ORKflON CITY ENTKHPRISE. KIMUAV. JULY 17. 1!HI. WADWORTH MA .wrnff l ftk AT IN TMV MEXICO CITY IS UMTIU HATEI ICNATI II INSPECT PROJECT I IN LINE OF MARCH Oregon State and Washington State REBELS PMIHARI TO ADVANCE LAND BOARD MEMntHI Bay TH It NOT AUTHOHiru uv TMEM I I vri war-link viiii i LATE REPORT! 15,000 HEN'S AI VIM'S COMMAND SLUR AI MR. LEWIS IS Cfl a . . Wtl Aka far Impaction of b,j mala Work Many Atr Th Act'an la Iran4 Political lchn. Diplomats Ar (king lo Bring About Cangt Without Bloodshed Hutrta'a Flight Moment arily Esptcted Retail Value 75 cents and $1.00 CO IIODBS 1100 J Ay ' Every Home Should Contain a Pennant of its native state THE ENTERPRISE is anxious to put one of these fine pennants in every home in Oregon A FINE PENNANT CHEAP These pennants are made of the very best grade University Felt in an impressive size, 36 inches long and 15 inches wide. Pennants brighten every spot in which they are placed and make glorious decorations for the home, the club, the porch, the summer home, the motor boat and the automobile. rLY YUUK rtlNINAfi 1 luw: !! Every Oregonian Should Have One !! Pennants Changed Every Wednesday and Saturday Pennant Coupon Good, for any two pennants announced. Name Address Pennants Desired This Coupon and 15c (to cover Incidental cost of handling), entitles the holder to one Pennant when presented at the Cir culation Department of the Enterprise. By mall, 20c In cash or stamps, or two Pennants by mall 35c. This Coupon Good for Any Pennant Ready for Delivery Pennant Coupons appear In the dally and weekly Issue of The Enterprise. Any coupon Is good for any pennant which has been announced. In ordering Pennants by mall It Is necessary to send one coupon and the Incidental handling price for each pennant de sired. Mail orders are sent out the same day received, if the Pennants are in stock. Should the Pennant desired be out when the order Is received It will be held until we are notified lo send another. ' On mail orders kindly send 20 cents in stamps. Address PENNANT Department THE OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE .,iiiitiiii:iiifiiiimitmiinmfm Oregon City, Oregon MKXICO CITY. July II -At 10 o'clock tmiliclil the family of President llucrta anil uthrr relatlvea ami rloae frt. iuU left the rapllal for Vrra Crm alHtard ! lal train. The train wn composed if three slicpcre ami a la (age rar. Running ahead of It were two military tralna rarrlng aH) nu n. Following rain another military train l(h Jiki iroops aboard. WASHINGTON, July II. Although the rflKtinlliin of lieiicral llucrta la confidently iHt'ii by the al.iti de partment and Washington diplomat to l ptvrnted bi anr moment, tlu constlttltlonnllata. unaffected ty Ihn new a, are pressing hard Ih.'lr military campaign nn Metico ('MX. Official dlepatrhea revealed thai General Villa, with 15.0'O ui.-n, waa ready fur a raplr advance on the Met Iran capital ami Hint Cchcrnl Obrcg mi a fun ra at liuadalajara r pre pared to eweep onward within a few day a. 1 The numc roue official advlcee aaylng llucrta would resign In a day or two, Including iiii-iuKa from I lie Urailllnn minister In Mestt-o City and other dllmata, have raised thj fiwit- llin of official Washington that hla exit from power a I no would mean hla flight from the country. Rafael Kiirharan, Carraiua'a confi dential agent lnrt. haa received In atnirtlona on which to draft a formal r't'ly to the nolo of the mediators. which proposed Informal conferencea between tha constllutlonallsta and liu erta dvlcgatfa for the settlement of In tiTnal questions. The constitutional lat generals have expressed their dis approval of tln plan, and Ztirbarnn'e Instruction. It la understood, are to reject tho Invitation. VKHA CRUZ. July ll.-Thnt Tr-al dent llucrta and the nicmbera of hla family who have not already left Mex ico City would arrive here thla even ing was predlrted todasr by men In close touch with developtnenta at the capital. Tho break In the railroad be tween there and Vera Crui had been repaired and there wan nolhlnic, ex cept a wanllil holdup by rebela en route, to Int-Tfer with a ihrwuKh trip. Slnrliin at anchor In Vera I rux hnrlior la tho "loot ahlp" Eapaitne. ichedulcd to anil for Kurope but aup- poncdly held fur Muerta. ana in tno rtnh of Mexican artRtrocrncy from the cnpltul to board tho venaol aa ttielr lant boi of faluty betore tho ruliapae of General Htierta. acenea rlvallluK tho moat vivid fiction ever written are be In K enacted here. Ijamesw.waosworthjrTI Ni:W VCIItK. Julr II Jamra W W.Uorth Youiia Jim" will lrob ably be thn rliolce of a lualrlty of Ihn U-miiMIi an iirfKllllllilin leaila-ra for the flitted Htatea m iialnrlili ii"inln inn. ami It la autlrlnalril that nla frli-nil will aMn Ix-kI" a rainaxa In hl behair. now Ibal Hemilor Kllhu limit la out of lha race. William lainea. atate rhalrinnn. la rtix-vted to fator Vadiiorth. Mr. Itarnea fouitht Ioiik and hard for the nomination of Wadaworth for Rovi rnor at the ronven- lon which reiiomluated (overnnr ItiKhea. TEMPERATURE CLIMBS TO 107 AT ST. ST. I.OflH. July 11. Four peraona died here todny and aeveral vtliera were proatratefl by the h'-at. which broke alt reronla for the year. The kUmk on the atreet rt (tltercil 109 do Kreea at 1 o'clock. KANSAS CITV. July II Kieenalve humidity ronihlned with high tempera turea In Kanoaa and weatern .llnioiirl today combined to brtiiK iniii h auffcr lux. 8T PAL. July II. Two ilea I ha and a larxo number of proatrallona duo to tho heat Were reported to tho police of Mluneapolla and SI. Paul totilKht. FATHER IS LECTURED JUVENILE COURT DOTY SOLD TO CLEVELAND CLUB VANCOUVKIl. n. C. July H. Prca- Ident Hrown, of the Vancouver haao' bnll club today announced tha snlo o Pitcher Ed Doty to tho Clevclund Am merlcan Leairuo rltib. Tho purchaae prl( e Is undemtood to be I2BD0. . Doty will fliiltih the aeaaon with tno Van couver club. Convention 6aved for West DENVKR. July 14. flubslltutlng their city for Seattle with quick pro- clHion, I.ns AnKelca and Soiitliem Call fornla delegations swung the the an mini nntlonul reunion of Honevolent and Protective Order of Elks for 1916 back to the Pacific coast when at the first seBBlon of the grand lodKu todny It seemed bound eastward to Cnulta nooga, Tenn. ASK COURT TO LET HAL CHASE PERFORM HUFFALO, July 9. Attorneys repre senting: 1 1 ill Clmso, tho ball player, to. day urger United States JikIko lllHaell to ulbHolvo the temporary Injunction granted the Chicago White Sox which prevents Chnse from playliiK with the Iluffulo club of the Federal leaiiuo. Chnse Jumped from tho Chicago club to the outlaw organization hint month. nAIMIKn. ilrn. Jnlv IB. Orecon Kid II Pacific count and Columbia riv er chumplon motorhoat, sank near the middle or the Coluiulila river on Wal lace iHlund. 18 miles west of her to night at 6:15 o'clock. Prohibition Loses. DES MOINES, July 15. Prohibition forces lost their battle for the Insertion of a plank favoring tho re-submlsslon of the prohibition question to a vote of the people at the Republican state convention here today. Tho conven tion dll adopt a plunk Indorulug the present liquor laws and commending their enforcement. Road Bonds Carried. HOOD UIVEIl, Ore., July 15. By a vote of lG.r2 to 428 tho people of Hood River county today authorized a bond iKHiie of $75,000 for completion of the Columbia river highway In Hood River county. All of the 12 precincts In the county, with the single exception of Dee, a thinly populuted district, voted big majorities for the bonds. Tonight the clti.enu turned out en masse and seldom In the annals of the city has such Jubilation been shown over an election of any kind. Photos Weed In Fake. PORTLAND, Ore., July 15. Kodak pictures of the famous sequoia, or big redwood, trees of California were used as fake pictures of Oregon timber by J. W. Ivogan, of Tacoma, In persuading Callforninns to buy "locations" on tim ber lands within the Oregon & Cali fornia Railroad grant In Oregon, ac cording to testimony given In United States district court yesterday by J. D. ISafford, a San Francisco chauffeur, who admitted he had been an accom plice of Logan's. CARRANZA READY TO RUSH INTO MEXICO CITY WASHINGTON, July 14. General Carranza had gone to Tamplco today, according to messages here from northern Mexico, preparatory to tak ing a steamship for Vera Crux In the event of President Huerta'a flight from the capltaL Chanted with mistreatment of hla own children. A. II. Rosenthal waa brought before the Juvenile court Mon day and severely reprimanded by Judgo Anderson. It was stated In the Juvenile court that Rosenthal would force hla child ren to saw cordwood with a heavy rroas-cut au, although they were very young. On the fnlhirv of the children to do tho chorea w hich were alloled to them. It was charged that thn father would use violent language. The com plaint was mado by neighbors. Looping the Ueip Isu't going to bo vary popular with the daredevil avia tors unless It proves to bo more dan gtrutia than It now seems lo bo. The Chicago woninn w ho proposes to adopt fifteen children of as ninny dif ferent race may find them all much allko In ability to bo truuhlvsomo. if punctilio only Ik preventing oftlclal participation by (iermnny nud England In the Pnuumii expoHltlmi It Is a good time for punctilio to fumbto tho hall. A lock of (iiN'the's lut Ir bus been sold at miction In Ft. Petersburg for lU.OOO. Rut In his day bo probably had to hire n innii to cut It off Just like tho rest of us. HAI.KM, Ore, July - r llohhs, liotcrtii'r Weal's l"'k JZ? lary, left loiiiaht fr Uldu u an Inspection of the Tunialu lmTi project. Mlie la acting on iiittr,M from the governor, wbu la .iu,utSj (he rant. Hla'e Trcamirer Kay an) Atturw Corral Crawford, members f 14 late deanrt land board, wlih h hu i pervlaloti over Irrigation wnrk, they Knew nothing alMHit lb. trip -Mlaa llobhi and Dial Ih. jr had am iv Ihorlxd II. The stain Ireaaurrr mi4 "I would llkn lo have ni"rc dlf liiformatlon wlih relatkin lotlie trrt( (Ion prolix I, H I will aend mm of Br young women utencuraili r to U:4 law, with Instruciloiis lo nm'.n aa hv veallgntlou of lha engllieertiix 1,4. turea. "I wouM like an expert sUtrinrat from hrr aa to whether the In;; rerf. voir will hold water." Aaked If the ateuographer he wouU asali'n Id make lb luveallnalloii wna collntwirato with Mla llobha. Mr. Kir aid ahn would not. He aaaeiird thit he wanted hla representative lo pi a lone band. 'The governor before leaving Haifa luilrnrietl mo to go lo IjiMIhv aa4 nmko Ihn limi' ctloii." said Mlaa llol.ba "He Inlemlid going hlms.dr, but d.d not havu the opixirtuiiliy, He want! me lo report to hlin while he la In h riial, no lie can use the Informal Ion IB roiinertli n with mailer he haa befcrt the dc'iartments In Washington " Attorney tleneral Crawford aald the Roiernor had no authority lo aend a peraotinl representative at the eineiise of (lie atalo In make an Inapeetion of the project, lie said the liiaM'lloa ahould be IlliliU by a memlier of Hie tale engineering department or an ex pert employed by Ihe atnlfl desert land Im.ird. lie did not believe a woman, wbu had not atudled engineering, would be competent to do the work. PRESIDENT FACES WASIIINdTON, July . The a im! latrntlon met defeat today In th fl.ir mire of Ita fluht tn have ihn conform the nomination) of i hoau' A jones, 01 v nicago, ami raw w. viir burg, of New York, aa members federal reserve board. The banking and curr-ncy romralt (eo voted 7 to 4 to report the nomlna llon of Mr. Jones to tha aennte with an unfavorable reronunendatlon. and agreed lo postpone Indefinitely further consideration or tno nomination Mr. Warburg. Tho Jones report will be aubmltted by Acting Chairman Hitchcock early next wcok. and Ihn debato over his confirmation will be resumed on the floor of the sonatH behind doted doors In executive session. "Kvnrv ri'iil man wears a mustache." Ih a remark credited to Emperor Wil liam. We should like to hear hlin say It to Frederick tho (Ireiit or Napoleon Romipnrto, Surveyors hnvo illscovenvl that tho work done with chain and compass hy George Washington U2 years ngo was perfect. Which fact strengthens tho general opinion of (Jeorge Wnsbliigton. According to II. O. Wells, civilization has never existed. Hut It keeps on trying for a foothold, which permits tje hope that some parts of tho world will gut fully civilized in the lapse of time. The development of American busi ness In the Inst deciirto has been at onco tho wonder and the envy of the world. Our ludiiHtrlul agents buve reached Into the far corners of the earth for business. Naturally! Tho fellow who Jumps out of tho fry ing pnn Into tho Ore naturally thinks he Is hot stulT.-rittiihurtth Prosa. A Hirh Honor. Ik WA Mrs. NexWoor Is your eon dolus well In college? Mn. Tungtwlst He' Ioln' One. They ve cnosen mm vaieiaainanan or bis class. Chicago Newa. WASHINGTON. July ll.-A widen ing of tho breach between the depart ment of Justice and the Interstate Com merce commission was though llkclf hero today, as a result of the commit- alon'a report, mndo public Monday, on the result of Us Investigations of tin N.iw Haven railroad under the Mellca regime. Despite tho commission's declaration that the road's directors should Im held to criminal account for tho manner in which limy conducted Ms affairs and that It was for thn Justice department to act agaliiMt them, reporters who asked nt thn department concerning Its chief's Intentions were answered by a reference to Attorney Golicnil Me Reynolds' letter to Senator Nnrrls when tho enso was up In January. ' This letter declared that thcro wn "no law under which tho depiirtment cun prosecute tho Now Haven direc tors for Improvident and dishonest of the stockholders' money." Peaca Is Prospect. LONDON, July 14. Sir Edward Car son was hurriedly munitioned from UelfnBt to London tonight to utlond conference looking to a sottlument ot the homo rule dispute A steamer was specially atoppro for the Ulster leader, who abandoned erul Important engagements to rut . back to the capita'. -k, Benson Leade. PonTLAND. Ore., July 14.-Aflr I O,? r!'.A "., .,,! forth until first ona winKinK - - . . BDImronlly been nominated, latest completo of I ctal figures of tho vote for Judge H. U llenson, of Klnmath county, and Judgo Charles L. McNary, of Marlon county. Indicate that Judge Donson has re ceived the Repugllcan nomination for supreme Judge. GEORGE CARLYLE BUFFALO, N. Y., July 15. (Special! George Carlylo, father of John Car-, -s r-. l. .tlA llila attfl.T' noon here aftor a short HlncsB. How's This? We offer Ons Hundred Dolla" Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Ha"' Catarrh Cure. . F. J. CHKNBT CO., Toledo, o-. We, the undersigned, have known r-"-Cheney for the last 15 yeara, and bji" htm perfectly honorable In all bu.ln" trankctlon and nnancially able 1"' out any obllaatlona ma1e by hi; ""S, NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Hall'a CaUrrh Curt) la taken In"".' aetlng directly upon the 'blood ana 1 eoue eurfacee of Ihe ayelem. Tjhi nio sent free. Prlea 71 eenta per sott " by all Dreg rttt. M .,,i0)ltn Take Hall a ramlly Wlla for aoasupa"