR IN EASTERN CLACKAMAS CLOSED CLARK fS. W. II. Wrttlauf-r ld aoiiM rattle to lha butcher but in k, IxjuI Maktoo rame home attain tait ae.sk. Iw Ijafollelln ur jrd in ii i e '( in Ma kttiiirn lat , Mr Htirrr. from On-ann City, a vUltiiiK Mi lora Mriiiard( fr eek J. Mtin and I -out moved their h1 a la.t r-k. Iter. Mann, from HldttehVhl. W'anh , la nutting In Clarke, lie I the pa (or of the ;rnian M. K. rhuri'h. W. II. Wriilaufer and daughter, Pan.y, ere loan vinllor tail eek Mr. Pancr. from Colton, ha nnUhrd hi hop picking. Mr. and Mr. Ja.urn Clarke were in Portland and attended Mr. Clarke The proitrain roiiiinlltix) of Hie Par elit Tnu lii-r' AiM-iallon no'l at the hool Imiiim on Tueaday rtt'iiin. 1 he enr bonk lll ti be ready for the menilwr. Mr. II. N. Htnllh, chair man, ha a treat in atore for the pal rona of the .liool. t'ol'intn hill ill' part I'd on Monday for iMilph, Oregon The friend of Harry I'alnton were orry to bear he had b-en railed to the hcdahln of bU father at Cnlnmr, loaa. II left on the Tlh of September for hla obi home o n. Clyde June met !th an aivldent In Portland on Saturday mhen he thron from bli'vrle and run over by a home and rider. Mia Unman, of Oregon City, a raller at the lluth Itod.-rl' home on Monday. Mr and Mr. J. A. Six-ahe rame up from NeHirt and are neriipyliiK their cottaxe at (hi place. Mr. M. A. Shaver, who hi been III, U oJnirnliiK at the home nf her daiiKhter. Mr Will Jai-ol She ri pe-t to Imi able to return to her homt' In Ihl lale inli limim ralluiale " the bop ro r now plared l ,30.l"'(' bale, and In oni quattei aa blub a hi mid !.!. am loir al HiMii ol I thai ai nim h ahntt of Ul H-ara pro do, II. in. the ln. fre In the belief 1 1... I. i. , mini iluaa lh rilxn led de POHTI.AM). tre. Sept. lH.-Addl-' ' ,, t- tbmal liberal aupplle of Idaho and (li (-gin,,,,,!, il t are fliiuiiu .lanniKion hiuio a are naiiina '"r-M,n iit(io bale, or from ii) to iu. (no baka more than prenoii ran male, and the aaiua I true n( Wab liiKlmi ii'tlou Rramtiiiother'a funeral. A. t Ilm he and on are plikln i.lirti-,i .,. .-k pnine for Clarke Hroa. Mr -nd n0t.r. Praratte are ESTACAD.V. Ore. Sept. 10. Th Kant Clarkama fair doted laat night with a concert and addn-me by ti. J Kelly, It. M. Toannend and retire- entatlrra cf the Portlaud Ilallwny. I.U-ht ti Power company. C. U Smith, of the O.-W. R. t X. company, gave a talk on "Corn Club," Tuesday; N. C. MnrU poke on "Uveiitock," and Pro feor I J ml), of the Oregon agrlcul tu ml rolleRe, nave an addtv. Mr. M. D. Marshall conducted the oukcMc examination of about .10 bible. R. R. Routledge Judned the agricul tural exhibit. Mr. II. I.e Paget Judged the women' work. Mrs. Thorn a Jorum and Mr. J. Infills the Juve nile exhibit. K. H. Hauer the poultry, N. C. Marl the llventock. and Mr. Ilertha Iavl, of the Oregon Agricul tural college, conducted the rooking demonntration. Henry Kleintmlth waa In town lat trek. Ml IVira Maninardt apent Sunday wl'h Ml Yydla Klelnnmlih. Kred Zwahlen I picking hop. Mr. Iter.-iuin I hauling lumber In Colton. Henry Kellnamlth and Mr. Ilotte. miller went to Iteaver Cr'k to at tend the telephone meeting Monday. Kdd Itottemllb-r and fnmlly. from Sevod. were In Clarke and vUltcd hi bnntwr. W. II. Itoltemllb-r and family Sunday. V. 11. llottrmllb r went to MlUaukle lat wei'k. Clarke m-hool will ojx'n Monday. Sept. :s. 1911. Rev. J. Ilepp moved to Tacoma. W'anh.. to preach there. Otto Klmer, from Montana, w j vU-f Itlng hi parent. Mr. and Mr. S. Kl mer. Iat week. Mr. and Mr. EM lUiol have gone bop picking. EAGLE CREEK. reiolclng over the arrival of a baby girl, who came to their home In Wichi ta on Augunt Srtth. Mr. Cravatte wa formerly Ml Pronte J.'hnlng. The McKay and C. S Shafer family have ri'turned to their Portland home. Mr. C. C. Hole will remove to the cot tage of Mr. Volhnielr at Roethe. W. Thompon. of (iladmone, deliv ered a load of Mlur penche In thl vicinity thl week. A man meeting will he held at the rhp hoime on Saturday evening for the purpoac of tllac UMlng th build Ing of union high chool. The Oak Hrove, Concord and Jennlng lxlge mhool dUtrlct uniting In the plan for inch a achool to be built In the renter of theite dUtrlct. Por the pleamire of Mr. Carp-ntor. of Oakland, her daughter entertained with a luncheon on Tuesday. Mr. J. Waldron. Mr. M. Shaver, Mr. Dill and Mr. Will Jacob were the guest wrd to the local matket, owing lu the Inalilllty of the trade here to aerure uffli lent tiM'k for their need at home. Thl morning there went fur id T receipt of Yakliua "d Idaho rural, khlpiiient geiu-ially being well graded and of good Ii", The Idaho atock eapeclally I meeting with favor from the tiadn becau of the trvul care taken In pulling up the up pile. To date fully !' car of outaldn po taloea have lirrn received hero aim (he Oregon aeanon atarted, and It I fr t-ly predicted even at thl lima that Of CATTLE IS FAIRL Receipt for the Week al the Pott .for Hi. ...... .n eii.U Ihe hliiliieiil land I'lllon SIin k H I ' be II from other northet iilnt will total Cattle i:l. calve . hog tUH, aheep t least 100 car Contrary to thrlr wlhe bn l whobv alert are being compelled lo bring In MS. K fairly liberal run of cattle fur the week, with good demand, t'f-r being the outside potato. Oregon grower the strongest aliule class, nest grane who hold goml sit.s and guallly ar ten to fifteen cent higher than week asking much more than the polatoc 1 ago. Hulk of tholce b-evr ,j lo can be Innded here from other am-ilon 7.M, with everl rar going at 17.10 and aa all Parlflc northweat market . to 7 24. Hulcher tock steady Children Cry for Hotelier' ;i 4 rompetn with one another wholesaler must purchase as cheaply a possible. or their competitor get Ihe busliles. Oregon grower are speculating on the future demand, and therefore are ash'ep a regards the damage that I being done to their nurkei by the forced Importations of outside growth. ! STRENGTH ON COASTS ItlRTIANO. Or. .. Sept II.- Potato market continue! o show much strength locally .ind at other point along the roast. Uv.-il aupplle com Ing forward oiuetihat more freely Heavy receipt of hog Prices eased off ten lo fifteen rent. IW light stock M 0 to UUO. Hh e-i i and laiuba strong Week' run not large enough for luolng de nistul. Hest Iambi fi 00; wether. I '.".': ewe l.i& re lop quotation, but they are being picked up quickly at these figure. The following axle are represents tlve: Jii teer. l:i 7 !S 2u7 steer i:.W 7 10 r UK 7oii . Illll !0 g I M hog 17 11 170 hogs :i lo ill hogs Il tS 3 row I01.6 t 0 .1 row , . ("HI 7S I cow 1 1.10 i"l 3.'i row lit: ! 6.7A i buii i.;ji I 4 ;o TO MILWAI'KIE, Orv.. Sept. 12. Mil waukle (rrammar and high school will open Monday for a nine months term. There Is one new teacher In the high school, Miss Grace King. New Instruct ors In the grammar school are as fol lows: Miss Miry Hamilton, seventh grade: Miss Mary Conner, fourth grade; Miss Olah Mickey, second grade, and Miss Norma Ha.snett, driv ing. The four year high school course Is open to pupils from outside the dis trict, and the 21 pupils of high school age In Oswogo iro expected to attend Mllwaukle srhool owing; to Portland's tuition foe for hlRh school pupils Trorr. outside the district having been ntised to $0. The Mllwaukle fee is K'3 and the Mllwaukle grammar grade fee is ROAD IMPROVERD MILWAI'KIE. Ore.. Sept. H.-lack-atnas county Is making an even grade on the Mllwaukle t'jod, runnini? from Kant Seventeenth street. Seliwood, to Mllwaukle. The hills near Mllwaukle cemetery and north of the bride at Mll waukle are being cut down, the dirt Is being used for fills and the road is be hig straightened. WILSONVILLE. Miss Mary Urobst went to Portland Saturday to spend the week-end with friends. Mrs. Corby, of Salem, has been spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ira Seely. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Todd burned his hands severely last week. The Onion Growers' Association of our village held a meeting at J. L. Seely's residence last "week, et which time Mr. Seely was again elected man ager and Frank Brobst, secretary. The MisseB Evans, of Portland, daughters of the district attorney of Multnomah County, spent some time here recently, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thornton. Jake Peters' hardware store win dow is attracting much attention with its splendid decorations, advertising clocks. . The Misses Batalgia returned to Portland this week, after visltijig their parents for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wood went to Oregon City Tuesday. A burglary occurred at the butcher shop during last week, some one evi dently becoming famished for meat, as well as for money. Some forged checks were passed In this vicinity during hop picking by strangers. Christina Ratalgia entertained very pleasantly on Saturday evening in hon or of her friend. Miss Bran, of Madras, who has been visiting her for a fe .weeks. - Milton Seely went to Canby on Tues day with a load of vegetables and oiue janiraals for exhibition at the fair. .', i (i. Jaeger and son, Paul, attended the Canby fair on Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs". Ira Seely and daughter and Mrs. Corby went to Portland on Sat- urday- . . . J. Peters, our enterprising hardware merchant, wag a Portland visitor on Saturday. Miss Margaret MacFeeters, who has teen visiting relatives here, returned to her home in Forest Grove on Sat urday. , Ed Baker has purchased a splen did new automobile, and the family took a trip to Grant pass Sunday. Chas. Riley MacCalley, who la quite noted a an entertainer, will give a Hcnorable (5. O. Hrownoll deliv ered a t-mperance lecture Sunday af ternoon at the Eagle Creek Grange Hall. The Aldrtdge quartette, of Ore gon City, accompanied Mr. Urownell and conducted the muulcal part of the program. There wa a very good at tendance. School commenced on Mondar In District No. 50. with Mis Opal Mr- Daniel a teacher Fifteen pupil were enrolled. Mr. II. S. Jone. of Portland, wa the guest of relative out this way a couple of day recenfly. Mrs. Viola Douglass I the guest of her mother, Mr. Howled. Mr. Cleater and children returned from the hop fields last week. Mr. and Mr. A. W. Cooke, of Da- j mascus. and Mrs. Jane Douclan. of St. Joseph, were visiting with Mrs. 1 Howlett Saturday and Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglas were the guests of Mr. and Mr. Fred Moehnke. ! of Ixgan, Sundny. ! Mlsse Myrtle and Mary Woodle ' were calling on Mrs. Guy Woodle one1 day last wpr-k. Will Douglass and wife were Esta- , cada visitors one day last week. 'COME IN AND LOOK OVER THE NEW LOW-DOWN BLOOM MANURE SPREADER This machine will down no trick at made it so popular. enable you to increase your crops it is still lower all to load it and it still has those features which have ALSPAUGH. Mrs. J. W. Dowty, Mrs. Chas. Sparks and Echo Gitbens attended the fair at Vancouver last week. H. X. Barton is going to Michigan this week. Mr. and Mrs. Krash. of Estacada, and Mrs. Tull and sons, of Eagle Creek were the giwsts of John Githens and family Sundav. Harry Frank, of Portland, visited with his family here Sunday. MEADOW BROOK Most all that went to the hop fields I have returned, reporting the hops to be lighter then last year, due to the ' dry weather. j Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Chlndgren and ! family and Miss Hannah Johnson j spent Sunday at Philip Hults. of Mu-! lino. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holman are I spending a few days in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kero and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. Sayre expect to leave for Minnesota soon. The Misses Myrtle. Hazel. Nettle I and Glen Larkins, Arthur and Clarence ' Orem spc;nt Sunday evening with the Chlndgren young folk. JENNINGS LODGE. - The pleasing Bound of the school bell on Monday morning, Sept. 14th. was heard as on that day school re opened for the fall term. The base ment has been completed and groundH have been Improved during the past month. Twenty-four pupils are en rolled in the higher grades, under the direction of Mrs. Altman. Mrs. Sna shall, who has tho primary work, has thirty-five under her supervision; four teen of these are beginners. The little tots who have commenced their first term of school are Margaret Seeley, Merle Caldwell, Ruby Traut, Lester Russell, Woolferd Batdorf, Willie Bruechert, Margaret Roethe, Virginia Ostrom, Robert McAlpIn, Bernice Will iams, Richard Perkins, Melton Hlndes, Dorothy Jacobs. A number of our young people have left for their respective schools. Miss Esther Campbell and Miss Eileen Dill going to the University at Eugene, Miss Bern to Corvallls, Miss Flora Dill to the Washington High School in Portland, Mary Bruechert to the Portland Trade Schools, Wendell Smith will go to Business College. Glenn and Annie Russell, Hazel and Mabel Brigham, Mary Pierce, Ralph Madison, Arthur Roberts, Ethel and Fern Hart will attend the Oregon City High School. Dr. Mary L. Farnum, accompanied Miss Campbell to Eugene on Sunday. Mrs. Howerton and four boys came down from Salem and are spending a few days with her mother, Mm. J. C. McMonlgal. . -. j Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Logeson, of Oregon City, wiere callers at the Lodge on Saturday. . - The Sunday School convenes at 10 A. M. at the Batdorf hall. The at tendance has been over seventy with good collections. Rally day will be observed on Sept. 27th and everyone is Invited to come. Plans are being made for a Sunday evening service to be held during the winter. The juvenile fair was held on the evening of Sept. 16th at the school house. Mesdames Altman, Bruechert, Russell and Cook worked bard to make this first fair a success. Cash prizes were given for the best exhibits In needlework, cooking and canning and on fruits, flowers and vegetables. A short program was given. The Pressed Steel Reach found only on the Bloom because it is patented it keeps mechanism in smooth running order prevents tearing out of fore truck. All spreaders need Reaches only the Bloom has one. The Bloom is a 2 horse machine. Your ordinary farm team can handle it. LOWEST PRICED GOOD SPREADER Come in and look it over and let us talk to you about it. POTATOES ARE HIGH invest in the high wheel direct drive DOWDEN and dig them cleaner and better than you ever have before. We have the the DOWDEN on display. A74 P '. Also a full line of W. J. Wilson & Co. 10th and Main OREGON CITY, OREGON Plows, Harrows. Grain Drills, Feed Mills, Wagons, Buggies, Water Systems, Engines and Pumps. Canby Hdw. & Imp. Co. CANBY, OREGON at the McFarlane home. George A. Ostrom has returned from Denver, Colo., where he was a dele gate for the Fraternal Union Lodge. Mrs. H. H. Emmnns has arrived at the home of her brother, Mr. Newton, at Holcomb, New York. DON'T BE MISLED Oregon City Citizen Should Read and Heed Thl Advice. Kidney trouble is dangerous and oft en fatal. Don't experiment with something new and untried. Use a tested kidney remedy. Begin with Doan'a Kidney Pills. Used in kidney troubles 60 years. Recommended here and every where. An Oregon City citizen's statement forms convincing proof. ". Il'b local testimony It can be In vestigated. Mrs. John Beers, 217 Fourth St., Oregon City, Oregon, says: "Both I, and another of my family have used Doan's Kidney Pills with good results. Doan'g Kidney Pills quickly relieved me of an attack of kidney and bladder trouble, together with pain In my back and a tired out feeling. After I took Doan's Kidney Pills, I felt fine. I am glad to confirm the endorsement I have given this remedy before." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Beers had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. (Adv.) than heretofore slnco the season start ed are still Hhort of general require ments. Sales of best stock are continued strong at l.M a cental generally along the street and In some quarters there are anticipations that thla price will hold for some time. Yakima stock la being orrered again to the trade here and netted gems from there are quot ed at the same prico as local offering. A carload was reported in by one house during the day. With a smaller crop of. potatoes along the Pacific slope than bad been gener ally anticipated and with the Ameri can crop showing a smaller total than was first Indicated, the outlook for the potato price la seemingly Improved. 1 stag 1250 1 heifer SCO 20 calves ICO 218 lambs 87 2fi2 wethers 82 281 ewes 85 82 yearlings 74 J. E. 8ULLIVAN DIES COO 5.00 8.50 6.00 5.40 4.50 5.20 TRADE IN HOPS IS QUIET IN PORTLAND PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 15. With larger crops now estimated through out the world than bad been previously forecast, the market for hops is show ing a decided weakness at most points and business Is practically at a stand still. The only sale here recently was 30 bales of fuggles at SUverton at 18c a pound. The grower had 60 bales to sell, but the buyer bad orders for only the smaller amount This shows clear ly the lack of demand generally. NEW YORK, Sept. 16. .lames E. Sullivan, socretnry and treamirer of the Amateur Athletic union, died here shortly before noon today. He was operated on Monday evening for a complication of Intestinal and stomach troubles. Sullivan attended the athletic games in Baltimore last Friday and Saturday. He was stricken hero Sunday. Ills constitution was weakened as a rngtilt of long suffering nnd he was unable to rally from the effects of the oporatlon. Sullivan wag also director of ath letics for the Panama-Pacific exposi tion in San Francisco. Po-Do-Lax Baniihet Pimple Bad Blood, Pimples, Headaches. Bil iousness, Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc., come from Indigestion. Take Po-Do-Lax. the pleasant and absolutely sure Laxative, and you won't suffer from a deranged Stomach or other troubles. It will tone up the Liver and purify the blood. Use It regular ly and you will atay well, have clear complexion and steady nerves. Get a 60c bottle today. Money back If not satisfied. AH Druggists. (Adv.) Tim Kind You IUt Aw)i llonglil(atll til hl 1 . kT, ccU All'w mi one l.i l i-. i . . T. All (.Minlrrf. ll,linltntlouai., Jn.-i.g.HH ,n i l.irrliiH M that Irlflit to lili and euiliingrr . "j!1 lufaul ail l lilldM U-i:i'rlriire agaiuat l , What is CASTORA fntorU U a liurtiilr atiWHufa for Vir Boric, lrp" and hiM.tlilii(f h)ri. ltUUi' " contain iit-lllM-r Opium. ,Mtirililiia tmr tiil,,, 'I uti.tiiiiir. It nun I It gtniruiitrr. 1 1 l. .tr,, i'""'"! and alln) I Vrrlbnr.. I or morn than Iblrt, , tin Itrrll III roii.liwit for tlin rrllrf vt oti.ii '....I !... 4 II.. - I I . " 'IINIIUm rt-iiiinif irmibh, Mointtiit an. iu.? I l.ituli ii. y, hid Colic, nil IHiirrlni'it. It rrKllt.iIra bn tBkiiiiii.iiita vita iiiui iik iiisf Miik m . . . - "Vila -! Mini 11(11 1 fnl -i Ilia 1 Llldrt'u'a Tanacr.- ! hn .Mother'. I'rlrud. GENUINE CASTORIA AL iDcurs the Signature of The Kind You Have Always In U. For Ov.r 30 Y.tn Main Fair Building Attractive tvtry Part of th County I RtpriMnttd n tht Big t.hibit Build. ' at Canby Decoration Source of Dallght to Vmior. Th booth In thn bis Pavilion !. roiling. rau mui-h cimm-nt. TW nrv..r attr.i trd iimtn att-nMim than dlvlibml farm rihll.lt of lirorn "'" '""r J I . J..hn Itoi.biii. (i.k IliilMftrt tr.iti.n Ity firm. r-irnunir. l y n. vrr otbrr will tuiHiii iMH.th at Vrtrrn Ht k Juurnal. i .uni- tltton. Nrvrr b -Inr. tu tin Or.mui City KlitTrtar. VIntti,.tl , t.fii aiKli roinp.-t Itlint fr IW mm Valli-y Siiiitbi'rn Hallway rtunpany. offi-n-d In tbl tin... Iluntb-y Bnitbrr rompany, Pai lfn-. All atallahbt ap.ti'r I ili-iaWaili HlKhy rtp. Haiiiinii St rouipnny. rOillilt of ( larknuia rri lVrt Miller It I'arkrr. Iliirmt'liitvr Amir.'- urd by t). K. Pn rtmiAu rn and t;i.rk- Ivli.ilt othrr ImmiiIi ; raiixiM by W. K. Nilra ami H arr thiMr of t'arltuli A lt kraiia. of llrtcliln. Cniiby; Itawlln rompany. Ilmnl UIt llunlli.y llrulli-r rniiitiii rbb-r; Ml. Pb-aiant t'ltlc-Improvpiiii nl 'of tlrtmlln I In rhnrxr uf (Vi rlub. K.tnrnila. ilUlrlrt. farm riiillv. ! ItollliiKcr, nnd Mr. HuIIIiikit ('r.'Ki'iit .Miiniifni-tiirlnit rompany, Oak , rutixcil to Klvn two um i rt 4iJ I Itldxn ramh and WarniT uratntp. tbl biHith. Thi-sx totirert anjc1 Thn IkmiIIi of Haiitinn A rompnn. . al 1 o rim k and j u'i Iik V. Ilunw-w whlrh I In rbarco of W. I). Jcnni'U. ' i Aiiilrcat n b a diaplay in tlx a of Ori'Kun t Ity, I. ono of tbx itiimt ar- olid fbMir tpoait tlw Imltn' tti'j tlntlr iHNitba in ihn bulldlnit, ami on-! drpnrtmi-iit. po.lln It ar I bo booth of ihn Wrt- ,' Thn art di'pnrluit'tit It vu of ft itii Hkh'W Journal and thn Vlllamtta i mw attraction of tlil fun Ulr. aa Nnlli-y Koiilbi-rn liullway rompany. i thn rxuu la well flllnl aitb intltic. Thn booth of Carlton A llom'tikrun iki'trhltiK'. rartiHint, vtn"- i a very attrn tlv dlpl.y. Tbn Crr- 'rblna ami burnt wood uti. lb Sir ivnt Miinurni-turlna- rottipaiiy ha a'nn burlap lvr tho pb 'lur m i very pretty booth, prenlded ovrr by It. .trnrllvr l.arkaroiilid. M. M. KInea. Varn,.r Kraimn ha a Mr. 8. 8 Walkor. who I la cturr booth wi-ll to x proud of. aa alwi tho :of thn domrallo wlriirr; Mm J, I Mt. Plef.aalit Civic lin'provrnii'ht rlub. Waldron. In i bamn of thn ladlt' Ui Kuril of thrm booth ar atlrai tlvrlv , III" departiiH'iil ; llrelitnn VrdiW.J.t arranged and havn rniim-d murh com. ;Clvan. Ml Muhiila tllll. Mr. II mm! iiinniiK the ninny vUltor. and no Wolff, romx)Hi thn c-omtnlttn) k diitibt thi'iii' booth a well a other -burK of tint Jiivetilln tb'partniNit, til will bn vImIIimI by hundri'd of peoplo , tln-wi depurtiiK'Ht should not b durliiR thn fair. I iiiImhimI by iinyomv Such an array hi Tho Katncada peoplo hav tlolin ; ni-ver Ihtu exhibited befuw at tbt theinaelve proud In making their flrnt Clni'kamna County fair, nnj murh It vIhII at thn Cluckamii County folr. , tcrenl ha bi rn hIiowii la arranxlu Hugo cornftalk. arrunged on thn tb hiimii'. fr.nohn. May 0 Md. lliM-niiHO of the illxiiKtroii son no n there N nm tnlk of nwll blng the Ht Paul AuiiTb nii iiswu lntlon frnncliUn to Toledo next Kenxntl. Homo 1 1 inn ago It wn Mtuti'd that tho Fed uirniit to put a club In that town aliu. Nap I Patriotlo. Nnp I.djolo bnn grown no ptignnclnun uliico the war begun that bo nlinimt fought with a waiter who brought him Oertnnn fried potntocn Instend of French fried. Luderu. a Poor Da. Runn.r. Frinl I.uderuH, flrnt Imsemnn of the I'Mlllifl. Ik enslly tho worMt bnit nm iilng regular In tint Nntlotinl league, lie bn Htolvn Just one bnso since the Kenaon begun. R.warda For Red Pitch.r.. Knrh of the Cincinnati pitcher who defeated the (ilnnts In tho Inst series received II twenty dollar bill from Chnrllo Ilorxog. Cherryvllle School Open. CIIKItltYVlLLIC, Ore., Hunt. 11. Tho local school opened today wbh Mrs. Clmrlotto Nash, of Los Augeles, as teacher. Specifications have born prepared for street Improvement nt Carlton. Concrete will bo lined for the hurdmir- fucing and the pavement will be Hint liar to that recently complnlud ut Day ton. Wlllamlna iiIho has Home con. creto streets. Tho rural press, the pulpit and the school ure a trinity of powerful Influ ences that the farmer intiHt utilize, to their fulluHt capacity before he can oc cupy a commanding position In public affairs. AMERICAN LEAGUE At 8t. Louis First game Chicago St. Louis It. II. E. ,16 1 .260 h. ft: i , 1 -' St. Louis 3 8 0 Second game Chicago At Cleveland It. II. B. Detroit 8 13 Cleveland 3 7 4 4 PACIFIC COA8T LEAGUE 4 A Portland .667 San Francisco 644 Los Angeles 632 Venice 627 Mission .469 i Oakland 393 i i E KORES KICKS ON SALARY IN CON TRACT WITH GIANTS POHTLANI). Oro., Sept. IB. Tod! game was potpoiind on account ol n mill wut grounds. If It ruins tomorrow, there wD" iliMilil ' licailerM Friday, Halurdiy Sunday. The Now York contract offwJJ Art Kores, Beaver third biiHcttian, " wiih drafted, Ih not welcome. Kon thinks Unit ho Is worth moro mot'! Hum tho Clluuts offered blm for W first year's work. . . -1 ..... l.. ..... In llin VhlflC I Kill llll IWIIK'! 1,1 l"v M cliiHH," said Kores this afternoon. I play In the nmjors they nmai m" It prolllablo. The Omnia to0 " timtter up with me last week, and contract they offered mo wa J It was less than I am geltln ln 1 J Const league. I told them they OTJ; liuvo to niilo. And then thoy " throunh with tho legal 25 por cent j vniieu over my Coimt leiiglo course, that looks bl mi PM'' ' -Jlk Is not much, for wo play on'" loiiKor out hero, nnd It J sul "'" up In tho end. , ... tetl "I figure that tho older a "'"""Ln tho less valuable ho Ih o ' player, and If ho doenn t K". itli wbon he Is youiiK. It ! Kn()""iw him. I am not saylnK " j0f ftiejll go to thn ainnts, but. ' u j( they Imvo to flguro a ll' '' "iVwly don't, let them alt They w,IIl find llw '",,e arK" I am putlliiK up. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE At. HUn Francisco Mlsglon San Francisco ,,.(.. -..-r At t)s Angeles Oakland ,,',.;'..",.., Loi Angelos ',vJ..--. 0 4 8 11 NATIONAL LEAGUE R'H, 6 10 At Jloston St. Louis Iloaton ' " g H, At Cincinnati f, I Cincinnati g ( 1 New York ' " ' ill.' At Philadelphia j ( PlttsburR 1 Philadelphia " B. H. B At Brooklyn ? I ChlcaKO " i I t Drooklyn