OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, JULY 31, l'.)H. MRS. CARRIE C. CATT LEADS FIGHT FOR VOTE FIRST CLASH OF THOMAS 0. JONES, CENTER OF FIGHT IN U. S. 6ENATI iWHEAl GOES UP 10c MRS. CARMAN AND HER NEGRO MAID, WHO MAY LOOO LOSS Wl in H I ill 1 1 11 1 1 FOR NEW YORK WOMEN HELP IN CONVICTION 9 -e VIIII.U1UU FREED By If L A t Mr num mi it i TROOPS REPORTED SERVIANS BLOW UP BRIDGE ACROSS RIVER SAVE TO BELGRADE POSITION SHQlfl) BY AUSTRLANS Infantry, ArUHsry and Monlton Eiv gig in 6truggl en Bank of Rivtr Munition Sttsm. r li Taksn VIENNA, July :9. Tbe 8rlans it 1:30 a. m. today blew up lh lrdt Spsnnlttf th River psv. b. th Austrisn town of Prtnlln nl IWl rr(l. Ttia Austrian Infantry and ar tllk-ry stationed at 8c ml In, In conjunc-j img monitors uu m iiniiuixv fired on the Servian positions beyond thu Iridic. Th iit-rrtans n-trvatrd afiT a short enRSKrmcnt with trifling losses. It l mi lit th Auatrlana hav an othi-r liridKe, In sectlous, on ihi ir side of lha river. blch they cn put up In lew day. A amall di'tschment of pioneer. In eo-operatlon with the customs officer yesterday, capturvd tao Servian it.-ani-r laden with ammuultinn and nuncs. The pioneers and revenue itu-ird, art it a sharp encounter, overcame th Servian crews and took po'-iitlon of the vessels and their danncruus ar twi. The captured ships en loved away by one of the Danube steamer. Emperlor Francis Joseph slil return to Vienna from lschl tomorrow and may they go to liudapest to be nearer the scene of action. Popular enthusiasm la rrowln rlnre the emperor's manifesto and patriotic demonstrations are being nold all over the country. Runa on tbe suvincs banks are diminishing. The war spirit In tbe Austr.an capi tal la hourly Increasing. The streets of Vienna tonlKht were so crowds with enthusiastic persons, singing and paradlnR. that traffic in tbe ha ling thoroughfares was almost brought to a standstill. Tbe patriotic demonstr tlons today surpassed In extent and fervor anything witnessed within mem orr. A dispatch to a Vienna papr tays that three of the Danube monlton be gan shelling Belgrade early in the morning, after the bridge aenws the Save had been destroyed by the Ser vians. The shells wrought havoc In the exposed part of the city, damag ing the king's palace, tbe fortification walls, the barracks and other build ings. This disptach says that the Ser vians did not return the tire. CANBY AFTER, BETTER WATER SALEM. Ore.. July 17. Alleging In adequate pressure, and that the water rL"l 're from Injurious elements. Fred Howard, and a number of othors nave filed a complaint with the State Railroad commission against the Can by Canal company, and tbe city water works of Canby. .- ' 1 ' lawst-asi t-THOMAS P--0ONES?- WASHINGTON'. July 29 It is prob able that only one Republican senator will be counted for the confirmation of Thomas D. Jones of Chicago when a vote is taken In the senate on the question of confirming the nomination of Mr. Jones for the federal reserve board. Senator Sherman of Illinois is the Republican. He wired here asking that he be paired In favor of tbe con firmation. Senator Stephenson is pair ed In opposition, as Is Senator Root Democratic senators admitted that as the senate stands now on this nomina tion the president's Mend cannot be confirmed. Some of the administra tion leaders have figured out a situa tion that would give the president a victory by the narrow margin of the vice president's deciding vote. I'ut this estimate assumed that Senator Stephenson and one or two other Re publicans would vote for tbe confirmation. It has been definitely decided by 'bo directors that the Rodeo shall be held again this fall as a feature of the Was co county fair, on September 23, 24 and 25. Some men are not content with be ing treated well: they want to be treated often. CIlli'ACO, July 2v American beat liruns rio enriched i the tun of nearly I0oihi,o as a result f Ih Kurviiran r adtlres. The I'hli'ann market s the iii.h.1 el.l-d fur many a )er ami in the pit l.xlny ih- re a Vain of "er oe a im.m in une "I' linn with llirlin tinning' net iin of li IS ,i V a l ii'bi l. The ChUacti market s by far lb moat rxflled In the world, al'hiHishi the news Of III il.slar.ill'U of SI -mil. tiH late tit take effit'l tl'n lb l.lterHi lli.nrk. l. wbhll Is 'e'lel to reflivl the rli4tlulial lhll tumor row at the opening Hhorta seallered here and there In Ihelr efforta to find someon lii anted to sell The prlee aas weaker at the start and aoi.ie of the rarly one ere furtiitiitte In roerlng aalea with out tiuiih lo. tiihers ! fortuuatv ire rromiled to the wall, and fulhirva are expected to reault from linlay's sen tatlolial ri. As sMn a It was announrrd that Auntrla had ditlared war against Her la fuiitlc trading occurred. KHEDIVE OF EGYPT BY k.1 J CONSTANANTINOI'l.K. July 25 An tinidentlfled Kgyptlnn today at tempted to aiuaaalnate the khedlve of Kgypt. a visitor here, on the street, the khedlve's escort kllM bis ssall auL Tbe khedlre was slightly wounded. The would-be SMassin fired Just as the escort saw him raising his pUtol The bullet struck the Egyptian ruler In the arm. There was no chance for the man to pull the trigger a second time, as he was killed before the report of his weapon bad fairly died away. FRANCHISE IS ACCEPTABLE IMRS.FLORtnce A.CARMAn. CEUA COUMAM PORTLAND. Orv.. July 27. The Portland Oregon City Railway com pany will accept the franchise for an tnterurban line on the East Side to connect up with a line now being built from Oregon City to Portland, accord ing to announcement made today to City Commissioner Daly by L. M. Lep per, attorney for the company. The franchise as fixed by tbe council last week will be advertised at once. It was sent yesterday to the dock com missioner for approval under the Zeis ler common terminal amendment ROBBERS BEATEN LOS ANGELES. July 25. Atter sub mitting to robbery at the hands of a pair of holdup men, George Ralphs and Andrew Itarclay turned on the rob bers and Inflicted such severe punish ment that hospital treatment was nec essary today. The robbers gave the names of William Chapman and Mich ael Downey. Hoth were seriously bruised and cut and Chapman was beaten badly with the butt of his own revolver, wrested from bis by Ralphs. FREEPORT. N. V.. July 2t -Mrs. Elorenc C. Carman, wife of Dr. hd win Carman. In whoae office Mrs. Louise D. Ilalley was shot to death on June 30. now faces trial for manslaugh ter. It Is charged that Mrs. Carman, while Jealous and suspicious of her husband, fired the fatal shot through the office window, fella Coleman, the negro maid In tbe Carman bouse, who has changed her story two or three times. Is expected to be one of the principal witnesses against Mrs. Car man unless the servant changes her mind once more. The state alleges that the maid Is really telling the truth when she says that she saw Mrs. Carman enter tbe kitchen from the yard right after the shot wss fired. SAM HILL ATTACKED BY C00DR0ADS MEN MEDFORD. Ore.. July 27. Severe condemnation of Samuel Hill for at tempted dictation of the good road pol icy of Oregon and his alleged effort to change the route of the Pacific highway from Willamette valley to eastern Oregon and tbe launching of a campaign for the states themselves to go into the road maklng business marked the second annual convention of the Trl Slate Uood Koads associa tion, which opened here today, with 100 delegates from California, Wash ington and Oregon. MOUNTAIN TIMBER COMPANY LOSES PLANT IN HALF AN HOUR Ml. A VI A, W a.li, July 2J -A !. of llixl.dou aa uUllied rarly this niorti Ilia wlieit lbs ll plant of lh M iuii lain Timber tompany here burned to the ground. Hie main iih k, lha mill Mm If, and the office building wire de stroked !iisuraiii rotms half of the amount of the o. Alartn was turned In at iime. but all rffnrla to sate the mill Were futile. The fire ipread rapidly In all parts of the mill and iIih k and In ea than a half hour after lb fire aa discov ered tbe mill aa In ruins. 1h lumber dm k north of tbn mil1 ass save by the Han Itaumon. roast ship, which was loading lumber at that tM'k. Had It not be.n for this tli bias of lumber and dock would have bern grrafir. Tbn management will probably re build. Mr. Drake, the preildent of the ompany, la In .Nebraska looking after Intereata there. The fire Is a severe blow to the bul neas Intere.la of Kalaina. The mill proper employed from ki) lo lot) men, most of whom are now out of work. OF Mm: A v I. VXs. NEW YORK, July 25 Mrs. Carrie 'I. h .11 fall HP. Itilelll or nut t.m- pi re Slate Woman's Huffragn organ I..H..H u I..iIiii lha Null! of the ailf- ran I ('of till slate to gain Ilia Vote III lli. If the sufirsglals lu rew Tora late It will be conaldered the great- it tletory since they galiien inn psr- I.I . I flll,..,l lira f-alt la tintl iiai iuii in iimii"i. . - -- of the moat prominent suffragists In the country. Ml'RKKKESIIORO. Tenn.. July 25. Eirongreasman James D. Richardson, sowreign grsnd commander Scot tub Rite Masons. Southern Jurisdiction died thla afternoon at his home here. Rlchrdwin wss born In Rutherford county, Tenn., In 1813. He was edu cated In the public schools and later entered Franklin college but left be fore grduatlon to become a soldier In the Confederate army. He was mar ried In I s"5 and biter began the prac tice of law. lli served for a number of years In both bouses of the Tennes see legislature and as a delegate to tbe IVemorratlc National ronvvntlona of 1876. 1896 and 1900. He was a member of the national congreaa from 1SS5 to 1905, and aa twice tbe Demo cratic candidate for spesker of the house. 165 ARE ROBBED IN ARREST EXPECTED SHERWOOD. Ore, July 28. It la ex pected that warrants will be Issued this week for the arrest of the leaders of a party of 50 young men and boy a who, but Thursday night, organlied chari vari at tbe Cooper ranch, north of this place, on the occasion of the Palmer- Cooper weeding. About midnight on that night the big barn on the cooper farm was burned, and the. Insurance company Interested has urged the ar rest of the people responsible for the tire. It is believed that the charivari party set the tire, possibly by sccldeut. The loss on the barn waa )500, balf cov ered by Insurance. GARDINER. Mont , July 29 Stage coaches of four of the largest trans portations companies operating In Yel o stone park were held up by two men today. The Mi passengers on the stages were robbed of their money and It Is reported that tbe robbers secured a total of 13000. The hold nps occurred at different 1 1 nes at Spring Creek Canyon, four mlb-s from Did Faithful, a geyser, and 64 miles from Gardiner. Lieutenant Colonel U M. Ilrett baa a a large force of men pursuing tbe rob bers who were reported to be hnad'd toard the Jackson Hole country In Wyoming. Only one robber partici pated actively la tbe hold tips, the sec ond man remaining behind trees as a lookout. The transportation companies of fered rewards aggregating :00 for the capture of the robbers, passungers on tbe stages said that the one man who did the actual work of relieving them of their money held up each stsge aa It passed the canyon by point ing a gun at the driver. The highway, man had the advantage because gov ernment regulations prevent any per son except those with permits from carrying arms In tbe park. We regret to note that Ven Carran ta's desire to treat Vic Hnerta on the battlefield will not be gratified. Vic Is now headed for Europe and hereaft er will do all of bis treating In Paris. I CALIFORNIA STATE PENNANT THESE ARE THE MOST BEAUTI FUL PENNANTS WE HAVE OFFERED and ALASKA DON'T MISS THESE PENNANTS, WE HAVE ONLY A SMALL NUMBER SENSATIONAL PARIS THiAL WITH ACQUITAL OF WOMAN FOR MUROLlf OVAT10H rOUOWS VERDICT MADBc Prosiculcr Hsrbaus Admit. Th, fsndant Had Som, Mtlll)n f(f Dted-Csse Has i,ron Political Bids riiiin. juij ;. ! in. i. Calllatu, who lias been 11,, lire In the sou nation a I IrU.,. "' ai'(iiille today on the iiitru "M derllig M. Calnietle. A In,"'' ovation greeted tbe Verdlit ai.t,'' pollllial oiMinpiits of lnr hmit4 t.'inpltd a counter deiiiiin.irsiioj side of the I'aluce of Jumii ai,4t nei- IIIIIIIJI wiia iiKina, Prosecutor llerbatll, tiu had eral charge of tbn raan fur In mi. admlttiHl In bis cloalng argiiiiimi, the Jury that there were Hvnuit'ti liiruinalani'ea In her favor In coo nun wuii ine case. Cnlmettn waa (be bitter iHilitiiil eluy of Mine. Calllnux' hun'iani J eih Calllaui, once premier f Knir and at Ihn time of the Irani-dy B. later or rinanc in tno mmuiergus ctk lliet. He bad been waging a fierce dm. pnper campaign agalnat the nilnlatar and aa Us climax published a lnt I ter which Cslllaux wrote to hit i(t prior lo their marriage and at a Hom hen be had a previous wife am) ihi first hushsnd living and tindlturceit. A few days later, March Warn. Calllaux railed at the edltor'a offlr. asked to see him and, when sdmlttH, shot hltn several times with an aut matin pistol she carried hidden In hr muff, wounding hltn so scrlotnly that aiei rew bours later. Calllaux and his wife contended thai Palmetto had atlll more of their lore letters which he Intended to tiubllak and that Mme. Calllaux killed him is prevent hltn from doing so. The prosecution maintained (bat lbs original letter was not fully tMlM and that only those portions of it wirs put In print which related to political matters and were of corresponding to- teres! to the public. It wss denied that f almette bad any more tetters sn4 the assertion wns niadu that what Call laux realty knew was that the editor had atlll more damaging political k formation concerning htm aa a wo of atopplng his mouth. The trlsl wns a political rather this a criminal affair from the first, si dled the bitterest feelings on talk sides and unquestionably will result It vera! duels among those connects! with the rase. Mme. Calllaui fainted today durfu the denunciation or her by Attorney Chenu representing the family of Ed itor Gaston Calmette of Le Figaro, for whose killing she was on trial. She wss carried from the courtroom and a recess waa taken. The Incident was attendee Vi a Ut- rlflo commotion among tbe iw and senil riotous scenes outside lbs Palace of Justice. "The defendant went to the offlwof Le Figaro." M thundered Chenu. "sit. a single purpose. The pistol she, k4 purchssed lay naked In her muff whiw she entered Calmntte'a office. 8bi went there determined to kill hltn. It wns at this point that Hint, Call laux collapsed. LOVE AND POLITICS Never before in history have you been able to secure regular $1.00 Pennants for 15 cents, and you could not now, only with the coupon clipped from this ad. Use your coupon today. RETAIL VALUE 75 cts. and $1.00 36 inches long, 15 inches wide Pennants are useful and lasting. Everybody likes the brightness of the pennant colors. Clip the coupon in today's paper and get the pennants while the offers are open. Hundreds are doing so and the pen nants arc going with a grand rush to brighten the Home, the Office and the School. Dont' forget the boys and girls away at school and send them pennants; will make their rooms more cheerful. The young men and women who are employed all day appreciate the gay touch in their rooms when they return from their day's work. They make gorgeous decorations wherever used. If you have not already secured the previ ous pennants offered, start at once to make up your collection. You will want every one in the series. When you use the coupon you receive $1 dollar pennants for one coupon and 15 cents. Previously Announced WASHINGTON STATE AND Oregon State Pennants can be had by presenting coupon at this office or by mail. Pennant Coupon (Good for all four Pennants announced.) Name . Address Pennant desired This Coupon and 15c (to cover incidental cost of handling) entitles the holder to one Pennant when presented at the Circulation Department of The Oregon City Enterprise. By mail, 20 cents in cash or stamps. This Coupon Good for Any PENNANT Pennant Coupons appear in the daily and weekly issue of The En terprise. Any coupon is good for any pennant which has been announced. In ordering pennants which have alrejidy been announced it is nec essary to send one coupon and the incidental handling price for each pen nant desired. Mail orders are sent out the same day received, if the pennants are in stock. Should the pennant desired" be out when the order is received it will be held until we are notified to send another. On Mail Orders Kindly Send 20 Cents in Stamps Address Pennant Dep't. f g ElteFPFlSe Oregon City Oregon I IlilllllllllM IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM FERVID LETTERS TELL OF DUTf TO PARTY KI8SES SENT BY MILLION PARIS, July 2G. How Joseph CalV IniiK. aliice n rem ler of Franco, then t power In radical politics, mlnnM lo" with politics in nia loiters to me prn cut Mme. Calllaux. caino out itrapbU cally todny when the two lottors hand ed In by Mme. Uuoydnn were rend la court. The lottors bronllicr love In cverf pnruKraph and discussed the uffnet of their love nlfulr on the political futura of tbo writor. They told how "Itlrl. Ihn nfCu'lloniitn diminutive, for Henri- etto, hud obtained her divorce, as If I" porfflct connuence tnut no, too, wou tuko the step that would muko him frn In wiwt bur nnd tbnv nt tho sams time boRKi'd hor to be prudont. Tins waa a typical piiraKrnpu. "I do and will love thee. I cortaln lv oitunct to retrain my liberty soma dnjr In any case, but" . Here the politician asserted hlmtolfc the sentence la completed with: "In any case I shall not move before- loctlon." , Calllnux sent klHBOS by the hunarra f MM1la. h. ...nlra nt lila rllltV tO DlS party; he heaped fevld declaration! or undying affoction one on tne and expressed fear of blackmail. Vjf inux. the politician, soemed dominate Calllaux tbs lover, on wholo. .... i. i.ltitit The evidence , . SSST a. V'wueYher M. Calmette could bave been saved by an Immediate operation. Storm 8weeps Budapest. r,Tfr a oira'P T..l 91 Wlr COB munlcatlon was so badly dlsorganliw by the storm which swept Budapest nnd vicinity Thursday that few deta"' were yet obtainable, today'. All M" a hnf there counts aisreeu, uuutim, - , hod beon conaldoroble loss of 1" n. Immenso damage to property, y. ube shipping, especially, sufrerw heavily. How's This? Wa offer Ono Hundred Dollar Reward for any cas of CatarrB that cannot be cured by Hftu Catarrh Cure. Q T. J. CHENET A CO., Ta'tTir Ws, ths undsrslsnsd. bavs koojC-'iir Chen.y for the last 15 71?$$ him prfctly honor.bfs In all I transictloni snd Onanclally abls t out snjr obllsstlons tns by hl nrcft NATIONAL BANK OF C0MMERL.ft Fall's Cstsrrh Cur. Is tak y acuns- atrsctly upon ths "Somosi cous surfaces of ths systsra. J.. (oil I., r.. Prtrm It osnU V botus. - sossUP -4mmM as m -