Om:(iON (MTV KNTKHPHIHK. I'lMDAY. .JITf.V 17. lfl I. GROOM OF TWO JOHN WANAMAKIR IN HOtUiT MIALTH At HE ft T STAFFORD WOll IS MOLALLA ELECTRIC NfANe 7ITM BlH ' HDAV OUT ALLEGED FRAUD DEAD AT ACE OF 92 LOSES OUT T MONTHS MB LARSEN & CO. WHOIXSALK AND KKTAII Groceries, Produce and Commission The largest and moat complete stock in our line in Clackamas County. . WE PAY CASH For country produce. All goodi old on Money-Back Guarantee. Wc kIvc &t Green Trading Stamps 1001-1003 Main St. Oregon City, Ore. I LOCAL DRICPS a. . w Waitr Tar'1". MiUII. Ii spend ,.,,ial l -uu''r l. i,, (iiiiKli. "I MiUII. wa In lb ii.uniy ' I"'1' Wednesday. ilf. m. Vf T M. I lr. of Ilia 'ni ii.Klil. rr III lo0 Wdll-a day Hiram "ackaon, of lha Aurora die l-i. i. i" Ml a.'vrral days till work In c...ri4. ii. i.rrgory, of Ihe Molalla ili.iti' t. I ii lha county sat ovrr'',,M li"i'"Hal'ly fur I'arlflc (lron, H'allf.. wbira tnny will enjoy a abort Jtun lay. M V Mi 'ann. of lha Molalla dlatrlrt hii the latter arl of lha wk In Ilia muii'y trt (' W. Owing, of llulilianl. la annul li ai to Imnliiraa matter In Oregon. City f..r a few day. Mr alul Mr, Fred North, of (Had (mi, inrtilo an auuinioliIlM trip In Till ainiNik recently. Floyd Klhem, of lha Ijigan dle Irirt, la (pending Ilia Uller pari of Ihe week In lha county seat. Edward Murphy, Ih boy who wa rut on a pWie of tin whlln swimming ai tlreenpolnt lal work, la much b (- IT. Mini Kdllh Maniuani, of I'orllanil, returned to hrr home Tuesday after i. ndliig a wrk In Canty and Or.-gon 4Ty. Mra. 0. V. Maatrrwon. of Molalla. Il helping lha ladle of lha Canity Meth odic church In operating lha Chau tauqua cafeteria. Mr Ethel Klrhyaon. of the Molalla cllMrii t, returned lo brr home after ai tnliim acveral day a with friends In id., nniiity scat. Mra. I'. U Naah, of Ihn (pre of lha Iim-.iI Mtirflrfl, went lo Eetacada Hat urlay hir aha conducted an exami nation for rural carrier. Mra J J. Conk, of III la rlly. left AVnlni'Mtay morning fur lUr View, where alia will Vlnlt her slater. Mm. K. I'. Car vr for the next six week. Mr Julia Thompson, of Randy, waa In the county at Monday and Tues day She leave Ilia latter part of thia week for eastern Oregon where lie will vlalt hrr aim. Gilbert Thomp son. K. U Palfrey, of Molalla. wna In thl rlly Ilia first of the week with bla fain II r. They art ramped at the Gladstone Chautauqua and plan to spend all of lha lima lo lha cloaa of lha araalon thara. i. u. Miiiania, a farniar of lha aomm rn part or Marlon roilnty. la anncllnic a few dayi with hla pnwit. nr. ami Mra. u. r. wininma. who r- n-ntiy movrd Into iho Itmlland dl trlrt from SprlnKfMd. T. . froaa. Ihn n'wly appolntod aKrU'iiliural cxiwrt of Iho rortlund Itollway. Until A Pnwr company, tin hn viaitinic all lha Cluckamaa county riimniunltlca alonR Hm Mora of his eunipntiy durliig tlio luat week, Mr. and Mra. 0. O. llovera. who r- ri ntly nioved to Cnntiy, wt-ro In Oro- Mi n ( Ity for tho first tlmo Tu.-aday itfirrnovin. Tlioy will apond arvnnil itnya In tho county ami and In i'ort land ln'foro rcturnliiK to tholr homo, Mica Loiilao Walker, of thla city MrH. ( M. Dlcklnaon. of 8onttlo, mid Karl Ulllor arrived In Orcnon City liii'ailiiy cvoiiinx from San Kranrlaco Th. pnrty made Iho trip tip from tho California town by automolilto In nix ilnya. Wlillo ruttlna wood Monday aftnr noon, A. Pulilke struck a knot and tha iixk Hllpprd, cultliiR Ida ankln. The wound wna deep but Dr. Ouy Mount whu drcBHi'd tho cut, anld Monday I'Vt'iiiiiK Ihut lluiro would bo no sort ou n-Hulis. Mr. Dulilko lives on tho I limit road. Tim Infnnt son of Mr. and Mrs. Oil licit Kinder of Clackntnna llelnhts, who fell n dlHtunco of olKbt feet and struck on IiIh head soveral months hro, Is prncticnlly rocovored, according to un nniiouncunieiit of Dr. C. A. Smart Wednesday. The boy waa threatened with Potts' dl8inHe, a serious nllmont or tbe spine, nnd fur month he was In a critical condition. In order lo colloct $1870 which he claims Is due him us the result of a real estate snle made on lime to J. It Klllott. Ten Ilroock Whlpplo has fllnd a sun in 1110 circuit court, numlng Kl llott na defendant. Th n nr(innitv In volved Is two lots In Hood Vlow Acres. vvnippio niso nsKB Tor 150 attorney fees. W. W. Sparks, a Vancouver, Wash lawyer; Judiie H. H. Hack. A. n. Pr.n. dull, a banker; M. R. Bparh, a motor car oaior; Mr. M, C. Sharpe, nil of Vnncouver, nnd Mrs. J. II. Cbllllps, of l-iton, Mass., formed an automobile variy wnic.n paHsod through Orenon Mty the first of the week on their way lo Foley spring on the uppor McKen e, where they will spend a week's COUNTY 6TATI3TIC3 "On;V fo tho wife of Clarence Roll, a Fvii I, "OIIN to the wife of Georgo Morley, . or Clnt'knmna. a clrl. "OIIN to the wlfo of Edward Oorborrn, i?...,'Kan- boy, Monday. , ""'in to the wife of George Taves.'of iir,o IIuK'. 0 Rlrl, Monday. 1 v. 0 tre w,re of J- E- 8mt. f mreei, juesuay morn nc. """Khtor. C ASTOR I A Por Lifimu tA ObtUm. ktotiTJ? warrlod man can live on in waXtg,baChe,'W" h" wlfa. take" In The Social Whirl Currant Happanlngi of Intaraet In and Abaut Oragon City 1111.1.11' J. MNNOTT f KUma alia, a-m of Mr. and Mra A Hiiiuoti or llila rlir. ass mar rii d to Mlia Klrrnra iorn al a nuli'l elding al Hai'n4 than rhunti by ll-r. ralli-r MrMllllan. M. J . at alt o'clock niaaa Turaday mornlnc. Tliry liinniiMin. Mr HliiniMI Is lha ablrat son of Mr. and Mr. A. M. Hlmiott. I In has many fru nila and arqualnianrca In this city whom Im r-alin alxnit all yart, com Inc fnun lilr, I.lalio. tli bis par- oia and rumpli-llna bis rdurallon al Mel joikIiIIii Inatlluta In IVn. Follow Ilia; Ma graduation bfl look up liraapa pr work and workrd on lha various DewapaMr In this illy. Kour yrars ago ba moTPd lo Klamath Kalla, h ra ha has alnre Ufn cnnniH-id with lha Klamath Kalla llrrald and h'-ra be nirl his bride, Mra. Hliinoll la (lie daiieliti-r of Mr. and Mra. ('. II. Ilowrn or Montaaun, California. Rho has won many frW-uda In Klamath Falls durlnsj brr rrald-nr lhrr and la of a vary l-aaln. prr aotialltr. Mr. and Mra. Hlnnott will make Ibnlr home In Klamath Kalla. Ml R. W. H. IlKlilitCK of Ibis rl'y and Mlaa Cory Carnili liacl of Cortland, wi-r marrlod Wi-d- noadnv nmnilng at I o'clock at Ihn pariM-blal rraldi-iirn of !(. Kath'-r O llara of I'orllund. Only a frw rt la llvoa and liniiiwllalp frli-mls wltnfsard the ci rcinony. The brlda wore a li romliiK Iran-ling suit of blue s-rg and hat to match and brr cor&agn ImiiiiiukI waa roses and lllllus of the vail 7. Tbo couplo was utiattriidiMt. Mr. and Mra. Iteddlck li ft linlnrdl atrly following lha con-mony for Ha altlc. wbi-ra tlmy will lake the slramor for Aluaka for a abort wrddlng trip. Mra. Hi-dilli k's former home waa In Hniilnaii, .Mli lilnnn. and einco brr real denro In the western atutea she bns niadj her borne with her undo and aunl. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kariner, of I'oriland. Mr. Iteddlrk Is suorliitendent of the wood room of the Willamette I'ulp t Caper company and baa resided In tbls rlly the pout twenty-five years. Mr. and Mm. Iteddlck will make their home here. siyn. an n ft U. AND MRS. THOMAS C(M)KE r. aud Mrs. 1). A. Dlllmnn, and Mrs. Joe Cooke. Mr. snd Mra. (loo. V. Ely and fnmlly and K'dward Miller formed a pnrty and left by automobiles July 4, for tho north fork of the Molalla river. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cooke. Mrs. Geo. V. Kly and daunhters camped Ihe entire ten doys, while the remainder of tbe party spent only tho week-ond eiiloyliiK fUbliiK, hunting and other out-of-door sporta. Trout creek which Is located near the Molullu river was I lie st renin where the nuijorlty of the fish wero caught. Wllllnm Morand, deputy grnnd mas ter, asHister by E. F. Donahue, in-- aliill'd officers of llorlng lode. No. 231. I. O. O. V.. as follows; Noble grand, II. A. Heck; vice grand, William WIipcIit; conductor, C, K, Croser; anion, William E. Child ; chaplain. Krncst Anderson; rlnht supportor noblo grnml J. I). Jonsrud: left sup portor tioblo grand, Herman Johnson: rlKht Riipporter vice grand, J. E. Sob for; left supporter, Georgo Tachcran; Inner Kiinrd, J. A. Veil; outer guard, C. M. l.nko. Officers of Uobekah lo.lKe, No. 21.'l. aro; Noblo grand, Amy L. Mirand; ivce grand, Louisa Johnson; treasurer, Laura 11 rook; conductor. Snrah Wheeler, warden, Margaret Can ning; chaplain, lllanch Heifer; right supporter nolilo grand. Myrtle Wheel er; loft supporter noble grand So'ma I lost ell; Inner guiird, Nora Myers; out side, J. A. Mlel. JAMES CONWAY, 16, BREAKS HIS PAROLE Sheriff E. T. Mas received word Wednesday afternoon that James Con way, who was sentenced and then pa' rolod by Circuit Judge Campbell, on a charge of burglary nt Oak Urove, had become Involved In th burglary in Portland on the night of July 8, and was held by me Cortland Juvenile of ficers. Judge Campbell was notified and Sheriff Moss was Instructed to take the boy to tbe state penitentiary. wnere lie would serve out his sentence. ltie Portland Juvenile authorities wore notified of the sentence hnnglng over the hoad of tho boy nnd Sheriff Muss requested that he be turned over to Uio local offlclnls. but the reoiiest wns refused. The mother of the boy Is In Canada. Young Conway claim 10 lie only iti year old. ERA I'M IN SESSION NEW ERA, July 15. The SDlritual- 1st camp meeting of northwestern Ore gon Is now In session. Will C. Hodge of California, Is the principal speaker with othflr speakers present. Mrs. Downes, a modlura, 1 here for the season and other mediums are on the round. 8unday, July 19. is Portland day. A dance will be given every Wednesday and Saturday evenings for the pleasure of the young people. KOIANO Hf NMINGHOUO, ACE 24 years, losci hii Lire in OSWEGO LAK( fOURTH DEATH OF KIND IN WEEK Htavy fjinntr Jual Bafora Plunge U Thought to Have Cauaad Drown ing as He Was a Oood Kola nd llrrmliiKboua, age 21 years, a bridegroom of two months, was drowned al Z.Ii o'rlixk Tljur.duy aft rriiiMin while apendliig Ilia day on -ego Uka lilt bis brlds and a frl. iid, d (illiaon, age 11 y.iri This Is the fourth accidental drowning raan In Clackamas county In the laal week. Ilcrinliinlioiia had left hla wife on Ihn thore and alili young lilliaon waa row ing ai roaa lha lake at Ihn upper and. alxiul hr mile fnun Ihn road. Aa they rame altliln loo lne of the shore. Ilrrinliiglious offered lo race Ullison to Ihe ahora. (Jlliaou lo atay In the boat and ba lo aalm. lleriiiliiKhous sprang in lha water and Jual as hi swam out of rea h of the boat be dropprd under the surface. Young lilliaon In Ihe boat was loo ex cited in tate bis older companion and II ('. Krlsldi', who was In bis bont houan alioul I no f.t from llrrmlng- houa. IIioukIiI that Dm swimmer as merely playing. The My waa takrn from the water by Arch lwls and W. II. Metgar about 12 minutes after be dropped ImIow ih surface. llrrnilnKhous ate a largn dinner ahortly bWore bla plunge from the loal and II la thought thai tbls was be cause of his d'-ulh as be was good swimmer. Coroner Wllaoo was notlflinl but aft er conducting an Investigation con cluded that an Inqueat was unneces sary. Tbe brldu did not are the tragedy. but according to reports received late Thursday evening, she was prostrated with grief. They were married In Cortland early In May. Tbe parents of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Urictit. live al 7(0 Kearnry street. Cortland, and the newly married couple resided at 714 Ullaan street llerinlnghous had been employed by Allen a Lewis, of Cortland, for Ihe last nr. ycura aa an accountant. Ho was born lu Ht. Uiuls and Is survived by one brother who lives In that city. Ills parents are dead. SECOND ACTION OF Ei The personal damage suit of John Hendrtcksun, a farmer living near Canliy, against the Southern Pacific, waa non suited by tho plaintiff Thurs day morning and tbe caaa waa dis missed. Heudrlckson lost a damage conn in Ihe circuit court Tuesday in which be alleged that bis btiKgy and horses were severely damaged by a collision with a train. Tho Bcoud suit was to recover money for physlcul ln Juries. L IS Off FOR THE SEASHORE Company L, O. N. O., mado a good showing early Monday turning when tho militiamen started on the annual encampment to Geurhart park. They tramped through Oregon City, number ing about ti5, beaded by their captain, L. E. lllunthard, to take tbe South ern Pacific. This year the periodical bivouac will be held at Geurhart, and tbe boys will be away for 10 days. Captain L. O. llluiicbard. First Ueutenant W. n. Lo gus and Second Lieutenant Eden lllun ohnrd are tho oftleoru of tho company. NEEDY FARMER MADE DEFENDANT IN SUIT CADIZ PRATT CHARGES JOHN TAYLOR STOLE AFFECTIONS OF HIS WIFE John Taylor, a well-to-do former ot the Needy district and a member ot one of the oldest pioneer families In tho county, is named as defendant In a $5000 suit filed Tuesday In the cir cuit court by Cadis Pratt, a neighbor, who charges Taylor broke up his home, On April 20, 1914, the plaintiff al leges, his wlfo and children left him and spent several days with the de fendant, who Is unmarried. Other nets, which It Is alleged show that Taylor had nn affection for Mrs. Pratt, are cited in the complaint. Taylor, through his attorneys, Brow nell & Stone, fllod nn answer Tuesday. In the answer the defendant denies ev ery statoment mado In the complaint. FOUR DECREES 8IGNED Circuit Judge Campbell signed four divorce decree Friday a follow: Da vid Noukom from Minnie IJ. Neukom, John A. Peterson from Q. G. Peterson, Leigh Williams from Katherine Wil Hams and Amanda Burns from Wil liam Burn. DECREES GRANTED Circuit Judge Campbell granted two divorce decrees Monday as follows: Elsie Gertrude M. Savan from Edward Savan and Grace JoRpphlne Wessells from Curtis F. Wessell. V DIVORCES GRANTED Two divorce degree were granted by Circuit Judge Campbell Thursday as follow: Mary 8cherlch against Mathew Scherlch and Mabel Unden against Al Linden. l. -JOHM VAMAMAKER 1 CIIII.AnKM'IIIA, July f John Won aniaker .the famous nx-r hant, will relehrate bla seventy slilh birthday on July 11. He waa born bare In IH'SH and built up bis great bualness sue eras here. Mr. Wanamsker la report ed lo be In Ibe beat of health. H plan ned to take an active part In Ihe na tional Fourth of July celebration bore REAL ESTATE DEAL GOTTFRIED BLUHM INSTITUTES 'SUIT FOR 17400 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Charging fraud and deceit In tbe sale of Ihn furniture of Ihe Berkeley Apartment house, on Trinity street, Cortland. Cotu'rled llluhm ha Institut ed suit In the circuit court against M. Howell, K. M. Howell and T. Cham bers Howell for f74i0 dumagrs. The plaintiff charges that be owned a farm, consisting of 120 acres valued at I'.iOOO on which there was a mort gage of $1350, and was deslrlous of ex changing the land for income bearing property. Through the agency of W. F. Hchooley, local real estate man, he met tho defendants and effected an ex change of his farm for the furniture of the Portand apartment bouse, which Hlubm says, the defendants said were worth $12,000. Hlubm further allege that the de fendant told him that the net monthly returns from the apartment house were $3C0 except In the dull summer months; that tbe hat, hot water, and telephone service for the apartment wna furnished by W. U Morgan and wna Included In the monthly rental of $r00; and that a reduction In the rent al could be secured If he would sign a lease. Then after the deal was made, Bluhm says be found that every fea ture of the deal had been misrepresent ed to him. He states that he found that the property was worth only $1500 and tliut there waa a mortgage on the property of $10t0. lie also says he ascertained that the property had not been paying expenses for many months; that the heat, hot water, and telephone service wa charged at the rate of $75 alxive the monthly rental of $500, and that a reduction in the rent could not be obtained from Mor gan through a lease. Attorney O. W. Eastbam appears for Bluhm. - A FRANCHISE IN TOWN MII.WAUKIE. Ore., July 15. The application of L. H. Campbell, of Mil- waukie, for a 25 year franchise for a street railway line on the principal streets ot Milwaukle which had been amended by the public utilities com mittee of the council, was given Its first reading lust night at the council meeting and ordered posted. In response to a petition of property owners on I-atirel avenue approving the new specifications of the city engi neer for the macadamizing of the ave nue for its full length of a half mile, the council adopted the new specifica tions nnd work will start as soon as bids are lot. The application of the .Portland & Oregon City railroad, Stephen Carver' line, for a franchise -from the ast end of Washington street' - to Shindled street and north on Shlndler to the Milwaukle boundary was withdrawn at Inst night's meeting and a petition for an amended franchise will be present ed at the next meeting ot the council. STATE COMMISSION TO BE HERE JULY 24 The state railroad commission will bo In Oregon City on the afternoon of July 24 to hear the application ot the Oregon and California and the South ern Pacific railway companies for the construction of a track across Mobs street. The proposed side track will lead from the main line of the Southern Pa cific to the new 'warehouse of the Lucke Commission company. The work preparatory for the laying of the track is practically completed. MANY DEFENDANTS NAMED O. W. Eastham, Daisy a Easthara, P. DeRoo, Axe Logging company, S. J. Kaminsky and Fred B. Madison are named defendants In a suit which was filed Saturday by D. E. Dahlberg, to collect a note for $1500 which be claim was signed by O. W, Eastham, November 9, 1910, In this city. The others named have become involved through a mortgage on property be longing to Eastbam. ZIMMERMAN ESTATE PROBATED The estate of Davis Zimmerman, valued at $100, was probated with tbe countr court Saturday, and TrvDhena 1O, Miller was appointed administrator. TRACT CCtl BACK TO ORIGINA OWNER BY JUDGE CAMP BELL'S DECREE What bas I" en frequently denounced retniilly as and slarilln raan of attempted fraud waa t-ndd In the circuit court Monday wbeo Judg Campbell aliened a derrre a& tiding lo Eugene Cumliia and Olive Cuiolna, hi wifn, a to acre trai t of land lu the Highland dlalrlcl, valued at about 2I"0, and rnnrrljiid Ihe dxd lo the property lu the Mine of Cuor; Albert All.n. The defendant In Ibe action, ft. Mike Allen or George Albert Allen, sp proachnd Cumins Man h 31, and of feiwd lo buy the lH'ler's property In tbn Highland dlalrlcl. lu payment be offered a note for IIZW, algoed by T, Hherwood of l.yona, aud enduraed by W. W. Little. Allen, It was charged told Cumins (hat both of ihrae una wre well lo do, but evidence was In roduced lu tho circuit cert prove that Ibe note wa valueless. The trade was made and on April principals In the deal were In the law office of C. II. Dye In tbls city to have the deed drawn acd signed. Aft rr both parties bad signed the doru men, Allen aaked to Inapt-! It and Ihe deed waa bunded lo bliu. lie prompt ly folded It up and put It In his pocket. explaining to Cumins Ibat If he would form to Portland be would be paid. When lha party left Ibe attorney's of fice, Cumins went to a bank aud Al- en, by going In a round about way. lost Cumins In the crowd on Main streot and recorded the deed. Several dnys later when Cumins asked blm for tbe payment, Allen Is said it have made Ihe assertion that be bad made his last payment and tbe land was bla. ARTY OF 3 INSPECTS . SOUTH FORK BRANCH SEVERAL DAYS WILL BE SPENT IN ROUGH COUNTRY BACK OF TOWN OF DODGE In order to make a thorough Investi gation of tbe watershed of tbe south fork of the Clackamas river from hlcb It Is proposed to bring a pipe line to Oregon City for a pure water supply, M. D. Latourette, acting chair man of the water commltee. Engineer II. A. Rands and Al Price left the city Thursday morning for a trip through the country back of Dodge and In the headwaters of the Clackamas river. The party left Oregon City at 5 o'clock In the morning, equipped with barometers, cameras and other Instru ment. Tbe automobile, which carried tbe party to within a few mile ot the south fork, was left at Dodge about S o'clock and tbe party proceeded up the trail toward the ridge defining the south fork water shed. The party will spend tbe first night at an elevation of 4,800 feet on South Fork mountains. They plan to leave their horses at this camp and proceed on foot Friday morning on a long and rough route which will completely cli cle the water shed. Last week the entire water commit tee, William Andresen, chairman of the water committee; W. A. Long and M. D. Latourette, made a trip covering much of the ground which will be gone over by tho three men who left here Thursday. El REDRESS FOR MAIN STREET FOUND TO BE IMPRACTI CABLE BY BODY IS The Joint street committee, consist ing ot the council committee on streets and public property and the commit tee of three Main street property own ers, met Tuesday afternoon and decid ed upon the recommendations which would be made to the council at the next meeting. H. M. Templetou, chair man ot the Joint committee and pre sided Tuesday afternoon. The recommendations will include practically every feature which was announced last Thursday. The com mittee has decided that, owing to the condition of the bricks, . a redress would not be practical so will recom mend that the bricks be removed. The street will be then brought to within two inches of grade with crushed rock, thoroughly rolled, and a two-Inch coat of standard bitulithio will be placed on the rock. The -committee will recommend that the council notify the Portland Rail way, Light & Power company of the proposed street Improvement and ask that the railway company bring its tracks Into repair. DOWUNG APPEALS TO CIRCUIT COURT Arthur Dowllng, who was convicted by a Jury before JiiBtice E. L. Kellogg at Milwaukle June 17, filed an appeal in the circuit court Monday. Dowl lng was convicted of assault upon the person of John A Hann, a prisoner who was left in his charge, and on June 24 was fined $20 by Justice Kel logg. Hann had been convicted In fne Jus tice court on a charge of being drunk and disorderly and was with Marshal Reed In an effort to find bondsmen. The marshal was called away and Hann was left in the custody of Dowiing, a former marshal. During the absence of Reed, Dowllng pulled a piece of rubber hose and struck Hann several times, knocking him to the floor, according to the testimony of witnesses. MR.WAIJKIE, Ore July 15. The Milwaukle Commercial club will meet at the home of J. L. Johnson, oa Laurel avenue, July 28. Mrs. Marin fxulaa K'!llrn died at I er home near Hlafford al Ibe age of VI year ai 7 10 01 m k Friday evening after aa illitrn of mil a t r da;a. Al 4 oiNxk llniraday inoinlng aba aald I hat aba felt al-py and alia alrpl uu til her death alia only brief waaiiig spell. Although pat t4 years at the tlnu if tier death, alia bad bre a' llie and liiduailoii op lo a few day before brr death. A number of bt aon and daiiKbtrr live Within lao or Ibrea mile of bef born l.d aba would Mall each on every day, walking an or v n miles dally oa Iba trlpa from bouaa Ui bouaa. The fun-ral I sot fur Hun Jay after noon al Z o dock and burial will ba lo Ihe old lialteiitierg rnnrtrry In lha Stafford dia'rici. W. Il.maa. of Wit lainetla. will prralda at lb funeral at lha apm-ial r"iieet of Mra tllln. Kbn wa horn In Orrnany, Novum Lrr 10. IH.'l and came lo America whea youiig woman, lo 1114 aha married In Ontario, and came to Oregon In 179. Hrr huaband died 12 year ago In Cauda. Hhe la survived by svrn children: Auguat KlligM-e snd llrurr KUigarn lo anada; Fred Klllgarn, George K'illK- sen, and Za' harla KUIgaen In Hiaf- rd; Mrs. K J. Cruse, of th Wrat Hide, and Mr. Christina Kiting of Port- land. Ten great grand bildrro and 35 grandcblldr-n survive her. VETERAN OF CIVIL Peter G. Wells, a vrtrraa of Ihe ivli war and for 21 year a rrnld. nt of Oregon, died at hi home In Glad atone at 6:40 o'clock Monday evrnlhg. following a stroke of paralysis three years ago. Friday evening he sudden ly grew wore. Tbe funeral will be eld al 1 o'clock Wedneaday afternoon at Ihe Gladstone Christian church. Ho bad always been active In Ihe af fair of the local post of the Grand rmy of the Republic. Several years ago he organized the fife and drum corps and he bad taken a prominent part In other enterprlsea of thi post. He Is survived by his wife, one daugb- er, Mrs. Sadie dault. of Gladstone, and one sister In the wrat, Mrs. George Grout, or Washoucal, Waah. He was born November 8, at Waupun. Wis September 17. 1864. enlisted In the Thirteenth Wlscon- n Infantry snd served until tho end f the war. In 1890 he moved to Ore gon with his family and settled In Clackamas county, where be lived con tinuously until his death. IS.P.R.HEINIG.DIES AFTER YEAR'S ILLNESS SANDY, Ore July 13. Following an Illness that had covered a period of more than a year, Mrs. Mary Sophie Meinig, 40, wife of Mayor P. R. Melnig, of this city, died tbls afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, at tho family residence. She is survived by tbree children, Gert rude, Francis and Alfred. In addition to tbe parents and hus band, she leaves three sisters and four brothers Mrs. II. H. Thomas, Sandy, Ore.; Mrs. E. Ilramhall. Troutdah?. Or.; Mrs. W. W. Ward. Portland: Ernest Aschoff, Junction City, and Otto, Hen ry and Carl Aschoff, of Marmout, Or. The funeral will take place Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the family residence and burial will be at the Cliff Side cemetery. Bull Run. The local order ot Rebekahs of which Mra. Meining was a charter member will at tend, t AT M. P. Adams, age 65 years, a promi nent farmer ot the Macksburg country, southeast of Cunby, died at his home enrly Saturday morning after a short illness. He is survived by his wife and several children. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon and inter ment will be in Zlon cemetery. ELKS HAVE A BIG' PICNIC AT BULL A the guests of the Portland lodge of Elks a special car loaded to capacity left Oregon City Sunday morning to Join the Portland and Vancouver brothers at Bull Run park, where the festivities were held. The first event on the programme after the arrival at the park was a concert by the Elks' band. Then the crowd scattered among the trees and the bulky baskets, which had been so much in the way on the cars,- were opened. In the afternoon, the band formed an auxiliary orchestra, and for three hours those who knew how danced in the pavilion. During this three hours the sport programme was held. The tug of war between the Portland and Oregon City lodge members was one of the exciting events ot the day. Eleven "Bill," none of them in any too good condition, were on each side. After 10 minutes of pulling and haul ing, the visitors felt the sting of de feat and Portland carried away the trophy. LEAGUE ELECTS OFFICERS ESTACADA, Ore., July 15. (Spe cial) At the first regular meeting of tbe Estacada Development league, E. W. Bartlett was elected president, F. W. Cary, vice president, and Irwin D. Wright, aecretary and treasury. Com mittees were appointed to get busy at once regarding the location of a can nery here. AURORA POSTMASTER NAMED WASHINGTON, July 15. The presi dent today nominated Mrs. Diana Sny der to succeed herself aa postmaster at Aurora. MRS. LYOIA IRVIN OBTAINS JCDC MEfvT fOR ERECTION OF LINE OF POUS Mr. 1. Mi Iron oli'alhed a Judg uo-nt lo lha circuit --,ri agiol lha Uolall iMirir r.iiiiny tr .". aft tr conflict brtarrii id plaintiff and lha drfrodaiit ah:h ba U'e4 au Ilia fi'at of lb year over Ihe em iooi f polls ai-ri brr farm hear liarlua. lb Jury relurbri) l verd;l lata Wed nraday Bight. In January lb elclrk roiiiiuny rrn ted four (xd!a oa lb plaintiff a farm al Carlo without althrr w-ur-lug p-rinlaaion or obtaining a right of- way. Mr. Irvln, Iba flight after V.fT era rrnrlad, rul lha poll dowa and about lao weeks later another gang f mra from tbe company appeared ou lha property and began to erect a t set of poll. Irvln, at Iba time tho work waa going on, ranm from hi h'Miae, ate In band, sad declared 10 ibn foreman of tbe work that b would rul down Iba a poll. A dlauru- Ion followed In which lha foreman maintained bla roinpany had a right- of wy through lha land, but Irvta In duced the mro lo slop. The foreman rame lo Orrgoa City, swore out a com plaint charging Irvla with aault with a dangerous wrapon. and. while Irvln waa under arrrat, ba went back and etvcied lha poll. Irvln was Mraaed a abort lime after his arrrat and a'l charges dropped. All tbl w admit trd by tbe defendant's la lbs action. Mrs. Irvln. who owns the farm, then began a sull In ejectment against Ilia electric, company. The day before Ibn rase ram to trial the company moved Its polls off Ibe land, so tbe only rauae for action was to to gain damages. HILL STRIKE STILL ON AT M1LWAUKIE Th hope for opening Ibe U B. Mene fee Lumber company at Milwaukle, which was cloned down last Tuesday when half of the men quit becauae of the discharge of Thomas Ruddy, a sawyer. Is small at present Manager Tevls of the mill said Monday that be did not know when tbe mill would re sume operations. Member of the Shingle Wearer union are asking that Ruddy be rein stated and thl has been refused. Mr. Tevi said that Ruddy had been em ployed about f'O days, but bad not been doing but work and was discharged aft er warnings. There bas been fio reduction. In wages. said Mr. Tevls. "and the hours are satisfactory. We pay union wages, but run an open shop. We object to having any one dictate whom we shall emplay or discharge. I do not know when the mill will start up. Ruddy will not be put back to work. The striker declare thnt the tna chln Ruddy was operating wa not In good running order; that It could not be operated to Its capacity. FOR DIVORCE SUIT Charging that her husband deserted her In Portland, November 21, 1911, and since that date had failed to con tribute todward her support, Iva Cof feen has filed a complaint in tbe cir cuit court asking for a decree from John Coffeen. They were married In Canby. April 10. 1910. The wife asks that her maiden name, Iva Hutchinson, be restored to her. Adulopb B. George filed a suit for divorce against his wife, Maggie F. George, Monday, on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment. Th y were married in this city April 30, 1910. STOP SERIES OFTHEFS BROTHERS LIVING IN JENNINGS LODGE, CONFESS TO TAK ING OF ARTICLES A long series of petty thieves in Jen- ' nings Lodge is thought to have been broken up by the arrest of Frank Jones, age 14 years, and Clyde Jones, age 11 years, by Juvenile Officer Frost. The two boys are sons of Mrs. Jennie Jones, a widow, of Jennings Lodge. When it became known Monday that the boys were under suspicion and that a thorough search of the house would be made a number of persons called up Justice Slevers and District At torney Hedges and described small articles which had been missed In the last few weeks. Included in the list were such things as a bicycle, two fountain pens, clothes and other arti cles. Officer Frost made a thorough search of the house Monday evening but was not able to find any ot the missing articles. The first clue which would lead to the identity of the person who had been carrying on the petty thievery was the report of W. J. Wilcox last Friday, that hit watch and chain had been stolen. Officer Frost, at the sug gestion of Wilcox, secured a search warrant and went through the house of Mrs. Jones. After spending several hours in the search, Officer Frost found the missing Jewelry in a chicken incubator. Since Friday the officials have kept a close watch on the boys, and Monday afternoon Officer Frost brought them to Oregon City when District Attorney Hedges took them through a severe grilling. Beside the watch and chain, the boys acknowledges to the district attorney that they had taken a pair of lineman's cltmlng Irons, dynamite caps and several plecs oft a steam engine. ESTACADA WINS ESTACADA, Ore., July 13. Lang & company was defeated by Estacada in a fast 10-lnnlng game, 5 to 4. This is the first defeat in eight games for the losers. Three home run were the fea ture. Batteries Estacada, Smith, Smith and Harshy; Lang t company, Fitzgerald and Early.