V OREGON CITY ENTKKPRMB KKIDAY, AITQITSTLH. 1011 t itae CMArrt xiv. A Doubl I Kip. On Nauet Beach, In lb ihuk of a aldaummer bight, two nan sprl4 oa lb aanda, om diatanr back from th water, and Itsiaaed to th heavy Ithumping of lhtr overtaxed heart. 'and banted. Now and again on would lift kla bd and tr out cw lb black fc of tb water at a Utile Una of red dish Came about a mil off ehora, all that remained to witness to tba tart that, an boar lnc, the two bad .bo In command of a trim a small schooner a vr ventured tit coast "! trip from ortland to New Tort A far out again hon tha star board llfbt of a becalmed acboonar. who popU bad bean directly reipon- Ibla for tba dlaaater which bad orer- takan tba amallar vaaeel. In tba couraa of tlma, beginning to breath wttb mora aaaa. on of tba two maroonad gentlemen ald: "What 1 can't understand anyway la why tbea damned tbuo out ther tboufbt w'd b asse enough to stay aboard tba SaaTantur and get burned 9-m Tb otbr rplld: "Did they?" "Looks tbat way doesnl 11? If they didn't, why war w permitted to wlro ashore at oar elegant leisure? There u nothing to prevent their j rowing round to cut ut off." nsyD iney aia. at xnat, ana miueu I a. Mr. Lw-nd-Order!" 1 "But " J "W wr a we mlt excited you'v ' got to admit It' Just posilbl w didn't bear tba noise of tbelr oar. And It' black enough for them to bar orerlooked us. A man's bead In tb water lin't really a consplc uoui object on a dark night" "Tell me. Barcus, wbat'a tb near at symptom of civilization?" "Chatham village." said Mr. Barcus, "elx mile to the no'th'ards. and cut off by an Inlet a mile or so wide at that" Mr. Law groaned aoulfully. "Then tbere'f tb lighthouse on Monomoy point." Mr. Barcus pursued, "three miles to the south." Mr. Law said nothing whatever to this. "Of cvur," bis companion reflected morosely, "this bad to happen in mid Humeri A month earlier we'd bar With a Cry: "Rosel" bad the life-saving patrol to look to for protection. But the service Is sus pended In June and July." A silence commenced eloquently on this assertion, broken only when Mr. Law voiced a thought bred of long and malignant observation of the schoon er's green eye: "I'd give a deal to know who's aboard that vessel." "You don't mean you think your reg ular young woman ?" "It's possible. Judith kidnaped Rose In Portland. That's not so far from Gloucester; a motor car could have caught that schooner before she sailed to waylay us, this morning. And what better way to take care of an able-bodied, full-tempered glil you've kidnaped than to ship her somewhere by Bea, In the care of trustworthy hellions?" "Don't ask me I've done very little kidnaping for one of my years." "For tuppence," said Mr. Law, "I'd rlBk a swim off to that boat and see for myself." "For two million dollars I would not!" Barcus affirmed with great de clslon. A moment or so later the line of little flames went out altogether and unexpectedly; and the owner of the late Seaventure fancied he could hear, even at that distance, the hiss of charred and smoldering timbers sucked under and drowned out. "Exit," he announced plaintively, "exit Seaventure," with heroic gesture. "R. I. P. a good little ship!" Alan Law sat up, abstractedly scrub bing a crust of sand from his cheeks and commented soulfully: "Oh damn!" "Tbat goes double here," his com panion rejoined. "And the way I see It, I've got a right to do all tba cussing at this Juncture of our hero's foolish, but fascinating adventures. I'm the Injured party it was my boat, and now it's gone. I'm broke for fair. Gee!" ho pursued vindictively. "Oh, let up, can't you!" Mr. Law exclaimed peevishly. "I'm sorrier than you are and after all. It' my loss; I've got to buy you another boat All you've lost Is your temper." , "And my susceptibility to the charm .its el 'Vv.fl lu En tf the well known ei." Mr. Parcut cor rt led "Nothing can rr reitor my bet ruth In gentle woman s gentle rset. When you brought that young woman aboard I tbougtit butter wouldn't melt In her mouth, and (or a blla I actually contemplated doing her tb kindnea of tilling you or Into the drluk, o' sh could lavuh bar lander (Inclines oa a regular gu, somaon able j appreciate ber mean ing ma, of coura. And Drat thing I know, stta upa and point a gun at ui7 bead and til nia overboard, and then makes pretty bonOr out of my sailboat And all the eicui you can j r-roduc la tbat she's rrmiy In the bead! WelL wbo said sh ain't? Any woman wbo would content to elop with you is a lit subject fc-r a commlealon d lunalico Inquirrndo, ail right" If you Inflicted any such monologue a that on Judith." retorted Mr. Law. I don't blame bar for trylr.g to slay you. and I'm sorry I Interfered." Ther' gratltud for you!" Mr. Barcus remarked bitterly. "I rtk my llf for you. and you wont even let m talk about 111" "It lnl your talking I mind It's tb everlasting noli you make." Mr. Law explained. "Paaldea llsto!" For a moment tb two maintained aUaJv sllsnc. A silken whlaper troubled the si lence, a little Sutter of sound from far acrots the waters. Grsdua!ly It gath ered volume, became recognizable as the Hip of cautious oars. To going away from here." Mr. Barcus announced guardedly, and gath ered his legs under blm preparatory to rising. "Half a second." Alan Law InaUted. rising In turn and grasping the other by the arm. "They've got to land barent they? and leave the boat while they look for us. Well, then, what's to prevent our biding In the dunes and V In the next breath, "Look out!" be shrieked. With no warning whatever, and within fifty feet of them, a ghastly Car broke out In full blaze on the surface of th water, revealing the bap of a dory which bad drawn In unseen under cover of the profound darkness, and at the same tlma dis covering to its occupants th two startled figures on. the beach. Before they could etlr the weird light glimmered on a polished weapon In the bow of the boat, a spiteful tongue of reddish flame spat out, a bullet sang between Messrs. Law and Barcus, and with a sad thud of disap pointment buried itself In the sands of the wave-eaten bluff behind them. Like twin automatons stirred to ac tion by the report the two turned and pelted off down the beach, to escape tbat deadly area of illumination. Other shots sped after them, but none was so well aimed, and presently, finding a break In the bluff, they swung off into the grateful shelter of the night-wrapped dunes. Meantime the dory had grounded on the beach, and its several occupants four or five of them, all men, appar entlyjumping out, set off In pursuit of the fugitives, following the tracks in the sand. The blackness ot the night, how- ever, conspired with the savage laby-' rlnth of the dune to save Alan and his companion. Within another five minutes wblla still the pursuit floundered and blus phemed at random a round quarter mile to the south Mr. Law and Mr. Barcus were noiselessly squirming on their bellies, like two snakes in the beach-grass, up the back of a ten-foot bluff. And presently from Its brow they looked down on the spot where the dory lay, only Its bow out of water, its stern afloat, under armed guard. Very slowly and stealthily Alan got to hla feet and swung back over his thoulder a heavy club of driftwood. A match spluttered beside the dory and flamed In the still air, relieving with its reddish glow a bronzed and evil visage. The guard puffed fast and had the tobacco well aglow when the sky took advantage of his trustfulness and fell upon hlzc like an avalanche. Simultaneously Alan and Barcus de scended the face of the bluff In two miniature landslides, dug themselves out, and by the time the duzed and disarmed guard had sufficiently recov ered to cry out for help the dory was a hundred yards off the beach and making excellent time in the direction of that lonely green light. They wrought with the oars like men possessed, yet with a machine like precision that drove the boat fast and furiously without attempt to still the splashing of their blades. Con cealment of their purpose from thoso who remained aboard the schooner was out of the question. The shouts, the shots, the play of fiaahiamps along the beach as though Bedlam had loosed half a dozen lunatic will o' the wisps upon the holy peace cf night must have betrayed the fact that they had turned the tables long before the dory left the Inshore shoals. The commonest precautions, how ever, made them pause aud rest upon their oars while yet a Httlo way from their goal. Only an ominous silence rewarded the utmost efforts of their ((training senees; no sound was audible other than the gentle whine of an ungreased block; nothing waa visible beyond the sinister glare of that almost stationary green lantern. "What think?" Barcus inquired in a dubious undertone. "No telling," Alan replied in the same manner. Ail A chance. "You've got that gun handy?" with reference to the rifle of which they By Louis Joseph Vance had despoiled tb victim of lb sky't tllfsltn. "liar." Then-lets go to tt t Give way!" A doiaa lusty stroke brought tbm alougilda the schooner, and as tba dory crd tb waist of lb larger teas! lb two young man dropid oars, roa. and selling th low gun wale, lifted themtelte to th deck. Nothing opposed tbeui; the deck was Ignorant of other footstep than their own. tb acboonar a silent a only a becalmed ship cat) b. Without further consultation, Alan lad quickly aft and down th cosr?aa- lonway to tb cabin, wher a dim light burnad smoky lamp swinging la gimbals abov a cluttered labia. Of tb two stateroom door on dis closed aa empty cabin, tb other waa locked. Trying tb hsndt roughly. Alan fancied b beard a sound within. Pius Ing. b called, with a thrill of fearful bop: "Hallo. In there!" Tb res pone was cry of Incredulous delight: "Alan!" By way of answer Alan burled bUw- alf bodily against the door. At tb Now and Again On Would second Impact of shoulders backed by a hundred and eighty pounds of solid flesh and determination, the lock splin tered away from Its socket, the door flew open with a bang and Alan into the room with a cry: "Rose!" His sweetheart met blm half-way, her arms uplifted, her countenance transfigured. And Mr. Barcus turned and slowly ascended the companlonway, his nose wrinkled with misgivings. "Blest if I know how he thinks he can tell 'em apart," he remarked "Not that I blame him for taking a chance; " wouldn't pain me any to find out I'd kissed the wrong girl by mlstak not, tbat Is, unless she didn't care for my technique. "In that case," he allowed, "I guess the sequel would be apt to prove tol erable agonizing!" Some ten minutes later a hail from the deck broke the embrace of the lovers: "Below therel I say Law! wind a-comlng!" "Right-o! Half a minute!" But that stipulated delay was sev eral times multiplied before Alan Bhowed up on deck to find Barcus bending a laborious back to the cap stan. "Lend a hand, can't you?" Barcus complained, blowing heavily. "I didn't Interrupt your amours Just to get an audience. The Booner we get this anchor In" Alan checked him with a hand on his arm. "What's that?" he demanded in a tone tense with apprehension. The muffled running of a heavy-duty marine motor drifted down on the winpH of the BluggiBh wind. "Don't auk me I'm afraid to guess!" "But they couldn't possibly!" "Since when did you set up to be a Judge of possibilities? Nothing prob able ever happened to you in all your yong life 'b far's I can make out. As for me I know there are at least two life-saving stations on Nauset, both with modern enulDment motor life boats and all; and nothing will ever persuade me that pack of wolves would stick at breaking in and confis cating one of the same. It's as likely as not only more so. Our present buHineBs le to get the h 1 out of here and not advertise our exit, either. Take that port light In and dowse It, while I do the Bame by the starboard. Then duck below, warn your Dulclnea, and put out the cabin lamp. That way If this blackness and our bull-luck only holds we may manage an eva sion!" There followed an exceedingly busy quarter of an hour for two constrained in pitch darkness to grope their way about the decks and familiarize them selves with the idiosyncrasies of a strange two-master. Nevertheless, the end of that period found the schooner with canvas full and sheets taut a good easterly breeze abeam, swiftly weaving a wake southwards the light on Monomoy point watching ber curi ously from over the starboard beam. "Hear anything more of that power boat?" Alan asked, Joining Barcus by tb wheel. - ' y . , we , .5 , . - O'Hearte "Nothing-wind too ftoeh Mk )ouiielf eaey oa (ha ft aid of plank beta. I ll land u a kick la. tha slats when so pilnded-or wbau It's your trick at tb wheel." With a chuckle, Alan obediently stretched hlmsalf out on the deck. "1 r-U- "Walir "You seem pretty ay In your mind about this young woman below. To nie. sties the sam that tried to send tne to ley Jo Bee' locker. How doe sh ei plain bar preeeiic aboard?" "Much as surmised." Alan replied. 1 fancy they chloroformed her while It slept In tbat hotel la Portland, bather or no, Ria woke Bp to a loeed motor car bound aud gigged, pf course and was brought aboard at Gloucaatar about midnight" "Blmpl when you know how," Bar eus commented. "Of couraa, always did say that truth wis a stranger to Action. Cuddl down, now, and I'U talk you Insensible." Ills accents already nierglug la with tb swlsb of tb 'loiuilde waves, the bubbling of tha wak. and tb many toii'd composite voice of the ship la. being. unronsclouan-a like a cloud V Lift His Hesd. descended upon Alan' overwearied faculties. , He wok mutinously, with a yawn and a shiver In the gray of a tarnished daybreak, to find that fog preiaed heavily upon the face of the waters, a mist so thick that from the stern th waist of the veiael was almost Invls- f lble, the bows completely so. Barcu stood over blm, at the wheel, fairly reeling with weariness, his eye blood shot, swollen, and half-closed la a face like a mask of fatigue. "Can't keea this up much longer," he apologized thickly; "stood It about as long as I ran. Take your trick and give me forty winks." Grateful solicitude brought Alan In stantly to his side, though he himself was sluggleh and stiff and sore In all his limbs. "You're a brick!" he protested. "Why didn't you call me sooner?" "No good; I knew the way you didn't That Is, I did until this ac cursed fog closed down a couple of hours ago. Now God knows where Th 8lxth Member of the Boarding Party Was Judith Trine. we are by my reckoning, somewhere In Nantucket sound, west of Mono moy." Grasping a small brass handle affixed to the wheol box, ho Jerked It sharply three times, and the automatlo horn blared raucously a threefold re sponse up forward. "Keep that going," he begged, "three blasts in a row and a minute interval and if the devil takes care of his own we may possibly escape be ing run down." With a slgb, relinquishing the wheel, be collapsed upon the deck and was i almost Instantly asleep. The' wind had fallen until barely ' enough air stirred to keep way on tbe j vessel; she moved In silence, a spec-J tral ship upon a spectral sea of long, oily swells and tha complexion of lead, i Hither and yon in tbe obscurity, fog- signals of other shipping sounded a concert of dteeordanr tb man power bora of a raiboat crying tb warning back tt tb deplhroa(a4 whlitle of a roaslwlie steamship and tba Impertinent drumming of a motor boat's aihaust with tb muffler out out. Tbl last bo led th com (Hi. sound ing Dow near, now far, though Ihe com plaint of other shipping diminished In volume and dlad away tu lb dis tance, giving plac to oilier still, th flutter flutter of tbat motor waa never altogether loat; If at tlma It faded, tt seamed certain always to return la ten louder volum Vainly straining bl vision agslust lb blank pallor of tb encompassing fog, Alan wondered, worried, dreaded I At Irregular Interval, lifting from preoccupation, b would tninlpu tat th braaa pull on th wheal bus, provoking tb horn' stuttering blast of pruleet But th Deed for unremit ting vigilance and eiercla of tb fog signal failed Don h teaa to reconcile Alan to that blslant rliruor which so widely a,' so hideously adverllied tbalr whereabouta If there war anything still to b fnared from Judith and bar crew If, , for liutanc. aa Barcus bad suggested, i they bad sought out on of th II fa- saving stations on Nauaet beach, ap propriated II power driven lifeboat and renewed th pursuit. If ever they beard that horn there would beyond queatlon be the devil to pay I Tha lonellnei of his vigil was even tually relieved by tha appearanc ou deck of th woman Alan loved. The tableau that greeted her vlilon as she enu-rged from tha rompanlonway, of the haggard, utmhaveu wretch at the wheel aud the other who lay at hi feet, where be bad fallen, lu a stupor of fatigue, Instautly wrung from Hoi a little cry of solli Itudn. Aud she was i quick to do what little she could to alleviate their dlicomfort. for Iiarcus sh fetched a pillow and blanket from i th cabin, and till one suffered her ministrations without once rousing from his slumbers. Then hastening forward, she got tb galley fire going and prepared a mskeililft breakfast for ber half famlihnd lover. Warm food and hot coffee such as they were lending a little ton to Alan's spirits, he was presently able to dlscun tbelr sltustlon with som optimism. Yet nothing could gloss the fart that the problem confronting them was one whoae solution bsfflnd their utmost Ingenuity one the simple contemplation of which taxed tbelr courage and Intelligence to tb ex treme. Me summed up: "I can't see any thing for It but father and Judith are determined to have my scalp, and I'm hanged If I enn see how to protect my self without taking a lenf out of their books. Wlint I'm most afrnld of Is thut some time I may forget It's a woman I'm defending myiclf ngalnst. When a fellow's fighting for bl very life be ran t always stop to calculato ,ne Wl.lht of hto b,)Wll The young man sighed, shook his hesd, laughed uncertainly, and held her clmer to him. "Don't fear; I'll find some way out without Injuring either of thom. I promise you that!" Ho sealed the pledga upon her lips. And In that moment of their obliv ion to the world from some point for ward a mufflod crash sounded simul taneously with tbe dull shock cf a collision with smaller vessel, and ft strange voice cried out with an ac cent of high exultatlou. Before either Alnn or the girl could disengage tho decks rang loud with a rush of booted feet pounding aft. The figures of the boarding party wore already taking shape through the fog as Alan sprang toward the com- ; panlonway to fetch tho rifle. And In i this action his feet slipped on planks greasy with moisture deposited by the , surcharged atmosphere. He went down with a stumbling thump, and an In stant later two men fell bodily upon him active, strong fellows In the dress of fishermen. He was suffered to rise only as a prisoner, helpless In the grasp of two pairs of powerful hands. He saw Barcus, rudely roused and still dumb with sleepy confusion, in no better caso Jerked to his feet and held captive by two more flxbermon. A fifth had taken charge of Rose, clamping her wrists in the vise of one big band. The sixth and sola other member of the boarding party, llkewlne In the rough-and-ready garb of a fisherman, was Judith Trine. Down tho side a heavy life-boat ground its way aHtern, tho loose end of Its painter slipping over the ralf even an Alan caught Hlght of It. (So It seemed Barcus had gueHsed shrewd ly!) Obnervlng this, one of the men In charge of Alnn mndn as if to leave him to the other, addressing Judith for permission to prevent tho loss of the lifeboat. She stopped him with a peremptory gesture. "No let It go. We're better off without it. Hold that man fant till I fetch a rope. Wo'll make sure of them both this time!" Straining forward In tho graep of her guard, Rose Implored her sister: "Judith, In pity's name, think what you aro doing!" "Hold your tongue!" Judith snapped viciously. "Another whimper out of you, and I'll havo you gogged!" The balance of her threat, though accompanied by the exhibition of an automatic pUtol, was drowned out by the sudden roar of a steamship fog- signal, so close aboard that It seemed almost to emanate from the forepart of the schooner herself, Aa It was answered by shrill and hoarse cries of terror or of warning from a dozen throats, Alan found blm- elf ruteated bl raptors Uaplbg for lliilr lite l.i the UrTrwII He laugM u luilaiilauaowa gllmpa of th knife Ilka Una- of a great steal ar lowering above lha two ineeler eweeli'g toward It at ipt-ed wlilck raised a Hoar! Jot of wblt under th cutwater Hi niie. ma aboard tb chocner, with tha voir of a stetitor, bellowed ter rified appeal: "Hlop your engines! Hhut off your proi-eller! Hlop your-" Then. Ilka Ilia wrath of (lod. th slearnehlp overwhelmed Ilia leeeer ship; Its bow seemed to site through tha schooner as a knife through rheeee. And lha two balvea were fairly driven under wsler by th frightful fore of tha blow Thunders deafening blm. Alan was burled bodily through tb air full twenty feat. When b rain l'p ba struck out at random, blindly tormented by th vision of Hoe caught In lb suck of J" lit i Accompinied by IH Eahlbltlon of an Automatlo Pistol. (bat gigantic wheel, drawn under, rrualied and mangled by the propeller of th vast black bulk whoa flank waa eliding put, Ilka the face ot a cliff, ten tarda behind hla ahoulders. A warn of several dark objects dot ting the surface within a radius of several yards, he swam for lbs near est; the bead was a woman's, the fac turned toward him, the face of Hoi. He gasped wildly: "Keep cool I Don't strugglo! Put one band on my shoul der and" What happened then w as never quit clear to him; he only know that he was forced to tight for hi very life thnt tbu woman, a soon as ha came within reach, flung herself upon him like some maddened animal, clutching his throat, winding ber limbs rouud his, drugging him down and down. Primitive Instinct alone saved him. He remembered later, most vaguely, the culmination of that duel beneath tb waters remembered froulng aa arm, drawing It back, delivering a blow from his shoulder, with all hla strength, finding himself free, strug gling back to tho air. Then a bout hook caught the back of his shirt and dragged him for some distance, until two strong hands caught him beneath the armpits and hold his bead above tho water. He looked up wltlesHly into the face of Barcus, and, still bewildered, strug gled feebly. The other's voice brought blm back to his senses. "Easy, old top! Take It ensyl You're all right now rest a minute, then help nio get you aboard." Ho obeyed, controlling bis panto a best he might; aud presently, with considerable asslstunco from Barcus, contrived to scramble in over tha gun wales of a boat which proved to ba the stolen llfebont. Aside from Iiarcus and himself It hold one othor person only the wom an he loved, crumpled up and uncon scious lu tbe bow. He strove to rlno and go to her, to make sure that still she lived. Barcu restrained and quieted him. "There! Easy, I sny! She's all right fainted that's all! She and I took the water In practically the same spot, and luck threw this blessed boat my way within half a dozen strokes. No troublo at all In a manner ot speaking!" "Hut tho steamer" "Why fret about her? At the pace she was making she couldn't hav stopped within half a mile. Wo'll b sal I right now with powor to fetch ui to land." "Hut tho others Judith!" Alan sat up and leaned over the gunwale, searching nn oily, leaden expanse spot ted only with a few splinters and bit of wreckage. "I loft her out there unconscious she'll drown, I tell you!" "And I'll tell you something!" said Mr. Barcus severely. "You'll lie quiet and shut up or I'll dent your dome with the shaft of an oar. "Let her drown and a good Job, I say 1 Don't you know the meaning of 'enough'? Merciful heavens, man, you're the most insa tiable glutton for punishment ever!" But Alan wasn't listening. His face was as llghtlesa as the water that swam beneath his lackluster gaze. There was ft horror In his heart that numbed even the sense of relief, of deliverance, that penetrated bla beinf like a shock of mortal pain. PeadI Judith deadl Back there, la the fog and the cold . . , deed by bla band I ww . .. fci rrw i . . c Mm I REAL LSTAre Tlalie'er i(f I,,), U)t r the MHinly ie.o,,,r ltl . follawi '', loeel b Ilea el Ul ., Will!,,, tt. Iitelolrl i t Ul . .w ,hl . Oregon I Hf, flu ('. II. Jolniann e vi 'o A inlet. IU a r-a In in,n ( " t aoulh, ransw J east of Uin' rl.li.ri. M,"Hia; In Ins I. t'tark n ul ,() llnriil el 111 . weal , .mi, 0 W.-.I S. e hweit , .,, " U hl I soinli. rne ,,,, . ' '"i t'e li.tr I lull, III). N A llodlun el ui I'urrii el in , ijor'h ltl li aw I !-( l, tiurihweci y J, 1 S lownilily I aoulh, ran. ' , larneila meridian, 1 1 V 'HiJ. An her I laaeoii r . Hi hulls at ui . M i, lil.( , ""'f a.litiIMn lo Oregon Uir; " f ( liarlie I. Heaver H t, u Ta.lf, If,, I ,.f la..a.l I ('hinll.-r donation land " ehlp ( south, range 2 rail w' ell meridian; l. Ileal relate) transfers f II. 4 ltv county recorder Halurday , M low a- U A. I llfera In Ada A I f.n Mm k i. Hllver Hprliisi hMki,,'. Mrv Jane lili-knie to J. Hml i ' "in. lot iJ, Ouii.H.k, 1 10 H, I.. Wilms rl lu In r. l .t . acrre In Ih aouthwrei U ,,, V section Si. ioulili 4 aoiiih t.,. J rail of Wlllaiuelin nurldlan I t Adoiia (ixhrane to haniurl .. et ui . SO ai res In lha Jauiri W r. or uoiiaiion laiiu rljllll In r-! c oanahlp aoulh, rne rut oft: anieita meridian; uoo. Jo.rph t Hlllllh to U A. I lli'n I 3. Muck . Hllver Hprlngs c,ii 10. Ileal relate transfers filed wllk Ik ountv recorder Monday are r. Iowa: N J. Webb lo Mrr Nail L n Orchard Hornea, lu Kdua A. Treat-oil to Itoliert W Mr. (overn, 4U acres soulhraat 1, Writ V,. section J.'., towiinhlp t,, range, tt ril of Wlllati.t-(t mrldiiB nun. ( hnrlei ktt,ti to Hi(a I'. IM,!, eaal S. loia SI and s:. Hk t lim orv'a lal addition lo Molalla; I0 II. M Men-i-r n ut lo K. II, Todd el ui , lot I. block 7, llerr perk In iec (Ion !. lowmhlp J aoulh. ranis ? mi of Wlllnineltn meridian; lv. Ilottlleli Miller rl ui to ('harks W, Unrrelt, o aern In arrlloa li, lows. atilp 7 aoiiih, range 4 rait ul Willi cite tiu-rldluli; II J. II Melcalf e ui lo (). 8. Tir I rue I of lund III Clm Catuni ro-; i;:oo. 1'rnnk I'olelm to l.eo l',d. Im. V.I scree In auction K, lownnlilp S . rrtiigo 3 rail of Wlllnmelta ineriiji ll'iOdll. A In rite bunch of tali inoMIIr.l Wit nli-ht In a back yard In Oregon CVT and began lo fight wlihmit a declars Hon of war, which, of courae, was cot Irary In Ihn rules of I tin game. Transfers of real miiito filed will (th county recorder Friday, are aa M llows: Ida 8. Derry rl vlr. lo Item, a MlnilnKer. 10.7 acres In the Jans K4 logg (louutlon lund rlulm In toaiuafp S aouth. ninge 1 and 2 runt ot H'Wam. i-tta meridian: $10. 1 1 Mile II. MlHilnger el lr. UUV Derry et vlr , same tract as abov'. W Aurlo M. Draper et vlr. to J. W. Dn er, lot 6, Mock 17, llollou; 110. A. I Dlani-hard -t u. to Jacob Si Jo lib. lots 1 aud J, block 122. Drew City; $10. H. J. Ijindon rt ux. lo Mnrlln Wait rrgnrd rt ux., ll'i acres In section 12. township 3 south, range 1 west of Wil lamette meridian; $10. Sarah I.. McMillan rt vlr. lo I lenry K. Sporup rt ux., G acres In section L township 4 south, rmiRO 1 east of Wit lamelle meridian; $M)0. II. II. CarHon i t ux. to J. II. Dleli, tract of land In sections 19 aud it, township 4 south, riingu 2 rust of Wil lamette, meridian; $10. Mattes Noai'k el ux. rt at. to R tlnlph KIiiiih, tract of land In sect M, towiislilp 4 south, ningo 1 ram' Willamette meridian; ll.'.oo. Cnsper Welsmnndel et ux. to Mi Noack rt vlr., east H, nnrthweHt section 24, township 4 south, range 1 runt of Willamette meridian; J SO. Ten Hroech Whipple to Henry 0 Krl, lot 11, Hood View Acres; $10- Iteal rstnte traiiNfers filial with t i-oiiniy riH-order Weduesdiiy are as fol lows: I.. I.- tf I . r II. joiiii . iiuer ri ux. it) I iiruuwi ICiiKorth. tract of lund In sect loin 3 Mil 10, towiiHhlp 3 south, rnugii 2 cunt ot Willamette meridian; $10. Wltllum W, Thompson el ux. lo W sin O. Aiitlermm, tract 1, C'ovull; $10. CliitlHtono Heal Kslnto association to ('. A. Cham hern rt ux., lots 7 and I block Eel, (iladHtmio; $10. nillH Land Co. to William M. ('ll'i' well, 50 acres In the Oeorgo (iruluufl donation land claim In township ' Houth, rnngo 2 cust of Wlllanielto mt- rldlan; $10. I). C, MtiiiKer et ux. and .1. M. I'M" to Samuel Case, 8,52 acres In tho Hi eklnh JohiiHtin donation land clulm lj township 2 smith, raiiKo 2 east of Wil lamotto meridian; $1. Samuel Coho et ux. to Iminn Hlnisttii, 8.52 ucri-H in section 22, township south, riiiiKii 2 eiist of WlllitumU8 m' rltllan; $1400. CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT TBU" COMPANY. Land Title Examined. , Ahatraeia of Tit I a Madt- Offlc over Bank of Oregon CW- Ilom in Medford Mall Tril.-.n b Ing on the n.',Jm t,r 'u" '"",:, nnnlVr: "T. K. Daniels Ims n phot he Is using to prove a rea H . rt is . best liiHiirnnco on a doer hunt. T men aro wenrlng rod shlrls, ono i urhiiA flflfl. A deer lies at their feel- The white shirt In tho pictures bear n strong similarity to tho deer Ml Tho plt:turo Is pasted on the she window and started several argument this morning." DATE CHANGED II. H. Humphreys, a traveling muij who Is under the custody of tho lorsJ officials for passing a bad check si Sandy recently, did not appear before Jiihtlc.e of the Pence Slovers Thursday when tho time came lor his hearing. His attorneys promised to bring niro Into court Saturday morning. The dedication of that Swedlsh-N weglan pence monument, which place a week ago lost 8unday, In B likely to have any effect so far shortening the war Is concerned. Wonder how many of those I. w- foreigners who were cl8morm.g.1.11..1. war a short time ago have ii themselves of the present opportunity in Europe?