OHEdON tMTY KNTKIUMUSK. l'K'MUV. JULY 17, HH Enterprise News Service Covers Clackamas County MYSTERY OF THE EEL WIL60NVILLC Norris Yuiihk hlipd one "f hi i.li iicli,l tit halet iu Monday HAZCLIA Mit Harriet tinman irnl the E STACAOA tr, liul K'l iinp i l"f trvpa. A lnt-elll. of the liaid lit Hrp4'll ,if Hid 1'i'iiiKtil. Oak Groie and Jin iii l.i l- to tiiN'U a III l' lu lil at III" bUw u( Mr. II tl rlutkarallirr Wed roiitld'-rabl building U going '' '","- ,hB l:n' "f ; f.. . ,h m UHd .1 tlx l.L.de il on into-orae. tn.-mdum . n Urn (.,r " '.""" A young .on armed recently '! th. be, brother. IU,, who I. er HI with , II. Ki.t.ut and b.a fr Henry ' '" " j . .ull.ru of Wrden.m,,.. home. jr l4 f. , m, ,,f tha K.U...U l. J mm .hi. dl.Wbt .Lead. 4 lh. .luui.u,... Mr. Iin.t.i M a runaway on M..n- He Ml I'. nLr-H-V. ni.ruined ' ;l,f , fr w'llk , ,, , ,,, ,, i ...j. dy. h. n I.U b..re.-s b-.-me frtKht- lU rou.m to dinner Hunday. Cn.M.u.',. uu.i,r P..r. .fr MmJ--ii.-lUl N..uu. 11.11. gl.e hi. III... rued at Invading a hornet neat, nJ J .r. ,,d yr. A. Thou., fr.-m Stsf- U, ml XV4lhl. u.rj. t, r'vrguoii irated Iwtura. Mr. UroUt wa .IlKhily Injur-d. Wf,,. were nun.' irf Mr. ...J Mr.',,,, M.lrri,, , ,rk , h j,.,,,,,. m Mr ,hJ Mr ,,,,, Tul(Ur, (,,,,, r. hope for him pdy recovery. Thro SuinUUUr riumUy. 1 f ,B alB nrw iro,M.n. 'mrm-d trom Mr.M u.t. n.l t vi. Mm. DIM knit Mr. Hutlim ford t-, Mr. md Mn A. I'lilUU mt Mr. j ihn gant frtnti tti I'at-lur (l Con- hii( ( Iho !;-. A. IMruiu huiv. tided llin rhuiuU on VltirJy. rhlldi' mollit-r d Mr. nd Mr. A ' Kmi. tln I'd. rrird lu K'rad4 Hn , ir rhrl.. lui. ..r lw Anirln r.k. Ili.l.lri IUItll. bit iii"ilnr in la idd htiiiio (nan, lir ... m.d- , CW;. .1.4 I m. K. !...... l-da, f Way. Me rrH.ll rkliii(ily rm " 111 vnf ! r."vw Of alt f.itll i f Bill trli III ludlml (! rvi U lh M't rwnialkatd lid llit k't Ulidi'll."l. Il ! tit KoIiir by tula. II. 8r b und family re c-n.lnit on the chnuiauiiim Kronndi and are cn li.( the ..l'i.did pn.Kraiiia. II. O. Adn and wife aitndrd Iho chautauqua on Thiirnday. FYlday and Saturday, roln In Ihrlr new rrd ma chine. Mr. Kand. the arnlal aal-aman In Wurthlncion were among Ui-liali' nk, and are bu.ily wutklix mi the ho vUlU'd Cladttoiitt Hal.irday. ji-rrttluu tf the nra liHd.e roiinn linf Mr. and Mr. K an and Ml. ;r.r with Ktaada. our rU.le Marlon and Matrr Carton arte iih-aa- il ffrk aul callrra at the 8. H. lUiuli bon' HunJi.y. Mr. and Mr. P. Ihtnan vlaltrd In Ovavxu Saturday evrnln. I Mr ('. C. Ilorland and family vlltfd Aden'a atnre la planning a trip for him-, at the Hui.rt hi.n.e Sunday. Mr. T. W. (. tlw nealy appoint n.J Agrliullnral Km-rl of the I. It. U A I'. Co. callt-d In Kt' da thl -li, and will be out aain Itlday, the ITih. to look ovrr a:rlt'iili.iral iondltUiii clier. aa vUltma hi l.ri ilur al Ihla plai-e laat arvk. and rallid ' olhi-r Uhlae frVixW. Mr IU-ii ha rharge of the Ail. tiill Kanatorlutn liardi-na In one of the i.ihurti of U Angi'U-. Mr Jidinon and daughlera. of Aatnrla, wilt apend ttut auiuiiK-r al Ihrlr cottage at (hit ple. A brlKht baby buy found Hi way .If and family to CaM-adla. thla ae k. I Mr. Illram Wood and two children an vUltlnc at the home of Mr. and Mra. A. A. Wood. The llrotmt family have bn attend ing the Chautauqua mivtlnjc thl werk. Mr. M. C. Young and family and , n-lcea from I'ortland Sunday Mra. I!id rirnhara, Id'len Craham. Ml Hallry and Ml (layman attend ed chautauqua on Saturday, going by auto. A part of young people are planning a trip to Wilholt Spring for the wwk end. C. Pleckman'a honn-a ran away with the wood wagon on Monday, becoming frightened at an engine. Prof. Graham and family have ar rived to anend the nunimer at th-lr beautiful nnch home on the river. Antone Ilatnlgla, H. D. Aden. Are Th h.ilin. ,,,nle of Ceorge have h home of Mr. md Mra. Harry J. Mr. (;ntry and little dauulttfr, I f,,rlj a Con.imr. itil and tWIal Club, lloblnwrn on Tuedu). from On-gon City, are the boue ; ,n 1( j,))Br a I'rrdd-nt ; II. Ht-v- j Mr, f). I. Wood h hern called guru of Mr, lieo. Ilag-I thl week. (r. ft. Vice rrrldt iit and Otto Paul-; upon to tha mourn the l a!h of her Mr. IVank. from Portland. tent x-n a Si-cretary Trvurer They con- mothxr, Mr. Judd. who paed aaay the week-end at her brother'. Mr. A. i template building a due club houe In on July 7th. at tha Wood.' home. The llflnii. the grovtf n-ar the l.lnu pUi lu the dio-ean-d waa M yiar old. The fun- Mr. A. Nelimn entrtaln-d hi-r near future. ,eral waa held from the llidinan und"-r i taking parlor on dnc.day. A aon from Wyoming arrl-d to attend the ! fioieral. 1 The dancing partv given by Ml KterytMHly I buy gi-tllng their hay Wollrotl. on Saturday evening lat. In while the good wraihi-r la t a. ia not attended bv a many aa had Ml KaMe and John (titter, of plannrd on going, and wa mtponed Mr. K. Hultberg p-nt the e-kend In Oregon City with hi lter. Mr. c;h. Nac-I and Mr. (Jentry were plcawnt caller of Mra. A. Helm Sunday afternoon, MEADOWDROOK. Mm. A. Worthlngton wa taken very III Sunday evening. Ir. Vincent wa -Needy. peiit Thurday and fTlilay at , mr It Wednesday, Julv ::nd. called and he pronounced It rhi-uma-! I jirkln. I A large number of our people, at tl.m. ! The Chitiduren Ui attended the j tendi-d chautauqua on Saturday. A Mr. and Mr. M. Shipley have been Ice mam aocUl at Mullno Saturday j tlrrliig appeal to th.t young men of vlnltlng at the Prank Chllda home. i night. I the country wa made ty C. II. Pint- Mr. II. Maker' liter and huaband from Iwa are houe gut-ti at the II. Itaker home. The party given at the John Wanker tlvea at the coast last week, returning on Tuesday of thla week. Mark. W. C. Murray. W. F. Stanirel. home Saturday evening wa well at V. E. Mulloy. and other attended In-tended and all report a pleasant time, atallatlon of Odd Fellow at Tualatin Mr. Jim Zlvney I cutting hay th. e on Monday of last week, and were day. treated rovally by our neighbor of Ml. Nina Wanker la taking drea that hustling little village. making lei-on and g-neral cour.' Mr. A. A. Wood and Mm. Wood. ln . . .' . , Sr, .pent a few day Tl.lting rela-l M' W ''""'P Vnt ill. iUkpr Sunday. i A mimh.tr nf 1 1 n-lllf im atlttnilil Mr. Elmer Jonea and family are ,he el,lricaj para(le )n poniand the enjoying an outing on the chautauqua fourtn grounds Mrs. Alison Tinker spent a few dav ' -. In Portland this week, visiting at the home of her on, Clyde. The oil well Is now down 600 feet, nnd we are Informed that good reports of sample have been received from a reliable firm In Los Angeles, CaL Mr. and Mrs. Chalupsky. Mr. and Mrs. Aden. Mr. nnd Mrs. Peters. Mrs. Joe Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. Clutt-'r. pnd Mr. and Mrs. Kller attended a kitchen shower for Miss Aden on Sat urdsy evening, who is soon to become a bride. A Jolly crowd of twenty members of the Tualatin Rebekah lodge attended the Installation on Saturday evening, in our village, coming in the familiar good old time hay rack, as our train service does not permit of late enough hours. The Misses Wagner entertained a small company of friends dellRhtftilly on Saturday evening at the farm home near our village. Dancing waa the pleasure of the evening, after which dainty refreshments were served, and a Jolly good time spent by the happy guests. A Joint Installation of the Odd Fel lows and Kebekah Lodges were held on Saturday evening at which time the followlns officers were Installed: Wm. Heckstead, Noble Grand; J. L. Seely, Vice Grand: H. D. Aden, Secretary; W. . E. Mulloy. Treasurer, and Sun shine Rebekah Lodge Installed as fol lows: Miss Hflttie Batalgia. Noble Grand; Miss Mae Fitzwater, Vice Grand; T. A. Mulloy, Secretary; J. L. Seely, Treasurer. The Installing offi cers were D. D. G. M. Walter Sharp and assisting installing officer Mrs. Robinson. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served at the close of this splendid fraternal meeting. Mr. and Mr. A. U l-arkln. dauKht-: tenburg In hi lecture. ' Worm lie- er. Kuth and Alma and Mr Mernlva ; neoth the Park." Anothrr entertain Larkln visited Prank Scotf. near ! lug fe.itur waa the Utile Jubilee lng Wilholt Sunday. M; Pauline. Otto. Gi-orge and John HofHti-tter and Jullu Sihlewe attend ed the chautauqua at Gbdton Sun day. MImfi MIm'I Chlndcr-n. Hannah Johnson and P. O. Chlndgn-n left Wed nesday for Hot Spring where they expect to spend the aummer. Ella. IJIIIe and Paul S.-hlewe pent Sunday with Nettle and Glen l-arkln I. O. Orem finished cutting wood for Milton Chlndgren Wednesday. He ex pects to cut for Clark Pros. next. .'m and the reading given by Mr. Mat tin Jonva. of McMlnnvllle. Mr. Ethel W am and small dai'Khter, of Oakland, spent Friday of Ui week with Mr. A. C. Mai Farlane. Mr. W. K. Peal entertained ntim lr of Portland friend on Tuesday. Mra. T .M. Keller. Mr. Caivy and nelce. Mra. Thurnian. Mr. Collier. Mr. Mntnle Gron.nd Mr. Hen Gross enjoyed the luncheon and Inter Mra. Deal and ber guit enjoyed a trip to the river, which Is so attractive. Mra. 8. P. Dow leave Wednesday try I tu)ifil'Mi siat as iiij'ivrr a It u u kiu. It bimalina; (okiii.U arw h mil AlUnll'. at what dplh utdy kin. a. During t ear th larval evl remain at It lier rt and grow couatai.ll)' smaller. It finally tan aliiiiulug li.a.id pie inoutll of soma frv.ll water lrvaiii-ollu o" that I a ihniiMi.d tulle away. (in arrival at It dettuatlu tha eel pruu.plly rbaugra froiu the tliliinea of a vlaltlug card and a Iraitiiwrnx-r that permit only It (liateiili.g bla. k tye Id to seen to III pl.Mliel.ted iiikellka fl.h that la trapped and M-aml on tha Coa.t and lu lb river. A aoon th ' ha l.routiht forth II Aral apawnliig of 13.Ui,uiO to VI, Oi.).UJ rg k- It die, hut J.i't bow II txltriii-a end or why It should I cut off so short rvu.alu a myatery. On tiling U certain, do adult coma In from tl.a sea. do adults remain lu th stream. Tha eel I a vertebral animal wlib b meife froiu au rwg lea tli.in una twenty fifth of an hub lu dUuieter. It grow to a length of threa Iwhea lu perl. a ix a year, and during tint time Is buffeted alHMit uu tl.a hliib sea and drift over a dlMan.-a of l.l0 mile or mora. Yet during all thl period tha ael take no ftt whatever and la doubt lea lmlil of doing ao, owing to tha unprepared condition of It dli;ea tiv organ -New York Amerl n. CURIOUS MULTIPLICATION. Yu Nd Net Knaw tha Table Btyend "Twa Tun N.n What! Multiply 313 by 177 without knowing ilia multiplication table Im jrond tha "two time nlur Yea. If you can multiply and divide by 3 you can get any product In tha fullowUif almplo way: Put down the two numbers tldo by side and form a column under each by ucceaalvely dividing by 2 lu the first on ami doubling. tha Dumber In nT!i;;ria';uHr fai M tl i-alaj-aiLaaWw1 alcohol J ran tiVrT ANrlaliVPhTvtLrtrAi alnuUlljihrluuJjilltAU (lnbUa&antoKtllWli4 m u IWtoIr Di-JlUfirfrfa iwbt ami Ik-vfoniilniftrcw Ortimi MjrphL'' rr.kBj3l Not Naiic otic. BBBaaHaBBHBWa (BaaaBBBaaaaaa w- w- f A nfrrt Rrnirdv fW Civnfyt lion . Sour Slim h.DUitiu WorttuX WoiilMutrt Jorrtui lusjondLOSSOrMXtP- uSi.aV Slpatwtof r', J L . rrz Ln-r,-J. ' UuuraJUei untn i.-. Ei act Copy ol Wrapper, P Tot Infantt tj Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought" Boars tlio Signaturo of Air IfV lo iJ- Use For Over Thirty Years CHil The Beet Medicine In the World. "My little girl had dysentery very bad. I thought she would die. Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured her, and I can truthful ly say that I think It Is the best medi cine In tha world." writes Mrs. William Orvls, Clare, Mich. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) NORTH LOGAN A great many people spent the 4th of uly on tiie banks of the Clackamas river by Mr. Mc.Murry's and Mr. Chris tiansen's. Some of Mr. Shuttle's relatives from Portland came out Thursday and stay ed until after the 4th with them. Miss Maria Christiansen, a nurse from the St. Vincent hospital spent Saturday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claus Christiansen. Misses Helen McMurry and Susan Barnes, of Portland, who are camping out at Mr. McMurry's, went ,to Port land to spend the 4th. They will re turn Monday. Harry and Ollice McMurry went to Portland Thursday. Hewitt McCrackin, of Barton, start ed to work for Mr. Slopper Monday morning. Mr. A. G. McMurry and daughters were visiting his parents, Mr. J. P. McMurry's, Monday. George Christiansen Is working for Mr. Alvin Johnson, of Barton. Several of the North Logan people spent the 4th in Estacada. Will Christensen is working for Mr. Bates, of Barton. Mrs. Tonkin and Mrs. Hardy were visitors of Mrs. J. P. McMurry's Sun day. Mr. Balsmeler furnished accordlan music at the Clear Creek Park Satur day and Sunday. He has taken the contract for playing the accordlan for them every Saturday night during the summer. The Blizzard Silo Filler Is the Thing There is no question about the value of silage for feed and the Blizzard Ensilage is a good invest ment for the farmers of the Northwest for still another reason. It enables them to put away the crop when it should be put away, regardless of weather condition. Many crops could have been saved in the past few years if farms on which the loss occured had been equipped with a silo and Blizzard Silo Filler. Mi i i-"itf vJ II- - i J'-Wa ' r id i - ,J fcl ' . N- , , ',.jt4 The Blizzard Is a Time Tried Machine FINDS IT VERY SATISFACTORY Cleone, OroKon. May !, 1913. Mitchell. I.ewl tt Htaver Co., Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen: We have uxed your Blizzard enstlBUe cutter tho past ea non and nnd them a very utlfnclory iim' lilno In every way. We put up ov er 0(io tons of corn and had no troublo cutting from 60 to 5 tons per day aud elevating It to a height of 32 feet, iiitlng an D-15 machine. We consider them tho best mnchino made for the purpose. We also used it to cut al falfa und clover hay fed to sheep and cuttle, at our yards this Winter, and it hnndled the work In good shape. Yours truly, The SUN DIAI, HANCII. By K. 0. McGnw. WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Oregon Dvtlopmnt Nwt In LI n of Induitrl.t, Payroll and Product of Labor and EnUrprl. C. I.. Cano propone a -rlei of (tnla Cooa Pay Ret a new life savli.K ! conlrolled coffee clulia, to roat f lUUil to lion tq roat 0,Ol0. Photo Taken May 20, 1914, on the Farm of Streich & Neiger, Cleone, Oregon. Don't make tho mistake of buying a silo filler of ques tionable merit. They cost nearly as much In tho beginning and fur more In the long run, or short run, either, for that mat ter. The Blizzard is a practical machine. It combines knives, fan and tly wheel Instead of using these a sep- Why Silage Pays If you want to know how much the silo filler will do for you, send in the coupon for this book. State the size of your silo, and we will quote you. It places you under no obligation to buy. Mitchell, Lewis Staver Co. Portland, Oregon, Spokane-Boise W. J. WILSON & CO., Oregon City, Or. CANBY HDW. & IMP. CO., Canby, Or. AGENTS arate units, thereby saving power and making n more compact cutter. It ele vates without full Into the tallest alio. Its-cuts the material with a Bheer cut, does not crush It. The IUIzznrd Is re sponsive to control and safe to opnrnte. The Pllzzard Is widely Imitated, but nothing can shake Us populurlty with those who have used them. KELSO. Leo Rath's driving horse strayed away May 16 and he gave up all hopes of finding her but she was trying to cross the mountains again and he found her last week.- Dr. Kills, of Portland, bought three Jerseys from Mrs. Joel Jarl Saturday including her last registered Jersey. Mr. Exon. of Dover, purchased two of the registered Jersey helfjrs. Gilber Haugultim is on the sick list this week. John Roberts, of Dover, Is helping Joel Jarl put up hay. Bertha Albel, Mr. Sloop, Mrs. Geo. Maronay and Mrs. Joel Jarl all pur chased new pianos from the Soule agent last week. Mrs. May Spencer, of Lake County, was canvassing this neighborhood last week, selling dress-making charts. Mrs. Joel Albel spent the week in Portland. Will Walker is finishing the addition to his house. EAGLE CREEK. Roy Douglass rind wife' and Carl Don class attended chautauqua last Friday. Mrs. Guy Woodle entertained Mrs, Howlett and Mrs. Keith at dinner Sun itav. Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass, Walter Douglass and children and Meda Mur phy were chautauqua visitors iasi rn day. , Geo. N. Taylor, an anti-saloon work er of Portland, was out this way Sun day and talked to a small audience on the temperance question. Sam Eddy, of Portland, was a week end guest at the home of R. & Gibson. Mra. Katie Pouglass and Miss Delia Sweeney were attests of Mrs. Murphy Sunday. A wise man learns something eTery time a fool blunders. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Cuts, Burns, Sores. Mr. E. S. Loper, Marilla, N. Y., writes: "I have never had a Cut, Burn, Wound or Sore It would not heal." Get a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve today. Keep handy at all time for Burns, Sores, Cuts, Wounds. Prevents Lock jaw. 25c, at your Druggist. (Adv.) AL8PAUGH. Misa Emma Dowty, who haB been spending a few days with her parents returned to Portland Saturday. Miss Alta Sarver Is spending her vacation at home. Mr. and Mrs. Barton and son, Elgin, spent Sunday evening at the home of John Githens. Misses Lera and Bern Ice Githens, of Heppner, Oregon, are visiting relatives and friends in this part of the country. Dick Githens went to Eastern Ore gon to work for his uncle, Hugh Gith ens, during the harvest. Mr. J. W. Dowty sold a valuable cow last week. Most everyone In this vicinity are planning to attend the big Maccabee picnic at Estacada Sunday. Mr. Fitzegerata spent a tew aays at the home of Henry Githens last week. TWILIGHT Mrs. Bullard, of Oak Grove, haB re turned home after a few days visit with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Kel land. Mrs. A. H. Harvey Is In Portland visiting with friends. Miss Iela B. Smith, of Macksburg, spent Thursday at Mountain Ash Farm. A number of persons from here at tended the Spiritualist campmcetlng Sunday. Miss Marie Harvey entertained friends from Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Melndl, of Sell wood were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lazelle. Mrs. Frank Hendricks and mother have returned to their home in Colton after a few week's viBlt with the form er's father, L. J. Hylton. Misses Rose and Grace Spiger, who have been the house guests of Miss Marie Harvey, have returned to their home in Oregon City. B. L. Harvey Is not Improving as fast as his many friends wish him. He is suffering from a severe attack of blood poisoning. Twilight presents a very lively ap pearance as there Is a large crew of men working the roads. Lazelle's road will have no more mud holes this winter. JENNINGS LODGE Mrs. Brlgham and daughters are vis iting with her mother, Mrs. Hughes In Vancouver. Word has been received from Mr. Isiah Shenefield In Ohio, that ho was having a delightful time visiting with his sister and friends, whom he had not seen for years. Mr. I. J. Verly and family removed to Canada during the week. Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Dill and Miss Flora Dill departed on Wednesday for Dolph, Oregon, and will then go to their country home, known as Moun tain View. Miss Eileen Dill will join the family in August. At present she Is visiting friends at Blue Mountain on the Mac kenzie river. Mrs. Cussie Stratton will leave on Friday for her home at Bend. She will remain at Newberg over the week end While at the home of her sister, Mrs. Albert Pierce, a number of family gathering were held. Mr. Will Jacobs returned from West Point, Nebraska, after being absent evening for her home In St. Paul. She will be Joined by her hsuband In Spo kane. Ha Your Child Worm? Most children do. A Coated. Furred Tongue; Strong Breath; Stomach Pains; Circles under Eyes; Pale, Sal low Complexion; Nervous, Fretful; Grinding of Teeth; Tossing in Sleep; Peculiar Dreams any one of these indlcnto Child has Worms. Get a box of Kickapoo Worm Killer at once. It kills the Worms the cause of your child's condition. Is laxative and aids Nature to expel tho Worms. Supplied in candy form. Easy for children to take. 25c, at your Druggist. - (Adv.) The mnn who can say "Yes" and "No" at the right time has the great est command of language. Lots of things worth while can be accomplished In twelve mouths by a truly progressive community. A new plant, a new machine, a new serum may any dny radically affect the course of social evolution. A Chicago hypnotist has opened a school for book agents. Most of 'era are post grnduntes In that art tne second column. niKcurii nil re mainders nn you ill vide und curry both columns In even rows until the IiimI quotient I" 1 Then enma out every line across the three columns Unit has an even number In the Hint column, add what remains lu the second col limn and you have the product. In the following columns the numbers lu parentheses ure the ones to be dls carded: 177 AM 7UH 0.4111) 2,332 (0.00O 11.328 (22.M) ti.312 343 171 85 (42) 21 00) 6 (2) 1 1 t 4 m 14 (32) ul (128) .10,711 343 Tbo reason why this comes out so nicely may be explnlned by menus of a third column, showing the succcsKtve powers of 2. The powers standing In the uncrossed lines will exactly ac count for the remainders thnt were re jected. Their sum Is therefore cqnnl to the multiplier, 313, nnd opposite ench Is the partial product equnl to 177 times the corresponding power of 2. Youth's Companion. A Minnesota college offers a course In sausage making. The students will certainly have a long grind ahead of them. It Is said there Is about $12,792,000, 000 In the world. And DO per cent of the Inhabitants control the last six figure. The Cleveland physician who ran over a holdup man bas discovered a new and promising use for the automobile. The happiest wife la not always the one who marries the best man, but the one who makes the best of the man she marries. The average married man will frank Some profits are not without dishonor. Paning of Old Houae. Ridel's and walkers through the New England countryside and villages learn to look for the venerable houses, many of them centenarians twice over, which not only distinguish this region, but fit into Its InndscnpeM with a suitability which newer buildings somehow lack. As this Interest grows the observer be gins to notice that they ure nil too rap Idly disappearing to give place to mod ern houses which are certainly no Im provement In workmanship and archi tectural design, and not necessarily an perlor In comfort and convenience If the old houses are properly bandied. In losing these ancient buildings we are losing not only parcels of history. We are losing quite aa much a digni fied and fitting atyle of domestic archi tecture which la all the mora effective by being severely plaln.-Boston Trans cript Cooling Water Without Ulng lo To cool water without using Ice get a slender class test tube from am drag IiinIiiII. state, comity and city each paying one third of the coal and main tenance. Work beitnn on the new SlmpHou ho tel at North llend to cunt $7i.ouo. Nepor ha l.'t a contract for a new high 'hool to cost f 16.(11)0. ' Tho Portland. Eugene A Eastern hn (I n I lud bnllnatlng up It loop track at Kugeno at an expense of several thouuud dollar. To help mako the worklngnien'a compensation act, the board I taking in all state enterprises ana inaiiuunni f nn M-itilllw will folio pnssllile. Tne lnte will be employer and Insure Itself against necldeiil on Its own work. By a break In the plant of tho AiiktI- cau Can Co. at Portland, aevernl hun dred bunds were laid off at Kuk-Iio and In the berry fields. July 14 Sllvnrton votes on a $1.1.000 bond Issue for better school fnrltltle. Contrai l fur date highway work In Columbia county were lot the punt wei-k niniinnlliig to S 1 1.277. work to b done by October I. Pilot ItiH-k Junction. VmaUlU coun ty, tt.-t a c.lirene factory. ItiiBi-biira ahlied tha ft rut carload of pitichc from Oregon. K. J. William la running a U'tu berry cannery near lllllnboro. One big lumber company In l'kr county will Ini remn Its payroll to 1:5, OiK) p. r month on Annual J and othrr ult. I The Hlmpon mine In the llurlfrt dlxtrlct of linker county have a ti hltdt of ore produce on the ,Vri j Powder. I I. Inn and Bentlon cotuitle iIJ n :tnblll a free ferry at llurrb-Hrt. I Ordering IIk forfeited railroad tub on the anNcaamctit roll by the Kill The Pacific Stales Telephone Co. Is T' l" " ' w ,v .Tir ta spending about i ,.0 , n new ! r ui'n'ad land K 0 to Astoria, nnd on Ihu Columbia hli;h-' '. . .. . .., way to Hood River. can collect It or not. ... - It'll,.. ...... d ll..,.lflM ll! MVI...J M., .. , . II IIW IIIHIin-ll" I mi: "I", iiruu The attorney general and labor coin- ,p rv. . , ,, , ...,,.... The chltlem bark Industry nwni u.iNHloner are making a fluhl to forco the work on the Grants Puns and Cres cent City railroad onto an eight hour ImihIh, on the theory thnt It I a muiilrl pal project. North Bend bus adopted bltullthlc pavement to cost IM per yard. Sluslnw fishermen's union will oper ate Koho Mill cannery at Floretira, Mncndam highway In Multnomah county costs S 1 "0 a mile for upkeep. Tho S. I building l.'i miles of highway on the Willamette abnvo Hprlugfleld. A plant will be built at Port land for Ihu manufacture of electrolytic gus at Center nnd 1 7th streets. Crater Luko gets $ 100,000 for high way Improvements. with n-god demand nt t'4 rent. Stain Food t'omtiilHNlouer Mlrltlt pr'.hllills sale of baking powders con taining ulbiimen, und puro food law u In the courts. (ircHluim hn organized a cntintrr with 200 stockholder. Drain will Instull a J.i.000 city llM Ing plant. The Initialed sur tax propose to rot Co. will expend $1(1.000 re- ""' 0,1 lw 'r owt" over t.j.uuu, aim men ktiiiiiiiii e wards on larger sums. Astoria Is terribly torn up with lie improvements but not kicking, Mlirshfleld let $.riO.U00 of street NO tracts the past week. Eugene capitalists will fliiiuir tbl McKetizlu river road to Crook, Ore. store, unit nn u wun nitrate or am monia salts, (111 up with water, cork tightly. Shako till tho suit Is dissolved. Bo careful to wlpo the outside of the tube dry In order that nil traces of the nltrnte may be removed. Plnco this tube Into a gins of water and agitate as you would a spoon. The water is rapidly chilled. Tho nitrate of am monia salts can be bought at any drug store. This Is a far better way of cool ing water than putting Ice In It Now York World. Th 8wett Day. After all, I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything vory splendid or wonderful or exciting happens, but Just those thnt bring simple little pleasures, fol lowing one another softly, like pearls slipping off n atrlng.-dj. M. Montgom ery. ProfiMional Training. "Oh, Johnnie, en n't I ever teach yon to put things nwny?" "But. mother, I'm practicing to be a salesman, not stock clerk." Cleve land Plain Denier. When men aro rightly occupied their amusement grows out of their wu. as the color petals out of a fruitmi flower. John Ruskln. podgad. "I got my wife through advertising." "Then you'll admit that advertising pays?" I'll admit' thnt It brings results," was the cautious reply. Louisville Courler-Jonrnnl. You're Bilious and Coatlvel Sick Headache, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Furred Tongue and Indiges tion, Mean Liver and Bowels clogged. Clean up to-night. Get a 25c bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills today and empty the stomach and bowels of fer menting, gassy foods and waste. A full bowel movement gives a satisfied, thankful feeling makes you feel fine. Effective, yet mild. Don't gripe. 25c at your Druggist Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Burns. (Adv.) SUNBURNT EGGS 1 A LOSS TO Sunburnt vggs are the bane of th egg trado In this part of tho slate l this time, nnd much dissatisfaction l existing ns a result of unusual Imavy shipments of this diameter to (he nr ket. S.umiltigly tho country shipper not yet learned the costly lesson Hi'1 especially during the summer montln It does not pny to hold supplies from the market In the hope of obtaining hotter values. According to leader the egg trndo there areagrouter Ion"" today after candling oggs than many years; In fnct somo say t"' thr,y have never before seen t'cl1 heavy losses. Naturally this loss falls dlrectl W on the producer, but tho consumer 1 iit,n,..iu., i,ni. imnuime hn In fora i tlifl bettor uimH'Vina would bo the pay more .,,1)mnts rvJ ZnT regularly Instead of spasmodic, as at present. THE WEARY WAY. Dally Becoming Less Wearisome t Many In Oregon City With a back that aches all day, With rest disturbed nt night, Annoying urinary-disorders, 'TIs a weory way. Indeed. Doan's Kidney Pills aro especial" for kidney trouble. ,,, Are endorsed by Oregon City zens. ... Jam.m Wilkinson, 201 Fourteen'" St.. Oregon City, Oregon, says: i ! H .1 nl,r)i nn neCOIint " T-I- "I' v .- - kidney weakness and I suffered irou palnB and aches In my back. ' limbs were quite stiff. I wtt" J1," i told to try Doan's Kidney Pl used several boxes and they ma strong and well. All I said M" Donn's Kidney Pills, when I pub"" recommended them a few years still holdB good." n-jt Price BOc, at all dealer. simply ask for a kidney remedy- , Doan's Kidney Pllli-4h Mr. Wilkinson had. Poster-MUburD Props, Buffalo, N. Y. ,A