Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 04, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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    OltEclON CITY KNTERPKIHK. K1MI..W. KKITKMIU-:it i. 101 1.
t. t.
BftODlE. tiitor is4 Publuhar.
oir4 at Orwgon City. Orvfun. Postofflra aa afon4 class maiiar.
Turtoni id thf north; while ilie ttui;i;!f (or itir wi'tnnacy d xht r. nnrr
ttojJ. '
Hut now (hi In rnJrtf. Tiie tmu'on that ptcnrjrj (lit- h I
i.I!iiwtJ by tin? actual conflict ol the armira, which will rnJ, rtuy ny, in
I'isarnianwnt or thf Kurnpraii p.mn, ami ivilupt llw cnj of loyalty, lor 40
yrait ihf nation have hrjprj U afin lt on ilirtiiwlvra far ih ui'lrrfi ul
rrKitnwtu armir anj navtV. faili yttt uw the tnirdrn cm lirasicr. Ilir
lotilc, rvnt Penrith taxation out of all proportion, aarptr.l uiihout ur
Trial Hubacrtptloo. To Month r ,; nP ,utl-mr t,t unh nrnuration a a guarantee i( vetse, altrioiik-h
lottag their oidm. If UN payment la not credited, kindly notify ua. aa4 P-"' boofht at a dear prur I he itan Iwxan w ctrat that Ibn w mi
ib maner win racein 0ur attention. , ( ...i ,, .... ,.r i WJr. om.Unt uat. i ulnr. Hunt,
I an J miomim ate at an cnJ ami in tlirir plf ha iim war. 'Hie foe h.
cotm? at Ut and" l.'urt'pr i ptrpair.l to Ktapple with it In thr rn.l.
ubicripiloa Ratia;
Ona year ,
8u UoBtka
... .71
Advertlalng Rales oa appllratloo.
CTF3 HIS IS THE PERIOD OF THE YEAR when the incuhator of
II rtf whrmcf, to unload" upon the taxpayer i uoikinj; nvrrtiinr.
At letft three with proposition are being got in thape to bring be
lure the IrgiJature.
One of iho i the CJano free employment bureau an J coffee hou com
bi"eJ. It proiiHiter estimate it would cit f.?iHW to ct up one in enh citv
fpjHE A(iKNTS of the Katrtn liouor ouporatuMi. opiating in the
II IVil'ic tate uiuler ariou dih,uic, art preaJ.ni: al'toaJ a ue
luge of fale ttatitic alxuit conjitton in Kana. Pirv natitic
are chirlly garbled from the crnu rrort, and tited to uit t!ie purpe
of the lioiior men. In a pmtrt aaint thre tmttageuu iArs the trmer-
a-id town, the expen to be tharrd by the municipality, the county and the Luce committer of the Meth.Hlit ihunh (general oviferemr), h head
quarter are located at Topela ha iufd the following tjfmrnt:
"Liquor a-lvertiwinent in the IVific ot tate point out the fat
ilut ihipnirnt of liquor, 'X) per cent of whuh beer, amounting to
U6J quarti. urre received l lopela, NanA, during t!ie nioiitn ul p-
t. mber.
"Elementary fairnea would lead thrv peop'f lo tate li e truth that if
Topcli.uu consumed an amount of liquor filial to the per capita average
if the omntrv a a whole, thee hipmenr would har amounted to inoie
Fifty of the rtablihment wuld co.t the taxpayer $150,000. ami
then whatever employment wa given would be paid by the employer. The
f 150,000 would not I expended in employing labor but for atarir of of
The expenditure would not top with that um if thee institution are
nee established. All uch function in the name of the tate once 'nganied
jrow and their rxpenr increase from year to year.
IT BACK ON riltl
Linn I. Jonta Alttnda Mttting fir h
Pltt Tlw Mr. A4tm la
KUI4 frmann LI
b'l'iin by OcarJ
A tate rat catching campaign ha been inaugurated. Rat urey are than 400,0X) quart.
being made. The itatr food cumui!iiner i axling for legislation to extermi
nate rare. That mean a tate rat catcher or rat commissioner.
The third propition to be prung on the legislature i the creation of
the officr of county advti.)r an expert to give adcix to all county olficial
bbout the d ut in ol their otiicr.
Thi it now the duty of the county attorney and the attorney general
of the ttate. But the county advisor would be giving advice about office du-
tiet and biuinesi matter.
The legislature it blamed for many foolish law and new burdens laid
upon the taxpayer, which really are organized and put over lrom the outside
by those interested in the proposed grafts.
"Prohibition decreased the consumption of liquor in Tola. Kansas,
I i me .L I. . - !
in eptemfer, I1!-, n per ant nv aau.u gosrrnmcnr recxT is.
FHRASKA. N'illiam Jenning Hryan own state, ha turned against
him. The issue on which Ilrvan wa defeated was 1'iesidrnt Wil
n't appointment of Thomas P. Jones, "dummy" director of the
Interational Harvester company, as president of the new banking and cur
rencv Nurd. Jones was tuccrssiunv opposea ny united Matr en.nor
IlitchciK'L. a Nebraska IVtnocrat. The Nebraska state cotise.iiiou as com
ing on and it was important that the peerless leader be indorsed in hi own
state, so orders were ivsued to Cliarlrs Hryan, who always executes the will
of hi brother to prevent the endorsement of Senator Hitchcock in the Jones
-ii i i .
A IOINT ARR.ANGt.MENT has been Perfected between the of. u-
! of nuMir rna.L of the Ammnent of nmViilMir. .in,! the n..h Charles Bryan got busy. Hut after strenuous efforts, all he could do
!; hUh rmlr, f.,r tf, .t,..!.- of mns.Vf mM fh- ;!,. as to head off an endorsement of Hitchcock at Lincoln. All the other
lion of convict labor in the construction of roads and the preparation of road counties in the state rallied to Hitchcock' support and in spite of Bryan en
materials. There is a constantly increasinc tendency on the Part of state dorJ Hitchcock's successful opposition to Mr. Wilson "dummy" di
rovernmenu to use ennviVr labor in work of ouhlir fmnrovemenr. n.-h n rector. The issue wis made clear that the endorsement of Hitchcock xvas
road construction, rather than in the manufacture or articles which compete U 'P 'Wit in the face for the Wilson administation, and it looks like Bryan
with the product of free labor. and ttie administration took the slap,
The purpose of the ioin srudv is to determine the conditions and The action in Nebraska is regarded of great ptilitical importance be-
inethods bv which most satisfactory results are obtained and the lines alone cause it was the peerless leader's state whose defection led by Bryan at Haiti
which improvements may be inaugurated. Studies will be begun in Colo- "'ore. paved the way for Wilson's nomination. Nebraska has been divided
rado during the latter part of August, and thereafter visits will be made to in its allegiance between Bryan and Wilson on the one hand, and Senator
A u,i,Jiirtftii T K- Hitchcock on the other. Mitchcouc supportru Vnamn clarK. in view ol
Vkil l'9 (II W If 1' IVIIIHIf, UilVI Vi VVIH Ml IV If IUIIIIIsUII, ratl I U I lllv i
studies will extend to Michigan, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, the fight that Mr. Clark will make on Wilson in 1916, developments in
North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona Bry "ate are regarded as highly sigmticant.
and New Mexico,
nf IS INDEED CURIOUS THAT W. S. U'REN, professed champion II ures and men on which they pass final judgment would startle every
II of all reform movements in government, should fail to attend meetings I
" of the charter improvement committee, of which he is a member, when
the time has come for the tedious and somewhat tiresome work of soUin;;
minor problems in the new proposed city government. At the first meeting
of the committee, Mr. U'Ren took the center of the stage all through the
evening. He explained proportional representation and urged it on the
committee. He recited other experiences he had in forming governments of
theory and advocated several points regarding the council, the city manager,
and other features of the proposed government. The other members of the
committee looked upon him as the most experienced man of the group, in
much the same way that a student looks upon his teacher.
Now this man who took the lead at the beginning of the work drops
behind when the time comes for steady work. Some say that he has no :imc
for the committee work; that his campaign for governor keeps him so busy
that he cannot attend the meetings of the body, but if this is so that he should
quit the committee and allow someone who has the time to take his place.
UROPE HAS JUST BEGUN A WAR which promises to be the
greatest conflict of modern times but the nations of Europe are at
greater ease now than in the last 50 years. The costly business of
getting ready for war has ended and now the countries involved have settled
down to the still more costly business of actual conflict.
The annual expenditure on the navy and army in times of peace in such
countries as England and Germany during the last few years has been far
greater than the annual cost of many of the world's greatest wars. The
building of warships, each one greater than the one preceding, the keeping of
standing armies, the building of forts and the costly experiments in naviga
tion of the air have almost bankrupted the nations and caused great debts to
tic heaped on the people for war even in the time of peace. Always there wa
a nervous tension, the apprehension that an enemy would swoop dow-n over
night with no warning and destroy towns and fields. England's more sensa
tional papers saw visions of a German ivnasion through the air; Germany was
worried by the masses of Russians which were gathered on her nortiiern bor
der; France built line after line of forts to protect her capital city from the
We Give You Three Cents Every
Time You Save One Hundred
The anly way to realize the earning
power of interest is to start a savings
account. Whether or not you add to
your deposits, your funds will grow
here at the rate of 3 per cent. We
offer you absolute security and con
venience. One dollar will open a
savings account.
The Bank of Oregon City
believer in the Oregon system of popular government. At a meeting
of 100 lawyers held in Portland just preceding the last e"vtt1 state election
a count was made and it was learned that of those 100 men, only two had read
all the measures on the ballot while the rest had read only a few and several
had read none.
Of the 29 bills to come before the voters at the fall election, everyone
is of state-wide importance. Eleven affect the tax laws of the state and some
include the most radical of tax reform. Included in the list is the dry amend
ment to the state constitution ; the proportional representation bill, the bil
creating the office of lieutenant governor, another adding the $1500 exemp
tion scheme to the mass of laws we now possess, and others just as import
ant. Lvery voter is a legislator as well as an elector ana his opinion is es
sential to the forming of just and beneficial laws. The one evil of the Ore
gon system is the lack of knowledge of the average voter on the subject upon
which he voices his opinion.
It is w ith this in mind that the Enterprise will in a short time begin the
publication of the measures to be voted on at the fall election. One measure
will be taken up each day, and the affirmative and negative argument pre
sented, and an editorial on the subject printed at the same time.
tiy i' of itii iii lit id tihiirr
rarl al imrtlnf T'nilr uifit
klllrsj rr!'ltlult UllrwIlH m i W. H
Hn 10 iUis Tim Mrhi- nil Ihr
flk ot lha lllirarr. Th tot (imI
aa folios a : fur lh rroliiiiuii, Mr
n, Mr W. 8. l"Un; artln.t. J. K
llr.lri. ('liar II. faiiflt'lt?, I, Kimi
nnh tsianon. II. T. Milalii ah J
Ham Whratian
Th rvx'luilnri nf Mr. I' Urn Mii.J
lha ai ttun of lha tMrd lk-i lo
isrki a no aht-ti lha Ur. nlr. to
kl' Th Maori anl Thw Mrtiiro
(rvm lh lll rary nn ar-otnit nf lha
ir-ltu-a alii trd ,i hsi rn lalo-n lijr
i!nM io .mt Mr t' Iti-n i,rn h
hranl of lha Ix'anta ai-tlnn aftrr lha
ii'Tiiii, ntK in rwry uinniirr, quo!
Ina an ar(l I In lha Oregon
lata rotiMlliitlon In hlrti lha Niftit nf
fiva ( h mill a frtw pr t la ralali
ll.hr, I Mr. M.IUIii, ttlio la i,fil.i-tit
r lha nan! ami alio haa ! n Urf.'ly
raapmiallta fur lha amirai nf lha In
aMIilllon, thraatrtiH In raalRn If Tha
Mriiara and Tha Maura rr alnri
In lha llhrarjr.
In tin H'tlrr to lha inrml.i ra Mr.
I' lt- n iniinUcit o Introdura raaolu
lion at lha halt ar.ilon of lha Ixiaid
Tha rraultitlun aliort and iiht. Ijt
atatrd that Tlx Mrtiaan Mumld la
p!avd on tha f!li- along uli ulhar l
n'ra and iiiKlr.-. In liilnoluclim lila
r-ailitlon Vr I' Urn IllvtlllulU'd lha
Or(nn ronatltiiiinn and aald lha 11
hrary boartl had no rUM to krrp frtin
tha bulldliiK any uMr or nmtaJlna
ahli h aa trnt liarrad f nun tha I'nllrJ
Slntra nialla.
Mr. Mrllaln alatrd lha raaa aralimt
lha raaoluilon. Ha baaad hla talk on
(he allcKad Indrrvury f tha viar and
akid tha hoard for the ak of lha
rhlMr-n of lha rllr to ka.p aiuh a pa
par (mm tha tin I lilln . Mr. HailKci an
aTd Mr. t' ltan'a arKumcnta.
I.lnp E. Jonaa, hct aa niadu
nirmliar of tha iNiart! al lha rvquaat of
that IkxIv. waa praa.-nt but did not t.ika
part In tha dlaruaaloo of tha avrtiln. .
It I Ibouaht (hat It lll b ntraaaary
to rhamca aavaral aarllona of lha by
law! of lha lllirarr board before ha
ran taka an actlva part.
Mra. Adunia. who haa ! n arlln aa
lllirartun during the auiunirr. :iirli cl
ed piTuiam-nt librarian. Thu board
waa dlvldad on har apIU'atlon In the
nmo way aa ovar tha rvaolutinn of Mr.
Kmlr loalia. aoiita In lha arr '.irarl
i if lha ho ill.irti I. hara ii.m frarbad
l.f lha ' tlrrfiio W'alrr S aKoii - lha
auliiliiublla rariilliif lha Mlli"lll
Irini'rraiiia . Inir In Ilia Ori'ia
aiairald i hauiil(n. Mjaf of lba
bop mrfa ilnlni Ihrjr ara olii lo
la (or ptolill Hloii, aa lhaf alaara
hat. Tha kiiualaMaa la bring tiu.ad
alinwol lhal in ( Oragou a hif rrnp
la r.(lnl, and lhal a'alralla pr.i.il-
I' loii allt iii( rlfm I lha gruat-ia al
Ona of lha alopa of (ha "Walrr 4k
hi a al linirpni.i ii' . lha ruipa
..i.irr of lha world. Al this point ;U)
mm llairmd In llarrr tl Mil'aln. at
lrii.,n a.H-raiarr of lha larnparanra o
li ly, and I r ITrl, hrr llmnan, pn-al
drill nf lllamrlia t nliritllr. and nun
of lha njllonal irualrra nf lha Anil
Salnrin h'aua l oth Mr Mil'aia and
It I toman rrraird a profiniud hnir.'
Hlrr. I i-raklna' III Halrin, ri i,oii
ai'llal. and a (rand lallr daf In Ibr
Hair m rhurt lira pioird rapirlNll)
In olia of lha drbalra wHh Colohrl
llof-r. ir. Clarmra Trua WiUoti urn
rral aii rrlary of Ilia trinparain a ao
rlrir. uat a Irlkliif lllnlra'bii of
how Ilia pas'pla ara ,r tig lnlaln(iiriliil
tiC lha lliiir llilrrrala. Col llof, r aa
aarlad lhal bank drpoalla In Hab-iu had
fallrii off IT'.iluoo alnra lha town ainl
iiinlar pruhlliiiluii. An Int nidation
rriralrd (ha fai'l lhal Ihraa of (hi lour
baiiha had an llirrraaa orar laat yrar.
whlla on had aiM-rlaii'ai allgbl da-
rrraaa dua lo lha fail that Ilia Uat
h'Ulslatura aard a law making It
obligatory for lha rounly to apraad In
fundi around In lha varloin baiiki, but
In aplta of tlila lhara haa b'. n a hat
llirraaaa all baiiki rntnldrrril.
Tha aulomoblla haa avrrayi-l tan
lowna a day.
ink l-awla, f'M.ioCHrliai,!.,,,.,
Ill riol flabl Haihinr J.' l
oil Mhor dar. aa haa I.h
I.HMl baa mil p.i.d fc,.
Hal.llfla. U.I.' man.,., ,'.
thai i..m and hli foil,,,.;, fc '
Inn, a A lallar raaln
Moiijar niihi from iirr. I.
lba l.n. r a Hand. II ll, '".''
In llioaa In lba IJimiU rainj,)
-am i
wall until Ilia laal uilliui
ion-a ua iu naia in inaka ii,., , "
trip on lha train and gt ib. , '
of lha fUhl. Ihua aUlna .
rail up or lu train
wa off.'rad lo walgb In flu i. "" "
fora tha fluhl lhal wa " "
. - -- w wn
ah In nia a... " . "
"a r.
tin III lba bral of II. '""
"VoU ran bral (IimhI. n.4t .
kno.a II. got Irltrr B
Uka Clljr aaklng fur o ir, , ",
ini round go bin th.iy didn't asJ,v
Tha data waa m i,,Ut .
wrola I lir in wa would Uka on ait
at' 1.13 fur IratiaiMirialloii anil n
ul of lha groaa rai alpla. u
nighi l.-iirr from Han Kranria o aa
If a want., I a go for Kani.'int.7
and I wlrr.l thnn tlm aama Irrmi'
llal llffa ad, la lhal hrndi II. U
im r drrgoii Cllf lad. now In thr ht.
right aama In Cortland. Ii anrt'i(
llkn rliainpbui. llalrllKa la attrwa
lug to tnatrh hrndall with Toll) Cruit
r, ol Vamouirr, II. ('.
KANSAS the state has taken complete charge of the water supply.
Everything from the farmer's well to the complicated water system of
the largest town comes directly under the control of the state board
of health. No to'.vn is permitted to install a water works or a sewer without
the approval of the state, and in the country the board is making an effort to
put the water on a par with the best in the state.
Wells throughout the state arc being inspected and those which are
n.crely draining pools for surface water are condemned. The state sinks ex
perimental wells in order to ascertain at what depth pure water can be ob
tained and then the farmers of the district are notified and ordered to abandon
11 wells which do not come under the requirements or to dig their wells to
the right depth.
The surprise of the entire system is that the farmers arc standing for the
plan without a murmur for they know that it means health for them.
nvoNDin if
(6tr tnnousri TnTy
The liquor corporations are cond uctlng their campaign In Oregon un
der the name of the "Oregon Hop Gro wers' anBociation." The manager of
the liquor forces la Louia Epstein, who la said to be a former.llquor dealer of
Denver, Colorado.
Daniels Also Permits Jackles
lo Purchase Discharges.
Waatilwrton.-Soori'tary Daniels' drna
tlc order culling for tlio abolition
of Imprisonment for Ueaortlon from
the navy lu tlinei of pence lina Ihh'U
the subject of Kcnorul cuiimieut In
naval clrclua for aeraral week. TUo
order provldna for tlio auuiiiiary dU-
niuuial liiHtend of Imprisonment of
bluejacket who oventtny their leavo,
get Intoxk'nteU w hile, on ahore or com
mit similar breiirlien of discipline, aud
for the hoiiorublo dUcbargo of men
who want to quit the service by merely
refunding certain uiilbitnient allowances.
The new regulations, which are a
radical departure from the methods
which hare heretofore prevailed lu the
navy, were Ismicd In neeordiuioo with
a referendum vote or tlio ollleers or
the nnvy, a majority of whom are
said to hnve favored the action. The
secretary Htaled ho hud become con
vinced thnt the general Hltiintlon under
the old regulations In denting with the
enllHted personnel who hud not desired
to remain In the sen-lee was untenablo
and not In keeping with modern busi
ness Ideas.
The secretary lidded thnt the order
would result In the weeding out of the
navy "undesirables" and i'iiIho the gen
eral standard of the enlisted personnel.
Figures prepared by the secretary
show thnt there are now 1,000 men In
prisons and disciplinary barracks.
1'OHTI.ANl). Ora.. Heft. 1. "Tha
'hmi hoard la faring a aerloua nrob
lam In lha numerous appllcatloui for
ndmlaalon lo the local oehooti trotn rrs-
Identa outalda of lb dlatiirt," said
MrhiHil Clark Thomaa of thla city In
lay. "TrtiUtlva tiarnilaalon haa Ixon
glvan to many, but only on condition
thai room ran ha found for lham. Iat
yaar there wrre 319 pnplla from olhrr
dlatrlrta, and more ar coming In thla
"Tha attorney Rvnarnl haa anil that
a district mad not laau o.itaida alii-
drn:a It Ihrra la no plara for tlm am-
drnta, and need not erect new build
Iiki or rovld apparatua for thm.
I .ant year there waa eonaldernbla com
plaint made by (mpnyrra who wera
forred to anul thnlr rhlldran to lha
new franklin high aehool baiausa out
sldn puiilla were being token at other
Tuition rates filed by Iho board are:
Elementiirr achools, & for the year
of 10 months; high schools. )K0 a yaar;
school of t radon, ll.li a year; school
for the denf, IK'S a year; aehool ot
defectives. J00 a year.
In case outside pupils are kept from
Port In ml achools, tho effect on t'lneka
mas county would probably Iw slight
h-i niiHe of tho preparation which bus
already been inndii In this county.
A full four year course bus been
opened nt Mllwiuiklo. the union high
school nt Handy will draw many pupils
and Ix'tter accommodations nt Kstn-
ciidu will take many who would other
wise go to I'ortland. Preparations for
more students were ninny to the Mil
wnukle and Kstneuiln districts when II
was learned thnt the tuition lu I'ort
land lias been raised.
Organization of a New Sootion of tha
Signal Corps.
Wnanlngton. HelnllH for carrying
Into effect tlm recent act of congress
providing for adequate personnel and
organization for army aviation work
are being worked out by war depart
ment officials. This Inw establishes nn
iivlallnn section as part of llm slgnnl
orps of the army and aiitliori.cs the
detail to that section of sixty ollleers
and 200 enlisted men as nn addition to
the commissioned and enlisted strength
of the military establishment.
Orders shortly will be Issued trans
ferring Lieutenant Colonel Samuel He
her, who has been In ehnrire of avia
tion work In the nriny, and Captain
Arthur S. Cowan, commandant of the
Aviation school ut Kan rlgo, Cal.
TIENTSIN, Sept. 1. Twelve of fif
teen hundred Japanese troops have
been landed on the China coast at
Lung Kow, according to Information
received here today. The port Ib 100
miles north of Kino Chan bny, and It
was taken for granted here that the
landing was directed against the Klao
Chau Germans. The Chinese govern
ment was said to have protested, how
ever, on the ground that the landing
violated Its neutrality.
How Ha Halpad tha Doctors During a
Cholars Epldamio.
In a life su" death battle with a
cholera epldan'ic in Hunan province,
China, lu which an American medical
missionary was tho leading figure, one
of Uie most serloui dlincultles waa met
successfully by ono of the menial hos
pital coolies.
Blnce every patient hnd to have from
one pint to several quarts of distilled
water with salt In It, tho water could
not be distilled fast enough. Vox two
days the stuff struggled along with
makeshifts whllo thinking up a plnn to
build a still for llttlo money without
the loss of time. This coollo solved
tho problem. In ono day and at a cost
of less than 'l he built n still which
Inter produced twenty gallons of dls.
tilled wnter every twenty-four hours.
Tho still was simplicity Itself. For
cooking food the Chinese uso Inrge.
flat, saucvr-llke pans made of Iron.
With one of these nbove mid another
below the coollo made n drum of gal
vanized Iron with a holo In the side for
a trough. Into the lower pun hot wa
ter for boiling was poured. Under
neath, a hot lire sent up a constant
stcum vapor. The upper, kettle was
kept cool by frequent changlngs of cold
water. Tho vapor from the lower ket
tlo, condensed on the lower surface of
tho cool upper kettle, dripped off Into
the trough, nnd filled bottle after bot
tle with distilled wnter.-World'a Work.
rnitTLAKM. Ora. Aug. J.--VV
would ha In liilnhty bad shape If It
waan t for UliCKllitH.thaiu.- ronfriaaii
Manasrr Wall.r Mrl'mlle Juil brfor
ha ilrppnl aboard lha raitlrr for Ate.
rameiito at HUM -Tha lo ita.nra
wa won from han Kranclaro ware dm
wholly lo hla grral niirhlnc. and if h
hadn I barn In atupa wa nilht hart
auffarad roMiplcla. rout."
UlKglllhotham'l Victory rtm,lj
waa hla fifth alralnht on lba hniuo lot.
comprlalng two asalnit Han Prim laro.
o asainai uasiaiiU and ou analiiat
Sacraiueiilo. 1 la i on hli lacond run
vlciorlaa Roltii aar from honta.
tn lha lat trip ha crai kad on hli
eighth atnii. and lha tana ara wornl..
Ill If Ita ,rruk lha ai-aaaoli a na
ord. Ha la going iihk Ii l.rttrr hi
now than In bla alnak rarllrr Ift'it
lllKiilnhotham haa bas-n worth alt
walght In platliaun In lha rhnniplmd.
Ha baa won 24 xaiiiej and loat i: n
fur thla aaaaon. hla avrraxn being .t,4l,
which makaa him not only Iho hanr
worked, but tha leading pitcher of Hit
Icagu In jiolnt of vlciorlaa won.
Tha Inability of Hiram Waal 0 .H
into shape has been great dlaappoiiil.
mi nt lo tha MrCredlai as wi u tht
Portland fna Uat year Wisji NU
generally r.migiilird as lb tltulr$t
twlrler In the leagua, but IHU tnr bt
has boan troubled with his arm. w
worked the aoreneaa out of It aVjnt
nildaeason, and then wrenched It
on one of his trlpa. For ovar a imnil
ha haa bean nursing It along iii'.drr
the dlriH'tlon of Trainer Hchmkiltr,
and stated yoaterdny thai II waa itlll
pretty sore whan he worked It out.
Ha Rmw.
Baeon-Why, he's even pnt a morV
gage on his bedclothes.
Bfbert You must b mistaken.
"No; I'm not I henrd today he's got
aome money on a blanket mortgage.
Tonkors BUtesman.
'v Vnncouver fzz 1
Beattle f'04
3 Spokane ouu
Tacoma i
Victoria 415 t
Ballard 390 t
& ?
Paciflo Coaat League.
Portland MJ
Han Francisco f.9
los Angeles fit
Venlco 511
Sacramento t'M
Oakland 3!)?
SAC1UMENTO. Cnl. Sept. 2.-1
wild throw to home by Krnuse In tin
first and a lucky hit by Young of tbt
Sacs which brought In Hannah In the
fourth wero enough to down the Hea
vers today In the second game b
tween tha I'ortlanders and tho local
team. Tho scoro was 2 to 1.
Fisher was tho man who brotutht In
tho (alley for tho Champs. In the
third ho crossed home nfter knockltif
a alnglo by a hit from Derrick. Krntme
was In the box for the Port landers sad
Stroud for the Senator. Tho Heaven
gnthered In 9 lilts whllo the wlunen
picked up six. Each team made one
Today's batting order;
Portland Hnneroft, ss; Rodgers, 2b;
Derrick, lb; Donne, rf; Korea, lib; Le
ber, If; Ryan, cf; Fisher, c; KratnOi
Sacramento Coy, cf; Orr, ss; SliltHi
rf; Hannah, lb; Mornn, If; llalllhan,
31) ; Young, 2b; Itohrer, c; Stroud, p.
Umpires Gut hrlo and Ilnyea.
At Soatllo n.W.
H..H.....I f 4 I
Seattlo .7.7.' . .' t 11
At Spokane
Victoria " J
Spokane ' "
At Viinconvcir It. H. B
Tacoma 1
Vnncouver ''
At San Francisco R. H. E.
Los Angeles 6 13 0
San FranclBCo 1 9
At Imb Angeles R. H. Ej
Venlco 4 10 2
Oakland 3 7 1
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by loral applications, aa thr cannot rrac
inn aiaraai-u portion or ma rar. J"" ,
only one way to cure drafneaa, and inat w
l.w rnn.lll.illAn.l r.m.il.. IrafnrM
oinnfil by an InHamril condition or """
emu llnina of lha Kuaiachlan Tuba. w""
tin. tube la InSamril you ha a rumoi m
ounrt or Imporlrrt hrarlns, and whn 11
rntlrrly oloai-.l, Urafnna la the rreult. an
unlna the Inflammation ran be "S.
nd thla lube rraiorrd to Ita normal eon"'
lion, hrarlna will be doalroyd "'h,
out or Irn are cauerd by c'r.' ,
which la noihlna but an Inflamed eonim"
or the mucoue aurfaora . n-
We will alve One Hundred Dollars Mr a
eaae of Dtatnrea (eauard by ealarrh)
cannot he crrl br Hall's Catarrh cr
Srnd for clrculara. free. fc.
r. J. CKRNET CO.. TOieno,
Sold by Druaeleie, 71". ineUol-
Tak Hall a Family HIU for aonatlpauoa-