Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 24, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    0UW10N CITY KHTmVllWft I'lMDAY. JULY 21, VHi.
piCT OfflClAH OP TMt
Officii siai ms puns
, , Ood ' Oftgon Cl'y
. G.fi Olf t"'bf 1
juv.icl Work Will b
pad l Palwrt
i.r.l fair tn "
... ...... ....ihir - I lb 'lu"
, ..tu.i,i. "I '- ""V"m ,n
";- '"' "v
i fr 'l- " b" '"T"
I .,u' '.. M ..... II Ml" In part:
ih "'' attended
I !,u""i " "' "bit'its.- ay
1 . . iHilnl lii far arvatrr
ID4I " " " -
.... than eirr before, flpac In III
-kinj of uircj
Inqueot l Portland May Develop
rati Which WHI Aid In Sott
ing Mystery of Death of
IIKI.FAHT. Ireland, July Jo.-Nlr fA
aril Carom, or 'King" Carton aa tha
llnMlnllrS rail him. feorlvd a ruulng
reception ber from (be I'lster volun
teers before Orauge day, July II. Four
hundred volunteers armed with rifles
illiun I I iii alluded rai b day anil marched through lb at real of tbla
rit uri'd of Urn agricultural
tin) hnr'li Hllnral rihllilt aa well aa
frtnf, nipiuenieni rlub and farm ei-
Department Addad.
-The l.nliri' li.iill and domestic a I
acr departments will b larger than
Itfuri' nh many new features. Art
ud Mural depart itienta bav bfn
,J,.J lb llvpalurk di'iar1meiil and
lb ti.Mk laradra thai bav itaod
lh (uiruna In lb paal will attain abiiw
lb lt if burara, ralllr, goal a and
iiIiik. Tb raring department hit h
It a roiiK fialtirr. la alrrady
HI rnlrlp and many good buraog III
b IIi'ih) cm llm aiMH-d prugratn.
"lh dairy d-artmii( M! again bo
U In ixr1anl fratur.
Th baby ahow hlrb aa an at
Irt'tl. n at lb laal aaalna, baa Iwn
fnUrti-i), and tiruinlara to ba lb larg
n .-r bi'ld In lb alaie.
Junnll Oaparimanl Itrono
Th.. Juvfiill i)f(,rtinint will b
on of tlie atrong foalurra of our fair
tbla trar, dun to lha fart tbat Ibla la
being riii ouragiHl by our publia arhool
gnil umb r lb ab! direction of Hi hiMil
HuiM-rlnirnilvnl C'alavan larg prvm
lum Hit baa brrn prruarrd and of-
frrd lor rtblblta of th boy and glrla
Id thU linn of work."
Tha oih nlng day of lb fair, Wad
Bfiilir. H" pl''nilr 16, will b dxvotod
m ii inirn-ala of axrlcultiir and
tUirmirn. iM'inonalratluna of milk
I aixl ctram tratlug, lm lurra on alock
roiilnit; to land roiioorla, and tb
l dally bora racra will form tb prln
( rljml aitra-tliina of lh day.
I Crowd Capactad Thuraday.
Tha Uri:at crowd la riptcid on
Thursday. Oregon City and Gvrman
day. when a big program will b glv-
ta In tha afternoon under th dlroc
tloa of th Cermaii apraklng aocletlra
of (he rounly. Ouatar Hchnoerr. chair
aua of th county branch of lb con
oil ted (Jernian apeaklng aoelctlea of
'ipiii, will deliver th principal ad
'ren of tha day at II o'clock In tb
fiornlni. Judging of all ihlblla will
UkIii Thuraday.
Krlilay will be Molalla and Parmera
day, when th feature of th uroitram
lll be addreaae by th varloua hoinl-no.-a
for governor. A atock pnrad at
10 o'cIih k and addreaaea by prominent
fiirmers will compoaa th morning pro
gram. Baby Show Ftatur.
Tha baby ahow which the official
of tlin aaaoctatlon aay will be on of
the Inrgeat In th atatn, will be lh big
event Hiittirdny which I juvenlla day.
IliKliinliiR at 2:30 o'clock In tho after
nom a program, conalatlng largely of
Kcott IhIi nuiubera, will be given and at
7 o'clock that nlKbt tho dining con
cert ot tb fair will be plnyt'd.
Tho program aa It li now arranged
Agriculture and Dairymen' Day.
Wedneiday, September 18.
10: no a. m. UomotiatratUina of milk
rlty to earort blm lo Cralgavon, where
the flrat niiwllng of th I later provl
lonal governmnnt waa In It held
Wllileal viithualaain wa dlaplayed by
tb horn rule opponent. II waa feared
actual conflict would reault
Thuraday, Sp1. 17.
rwi for all a. t:W; 2:11 trot,
:oo; on mil run. 1 1 00.
rrldty, Sapt It
Free for all (rot. f:r,0; 2:03 par,
1:00: half mil run, T&; motorcycle
rare, 10 mile, purwe 3o flrat. i:o
aecond. 1 10. Kutry fe. I per cent.
Colontl Martin Declare Oregon City
Company If aa Good aa Any In
BUt Plana for Next
Year Mad
Tanned, buaky, but a little tired from
the long train ride up from (Jearhart,
Company O returned from lb annual
encampment Wedneaday afternoon.
Th local militiamen reached Oregon
City about J o'clock and marched down
Main atreet to their armory where
their equipment waa left and lb com
pany broke up.
Company O returned from th an
nual encampment with many honor.
In point of number tb local orgnnl-
tatlon waa exceeded by only on other
company and the difference between
the two wa three men. Company O
waa color company, owing to tb fact
tbat Captain lllanrhard bolda second
plare In tho balnlllon In aonlorlty.
Tbat the Oregon City company waa
"aa good aa any In the atate" was the
atatement of Colonel Martin, after he
had watched th local boys at the
camp. Of the D8 who attended tho en
campment from this city, 23 were new
men. but within two or throo days aft
er the opening of camp, they went
through the drills and lived tho dully
routine like veterans.
The day at tho camp beRitn at 6
A roiiiplela ranvaaa of lb five drug
aorr In Oregon City failed to dlM loaa
lha plar where the alrUbntne, found
in Ilia aliiinaih of Oeorg H. Iawein,
of Cortland, who died at hi home lat
Wrdlieaday aa a rraull of taking the
poison, waa bought, althouich II waa
DioiiKhl for a tlin by the Cortland po
ll tliat lh powder waa purrhased In
Ibis i lly.
liy going through lh polaon regis
ter of Hie lal drug stores, It was
learned Dial for a month previous to
th death there waa no sal" of airych
ulna made to any person who was not
known to either lh proprietor or
clerk of lha slor.s. Karh purchaser
must alien his nam In the poison rer.l
ti r. according to lb law, so that It la
fairly easy lo trace the aale of a
rOHTI.ANI), Ore.. July 20. Th
mystery surrounding tb death of
(leorge 8. lawon, who died suddenly
early Wedaeetlny morning, after bav.
Ing partaken of a beaty hreakfaet pre
pared by bla wife. Is still unsolved.
lx-splta th fart that lb preliminary
analysis of tb conlenta of th atom
arb revealed that strychnin bad been
awallowed, the authorities, who bave
been working day and night to solve
the baffling rlrcumalanrea, bav been
unable to Irani definitely whence th
poison cam.
Tha authorities ar eager to clar up
lh mystery. Tbey do not want to con
fin Mr. Dawson longer than la nec-
essary. Tbey ar holding her without
ball, however, and will keep her In cu
tody until after the Inquest is held, at
"W ar all determined to bav the
mysterious circumstances cleared up
before we drop the rase," said Deputy
District Attorney Itysn tday. "We do
not want lo throw any undue suaplc
Ions upon Mrs. Dawson, but we feel
that from what evident' w bav se
cured already, ber arrest was neces
sary, and that she should be detained
without bail until we learn where th
poison which killed Dawson cam from
and bow It was taken. If tha Inquest
reveals this we will then know wheth
er we can release Mrs. Dawson or
keep ber In Jail.
The prisoner still maintains ber at
titude of Innocense. Hba continually
declares ahe holds no III feeling against
those responsible for her Incarceration
and protests her plight la merely a
test sent by the Lord to try ber faith.
In The Social Whirl
Current Happening of Intereet In
and About Oregon City
N honor of the twenty-fifth anni
versary of the wedding of Mr.
and Mrs. II. bolsman, of Willam
ette, over 60 frlonds gathered at their
home Tuesday night The number of
guests was so large that the party was
moved (o the Willamette fire ball.
The feature of th evening was the
ceremony in which the wedding of
twenty-five yenrs ago was repented.
Refreshments of Ice cream and cake
were served before the guests left for
' 1
1 , isitjKuabM..., J
TjeHtS 5, HAftLANT
WAfllMNflTON. July 1 Th coun
try awaits lb announceme.it of the lin
portant railroad freight rates decision
by tb Internal commerce commis
sion. Tbla decision baa been written,
according to report, by Chairman
James H. Harlan. Kfforts bav been
made to discount tb effect of tb de
cision by forecasts as to what It will
lie, but th railroad Interests hope
that changes may be made at tb but
moment In their favor. All the east
ern rallroada naked for an average in
crease In freight rate of 6 per cent
f 0 E
Grades Receives) Monday by Superin
tendent Calavan from Salem
raw riy Year Per
mits Issued.
CHKIHTIA.VA. Norway, July IMif
flctal clnlea bera wera inu'b wrought
up t'Mlay over over Mondty dlapol
oo lb American steam ya hi I'auliu
between Herretary of th I'lilfrd H'ales
lr.ailon Kranklm Mutt ;ui,ther and
th lisrtxir mastrr, who had given of
fense by asking thai the ya bt hsngc
I's amhorasa In Christiana fj"fd lo
(make room for lha kalu-r'a yai bt Mo
teor. Arrirding to iha bartxir ma
ler's a'count, liunilier finally kiiok-d
lb fortnir'a uniform rap off.
100,000 SEE BIG
Tha names of ib Clackarnaa county
candidates for learhnr's rertlflcati s.
who have passed lh recent eianilna-
llona held hera, were received Monday
morning by County Superintendent
C'alavan from J. A. Churchill, a'at su-
HAI.KM, Or.. July 20. Tbat lh
ISM boo rkld will be aa great as ibat
porlntendent of public Instruction. Ofjoflast year, and the quality aa good, la
the 73 who took tha riainlimilon bera. i the declaration of growers In tb vsl-
60 passed and will nrelv their cer-ib-y,
tlflcal to teach In Oregon. i-.f Ih. ,. mm i,.i
Those en Board Craft Ar Calm as
Srnok Envelopes Ship Steam
er Reaches Dock With
Councilman Albright Believes Recom
mendation of Committee Is Not
Wis Madison Street
Work Considered
, home. Many presents were received
o'clock In tho morning when the roll! by Mr. and Mrs. Iielsman, Including a
wnv culled. From 8 to 11:30 o'clock silver tea sot, tho gift of those who
ench morning tho militia drilled, and
ind cream toatlng. aluo general locluro ! from then on the privates were off the
at dairying by college and dairymen.
1 .00 i. m. Horse races.
3:110 p, in. Lectures along odiirn
tlonnl Hues for the benefit of farmers,
hurticiiiturlHts and poultry men.
7:00 to 8:00 p. in. Hand concort.
AmuHements on the trail.
Oregon City and German Day,
Thursday, September 17.
9.00 ii. m. JikIkIiik lii all dopnrt
mentH begins.
11:00 a. m. AddreHB of wolcome and
reHpniiHu by Gustiiv Schnoorr.
1:00 p. m. Home races.
2 00 p. m. lied letter day at the
county fair.
(liiHinv Hchnoerr, cbiilrmnn of tho
county branch of tho Consolidated Cor
real of the day. The officers spent
the greater part of tho afternoon In
elastics (or the study of military tactics.
Kvery second evening the Oregon mi
litia would march In the dross parade
on the bench. Tho encampment began
July 13 and ended July 22.
Now that the 1914 encampment has
panged, the members of the local com
pany has bemm to plan the trip which
will bo made next year to the San
Francisco rxpoxlttoii. The company
will bo away from Oregon City two
weeks and will spend 10 days a the
fair on full pay. The trip one way
will tup mndo by train and tho other by
boat. Captain nianchard has received
word tbnt only thoso who have served
man Hpeaklng societies of OrcRon bus a year will bo allowed to go on tho
apopiniud a committee of 12 which will trip.
arrange a program of Ocrmnn events:
iiiiihIc, speech milking, singing, stage
performances mid all kinds of games
ami entertiiiiimeiiU In Gorman and
Knlish, Tho committee In charge:
Krank Hunch, Oregon City; Krnest
MIihs, Oregon City; Richard l'ctzold,
Oregon City; l'bll Stroll). Mllwauklo,
CaHpor Jviukor, Bnmly; chns, Shanko,
Bntuly; V. Kraxbnrger, Miioksburg;
Chas. Oelbrlch, MackHlmrg; Chns. Ilur
nock, Macksburg; V. Throatch, Macks
burg; II. Ritzau, DamnsctiB; W, llrew
er, Nootly,
-'f-JO to 8:00 p. in. Hand concort.
MolsJIs and Farmers' Day.
Friday, September 18,
' w a. in. Htwk Dorado
The officers and men who mado the
trip are: Captain, U. E. lilanchard;
first lieutenant, W. It. Logus; second
lieutenant. K. C. Hlanchnrd; first sur
goant, L. P. Karnes; quartermaster ser
geant, S. I.. Christy; sergeants, i A.
Hcott, Mack D. Lako, II. h. Moody, Jr.,
and John W. Mindo; corporals, A. L.
Barnes, Fred Haines, S. W. Miller, Jr.,
11. O. Dovlnish, Joseph h. IeDoux and
H. L. Hoff; cooks, Clem Dollar and
William Turner; privates, K. L. Austin,
Fred Amachor, Charles lllatnlck, H. E.
Hnrto, C. I. Haker, II. S. Crltoscr, Clyde
Dollar, Q, Darlington, A. Darlington, U
Flold, D. Flnucnne, D. Foncher, C. M.
Greon, n. Hnll, C. HornquiBt, E. tor
tori, F. l'ncer. C. Robinett. A. Snldow.
M'.OO a. m. Addresses by farmers R. Shockley, J. Zollor, William Uur-
,n? tnnprs' orgnnlzulions.
l;w p. m. Horse races and motor
cyclt nu'e.
. i:sl p. in. Addross by candidates
'"0 to 8:00 Hand concert.
Juvenile Day.
in n 8a'urday, September 19.
ii J a' m Idvestock parade.
:00 a. m. Iinbyshow.
?aP' ,n --'lori9 ffto. '
-30 p. m. Tentative program.
luiRPlpo selnctlonB by Oordan High
lanilern; lllKliland FIIhb and 8cotch
aances by IhshIos In Highland dress;
Bcoich mimic, field sports, throwing
ine hammer, putting the stono, 300-yd.
aRt,h, 1 mile race, 100-yard dash for
'""en, high jllmPi 0tlB; JllmPi vaulting,
f ?. ""''i 'or ladles, sack race for
'"lies, sack race for men, tugof-war,
ootch vs. Americans; tug-of-wag, Ore
n City vs. Portland; Aunt Sally, etc,
F,., . Racing Csrd Out.
J-ntries for the races close Soptombor
i. The card follows:
,., Wednesday, Sept 16.
'03 trot, 00; half mile trot, Clack
Sm?" C?,unty hor8e,, 2 he"t In 3. 0:
horse" 50Run' Cl. county
ness, C. Chambors, C. Danlolaon, C,
tinrris, K. k. Johnson, C. KUer, W. L.
Kolloy, O. Kouts, R. Ladoroute, C. La
derouto, J. C. Lowls, Q. McKlnley, K.
Nolan, P. U. Qulnn, O. Smith, William
Slalmokor, E. TUton, O, Wnrreu, E.
Yoeman and P. A. Miller.
SANDY, Ore., July 16. The funeral
snrvlces ot Mrs. Sophie Molnlg, wife
or Mayor Paul H. Motnig who died Mon
day last, were conducted yesterday at
airraids cemetory,. Dull . Run. They
were under, the auspices of the local
Rebekah Lodge. Mrs. Melntg was the
oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Aschorr, or Mahmot, old settlers and
owners of the Aschoff Mountain
House. A wldowor and three children
attended tho party,
Those who attended the party are:
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornbcrry, Mr.
and Mrs. C. R. Peters. Mr. and Mrs.
John IsnoRlo, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Colson. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Junkln, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Carpenter, Mr. and
Mrs. C. 11. Wlllson, Mr. and Mrs. John
Reams, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. August Kool-
lomoler, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ilusch,
Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Tour, Mr. and
Mrs. N. Wuldron, Mrs. M. A. Bakor,
Mrs. Kate Hevens, Mrs. J. Dower, Mrs,
Jess Hyatt. Mrs. William Wright, Mrs.
Perry Ritrnes, Mrs. Pert Parnes, Mrs.
Oustnv Schnoorr, Mrs. P. L. Snldow,
Mrs. A. J. Fronioiifr, Mrs. Pearl Mann-
Ing, Mrs. J. Enne, Mrs. R. II. Gogers,
Mrs. Kato Turner, Mrs. Caroline Ure
mnr, Mrs. J. W. LlnqulBt, Mrs. W. J.
Hosier, Miss Cora Hunt, Miss Mildred
RenuiB, Miss Ella Rogers, Miss Mar
tha lxilHinnn, Ewalt Lelsman, Guy
GroBs, S. J. Larson, H. T. Shipley, T.
J. Gary, William Snldow and John
Reams, Jr.
James B. Straight
Weds Miss Julia SchulU.
James It. Strnlght and Miss Julia
SchulU, both of this city were granted
a license to wed Saturday afternoon.
The marriage ceremony was porformod
by Justice J. N. Siovors. Mr. Straight
Ib the son of Mrs. Ivy Straight and of
the luto Hiram Straight, who was at
one time mayor of Oregon City. He
Is a brother of II. E. Straight of the
firm or Straight & Salisbury.
Mr. and Mrs .Straight, after a Bhort
wedding trip will make their home In
this city.
Social Notes.
Cards have been recolved In this city
announcing the arrival of a little
daughter Sunday morning at the home
or Mr. and Mrs. LewiB Henderson of
Hood River. Mrs. Henderson was be
fore her marrlnge Miss Edna Caufiold,
aaugntor or Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cau
field of this city. The litUe girl has
been named Miriam,
Main street was the one big subject
before tbe council at the special meet
ing Wednesday nlgbL So that compe
tition could be secured, not only be
tween those firms which lay bltumlnus
pavement but concrete aa well, the
council Instructed tb city engineer to
prepare specifications for both kinds
of surface.
At the present time tb council
plans to receive bids on bltumlnus
pavement, which Includes bltullthlc,
asphalt concrete and other brands, and
concrete. The special Main street
committee, which Is composed of the
council committee on streets and pub
lic property and three property own
ers along the street, recommended that
tho council call for bids for bltullthlc
alone, but faction of the council, led
by Jack Albright, succeeded in hav
ing a change mado In the report or
tbe committee at the last meeting or
the council.
The suggestion or the committee
that rive sewer crossings be laid
across Main street In the central part
or the town was also criticized. Coun
cilman Allbright said that the time
would come when the city would re
gret such action, and said that he fa
vored putting In a sewer the length
of the streot. Councilman Meyer ob
jected that such a plan would mean ad
ditional expense on the property own
er and that the street Improvement
along with the new sewer project
would be defeated by a remonstrance.
A timely motion to adjourn from Coun
cilman Hackett, which was seconded
by Fred Metzner ended the discussion.
The 'Btreet committee, headed by
Councilman Meyer in place of H. M.
Templeton, who is out of town on his
vncatlon, will meet with City Engineer
Noble this morning on Madison street
to consider problems in connection
with the improvement or that streot
at its southern end. Mrs. Russell,
who owns property on the street, was
at the council meeting1 and asked that
some arrangement be made by the city
bo that the approach to her home
would be made easier.
None of those who passed tb eiam-
Inatlons here, received llf certificates
snd only three a five year certificate.
Many of tboae wbo paased the tests
asked tbat their rerlfirat be left at
Kalem until they ar ready to begin
leaching aa tb certificate data from
tbe tiro tbey are received.
Tho following I a list of tbe
aiiccessful candidates for teachers'
Grace M. Zlnser, Cernentlna D. Brad
ford, Melvln E. Maun, Ethel M Strong,
John K. Huston, lewls E. Reese, An
nie Lunt. Nellie A. Otty, II. C. Todd,
Georg T. itrenner, Howard Eceles,
Amy K. Whipple, Susie Hcott, Ola
Scott, Ines Halley, Estetta Salisbury,
Frank D. Ilraly, Maybelle Pllklngton,
Gertrude lialley, Krank W. Sexton,
Echo I). Glthens, lola E. Kardenat.
Gertrude lialley, Clare E. Sterna. Sa
die II. Stuart. Olive A. Whipple, Frank
J. Spagl. Klale Dchlstrom. Calharine
Reltsma. Floyd I). Moore, Clara A.
Wleseslck. Ethel A. Park. Norma
Muender, Hilda Muender, Rutb O. Fin
ley, Clare E. Sterns. Pearl Iinlley.
Odessa Ulen llruc McConaby. Grace
A. Snook, Roaella Jones. Georgia M
Edmonds, Anna L. Johnson Lena I'len,
Lllxabeth Lamoreaux. Mary E. Yoder.
Caroline Gladys Hurr, Pearl E. Miller.
Ilertha O. Wlthcomb, Iseabelle T.
Mann, Mable It. Larson, Nellie Msy
Roach, Edith C. Karr, Mable Ken
Knight. Harry Hargravea, Certrudo
Hargreaves, Agnes Taylor.
produced In Oregon, and ther ar a
few optimistic enough to predict tbat
Ibla year'a crop will eiced that mark.
Th bops ar practically fre from
vermin. It la derlared an unusual
condition. Tb plants are said to b
strong and thrifty.
MILWAl'KIE, Or, July 20. (Spe
cial! At next Friday evening's coun
cil meeting two railroad franchise ar
to be acte upon. Th Oregon City
Portland electric, known locally a th
Carver road, and the application of L.
II. Campbell for a street electric road
In Mllwaukle.
SANDY, Ore., July 17. Chonges are
bolng made in the Sandy schoolhouse
for housing the Union high schoot,
which was voted at a special election
Inst months. One room will be used.
It Is expected that one room will take
care of the high school students for
the first year. Architect Kleemann
prepared plans for the changes and do
sated bis services to tbe district.
You're Bilious and Costivol
Sick Hendache, Dad Breath, Sour
atomacn, Furred Tongue and Indices
tlon, Mean Liver and Bowels clogged.
Clean up to-night. Get a 25c bottlo
or Dr. King s New Life Pills today and
empty the stomach and bowels of fer
menting gassy foods and waste. A
full bowel movement gives a satisfied,
thankful feeling makes you feel fine.
Effective, yet mild. Don't gripe. 25c
at your Druggist.
Hucklen's Arnica Salve for Rums.
Go to tbe ant thou sluggard; you
will rind many or her at any basket
Movement or new potatoes to mar
ket Is showing an increase, and a
slight lowering or prices is tbe result
Tbe receipts are showing better qual
ity, and the demand is good. Average
sales by wholesalers in Portland are
around 1.50 a cental.
With th greater offerings or new
potatoes come the announcement by
leading handlers that old stocks ar
practically exhausted. The few re
maining lots are extremely limited,
and these are being; fed out sparingly.
A visit to eastern Multnomah as well
aa this county shows a smaler acreage
in potatoes this season than usual A
large per cent of the ground that was
formerly in potatoes is now growing
corn or excellent quality. Tbe potato
crop In the entire section is showing
an excellent condition, and the out-
PORTLAND. Ore, July 20. With a
record or winning .750 or tbeir games
In tbe last three weeks at borne, tbe
Beavers left for San Francisco to meet
tbe Seals holding tbe leadership by a
fraction of a point. Tbey bad a pretty
bard series against them and It Is
bard to tell whether or not they will
return In tbe same position In wblcb
tbey departed.
After taking on tb Seals In tbe se
ries starting tomorrow, tbe Beavers
will lay over a week in San Francisco
and do battle with tbe trailing Oaks,
who bave proved easy meat for them
tbls year. Tben on August 4 they will
drop down to Los Angeles for a week's
jourst with the Venetians.
Tben tbey come bom for a three
weeks' stay, arriving August 11 along
with the Senators, and playing Oak
land and San Francisco In order.
Manager McCredle, who took his full
playing strength south last night, as
serted tbat be would be satisfied if his
club played at little better than even
on the southern games. Tbey could
win pennant in almost any league If
tbey did as well as on tbe hist three
weeks on the home grounds.
In that period tbey won six out of
eight from Venice, four out of six from
San Francisco and five out or six rrom
Los Angeles, a record of 15 games won
and S lost
On the other band, the way of the
trnnsfi-TOaflSir ff-Aniuntlv maamm 4a K.
look Is for a big production per acre, pretty smooth.
NEW YORK. S. Y, July 1. Mora
than lOO.OoO prraona gathered on thn
(lattery and lh lirookln and Manhat
tan brl'lgra late this afternoon and
watched lh moat pcUcular team-
ship fir New York has -en alnre the
mrulng of lb General Blorutn In lh
east river In 101, with It record of
looo dratha.
Tb passenger steamship Masaarhu.
arda with ViD Daaanicera and crew
of more than Zoo. an oil burning ahlp.
bad cleared from ber pier la th north
river and swung Into New York bay
shortly after I o'clock when ther
ram a sudden burst of flam through
lh upper work arnldablp wber Ib
aft funnel row from oil tank room In
lb bold.
Too far from Its own pb-r to return
with aafety. Captain P. W. Colbeth,
wbo was on the bridre when th fir
wa discovered, decided to land bla
ship at tb flattery. Swinging around
be found tbat all the available docking
para waa occupied with Saturday aft
ernoon excursion steamer. Still
afraid lo risk turning bis vessel around
and bark into th north river. Captain
Colbeth rang for alow speed ahead and
started to circle the Palter? and run
for a pier in tb east river two mile
Iiy tbla time the Massachusetts wss
almost completely enveloped In a cloud
of dens black oil smok. It was Im
possible to rush ber at any speed for
fear lh draft so set up would drive
tb flame all over tb ship. Every
available man was at work rigging up
fire boae and preparing to man tb
lifeboats wbllo squads told off from
the crew herded tha passengers at tbe
stern and In tbe bow far from the blase
amidships as possible.
With ber whistle blowing repeated
distress, the Mssaachuaetts slowly
swung across tb Battery front, past
Governor's island and Into East river.
Hair a doxen flreboata by this time
had stood by, but Captain Colbeth sig
nalled that be thought It would be saf
er to keep on up too river, as be hoped
to keep tb flames partly under con
trol until some way could be found to
get tbe passengers ashore.
Tbe flreboata, blowing tbeir sirens In
a weird chorus to clear tb pathway
of shipping, convoyed the Massachu
setts, and all tbe small croft came
alongside. In case more assistant waa
Many a man rails to get there be
cause be never starts.
A Good Investment
W. D. Magli, a well known merchant
of Whltemound, Wis., bought a stock
of Chamberlain's medicine so as to be
able to supply them to his customers.
After receiving them he was himself
taken sick and says that one small
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy was worth
more to him than tbe cost of bis entire
stock of these medicines. For sale by
all dealers. (AdvV)
July 22. Prominent nowspnper men in
every stnte of the United States have
been asked by the department or Jour
nalism in the University or Oregon to
express weir opinions as to what is the
best country weekly in the United
States, or at least to name one that
comes near to combining the dUferent
qualities of excellence: Intimate local
Interest, enterprise, typography, lead
ership, uprightness and financial suc
cess. .
The "Need Not Toll You" Man.
"I peed not tell you," says thephl.
losopher of folly, "tbnt when an ora
tor starts with the words 'I need not
tell you' bo goes right ahead and tells
you nil that be need not tell yon."
Cleveland Plnln Dealer.
Stops Neuralgia Kills Pain
Sloan's Liniment gives Instant roller
from Neuralgia or Sciatica, It goes
straight to the painful part Soothes
the Nerves and Stops the Pain. It is
also good for Rheumatism, Sore
Throat Chest Pains and Sprains. You
dont need to rub It penetrates. Mr.
J. R. Swinger, Louisville, Ky, writes:
"I suffered with quite a severe Neural
gic Headache for four months without
any relief. I used Sloan's Liniment
for two or three nights and I haven't
suffered with my head since." Get a
bottle to-day. Keep in the house all
the time for pains and all hurts. 25c,
60c, and $1.00, at your Druggist
Bucklen's Arnica Salve for all Sores.
The regular price for the Weekly Enterprise Is $1.50 a year so by subscribing now you are saving 75c
for yourseir. This applies to the old subscriber the same as the new subscriber, lr you are now a
subscriber to the Weekly Enterprise and your time has not expired and you wish to renew on the bargain
rate just send in your 75 cents and we will give you credit for one year from the date of expiration of your
present subscription. If you are in the arrears Just Bend in 75 cents and it will pay you up for one year.
We are giving four good premiums, one to each subscriber, new or renewal. We give absolutely free
as premiums with this offer one good fountain pen, one pocket knife, 3-blades. This is a regular cattle
knife and has a retail value of $1.25, or you can have a 2 or 3-plece kitchen set. Kitchen set number
one consists of one paring knife and one large butcher knife. Kitchen set number two consists or two
paring knives and one up-to-date can opener. Remember one of the above premiums absolutely free to
you with your subscription, applies to old and new subscribers alike. Remember this is for a limited
time only, so subscribe now. The above offer is payable in advance. Mark your coupon for which premi
ums you wish.
Send five cents to cover postage on premium
Dally Enterprise, OLD SUBSCRIBER Weekly Enterprise,
Oregon City. COUPON Oregon City.
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Name Fountain Pen
Address , Kitchen Set No. 1
Route Number Kitchen Set No. 2
Box (Mark X on line for premium you wish.)
Dally Enterprise, NEW SUBSCRIBER Weekly Enterprise
Oregon City. COUPON Oregon City.
Inclosed find for bargain offer No Pocket Knife
Name , Fountain Pen ,
Address Kitchen Set No. 1
Route Number Kitchen Set No. 2
Bo (Mark X on line for premium you wish.)