OKKfiox crrv i'ntkuimjiki:, rini)AV,.n:i,v n, i:n i. dmmi. in ii nf"" '"" Mul j."iii. konilia, Plaintiff. l.ilr K. Koriilia, IMhiiIsiiI. (,, l..rt. K. Kori.l.e. ! l'- i.aiiii i il.-fi'inUnl : i it,, name of Hm Hlate of Or"" ....I li r'r ikimIiH ai'Ker '"! aintn'r Hi Ill'" "' '" ... h,- Im mllilnl suit on r before . .tririu.n of H '"" "' a ,,, f ihnti imi.it. i of ii.i.in.1 ..'...i. !'" "" "r "'" '", "f. , ',,..!. 11 . ami If " '" r i..r H'-'''. , , 1 1 ill ' '" " "'"'I'"-'''". I"1 '.' '. ... ......I., i- .11.,,.. . and ll.a ,i r,,r en p"" - ,!!- I , I ,i 1 1 f ilia inarrlaie routreil ..,.,!,. yu end Hi" UK .ml for the r"ioiM'iii of the n nam", loan. Jimm ohine Mir II l,i the Mid plaintiff. ' , " H"'I ""rl of "'" HU" i'i..V.n fr I'1" '',u,,", ""' r !.t ll l ib ily t.r Jut.., Ill, .11- iii, thai ,J I1"' """a UM,U .7 a. I om. ' . in tt in'non ur Kuif !". "" ,"-'? !.,,Mi ill-n of Oil" 'inimohi ,Imi nml Ihn last iuMIlM Iw Iliad Oil III 7th dy of Auuil. IU Aiiorm r for I'Uiniirf. . (I, AiMrrea: lloom i. Mi hottelil i,m. Vancouver, uaaiitiiKion. (i rim of an md.f In lla eloe entltl'd anil ln'l l.f Ilia lUni ri.tli I o.itl l.r Ilia llli'.ral.le J I' l amoU.!!, Ju.J thn, I, on ilia llh day of Jm.e A. li 11 i. r,iiiiini Dial iul,lliatlon of llii HuioiiMXia ma la onra a rk fur al( coiiHuilia iH In Ilia Ur (i,ii (11 I.M,'iii, aoil rr, iiilii lhal Ida tl. lull. II, all, ,u Ihi li,a, on Ilia Llh Oay of i'liia A. I lull, anil Ilia la at u l.tli Hull ,a niaila on Ilia I , III lUy of July A. II. Ill. t Alil.KY A l:W,HH. Ati'xi,, r for run, ii Mull., IIM In ll:t N,.ill,.,l.iu Halt lU.U , 'i,rllainl, llr (iiii. and iao of aala n,a,)a aii4 yi anfr, (ami lo i.M lbl,t or Vru, a lieiM Summon. in ilir, rin-ull Toiirl of h Hlala of (iirmni. for ('litrtainaa I'oiinly, U O Mi.-titlnr.l, I'lallitirr, ' VI. A II Murran, A. It Moman. ailmlnla Irulnr of Ihn aatala of Vailvn (IitI nola Mnraan, iwaat; I. T. Ilarl ami l iar Hart. Ilia lfn. III. T. I'i a iiioihI, KiUllalin lloaillal Aaaorltv Hon, rurporallon anil llarhrl t'-- i-ll, li'f,'inlaiil. T I T. Hurt 1111 'lnr Hart, tilt wlfn. alxiva tianinl ilrfriiilnnla. Ill the tiaina of Ihn HUla of Orcei n. Yii. and rarh of you. ir hirrliy r ulrril lo aii r and anawnr lha roin ,lnlnt flli'd analnal you In thn alie rniltlod suit on or l'fura lh inth day or July. 1H. and If you fall to a ap ,rr and anwir aald roinplalut. plain tl(t lll 'ily lo the alx rnllllad Coiirl for Ilia rrlli-f li'aiandd In hla rnml'liilnt. lo-wlt: fur lha fnrToaiir of a rorlaln niort ftci (UK-d May 10lb. If 1 1, and rwnrd r, In Volumn Xl, pun 492, luortiiajcn rwonU of Clarkamaa I'oiinly. Hlala of OrriMHi; for JiidKim-nt Ihcrwin for f lion no and iiili-rral IlinnHin alnro My l .iti. 191.1: i n-r rnit iwr n niim: for imo,), aitorny fwi and (or rnta and flllnirinwBia, niro taiil tunrti!K rnvra and la a Ikn up- n thr f.,lolnit di'M-rHwd n ni prrin ,a In Clarkaiiiai County. OreRon, ti- ThV,t half (Wm and tli South rant qMirt.r (8 of thn Northwral qimrt.-r I.N'.W.VJ) of arcllon Klpvnn (Ml. and lh Nurthraat quarlnr (S. Kt,l of thr Norlhrnal iilnrt-r IN K. m of Si. Hon Ton II0. ftll In Town hip ali (l Hoiith of HaiiRu'Two (2) rjml of thn"Wlllutni(te Mi-rldlan. r cvt 1 'i acrfi hiritoforo din-dcd for irhool iiirpoKi-a l-'or tha forodoAiirfl of that rortnln imirlitnKO dnti-d fpti-inlirr 2. I9H8 for Jiioo on nlvrn by. I.. O. NlKitlnxali and Oi-rtlo NlKhtlnKiilo. lil irn lo Will iam Mrliiali. and rvoonli-d In Vol- iiiiiti "1. imao ST I. niorlnaRi rpior,l of an Id Coiinly and Htate, with Inter im! thnri-on at 6 pr runt p.-r annum lues Si-pti-mlifr 15, V.)2; for J.45 taxes puld and IntoriNt from data of piiymeiil tummcni In Ilia ( In nil Court of Ilia Hlala of Ok-dhii, for da. kan, as County. N. K liniK-n, l laliilirf, I'. W .ll-liM,n, Ifrfitntalit, IS 1IIX NAMK (K HIK HTATK UY (illl.'ION. To I W II.-ii..ii, N' 3 Twriil alith rltrn-i, Han 'ramlo, (all fortila. Von ara liprnl.y riilrd lo kppia and iimn tha roinplbliit flM aaalnai you In Ilia aooos ciitlllnd ault l,y lli 2 M h day ol Julr, Nli.i l.-. n lliindrcl nd KourtiMn U'lll aa prrrlix-d ty an or li-r or ilia alM.ta -i,tli.-l Court for Ilia putili. allon of ttili luniinuii wtili h aald data aforraald la mora Iha all (tl wnrka a'ter Ilia data of Hi flrat piitillratlon tn-roln ll ordrrcd I tha Court In Ilia alniva antlllrd ault and If you ao fall lo ipp'-ar and an r ilia rotiilaliil and aiiitiitii.ua flli-d tiir.lii In llm alMita vntitli-d null ou laid datn. plaintiff will apply to III aloa antlilod rourt fr thai rUi-f prayed for In laid complaint, whir aald rlli-f ll fur dn rra of tlm llxiv rntlilnd Conn foravvr ilUxilvlnr. in- nullliiat and 'Itliii alil tha marrlaK rontrarl hurftofora and now rtlatlu hrlwaen plaint Iff and aald di-frlidalit and for auili r.th.r and furthrr roll" aa tha llmioralilfl Court mayui-i iii uivot with Miullr. Tlila aiiinmoiii la published and rre, tipon you by ord.-r of thn Hun oraMn J. I'. Cainpliell, JudKo of Ihn l.ova elilltli-d rourt wblrh laid orili-i was duly tnadn and end-red lliernln In aald Court on thn Oth day of June, Miii-trn lluiidn-d and ruurtenn IIVIII baaed UImiii platntlfT'l romptalnt and affidavit acd thn r-ordi mad and fltiid lu nld mlt. J. A. HTHOWimilKiK, Attorney for 1'lulnt IIT luted and first publication, Juna 12th. 1911. I.aat publli-atlon. July 21th, 1911. Bharlm Ball. In thn Circuit Court of Ihn Statu of Ort-Koii for Clai-kamaa County John I-'. Iliimii-ll, CiNiritn M. Huiiih-II and CharU-a r. I1unui.ll, I'lalntlrTi, va. Jamea A. lluiini ll. I)i f. inlnt. Htato of Ori-Kon, County of Clackainaa, aa. lly virtue of JuiIkmii'IiI ordi-r, d-cn-a and vieciitlun, duly UaiH-d out of and under the n-al of thn almve vntl tied rourt. In thn aliovo entitled raum1 to iiio duly directed and dut'd thn SGtli day of June. 1911, upon a Judnment rendered and entered In aald rourt on thn 2nd liny of April, 1912, In favor ol aald John I-'. Hunnell, (ieorita M. Hull oell, and CharU-i V. Hunnell. plulniirrs, and analnal aald Jumea A. ItiiniH-ll, u- fendant, for the sum of I1S.310 00. with Internal thereou at thn rula of alx pi-r cent per annum, from thu aald 2nd day of April, 1913, and thn further lum of fIJd.CO cost a and disbursements, and tho l oad of and upon this writ, coin- ninndltiK nts to muke tain of the fol Iowiiik deacrllii-d real property situ aied in Clm-knniua County, On-Kon, to ll: l-ots 1 to 23 Inclusive, tin Inn all of lllock 3; all of lota 1 to 20 Inclusive for tl'iO.UO ntlorneyi ferslbelnR all of lllock 8; all of lull 1 to and mats and disbursements, which niortnime covers thn followlnn ilenorlh ed rent premises In Clm kiimus County, OreRim, lo-wlt: Ttr West hnlf (S of the North west qnnrter iV,) and thn riouthenst uunrter (V) of tho Northwest quarter (i;i of Section Klnven (11) Township rtx ( Hnuth IditiKH Two (2) Kusl of the Wlllnmetto Meridian, In Cliukn inns County, and Htnin of OrcK'm, con taining dim Hundred nnd Twenty ri-iis of Intnl. excenllns therefrom the InllowinK (lesi-rlhed tract to-wit: lie- I n n I it nt tlm Southenst corner of the NnrthwpHt nunrtor or tno Nortnwesl qunrter of Section Eleven In Township nit South of Kiinno Tw-o Knst of the Wlllnmettn Merldlnn, In Clnckunms Coiinty, Oreiron, nui) runnlnn thence North twenty rods: thenco West ten umIh: thenco South twenty rods thence Kust ten rods to tho place of hi-Klmilng nnd containing one and nno- (niirth acres of land. Dated June 3rd, 1914. O. D. EI1Y. Attorney for Plaintiff, Notice to Contractor!. Scaled propoHitli will be received by tiie County Court or Clncknmna Coun ty, Oregon, for thn Improvement of the Mllwnukla nnd Rcllwood rond, from Slntlon 0 to Stntion 4(1 plus 48.5 nt Hie county lino botwocn Clncknmns nnd Multnomah Counties, until July 17th, nt thn hour of 10:30 A. M., nnd then opened nnd publicly road. l'lnns and Hpeolflcntlons nre now on Mo In tho office of tho County Clork of mud Cliirknmna County. Kaeh bid shall bo endorsed "Pro posal for Improvement of Mllwnuklo- Hollwood Road" nnd shall bo accom panied by a cerilllod chock on some Orogon Hank, for nn amount equal to five porcont of thn amount bid, pnyablo to tho County Clerk of said County, which chock Bhnll bo forfeited to Clackamas County, Bhould tho success fill bidder fall to enter Into contract nnd furnish a satisfactory bond with in llvo days after tho award Is made. Tho said County Court reserves tha i-f. to roject any or all bids. W. Ij. MUI.VEY, County Clerk. . Summons. ' rJ Clrc,llt Collrt of the State of , OrPKon for Clackamas County, """tha 10. Harding, Plaintiff, ' L'u' kiimus Harding. Defendant. ' Louis Agustiis Harding, tlrti above mined defendnnt. in the namo of tho State of Orogon, ou are hereby roqulrod to appear and in o or l.ho co,m'lnlnt fllod against you . ,, t-umiuu uuri, on or oe- . ' the nth day of July A. D, 1914, win dato hnlng six weeks aft.or the fHt iMil.lleatlon of this Summons. If nin!....- l, l)nnnr "U answer, the P ' ntlff wm apply to tho Court for the ruin prayed for In her complaint fllod vnr,i V wh,ch ls for Rn alolute di vorce fr0vcr dissolving the bonda of niatrlmony now and herotoforu exlst- en,ln WrBn, ,the "lnlnt"1 0nd tho 00 nuant, and for the care and custody 'minor female child Nancy Mar- oM LV",""""' aKnd l 6) mon' II er .. ? f.ur BUch othcr and f","'f re pnuiii 1 1 . Court may Hem met and Z lh eA 118 Pulses, and tor her v ,a"d, "'WBomonts herein. this ll " pl?se take not'ce that sonani ST U iervo1 uPn yu W roS i . Tlth a rifled copy of the mplamt mod herein; pursuant to the 22 Inclusive being all of lllock 10; Lots 1 to 13 Incluslvo, being all of lllock 15; Ios 11. 1G, Id, IT, IK, 19 and 20 In Mloi'k 2 and Lots ::l and 24 In lllock 4 all lit Oak drove Park, Ctuckamns Comity. Oregon, according to tho duly reronM map and plat thereof. AIko a strip of land 10 foot wldo and being the Southerly ten feet of a 00 foot strip of laud deeded by Luclndn Hunnell and C. II. Hunnell, her hus band, to James A. Muuui'll, as descrltxd In Hook litf page 231, de -J records ol raid County and State, the said 10 foot strip extending tho entlro length of the aid 00 font strip. Now Therefore, by vlrtuo of said exiTiitlon. Judgment order and decree and In compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Monday, tho 3rd day of August, 1914, nt tho hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M. ut the front door of thn County Court House, In the City of Oregon City, In said County and State sell at public aurtlon, subject to redemption, to tho highest bidder, for II, 8. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title nnd Interest which the with in named defendnnt James A. Hunnell, hnd on the 2nd day of April, 1912, the dnte of the Judgment herein, or since hnd In or to tho above described real property or any part thereof, to satis fy said execution, Judgment order, de cree, Interest, costs nud nil accruing costs. E. T. MASS, Slierlff of Clncknmns County, Oregon. lly H. J. 8TAA.TS, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., June 2!llli, 1914. . Klrst publication, July 3, 1911. I -nut day of publication, July 31, 1914. I.y ll.a llii.ri. II H. Ai,il.t, Jii'l i.l tli alH.ta iiilliln Court, on Julr Hh. lull, aitl oa or afi r tha imli day of Am-ul, I. at ll.a ln.ur f ln uVI,k A M, Kill al prltala ala Iha folloalnf d. rll.i- i l l.,..f!r t-l,.l,Kli.l In Iha ralaiM f aid M. II. III. hard.. Hltuala In CU.kainsl County, Hlala of irinii ieKiiiiili, at a aloiK In iha riiitur of tha road lesdlna; from M,rliialr lo Ciinliiatllle, (ir-K"ii, l,era Iha horth iM.iiinUry llna of ll. franklin ri.-r i I.. C. N j 3, In T 1 M It. I K of W. M.irosui aald road, th-in Houlli 4 il.crna, 24 mlon'ca l.l ii!3 f.al; llixltf Kail 117 10 f.-l; Ihriii o Hmiili 3 di-a-rrea. 21 loin Ulea Wrst fe.l; llo-ii.n :( :i) fn.-t tu a aiakn In Ihn Houih Ih.uii dary Una of a trai t of land rone. to Jouph I.OK, said alakn Ijt-lnaj thn Initial -ilnt of tha land herln rou yei; theri.ii Kal a lf.ii aT Hiiuih boun dary Una of trai t of Uud ronvaytd to ald Joa-,ti U.lig, 310 J fret u a lake; tl.rlira Hoiith 3 di'ireea, 3 inlinitt-a Wral CUt.li fe lo a ataka In Iha north boundary Una of a 40 foot road; tlnnro Writ along tha North iH.uiidary llna of laid 40 foot road 3J0 3 f-et lo a, alakn, said ataka bulng al point wliern tha Kaal llna of a :) fiM.l alley InierMu-ta tha North iH.uudary lln-i of aald 40 foot road theiica North 3 derreea. 34 ailiiules Kal along Iha Kt Una of aald 20 fiail alley lo Ihn plain of br I Mi I UK. rmilaliilng flva aires. Iha aaln of aald real property will bo madn on or aft. r Ihn lima and data above given and bn iuhjii-l lo the con firmation of Ih- alxire Court. Kills re tlval.W by Ihn undersigned at Iha onii a of lHmli k as IHluli k. At form al l.aw, Ori-xon City, Oregon. Ti-rma of aale, caah In hand or part -aan and urt approved ai-rurlty. n-OUKNCK HICIIAKDH. iuardlall of thn estate of M. 11. Hlch- ards, an liisana prion. Dale of first I'Ul, lliatlon of Oils No tice. July 10th, 1914. Dat of last publication thereof August 7th, 1911. DIMICK M MICK and (iOHlM)N K. HAYKH, Attorneys for Uuardlan. lu Iha plaibiirT, ii.d f,,r au.li oil. and funbr r-1 1 f aa In ll.a I nirt shall in in to-! and araila lo t-iury aiol for plali.ilrl null In Ihia s ilt. 'Il.ia i,iii,in.,iii la piil.llihd p.iraii slit to art l.nl. r mada !y ll'iiinrahla J I'. CailipUtll, J,.l,- of Iha I If ul Ci.iirl of tli- Hialn of Otf K' li, for th ( i.Hliiy or I la -kait.aa, oil Iha kill da of July, A. D, lM Tha data of Ilia fllat puhlli alb, II be lug July 0ih, lll. and Iha data of ha ul.ll ilh.n lM,lng Aiigut Zlsl A. I) , 1911. VM. IIAMMOSIl, Attorney fur rUlntlff Nolle to Contractor!. Healed proMisali will b receln-d by Ihn County Court of Cluikamaa Coun- y. Oregon, until July 21th, 1914, at 10:30 A. M.. and then opened, for thn Improvement of County Iloadi hum- -red 40 and 230 and rxti-ndlng from thn town of (Tnckamai, northerly to he Inters.-, tloi. of road No. 230 with the renter line of the Oregon A Call fornla Hnllroad Track, or from Station 0 to Station CI plus t7, In sections 4 and f. T. 2 8. It. 2 K. of the Wlllatn- eltn M.-rlilinn. I'lnua and apeclflcatloni are now on flb lu the office of the County Clerk of aid ( lackHrnua County, Oregon. i- ni ti hid must bn accompanied by a certified chm k for an amount equal to five per rent of the amount bid. made payable to tho County Clerk of Clacka nius County, which check shall be for feited to nld Clackumaa County. hould tho siircessful bidder fall to en ter Into contract and furnish a satis factory bond within five duyi after the wird is made. Kach bid shall he endorsed. "Pro posal for Improvement of portion of rosila No. 40 and 230." Tho County Court res irvea the right to reject any and ull bids. W. I,. MULVEY, County Clerk. lummani. Ill tlm rir'iil! Court of thn Hist of Ona-iin for Claikamss County. 1 1. Ma I'lerin. I'laliiiirr, vs. I.Mieph H. I'lerra, lieft-ndanl. To Joseph H. I'ler.a; lu Iha nam a of Iha HU'e of Oregon You ara hereby required to appear and auaaer ihn complaint fil d agalnat you In Ihn abova anlltled suit on or befora bn 2Hth day of AukuM, 1914, aald data hnlng after tha fuplrslloa of ali weeks from Iha first publication of this nun mom and If you fall so lo appear and answer acid complaint, for want tlu-rn- if Iha plaintiff will apply lo thn court for tha relief prayed for In the com plaint,-lo-wlt ; for decree of said Court dissolving tha inarrlugn lontisrt now elallng betw-i-n pIslntlrT and do fendant, and holding Ihn same for naught, and for iuh other and fur ther relief ai to the Court may mem meet and nqultabln. a This summons la puhllshed by order of Hon. J. ('. Campbell, Judge of thn aUivn entitle Court which order was madn and entered on Ihn 13th day of July, 1911. The date of thn first pub lication la July 17, 1911, and the lima prescribed for the publication there of la ilx weeks. C.KOItfiK Y. HR1CK, W. II. MA8TKIIH. Attorney! fur Plaintiff. Chnmbef of Commerce llldg, Portland. Oregon. Administrator"! Notlca. Notice la hereby given that the un derslgned hss been Six, lined admin Istrator of Iha estate of Kllen K. llai k- ett. deceased: all person! having claims against mid enisle are berebf notified to present the same with prop er vouchers, duly certified according lo law, at the office of Hrowtiell Stone, at Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, within six months of thn date of the publication of this notice. ' Duted, July 17th. 1911. Kit WIN C. HACKKTT. Administrator of the estate of Ellen E. Ilnckett. deceased. I1IIOWNEI.L STONE, Attorney! for Administrator. Summoni. In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oro gon, for Clackamas County. Martha June Trullinger, Plaintiff, vs. Freeman h. Trullliiger, Defendant, To Frooman L. Trulllng'or, tho above nntiiou defendant: In tho namo of tho State of Ore gon, you ore hereby required to ap pear and answor the complaint filed against you In the above named suit. on or before the 14th day of August, jy 14, snia date being tho expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, nnd If you fail to ap pear or answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tno court for tho reliof nrayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a tlccroe dissolving tho bondB of matrimony now existing between the plulntiff and defendant. This sum mons is published by ordnr of H. S. Andorson, Judge of the County Court, wnicn order was ninno nnd entered on the 2nd day of July, 1914, and the time proscribed for publication tboroof is six weeltB, beginning with the Issue dated Friday, July 3rd. 1914. and con tinuing each woek thereafter to and Including the Issue of Friday, August 14th, 1914. I1ROWNELL ft STONE, Attorneys for Plulntiff. Notlca of Guardlan'a 8ale. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County , of Clacka mas. In the Matter of the Otiardjanshtp of the estate of M. II. Richards, an In sane person. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned,- Guardian of the estate of M. H. Richards, an Insane person, by authority and direction of an order Summon!. lu the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. W. A. Proctor. Plaintiff. vs. Multnomah Centra! Hallway Company. a coriKirutlon, Portland Trust Com pany of Oregon, a corporation. Do- fi-mlnnts. To tho Mullnomuh Central Railway Company, a corporation: In the name of tho Stnte of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Died against you In tho above entitled suit on or before the 24th day of August, A. D., 1914, and if you fall to niip-nr and answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap- ly to the Court for the reliof de manded In the complaint, to-wlt: lor n Judgment und decree by which It ahull bo adjudged and declared that the Multnomah Central Railway Com pany, a corporation, hus no estate, or Interest whatever In nnd to the land and premises described in the follow ing dcods, to tho Multnomah Central Railway Company, a corporation, to wit: That certain deed from E. Peers and Grace Peers, his wife, recorded In record of Deeds of Clackamas Coun ty. Oregon, Hook 120 page 405; That certain deed from George E. Wlllmnn, recorded In record of Deeds of Clack amas County, Oregon, Hook 120 pago 409; That certain deed from C. E. Ed wards, recorded In record of Deeds of Clackamas County, Oregon, Hook 126 page 412; thnt certain deed from Paul Dunn nnd Mary Dunn, his wife, re corded In Record of DeedB of Clacka mas County, Hook 126 page 419; that certain deed from Paul Dunn nnd Mary Dunn, his wife, recorded in Record of DoodB of Cluckamns County, Oregon, Hook 126 page 420; that certain deed from M. C. Donahue and Nancy E. Donahue, his wife, recorded tn Record of DeedB of Clncknmns County, Ore gon, l!oo 126 page 423; thnt certain deed from F. W. Canning and Margar et Canning, his wife, recorded In Rec ord of Deeds of Clackamas County, Oregon, Hook 120 pnge 427; that cer tain dood from Elsie Calkins, recorded In Record of Deeds of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, Hook 126 pnge 433; thnt certain deed from Florence J. Field houso, recorded In Record of Deeds of Clackamas County, Oregon, Hook 126 page 434; thnt certain deed from Lewis Erl and Mollie Erl, his wife, recorded In Record of Deeds of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, Hook 126 page 424; thnt cortnln deed from Gilbert Hauglum and Rena Hnuglum, his wife, recorded In Record of Deeds of Clackamas County, Oregon, Hook 126 page 418; thnt certain deed from Synneva Haug lum, recorded tn Record of Deeds of Clackamas County, Oregon, Hook 126 pnge 422; that cortnln deed from Still man Andrews and Gertrudo Andrews, his wife, recorded In Record of Deeds of Clackamas County, Oregon, Book 120 page 411; tnpt certain deed rrom K, E. Miller, recorded In Record of Dcods of Clackamas County, Oregon, Hook 126 page 435; that certain deed from M. Z. Burton and Mary J. Burton, his wife, recorded In Record of Deeds of Clackamas County, Oregon, Book 126 pnge 415; that certain deed from Kate McDonald, recorded in Record of Deeds of Clackamas County, Oregon, Hook 126 pnge 426. And that the title of the plaintiff In and to said lands and premises Is good and valid, and that all rights created by the above named conveyances shall cease, and that the title In and to said lands and prem ises therein described shall revert to and revest in W. A. Proctor, his heirs and assigns; and that the Multnomah Central Railway Company, a corpora tion, be forever enjoined and debarred from asserting any claim whatever in Sheriff! Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. G. M. Hlveley, Plointlff.- TS. Cells A. Kelly. Jnl. K. Kelly, Chas. R. Kelly. It. I. Kelly. Arthur Kelly, Res ile Kelly Walsh. Annie U Kelly, Ethel Kelly and Thoi. W. Kelly, the only heln at law of Thoi. E. Kelly, deceased. Said Thoi. W. Kelly be ing the administrator of the estate of Tljoi. E. Kelly, deceased, defend ants. State of Oregon,, County of Clackamas, SB. By vlrtuo of a judgment ord r. de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under tho sent of tha above en titled rourt. In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 10th dny of July, 1914, upon a judg ment rendered and entered iu said court on the 10th day of July, 1914, in favor of 0. M. Hively, Plaintiff, nnd nmiinut Cella A. Kelly, Jus. K. Kelly, Chas. R. Kelly. R. I. Kelly. Arthur Kelly, llessle Kelly Walsh, Annie U Kelly, Ethel Kelly nnd Thos. W. Kelly, the only heirs at law' of Thos. E. Kelly, deceased, Defendants, for the sum of $1500.00. with Interest thereon at the rato of 7 per cent per annum from the 3rd day of August, 1910, and the fur ther sum of $100.00, as attorney's fee. and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to jnnke sale of the following descrllied real property, sit uate In the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning at a stone monument set In the center of the County Rond on the North line of the George Crow Donation Iand Claim In Township Two South of Range One hast of the Willomotte Meridian; thence Enst on the North line of said Crow Donation Land Clnim 435.98 feet; thence South nt right angles to said North lino of said George Crow Dona tion Lnnd Claim 272.43 feet; thence West and parallel with said North line of said George Crow Donation Land Claim 574.19 feet to an iron pipe set In the center of said County Road; thence in a Northeasterly direction along Bald center line of said county road to the place of beginntg. Excepting, however, therefrom a strip of lnnd 15 feet lu width running East and West off of the entire length of the North side of said tract which strip has been dedicated as a portion of a public highway. ' Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment order and decree, nnd in compliance with the commnnds of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 15th day of August, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at publio ouctlon, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder for II. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest which the with in named defendants or either of them, had on the dnte of the mortgage here in or since had In or to the abovo de scribed real property or any part there of, to satisfy safd execution, Judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. E. T. MASS, Sheriff of Clnckamas County, Oregon. By n. J. STAATS, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July 11th, 1914. 'WILD MAN" KNOWIM II COIN Q TO HtMAT PRIMITIVE WAN STUNT V - 31 William Hmm,4 PROFESSIONAL DIKECTOflY Msrvsy I, Craa CROSS & HAMMOND ATTONMfYI AT LAW Wi htt mavaa' t frur ar manant quartan la Ina laivar BwllJlef. haat U U Aadrn Building. Rial fatata AbaVMti Mala (., Laana, Insurant. Oragea City, Ora, Joaeph Knowk-s, who last year went Into the Malnn wood, without rlothluK slid rime out In two months with some which he mad hlmsa If, as told by him In his book, "Alone In the Wlderness." left Chicago on his way to tha fcleroa Nevada mountain! In Callforniu. He ill aii-k to repeil his demonstration of living on food obtained wl'hout aid of other person or weapons. This time he Is so sure tint nobobdy will s.-e him while ha li In icculin that he will offer $.'.00 reward If be Is photographed. JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MOMKY TO LOAN WKINHARO iUILDIHC D. C. UtTOURrTTaT, Praataaal r. i. MS TEA. Cajfcla The First National Bank of Orcon City, Orrgon CAPITAL, 'AJXjQM. Transacts Ginarsl inking wain. 0) fraaa f A M. U f. THINGS LOOK DANK FOR MRS. ANCLt IN QUIIR BALLOU CASE Notlca. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamai County. ubn K. I'-iinn-ll. George M. Bunnell and Cbarh-i F. Bunnell, I'lalntlffi, VI. v ames A. Bunnell, Defcnduhti. By virtue of an execution Issued out of the aliove entltb-d Court In the above entitled cause, to nie directed and dated tho 1 Ith day of July. 1914. upon Judg iii nt rendered and entered In said Court cn the 2nd day of April. 1912. in favor of John F. Bunnell, George M. Bunnell and Charles F. Bunnell. plaintiffs and agnlnst James A. Bun- ell, defendant, for the sum of IIS,- .110.00 with Interest nt thn rite of 6 per cent per annum from the 2nd day of April. 1912.' and for the further sum of $126.60 costs, disbursements and the costs of and upon thii writ. I did on the ir.ih day of July, 1911. levy up on all the right, title and Interest of the above named defendant, Jamei A. Hunnell, In nnd to the following de scribed real property, situated In Clackamas Couury. State of Oregon. to-wlt: Beginning at an iron pipe driven in the ground at tho Northwest corner of tract "O" of Kuehl'i acres, as shown by lho duly recorded map and pint thereof; th?nre East following North lino of said tract "O" 92 ft. and 8 Inches to the Northeast corner there of; thence South following the East lino of said tract "O" 107 feet and 2 Inches to a point: thence West par allel with the North line of said tract "O" 92 ft. and 8 inches to the West line of said tract "O"; thence North 107 feet and 2 inches following said West line to the place of beginning; all of -said premises being in Clacka mas County. Stnte of Oregon. Also. Beginning at a point 100 feet west of a point on tho West line of 7th Ave., In Robertson as shown by the duly recorded map nnd plat there of which latter point ls South 325 feet from the South line or 6th St. In said Robertson; thence West 120 feet, more or less, to the County Road; thence Southwesterly along County Road to where same Intersects the North line of lands of Beaverton Wllsburg Rail road Company as recorded in Book 10S page 440, deed records of said County and State; thence East following North line of said Benverton Wllsburg Railroad Company 140 feet, more or leBs, to Southwest corner of lot deeded by Chris Tapfer to J. R. Townsloy, as recorded In Book 128 page 250 deed records of said County and State, thence North 50 feet to the place of beginning, all In Clackamas County, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said judgment and execution and in com pliance with the commands of said writ, I will on Monday the 17th day of August, 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the front door of the County Court House in Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, sell at public auction (subject to redemption) to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendant James A. Hunnell, had on the 16th day of July, 1914, the date of the tiling of the certificate of levy herein, or since that date had in and to the above described property or any part thereof, to satisfy said ex ecution, judgment, interest, costs nnd accruing costs. E. T. MASS, Sheriff. By H. J. STAATS, Deputy. Dated this 16th day of July, 1914. First issue July 17th, 1914. Last issue Aug. 14, 1914. ( A 17 - - 7 1 AN ck$k 1 m I'boaea faeiBfl II Home A 161 BROWNILL k ITONK Attornsya-at-Law All lagil builDM prompt! atladaj U KIN A ICHUIIIL Attornsyaat-Law Oautichar AaVokat Will prmctlca la all courts, make a collection! and Mttlomeou. n.. I -4 r i . i i Ortgoa CUr. Orwa. MftS-HfJlEtl M-AH GlE reoTo p sk a whkw ent hx,atoi 8TAMFOHU. Conn, July 14. Mrs. Helen M. Angle la under darker suspi cion than ever In connection with the mysterious violent d.ath of Watdo R. ilallou, a prominent Reiubllcan poltl- clim, who was her close friend of flvu yean standing, bbe ll held under I5.0OO hall In the odd case. The find lug of blood stains In her apartment! strengthens the claim of the poll that she knows all about the cas. Thi-y think Ilallou wai murdered. They al so think another man. also prominent In this city, was In Mrs. Angle'! rooms. Further arrest! are likely. Mri. An g'e's father, who is rich, li preparing to spend his entire fortune if neces sary to defend her. THE BATTLE OF MARATHON. o C. D. A D. C LATOURtTTI Attornayi-atLaw Commercial, Real Estate an 4 Probata our Specialties. Of tea la First National Bank Bldf Oregon City. Oragon. 4jaa9sa al RECORD IS SET FOR LONG, ROUGH TRIP ESTACADA, Ore.. Juy 15. (Special) An automobile trip from Estacada to Tillamook in nine hours la the record set by J. W. Reed, of Estacada, last week in his Ford car. The automobile wai loaded with six adults, two of whom weighed over 200 pounds. The roads between the two towns include some of the poorest in this part of the state. - Besides Mr. Reed, those who made the trip are: Mr. and Mrs. Fred North, of Glad stone; Mr. and Mrs. W. Givens, of Es tacada, and Mrs. Branznell, of Pitts burg, Kas. And tha Mound Undar Which tha Old Grecian Hsroaa Rsst. A great Grecian Inndmurk la tha Soros, the mound erected over the graves of V.C Athenians who fell In the battle of .Murnthon. Aug. 12, 4M B. C The mouud is about forty feet high and WO yards In circumference. Underneath the uiouud tie the heroea who died In this most decisive Tlctory which prevented the Persians from In vading Europe. The battle bud hardly begun when the Persians In Immensely lupetior force, doubtless ten to one, pulled themselves together and by sheer mass broke through the Greek center. But this bad been calculated upon before hand. Mlltiitdes employed strategy, making his line weak at the center, and allowed the Persians to break in. Then, with bis heavy masses at the ends, he ground the Persian wings to pieces nnd fell upon their center. The most stubborn lighting, apart from the battle at the ships, was probably at this spot, half a mile from the shore. Six thousand four hundred Persians lay on this plain and along the shore, while 11)2 men of Marathon lay wrap ped In glory on the Held. It was long suspected that the he roes of Marathon were burled under the mound, but Mr. Stals, one of the Greek ephorl of antiquities, studying the plain, came to the conclusion that the surface of the soil had been raised by alluvial deposits eight to ten feet -above the level of 490 B. 0. In 1SU0 he drove a trench with a downward slant Into the center of the mound and found the bones of the heroes with their weapons beside theu. Strand Magazine. Wants, For Sale etc. FOR SALE Young saddle horse. Ad dress W. M. Hellemn, Jennings Lodge, Ore. GOOD BALED CLOVER HAY for sale. $6.50 at my barn. Mrs. W. H. Meyers. Sherwood, Ore., R. F. D. 2. Notice. WHEREAS, at a Special Election held In Maple Lane Precinct in Clack amas County, Oregon, on the 30th day of June, 1914, a vote was taken for and against stock running at large tn said precinct and said vote resulted in a majority of votes being cast AGAINST STOCK RUNNING AT LARGE In said above named precinct. THEREFORE, in accordance with the Statute in such cases made and provided It shall be unlawful, sixty days from the date of this notice for stock to run at large in the above named precinct under penalty of $10.00 for the first offense and $20.00 tor each and every subsequent offense to be re covered from the owner of the stock. Dated July 3, 1914. W. L. MULVEY, County Clerk of Clackamas County. SINKING SHIPS. If Completely Submerged They Must Go to tho Bottom, Answering a correspondent who writes: "I am very anxious to find out whether a ship will sink if the bottom of the ocean Is at great depth or, at least, at such depth that the weight of the water would be greater than the weight of the ship. It is the opinion of many that at a certain depth the ship would remain suspended lustend of sinking to the bottom. Please ex plain the exnet truth of tho matter," Edgar Luelou Larklu lu the New York American says: "Any mass that will entirely ank below the surface of the ocean will sink to the bottom of any sea or ocean on earth. This is because water ls al most incompressible. "Enormous pressure In hydraulic presses has been made upon distilled and also upon sea water, and the di minution of volume that Is, increase of density ls only 0.000044 for ocean water for each atmosphere, 1. e., each addition of fifteen pounds to each square Inch. Then water soaked wood would be increased in density by very nearly the same amount "Hence if all of the wood In a wood en ship sinks below the surface It must go to the bottom. The question of reaching the bottom of the ocean ls de cided for any kind of matter of any ship or boat by its behavior at the sur face. If all of the material of the boat sinks at all below the surface, then tt will fall to the bottom of any sea. there being such slight Increase tn density of water at the bottom of the deepest J W. i EDDY, V. 5, H. D. V. Craduate of the Ontario VeUrt- nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKUlip School of Bur- a . . , r-t l . ....it., I I aery oi idicbko, la vsiaousuea f at Fashion Stable, Fifth BL. be- I I tween Main and Water Sis. Both IWpaonea I OUIce Pacific, Main (5; Home, A 5. Residence Pacific, Main 184 e e e I a I CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney -at-Law Notary Publio Estacada, Oregon. - e.e-e-a-e-e STRAIGHT i SALISBURY ? e We make a specialty of InsUU- tng water systems and plumb- t lng in the country. We carry the Leader tanks and 8tor etv glnes. We nave a full it t Myers pumei and itray pumps. Prices always loweit, e 720 Main 81 Oregon City Phone 1682. i e-e-e-e-e-e ee-e-e-ee-e O. D. I B Y Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. e 4 e e MONEY to LOAN For long or snort periods VVM. HAMMOND, Lawyer Beaver Building, Oregon City Tom J. Myers-E. A. Brady 1 UNDERTAKER? . . ..." - - V A The only residence undertaking es tablishment In Clackamas County. Day and Night Service Tenia and Water Streets Main 123 A-37 SPECIAL TO WOMEN The most economical, cleansing and germicidal of all antiseptics ls rxitt A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douches in treating catarrh, inflammation or Ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by feminine ills It has no equal For ten years tho Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtlne In 'their private correspondence with, women, which proves its superiority. Women who have been cured say It Is "worth its weight in gold." At druggists. EOc. large box, or by mall. The Paxtou Toilet Co, Boston, Haas. "TEMPERANCE- MAN ARRESTED Although he stoutly maintained in broken accent that he was a temper ance man and bad never taken a drink in his life, a man giving his name as James B. Smith, was arrested at 11:30 o'clock Wednesday night by Officer Henry Cooke on a charge of drunk enesa. He will be taken before Re corder Loder sometimes today.