Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 03, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    OKWiON CITY KNTJCKI'WHH, I'llI DAY, JULY .'5. 191 1.
Nolle ( (culsr' Sal.
In Ih r''r i'outt of Ih rllal of
tUMnil for III nullity of li ka-
I"t'".. Mn-r -f II. K.ui. of HI o.
IJ, M eaal'd.
.NiH I lir l-r in that. In l"r
.',,. i.f an or.i. r duly urn.! i-r d
ruii m Hi mb day ' J'"". I'JM. I"
MiMllff .f 111 1mi '""'
,. ,,ii.l. rilKiira KiM 'ir -I'l
iai vtlll 'II. on r '"" Hi 11 dr
,lf AiiK'ml. "'" "'
' y til CUrkainae, Hli of Orr..n.
th limiif end I''1'''' '"'
-.,mm riih, l'ln ii"M "
' -I I'Ul.ll" r I'rU.i" l.
I in I l '" riinnrniallnil
?.',', C.nirl. Ill full"" UK di-a-rllicd
LtPHimi mui ti i'finy Minimi.-
J tald ratal". ! :
kr iiiiillvM'"' cum fmirili Intere! In
,) in Hi" iilll Piraunal
rilC I" "'
Thrii" Iiiiip)i': Irln. Hul am)
I (.hi.
I emu Wnnn;
I I nrrr.
I 1 1 .
t ,'nhhln Ml;
! ,! I'littT,
1 iin;
I ilnr l-;
I ri.iir Mill:
I ti.t h.ui.0 llarni.. tin Collar;
I Hi'l tfiind" Hrm;
i Trni. " l,r i;
I I . ! riuaa;
I n" Hlnm-1 Cultivator;
linrliHir liili-ri'il In liar link;
I Hiriii Timili Harrow;
I Mil' lUrmw;
I i Mi-lin lot h Plow;
I ni l VKin;
im Chlrki-li;
I KimI Calf;
I IUki k Mi'lf'-r;
One hair Inlrriil In 2 year old heif
er; I Order rnlor row;
1 Nark Knee Oi her Cow;
I Hriin Cow;
I Orlinr Cow, (hnrtia In);
I Hlai k Cow;
I I lor;
i Hnw, four riK:
Ml Mop H'li'ki;
r. Hop Haakrte;
1 Iron Ki'lllii.
Alan, Ilia undivided on fourth Inter
rut In ami In Dm following real prop,
rn jr. lo wlt:
Coiiiimiii lnif at th Houthi-aat corn
rr of Hi tlim 31 ami Houthweat corner
of rli'iiliin 32. running thrum Kant mi
Towiiklilp llni NO roda; thence North
so roil: ihrrv Wrt lo Unit Creek;
llii'iicn up aald Cri.i'k to Township Hn
1,1 !. n Tuwtmhlin 6 ami 8; thrnc
Kimt alone ld Townahlp Hum to place
nf tiicimiliiK, containing HO acre, more
nr li'; altUMlA In Hertloii 31 and
3:. T. 6 S. of It. I K. of the Willam
ette Meridian, Claikamaa County,
Htte of Oregon.
T.rtn ami romtltloni of nulu:
(COiin ranii, Umim dcllvrry of tlm d'l
of mill Kxwiitor anil aftrr conririiia
Una of tnln lijr aalil Countr Court. Iial
in ta niorticnKo upon tho prrmUca.
fiMi anil offiT nntat b In writing
and may lm ifl at tlifl offlra o tho
Kirrutor. K. P. Morootn. Wooillitirn,
Ori'iuii, at any tlma aftor tlm flrit pub
llration of thla notloo and befora Ih
making of inlil anlr).
Iiiiti'd. June 12lh. 1911.
Caorulnr of the InHt Wlfl of Olo O.
Ityn, rvcciiad. Woodburn, OrnRon.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Rtat of
OrPpton, for Clurkainaa County.
Mnry Schrlrlrli, PlnlnJIff,
Mntthnw Si'liidrlch. Di'fundnnl.
To Mutihow Bchnlrloh, aliovivnamrd
ili'fi'mlnnt :
In the name of thn atute of On'Kon.
you are liori'liy required to ttpprar and
miHwnr tho complaint flli'd aitnliist you
In the above i-ntltled court on or bo
fore the 27th dny of Juno, 1914, bclnx
more than nl wroka from the ilnto of
tho flrnt publlcutlon of thla aummona.
ntul If you fall bo to appear or nnitwrr
the plaintiff for want thereof, will ap
ply to tho court for the relief prnyod
for In tho complaint, which la thot the
ninrrlnKo now rxlatlnx between you
and the plaintiff be forever dlsaolvcd
anil thnt plaintiff bo Kmnted docroo
of divorce. Till auiiiinoiiR la served
upon you by order of th Hon. J. U.
Campbell, JuiIko of the above entitled
court, which order la ditto June 11,
1HM, Tho date oC the flrnt publication
of thla atitmnona Is May IS, 1914, and
the 1 nut dnte of publication la May
SR. 19)4.
Attorney for I'lulntlff.
In the Circuit Cotirt.iif tho Stnte of
OreRon, for Clucknmas County.
I.ewlH 1). MorKnn, Plaintiff,
Hello M. MorRtin, Defendant.
To Hello M. Morgan, tho abovo mimed
In tho niuno of the Stnte of OreRon,
you nro hereby roquired to appear and
ntiRwer the complnlnt filed nunl'iHt you
In tho nbove iminml suit, on or before
tho 10th dny of July, 1914, aald date
belnn the expiration of hIx wecka from
tho flrnt publication of thla Htimtnona,
and If you full to appear or niiBwor
Bnld coniplulnt, for want thereof tho
plaintiff will apply to the court for tho
relief prnyod for In big complaint, to
wit: For a docreo cllHsolvtnR tho bonds
of matrimony now oxIhIIiik butweon
the plaintiff and defendant. This
wiminona Is piibllHhed by order of H
S. Anderson, JuiIro of the County
Court, which order was mado and en
tered on the 22nd day of May, 1914,
and the tltno prescrlbod for publication
thereof Is six weeks, 'beRlnnliiK with
the Issue dated Fritlny, May 29th, 1914,
and contlniiliiR each week thereafter
to and Inoliidlng the Iflsuo of Friday,
July 10th, 1914.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court or the Stato'of
OfeRon, for the County of Clacka
man. Josephine Kornlck, Plaintiff,
garies E. Kornlck, Defendant.-
To Charles E. Kornlck, the above
named defendant: 1 -.
In the name of the State of 6ron
you are horoby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed aRalnst you
n tho above entitled suit on or before
the expiration of six weeks from the
tmte of the first publication of this sum
mons, t0.wlt. on or bofore tha 7th dn
of AuRiiBt, 1914, and that If you fall
to 'answer for want thereof, the plain
f'ff will apply to the Court for the re
P,rayel for In the complaint, to
wit: ror an absolute divorce and the
solution of the marriage contract
nf.7r.Mi. ""I between you and the
Pia ntlff and for the restoration of the
Shaiii- .1ame' to wlt Jo"Phine Mar
shall to the aald plaintiff.
of ummon U published by ordor
of th. r!,orV,le J- U- Campbell, Judge
Or.l " 9''' Court of the SUte of
rn.T. " "r '?? .county of Clackamas.
.MUTJ UU in 7T.II1 A . t .
. u oi dune, ln, ai-
rm lliill Dial Ml 4 piiMli allnB b mad
t li aal mini a k fur U r.n n
lit ka In lb lirraoo CHf Cnivr
i.il, and Dial lb data of Ilia Dral
piililh at lull of llil auinii oi.t Imi in a.
on Ilia J M It day of Jiina, It'll, and Dial
Ilia laul iiiililliatlnn b inadii on t It
7lh ibiy ill Auu.l, 111
Allorm-y for I'laimirT
P. II. Adlrraa; K.kmii I, Hi bunitld
lllmk, Vaiii'outnr, Waal.liixtnu
Nolle to' Contractor.
nVaM iroMitala wilt l rinUil I
Ida Cmiiily 1'iiiirt of I'larkainaa Conn
Ijr, Ori'Kiiii, fur Ilia liiiiiiii iiii iit of tli
Mlla'ikl and Hilli-'i ruad. from
Mi i Ion v to ritttiluii II I'l'ia tHi a
ib riiunly Una brlaiM-n Clai kaiua an
Mulliioiiiati t'liiuitlia, until July )7lli
I'Jll, al tlm liuiir of in 3D A. M , and
thru otiriii'ij and piihlli ly riad.
Plana and in lfi albnia ara now on
nin hi Ilia oftli n nf tlm Counly ( li'rk of
alii I iMi kaiiia l uuiily.
Karli bid ahall l rndurard ' Pro
pnaal for liiiirutriiii.il of Mllaauklo-
Hi'llwood Itoad a ii 'I ahall ba irrnin
panli'd by 1'i rtllli.d liii k on aoin
t'riK'.n Hank, fur an aiiiuunl ninal to
flm .f n i lit of tin. iinoiint bid, puyabla
In tlm rmiiily ( l. rk of aald Counly
Klilrli I'Iiim k aliull ba forfrllrd to
Clm kauma County, aliuuld Ihn im ii'ii
ful bbliliT fall In rut it Into ronirai
and filrnlah aullafarlury bond allli
In fltn ilaya aftrr llm award la mail"
Tlm anld Counly Court roarrtra lh
rtac lit lo ri jii I any or all bida.
W. U Ml l.VKV.
Counly ( li-rk
In tlm Circuit Court of the Htntn of
Ori'Koii. fur Clurkainn Counly.
U O. NlKhtliiRale, riuliillff,
A. It. Moritaii. A. II. Murium, adnilul
Iralor nf thn ralutii of .MuiIk liert
rudn MurKiin, drreaai'il; I. T. Hart
and Clara llnrt. bla wlfr, Ida T. Ira
luiiud, Kqiiltaliln lluaiiltal AaaiH-ln-
tlun, a corporation and Hoi li. l Ho
well, lii'fi-ndunta
To I. T. Hart and Clara Hart, bla wife,
aliov iiamuil di'fendaiiia.
Ill tlir Hume of thn Htntn of OreRon.
Voii. and each of you, are hereby rn-
qulrrd to appear and answer the com
plaint flh'd aitalnat you In thn al.ovr
riitltli'd ault on nr before th IHtb day
of July, 191 1, and If you fall to an ap
pear and anawer anld romiiluliit. plain
llff will apply to thn abovn entitled
Court for th relief di-mandid In bla
complaint, to-wit:
Kur the forecloaurn of a certain uiort
RnRH ddtrd May l.'.lh, 1911, and record
! In Volume HI, dura 492, inortKnue
n-corda of Clackatnaa County. Htata of
Ori-Kiui: for JuilKini-nt thereon for
11100.00 and intrreat thereon alnce
May 1Mb, 1913; al t per cent per an
nnm; for flOU.OO attorneys fee and
for coata and dlaburaeiiienta, which
aald uiorttaRH covers and la a Ken up
on the following describe) real prein
lae In Clackamas County, Oregon, to-
The Went half (VH) and the South
pant quarter IH K.(4) of tha Northwest
quarter (NAV.14) of aectlon Kleven
(II), and thn Nnrthenat quarter (N.
K'-i) nf thn Northeast quarter IN K.
h) or Him J Ion Ten 110), all In Town
alilp six (6) South or Itango Two (2)
Kunt or the Willamette Meridian, ex
cept 1U acrea heretofore deeded for
acbiMil purpoaea.
For the foreclosure of that certain
mortgage dated September 29, 1909 ror
StlOO.OO given lr I,. O. Nightingale and
(iertle NlgtitlliRale, tils wire to Will
iam Mortenaun, and recorded In Vol
ume T3, page 374, mortgage record!
ot anld County and Stnte, with Inter
est thereon at 6 per cent per annum
alnce September 15, 1912: for $09.46
taxes paid and Intercut from dnte of
payment; for fKiO.OO attorneys fees
and costs and disbursements, which
mortgage covers the following describ
ed real premises In Clackamas County,
Oregon, to-wlt:
The West half () ot the North
wrst quarter (Vi) and tho Southeast
quarter (M ot tho Northwest quarter
C4) ot Section Eleven (11) Township
six (Ci) South Range Two (2) Fast of
the Willamette Meridian, In Clucka
mas County, and Stnte of Oregon, con
taining One Hundred nnd Twenty
acres of land, excepting therefrom the
following described tract to-wlt: He
ginning at tho Southenst comer of the
Northwest quarter of the Northwest
quarter or Section Eleven In Township
six Houth or linage Two East or the
Willamette Meridian, In Clackamas
County, Oregon, and running thence
North twenty rods; thenco West ten
rods; thenco South twenty rods:
thence East ton rods to the place or
beginning and containing one and one
fourth acres of land.
Datod Juno 3rd, 1914.
O. D. EMY.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the County Court or the Stnto or
Oregon, Tor the County of Clacka
mas. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Jolinnn
J, A. TleU, deceased.
To Mlunlo Cnrollno Tlotz, Johanna
llottchild, IjOuIso Mercer, Sophia
Krueger, William TloU and Charlos
In thn name of the State of Orogon,
you, and each of you, are hereby cltod
by ordor of tho above entitled court
and required to appear bofore said
court, at the Court Room thereof In
the County Court House In Oregon
City, Orogon, on Woditosdny, tho ltith
dny of July, 1914, at 10 o clock A. M
of aald day, to show causo If any you,
or any or' you, have why an ordor
ahould not he granted tho ndmlnlMra-
tor, Thos. P. Ryan, of the nbove en
titled eatnte, authorizing, instructing
or empowering aald administrator to
soli the real property thoreof, which
real property la described In the poll
Hon, and Is hereinafter described, and
said property ahould not be sold, as
prayed for In the potltlon, at private
The property thus described Ib In
Clncknmns County, Oregon, and la de-
Bcrltied as follows, to-wlt:
The West hair or the Southwest
quarter or Section 30. Township I
South Range 6 East or the Willamette
Witness my hnnd and the seal or the
above entitled court affixed this 28th
day of May, 1914.
i County Clerk
Hy l. til. HARRINGTON,
(County Court Seal) ,
In the Circuit Court or the State or
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Martha E. Harding, Plaintiff,
Louis Agustua Harding,- Dorendant.
To Louis Aguatua Harding, the above
named defendant.
In the name or the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled Court, on or be
fore the 17th day of July A. D. 1914,
aid date being alx weeks after the
first publication or this Summons.. If
you fall to appear and answer, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the
relief prajTed for In her complaint filed
herein, which la for an absolute di
vorce forever dissolving the bor.ds of
matrimony now and heretofore exlst-
lug bntwii thn plaintiff and thn da
fwidaiil, and fur Ih turn and rtia'mjy
of bur minor frmala i Mid Nancy Mar
kant Harding, aurd alt (l month
i M. and fur am h ollntr and furl tier r
llrf a lo tha Court may aiimi mart and
tiuiuM in ih prriiilars, and fur her
ri.l and dlaliniaeliiftiil lirrrlll.
Von lil jili. ink nmli lhat
llil H il in mi 'I a la served upo'l yuii per
tonally with a rertlflrd ropy of tha
i ouiplaliil flli d brralii; purauant In Ihn
lerma of an order In tha al.uva aiillllml
Mil inada by llm aUiva Hilltli-d Court
by tha Huli'irabl 1. V. Campliell, JudKe
Ibrrruf, on tha 4th day of Juna A. II.
IV! 4. requiring lhat publication of Ihla
Hiiiuiiiuii b mail onrn a wi-rk fur six
i'oiibm uiite wi i.ka In Iba On gnu City
Knlerprliie, and requiring Ibal ibn flral
publli allun b mad mi Ibn bin day of
Inn A. I). 1911. and Ibn laat publica
tion ha madn on thn 17th dny of July
A. I). 1911.
Atloriii-y fur Plaintiff.
Hull" 1121 to 1121 Northwestern Hank
llldg., Portland, Orekuii.
In Ihn Circuit Court of thn Hlatn of
Oregon, for Clui kains) Counly.
N. K. Ili-naun. Plalnllff,
P. W .Henaun, Ilefrliilnlit,
To P. W. Ileimiiii, No. 3! Twenty
alxh Street, Hull Francisco, Cali
fornia. Yuu arn hereby ri-qulmd to appear
and answer Ihn coinplalnt filed against
yuu In Ihn above rntltled ault by the
2Mb day of July, Mucin n Hundn-d
and Fourlei-n (1914) a prescribed by
an order nf thn abovn rniliM Court
fur lb nubllrullon of Ibis autuinolis
blcli wild date afurvaald la morn than
all (01 wneka after tha dale of the
flrat publication herein aa ordered by
the Court In Ihn above entllleii suit.
and If you ao fall lo appear end an
sa er the complaint and summon filed
herein In the almve entitled suit on
aid date, plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled court tor the relief
nrnved ror In said complaint, which
aald relief Is for a dwri-e of the above
entitled Court 'ornvnr dlaaolvlng. an
nulling and selling aalde tho marriage
contract heretofore and now existing
between plaintiff and aald defelidnnt.
and rnr audi Mhcr and further relief
as the Honorable Court may deem meet
with equity.
Thla summon la putillsneq anil
nerved upon you by order of the lion-
urnble J. IT. Campbell. Judge of the
above entitled court which said order
was duly made and entered therein In
anld Court on the filh day of June.
Nineteen Hundred and rourteen
(1911) based uixin plnintlff'a complaint
and affidavit and the records made and
filed In aald ault.
J. A. STROwnniDOE,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
1 luted and first publication, June
12th, 1914.
Ust publication, July Zltti, 19M.
8hrlrTi 81 on Execution.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Multno
mah. P. Fos. Plaintiff,
A. I.. Harper. Defendant.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas.
ltv virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
of and under tho seal of the above en
titled Court. In tho above entitled
cause, to me dnly directed and dated
iho 27th day of May. 1914, upon a Jung
nient rendered and entered In said
court on the 20th day or May. 1914. In
ravor or C. P. Fobs. Plaintiff and
gainst A. I Harper, Defendant, for
the sum or $193.7.1. with Interest there
on at the rate or 6 per cent, per nn
n urn from tho 1st day of May, 1914
and the further sum of $11.55, costs
and disbursements, and tho costs of
nd upon this writ, commanding me
out of the personal property ot said
efendant, and If sufficient could not
be found 1hen out ot tho real proper
ty Miclonnlng to said defendnnt on and
fter the date of said Judgment to
satisfy said sum of $193.75, and also
tho costs upon this said writ.
Now, Thereforo, by virtue of said
xecutlon, Judgment- order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
ot said writ, being unable to find any
personal property or said defendant',
I did on the eth dny or June,
uly levy upon the following described
real property of said defendant, sltu
ato and being In tho County of Clacka
mas, nnd State of Oregon, to-wlt:
IaiIs seven (7) and elcht (8) In
block seventy-one (71) In Mlnthorn
Addition to tho City of Portland, all
In Chickamna County, Oregon, and I
will, on Saturday, tho 11th day of July,
1914. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M
at tho front door of tho County Court
House In the City of Oregon City. In
said County and State, sell at public
auction, subject to redemption, to the
hlphest bidder, for U. S. gold coin,
cnsli in hand, all tho right, title and In
terest which tho within named defend
ants, or cither of them, had on the date
of enld Judgment or Blnce had In or
to tho above described real property
or any part thoreof, to satisfy said
execution, Judgment order, decree, In
terest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dy n. J. STAATS. Doputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Juno
th. 1914.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice 1b hereby given that tho tin-
derslgnod has been appointed admin
Istrator of the estate of Mary Shep
herd deceased; b11 persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present the Bnme with prop
er vouchors, duly certified according
to law, at the office of Urownoll &
Stono, nt Oregon City, Clackamas
County, Oregon, within six months of
the date of the publication ot this
Dated, June 9th, 1914. '
Administrator of the estate of Mnry
Shepherd, deceased.
I1ROWNELL & STONE, attorneys for
Sheriffs Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the Stnto of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
John F. Hunnell, George M. Ilunnell
and Charles F. Ilunnell, Plaintiffs,
- Ta.
James A. Bunnell, Defendant.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
By virtue or a Judgment order, de
cree and execution, duly iHsued out of
and under the eeal ot the above enti
tled court, In the above entitled cause,
to mo duly directed and dated the 26th
day of June, 1914, upon a Judgment
rendered and entered In said court on
the 2nd day of April, 1912, In ravor or
said John F. Hunnell, George M. Bun
nell, and Charles F. Bunnell, plaintiffs,
and against Bald James A. Bunnell, de
fendant, for the sum of $18,310.00, with
Interest thereon at the rate of six per
cent per annum, from the said 2nd day
of April, 1912, and the further sum of
$126.60 costs and disbursements, and
the coata of and upon this writ, com
manding me to make sale ot the fol-
lowing deai-rtlwd real pripr y situ
alrd ill ( lackama Counly, Ongon, lo-
I -ni I lo tl Imlualvs, being all of
lllixk 3; all of lots 1 lo 10 Imlualv
bring all of Mix k a; all or luls I to
2 tin In. Iva being all of k 10; Uila
I In I J tncliialvn, being all of lllm k
li; Ula 14, 14, 17, 1M, 19 and 20
In Him k 2 and l-uta 2.1 and 24 In lllm k
4 all In Oak drove park, Clackamas
County, Oregon, an orilliiR to 'be duly
record! map and plat tin ruf
Ala atrlii nf land 10 ft wide and
luting lb Hiiutlierly ten fi-l of a U0
fuol atrip of land d.i ibd by l.uclmla
Munnrll and C. II. Iluiinell, her bua-
biii.d, lo Jaine A. Iluiin-ll. aa deacrllwid
In Hook lis psga 211, ili-.., ri-corila of
raid County and Hlatn, the said 10 foot
trip extending Ihn mitlrn length of the
aald HI fool strip.
Now Thrrefiirn, by vlrluo of said
i-i-cuiliiii. iidginent order and decree
and In compllainn with the commaiida
i f inlil writ, I will, on Monday, Ihn 3rd
day of Auguat, )'jU, at the li'iur of
11:00 o'clock A. M. at Ihn front door
nf thn County Court Ifuuae, In the
City of On-gun City, In suld County and
Hlatn anil al public auction, auhjnct to
redemption, to Ihn lili:h-t bidder, for
C. H. gold coin cnah in hand, all the
right, till" and Int.-reat which Ihn with
In named defendant James A. Ilunnell
had on the 2nd day of April, 1912, the
date of lb Judgiiieut herein, or since
bad In or to tlm abovn deacrlbrd real
property or any part tnnrvof. lo satis
fy suld 1,'iccuttiiii, Judgment ord.-r, de
cree, Inl -rent, coata and atl accruing
Sheriff or Clackninna County, Oregon.
Hy II. J. 8TAA TH, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., June 29th,
First publication, July 3, 1911.
IjisI day of publication. July 31, 1911.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, ror Clackamas County.
Martha Jane Trulllnger, Plaintiff.
Fre -man I TrullliiKer, Defendant.
To Freeman U trulllnger, tho above
named def -ndnnt:
In the name of the State of Ore-
gun, yon are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
agulnst you In the above named ault,
on or b.-fore the llih day of August.
1914, aald date being thn expiration
of tlx week from the first publication
of (bla summons, and If you fall to ap
pear or answer aald complaint, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply to
iho court for the reller prayed ror In
her complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bunds of
matrimony now existing between the
plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons la published by order of II. S.
Anderson, Judge of the Counly Court,
which order waa made and entered on
the 2nd day of July. 1914. and the time
prescribed for. publication thereof Is
six weeks, beginning with the Issue
dated Friday, July 3rd, 1914, and con
tinuing each week thereafter to and
Including the Issue of Friday. August
14lh, 1914.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Wants, For Sale etc.
FOIl SALE Young saddle horse. Ad
dresa V. M. Hellemn, Jennings
Lodge, Ore..
WHEREAS, at a Special Election
held lu Maple Lano Precinct in Clack
nina County, Oregon, on ths 30th day
or June, 1911, a vote was taken for and
against stock running at large In said
precinct nnd said vote result d In a
majority or votes being cast AGAINST
above named precinct.
THEKKr"OHE. in accordance with
tho Statute In such cases made and
provided It Khali bo unlawful, sixty
days from the date of this notice for
stock to run at large In tho abovo
nnnied precinct under penalty of $10.00
for the first offense and $20.00 for each
and every subsequent offensa to he re
covered from ths owner of the stock.
Dated July 3, 1914.
County Clerk of Clackamas County.
It I Confined to a Vary 8mall 8etlon
of tha Vait Emoir.
lu "The Ku.-smn Empire, Today and
Yesterday," Nevln O. Winter says:
'In a Btrlct nen.su, real Russia cov
ers only a portlou of the more than
2,000,000 Bquure miles that lie within
the borders or the continent Tula
narrower dcflultlon' would certainly
ellinluato Finland, Poland, the Baltic
provinces, Bessarabia and the Cauca
sus and probably a part of the land of
the Don Cossacks, the Crimea and the
sections bordering on the Arctic ocean
and the lower Volga. In other words,
the real Bussla has developed within
this narrower section, and whatever
of Russian characteristics appear In
the eliminated sections have Blmply
been Imposed by the conquerors upon
a people alien by birth and language.
"The actual visible Influence of Tol
stoy on Russia seems not to have been
great He was beloved and reverenc
ed by many, but no party claims or
has ever claimed him as a leader. The
higher classes rejected him because of
his opposition to all established gov
ernment; the poasantry were repelled
by his diatribes agulnst religion; the
revolutionists and anarchists repudiat
ed his touching because be bad no
definite plan to offer. Ells Influence on
thought and opinion In Russia will
not compare with bis Influence In non
Russian nations."
The times when a farmer's personal
knowledge ot finance was limited to a
very faulty Judgment of gold bricks
are away back In the past
Tho German crown prince Is said to
gpeud much of his leisure time mak
ing furniture. At luBt we know what
Is meant by a royal good time.
Dr. Wiley says Eve was created be
fore Adam. The good doctor Is evi
dently the one who can tell us wheth
er the egg or the ben came first
When a man tells a woman of forty
that she appears to be growing young
er all the time she is likely to guess
that she has met a cheerful liar.
Lord Rosebery says England ought
to have 600.000 more babies than she
has. Can't the suffragettes be per
suaded to do something about ltT
. A Moorish.. woman. U -not supposed
to know her own age. which Indicates
that the proverb beginning "Where L
'noranc la bliss" has been translated.
Heart io Heart
Wbuo llf menus nothing more or
(mater or higher lo you than th ri-gti
lar rouiinn or your buslne, all day
In Hi wrrk, wlih their regular op ris
ing and down lying, and on th Sab
bath routine bardly lea regular
You ar not "going" concern. You
are not laying to yourself tb divi
dends you ought to gut You ar bend
mi for th court of life bankrupt-.
M'brt doe lir mean
Take a leaaou from lb atory of
Jenny Llnd. th famou alucer, pnr
bnpa th g res tint alugnr who ever
lived. At Ibn early age of thirty two,
fter a career Oiled wltb splendid tri
umph, artistic and financial, and
marked by Ada of gi-ni-rtwlty and char
ity which adorn her name, she retired.
A friend tells tha story. Kh "round
Jenny Llnd sitting toward evening on
a aouth coital In-nt h In England. Just
after her withdrawal, wltb a book In
ber Inp. She apokv of her reaolve. '1
found that IbU'-lb Betting un wn
becoming lena to m and that tills tho
book In her Inp wn a Bible "w be
coming nothing to me. and i knew then
that I must check myaelf and chang
my life.'"
Kh gave up the triumph, the plaud
it, the grent monetary returns, the
companionship of royalties and lb
great or the earth, that ahe might bav
more time and opportunity to enjoy
the beau tie or nature and communion
wltb the Book of Book. She might
have continued to the end In triumph,
ror ber vol'-e wa unimpaired and ber
lire waa extended for many year after
ber retirement. She aang afterward at
concert, orcailonully. for charity, and
In privat ber voice delighted ber
One n?d not retire to emulate ber.
There la room In life for the business
that must be done and for the proper
enjoyment of other matter. The
thing that are added to a x-roc' reg
ular employment are wba: determine
bis character In muny case.
It 1 well to mark time occasionally.
to make an Inventory of life.
If the luiikct fall to eclor your life
wltb Its own rndliiiit beauty. If the full
moon rising nlwve the tree brings no
sense of awe. If a (lower evoke no sen
timent. If the laughter of a child Is not
divine bnrinouy-
Stop and ask ynurnelf why they do
not convey their pmiier meaning to
you. If It I because you are too much
absorbed In material nffalr
Think or Jenny Llnd.
Btginning Young.
Sir. Gramercy-Dii yuu think she's
bringing up ber daughter right
Mm. Park-Indeed she I. my dear!
She gave the little thing a stuffed bull
dog hi play with ItiHtend of a dolL
There waa received In the Chi
cago postotllce the other day a
souvenir postal card bearing, In
lieu of a definite name and ad
dress, ouly the following Inscrip
tion: "To the Greatest Pitcher' on
The postcard was sent to the
dead letter olllce, where one of
the funeral directors of defunct
correspondence was quick to
grasp the situation. She prompt
ly forwarded Uie card to Walter
Perry Johnson of the Washing
ton Americans. lie has Sled it
among the other acquisitions of
bis remarkable career.
Tyru Playa No Favorite. While
Jackaon Fear a Fw.
"One reason why Ty Cobb leads Joe
Jackson In the batting averages each
year Is that Cobb hits all pltcbers with
Impartial vigor, while Jackson plays
favorites," declared Fred Blandlng, the
Nap pitcher. It was at a faunlug bee
in Cleveland the other dny.
"When Cobb feels like hitting there
Isn't a pitcher In the American league
with speed or curves enough to stop
him. Chief Bender and Jack Wnrhop
both have Jackson's groove, tie can't
hit either of them.
"Another reason Is that Jackson Isn't
a fns man going down to first base,
lie Is thrown out on many a bit thnt
any ordinary shifty base runner would
beat out lie's a llgbtfooted person
after he has turned tirst; not even Cobb
himself will make more bases on a long
drive. But It takes him time to get
started. By the time be Is rounding
second base on a triple, say, or a pos
sible homer, Jackson is Just going
about as fast as any mnn in the Anier
can league can cover ground. But thnt
doesn't help him to any singles.
"It handicaps bim, too, as a y base
runner. Jackson looks to be a long
way off firs, most of the time, and he
Is. But he's not very often In tbe right
position to break. Cobb goes (Straight
down tbe line, further than any other
man in our league. He can go 20 or 25
feet and scramble back; he Is never
off his balance. But Jackson, though
he seems to the people in the stands to
be well beaded toward second, Is gen
erally way back of the bag and really
not one-third as far 'down' as Cobb.
"He never has been able to bit either
Bender or Warhop, though he does
about as well against Walter Johnson
as Cobb ever bas. We don't get to see
' Cobb hitting against JohLon, but from
what I hear Ty doesn't alter bis styl
materially when he faces Walter. We
know Jackson doesn't He grips his bat
Just as close to the end as when hitting
against tbe slowest man in the league.
And he gets bis hits off Walter Just
about as often as any one.
"Bender and Warbop, though, have
something on him when they are pitch-'
tag up to form. They have him pop
ping up Into the air like any bnsber.
Don't know why It la, but Jackson con
siders himself a pretty lucky ball play
er any tlma h sets a bit off either of
Harvey K. Cra
W hav now movid la our permanent quart- In the Bvr
Bulldlng. Nst te th Andrn Building.
Ral Eitat Ab1rct Main Street,
Loin, Insurance. Orgoa) City, Ore.
Tte First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, S14G00.00.
Tranaacta a 0nral Banking Bulna.
PORTLAND. July 1. For the first
time wheat prices are as high In Oro
gou this summer as In Chicago. Quo
tations on new crop are exactly the
same, which means mat the grower
of the Pacific northwest gets more for
bis wheat In comparison to tho world
market, than ever befora, by
eight or ten centa a bushel.
The higher price prevailing In
Portland, grata men attribute lo lower
freight rat, ship owners being willing
to accept about ten shilling or about
2.0 per ton less for hauling the grain
to Europe than tbey did at the corres
ponding time last year.
The general belief Is that indirectly
tbls reduction has been brought about
by the near completion of the Panama
canal and the fact that the waterway
may be open In time for at least some
of the steamer cargoea to take advan
tage or the new route, but exporters
are not Inclined to thla view.
They hold that freights are lower
hecauie or the simple reason that more
bottoms are availuble, and more bot
toms are available as a result of ac
tivity In shipbuilding in Europe dur
ing the past year. Many new steam-
era left the ways at the European ship
yards the past year and to tbls fact.
exporters Bay, the Pacific northwest
farmer may attribute his gain in dis
posing of his grain crop.
Th Pacific northwest states, Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho, will har
vest thla summer between 6a.000.000
and 80.000,000 bushels. This at an In
crease or 10 cents per bushel will mean
that the Pacific northwest wheat grow
ers will draw from $6.500,0U0 to
000,000 more than they would were the
usual differential In effect, or more
than $3 each to every man, woman and
child In the three states.
The market for old potatoes contin
ues to show strength. While the busi
ness offerings is not excessive. It is of
rather excellent character, considering
the lateness of tbe season. First class
offerings of old stock are very scarce,
and In some instances commission In
terests In tbe northern part of the
state have received as high as II a
cental for the3e offerings during the
last 24 hours. The bulk of tbe offer
ings are selling around 75c.
hlle there Is still quite a fair sup
ply or potatoes remaining on the farms
little Is being offered. The low price
and the very slack demand that was
recently ruling had stopped the move
ment to the city, aud many farmers de
cided to either feed their supplies or
else plant them.
Now that the demand Is Improving,
there Is a slight increase in offerings.
While it would not take heavy supplies
to Nil the wants of the trade for old
stock, the trade In general inclines to
the opinion that the demand will con
tinue good until everything Is disposed
Receipts for the week at the Port-
land nion Stock yards have been:
Cattle 1663. calves 169. sheep 6G40,
hogs 3771.
Cattle liquidation large this week,
Monday having 1200 head. Prices held
firm for the first half, but eased off to-
ward the close, especially on medium
grade stuff which has comprised tile .
most of the week s receipts. Best
light fed steers S7.50 to $7.65. grass
$7.25 to $7.40, cows $6.50 to $6.65 with
a few choice tops at $7.00, bulls $4.00
to $5.00.
Swine run not of large volume for
the last week ln June. Market hold
ing steady at 8c at the week's cIoho.
Outlet good and buying demand above
the average.
Sheep house continues to hold strong.
Receipts of sheep and lambs good, and
prices steady with last week. Top
yearlings selling around $5.00, two year
olds $4.75, ewes $4.25, lambs ?G.0O.
Mutton trade ln excellent shape. ,
Following sales are representative
23 steers 1178 1 $7.73
39 .......: 1184 7.60
" 52 1094 7.55
399 1142 7.35
689 hogs 218 8.15
845 172 8.10
765 217 8.05
86 169 8.00
2 cows 900 6.7
21 1023 6.60
42 1021 6-50
22 1007 6.35
5 bullB 1500 5.00
2 heifers 670 7.00
74 205 8
68 198 8.00
1179 lambs 74 6.00
20 wethers 86 5.00
59 yearlings 100 5.00
106 ewes 117 4.23
Young men wo think they can play
tennis should beware of the prowess
of tbe girl with the sunburned nose.
Wlll'am Hammeri
f. J. KB TEA, Caahla
Opwi from g A H. U I , fa
I'hoDta Paclflc tl
Horn A-1S1
Attorney- t-Law
All legal bualnei promptly attMded to
Dtutschtr Advokat
W1U practice La all courts, mak
collection and settlement.
Offlc In Enlerprlae LullJlog.
Oregon City, Oregon.
1 1
Commercial. Real EUt and
Probata our Specialties. Of
fice in Flrat National Bank
Eldg, Orogon City, Oregon.
J W. S. EDDY, V. 5, M. D. V.
Graduate of tb Ontario VUri-
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
I and th McKllUp School of Bur-
i gry of Chicago, 1 ubUbed i
at r union Blame, ruin bt t-
tween Main and Water Bta.
( Both Telephone
? Offllce Pacific, Main 65; Home,
i A 95.
Realdence Pacific Main 184
Attorney -at-Law
Notary Public
Eatacada, Oregon.
We make a specialty ot Install-
Ing water systems and plumb- t
lng in th country. W carry
th Leader tank and Stover en- J
glne. We have a full line of I
Myers pumps and stray pumps.
Price alwaya lowett
720 Main St Oregon City
Phone 1682.
I Attorney-at-Law
Money loaned, abstracts furnlsh-
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law buslnesa.
a uiur swu ot uregon uiiy.
For long or short periods
Beaver Building, Oregon City
The most economical, cleansing and
germicidal ot all antiseptics is
A soluble Antiseptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as needed.
As a medicinal antiseptic for douches
In treating catarrh, inflammation or
Ulceration of nose, throat, and that
caused by feminine ills it has no equal
EV. inn waam th.. T-illa HI TMnlrham
W.lT.JXlC.Tl ,.1 r..r
.u .feWmmuuura.Lu.a
ln Private correspondence with
women, which proves its superiority.
women wno nave oeen cured say
1 is "worth its weight in gold." At
druggiBts. 50c. large box, or by mall,
I The Pazton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass.
Farmers would do well not to Bend
ln spring chickens running less tban
18 pounds to the dozen, or averaging
one and one-half pounds each, for
there Is no call for smaller birds.
Ducks, too should be kept from the
street at present for there Is no de
mand at prices that Justify shipment.
A lot of young ducks were sold at 10
cents per pound In Portland recently
because they were light and poor.
There Is a good demand for turkeys,
fine dressed hen turkeys bringing 25
to 26 cents. Some of tbe dealers ln
this part of the state look for a good '
active demand for large springers and
large hens during the week.
The receipts of the office of the
county clerk for the month of June,
which were compiled by Deputy Clerk
Harrington Wednesday are $618. Last
month was above tbe average.
Some people keep right on eating
fat means in this weather and then
they wonder why they feel uncomfortable.