OltKOON CITY KNTKIMMIISK. KIM DAY. JULY :i. 1!1I. THESE DARING ENGLISH AVIATOROSS 6EA IN AMERICAN MACHINE TRY TO CR VVILU FRANK WMllE. NEW EVEN LINGERIE GOWNS HAVE SOME FORM OF THE STYLISH LONQ TUNIC HILL TO TALK U. . SENATOR rROM TATE Of ALABAMA Heart o Heart Talks Heart lo iicarl Talks y CHARLES H, LUSItV ITCH TN (I a hi K'fSTp "'Mr V i V- " , & r l; r- i$;A Z .V V " '4 . - C . . i-? , - - eewr. " .; ,., v . I y CHARLES N. LUKIC FwC a n & mm & u . I - T n "1T.J yrwT w These are tbe two aviator who will attempt to fir across the Atlantic ocean In Ilodman Wanamaker'a big hydoacroplane. the America. Thy mere napped toeether after the successful trial flights of the "winced whale" at Ijike Keuka. N. Y. Lieutenant John C. Tone, a retired navy aviator of En is land, wilt bare charge of the America and w ill pilot It with tbe aid of hi friend, (reorge E. A. Hallett. alkO an Englishman. The America waa built by Ulenn II. Curtlaa at llammondiiport. N. V. The night acroxg the tea will be attempted in July, ataxtlnf from SL John'i N. F, and flying via the Axorea and Spain to England. 0 Lively ChwM. "How did joa Bad tbe Stilton I aent your "Find It? We didn't find It! At toon at ever my wlfe'a back waa tnrned It jumped from tbe pantry bf!f. ran down tbe garden, out of the rate and was last teen cbailng a frightened dog down Uie road." Lon don Mall. I wet Gooda For Gowna With Diploma. Girl graduate of a school at Oak land. Cal, will receive not only their diploma, but material from which they will make tbelr own graduation dress- e. Tbe purchasing agent for the chool Is to Jje a dressmaker, baying all tbe materials and measuring the clotb according to tbe alie of each graduate, . RUMOR COMES FROM REDLAND T HAT H OBLITZELL MAY JUMP TO FEDS DOING TOO HUCl In a certain Curi-an country, whit-a thill It nsiliali-M here Imt II l Ideiill Bed tuo Mlly, there Is a small tuwa bleb ha Hi ilMlii-tlu uf Ivlng tbe birthplace of su Aierk-D Billllotialre, lie Is a very rich mlllkiualre- Indeed, to wealthy, lu fmi. that be give away t'U fortune a million at a lluie and atlll seem to bare many more of tbem to 1e. After aalig many year lu America and acrutnulntliig bis uuueue fortune here this man went hack far a vUlt lo bl native plac and prx-redod lu lie- stow auie of his nillllnus on It. II hi given lo the tiwn a lltirary and public ball and balhs and parks and gyuinatluuis ud numerous olher thing wblch Ih rltliens of other towns aud cities pay for Itieimelvee, llora. be has created a "tnwt." w bleb be haa en dowed wltb million", for the purpose of adding lo bis bencfsctlons lo tbe town. While the place Issts It la lo feel tbe Impress of this man's gifts. In partial repayment tbe town lias marked tbe birthplace of Its dUUtiguUbed product w ith a golden tablet. Now- 1 Some folks are queatlonlng the wis dom of the accepinuce of all th gifts. They admit that the millionaire and the trustees bav made and are making the town a better place In which to Ure and work, but they as sert tbst the gain is more than offset by the lis of Independence. When the people of other places wsnt a park. for lnstauce. they agitate tbe question of tbe need for IL Tbey enlist the service of public minded rltliens. and tbey work In various ways to raise the funds for tbe purchase of tbe pleasure ground. In that way many persona feel a direct. Individual Interest In the maintenance of the park and Its wel fare But thing are different In tbe town In question. When It wants another park or bath or library It turns without question to tbe "trust" and auks for IL Generally It get It for the trust fund la large. and the trustees are liberal wltb tbe millionaire's money. As wltb towns so with Individuals. The thing that Is appreciated most la tbe tblng for which you work and plan and save If It falls Into your lap like ripe fruit you do not appreciate IL And tbe working and planning and aarlng are good In themselves for tbe development of character. ntv) j U.3'5f.NAT0r f K'ANis WMlTgl I'nlted Rtatee Senator Frank While of Alabama, succeeds I'nlted Himes Senator Joseph F. Johli'on of thut alale. Senator Whit U very promi nent In Alabama politic. MADRID'S ARID SITE. . smoking A. I bough pStyiCr- -ltostoi wpy mi 1 1 p N"i if?m0m Siifiiii h :). a - 4 Stasia ijfs !i m. n w. i ill lMlfrMXh&k iI EiainSS I? WW !!!Si?a essss:: : www ."His Making It Easy. Wlfe-Wbat's tbls-a nevf box of cigars? Didn't you Just awear off smoking? Dub-Certainly! That's why nought this box; I'd be craxy for a there wasn't one In tbe house Boston Transcript. HOBLITZEL Buck Herzog, Cincinnati's fiery manager, is having enough truble to keep him busy for several years. On top of the Chief Johnson case and the Marsans-Davenport Jump word comes that Hoblitzell, the big German first sacker, is flirting with the Feds. Whether be will take the leap or not re mains to be seen, but it's a safe "bet he won't is Herzie can help it. Hoblit zell Is one of tbe best first basemen in tbe big leagues vnd has been a consis tent perfrrme ever since breaking Into fast compan; . LOST HIS BAROMETER. Count Zeppelin Says Gsnersl Butter field Snssktd It Away. Count ZepMIti, tbe Inventor of tne dirigible ualloou. la not a stranger to tbe Culled laleH, for be saw service wltb the Union army In tbe war be tween the slates. In bis recently pub lished reinluiwenceH be tells this amus ing story of (ieiieral KutterDeld, who was chief of huiIT In the Army of tbe Potomac: In plnnnlng operations General But terdeld atuicbed special HlgulHcance to knowledge of tbe probable weather conditions, mid for this reason be he ranie especially fond of an excellent aneroid barometer that I bad obtained from Loudon and paid a lot of money for. Be saw this Instrument In my tent. borrowed It from me, tueii found It Im possible lu give It up. He kept It a longer time each time be borrowed It until at last be fulled to return It at all. Wben I was about to leave tbe army 1 asked him agulu and agnlu to return It. and I finally became so pressing that be sold be would go to bis tent and fetcb It oul After waiting outside long time 1 followed bim Into tbe tent It waa empty. With my barometer In his band be bad crawled nnder the canvas and disappeared. Parched and Dusty Now, It Was One a Wstarsd Gsrdtn Spot Travelers (Is J It bard to believe that Madrid ever abouudej wltb water The modern town stand on so blesk and arid an eminence, Ita aurrouud lugs, save In early spring, are so parched and dusty and th water ped dler'a cry of "Agua! Agua,"' Is so In slateut and ublqultoua on fancies Madrid muat have been thirsty from tbe beginning. Vet Its ancient coat of arms waa a large dint half Immersed In water, wltb steel hatcbeta striking It oo ei ther side, tbe ascending sparka form ing sort of canopy around It Ap pended waa the motto: I was built on wstse. My walls are of lira, Such Is my ambition in nL This device was emblematic only of tbe city aud It early days before Charles V. had started It oo Ita bead long career of greatness merely be cause be credited Its climate with hav ing cared him of a fever. At that time Madrid waa a small town embowered In gardens' and woods and meadows and wltb springs and wells lavishly supplied by nature. Th Manxanares, now a melancholy. meager stream, waa of a measurable depth. But wltb the apportioning of her territory Into palaces and lodging bouses for the royal bangers-on and the rutting down of the trees to swell the royal treasury tbe Inevitable fol lowed. Tbe sun of well nigh 400 sum mer ha burned and rcburned the site of the old town anJ Its beatrtpped suburbs and dried up tbe ratural mois ture. At present the climate of Mad rid Is nearly the most trying In all Europe. From Calvert' "Madrid.'' ,r7V 1 1 m ' i i I 2:.' ,1 If MPaoiDIKlO GCvilrTl ' ' ARE TOU DOING TOUR SHARE T Every Intelligent person of mature years, eaw tally If any attention has I wen given to h subject of life assur ance, kuows that a certalu fraction of lbs lobulation Is going to die within th ruining week or mouth or year. Thai has all tx-eu worked out niallie nistlcslly suiL lu fact, forms the teals of Hi builneM ami svleiir of Uf as sursuce. Hut- Iki you know that th same thing bold rue of the UUiober of etllcldea? It la certain, say tuvvatlgslors, that Ih number of self murderer and thos who will attempt suicide la known. In (lilcago, for liutstice, U'.ixiO persons are dully contemplating tulcld. accord ing lo a well known psychology II goes ou lo say that ever year OO per sous kill Iheiuaelve In the big clly. "While It Is ImiKMultile to name tbe unfortunate" be aaya, "w know thai with Ih present population snd Until our social, economic and educational systems undergo fundamental changes, each year approximately HO will coin mlt suicide by shooting. J20 by aaphyi latlon. OU by hanging. 21 by stabbing. 20 by drowning and U by Jumping out of window." In tb olden day In England burial In cousecraled ground waa deuled lo I Kveti lingerie gowns bear th tnodlah suicide. The conwe was taken at nluht '""X ionic. A smart iiiimII shown bero to a cnxisroad. and there a aiak w.m , ,n nanilaoiiw ntwnwurK driven through It and It waa buried at LOCAL MATURES FORM Biq aARr Of PROGRAM AT COMlNQ ABSEMBLV ENTERTAINMENT BETJERfD BY CHANCE Cattle Square Entrtalnr Will Appsar and Orsgonlsns Will Take Thslr Plat on th Program Nut SCHOOLS IN ARABIA. Uuser uresm. "Had a queer dream last night" "Tell it" "I dreamed that I made an appoint ment with myself and when I got to the place I was gone." Boston Tran script Selling Out. Every man has good reasons for sell ing. The trouble Is to And out what they are.-I'lttsburgh Tost Pupils Sit Swsylng en th Floor ss Thy AH Study Aloud. In the schools of Arabia the children. wltb the schoolmaster, sit upon Uit floor or the ground In a semicircle, and each has a tablet of wood which Is painted white and upon which tbe lea sons are written. When the latter art learned tbey are washed out and re placed by other lessons. During study hours the Arab schools remind one of the Chinese, for the children all study aloud, and aa tbey chant tbey rock back and forth like trees in a storm, and this movement Is continued for an hour or more at a time. The schoolmaster rocks back and forth also, and altogether the school presents a most novel appearance as well as sound. Worshipers In the mosques always move nbout while re citing the Koran, as this movement Is believed to assist the memory. The desks of the Arab schools are odd contrivances of palm sticks, upon wnicn is placed the Koran or one of tbe thirty sections of it After learn ing tbe alphabet the boys take ud tbe study of the Koran, memorizing entire cnapters or it until the aacred book Is entirely familiar. a peculiar method la followed In learning tbe Koran. The atudy begins witn tne opening chapter, and from this it skips to the last Tbe last but one Is then learned, then the last but two, and so on In Inverted ordor. end ing finally wltb tbe second chapter. the Junction of the blghwsys. In order tnat in rr or th pussershy might wl out all traces of th person guilty or taKiiijr nis own lire. Nowadays we are more merciful We know that suicide la the product of a dlaeased tiilud. We do not. Per haps, feel individual responsibility for each man or person who raised the band of self destruction against btiu- self- Rut are we not responsible for tbe conditions which produce so many sul rides? "Until our social, economic and edu cational systems undergo fundamental change," says tbe Chicago psyebol ogtsL Whst Is each of us doing to bring about the needed changes? Jt Is the old. old story, going back to tbe Itook of Genesis, of each of us be ing his brother's keeper. If w fall to do all Ibat w can to remedy condi tions which we know to be wrong w are recreant to the trust Imposed on us. It Is not a pleasant thought perhaps, tbst tbe blood of tbo suicide nisy trickle lo our own doors and call aloud for redress of tbe conditions which made It flow. Hut let all who are capa ble bred tbe call, and tbe terrible stream will dwindle. A Hill and a Pill. What Is the difference between bill and a pill? One Is bard to get up, and tbe other la hard to set down. ' MOTORCAR PROGRESS. embroidery. The bodice, which Is also covered with the embroidery, has long, loose sleeves, which are cloas filling at the wrist, something of a departure In this line. The wide girdle Is of rib bon velvet. "Of coarse you favor an elsstio cur rency." "Yea." replied tlrandp Mlutllcker, "but I'd like to see some o' tbst good eld fsshloned elnMHty that 'ud en able a two dollar Mil to reach all the way around a family market basket -Waahlugton Hlur. She alia arnuml and mourn her lot Itar amlla ar marvly curaury Tha raaaon la that ha forsot Tbalr wailuln annivaiwry. -Chimin Hacord-ltsrald. Tbere la one thing connected wltb railroad travel thut has never succeed ed In becoming popular, although It la continually In tbe public eye." "What I that?" "A cl!ider."-Haltltmre American. Th Urd helpa Mm who halp bfmaaU." Snatching anolh.r kla. ha crlad- A fno(fall anumlwi on th stair. Tha Lord halp foul" tha itialdan alhd -nualon Tranacrlpl Not Flattered. "Iienlly, Willie, you look more like your father every diiy." "Oult vour cuylu'. maw."-Llfe. Standarditstion el tha Part and What That Means. Aak uny engineer what feu tore of modern inotonur construction repre sents tbe grenteKt Improvement and ndviiiH-einent In ib-Nlgu. nud be will Bay not tbe niitoionilc englue starter, the six cylinder engine, but standardize tion. iuat may lie a word wblcb means but little lo the car owner, but be un consciously derives untold benefit from It every day Hint he runs bis automo bile. By reason of It be baa only to ask for a certalu kind of siwrk plug and be knows It will (It tbe cylinder, be has only a dozen or so different size qf tires from wblcb lo select tbe one adapted to hla car, and even the carburetor may be replaced by one of a different make without auy cbnngv whatsoever In tbe bolt belea or attach Ing flange. A vital part of tbe motor or running geur may be replnced by a blacksmith or local machine shop from the ordi nary sizes of stock carried on band. and tbe screw thread size aa now used conform to a 'certain stsndnrd tbnt renders replacements exceedingly simple. Urease cups, nuts or bolts that luuy have been Inst nmy be replaced nl tbe nearest supply store or gnrnge. for no longer does each manufacturer work only In liU own speclllcatlons oo these minor purls - II. w. Uluusou, M. E , lu Ualles. Quite a Changs. "Percy Is getting used to public speaking, isn't be?" "Oh, yes. I remember when you could hardly get him to stand np, and now you can hardly get him to alt down." Court Tsnnls. "What Is this court tennis?" "I guess It must be a royal pastime." Buffalo Express. "Womr-sL I'd like to ask you QUcstlun If you won't get offended ' "Fir awsy." "Why do you end so much of your time bunging around a courtroom?" "Ita the only public pluc where you can get away from ragtime orches tra and cabnrvi ftJuturoa." Pittsburgh Post. Thnlr plackrta one looked vry neat ii ui now iook wnar they-v sot am. They've moved 'am down from walat to feat They wear 'am at th bottom. Cincinnati Enquirer. The Dentist Let mo seel I'll bar to, trcot four teeth eight tcctb eigh teen teeth- Mr. I'lldoriold onl Pour teeth, eight teeth, eighteen teetbl What do you think I im-n comb? London Answers. With the help of Ih Portland Aq club quartette, Mr. Haiuili'l inn, (lra. gnn'a good roads evnngultat, ( Hlahop l(. J. Cooke, of Portland. directors of the Willamette Vsllin ('haiilampia assembly have most sat. lafartorlly solved what might have proven a difficult pniMoin in arrang ing Hi" program for the romlug ses sion uf rliautauijua. A lelegrain from Chicago laat week linMiglit tha unpleaaani neaa that th Casllc H.iiar Entertainer' engsgn m en l at iliaiitaiKju July ?(h and Mh nail Keen rsncolril by til Chlcsgil hooking bureau, owing lu a rhanga In the peraonnel of th i lull, of which Urn agency waa not Informed when It iMMiked Ihe orsanliatloii fur a wnatnrn trip. Hellevtng for the beat Interest of the cliatitaiiiia, ss well as (or them selves, the bureau unceremoniously canceled all weati-rn engagements, sml offered a satlafsrtory substitute, The local directors, however, felt that as they already had an abundance of alellar eaatern attraction acheduled, It would be bolter lo fill the gap with well knowu Oregohlans. They have succeeded admirably and fell thai the aubatltutlon will result In an even bet ter program than that originally nlan- ned. ' The Ad Club Quartette Is Ihe great est orgsnltation of Us kind In the west snd will give a progrsm of popular, classic and semUissalo numbers on the evening of the opening day. This qusrtette haa made a big hit all over the alate and only taut week look Ta coma by etonn. The four are clever musicians and their efforts have al ways won Instant favor w ith audiences everywhere. In the afternoon of the seventh will be the formal opening of Chautauqua with an address of wel come by President lloman, and a re sponse by lion. W. 8. film. This I' rogmm wss schedulud for the morn ing hour, but so many are uunlly put ling up their camps ou the first morn- ' Ing, It was deemed sdvlsatilu to move this program over to the aftemoou and thus give all a chance to participate In the formal opening of rhaotauqua. Kamuel Mill, Oregon'a famous good roads evangellat. waa lo have spoken. st rhaiitaiiqua on the evening of July Hth at 00 o'clock In "double head er" program, following Prof. Lee May. nurd liuagy'a lecture. On the failure of Ihe Cantlo Hqtiarra Mr. Hill kindly offered to move his date to tbe even ing of the nth of July, when he will give his Interesting lecture on "Goo4 Itonds and Columbia Itlver Huciint" at that time, a much more satlafucion arrangement to all parties, Mr. lllll talked In Oregon City a few weeks ago and won hla hearers while his Inter- on' lug Icctur" and most beautiful views of Oregon scenery, and brought all to a restitution that wltb satisfuctory high way Oregon would lead the world In scenic grundour. Hlahop Cooko will speak on the aft ernoon of tho eighth at 2 o'clock, la a well known dignitary of tho Methodist church, being bishop of tho North Pa cific Dlorean. Ho Is a speaker of wldu renown and the subject of bis lecture will be. "Literature and I.lfo." Illation Cooke has only recently become, a res ident of tho northwest aud his appear ance at chnutauqua will be looked for ward to with much Intercut. The rainbow trout, I And, sr wsryj They acorn my bait Inviting. I wlah th "akeeters" war ss wary Of biting. -Loulavtll Courier-Journal. Suffragettes destroyed a station near Wrexham, Wales, showing that tho spelling makes no difference when wreckers are In enrnest. Belle Wns Charlie frightened he drat kissed you? Nell Well or be seemed glued the spot-Florida Times-Union. ben to Of sll life's dlaspnolnlments. None holda auch keen regret As when. In reaching for a peach, A lemon's what you get! Judge. Surprising Cure of 8tomch Trouble. When you have troublo with your stomach or chronic constipation, don't imagine that your case Ib beyond help ust because your doctor falls to give you relief. Mrs. u. Stengle, Plain- field, N. J., writes, "For over a month past I have been troubled with my stomach. Everything I ate upset It erribly. One of Chamberlain's adver tising booklets enmo to me. After rend- ng a few of the letters from people who had been cured by Chamberlain's Tablets, I decided to try them, I have taken Hourly three-fourths of a pack age of them and can now eat almost everything that I want." For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) About this lime of the year one's last year' Panama arouses among ob servers the suspicion that ono has robbed some deserving dray horse. Tom J. Myers-E.A.Brady UNDERTAKER t 'V rJbwk.- '' , '. T" Tho onty refltriunce unaortaklng e- tabUul.meut lu Clackamas County. Day and'NIght Service Tonin and Water Streets Main 123 A-3T HENRY PECK'S COUSIN SALLY - - - - By Gross Things We NeverSee "GonrAPE' we PtfeM rN6 Of? -f(VfE tfEAUT Got "We Coat To oof fEive$ att CAttAMAt6 i ii i i i i V THlvT ?OCir -JUBRe MAf?IC5 "TOE t?bT WHEPe Torlr?Ty -HIT "TUB RMx "TOM TCE EA6T irfORe MD i