OREGON CITY KXTERPRIRE, FRIDAY, .11' LY H, 191 1. TRUST PROGRAM CONGRESSMAN CALDER IN FIGHT fOH U. t. SENATOR, NEW YORK TO BE FINISHED CAUCUS OF DEMOCRAT! DECIDES TO STAY AT WORK DUR ING BUMMER 41 A DEFINITE NOTICE IS SERVED Members Not Bound as to Volet But New Caucus Will B Called If Party Claah It Neceeaa ry WASHINGTON, July 1. Democrat of the senate. In conference lute today, adopted a resolution declaring ihrlr purpose to aiay to session unill the trout legislation pasted by lbs bouse baa bwn acted on by the senate. The resolution dues not bind aeuaiors to vota (or the bills without change. The resolution la designed to s-rve definite and fins) notice to business and the country that anti trust legisla tion Is to be passed before congress quits Washington. It as proposed by Senator Stone after a talk with the president and with other Democratic leaders. Senator Stone said It was Intended as an answer to the propaganda for Immediate adjournment of congress. If the party loaders decldo In the future that It will be necoaiary . to make party measures of the three house bills or the substitutes offered for them, another conference will be held for the purpose of binding Demo crats to definite legislation. Some v ) WILLIAM M-CAIPLrH HROOKLYN. June 30. Congress, man William M. t'aliler. the well known Krooklyn legislator, who has been In the lower house In Washing ton ten years. Is looming up as a likely winner In the I'nlted Statta senatorial prlmarlea. Mr. CalOr has been In dorse! unanimously by the Kings county Republican organization, and he has stated that be will run for the high office. Mr. Caldcr la connected with several financial Institutions and while In congtena has attracted alien tlon as an advocate of a bigger navy. lie delivered an able address In con Kress opposing President Wilson EIVE ARE HURT AS AUTO FALLS ORIOSE OVER SANDY RIVER SCENE Or AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT IS PHILADELPHIA TO HEAR WILSON SPEAK ON POURTH OP JULY DISASTER IS CAUSED By A USE Driver Trying to Maks Way for PrigH tnsd Animal, Cost Out Too Par One Passenger Escapes Unhurt senators thought the resolution might bind senators to vote for the bills, but I canal tolls repeal policy. senator Kern, cnairman 01 me comer ence. declared that such was not Its purpose, and a clause stating this In specific terms was adopted by a close vote. The explanatory clause attached to the resolution reads aa follows: "The resolution herein before adopt ed la Intended merely as an expression of the purpose of the majority party lo reference to adjournment." Senator Kern, as majority leader, will ask the senate to bold night ses sions next week to take up the calen dar and "other business." The trade commission bill ilready Is before the senate and a vote may be asked for any day. E NEW PORTLAND-OREGON CITY LINE INTRODUCES RESOLU TION IN PORTLAND UNITED STATES HOT WASHINGTON, July 1. Except among the surgeons' stores, there was not a thing alcoholic today on any United States fighting ship or any Am erican naval station on earth. At least if there was It was In direct vio lation of Secretary of the Navy Dan iels' order and the offense was severe ly punishable. The navy "went dry' PORTLAND, Ore, July 1. Ry a res olution Introduced before the city coun cil today the Portland k Oregon City Electric Railway company relinquishes l:s franchise on East Seventeenth street over which there baa been con siderable trouble, and proposes to come into the city on East Twenty- eighth street. The franchise for this new route Is now pending. The resolution which was Introduced by Will H. Daly, commissioner of pub lic utilities, provides that the company is to sell six rides for 25 cents In the ctty limits. The measure carries amendments to the franchise applied tor a number of months ago, but on which final action has not yet been taken. A 3 cent rate for each car crossing the Hawthorne bridge is stip ulated and it Is proposed to charge the company five cents per year for each TROl'TDU.K. Ore, June rive persons wire hurt when aa automobile plunged o'er a XoftM embankment at the rant ri1 or I bo Handy river bridge at ( o'clock u nlfchi. A sixth person rsopej lupiry. To give a frightened hor a clear road, J. It. Welly. 4H Kat Twcn' cCi street north. Portland, turned lo lh left and drove his seven -passenger, 4000- pound car over the bank of the river, precipitating a picnic party, cou nting of himself. Mrs. Welly. M. A. Zollinger, a lawyer, residing at .r:i Tillamook street, bis wife and two chil- ren, onto the rock shores, 70 leer below, pinning all but Clifton ZoIIIuk-t. underneath the car. Uttle Mlk Zollinger may be faintly hurt, as she was picked up uucousclous and reports from the Multnomah poor harm, where she was taken for mrdl cai attention, give little encourage ment. TDe Ambulance Service company took Mr. and Mrs. W'elty to the SL Vincent's hospital and Aaron Pox. who conducts a general merchandise store here, took Mr. Zollinger, Mrs. Zolling er and Cllton Zollinger to the Good Samaritan hospital, although Clifton was not Injured. Mrs. Zollinger's shoulder was badly wrenched and probably was broken. Mr. Zollinger, too. Is badly shaken up. Little Miss Zollinger was in such a se rious condition that It was deemed ad visable that she be not moved. Mr. Welly's leg was fractured and be may have been Injured Internally. rtoth were taken to Portland hi is pltals later. v . j SAIEI-I, MASS., IS SWEPT BY FIRE SEVERAL DEAD AND MANY ARE INJURED WHEN HISTORIC CITY BURNS LOSS OF PBOPHIT IS LARGE I b s A Nervous Wo.nr.n ruuis Kelicf After Mny Years Woiiirn who sufwr limit t Hums nr'touiirt. uluii fniina Win It mil. ling lit lot fin. ling any relief. Mr. IUnitl Kiiilnrr, ul Primus, II, l.ij uih sa t ipf rirnc, ffgifd- ing wliiih the tsys: . i ll.-ul.la Wh.a it ' eUI'lM mm Every Effort to Slop Plsmse Provss I Ussltts Authorlt is Rsctlve Aid Prom Several Near ly Towns 4 01 By DEMOCRATS PARIYIS AFRAID OP US OWN POWER, SAYS EX PH.. v DENT ROOSEVUT 1 km d.iau, h. aM ( I wiih sryt,i KiU,M, Iii-l-s um an i..ui tnatias. Tin iiiki s-'l su U 4 I ihiM lhm SENATORS VOTE TO BACK UP PRESIDEN1 MAYOR 8LAMKCnpUK(i PIIILADKI.PIIIA. June JO-Phlla- delphla etperls to make Us Puurth of July celebration this year mil only safe and sane, but the greatest It has held since IKib, when the one hundredth an niversary of the signing of the Itocla- rallon of Independence was observed through the holding of the Centennial exposition. Preildnnt Witnon, who hss consented to be the orator of the day. will speak from a platform close to the spot where the document was I'OHTON. June IV At n m a I third section at Hal. m. sepsrate from tne main fire and the one al Houlh ri lent, burst Into flames. To that hour dynamite bad been used fruitlessly. Mayor Hurley had ordered all h.xil nouses and public buildings filled with cots for the accommiMtallon of those! who nave been burned out. me restaurants were ordered to I prepare coffee and sand !i ties. Plfteen hundred were homeIes. The wind shifted to the southwest st ine evening progressed, swinging the flames dlrec-tly m the direction of me business serilon. (iovernor Walsh waa on bis way fntn here to Hie burn ing city by automobile. He bad or I dered Adjutant (ieneral Cole to rush 600 cola. At S p. m. the fire waa within t ir.v.Ar.'.f -f r lkll-S It Mllr' NrlM. and I mux Mr It kdixd iu Woli4rTullr. I h. h. twi sVl Mlf mniHt fuf siai ywis MUM PAN KINTKHIL IM llMMint Ml, Aant, U Many rrinrdirt sre trcominrndrd for disestrs of Ilit nrrvout syilrni Inst fill lo produce roulit brciuit lliry do not loch llir irtt of the trouble. Dr. Miles Ncivm k proven lit value in such catrs so many timrt lint it it unnrcrttary tc make cUiim for it. You can prevs its meritt for yourirlf ty gelling a bottle of your druggi.t. who will return the price if you receive no benefit MILS MIOICAL CO., Ilkhsit, Iwd. POllCr IS CAllED Tariff It Dsclsrsd Unfair and Tr.,.i Policy "Hopsltssly Wrn9- Warning Is Qlvsn l Admlnlslrsllon signed. The celebration will be under eighth of a mile of the rlty'i reiiler, ao- the auspices of committee headed by Mayor Hlandenburg and is expected to Include a military parade. BIG HEW HAVEN PLOT IS CHARGED at midnight John Barleycorn has sailed the seas foot of single track laid Instead of a on American naval vessels in the offl- flat charge of 1600 a year for each WASHINGTON. D. C. July 1. The Democratic senators. In caucus here this afternoon, voted In favor of Sen ator Stone's resolution to stay In Washington until the administration's three anti-trust bills are disposed of. Senator Kern declared the Democrats unanimously opposed adjournment al present WANAMAKER'S FLYING BOAT MAKES 60 MILES HAMMONDSPORT. N. Y, July 1. A speed of 60 miles an hour waa de veloped here toda& by the America, tha Rodman Wanamaker Transatlantic flying boat, while flying over a meas ured course. cere' mess rooms ever since there was an American navy, and some of his old friends thought It only right to give him a rousing farewell on his last night among them. To the enlisted men the new order made not a par ticle of difference. mile of track. The Portland & Oregon City Co. made application to come into the city about a year ago. After a number of months of delay, the franchise was granted and the route of the line to come Into the city from the south was There was plenty of difference of fixed on East Seventeenth street opinion here concerning tke order's Property owners along this street later propriety. Chairman Padgett, of the prevented the line from being built by bouse co.umltee on naval affaire and invoking the referendum. Senator Martine of New Jersey, sum- After this project was tied up the -mea up compaciiy ior me nvai scuoois company made application to come In of thought on the subject KILLS RATTLER, WINS WIFE. Romanoe la Helped Along Whan Ranchman Slays Coyotes. Denver. Three years ago Patrick J. Kerrigan waa riding over bis home stead, near Deer Trail, Colo, when be came upon a young woman who bad encountered a rattlesnake. Kerrigan dismounted from bis borse and killed the snake. The young lady thanked him and went to ber cabin, adjoining bis homestead. Later the same year Kerrigan killed a number of coyotes engaged In the slaughter of the young woman's stock. Again she thanked him and again be rodn away. Thus their romance be gan. Finally Kerrigan proposed and Mary Dougherty accepted. The romance reached Its climax when the pair were married at St Patrick's church. North Denver. to the city along East Twenty-eight!) street, and this franchise Is now pend ing. Since application was made for that route the company applied for a franchise to travel several of the streets of the downtown section, the central east side and to the city limits I at the northern boundary. EARNS COLLEGE COURSE ON TWO ACRE FARM COQUILLE IS DRY; FIRST TIME IN YEARS MARSHF1ELD, Ore., July 1. Co qullle. the county seat of Coos county, la today dry for the first time In many years. The closing of the saloons last night was marked by a general celebration. The closing Is due to a campaign made by Prohibition followers some weeks ago, when a petitions was circulated, signed and presented lo the city coun cil asking that, the council refuse to renew the saloon licenses. MAJOR KINNEY IS DECLARED INSANE MARSHF1ELD. Ore., July 1. Major L. D. Kinney, who has been one of the most conspicuous figures in Coos Day development during the past 10 years, and whose properties, valued at $500,- 000, are now in the hands of a re ceiver, has been declared insane. cording to a message from there. Seventy five more houses hsd been destroyed to South Hslem. 4 flrefltht- era hsd been overcome snd CO others had been taken to hospitals. The water pressure waa very low. The Lincoln high school bad been dy namited In an effort to check the flames. Women were running about the streets aa If demented. The situation shows no signs of Improvement Salem a exclusive realdentlal sec tion In Ijtyfayette street was crumbl ing from the fire this afternoon. The new French Catholic church and many colonial niantlous bad been consumed. Householders were rush ing their possessions through Ilroad street Into the cemetery. Militiamen ere preventing looting. Scores of children were separated from their parents and wanderlna- about the city panic stricken. The Salem authorities had axaln called on Koaton for aid. savlna- the Alleged Conspiracy Also Involves Boa- fire waa getting completely beyond control, inree more engines were on E MELLEN, FORMER PRESIDENT OF ROAD IS INDICTED BY JURY FINANCES ARE FOUND IN TANCLf ton Business Men Road Cost ing Millions la Ntver Operated Lad of Seventeen Clears $800 by His Industry. On thfi Trail. "Do you see tbiit man going alone with liix bend in tlie ulr. siilliinn with his nose?" "Ve9. I know him." "I 8tifiiose he Mleves lu tuklng In the good, pure ozone V "No. He's hunting for n motor ga rage, I believe "-Khuhhh City Slur. How He Changed. Boreleleli tin ll:l"i p. in. i-When I was fl hoy I used to ring doorbells Had run hwh.v. The (ilrl lyiiwnlngi-And now you ring tln-tn nnd stay.-Hostun Trn nscrlpt Raw Potatoes. Few people: ure tempted to ent pota toes raw, yet those who linve done so lin ve been iimde to suffer for their rash ness, for raw potatoes contain n poison ous alkaloid called nolnnlne. This alka loid disappears with cooking. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHE.W ft CO., Toledo, O. We, the underalgned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe Mm rwrfectly nonoraoie m an masine transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations marie by bin firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Core Is taken Internally, acting- directly upon the blood and mu cous eurfaces of the Mystem. Teatlmonlala sorit free. Price 76 cents par bottie. Sold by an puirslata. Tak Hall f Family Pills for ooestlpatloa. Waterloo, la. An Income of $S00 from two acres within a few months la the record mude last summer by Glenn Trapp, a seventeen-year-old boy The boy, who formerly was a news carrier, paid for his land with tha onions that be ruined and made a neat sum In addition on other vegetables. A desire to earn enough money to go to college whs the Incentive for the venture by young Trapp Early last spring he purchased two acres of ground lo Heaver Gardens, ten miles north of Des Moines, on the I'erry In terurbnn. Tbe land cost blm $500, and be mude tbe first payments wltb mout-y be bad earned and saved while carrying papers. Tbe boy erected a tent on hla two acres and lived there during the sum nier. doing bis own cooking and work Ing from dawn till dark on his small furm. He planted tlie most of his land to onions, also putting in a few melons, potatoes and sweet corn. By thinning out bis onion crop early in the Bummer he realized nearly $00 on young onions. Tbe onions be harvest ed luter are recognized by eiperta to be about the best grade and quality that have been raised In Iowa. Be took out nearly 000 bushels of onions, for which be received $1 per bushel Ills meloiia, potatoes and sweet corn have brought blm an additional In come. Within another year Trapp expects to have stifllclent funds to complete a fall college course. Ills success wltb hla two acres 1 considered an excellent example of the possibilities of Intensive farming. Both Disappointed. Wife If I'd known that yon were after my money I would never bave listened to you. Husband And if I'd knowo yon'd be so mighty close with your money 1 would never have pro posed. Philadelphia Ledger. 'TIs the night Tim McGrath walked In Tom Sharkey's cafe. -"A Dne place you've got here, Tom." chirps Titn. "My own Idea." responds the spend thrift, sticking bis chest out a foot or two. "Why don't you get a chandelier to brighten np the Joint?" says Tim after a survey. "I was thlnkln" of that" added Sharkey, "but do yon know, Tim. there's nobody here that plays It" CAMl'.IUnCK. Mass.. June 29. Eighteen-persons. Including Charles S. Mellcn, former president of the New York, New Haven at Hartford and the Koaton & Maine Railroad company: Frederick C. Moaeley. of V. 8. Moseley A Co.. Boston brokers-, the Ute Kalph u. Ulllett, ol Wealfleld. and the Invest ment comlmttees of two savings banks of this city, were Indicted toduy by the Middlesex county grand Jury on vari ous charges In connection wltb the fl nances of the Hampden Railroad from ltontlsvlllo to Springfield. Mr. Gillctt was president of the Hampden corpor ation. The road was built a year ago as a link to connect the Central Massachu setts division of the Iloston it Maine with the New York, Now Haven & Hartford Railroad, but has never been operated, an attempt to obtain the leg islatures' consent to Us lease to the Iloston & Maine having failed. Tbe Indictments against Molten, Moseley and Gillet allege conspirarcy to induce tlio Investment committee of the two banks to lend a total of 15, 000 to the corporation. Tbe notes se curing the loans were Indorsed by the Hampden Investment company, organ ized by Mr. Glllett to finance the con struction of the road, which coast about H0OO.0O0. The Investment commltteo of the East Cambridge Savings bank Is in dicted on three counts of conspiracy to lend sums of $20,000, $16,000 and $5000 to the Hampden railroad. These In dictments charge that the Hampden Investment company waa not a sub stantial surety or Indorses of the notes of the railroad corporation given to the bank. NONE OF 410,000,000 KILLED. f -f-H-W-W I H I i 11 1 1 H H i-M- WANTED, TWO NICKNAMES. Tie Federal league still lacks one requisite of big lenguedom. Not all Its teams have been ulilv named. liufTalo and St. I.otils are tlie iinrlirlst(!iied tennis. The fans refer to them fts the "Buffalo Federals" and tlia "St. Louis Federals." It's different elsewhere In the circuit. The other pennant elmsers in Cllinoro's organiza tion sport the following pet ti tles: P.altlmnre Terrapins. K:rnM City Parkers. CIlieil'o-Chlfe.N. Indianapolis - Ilooslers. I'rnoklyn TIpliHis. f Pittsburgh-Stogies. .. H---HH-H-:-:-:--:--i-!-:--:--K--wH--H-:- Early Methods of Curing bklns. The original process of curing skins was probably the simple one- of clean ing and drying them. Removal or the hair by maceration Irt water seems to have been common among the very early tribes, nnd one writer has sug gested that tbe Idea was obtained from the natural process of depllatlon. They must certainly have been familiar with It In the case of drowned animals, where maceration can be plainly ob served. Following this smoke, sour milk, oil and the brains of the animals themselves were found efficacious. Many of these primitive methods are employed in remote places st tbe pres ent time. 299 Railroads In U. S. Carry This Number In Year Without Mishap. Cbicaga-Two hundred and ulnety nine railways of the United States, operating a mileage equal to the com bined railways of the United Kingdom. Germany, France. Austria and Italy, went through last fiscal yenr without a Hlnglu fatality to u passenger In a train accident. Tlie railways, which operate together 120.M1 miles ol line, constitute more than two-tlilrds of the operating com panies ninklng their annual reports to the bureau of railway news and sta tistics. During the year the railways thus re porting complete Immunity carried a total of 4ii..sns.4SS passengers. Long Distance Fly Swatter. Jaiicsvilie. Wis.-When clubwomen of Janesvllle Inaugurated a campaign and offuretl a bounty of 10 cents per 100 dead files, they had no Intention of making the contest nation wide. Nev ertheless the committee sent 00 cents to Master Wayne Rogers. Star, Miss., a nine-year-old lad who had rend of tlie JuncNi'ille fight and got busy. He sent the eanasses In an envelope which contained a note written In a childish scrawl. Worse Than the Ancient Mariner. "You must have had a terrible ex perience, with no food and mosquitoes swarming around yon," said a friend to the shipwrecked mariner who had been cast away upon a tropical Ia in nd. "You Just bet I had a terrible expe rience," he acknowledged. "My expe rience was worse than that of the man who wrote, 'Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.' With me it was bites, bites everywhere, but not a bite to eat"-London Tlt-Blta. their way from here and Lowell and Lawrence were also sending aid. - It waa Impossible to estimate the loss, nor dared any one estimate how many had been trapped and perished In the flames. Tbe fire severed wire communica tion between Salem and Iloston at 4:30 this afternoon after a square mile of buildings had been burned with $1,000,000 damage. The structures de stroyed Included 100 residences and 1$ factories. Ilesldes the fire department four companies of mllltla and the po lice from neighboring cities were fight ing the flames. At latest accounts dy namite was being used In an effort to check the fire's spread. Incomplete reports Indicated to night that five persons were known to be dead In the fire at Salem and that 60 were missing. ITJCGIIKKKI'BIE. June :.-Colum-hla won the varsity rlcht oared rare on the lludnon here this afternoon. Pennsylvania as second, Cornell third. Syracuse fourth. Washington BrBj ',, linn uu ,i ! iMiniu nam. The time of the crews waa: Colutn hla. 19:27 4 6; Pennsylvania. Cornell, 19:44 IS; Waahlngton, :o 01 It). Tbe record, made by Cornell July I, 1901. was IS ;&:. The course Is four miles. Sheer grit won fur Columbia. Its lead at the finish as only half length. Pennsylvania was In the lesd as the mile mark was reached, but Syracuse passed the mark first, with Penusyl vanla almost up with It. Wisconsin neit. Waahlnaton following and Pnn sylvanla rloae up. Cornell then atari ed to speed up aud drew ahead with the leaders. In the second mile It waa well up with them and rowing power fully. Syracuse had fallen back to last place with the leading group of sheila. As the second mile progressed Wash I nut on and Cornell were neck and neck and with Columbia, were contesting for the lead. ITTHIU'Rtl. Jun 30-Thl. llixiMiVell ilelltrred lunlcht the litw olllr. ail.lrvM that baa coins fr, hi in I lira his return from llraill. aa divided, generally aM-akliia. Inu Ihrra parts an attack on tha It'll administration, aa liidlrinmnl u Misses" and an etpoalllun of the brm- clples of the Progressive party. Tha adinlnlatratlon's tariff lava Colonel Roosevelt declared a roloacd failure, particularly hard on the farur rr, lis antitrust prolamine be brand ed as an economic absurdity, in (,,, elKQ policy he at r led as "wled lied." but on this he did nU elaborate. The iN-niiM-ralln tariff, hi Insisted, had broiiKht dlalrraa on the nation, had not lowered Ihe coat of living and had chiefly benefited foreign rivals of American btislueaa. The solution reeled, he argued. In aupport of Ihe bruareaalve movement and the enactment of laws providing for tariff revlalon by a non partlaau coinmlmliili. (If Ihe "bosses' Mr. RooMtell aald bat be has heretofore thai I hey thwarted the rank and (lie of the Ito- publli-an party by the nomination of Mr. Tail at Chbago and In ao doing "deliberately put Ihe liemiirratlo or sanitation and Mr. Wilson Into power." In conclusion the colonel sketrhed the Progressive Idea of needed anti trust regulation by "properly empow- inlaalona," contrasting such pmpnsale wilb leKMatlon now iiend Ifltf Ml WaaM,iwl,.M ,kl..li U , 8mr i" iVM r.M? """'"' Proa-ram SI Twi.con.ln o: hn' T T,'"'i"U v'd lnt ao. msronain, .0. 1ulr)r of ,hB ,.,., p(irty "It la, and always will be," he said, "the fUles'rluhla porty, tha "liartr. afraid -of power.' ". Yet the colonel warned Ihoae diaaat iaried with the adinllilatrallon not through their resentment to throw their support to the leaders be bad at tacked. To do so, he said, would only insuro a continuation of "government by convulsion, of a governmental see- aw between two set. of polit ics." OF REFUSED BY WIOT E E 1913 PRESIDENT SAYS SUFFRAGE STATE AND NOT A NA TIONAL ISSUE I ON ROCKS; ALL SAVED LONDON. June 29. Wireless ad- are the lowest since 1903. There has vices received here today stated that been a break of 13 cents within flvo 1016 passengers of the Anchor Lino weeks. steamer California, which grounded For the first time In recent years the last night on the rocks off Tory Island, United Slates is loading the world In Donegal, in a dense rog, were trans- making low prices for wheat, which ferred to the steamer Cassandra. Sev- ore so attractive to forelan havers cral HrltlBh torpedo boats which were that they are taking hold freely and patrolling the cost when the Callfor- have bought more than 35,000,000 nla went aground, aided In the trans- bushels "In all positions." as some of for of the passengers. (he exporters and cash handlers put It. The California a bow waa stove In I As this exnort buvlnir has linen on a and two forward comportments flood- steadily declining market, foreigners ed. The vessel's position was consld- all have a loss. This creates unensl ered dangerous, but a smooth Bea pre- noss, as they may not want to take the WASHINGTON. June 30. rive hun- dred members of the (.ieneral Federa tion of W omen's clubs marched to the White House today and drew from President Wllsun a final refusal to ac cede to demands that ho support the movement for a woman suffrage amendment to tha ledum! constitution. Tho president reiterated his state ment lo previous delegations that hla CHIOAGO, June 29. Wheat prices party hnd not embodied thla question GREAT HARVEST IS NOW IN PROG RESS AND U. 8. UNDERBIDS THE WORLD vailed throughout the day. The own ors of the vessel were confident that she would be aaved. Threo hundred of tho California's passengers were tuken to London- Icrry. The rcmnlndor were sent Glasgow. KILLING OF ROYALTY FOLLOWED I RIOTS wheat Inter when It Is tendered. Foreigners were on both sides of tho market for July and September here Inst week. They think wheat is cheap and look for the United Statoa to con- to tlnun a free, seller. Th winter wheat hurvest Is woll ad vanced under the most favorable weather conditions. Threshing Is on over the southwest nnd south und In parts of tho central west. Yields In the main are large. Conditions of what grain remains uncut linvo chnngod lit tle tho past month and the govern ment crop report In July Is expected to show more than tho (138,0110,000 bushels estimated this month.' In Its platform, and then for the first time announced his personal convic tion that the suffrage issue was one for settlement by the stales and not by the federal government. Tho women went away plainly dis appointed and chagrined, some of (hem talking of Immediate action ngaiiiHt tho iiemocrntlc party. Headed by such leaders ns Mrs. Kills I-onun, Mrs. llnrvoy W. Wlloy, Miss Ilhota Chllu Dorr nnd Miss Allen Paul, they luil marched to tha White llousn with hnids playing nnd banners flying. They masHud themselves In the his toric east room, many carrying babies who added their share to tho unusual scene by cooing or crying accompani ments to the speeches. TROOPS ARE CALLED OUT TO KEEP ORDER MORE BOMBS ARE THROWN EARTHQUAKE CLAIMS LIVES IN 8UMATRA SARAJKVO, Juno 29. After tho bodies of Archduke Francis Fonllnand and his wlfo, the Idleness of Hohon bcrg, who wero assassinated yester day, had reposed for a time in the chapel of the pulnco today they were triiiiHfcrred to a special train for trans portation to Vienna. Antl-Servlan demonstrations were attacked and troops were called out to keep order. These demonsl rations ne cessitated the proclamation of martial law and the commander of tho troops at Sarajevo exhorted the people, say ing: "If you love your emperor, Ihcn go quietly to your homes," The majority of tho populace Imme diately obeyed this request and tonight tho town Is quiet. During tho day, however, two bombs were thrown, but only one person was hurt, the Injury being slight. KINOAPORK, Juno 2G. A series of vloioii t earthquakes was reported to day from southern Sumatra. It was stated that lurgo number of people were killed. The property loss was anlil to bo enormous. Tho China Mutual Steam Navigation company s seamer Klntunk, crowded with passenger, was also mliislng in Siimntrnti waters, and fears wcro en tertained that It wnh been overtaken by dlwislor tlito to tlie qnako, BOYS ADMIT THEFT E TO 8uffraglsts In Capitol. WASHINGTON, Juno 27.--Women suffragists re resenting their bisters In 38 slates descended on the capitol again today seeking support from con gressmen of all political faiths Speak er Clark told them that woman suf frage was as "inevitable as tha rising of tomorrow's sun;" Vice-President Marshall, pressed to take a more defin ite stand on tne question, intimated that his wife would not let him. At any rate General Huerta qualifies aa the greatest abotit-to-doer of history. Possibly congress has acquired the bablt and now cannot bring itself to adjourn. PORTLAND, Ore, Juno 30. Harry f'lirrlgnn and John Kollaher were turned over to tho Juvenile court this mr.i-nlni, lit, mimlclnill COIirt for Steal ing tho automobile, of Dr. J. H. Iooinls from tho street Inst Saturday. Tito hovs aro 15 and 10 years of age. Three other young fellows arrested win them were dismissed, as Kollaher and Currigan admitted the theft, limy took the machine Saturday afternoon, drovo It that evening, and left It. on tho east sitlo. Hiindny they made a trip to Oregon City, where they were arrested by Police Chief Shaw. CAR 8HORTAGE FEARED PORTLAND, Ore., June 27. Warn ing shippers to make provision for car shortage this summor due to a dearth of western business from the east and the enormous potential grain crop of the middle west D. W. Campbell, as sistant general manager of the South ern Pacific company, has addressed a letter to the state railroad commission asking their cooperation In reduclij the expected shortage to minimum. 1,03 ANGKLES. Juno 25. Aviator Sllns Chrlstoffersnn flew over Mount Whitney today, establishing an Ameri can altltuilo record, according to a telephctio message received hero Into today from Lonu Pino, Inyo county, oa the Los Angeles aqueduct. Ho ascended at Initio Pino, flow over the peak and nlighted safely In 18 minutes niter circling nbovo It sev eral times, IfiOO foot nbovo tho sm- ntl, - Mount Whitney's elevation Is ' J1-2 foet. It is the highest peak u ho United States. ClirlHto erson s nlll tudo ut the top of tho flight was up proximately m.300 font. Fisher Captured MAKER, Ore., June 2. After four diys of unrcmlting pursuit and weary search In tho wllils of the mountains In the Wallowa district, Sheriff IOd Rand this evening captured Kd Fisher, wanted on a charge of shooting from ambush H. H. Stewart, tho deposed ninyor of Copperfleld. Officers Resign. SAN FRANCISCO, Juno 2(1. Ex plaining n recent epidemic of resigna tions from tho army, officers at tlie Presidio were reported today as saying privately thut It was due directly to tho vaclllallny policy of tho adminis tration In Mexico. Long Wedding Trip Begun. RAKER, Ore., June 20. A wedding trip of 8000 miles to their new homo was started today by Mr. and Mrs W. W. McDowell. They left for Port land, nnd after a few days there win go to Snn Francisco to take a steamer to the Orient. The arhnol board of Wheeler will soon award t contract for a four room schoolbouse.