OKI'dON' CITY KNTKIlTlf IHI', I'IMDAV, JUNK ill). lf)1 I i Court of III HlaU "I 'ojll r ( ( !' Malic f l.cUr'e ... ii Count r I.. ll.M It I" ' .. .1 ll, ,-.---- v,i u ii t'r i ,,, ..f ,",,,u ,,r ," lr ' '"' ""'"1 ,lr i.r lli K.tat of l !" ill ...H. fi.r in. 1.1 to ,7,1, f Claraaina., of f . Ill III I"1'""' ,,', "" ,-, "l ...II. I-I"l. III ''" i i'ui.ii -r '". !" . ... H... . ..i.nrmal l.'ll 'f Ml'! f..t .--.fr Ar u...Hl'1"' ''''"'" ''" "' ,?! Li I''" ''il'""" .'""' llr. t": Thrr- l"f"': ,'rl",' H""'" ""' Tlif" MI, I Cnriu Wati'iMi I i lu'r; 1 : ( .niilnK Ml"! I M.i.'f. , t uii-r; 1 imiiff. , t iu Hr: : ..... mil '. o . i.i,i. limn"... '! Collar.; t H.I HI"1 la"""; i Triii. i" ''I' I (top ri: ... , I Hhnfrl ' ulilir; On half lnt'f. i I" II. y II. k; I Hpriii. 'I'ikiiIi Harrow; I ii.- Harm: I i ) ln h Mow; I (i,l U .H'ifi; IHI ( hlrk...; I iir.l rif: I Him k iirir.r; (llirti.lf llllrrr.l In I fflf ulit lirlf rr: I (ii hrr rnlor cow; I iil.ik Knrn Oclirr Cow; I lirnwn Cow; (ii liiT Cow, (horn. In); t Hl.i k Cow; 1 Hi'ic; t Hiw, four I'Ik; lo H" Km k: IS llii li..k...; J Iron Krtll. .. Aim), tlm iimllvlitcil ono fourth Inter ril In .ml lo tho follow lute rral prop rtr. lo ll: C nrtirliiK at Ihri Routhrt mm- erol HtH-llon 31 .nil Houltiwr.t conirf of Hi'' lln .IS, run ii I ii tlirnre Kt on Totililp linn Ml rod.; ttiiMirc North fO riHt. thrnrn Weat lo Hutte Creek; Ihciii-o P aid 're'k lo Town. hip Una Mi"li Ton.hl. 6 ."ii : thenr Kant ulntiK ..lil Town.lilp Una to plere of iH-rlnnliiK. roiitnlnliiK hO cre.. mor. or lri. .Itii.t In Hertlon. 31 .ml 3', T f H. of U. 1 K. of th Wlllitm fti. M-rlillnn, Clnrk.in.. County. Hiite of Or. Kon. Trrm. nnd rotiilltlon. of f.;r o.urt rh. iiHin ilellviTy of thn dwil of uiil lAwiiior .nil after connrin. linn of il by will Couuty Court. Iml nr In tiinrlKiit upon thn preml.e.. Uldi .ml offer, mu.t Im In writing and mir l, ft ll,n offlrn of the Kirrtitur. K. T. Morrom, WiKxllmrn Own. .1 uy IIiiih after thn flr.t puli lliaili.n of (hi. nollre and beforo the ninklni of .iild nle. lui.il. June Uth. 1911. k I. MoncoM, Kieciilnr of (ho lii.t Will of Clo O. Ilje, l)M'ii.d. Woodhurn. Oregon Orilir f ' Ckm Api.lic.ilon f OuifiM far Ui4,r f t.lt f Hl I.UI. In lh. ( o'liilf CihiM of Hi. Hints fur lh. County or I u.k.. Summon. Ji thn Clrrull Court of Ilia Slat of (renin, for Clnrkatna County. .Mury Hohelrtc h, I'lalntln. v.. Mutthew Schelrlch, Defendant. To Mntlhew Schnlrlrh, nliovo nnnied defendnnt: In thn nnmn of thn ntnto of OreRon, you are herehy required to appear and un.wer tho romplnlnt filed nullum you In thn ahovo entitled court on or hn forn thn 27th dny of Juno, 1914, being morn than nix week from tho data of the ftr.t pulillentlon of this summon., nnd If you full .o lo appear or nn.wvr tho plaintiff for wnnt thereof, will ap ply to thn court for tho relief prayed (or In the complaint, which In that the tnurrliiKO now Minting between you and tho plaintiff be forever dlmiolveil ami that plaintiff he granted a decree of illvurcit. Till. Burnmon la served upon you by order of tho Hon. J. U. ('amplii'll, Judico of tho above entitled court, which order 1 dato Juno 11, 1914. Tho (Into of thn flint publication of thin summons In May 15, 1914, nnd thn In Ht itiitn of imbllcntlon I. Mav 10, 1914. FRANK SCHI.EOEL. Attorney for l'lulntlff. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Oregon, for Chicknnms County, John A. I'oterHon. Plaintiff, vs. (! 0. IVtorHon, Dofendnnt. To 0. 0. Potomm, tho nbove-nntned defendant: In the name of tho Stnto of Oregon, you nro hereby required to nppenr nnd miHwcr tho oonitilnlnt film! mmlnst you In tho nhovo entitled Court nnd cnttBe on or before tho 20lh dny of Juno, 1SI4, tho snmo bolnn six weeks from tho dato of tho first publication of this mimmons nnd If you full to appear or nnnwer, tho plaintiff will npply to the v nun ror n roller prnyed for In plnln tiff's cnmplnlnt, via: for a docroo for over dlBBolvlng tho bonds of matrl mony oxlHtlng botwoon tho plaintiff nnd dofendnnt. This summons Is nubllaheil In fh Oregon City Enterprise by ordor of jioii. ii. d. Anaorson, Judge of the County Court mndo and entered on tho 14th dny of May, 1814, the date of tho first publication of said summons Is May 15, 1914. .ff. W. S. HUFFOItD, f Sf Ahlngton Illdg., Portland, Oregon. Summon. Urn Circuit Court of the State of Orison, for Clacknmns County, ""It I). Morgan, Plaintiff, tii. ""He H. Morgan, Dofendnnt. To neuo m. Morgan, tho above named dofendnnt: the name of the Stnte of Oregon, on are hereby required to appear and answnr th0 complaint filed against you n tie above nninod suit, on or before ZL dny ot Juy mi- Rald dllte til 5 1,10 expiration of six weeks from fin . r ' ..n,,. ui who DI1I1.11IU11D, " you full to appear or answer """I complnlnt, for want thereof the Plaintiff win Bppy to the court for the wier prayed for In his complaint, to- nfPr decree dissolving tho bonds "i matrimony now existing between .?Lplulnt"r and defendnnt. This ''mmons Is published by order of H. (w.nc,PI?on' J,ldKe of tho County -"'irt, wlilrh ordor was made and en. tin in... Ill ilia ll'.ltrr lf III" .'ll')llllil f Ilia r.i.l of M. II III. I..I-U, U In an. tfofl. It .1 W'lM I'l Hi' I '."ill fli'ln III illlloil thl. lr i'rj kii'l Hli '1 i f rtofilM lll'li.rd., Ih KUafllmi of lb rtl.i (if M II. III. hard., an In an i.ximiii. in. Mini for an iifl.r cf nf irilalli lilalii l'i lolirln lo M II. III. Ii.f.l. lii ..Id fl. tli.t II I. Iii.n.fr In ofd.-r lo I a r mil .landing v. 114 .ml lu.l ibll. .ml ilaim. .Kalii.t ..Id a.lale, .ml fiirtln I fiat It I. n- rr r lor Ilia i.rx, .up Mirl inl iiialiilniiaii. of ti e inliio lul l of .alii w.rd, that .in Ii real r. lata .hniilil l. wild and Iti.t II I. fi Km brat liil.-rr.l. of .ali iilalB and II llil. I" . Ihrrrlli, lli.t (aid real pr.H fl)f li mii it in nnimr oiiiikkkd. ih.i ti. lie it of kin of Ilia .aid ward .lid all MrMHi. Ililrrral.-I In llin ald ralata. a..rar lirfora llil. Court on Monday Him fill day of July, ll I, .t lo o'j o'rl.H k A M , at Ilia Court I loom of thl. Court, .1 the Court llon.a In (Ire gun CHr, Iii lh County of Cla k.in." HlatH of Oregon, llirli and tliiro to how r.ii.n why an ord'-r .hmild not I." rrmilid fur lh. tain al prhaM .ale of i h fral r.tatn. d.'.crlhed III ..Id p.-llllon folio.: HlluaU In Clai k. ma County, Hlatn of Oregon: llrKlniiliig al a .ton In lh rrnier of thn road trading, from Hprlnga.trr to Currin.till.., (irrgoii her thn north boundary Una of lh rYmiklln Men, Ii. U C. No. 31. In T. 3 H It. I K. of V. M , rro.ra Mid road; lli' Toe Hoiith Ml degrrra, :4 inln llr, (U.I CC.l.J f.'.'l: th.'IM Kt Iii (i) fret; tlu-iir Hoiith 3 drgrrr.. 34 nilimte. ,V..t 3S.J feet; Ihrnrn K.t 0 feet to a Ukn In III Hoiith boun dary linn of a tract of land ronrevrd l.i Jo.i'ih lmg, ..Id "lake being th nlilal fxilitt of lh land hereto ron vr)ed: Iheiir Ka.t along Hoiilll boun d.rr Una of Irart of land conveyed to anlil Joaeph 1-onK. 3::o 3 fret to a .lake; lluncn Hoiith S rt.'grea. SI mln- idea. Wi tt C54 75 feet to a .tak In tlm North iMiiind.iry lln nf a 4d foot ro.tt: tlixn.' t along the .Norih boii n dary lln of ..Id 40 foot road "191 feet tu a .takn. Mild alako being at point wher th Ka.t litis of a :'0 f'Mit alley luteraert. th North boundary lln of Hid 40 foot rond; tlienrt North 3 degrr.i, 31 minute. Ka.t nlotig tho Kant lln of .aid ZD foot allay to thn placn of lienlniilng, rolitlinlng fivo acre. AND IT W KlHTIIKf. Oltl'KltKI). That a tr rl I fled cony of thl. order j:mll It .erred Upon Kliirrni Hlch crd. Clevra hlciiarda. Venu ICi h.rda, :ikd) J It'rhanl., ai.d Kuiil-n Itl. hnr.U, lb neit of kin of ul l wurd herein i.nd iihui all .rom Iiiti .led Ij aid J e. late, by publication thereof In th Or.'Kon City Kuterprlae. a weekly nnwapaiier. printed and puldlnhed at Orgon City, In Clucknma County. Oregon, and having a general clrculii tlon In Mid County and Stain. Hald publication .hall Im mado oncn a week for thren succc.slv week.. In nch liew.pnper, t.eKtnnliig with th i.mie thereof dated rXdny. the I?th dny of May. 1914. and niitlnulng with cich weekly edition thereof up 10 ami in cluding Ihn laauo thereof dated Fri day, tho i:ith day of Juno. 1911. which ahall hn thn date of the last publica tion thereof. Pated May 2.'.th. 1914. II. H. ANDERSON. County Jndgo. Htato of Oregon. County of Clai kaiun. a. I. W. I Mulvey. County Clerk of Clnckanin. County, Hint of Oregon, do hereby certify that tho foregoing copy of Ordor to .how cau.n on appli cation of (iiiardlnn for Order of nIo of lteal KMtnto, has been by mn com pared with the original, and that It is a correct transcript therrroin, nnu the whole of such original Order to nhow cnuim. as tho snmo appears of record In my offlco and In my cnr and riiHtody. In testimony whereof. I havo here unto set my hand and affixed tho seal of said Court this 25th day ot May, 1914. W. I.. Ml'lA'EY, Clerk. Iiy F. W. GltKKN.MAN, Deputy. Notlca of Pinal Settlement In the County Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Clnckiinina County. In tho lustier of tho lCstnto of Otto Hanson, Deceased. Notlco Is horohy given by tho un dersigned as executors of tho Estnto of Otto Hanson, Deceased, that they have filed their Fhinl Account In tho ahovo entitled Court and the said Court hns set the said Final account for hearing on Juno 2(1. 1914, nnd all persons Interested In said Estate are required to fllo their objections to said Flmil account. If any there be, on or beforo said dato of henrlng. Fit A NIC RCIII.KClSIi, MATT D1DZUN. Kxecutors. tered On thn 90j j m mi. anil i i mj, urn, thr . . nje Pr".crlbod for publication th t.. 8lx Wfioks' beBlnnlng with and J 8uedatPd Friday, May 29th, 1914, to nT1.tln.uln,f earh week thereafter 10th, im8 tha ,ssue 0t FTUiar- BROWNELL k STONiC, ; Attorneys Jor plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Oregon, for Clackoinns County, L. O. Nightingale, Plaintiff, vs. A. II. Morgan, A. Tt. Morgiin, adminis trator of tho eBtnto of Mndgo tiort rudo Morgan, decenBod; I. T. Hart and Clara llnrt, his wlfo, Ida T. Des mond, Equitable HoBpltui Assocta tlon, a corporation and Ilnchel Uos. well. Defendants. To I. T. Hart nnd Clara Hart, his wlfo, nliovo named defendants. In tho name of tho Stnta of Orogon, Ymi. nnd onch of you, are hereby re quired to appear ana answer me com ninint filed acalnst you in the above entitled suit on or beforo tho 18th dny of July, 1914. and If you fall to bo ap pear and answer said compiaitu, plain tiff will annlv to tho above entitled Court for the relief demanded In his complaint, to-wlt: For tho foreclosure or a certain mort gage datod May 15th, 1911, and record ed in Volume 81, page' 492, mortgage records of Clackamas County, Stnte or Oregon; for judgment thereon for $1100.00 nnd interPBt thereon elnce May 15th, 1913; at 6 per cent per an num; for $100.00 attorneys fees and for costs and disbursements, which said mortgage covers nnd la a lien up on the following described real prem ises In Clackamas County, Qrpgon, (to wlt' 1 The Westhnlf (WWVnnd the Sooth- Shrit quarter (S.K.) of th Northwest quarter (N.W.U) of section . Eleven (11), and the Northeast quarter (N. E.) of tho Northeost qunrter (N.E. of Section Ten (10), all In Town ship six (0) South of Range Two (2) Kast of tho Willamette Meridian, ex cept 1U acres heretofore deeded for school purposes. For tho foreclosure of thnt certain mortgage dated September 29, 1909 for ItlOO.OO given by L. 0. Nightingale and qprtla Nightingale, his wife to Will lam Mortensen, and recorded In Vol ume 73, page 374, mortgage record of said County and State,- with Inter est thereon at 6 per cent per annum since September 15, 1912; for $69.45 taxes paid and Interest from date of payment; for $150.00 attorneys fees and costs and disbursements, which ioi,i(i(i.ra ! lh fulloftliig d"' rib 1 d rral prm.Urt u I la' kaina. I o'Uity, Or. (on, In II ; Ilia Wr.t half (HI of III North l quarter I ' I .lid lb Hiriltlira.l luarlrr t I of Ilia N iiiliat qtiaifrr I Si of r-iloii I.Ui.ii 1 own. hip l ( Hon III KaiigH To 2 Ka.l of iha vVlllainrtl Mrrldlan, In ( la. k. in. County, and Hi.le of Oregon, roll Uliilng Onn lliimtr.-d and lainiy .i n. of land, kiirptlng lh. f.-from Iha folloKliig drarrtli.'d Irart lowlt: 1: f Inning at Ilia Houtheant Conn r (if lh Si.rili.-t quarter of Dm Nurlhwr.l qiiari"! of Hi' lion Klevriiln Towniihlp 11 H in t Ii of llanrn To Kut of Ihn Wlllauiril Mi-rldlaii, In Clark. m. Couniy, Oregon, and running thru.- North twenty rod.; Hum Wr.t ten Hull, Ihrnrn Honlli Iwmily rod.; tin ii. a Ka.t tin rod. I'l lh. pl.m of l.i finning and rontalnlng onn and one fourth ai re, of land. Dated Juii 3rd, Pill. O. I). KIIY. Attorney for Plaintiff Citation. In lh Couniy Court of lh Htuln of Orrgmi, for th County of Cla k-in... In lh Mait.-r of Ihn Falaln of Joh.nn J. A. TleK. dere.trd. Tu Mlnnl Curolin lli-li, Johanna lloiirhlld. Iiul. Mereer, Hophla Kru.grr, William Tina and Ch.rle. Tl.t. In lh name of Ihn Rial of Oregon, you, .ml earh of you, ar hereby cited by order of thn above rnililnl court, and riiulr.-d In appear befor .aid court, al lh Court Itoom thereof In lh County Court llous In Oregon City, Oregon, on Wedn.-.day, thn 1.1th dny of July, 191 1, at 10 o'clock A. M. of ..Id day. lo .how r.iian if any you, or any of run, nam wny an oru.-r ahould not Im granted Ihn administra tor, Tho.. K. lly.n, of thn abov en titled ratal, authorizing. In.lrurtlng or rmpowerlng .aid adiiiliil.tr.tor to II ihn real proiierty thcrmf, whl. h real property I. dearrlbrd In thr prtl- llon, and I. hereinafter do-rlbed, and .uid proH-rty .hould not bo .old, a prayed for In the petition, at private .at. Thn property Ihu. de.rrlbed I. In Clark. 111.. County, Oregon, and I. dn- acrllicd a. follow., to wit: Thn Weat half of th Houthweiit quarter Of Hectlon 30, Town.lilp Z Hoiith Itungn 6 Kaat of thn M!lamela Meridian. U linen, my hand and the .-.-al of the abov entitled court affixed thl. ZMh day of May. 1911. W. U Mr 1'VK Y. County Clerk. Iiy I. M. HAKHlNdTON. (County Court Heal) Deputy. .lid Iha furtlirr auiii of II IX.', coal, .ml dlaliiirnrnirnt., ami tlm rout, of and iiin llil. writ, commanding in out of lh personal property of Mid 1I1 fi-mlant. and If .iifrinrnt could not l found, then out f'f lb real ppirr ly bi-lonxliig to ..id defi-mluiit on and after tlm data of .aid Judinii.-iit lo .all.fy aald .urn of I I'l .17.',, and alo lh nl. upon thl. said writ. Now, Therefor, by virtus of Said rie. utlon, JudKiiient order and decree, md In rninpllaiie wllh th command, of ..Id writ, being iiii.IiIh in find nv penuiii.l properly of .aid d.-f.-mlanl', I did oil Ihn fitll dny of June, l'j4. duly lety upon tlm follovtlng iIi-im rlli.-d rral iiroprrtr of .aid drfniiUiit, .Hu ate and being In Ihn County of Cla' ka- mas, and Htat of Orrgoii, lowlt: Uit. .even (7) and rli;ht (h) In blok .everilr-oiin 171 1 In Mlulhoru Addition to th City f Portland, all In Clai k.ma. Couniy, Oregon, and f will, on Huliirday, lh I llh day of July, 1911, at Ihn hour of I (J o'clock A. M, at thn front door of tho Couniy Court limine In Ihn City (if Oregon City, In aid Couniy and Hrate, sell at public .union, .uhject to redemption, to th hlrhr.t hldiW-r. for V. H. gold coin, ( Hull In hand, all th right, tllln and In I. real whl'-h th within nninnl defend ant., or either of them, had on Ihn dat of aald Judi'inent or slnm had In or In lh .bo-, described real properly or any part thereof, in Mtl.fy suld rtrcullon. Judgment order, dwren. In tere.t, coats and all accruing coats. K. T. MAHS, Hherlff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Iiy II. J. BTAATB. Deputy. Duted. Oregon City, Oregon, June Cth, 1914. Administrator' Notlc. Notice I. hereby given that th un dersigned ha been appointed ad in In l.trator of th e.tat of Mary Hhep-hi-rd dereasd; all persons having claims again. t said ratato ar hereby notified to present thn .am with prop er vouchers, duly certified according to law, at thn office of Hrowncll t Ktone, at Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, within six month, of thn date of Ihe publication or mis notice. Dated, June 9th, 1914. HOH3 HHEI'IIKflD, Administrator of thn estate of Mary Shepherd, decea.ed. HltOWNFU, ft STONE, attorney for administrator. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Martha K. Harding, l'lulntlff. vs. Ixiuls Agustus Harding. Defendant. To Iul. Aguntu. Harding, the above named defendant. In Ihn nam of thn State of Oregmi. you am hereby required to appear and answer thn complaint fl'ed against you In thn abov entitled Court, on or be for Ihn 17th day of July A. D. 1914, aid dato being six weeks after th nrst publication of this Summons. If von fall lo appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her complaint filed herein, which I. for an absolute di vorce forever dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now and heretoforti exist ing between tbe plaintiff and tne nn fondant, and for tho rare and custody of her minor femslo child Nancy Mar- Lret Harding, aged six IM monms old. and for such other and further re- ii. r in tho Court may scorn meet nnu eoiiltablo In Iho premises, and for her costs and disbursement herein. You will please tako notice inai thU Summons Is served upon yon per sonally with a certllled copy of the omnia nt H ed herein: pursuant 10 111 terms of an order In Ihe aliove entitled suit mndo by tho above entitled Court by tho Honorabjo J. V. Campbell. Judgo thereof, on tho 4th day of Juno A. D. 1914. requiring that publication or tins Summons be mndo oni e a week for six conswutlve weeks In Ihe Oregon City RnternrlHo. and requiring that the first publication be mndo on the 6th day of Juno A. D. 1914, nnd tne insi puouca tlon bo mndo on tho 17th day of July A. D. 1914. HRADI.KY A. K.W MIS. Attorney for rlalntlff. Suite 1122 to 1124 Northwestern Hank Hldg., Portland, Oregon. COUNTY COURT. (Conllnuad from IK (.) Geo. J. Hull A. M. Shepard II. C.Green City of West Linn Chaa. F. Wagner Martin Tauchmann P. T. McGlnnls (J. F. Aden II. D. Aden Cora HasHclhrlnk Amelia Peters Summons In tho Circuit Court of tho State or Oregon, for Clackamas couniy. N. E. HeiiBon, Plaintiff, vs. W rteimon. Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. To P. W. HenHon, No. 39t iweniy- sixth Street, San fTnncisco, Cali fornia. vnn nrn hereby renulred to nppoar and answer tho complaint tiled against you In the above entltlod suit ny me 2rth day of July. Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen (1914) as prescribed by nn ordor of tho above entitled Court for the publication ot tuts Bummons u-hieh nn lil date aforesaid 1b more than six (0) weeks after the date of the first publication heroin as ordered by the Court in tno onove eniuieu sun, and If you bo fall to appoar nna an swer the complaint and summons filed tinrnln tn thn nhovo entitled suit on said date, plaintiff will npply to tho above entitled court for the relief nraved for In said complaint, which Bald relief Is for a decree of the above entitled Court forever dissolving, an nulling and sotting aside the marrlnge contract heretofore and now existing between nlntntlff and said defendant, and for such other and further relief as tho Honorablo Court may deem meet with eoulty. This summons Is published and Rnrved imon you by ordor of the Hon orable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court which Bald order was duly made and entered therein in said Court on tho 6th dny of June, Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen (1914) based upon plaintiff's complaint nnd affidavit nnd tno recoraB maue uuu filed In tald stilt. J. A. STROWHRIDGE, Attorney for Plnlntlff. Dated and first publication, June 12th. 1914. M Last publication, July 24th, 1914.,, "l' Sheriff Sale on Execution. ' Iri the -Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multno mah. C. P. Fobs, Plaintiff, vs. A. L. Harper, Dofendnnt. Slnte of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. llv virtue of a lodgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of tha above en titled Court. In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 27th dny of May. 1914, upon a Judg ment rendered and entered in saia court on the 20th day of May, 1914, In favor of C. P. Fobs, Plaintiff and against A. L. Harper, Defendant, for the sum of $193.75, with Interest there on at the rate of 6 per cent, per an num from the Ut day of May, 1914, 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 9.00 6.00 6.00 Thomas Johnson 3.00 Guy Gross 3.00 J. C. Edmunds 3.00 D. W. Farmer 3.C0 V. U Snldow 3.00 U. P. Harnos 3.00 R. A. Junken 6.00 lllake Ilowland 3.00 Jess W. Hyatt 3.00 Gertie. Wilson 3 00 D. C. Garmler 3.00 Geo. Doliok 3.00 J. R. Rowland 3.00 Willamette Fire Co. 4.00 Thompson & Webb 25 O. W. Harrington 5.M) Molalla Lmbr. Co. 3.50 G. II. Voung 14 00 Oregon City Enterprise 675.39 O. Plimpton 6.00 J. K. Morris 6.50 E. T. Mass 123.00 HIiBh-Wels Mfg. Co 17.30 J. F. Montgomery 150 Oregon City Courier 97.25 Estncada Furniture Co 100 W. M. Vonce 1.50 Estaeada State Rank 3.00 Estncada Lmbr. Co 160 Francis Welsh 13.50 Falls Transfer Co 1.00 John N. Slevers 27.20 E. L. Davidson 28.00 Floyd Spurlin 10.98 Wm. Grlsenthwaite 2.02 J. P. Unit 6.1S W. A .Heylman 3.42 Frnnk Ott 16.31 M. E. Kandle 9.76 Clarence L. Eaton 2.10 J. C. Elliott 12.07 W. V. Rogers 10.28 J. C. Mnrqunm 13.08 J. E. Pomeroy 23.25 Edw. M. Roberta 1.08 I,. Li. Porter 3.70 U J. Robinson 2.50 Joe J. Tohrnton 15.86 W. W. Jesse 17.40 M. A. Mnther 17.24 Chaa. F. Patton .52 John T. Mclnlyre .50 C. D. Puree". 1-80 Jno. It. White ............... 2.10 Chaa. Thompson 16.30 W. F. Miller 10.90 T. 0. Jonarud 4.62 Wm. Morand 13.32 Fred Wagner 11-60 D. F. LeFevre 16.20 P. D. Newell 15.70 Sheriff. Hogg Bros $ -75 E. T. Mass 69.25 Jones Drug Co. 3.00 Clerk. Jones Drug Co. $ 10.50 Eliott-Fisher Co. 2.30 W.L. Mulvey 10.00 ii. f. Recorder. U .1 Lou Cochran -I 65;00 B; P. Dedman '..-'i -5.l .8 - Treasurer- '"''I x Jones Drug Co. .;. -7B Assessor. ' Typewriter Inspection Co. ...$ 7.50 Julius Paulsen 45.00 Claude Woodle 67.50 J. E. Jack : 3.00 W. H. Holder 30.00 N. R, Grahom 57.00 E. W. Randolph 63.00 M. E. Gaffney ......... 69.00 L. P. Duffy . 63.00 J. O. Stoats 76.50 d. Engie :.J.:... m.oo Court House Miller-Parker Co. $ -50 V. Harris J. K. Morrl. Hogs' llro. , Join-. Drug Co Ifoin Telephone C'i I'.rldn Telephon Co City of Oregon City Circuit Court J. C. Ilradley If. I'eckover , !(. .. (iri-ave. ,,, W. A. Iiiig A. J, Walker H. C. ( W, II. Crllaer 0. It. Woodle Jerinlo ftobertaon flobt. Koblliaon D. K. Froat Hynri.h Haghy J. n. Klo Joaephlnn Gerhardt Marian Hoffman Esther Glbaon , . . . , I,. C. Confer Virgil Cooper , A. I4. JUod Claud Con.er Ruben Peterson Edna D Hondt Gnorga Brhabcr C. U Thomas John It. Cameron , James Chsptnan C. II. Melasner Mr. M. K. Church Ira Hell Robertson Hesl Hafer Eugene Hafer Thomas Kelly James Kelly Geo. A. Thatcher J. II. Watts A. O. Johnson I-roy Wolr Frank Ervln Owen Walsh Llllle Stutg Gertrude Schwoch Evelyn Pike 1-eona Torrance Sophie Mueller E. U Kellogg Oscar Woodfln Delia Woodfln Resale Sr.unders E. J. Dnulton C. K. Qulnn Pierce Wright County Court J. W. Smith W. II. Mattoon Justice of th Peace. N. O. Say John N. Slevers D. E. FroBt Isabella I'ortouw Mrs. E. F. Portouw Arthur King Mrs. A. S. Robertson Eugene Hafer Mrs. M. E. Church Mrs. E. B. Andrews J. W. Swafford Miller-Parker Co Coroner Dr. M. C. Strickland Wm. J. Wilson Surveyor Rud Thompson H. H. Johnson D. T. Meldrum ; Paul Dunn M. F. McCown .. Harry Gray Insane Dr. J. W. Norrls Miller-Parker Co , Western Union Tel. Co , Hugh S. Mount Dr. J. W. Norrls , Mrs. Lillian Glenn Dr. M. C. Strickland Dr. J. W. Powell Supt of Schools. J. E. Calavan D. E. Frost H. M. James Mrs. E. C. Shaw , J. E. Catavan Rrenton Vedder James Adkins Lumber Co. A. O. Freel Mrs. H. I. Hull H. Peckover Board of Health. The Estaeada Pharmacy , Clarke Woodward Drug Co. J. A. Van Brakle Wm. J. Wilson Fruit Inspector. O. E. Freytag , Stock Inspector. Gus Wilson Wm. Metier W. S. Eddy Indigent Soldier. Meade Post No. 2 O. A. R. County Poor A. W. Cheney , Oregon City Hospital Fair Bros '. ... F. T. Barlow Board of Water Com , Jos. E. Hedges Oregon Commission Co Oregon City Hospital V. Harris O. Wlsslnger ' Denis Donovan Mrs. T. L. Smith K. Gregerson H. F. Padgham Kellers Grocery L. Adams Geo. Redaway Geo. Von Orthwlck Dunning & McEntee C. J. Bentley Electric Hotel Frank Hopp Adra The C C Store Fred Clack Roswell L. Holman . . . Dunning & McEntee . . Lewis E. Evans O. P. Overton Ambulance Service Co. St Vincent's Hospital Drs, Mount & Mount . . Wm. Danforth David E. Jones W. T. Gardner Mr. Bradtl J. W. S. Owens Sam Booher , LIU . 4!0 . 1 SO , IT 31 . :i v., . 32.13 .$ 2D.C4 . 2800 . 2.eo PROFESSIONAL DIF?EOTORY Harvey t. Croa William Hmm4 CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORN I VI AT LAW W hl now moved te our .rm.n.nt quart In th 0Mvr Building. Nat te the Andrn Building. Real estate Abstract Male Blr, Leans, In.uranc. Or.go City, Or. D. C. UTOUReTT lrMat. The First National Bank of Offgon City, Oregon CAPITAL, tWKOM. Transect Oenersl Banking Bu"- Op trm I A M. U I , kt 2 a co 30 29 220 29.20 31 CO . ... z-0!MOEY TO LOAN Z.20 J.00 .00 a.co coo s.oo too coo coo 2. CO coo 3. C0 8.70 3.00 3.20 2 80 2.C0 2.00 2.40 2.40 2.00 t 1 2.00 3.C0 3.C0 COO 3.20 3.70 .00 3.C0 3. CO 2.J0 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 COO 2.00 2.00 2.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer IrVCINHARD IUILDINC F. J. allTCR. Caahle $ 23.50 , 48.00 $ 3.00 . 10.43 13.30 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.70 1.90 1.70 1.70 5.50 J S.OO . 5.50 $ 25.00 40.50 141.00 25.00 4.00 37.50 I 6.10 .50 .75 15.00 2.00 2.25 6.00 5.00 $ 23.40 1.90 131.20 9.00 9.70 122.70 1.G9 9.00 9.00 3.50 ' W 2.65 4.50 7.80 7.50 $ 11.00 S 12.50 50.00 5.00 $ 20.00, $ 20.00 . 8.60 10.30 55.00 2.00 12.00 10.00 58.60 16.75 7.00 12.50 4.00 46.45 , 16.14 , 15.00 , 23,95 , 10.00 , 10.00 , 45.00 , 10.0'Q 2.25 :7-oo . 14.95 . 7.00 . 25.00 . 26.00 . 2S.00 . 11.95 . 12.00 . 20.60 . 7.00 . 15.00 . 8.00 . 10.00 . 10.00 . 20.00 . J6.00 flock Monli-r Mrs. J.iMle Allen . . . f'atlon Home A. J. Rn.i-ntha! Mary Iluol Piter Ericsson Sarah Glbhon Ella Payne Henry Spies W. W. Evcrhart ..... W. J. Moldnhauor . , lxxilse Ilallou Matilda Carlisle S. En.ley Mrs. Collar Harry Cooper Kate Gardner Jail V. Hani E. T. Mass Juvenll. Court. Mlnda E. Church D. E. Frost Wild Animal Bounty. Tom Scott 1 N. W. McMlllen E. Calkins Tax Rebate H. M. Courtright Thomas Patterson R. F. Walters Printing and Advtrtlsln Oregon City Courier Oregon City Enterprise .... Tax Department J. A. Tufts Alice Dwlgglns E. C. Hackett Alberta Dunn Forest Fires. State Treasurer - ,. 1000 .. 20 00 , . I 00 ,. 20.00 ,. 5.00 ,. 13.00 , . 20.00 ,. 10 00 . 10.00 . 25 00 . 10 00 . 11.00 . 15.00 . 1500 . 15.00 . 20.00 . 15.00 .$ 3.80 . 81.22 .1 42.20 . 71.10 .$ 10.00 . 15.00 . 22.00 .$ 84.06 . 4.72 . 13.20 I .$ 77.35 . 200.85 .1 55.00 . 60.00 . 75.00 . 60.00 Pbonee Paclflo 12 Home A-lll BROWNELL A BTONI Attorny-t-Law All legal business promptly att.dJ to e . . 1 U mn ICnvCIIL Attorny-t-Lw Dutschsf Advok.t Will practice In all court, make collections and cttlement. Office la Enterprise DullJIng. Oregon City, Oregon. o $269.80 - . - . I C. O. D. C LATUUnCTTE I Attom.ya-atrLaw Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of- o ? o flee la First National Dank Dldc Orofoa City, Oregon. 1 In the matter of the town plat of Clifford's Addition to Molalla. Ordered that said town plat be and Is approved. In the matter ot the Hiram Jackson road. Report of viewers read first and sec ond time, remonstrance denied and road ordered opened. In the matter of the Palmer road. Ordered opened. In the matter of the Pendleton road. Ordered opened. I in me mauer 01 me juaca ruau. Ordered dismissed on adverse re port of viewers. In the matter of the Botkln road. Ordered opened. In the matter of petition of J. T. Wholley and others to change road No. 26 to a 40 foot road. Ordered that said petition be and is granted. In the matter of the Ergstrom road. Ordered opened. In the matter of the petition ot M. F. McCown and others for a county road. Report of County Surveyor filed and time for hearing fixed at 10:30 A. M July 3rd, 1914. In the matter of the W. F. Young road. - Ordered continued. In the piatter of the petition of Charles Oglesby for a road. Resolution passed directing survey or to. make an examination. In the matter of the resignation of Solon Klnzer as Justice ot the Peace. Ordered that said resignation be and Is accepted, and that John Owlngs be appointed to fill the term. In the motter of the petition of F. J. Hulbert to remit Interest and penalty. Ordered that said Interest and pen alty be remitted. In the matter of the claim of Wm. Metier for indemnity for slaughter of diseased cattle. Ordered that warrant issued to said claimant for $50.00. In the matter of the claim of Gus Wilson for indemnity for slaughter of diseased cattle. Ordered that warrant Issue to said claimant for $12.50. In the matter of the petition ot D. H. Wotts for a couniy road. Ordered dismissed on adverse report of surveyor. In the matter of the claim of Thom as Patterson for tax rebate. Ordered that warrant Issue to said claimant for $4.72. In the matter of the claim of R. F. Walters for- tax rebate. Ordered that warrant issue to said claimant for $13.20. . - ,1 1.n the'matter of the petitionj of legal voters of Maple Lane for ,spo(jial elec tion to vote on stock running at large. Ordered that a special election be held In Maple Lane, precinct to vote on stock running at large in said pre cinct. In the matter ot the petition of G. A. Schuebel and others for a county road. solution passed directing County Surveyor to make an examination. In the matter ot the Baldwin road. Ordered opened. In the matter of the claim of H. E. Courtrlght for rebate on delinquent certificates. Warrant ordered for said claimant W. S. EDDY, V. $n H. D. V. Graduate of th. Ontario Veteri nary Colleg at Toronto, Canada, and the McKllllp School of Sur gery of Chicago, Is e.tabll.ned at Fashion Stable. Firth BL, be tween Main and Water 8ta. Both Talephone Offllce Pacific Main 65; Home, A 95. Residence Pacific, Main 184 CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney -at-Law Notary Publlo Estaeada. Oregon. STRAIGHT SALISBURY We make a specialty of Install- lng water systems and plumb- t lng In the country. We carry the Leader tanks and Stover on- i glnes. We have a full line of t Myers pumas and stray pumps. ? Price always lowest I 720 Main St Oregon City Phone 1682. J ? O. D. E B Y 9 I I Attorny-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish- ed, land titles examined, estates e settled, general law business. I Over Bank of Oregon City. MONEY to LOAN For long or short periods WM. HAMMOND, Lawyer Beaver Building Oregon City SPECIAL TO WOMEN The moat economical, cleansing and germicidal of all antiseptics Is A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douches In treating catarrh, inflammation or ulceration ot nose, throat, and that caused by feminine ills It has no equal. For ten years the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtlne In their private correspondence with women, which proves Its superiority. Women who have been cured say it is "worth IU weight In gold." At . druggists. 6O0. large box, or by mail. The Paxton Toilet Co, Boston, Mass. GfllGIIESTER SPILLS DIAMOND. BRAND J-J -Ud WUi. -W Mm. Co' LADIES I AA jw Drantet for CHI-CHBS-THR 8 DIAMOND BRAND PUXS in Rkd and jOLD metallic Dona, ttalcd with Blue K1DDOO. TAK MO OTB. Bay Drwat aak ffer CUI-CUICS-T t K DIAMOND BBAKD PILLS, for twcntT-flTB year regarded aa Beit, Saint, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE in the sum ot $72.06. K ) In the matter of tbe plans and speci fications for the Barton and Molalla Bridges. , . ' Ordered that said plans be and is hereby approved. In the matter of bids for construc tion of Bear Creek Bridge. ,' Ordered that all bids be rejected and the clerk advertise for bids to be opened July 10th, 1914. , . Iu the matter of bids for Improve-' ment of the Oregon City and New Era road near the Lazelle place. Henry Cromer being the lowest bid der, the contract was awarded to said bidder. '- ... .'-a1-; 'oil :