8 RETREAT OF ALLIES TOLD OF 111 PARIS ALSACE .IOAJUINC ARK AGAIN HUD BY INVAOCRS, tAVt OFFICIAL PUPATCH MAP OF lATTlt FRONT ttO Milt IN IINOTH LOSES ARf HEAVY CM BOTH SIDES Plan of Attach l French ad (nglitl Fail u Achieva PwrseM B for Great Army of the Germana irrci A.n rxnis. auj :..-n;o j. w-n rrnib r offli Uj-4 I he fol!u Idk loolithl: Ite Krrnrh and r.n-llh. ibe ilan Of atlatrk haIM taJIfd. 0lli 10 UU futrtrro dirikulllca. cat f Hired 00 Ika rovrrtnc puallluua. ' Wnt of Iho MrUM, tho Knjli.b, ray ou our lrft a. atiacard iy it Gvrnian, but trbavrl admirably, hold ln In round mlth traditional at.ad-facbrae. "Tbo Krnch urpl the offmalvc Itb 10 corpa. An African brUada In tbo front line, carried aay by their raernra. ro rvcrlvrd b)' aall.oc fl. Tbry did not siva an men. but. counter a: Urked by tbo I'ruaa.aa guard, tbry cr ablicpd to rrtlr out)', huvr. aftr tnfiictlnf rtmrmoua 1o.m. Tbo iTuealan guard eapn'lal ly sulfered bravlly. "Keel of tbo Mue our trootit ad vanced acroao an extremity difficult country and nude couragroui attack when tbry rmrrjM from tbo ook. but woro obliged to fall back after A tiff fisbt aoutb of tb rlvir hemola. On order of General Joffr. our troopa and tbo Hntleh troops withdrew I flrhtlne moro or lei all along tblt to tbo covering poalilon. Our trooi't grat battle front, aro Intact: our caaJry In no ay haa uffertd and our artillery bai affirmed Iti auperloruy. Our officer and Mi dler aro In tbo beat of condition, mor-, ally and pbytlcally. "Aa a result of tbo order wbich have,' been iMurd tbo aspect of Ibe etrugKle will change In a few day. Tbo French army will remain for a time on tbo de fensive, but at the light moment, to bo decided upon by tbo commander-la-thief. It will return vlgorou often-lv. WAR CHIEF EXPKTS TERRIFIC COMIFf LENGTH OF WAR II PLACIO AT THRU VI ARB BY LORO KITCHENER COLONEL IQUIIR TO 0B6ERVI THl WAR FOR THIS GOVERNMENT UlXlklS, Ami j -Utd Kill h. iK r made tna firal !. Ii ! at Mini ler of ar In the hmiae nf lrd lln told bl bearer that t f I war un (ml'le.llr would .tram Ibe loro-a of the eiuplr and rntall big . rlMc. a Hit Uid emi'lu.i on ih t llut h I'.'iiti.ui In the caMtK'l linohed adher ence to neither party. "The tertiu on which I am rHig ( are the .tin" the under hih, out. uf Ihe lliivd tir(lon of our man hood, now mi willingly tupping for i ward lo Join the color, are engsglng," ald urd Kltilxiier. "That I to y. my term of of: lie 1 . I. .lilrKll.i,t t,t (llM (.If IIP ftir ! HIV uw.H.,.-. three eart If the war ahould not ! longer than that. It baa b.- u aked I why thU p-rlod bat ben tluutrd J "It Is lecaue. If thli illa.lroi: war ( e prtMonged and no one can fore. ell j for a cerialnlv IK durailon. that after, three yeara of war. other will Uke our place and thl matter lliriMign 'There will b V'i v. A 4.000. 0 HEN INVADE CER'ANY IECONO ARMV OF IAMC HXE BAID TO Dl BACKINQ UP FIRST RLailAN FONCI CZAft IFJDS EAIUISCU.SEOf HOSTS TO FORCE BIG PROFIT WANT FREIN ICCt ADVANCE TO MIOM POINT TO IELL ITOR AGE STUFF MICH FORCES ARE DRAWN BACK NEW BATTLE II im ANO EVERV MAN Nlf)rj ON FIHINQ LINK French Victory I Rtporttd at Chart rcl Sunday AIHd Fltole Blotk UP Talng Ichau. Chin. Monday LT. COL. GEORGE O. SOUIER WASHINGTON. Aug. Il.-irea eriou conflicts itrttaln I the only nation encaged In huh undoubtedly will str.ilti the , i-.,,,...,,.- ... lk .i.,M.i,i forces of our empire and undoubtedly j . ., ivnslderaMe snerlfu-ea to our people """"nl "'" will be entailed. These will be will . Ini ne is to allow American military oti innly borne for our honor and for the i rer to corrim,y the l.in-es lis rreeratlon of our position In theithe field. All of the belligermt - world, and '.hey will be- shared by 0'ir ers rre sounded to ascertain If tli-y domlulon. who are now (ending con Thl map show the rYanco-tiertnan frontier and the section of liplglum and Luxemburg where the fighting In the European war I now raging, tingenta and glung aanlstaric of ev ery kind to the mother country." ! ootild uermlt th Amrrlnn srine In lie represented by obsert era. Great Itrlt. alii has replied that two American ; military observer will be allowed to accompany that nation' field furve Secretary Garrtsan said that Ou. I tenant I'olonel lieorite U. Squler. Am erican military attache at lindon. SUNK OFF BRAZIL COAST WAsmvi'.TOv aii nis patche received at the state depurt miini and 'h slltcs far on sn.tiiMiii l...lf.v fmm Itln lanerlo de . ' . .. . . .. ....I I I. . . I . other for practically :M miles. There dared TIM.h cruiser i.u.go. bad V" "l'V'Z cai iureu ine iierman strainer siu i Kularina. It waa also said the tier I" 'he Hrltlsh furor. man cruiser Ptvsden ank the HrlilKh . steamship Hysilos off Hraill. M SHIPS TO BE Jl Oefsnda Hi Countrymen. NEW YORK. Aug. 2a. Storlta that German officer bad stripped and rarcbed American women In i Germany ; En)tIllnd anJ I(ajy ,lone between now WASMINOTOX. Aug. ZS.So many sieamfhlp lines are r-sumlng otiera- tlon from England and Prance that the Washington government may find It unnecessary to send any transports from thia country. Forty-one sailing hae been arranged for port from Kaler Center Crosses en Hi Son. UNPON. Aug. 15. The kaiser to day conferred the Iron Cross, for gal lantry In battle, upon Crown Prince 1 Frederick William. Trlnce Oskar and j Duke Albert of Wurtemburg. said a j new agency report received here from llerlln. I rejoice with you.- hla majesty ALL IAZY MEMBERS WASHINGTON. Aug. 25. Ity a vote of 213 to 27. the house thia afternoon wrote to the crown prince, "over Wll- .adopted the I'nderwood resolution, re- were characterized as absurb here to day by German Ambassador von Bern storff. He also denied assertion that the German were carrying on an un civilized warfare. and October 7 and more ships are dally being provided. Secretary Gar rison, chairman of the government' relief board, gave out tonight the fol lowing statement on the transportation of Americans from Europe: "Ambassador llenick ho arranged to transport the American In Switzer land by special trains from Geneva. a following: One thousand on Wednea day, the 2Uh: lOoO on Thursday, the 27th: 500 on Friday, the 2Slh. and 500 Dum-Dum Bullet Use! PARIS. Aug. !!. A peclflc lu tance of the use of explosive bullets by the Germans waa that of tbo find ing by a French army surgeon In Al sace of a German rifle clip containing five cartridge of the dumdum pat ion Saturday the 29th.' tern, which be turned over to the French general In command. Five other bullet of the same type were said to have been taken trim the bodies of French soldiers killed in battle. llam' first victory. "God ha been on hi side and most wonderfully supported blm." American Volunteer March to Front I'ARIS. Aug. 25. Flying the tar and stripe-, the 200 American volun teers In the French army marched through the at reets today to take a i norlhern statea who were comm-lWd to calling all congressmen absent from Washington and dm king tbo salaries of those absenting themselves bore after except on account of sickness. Roprvtontatlve .Mann charged that congressmen from the south whore the 1'rlmurles already hate been held, were trying to penalize members from train from the St. I-arare cation to Rouen to receive brief preliminary In- (traction from French officers. They were cheered enthusiastically. Neutrality I Proclaimed. WASHINGTON. Aug. 25. America neutrality In the war between Japan and Germany was proclaimed by Pres ident Wilson this afternoon. Austrians to Help Germans in Orient. VIENNA. Aug. 25. I Delayed) Em peror Francis Joseph today ordered the Austrian cruiser Kalserln Eliza beth, in Chinese waters, to help the German flert defend Klao Chau. A Kenturklan aged 79 eloped with a girl aited 19. She may live to regret It, but it Isn't likely that he will. participate In the August campaign and primaries. For week tho house hit struggled along with an average attendance of about 50. Yesterday' business was halted In both the senutu and house hlle efforts were made to get a quo rum. Vnderwood and ('lurk bolh de nounce absenteeism and writs will be Issued for the arrest of members ab sent without lea Iloth Representatives Slnnott and Hawley. of Oregon, voted aye on the proposal to dock the pay of abm-nteea. HOME, Aug. 21 -The first line of the Russian army now mot In in furor against the rntlm Ceruiau Austrian frontier numbers fOOO.ooo ttioii, so cording to dUatch rvelte, here to day fnun the HI. Petersburg rorrrs pondent uf the MesMgrro, a tiewspa per. A srroiwl army, almost as arrst the first. It waa announced, will move twlilnd tho first and reinforce It hon nnrtlrtl. The rir was said to h at the front tin tbe general army staff. French Win at Charlsrol. I.ONHON. Aug :i--Tho French were suocrssful Hiindsy. said an Ks- change Trleuraph dispatch fnun Us twid todav. "In tbo fighting at t'harlo rl. the Gentians being driven toward Hal." Allied Fltet Blockade Trnj Tchau. CIIANGHAI. Aug. 2 Japanese. Hrltlsh. French and l(ulau warships established a blockade of Islng Tchau today. German Crown Pnneo Victorious. WASHINGTON. Aug 24 The tler msn embassy announced h-re today that It had rerrlvrd Ihe following nies sage from llerlln via the wireless sta tion at Sayvillr, U I.: The German crown prince' army won a derisive victory norlhwvst of Plodenhofcn. near Met, over five French army corps. The retreat of the southern French wing on Verdun was cut off. The Frrnrh retreated to the River Mouse. The crown prince's army Is chasing the French and has taken a number of prisoners. The French no longer ar able to face th terrible fire sent Into their rank by the German." itiimMi. r. Aug Ji- hiini'i oils rfforla are bring made by specu l.llofs In t'bllirsr and l II slots rugs to fon r Hi prh of Iim si eygs lu a imiiiii lnr Ou r will l sl! in ruie nun h srr.iter pii.in iii tin ir U house iiflerlng. A iiiiiiilx r of i art of rst ru slorssr egrs bste breli r.rrltei here irrnitly and rooehrrs bste be. m Irrlng to tuotr the market prlo- up bmlilr in order to stoi Ibe ileuisml fur III" fresh product slid tin rrli) rrraln a grralrr call for b e hoir giHiila t'otubli rnbb1 stiM ks of Cblm rgns remain on bsnd In the tsrlmn sloragr hiiimrs Slid III or.i r til gel rid of Ihrse sfely Ihe niiitriuent must be started unbuilt dolsy. Front slr-rl wss freelv offi-rlng sr lei'led rsm h rgits at a prior no higher than ?v a il loilsr. The bulk of the bmliims wss dune In randlei) eggs t 27c during Ihe day Those prloos mrr general In the holraale market fur the itn, and whlln there are reports that smii In lerrsts an. arciiring as high aa .Uo. It Is scarcely deemed poolblr (hut there are any buyers so Ignorant of market conditions to pay such an a. h slice over the grnrral trade. rMEtfUIMtWSOigjtj Ahandonmsnt of Alsac ( pt( ( a -Hard N.ctMll,- (, Alp Ar N, Dsfsnt r, I- 1 ..... """ tonsiu.reii me mime .. .... , , . ., . of Ihe br.t clovrr Seed It. the world. ""I " "'. ' "'" ' bl' h and Clackamas countv Is o... of n, lo r","l" " covering line, t ,a, s,ata of the clover raising Industry In !"' "r"",lv- "r U the a'ate. Tbe cmn this eaoii la iin. I " llsiisllv small owlua to Ibe lmi ilr I "I'h French and llrillsh tna'tn sn. spell and In Ihe leading districts the r",,r fr""' !' near Gltt, ,ir, crop Is acsr ely above normal. Ith'"' alnel by hard flithtlng The, ir. A a g-tieral rule, buyers air offrr M"llm" ,"r,r antrrssrlrs and sharply Ing MS to I2' a pound for rioter ' '"M"' ''lr attacks. seen. Mils Is for averaiio offerluaa. r.nst of Ihe .Mouse our Inw.n. i,. ror writ rioaneo stmK mat runs H to rritainen their original Positions ,m. ler cent pun, imtrrs sar tney arr nianuiug tun rails out of (ha great niorr muni io tay sijc a ikiiiiiii man "'rrai oi Ariiennes. I 1 mu k mjt - I illllH. All! l I UK k - w M m... has Isaurd Ihe follualng ot;, iiiiiiii.-..i,.tii - i... ' sa - ii'inai.i.. hlf. requiring all stall iI-'l the Mouse, has ordered Ihe pfifH-, a'iniMioiiiiii in or iM rupleil tMtu ,, Nlaulbaiiaen has again been oMr'.? A nw l.al'lo la In procrra u tr.-M Maubeiigr Idepsrtluent dw .i . a .. . . . .t"i'ii aii'i ixuion iiepaniiiiai t Houbsl. On It hanrs Ihe fate otv Fieni h Operallotia In A!aa , the llliltie would lake away triK. oil Willi ll might iloprlid vil li. ly t norsaary that thry all withdraw In, Alasor temimrsrlly In order to tW Its final deliverance. It la a ttiatrr( hard rircrsslty. ' W"st of the Meiisn, as a result n orurrs issueii on nuniisy by tiir to off.-r llSc for ordlnsry. Kitchener Draining Ortst Britain. LONDON. "Aug. 24. Every evidence of deep anilely concerning the Hrl glan situation waa visible In military circles hero tonight. War Minister Ixird Kitchener waa draining the llrltlsh Isles of regular soldiers for service on the continent. At th same time he was rushing the Instruction of recruits. Experts declared Ihe llrltlsh must re- inforco the French and that the allies must keep the Germans back, at any cost, until the Russians have bad time for a crushing blow along the entire Herman and Austrian frontiers. Italian Situation Grave. ROME. Aug 2.-f ihe inauslng of trootia atniiff till Altai rit It ntlmi I 'l-l.. ..... . . .. L ...... : .. V " " ' "r ''""""""'el... wtucn l- gat, ,.-, i.ihmiii.1. niiiiiiHK, i.ifi lim'SI .11 war between tbe two countries grew graver today. It was the consensus of opinion how ever, that hostilities would be In gun, If at all. by Austria. There waa a strong anil Austran feeling throughout Italy but there waa also a strong and "In 1-orraliMi the tso armies hats h. gut. a combined attaik. one starling from Grand t'oiiroiina lie Nancy, siiit the other from south of l.unr'tille an Mun. lay. continues at Ihe lime of wriiii.u The sound of cannonading Is nut heard at Nancy, as It was ni.rJsv Solomon would have drawn the col or lino at painting towns rod and feel ing blue. LITTLE NOTICE GIVIN LONDON. Aug. 22. A nswspspir coe respondent, who arrived hsr ton front Oatsnd. aalrf li tmmmmA Iil war feeling, and for Italy to take the timed luko to bo told at h DkH Inltlallvo against Ks neighbor, moid waterlnn nlaca k..t.r.u ..... peopln believed, would bo to preclplntr man would b there In an hour ortat a crista at home. and that .n rn.n.i,... . . - --sj iiiwejt iwojiwa Children watra t ill nlauiMn . . a. .. Frenchmen Bore Politic. nd tnr were many bather, on IM :IM. Aug. 28. That former Mln- h..rh. n. .....j "L ".' "n " later Miller. Hrlnnd and Drlrasae of esplanade and ... ih. -.- K ' il past Frnch cabinet. U J,ln ,h. nZ t1.lVT GERMANS BURN TONBRIi ROTTERDAM. German took Tongrss, north of wlreo tho Dutch correipondenl of mo Nlsuw Rottsrdamaeho Couritnt, ,m, on fired on tho troop, .no cons, quently wo were eompcll4 to town. PARIM. tional council of defense without port folios waa announced tonight. The throo conferred with President I'oln scire and Premier Vlvlatil and all were offered cabinet pouts put agreed they could serve Ihe country better as mem bors of the council. Rutherlln, whlcn is credited aa one of tho best paved towns of lis size In Oregon, Is about to pave a mll.t and a quarter of Central avenue. The con tract haa been awarded at 129,227.95. piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiir iiiiiiiiii mi minimi iiiiiiiiiiim CALIFORNIA STATE PENNANT and ALASKA THESE ARE THE MOST BEAUTI FUL PENNANTS WE HAVE , OFFERED DON'T MISS THE8E PENNANTS, WE HAVE ONLY A SMALL NUMBER Never before in history have you been able to secure regular $1.00 Pennants for 15 cents, and you could not now, only with the coupon clipped from this ad. Use your coupon today. RETAIL VALUE 75 cts. and $1.00 36 inches long, 15 inches wide rr: Pennants arc useful and lasting. Everybody likes the brightness of the pennant colors. Clip the coupon in today's paper and get the pennants while the offers are open. Hundreds are doing so and the pen nants are going with a grand rush to brighten the Home, the Office and the School. Dont' forget the boys and girls away at school and send them pennants; will make their rooms more cheerful. The young men and women who are employed all day appreciate the gay touch in their rooms when they return from their day's work. They make gorgecus decorations wherever used. If you have not already secured the previ ous pennants offered start at once to make up your collection. You will want every one in the series. When you use the coupon you receive $1 Hollar pennants for one coupon and 1 5 cents. Previously Announced WASHINGTON STATE AND Oregon State Pennants can be had by presenting coupon at this office or by mail. Pennant Coupon (Good for all four lVnuantu announced.) Name Address Pennant desired This Coupon and 15c (to cover incidental cost of handling) entitles the holder to one Pennant when presented at the Circulation Department of The Oregon City Enterprise. Jiy mail, 20 cents in cash or stamps. This Coupon Good for Any PENNANT i Pennant Coupons appear in the daily and weekly issue of The En terprise. Any coupon is good for any pennant which has been announced. In ordering pennants which have already been announced it is nec essary to send one coupon ami the incidental handling price for each pen nant desired. Mail orders arc scftiut the same day received, if the pennants arc in stock. Should the pennant desired be out when the order js received it will he held until we are notified to send another. Address Pennant Dep't. On Mail Orders Kindly Send 20 Cents in Stamps lie it iterpise Oregon City, Oregon i ra ,ll,M,,M,nM,nmiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llll!l!llllllllllllllllll!IIIU A. w mirch.d awiy wi d.rtd to hold our hand! above our head.. Thia precaution waa taken liit anyona had lira arm a concealtd about him. "When we had marched one hour we were ordered to look back. Tongrti wn In flamea." TWO DANISH SHIPS SUNK LONDON, Aug. 22. Floating mlnit planted by the German aquadron In the North aea, have claimed two vt ell. The Danlah ateamere Maryland and Broberc, plying from Coponhijm over Brltiah North aea routea, atrwt mlnea and aunk. The fata of the cite of the Maryland la uncertain, but lit feared all wera loet. The crew of IX Broberg, with a alngla exception, wi aaved. Germane Admit Setback. LONDON. Aim. 2(5. A Ilfrlln i liaa nifXAKn plekid up tiy a Urtll Murrnnl atntlnn and nmiln miMIc bi tho Kivninirnla hero tonlcht unld II wna otrir.lnlly nilmtttpil nt thii Oram nr offlco that tho Oitiiiiiiir hm "tcmnnrnrllv rntlrnd Iw.fnm a rnnrn tniicd ItuKHlon lulviuico In rutit Rut' aln." Germany Governi Belgium. AMSTKKDAM, Auk. 2. Tho IW Kliin lorrlory occupied y finrnmni whh plucvd today tinder Iho rlvll Jtirlr diet Ion of tho povornor of the OrmaB dlHlrlrt of Alx-ln rhnppolln. FI'M Marshal Huron von dor Ooltr. titifi l)iM miido II military Kovornor. 8000 Auatrlana Captured. riCTTINJIC. Auk. 2(1. Eltht- thou- Niind moro AiiHtrlniin linvo Imcn tk prlHonorH liy Urn-Ht-rvlmiH nrnr SI lialz. nreordinir to a mnnimo roeolvcJ horo today from NIhIi. Tho war of' floo roforrml to (ho Borvlun hnsen l tuklnK filinliiilz ax "vory lioavy." Red Cro.i Day Fixed. CHICAGO. Aiiit. 20. Spiilemhcr l U'nO .l.iul.rfinlnyl nu Tln.l Cmuu Alt 0 ...... iKniptiiiiKii un mm i.nn w- .1 1 . . .... 1 .. Dni. mo Atnoricnn niiHoimii H'nRim or Mont JoliriHon today. On that por emit of trio receipts or nu"' " will ho turtiod ovor to tho AtW Rod Croaa 8o!lty. Auatrlana Loet 80,000. nnum Anir. 20. Intont necountl from NIhIi plncod tho niinihcr of Aui trluna klllod In tho flKlitlnn on t b tirlnn rlvor at 15,000, of wounded t .innoo. Thin wan out of about MO,- 000 mon nnld to have heon onKii Tho AtiBlrliitiH, howovpr, claimed I victory ovor tho czar's troopa In throo days' liattlo nt. Krnsnlk, HnsHlan olnnd. It was declared tho ItiiHslnns woro completely roulod and flod. German Loaaea Heavy. COI'KNIf AfiKN. Aiiir. 2fi. Front Hcrlln snurrn It wns learned thnt the Bovenlii I Ht of (ieruian casualties w pulillHhed Tuesday and thnt It con tained 885 natnos, IncludltiK thoso of 3.1 general filaff officers. Meiilennnt flenoral Prince Frwwrifu of Snxn-MolnltiKen was named as being ninoiiK those killed flghtlnft at Natnur, Snndav. SISTER OF LATE POPE DIES fx.wn. on Vl'l.lU llm f'liri'" tian worm was KnevuiR up - . the passing of Pope Plus X in tha Voii- can at an early nour mis nlul sorrow of the late pontlff'a Immedl1" . .... i a ma.irnt)lV DJ iiimny wna iin:roeu u.t-o.. the sudden death, due to shock, or a na Snrto. sister of the late ieuv head of tbe church.