Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 10, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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j A Strange
Ami How II Was
(, ,,IJ I. ")
aut 'r
u r
i ii it i 't go back of Ihsl
,.,,l it-vpl """ ""'" r
r ,r i."'i 'r "Ml '"'"
I l.ll'l I" I"'1 nun "r I ir
a u I I ..
my mini.
II. .. I1"" ,l"'f '"f "U
MI ,1,11.11.-1 ''"' ,:,"'" r""1""
rj .imvi.nl fi'.m hiil H
.,,,. r oi l i'" " "H"'
.1.,i.i..... I do '"" 1 "
,..,,.,. inr Hi"! II -! Ill
country. H" li" """ '' " rl""
Ihlinl ii"" '"'f ,"'"l"'r l-lhcl iir
ki'IIikI I" !-- oilier Inlca.
ito.l.ilii' t't. 'x-r iiii.l.T a liilnr inl
l.'CiH'.r In perfect content
pwlil. ri"i I'1'" Continued im iiiI
llli ii I r I I .IM Ihs'.ium' t'fTi'inI
pale, I'll! lllllcl funnel last I'll
..il.li apoita ln.lci-,1. a e girl lu
ll m iiilli a t .in !-. rltnllnif tun In
Ire illiiil'liiii. b.relnrk riding and
(thi-r ruT. .. pcrtnliilim nilli. r in
(.na Ihsn In girls, dim of mir faint
(ft jhi una In n.a a IuiwImiII .i
ra.'h oilier. I t lia-lng mi good i
ralehrr a I. Hut lii never Inrni1
to throw l.iill U n l'jr I pre. nine
that ItiU peculiarity In woman
win In III.. dlffcrriire In llm liiaar
tof and feminine fltftin
T1i.ru mm no Well defined rvnaon
tir I'thrl mi.l I wrra permitted
p.w ii. with (lit. und.Talntidliia; (tint
acre brother mid uNl.-r. My aunt
rrMitnlbl for It, and aha neve
mail.. Iiit renaon I'li'nr to either of ut.
Tim ii.""M''l relntloiiahlp certainly
nil u a freedom wbrn wa were
tuirrv'li'it friitu childhood Into youth
thit would ht olhrrwlae linr i
ferlrii. nl. to I'm time wlii-ii I wai
til I ii-ii mill Klln-I fi.iirt.Tti tlirro win
M tli fnliilf"! imii-on (tint wa wriy
not tiruilii'r and lt.T. Tlirn 1 wan
n-juin-.l (n no to a lowji-r'a offl
aiut ""if .nHTty of wlilch I arm
piwoitl. nnit a nxT win nwintil
Willi, K."
run 4 LONG
lug la t-a rtllir l-atxl tba ama
ullii-r rilw il inil ta iit latf
from ma. linLi-l, If wa l..a wa
ru ut vi.lrr U.ii a fair il.f rn''llii
lii. ll.i'ii li. iii. i an.) Ui.i
tint I f"inl in) if In rll.f a - ul
Ur I lilit-w ii... I lla
no iili.i ! Ill lli i.f I Hull Im
illikt Ii. r Ml'. I'UI liailll i.t. At l.ual
If l.a il . I alia ka im vtl.l. n a uf to. I.
kli'iK l.il
ll.'i.n I.Ha I ilralmu i.f alli.rf
lowaiil 1 . 1 1 1 1 aa a loirr ail n4 a a
lin.lliir lint lii.w n. ill. I i. ,:,
l.lli. tha n.i.-.. our lril...il.li .i
m wl.nt wi (..ill iirowii ii. o r.n.l.lir
It? H!i. Irii't i.;h ir Im I) t tin
lin.l lUii li.nl.. ii,.., 'Iln-iai wao
Ilia iiiih Ii... I. in li,i ,ii, lwii)
Imiii ImMiiii llai Uli) m jjr, im Ii.-r '.ill.
Anxtliir )mr mi'. I ai In. liljr
)rni i. !i ami ,m inm in,,f ),.f n
ri.lli N-f.ir Iiih. I.'llii'l mi allilrrii
ami In. I rwnrni.l fruin a Kn.ii.ai
Willi Ii. r m.. ull'.ii i.iii.I. Ii-i) n
no ..ii(i'r al.l.. .i irrxi l,.r a nl
l. r. nil. I alnoi I .11 1 iiu( iluru lr.nl l,. r
n a li.irr I fi ll, o .i hik-hIi. hlMii I
llm two 11 ir.iilin.'iil i.f Inr,
iitt i.i-iilur ll... in. ii..r lli i.ili. r, wa
i "i.'iriilni .1 S!ii iii, iil, im i..iii.lnliil. i
I. lit II mini .i inn lint Ilia a Ii i i.k'
Hi,. 1 1,1 ""' "", r"M.H' "I mi riiriii,'ii in
i.. r a .i.iih tat. nl an. I to-.k lnii :
walk (i.i.'ili. r, 1 1 1 1 1 . U on wt'll ii'.u u' li
at tin. Ii iii.l-. I. nt mi mir wnlka llii-rr .
Mil lli'lli. I.f Hint lll l lint. Inlli.-I.-I
wHh J.'k- mi. I luti'liliT, of fi.riii.i
tllliia. Hiilkr.l ,.-..li. Iia-r Willi tin'
a-, lit N lw.'. li lit. Inlkllitf lit llml ,
.iII.m.i,i' trlii .. in. a ai to f un J
bIh.iiI llm Hill. In Irata-a til lia'iia,
wlill,. litlii'l K.'iintl n llm. a a Irlll.'
Ii (II I I n I ri an llm I, .. I. .ll
li.tf li.r I In- axra? '1 Inr.. wi-r mun
rnixina (p. Ill mi.' I'.'lnl i.f ! Mini
ti.iiii. from aiii.llii'r. Wlijr ara ra-rlnln
ririila In fiiiillli-a ni'ii-r n-fi-rrii) to?
Ki.r ilia aJiini rcna.iii Unit I alinmk
from li-lllni; Cltn-I Unit I wna not lirr
lirolhiT, ami, aa lo t 1 1 1 r i ur li'T Hint tin
.nrk of Iota fur In-r liml Ih-vii kln.lliil
wllliln tm. Iiow roiiii) an iinb a
tiling lo una wlio UIU'Tp.1 tiiralf to
Imi in aUlrrT
Till rnii.llili.il (iiiitlmitil durlnii mjr
aa-nlor yenr In i-oIIi-kp M Iwi.t to
Ktlii'l wira Ix-n-ft of rlllo-r tirothorljf
or Invar Ilka iprrl.ii, ami licra to uia
ware alao in-ut ml. Kill wlirti I rr-turtia-al
limna a Rmilunto a nrw rlcinriil
hail txi'ii Injtvtitt Into the prodli-m
Hint wa ImhiimI very aoon to cliansa
Ilia altiinilmi. I fnum! a jmwa mnn
haiiKltiK bImiiiI Ktlii'l wliona Inti'titloii
wrrn a .lnlii a Ilia aim In liaavan.
Ill in-aiiiia tlirrw mo Into a favrr
at onr. I foiiinl It illltlrult to trrat
him wllh or.llnnr rlrlllljr. If Ktlii'l
hml tnH'n in alaliT I aln.ul.1 duulillin
hnr fnsljr dlaruaaaM Hie UiflttiT of
I ho nttriilli.ii of thl young mnn with
lirr. Aa It wa. did not favl the
rlk'ht arm to imwitlnn tlio mnttrr. Ho-Mi-,
I wa o lnonlliinti.jf Ji-alnu of
hir mil. .r Hint I alionlil bnva doutitlna
INikrn offciialrel
la Kthrl thiTe wa no chang to
ward mo. Hha wn the aniiie aa ahe
had Uh'U for I lio .nt two yenra. 8he
niunt hnve known Hint there were flrva
burning within mo, hut ahe did not -
IX'iir to ni.tire ttirm Rtie anld nothing
to mo hImhu Hip ntti'iitlnii of Mr.
Jnrknnni. a I roiwldi'ivd lilm, but
aniairr I not llkol to xak of a
ultor to n I. rothr r until the brother
nrt aNnkH to Iht
M.r iMMitup fii-llnca kipt rlnlng until
the dnm humt. One dnjr. coming un-
i'Xms ttsll itHin Mr. Jnckiinnin-g plead
ing hla ault with Kthrl. I lout my grip
on in,VHilf nml Iilurtrd out:
Whnt do you nii-iin. air, by wooing
my-my Hlati-r without flint miking per
nilKKlon f mm mo. her nntunil gunrd-
He lonliisl nt me In natonlHhmrnt.
then anld: "I beg n thounnnd nnnlons.
If It I not too Into limy I now hnve
tllllt iH'rmlHxInil?" I
prrfrr l.cforo giving my iernjla
alon to ronaiilt wllh her."
"Tlint Ik'Iiik thu cnm, I will with
ItlKlng, he left Kthrl and me togeth
i mo or muiiciani prove popu
Oootlit Ound by ColUgca, Churchu
and Lodyaa on Ground Srlt
of Daily Laclur la De
gun 1 utnlty
Ia ..... I.. l.t..t. I l I
w iiiv ii, mui u a ain n ,i oiinvi vi.nl. a
ltd no brother or nIhIits living. The
lerret wn out. but I wna o pained
Unit I pivti'iuli'd not to notice It nud
nskoil no tiucMilona n l)o ut It
When I met Ktliel ngnln I anld noth
Iiir to Iht about my dUcovvry, but felt
Unit n grent chnngo had come over
When I anno bnck from tlio city,
where I hnd gone to the Inwycr'i of-
fli'e. Kthel threw her nrnm nround my
irrk nud klNxed me. I hud lost the
brotherly feeling I hnd hnd for her.
hut It hnd not been replnced by tiny
fueling dirferlng from whnt 1 might
live un 11 ror tiny otner eiri. I wna
fllled with n deep regret. Kthel notlc
oil It nud nuked me whnt wns tho mat
h'r. but I giivo her no antlHfnetlon. J
illd not care to dlatreaa her na I wna
dlstrcRHod. 1 preferred thnt ahoHlionld
Uncover the truth heinelf.
Krom thin time till I went to college
Kthel wna Mill my aluier. but I wua
not her brother nt lennt. thnt do
acrlbea our feeling toward ench oth
er. I wrote her regularly, nddresnlng
her na "Deitr Sin." an hnd olwnya
been imed to doing, while ahe. reply,
hr, would begin with "Dear Brother"
ort"Ienr Dick." mimetlmea one and
netlini'a the other.
Wiring the four .veura I wna In col
' I often wondered If Ethel hnd nc
the secret Hint I posacssed. It
to nie Hint alio Burely must
all m"' hnt 1 ctm not dotcct tne
"Klllwt rlinnce In hnr franmn
" " indlc-nu. thnt ahe did. By the
iniiiv Home for my vncntlon bi
li V y ""Phomore nnd Junior yem
m Kmwn to be a lovely rt.-l. be
'"fen anvni.i ...... .....
Hjjp --'m.-i-u iiiui ciKim.fl) yenra
I hnd recovered from the shock
mil received In learning that I wna
"r nn.ther nud waa now burto
. vmpneoa mensure prohibiting
nnrg rrom allowing their cat-
, run at '. waa defeated Wed-
ln " Bpcclul election In Maple
Wednesday by a vote of 64 to 7.
. " ,pron("'e'l ruling would prevent
Z ,'armcr 0r Btock ra'er from turn
TnL 8t0ck 100,18 on the county roada
? " of the election were filed
ior cierk Mu,vey 7b
er. I atmnl with my bnck hnlf turned
to her, acowllng. ahould hnve been
roiiHcloua of hnvliig innde a guy of my
aelf, but 1 wna not
Dick." anld Ethel, "wbnt'a tbo mot
tor with you?"
lion't you think I ahould be con
aultcd In n love nffnlr of your?"
"How do you know thnt this la a
love nffnlr of mine?"
It certainly la one If this fellow who
ling Intruded upou"-
"I can't help whn bo mny feel for
mo. I hnve not accepted him and don t
Intend to."
"Thank Oodl"
"Why tire you so concerned about
whom 1 nutrryT For aotno yenra past
you hnve ncted coldly toward me."
"Thnt wns hecniiHe"
"Because what?"
"I dlscMivered"
"Whnt did you discover?"
"Thnt you and 1 are not brother and
sister. We are no relation."
"I have known thnt for a long whllo."
"You hnve known It a long whllol
Why didn't you tell me?"
Why didn't you tell me?"
went to Kthel. Now thnt the bar
rier between iih wns broken down, my
former brotherly treatment of her wns
help. Bitting beside her, I took her
to my arms, nnd. beginning na a broth
er, I rapidly developed Into a lover.
Kthel nnd I were the children of two
bosom friends. My mother died when
I wna n bnhy, and t wna turned over
to my nuiiL Ethel's mother died when
Ethel wns four yours old. nnd my aunt.
being a near friend of her family, wns
prevnllcd upon to take the child, being
chiefly moved by n diwire to fiirnlnb
me with a playmate. She save me lu
addition a compnnlon for life.
I hnve never been sure but thnt
Ethel encouraged Mr. Jncknnnpea In
order to break the deadlock there waa
between ber and uie.
The following divorce decrees were
granted Tuesday by Circuit Judge
Campbell: Hnrry B. Hall from Myrtle
Dolla Hall, 8tolIa M. Ohlson from O.
S. Ohlson, Besslo Burbank from W.
Emery Burbank, C. P. Arkland from
Florence Arkland, Pauline D. Gannon
from Edward M. Gannon, Minnie Von
ler Ahe from Charles W. Von der Ahe,
Olive Breseler from Victor Breaelor.
nd Carle F!ece Tita from Maria Anna
1li Kl ll fiiar riiinarl cini.n
a llm ' h. a'lllii. r" at ,l,.lalnin .aik
Wr.liira.lar, a lh" au'l. lllluiia aimM
put II. 'Iu tll.iu.ili riillnialaallc
i liaiiliiii.iiiii, i'ii)ii,-. llm iniiirrt
W nlii. i.. (. rii.HHi. ami llm ardat
trio, K'al. II (imf, Ui.llnl.l, Mr ,l .rl'i
l.tifvliiiio, . i ulii.nli. I, alii .Mr. Mar
fill' l i.ur. l"l r, nun iinaiinl' il ap
plana.' iiii W'rf iHilnl.i r nffi-ra-d.
Mlna iX.'llr lit la an eklriinily
kIii'.I ilolliilxi II r r n.lllli.n ahoil
k ihiIii" arilail.' lni-r.r. lu'l.'ii II. r
t. liiiliju.. I oiiil. iful ami In r :ffl
riilt i-i.' hIIiiii ..rk In a. v. rnl i.f tint
iiiiml.rr ilin)i'd rr arlUllr n Mill r
Mr. I.h. liiii.. In r in lompaiilat, lui-i
a. v -riil ilirili-ull pliiini riniulx r and
'rri'li"l a llml filtl.rnl.le lllllirrraloti.
i.Mr. Mnrrari't (im. nadi-r, won ilia
' Mat au.ll.'lii rouipli'ti 1 In In r "llrl'li-'e
(of Hli:h" iiuiulxr. The pniitrnm fol
l'r'lild.i Nurhanlnoff
Mr. I.Ii. vIiiiik,
iSn ne da la Crnr.U Nwhi't
jcauioni'tla D'Ainl.roal
Mia Cray
Monolocue Kainlly I'lol
Mr. M. Gray.
An dVr II. Iinnth Kiuctana
Kouvenlr d'Aincrliiie Vl.-mtrmpl
Mia Gray
llunilng Kong Iii'-'ihov.-n
Turklah March Mor.art
Mr. l.hi'Vlnne.
HradliiK, wllh piano ...llrldgn of Hlnh
Mr. Gray
Medltntlon Mrnirnmakl
Hpaulah 1) me Kuraaatl
Mia (iray
Bummer School Begin.
Wedncaitiiy morning work In the
aunini'-r iu Iiih.I rlnaa- atur'cd off
hrlcht and early. The lnrx'l rrowd
at any of the clanaca beard Dr. Illn
aim'a opening llltile scIiihi! li-cture. Ill
object n "A Meal Ticket for Life."
und fully 3u0 people heard hla elixpi nt
U'eiln. a.luy waa Heed rollrge day at
rhaiilauiiua and Ih.i Binik..r at the 11
o'clock forum hour waa lr. Willlnni
Conger Morann and hi auliject "Sci
ence and Life." Thl waa the flrat of
the a.'rlc of Intereatlng 11 o'chs-k for
um' moat of which are provided by
sptakcra from the varloua educllonal
luatltutlona of the state.
Thursday Is Willamette day; FVIdny,
to bo McMlnnville college morning;
Saturday, U. of ().; Tueiluy next, Ore
gon Congri's of Mother; .Wedneadny.
July 15, ruclfic college; Thuradny,
July 10, Pacific untveralty; rVlilay,
July 17, W. C. T. IT., and Saturday,
July IS, O. A. C. morning. These 11
o'clock hour are mining tho ninny do
llghful featurea of the aasemhly and
a I win I niuslcul numhers are arranged
for ench.
Mra. Millie Trumbell Talks.
Following the Gray concert. Mra.
Millie Trumbell gnve an interesting
talk on "Child Welfnre I.eglslutlon" at
tho kindergarten headquarters. This
was (he first of a aeries of dally lec
ture by well known men and women
of the slnto ulong various Biibpects of
vital Importance. Mrs. Trumbell forci
bly hrotiKht out the fact thnt unless
child legislation begins at home first
no other legislation can result. She
spoke of the great benefits to be real-
bed from the workmen's compensation
act which hns Just gone into effect.
Who denounced working conditions
rlnht In l'ortland, where the sven-day
shllt Is innintnlned by several big con
cerns. Mrs. Trumbell mado a Btirring
appeal for a maintenance of the rights
of children. She is secretary of the
Child Labor commission and an inter
esting speaker.
Rehearsal Begins.
Chorus rehearsal began Wednesday
morning nt the music pavilion under
direction of Pro. J. H. Cowen. A large
number of singers were on hand. One
of the big events of the Chautauqua
will take place Sunday, July 19, when
Prof. Cowon's chautauqun chorus, as
slated by sixty-five Portland singers,
will give Gaul'B famous "Holy City."
Another of tho musical features which
Is attracting favorable attention is the
dnlly concerts by Parson's 15-pieces or
chestra of Portland.
At the University of Oregon head
quarters Wednesday morning, Mr. I,.
II. Weir, field secretnry of the Play
ground mid Recreation Association of
America, Bpoke on "The leisure Time
of the People," and emphasized the
Importance nnd social possibilities of
the right use of loisure. Mr. Weir will
speak again Thursday.
The university headquarters are very
attractively arranged and In charge ot
Miss Mozelle Hair of the extension de
Mra. M. H. Jones Well Greeted
Mrs. Mtittlo Hardwlcke Jones, of Mc
Mlnnville, who has charge of the clo
cution department of Chautauqua, was
greeted with an exceptionally largo
class today, and patrons were warm in
praise of nor work. Prof. A. M. Ciril
ley of Portland, who hns charge of tho
pnysicai culture department also had
a lnrge crowd nt the first gathering In
his line. .
Thursday's program will feature Dr.
U G. Herbert at 2:00 and 8:00 o'clock
In his lectures: "A Trinity of Power'
and "Cash Conscience and Country."
Mr. Herbert Is one of the top-notchers
in lyceum work. .
Estacada Win.
The baseball game was a farclal con
test between Estacada and Molalla. the
latter team nutting ud a rather Door
exhibition. Estacada bids fair to be a
contender for the cbnutnuo.ua pennant.
as they played a clean, fast game
against the Molalla bunch. The bat
teries wore: Molalla, L. Vlck and C.
Vlck; Estacada, Douglas and Hurst.
The final score was 14 to 1.
v r i
pioneer railroad promoter
elected director; takes
place of p ,m. swift
Only I, lb n-rrl rlia,. a -r all
a " .a i'oin.l.ll
CRorni of cmr
Thrt Mil of Track DUU4 and
Crl Plant at Tarmlnal Vard
Begin Work at Capacity
WASHINGTON. July l.-S.na'or
Hubert U Owa-n of Oklalioma. will I
nine the nl J'liirri nii-li I of on Kr -. He
hu bi'i-n otii of III" l.iial.at un-iiilia-ra
of llm upi.er branch of lh- nnlluiiiil
Irk'llulure. He hnd a great d. ul tjj do
ith the rnrr. in y bill, whn h b'.re hla
name (oKi'ther with that of CotiKr.-a-mini
Olni. Itir-iilly he hu had a
KreBt d.'Ml of hard work on the appro
priation roininltlee, trying m pure
down government etprnar. He la al
o a tiirmlM-r of the intrrix ramr cni.ul
ronimltl.-a- and wa active In Hi ' Call
aina canal toll repeal fight.
G -orK A. Har lliiK, one of Mio flrat
of iln liM ul nun io 1a .oinH Int. r . d
In i l.r. bull. ling of a nllroad from Or
K .() City Into tin. M.'lalla coiintry, o
i.licled dlr.-clor in llm Wll.'uiurtta Val
I. y South -rn lo fill tin, . on. y i su. i
l.y Ihe il-alh of the lii. K. M. Hall',
ut lh ini-i-llng of thn board of dlr' i
or Munday nii'lil.
Shortly afn-r lh d. ath of Mr. S!fl.
Inili'" Grunt II.
prf-al'l nl and J
awfliiry to fill the U' sin y laua.-d by , 4rr
ti,e i liuiu'n or Jml" Intiili k from (tint
f II. V. Martin rt.( ow r
' 12 f "t tro'ln I, -y.-iid haiilwirn nar
jil.a Waahli.Kion rouniy llna and lit on
) li aide In ilia of( imi'l ,f a f k l.i
jlotii. A It a only one pa-iit'.r
In Die i-r, Mr Martin, aa lfijnr-'J
uml iim la rner-ly iiiffa-rit.g from Hi-tit
ri.l".. Tl'i' in l. tat "re: Mr
aim Mr. Martin ami dn'mti'i-r Char
li.l'i'. William .a, WHIiaiii avla am ! If ll fe"rt of llm Or.-rotl
, Mal.it. Mill. . ( I ( v ii.i.lof.'n can U lala. n a an In-
J2WI.I0 IS HMD 11 m
Nt Clerk and Na fr.tr Ara Em
pleytd by 0"ic and Potm
tjf Randall I Aklng
for Mora Hlp
i!.alliii of )m rroatti of the tliy, Ihla
51' Vartin n Driving ,ia car,
M lil, ll 14 a I -i..l .'I-.- .... u 1... ...i
and a... l....d lo .'ha.,r-.r. I..I '""U tU"l ' "'
doliilf tl.la ha loal ro.i'rol of Iht it- I lt y-r.
molille urn) It kinrtid to bark don 'ha I Th 3 report tit Ilia po(offlt:e for the
rr,!... li. for. tlmcarroi.lt b brought' f , K,r rndlng Juna 3i wrfe torn
lntoroiitr.il, a i-nl tl,rou;-li Dim f. iii a 1 . , , . .,
,i,i llm .1,1- i.l III. lr...ll. a,.,l I...-, afc-.l"-""' mma-iai alio .WW lliai iroill
IIIIIIK K B l-.'1'.r..l ,f, ,ii, i.f !: a-rca.k I Ir t ,: l
G. Ill In r am Inn.l" I,,i ,,,. .1... w i,.' i,,. .
I the party Into Or. -gori ( Ity. ;Juat prwr.llng did a bualn of 19.-
In.,.. In l'.ll I .... a ,.a al.
u'tt 111, Mil VI'
tiin handled I.M. II.IO ahlla the yrar
l At i f.'i'lork M'.nday morning Mr
i 'Hi I I.' alili li lio an Hu rt-am of
...a liol Klv,- plmo on the board V,. .",, 1 1 ,d l"forn V7. " -ffir. hunillrd f,.i:i and In
illnrlor. ait lh.. liiiamy at III t-aU'H i ....."....!""."... . V I .h. i.. i..n tini-u
. al. u ' ' ''" I II' J al'l laianj - - -
IUNH IJI in.(, .,, Ilw, ...a
Without taking a drug of any kind.
Edward Murphy, age H years, waa
taken to the office of Dr. C. A. Stuart
Tuesday evening wher a deep gnsh
eight inches long extending from the
right hip around the torso toward the
front of the body waa dressed and
aewed up. "It waa the rarest case of
pure grit I have ever aeen," aald Dr.
Stuart Wedncaday.
The boy waa swimming with about
25 other laila of his own ago In the
river near the northern part of town.
An old boat which was patched with
pieces of tin waa In the watei and the
wlmnwr were playing with It.
Young Murphy caught his aide on the
tin and the deep cut was made before
the other swimmers could come to his
As soon aa young Murphy freed him
aelf from the boat he walked out of the
water to the shore and laid on a board.
He placed a handkerchief over the
wound and told ih-j other boys, who
were greatly excited, to get a doctor,
giving the name and address of the
one of his choice. Pr Stuart arrived
within a few minutes and took the lad
to his office.
"Do you wont to take a drug to ens3
the pain?" asked the doctor when the
time came to dress the cut.
"No. Let's fix It up right away,"
was the short reply and the boy
watched the doctor as be dressed the
wound and sewed up the cut, - six
Btitches begin taken.
Murphey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
T. Murphy live at Clackamas Heights
near Oregon City, and Dr. Stuart took
tho boy to his home In an automobile.
but as Uiey ncarcd the bouse the lad
remarked, "I am going lo get out here
nnd walk the rest of the way. If my
mother sees me come home In nn auto
mobile, she might think that I was
hurt," and the lad climbed out of the
car and walked without even a limp
the rest of tho wny home. The boy is
until Monday iiIkIiI in
directors. I
Mr. Hurillng ha alway l n an an. j
live worker for the projected in, Into!
thn Molnllu and Ml. Ang.-I district and
.luring thn life of thn Clarkatnu
Southern ho wa a director.
Wcrk on the lln.t I progr.-iliig rap
idly, according to tat'tn.'ti( of Judgn
Dltiilck Moti'lny evening. The new
semper. ucd to drag gravel from the
bed of the river to a hopper, which In
(urn dtiinpa (he material Into car, waa
roinpb-ti'd Monduy afternoon and put
Into use. It la operated by electricity.
all the hoisting machinery being
placed on the ground.
About three mllea of the track, lead
ing out ol Or, run City, haa been bal
lasted and thn work will continue rap
idly now that the hoisting plant at the
terminal ynrda la araln In operation.
No track laying will be dona until
much more grading la completed, but
rail and other equipment are being
ast-'inhh-d at the prea-nt end of the
it to the tn-atle. It la kuld that llm
dimmc" lo dm car la not -riou.
OTTAWA. July 8. A report received
here today by Deputy Maritime Min
ister Dcsnar.'ts from Captain llarllett
declared that at least nine members of
the Sieffanson expedition which left
the Karluk after the party's boat sank
bad not been heard from since. Cap
tain Partlett fears they perished.
Martha Jane Tmlllnger has filed a
divorce suit against ber husband. Free
man L. Tmlllnger tn the circuit court
on the grounds of desertion. Tbey
were married .November 28, 1899, at
Garden Grove. Iowa. The wife asks
for the custody of the minor child.
Carl Trullinger.
CtiarU- lllnkle. head of the local of
fice of the federal bureau of fisheries,
ha received the Information thnt a
bill, appropriating SlS.ooo for the new
building for the Cluckatnaa Jiutchery.
baa passed congress. Mr. Hlnk'e his
not received further information aa t?
the plana of the Washington office.
The government owna two hatchery
sites, one six miles about Clackamaa
atalion and the other about one mile
below the town. The aite further up
the river Is the older of the two and
Is not In use, the buildings being lo
cated on the aite below Clackamaa. II
has been the Intelon of the department
to Improve the grounds and buildings
at the new location and make It part
as well as a hatchery.
Necessiy Is ofteu mistaken for courage.
In order to quiet title to 10 acres of
land In the Damascus precinct, Fred
I). Shank has filed a suit In th: cir
cuit court, naming the heirs of Thom
as U. Roork as the defendants.
Stops Neuralgia KWe Pain
Sloan s Liniment givea Instant relief
from Neuralgia or Sciatica. It goes
straight to the painful part Soothes
the Nerves and Stops the Pain. It Is
also good for Rheumatism, Sore
Throat. Chest Pains and Sprains. You
don t need to rub It penetrates. Mr.
J. R. Swinger. Louisville. Ky., writes:
i sunered wild nuite a severe Neural
gic Headache for four months without
any relief. I used Sloan's Liniment
for two or three nights and I haven't
suffered with my head since." Get a
bottle to-day. Keep in the house all
the time for pains and all hurts. 25c,
50c, and $1.00. at your Druggist.
Ilucklen's Arnica Salve for all Sores.
During that lant year the office ha
added una carrier and one clerk, mak
Ii. the total force four city lurrtT,
ii'imi rural carrn-r. flvo cleiki, and
the poatmustrr and hi aailalant. I'oat-maat-r
Randall la making an el fort lo
:ecuro another city carrier ao that bet
' ter service can be tfrtn In the down
lowa siciioii.
Tha annual report doe not Include
the poatal aavlni; or parrel post totals
for lh year. There are over 4U0 ac
cjtint In the postal savlnca bank
hlrh have on deposit about l.'O.OOO.
which goes through the office Is kept
hlih goes through the offlc Is kept.
Th'i most Important change during
the last year with the local office ha
been th moving from the old build
ing on smith Main atreet to the new
one on Main between Eighth and Ninth
street. The new atrurture Is consid
ered one of the best of its kind In the
north Willamette valley not only a a
building but alao In point of equipment
for handling mall.
Elsie Trost, age 18 years, was com
mitted to the state hospital for the In
sane Wednesday fend attendants took
her to Salem that evening from Port
land, where ahe haa been confined tn
private hospital.
She has been living with her parents
in the southern pari of the county
near Aurora. For some time she has
been HI and It Is thought that her in
sanity has been caused by her Illness.
A Good Investment
V. D. Magli, a well known merchant
of Whltemound, Wis., bought a stock
of Chamberlain's medicine so as to be
able to supply them to his customers.
After receiving them he was himself
taken sick and says that one small
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea. Remedy was worth
more to him than the cost of his entire
stock of these medicines. For sale by
all dealers. (Adv.)
You're Bilious and Costive!
Sick Headache, Had Breath, Sour
Stomach, Furred Tongue and Indiges
tion, Mean Liver and Dowels clogged.
Clean up to-night. Get a 25c bottle
of Dr. King's New Life Pills today and
empty the stomach and bowels of fer
menting, gassy foods and waste. A
full bowel movement gives a sallsfled.
thankful feeling makes you feel fine.
e-nective. yet mild. Don't grloe. 25c
at your Druggist.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Puma.
Report of State Grange Is Read as
Well as Those From the County
Granges Program Given
In the Evening
The qunrterly meeting of the Pomo
na grange was held at Molalla Tues
day afternoon and evening. About 25
delegates, representing granges In ev
ery part of the county were present.
Many subjects, pertinent to the farm
er and the rural districts, such as good
roads, school problems, and farm bet
terment, were discussed. Dinner and
supper were served to the delegates
at the grange hall and early tn the
evening the delegates were token for
an automobile ride through the coun
try near Molalla.
A lively discussion took place over
plans suggested to make farm life
more pleasant. The report of the
state grange was read as well as the
usual reports from the county organ
izations. In the afternoon H. G. Stark
weather talked on farm credits, taking
up every side of the question.
A program, beginning at 8 o'clock In
the evening, was the feature of the
day. A chorus of 25 voices furnished
muBlc for the evening and several
speakers, prominent in the grange
work In the county, spoke. Following
the program a class of 20 members
was Initiated Into the fifth degree of
the grange.
The regular price for the Weekly Enterprise is $1.50 a year so by subscribing now you are saving 75c
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subscriber to the Weekly Enterprise and your time has not expired and you wish to renew on the bargain
rate Just send In your 75 cents and we will give you credit for one year from the date of expiration of your
present subscription. If you are In the arrears Just send In 75 cents and it will pay you up for one year.
We are giving four good premiums, one to each subscriber, new or renewal. We give absolutely free
as premiums with this offer one good fountain pen, one pocket knife, 3-blades. This Is a regular cattle
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Dally Enterprise, OLD SUBSCRIBER Weekly Enterprise,
Oregon City. COUPON Oregon City.
s Inclosed find for bargain offer No Pocket Knife
Name Fountain Pen
Address Kitchen Set No. 1
Route Number Kitchen Set No. 2
Box (Mark X on line for premium you wish.)
Dally Enterprise, NEW SUBSCRIBER Weekly Enterprise,
Oregon City. COUPON Oregon City.
Inclosed find for bargain ofTer No Pocket Knife
Name Fountain Pen
Address " Kitchen Set No. 1 . . .'
Route Number Kitchen Set No. 2
Box , (Mark X on line for premium you wish.)