MMI. CALLIAUX. ILAYIN OP PARIS IOITOR. WHO CAILLAUX TRIAL II NOW ON TRIAL United States California State WORD RICIIVCO THAT fOHMIR HUSBAND Of ACCUIIQ WOMAN j OICTATOH WILL ATTIMPT TO RESTORE POW1R , CRIES -I ACCUII MViiL., PROM STAND HISTORY Of JHjs Mil Ravage of Calumniaa on Mid.'-... .CRUISERS AKf OfnRfD TO CEKERAl !PIr. fur Sharing tall f Dt Mv out Unraaliiad , prtmf panda Day at Wltnt,, to Tall of Can Not Ptn Mtil Known Ar. rival It Seltmn Incldf nt Retail Value 75 cents and $1.00 IlutRTATOGATflER 0 REPORT GROWSDRAMATK Mew Every Home Should Contain a Pennant of the United states THE ENTERPRISE is anxious to put one of these fine pennants in every home in Oregon VINA CRUX. July It waa ra- Darlad harts Iram ambIjiiIiam ht I iai. S a. I u a- - -A .... rl tf hi h gh army rfur InUnd t fathtr in Nicaragua U Mfh Latin AmarieAtn tallilioM Mr.i. a n Iam. 1'1'KltA MKXK'O. Julv IT-(r..r.l 1 1 Vliiuruno llii.rta, who recently re- 'l(Brt ii prtit lilimtl president of M'X ' Ico, irrlr. here ah'Tlly iflrr I o'clock I tonight. II waa acvon.panM by (len- jiral lUinnu-l. hu niinlnt-r of war. (ii-n.ral llurrfa 111 remain aboard ; bli train tonight. Whin he eti-rct In leave hi ronn- I try anil ihare the villa of Oenwral I'or ;flrli) Mn. whom hi escorted to lha foat thrve jrrara axo. la yet unknown irtcrpl prrhsps li) himself. f sptaln Kohl.-re, of ih Herman mil : arr I'rfi.lrn. offrivd him hi shin 'Tor any u h rared to make of her," hul 1 (!f tlfril lll.fl-rta IlkMrnl Ihanka.l t..M I -...I...- ah.-, h. t k . . .. Muini iHBi ni liuum return ma ran ; tomorrow before noon. Tba trip la tbl port was without m j rldrnt or unpleasantness othe thai j that or the trrrllila heat of the I tropical lowland. With lluTta and UUnquot were tho general alaff. Th Ui y am t v j tAmc. CAIltAUxl rAIIIH. July l.Joan.h r.n,.... hrld lha rourt for Ion ... . l..llul., i.. j. ... """ ho litt III IIim ItrlwiiiMr'. ..... Li a o.;Vh 'l .. .v """ 16 lail. Tha appraranra of l r.n i.... h...n i... .i that of Mmo. Calllaut yrili-nUr, Tha rornir iiri'inlr. ailll nmniiw I'Aiim iiiiv n..i.ri..ii. niom pownrnu turn in ! rartra alllaiii. lf of Jnn ph CalllHUt, mut "" rnM-rriiiim. inipom,, rrmlrr of rVanra and r tnliilntnr of ,hr"' "l" P"n"",",y "d utirmtu,,,. flnaiir... iM'i-uiiid tha prlaoiirr a ru- '""" l"""""'H loaiirM In the Aln Court at tha I'al or Juiiii'o totiir. and r'clid In a rainnllc inJiun-r lha rlrtumilnmvi riJIng up to Ilia aliiHilliiK ou Marh l of Hint. hi l'luirtt r. rdllor of tha n;ri), uh iiiunliT aha la chnrm-J. I acriiia mytif," hit crlnl In ik. limn. " roiiimlitd a fmili. I ihouu niyi.f liivw aclrd. but almnrM j puhllo affalra, I fIM to rrallta tha ravii'i Calinnttn't raltitniilii hi4 niailo on Ilia mill of my lf." M. Calllam apika aa If In I In rhtm- VI... u I'.lt- I I ..1 l. . . ..i. ... i.-ii, imu inn aiii-nimn ui bar. Ilia Vol.a of hliih tumir. nfliit4 th rmwdr.1 roiirtr.Miii for thm. houra. m qlny, ioiiintliii,.l rla'.nx to Mint. Ml iflll. klllifi.1 In.lirnlf Irani l .iit.Miap. I .u ... . .. . .. . ..... . , nuimrnii of airiiPniniil. tin wr am- and iiona of tha out- tl.u(t.d fry, pniin a alimulirlr ard charaiti.rl.lka of a fmuro of ro- lin, forff Hmtr aa ha adilrrmd lb, man. -. He apoka lih irrat iuiitvt r llM Jliryi ,na (Kr..iinr It an.', adilrrnlna li. ri.'lf In turn to 4. h part of Him room Ilka a Un turnr Slu. tniil hrr aiory In ihort, dlacoiinm't- nl irnlrlicri, btlt iIiowihI rrlimrkalita kill In inaniliallni ln-r facta ao aa to mown in tno iinH:tion or Ma ir. The trial had rnirrrd on Ha ixilliiril phaaK, and th.wa who al In the court room had ox'cail.m to hrlng to mind Ir,yc,.,u,..,,11, Urea-ut Ih.m la tb. bc.l l.Khl for Mj! ' " rara, four of which rr tUrn over to ,M'r faua troop. t Two train. loaiM with nolhlnc tint troop. pr.sHp. Ccnural llurrta'a train and arrlvil hr an hour twfor inn nurna train, li.-mnd hi in rama another train, alao liwiW.I with aotdlcra to guard araln.t any mar inowinnnl. Captain Kohlnr and ataff. In formal dmn unlforma, . r at th alatlon and wnra officially pivi,.ntnd to Central Hui'rta. Ilw thanked lha captain for on ran ana lor tne oircr or mi boat. HOUSE APPLAUDS WHEN MEM- Anawnnna inouirira aa to tne alatn . Of hi htalth. (i..n.Til IIiuti. .....r..l BEHS RECALL RECENT HIS- th offlcnra that he frit very w., al l TORY Of HIS PARTY mouia aouiewnai tirrd from the beat. CHAMP CLARK VOICES REVENGE IN ONE WORD v radical group now ruling France. Ho would, he enld. Ill the jury th hlitory of hi private life from hi rint marrlBR. down to the aad vvpiiIi which cauii'd lila prranncn on the aland. II .xrlnlnnd the Inrlilvlit of thn two pt- tnra, which he mppoaod had lifn dra imypd before lila divorce from hi flnt wlr.1. He only kunw of Ihclr vilat- ence when a friend warned liltn that Ihey were about to be ptlMlahed. When ho mnrrl.'d MImu lUytiounrd be know for the first time what tni haiiiiei was. When he apoke of bur, Mine. Culllaux blilahed rrlmion and bowed her u-ad In her Imiula and ob bed allently. A FINE PENNANT CHEAP These pennants are made of the very best srrade University Felt in an impressive size, 36 inches long and 15 inches wide. Pennants brighten every spot in which they are placed and make glorious decorations for the home, the club, the porch, the summer home, the motor boat and the automobile. FLY YOUR PENNANT NOW! - !! Every Oregonian Should Have One !! Pennants Changed Every Wednesday and Saturday PREVIOUSLY ANNOUNCED, OREGO N AND WASHINGTON 8TATE. Pennant Coupon Good for any four pennants announced. Name Add ress Pennants Desired This Coupon and 15c (to cover incidental cost of handling), entitles the holder to one or more Pennants when prssented at the Circulation Department of the Enterprise. By mall, 20c IiLcash or stamps, or two Pennants by mail 35c. This Coupon Good for One or More Pennants Ready for Delivery Pennant Coupons appear In the dally and weekly Issue of The Enterprise. Any coupon Is good for one or more pen nants which have been announced. In ordering pennants by mall It is neccssnry to send one coupon and the Incidental handling price for each pennant de sired. Mall orders are sent out the Banie day received, If the Pennants are in stock. Should the Pennant desired be out when the order Is received It will be held until we are notified lo send another. On mail orders kindly send 20 cents in stamps. Address PENNANT Department IHE OREGON CITY EOT ERPRISE Oregon City, Oregon !!l!llll!l!lllllll!llllll!IIIIIIIIHlll!lilll"ll!l CAILLAUX AND RUBE MARQUAD PITCHES IN 1- INNING CONTEST riTTSIU'nc.. July 17. tliil Mar quant pitched tha Ulanta to a 3-1 vic tory over nttaburg In a II Inning ganv here today, breaking the Nation- WASHINGTON, D. C, July 21. 8..r, rotary Hryan, In view of the approach ing Chautauqua aeaion, asked congreaa ror an appropriation for a "apodal aa-1 latant aerretary of aUto." to be ao- pointed ty hlinaeir. Tn preaumptlon waa he dealred a man who would be reaponalhlo to him and not lo the pre Idetil, the aenale or the country. Two aalnry of the special aialataut which Mr. Iiryan dealred to leave on the Job gxPREMIER DISAGREES WITH waa to have been $4,500 a year. I ATTORNEYS IN SENSATION AL FREMCH TRIAL LAWYERS CLASH llryan'a proposition was iid Itefore the home. The arguments hud been heard and the roll had been railed al league record for long gnmes. The vole was 217 omilnat tho premlcr i I! l. . , t tpcciui aaaistant. nuer me iniru inning oom learnt Call my nuino," growled tipakvr Clark. "Mr. Clark." calk'd the clork. "No." The ipenker's vote came like an ex plosion. It was a short word, but Its mliiKlod growl and roar voiced revenge for treninn nl ItnlMt.iiirn anil nil Ihn r.iice. ana came nome on a coming ppnt tp hole of two years' reflection, inree nsiger by liana Wagner. Now when the house hnrl the speakers )ork tied It up on the third. Ileacher vni ana ioyiesinKieu in succession. Uurns iHt two years there went up a round n-..i iu..s ny io center iieiu, scorina- of applause seldom equalled In that ""i. hmlv T. . .. k .... I , , , ' i no iiiruirr .uuunai guiiru recortj battled along acoreleas for 17 Innings. Then the Rlants got to Ha be Adnms for enouKh bits to acore two runs. The Pirates fulled to acore In their half of tbo Zlet and It was all over. Pittsburg was first to score. In the opening Inning Menser was hit by a pitched ball, advanced on Mosey a snc- SCENES IN COURT ARE EXCITE Rlota In Street Grow. Out of Dlacu. lion of Caea Crowds Show Sympathy for Accused Woman for long names was established June 30, 1S!2, when Chlcaso and Cincinnati battled to a 7-7 twenty Inning draw. I din record was tied August 24. 1005. by ChlcnKO and Philadelphia, the Cubs winning, 2 1 after 20 Innings of fast playing. BEAVERS LOSE IN SOUTH SEALS TAKE SECOND GAME OF 8ERIES; 7 TO 3. THOMAS GORE WILL BE SEEN ON WILLAMETTE SOON Pacific Coast league. Portland 5IS I -os Angeles 537 Venice 545 San Francisco 609 Sacramento 481 Onklnnd 3s;i POKTI.ANI). Ore., July 22. Tommy (lore, who was a members of lha Vale froHlimnn elgbt of 1910 and the varslt crew of 1911, will Join Iho Portland ((owing club before thn end of the present seiiHon. This Information was brought to Portland yesterday by the Portland Rowing club members, who returned from Nelson, 11. (!., where (hey participated In tbo rowing ro gutta Inst week. Core rowed stroke on the Nelson doubles crow, which won tho doubles event of the regatta, and was In scat No. 2 In (he senior four oared crew. Ho will likely try for a position on Portland's senior four oared crow next SAN FIMNCISCO. Cal.. July 22. The Portland Heuvers lost tho game to- spring, tiny with the Heals with a 7 to J scoro. Ho Is 5 feet 10 Inches tall and weighs uieiwHia pin in a ciinnonge nnotip m the neighborhood of 103 pounds, wiiii l uniiiiiK 111 mo uox, wuiio me while at Ynlo he was couched by Av i.;uvi-io wuic i.Tiuocuiuu .1 iiiu nuino 1 anil jiarNman piayers wno nppeurea yesterday, PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE At Sacrumcnto K. H. E. I,os Angeles 0 Tho Seals put up a good game In ev ery department. Fanning held the Heavers down to seven hits, while tbo winners we. 3 able to land 10 hl(s off of Mardnonl. who nltched for 11,0 champs. The Heavers and tho Seals pacrnmento 1 each scored a run In the first Inning, mu in me third two Heavers crossed the plate. The Portlandors wore able to malntuln the lead until the slxlh In ning when (ho locals Rent threo men across homo. The other threo runs camo in ror the Seals In the eighth. Today', baiting order: Portland Ilancroft, ss; Derrick lb; Uodgers, 2b; Doane, rf; Ilyan. of: KoreH, 3b; Lobor, If; Fisher, c; Mar- unoni. p. San Francisco Fit frnrnM rf Cartwrlght,3b; Schaller, If; Downs, 2b, .viiiiiuoni, ci; nowaru, in; Corhan, gs; Schmidt, c; Fanning p. At I,os Angeles It. II. Oakland 0 5 Venice 6 8 NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE BODY OF WOMAN IS FOUND UPON BEACH OALVKSION, Tex., July 21.-VVIth a bullet wound In the head and half bur led in the sand, the body of a hand some woman was found on the beach near here today. The police believed (he woman waB murdered, robbed and that her nBxassIn then dragged her body to the beach, hoolne it wonlil b carried away by the tide. There was no clue to her Identity. ihe victim looked to be about 22 years old. The body was clad In white and the underclothing was of the fin est. The bullet had eon tbroueh a Panama hat the girl wore and com pletely penetrated the brain. There were no powder marks. At Tncnmn It. H. E. Seattle 2 7 0 Tucoma 3 11 0 AtSeattlo It. II. B. Victoria 6 9 0 Hallard 7 10 .1 PARIS, July 22. Joseph Calllnux, ex-premier, was again today the ceii. trul figure In the proceedings In the court of the Asslxe, where his wife, Mmo. Henrietta! Culllaux, la on trail for tho killing of Canton Calmutto, ed itor of the Figaro, Tho courtroom wna crowded to It utmost capnclty In the expectation of sensatlonul revelations arising from M. l-nhorfs closing ultimatum last night, when ho declared, he would refuse to plead unless a full statement was made by the government regarding document) which, It was ulleged, wcro Important enough to crush Culllaux. On tbo opening of court the procur ator general mild bo was authorized by the government to declare llio docu ments referred to In yeHlerdny's testi mony did not exist, Instead, there fore, of utterly discrediting (ho ex-pro-tnlcr, (be Incident ended In his tri umph, as his brilliant antagonist, M. Chenu, counsel for iho Culmettu fam ily, was obliged to acknowledge. The radical louder, from bis seat In (he body of (ho court, followed tho case with the closest attention. Oc casionally ho would look tenderly In lie direction of his wife, Willi an en couraging smile or gesture Not A word uttered by tho witnesses escaped him as he leaned forward, his hand cupped around his car, the better to hear. Twice In tho course 6f the b'bhIoii toduy there were exciting Bcones. Once whim M. Chenu declared It did not be come M. Culllaux to endeavor to soil tho grave which his wifa hod made, . (he ex-premler sprung forward and ex claimed: . . Hlticn I mimi Inkn notlco of What (his lawyer has said, I will ask him If . be will (nke personal roBponuiuinu' for his words." . ";-i tho uproar which M ance occnsloned had ''""" Chenu replied: nlhllltv. You I take the enure ..- - - cannot menace ----- At Vancouver R. H, Spokane 0 Vancouver 2 E. KRAFT 80LD WWW YORK. July 22. Inflolder Clar ence O. Krnft was purchased today by the New York American league club from the , Newark Internationals. Kraft Is the player whose sale to the Nashville Southern association club al most caused a strike of National and American league players. The threat ened walkout was averted by the action of Charles Ebbetts of Brooklyn who al so owns stock In the NewarK ciud, in purchasing for $2500 Kraft's release from Nashville. Huerta had been practicing for life In exile for a long time. HI favorite If a friend pulls hla watch on your resort In Mexico City was a French by all Druraiite. .. ,..,.. BOV SHAH CROWNED HlUCa 111 uno i.wnvn nf.irrcrtAN. July 21. Ahmed MIr.n, god 10, was crowned Shod of Persia .,i,.v forma v succeeding 10 ui throne abdicated several years ago by his fo(her, now an exile In Russia. Tbe hoy was driven to the parliament house In a glass coach. You can't flutter an honest man by telling him that he's honest. How's This? Wa offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENET ft CO., Toledo, a TV thm l,n,l,r.l.r,, h.V. VnOWH F. Cheney for the lait 15 yeara, and bellv htm perfectly honorable In all bualnert trnn.axHnn. anil AnanclollV abl to carry out any oblljiilom mule by hla Arm NATIONAL. BANK. U- uuaaji Tolado. O. fr.ii. -.. rh rtt la i1ciii Internally. mt.ttw.rn I I u ..nstn tha hlnnd Hid ITllI cou aurface of th system. TMjImonlaM aent free. Price 75 centa per bottle. funny story cut It short. cafe.