Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 05, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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    oriErsox crrv entkhprtsr kimi av. .tunmo. i.
PublUhecf tvery Friday.
E. C DHODlE, editor and Publnher.
KiKi-n'd at ()rfiiii City, (irtfiiii. I'moofijin wn n'cmul ls mailer.
Subscript Ion Rte:
(in year Jl.'
Hl Months T'i
Trial Kut.ecrli 'inn, To Mow it -
Kutmrrllx-r . "I flml ih Am nf pli.ttl.ui Mampcd mi t !i Ir i.ipcis f-d
inning their iitiiiH. ( (,., IUfui It not i r.-.l M -1 . klu.ll notify im, n . i t
the mnii. r will rniiu our mi u'l.ni.
Oifjon 0velojimn( Nitti in Lint of Industries, Payrolls 'id Product!
c( Labor and Enterprise.
t .............................
Mil t) '
Adti nuliis It ii mi appla iii l'tn.
i vi mi. ok tiii: pi upmwim; pkoui.kms t.iiuii m.w
flout tlir .Amciu.tii pc.plr n'atitr to tlir i!.il cpu-stnm nt lilr,
a thr Mijli fut ol living an. I t)ir elimination n tlir iiit.l.llnnni, t. .lit !'
pnuipril uiiilrr nor lir.nl tlir l.ni'.l t ! ! -i it. Tliis !i ipirtinil i r.ipiil't be
inning our nf t!,r must fmtij! ate, I an. I at l!)f .utir Mtir tine nt t!ir most itn
Niifatit tu tlir tlrti'I.'pilinit .in. I i!'r I'tott til of tlir nation Yhe mi ttiii!:t.lH
ptrs., Mir i'ntintr t -. .iti.l t!tr Mini pti-ss ate tu'l of it. Lrvturn Itvtutr
nn it fnuu the platform, pn.t. Iirts ptca.li it limn tlir pulpit Init tlir ommmiht
(tuitiniirs to irv nut a'aiiut t'ir nf living a: J tlir pioilun'r
tlir pnYr lir nhtaiiis in nut Lrt. An. I in tlir inrantimr, rH-t t air iiivl.it in;'
that tlir soil Irrtilitv i ilivir.iiii. tli.it tlir ptoiliutioit nt meat is ilivtiu
I ut ;it tlx vimr time tlir population nt tlir nation is grow in i; at 1 prat parr.
'ati'.,n i. v?.r fi.r tlir rutr nt t'u-r i'oiii itmiN is pK'tititul. tine
rit touM hate tlir tanner trttilir his l.uiil aii.l rai-r lan'rr crops; another
lanirnts tlir small amount nf shr-,i am! I'.ittlc t.iisril nn thr .itri:t,.v larni; an
itlirr ilrvlarr that thr prmlmrr il'cs not ns brains uitli Irs husiurss. wh.lr
oilier liavr still more ttt's.lom vhiYh thry otter M thr tanner. Whatever thr
vlrtv taint by thr rH-:t. all rein to a;irr on nnr tiling tiir ne.r'?v nt
1 ..... .1.. t It . I.Ii.i.p tli o m. -1.011110? of Vr:.i:rr
krrpin inr ijunri mi i.ir i.n.n. i ....... I
will priiiliur hiK' crop without thr uMiiii h.iml nt thr t.imv.-r. 1 hr ijues
tioii is not milv how to l-ep tlir tanner nn thr fatm hut aUi Imw to ma'r tlir
farm o attract!. r that hi Kvs an,! v:!t! will st;v on thr tarin.
Am! hrrr. too. thrrr havr hern lorns of answrts. Jn Imli.ina thr plan
of buihli'nn a cluh Imusr in thr county srat i belnz triril out. I hr Iniilihn.'
:' larr am! cmntortahlr ami rvrry cninrnlrncr to male thr place v m hnine
likr ha hrrn iiistal'r.l. Thr huiKlin,; ! thr first nt its lin.1 in tlir tniilillr
WTst. l"hr Ini!!nnapol!s Star sa:
"iy ailministrrin to thr phsii-t! conitoT of thr farming ci'innninity of
Jackson county, thr club bour will lra.1 to friemlly ami more intiniatr rela
tions hotwrrn thr county srat an,! !t rural nrihhors am! thr rxolution in ina:n
comniuninr." Thr Star may hr rL'ht hut how is thr farmer yoin',' to nvoti
' cilr liinwlf to thr lack of comforts of homr with such a placr in thr tmvn.
1 lii Km'riin r . i on i li,m In en ful I
1. 1 llo riitiiu rn t riiino rv iinHorluli.iii.
niol i In v iroi.iM tj iloiililii nn- iMpa
1 1 in o pl.oil.
j SlftiT nt tlin lino.) Hlu lilii'nl nt
j l'..i.!..il uil t-riit n fi;.'i,eiiii litl1iii u
I'll 1 1 i i . : illi nil".
Ivlaluai ll IV l III i mot I ucl M u.T
r -li in III Mlll' u.l'lltloll.
I Stf. f.'r tlii' llrt tin iiiHih of llie
i'i,iin l'.i iiinl i ri m i nt l ily r ill
I ro.nl loot In-i ll lioin lit
I'lll ll:li I'ff II l.'il.fll for ii ill I Till'
(I n of C . Hill r.ulro.i'l li'i -iiiIii.iIk at
r:.u. i.
Tin' I ii-rr'nu. r loin. Irv nt Itan.l.'ii
u ill I " r. I'liili nial .iii'ii il ItM mo. I
i rn ma. linn rv.
i Poll Hii.rl li o f i oiiipany u lot
' a i oiitr.n t for a l.ire i. k. j
All liiii'orlaht ImiIusii v llu- .a-'( I
tiioi.lli In Ori ki'ii has t o. II tin- Miami
f.n lar.- i f vr.iilnatioii iln'MU's.
i ". pi ini'ii s r.i 1 1 !i ilat ut KiK'-lo' ion
tuist tsi'l.-r. I ii Mali- liulii!nal miii.o.
I Tlie first I'lluu: .m ilrititi .1 m .1
il Snilili I'oltil in ar An "ria llh .ul
' 1 1 1 rmiionti'ii for e -.Hihir'triloii if tin1
! IiIk iti ii- il.vk nli in.
j In I. Inn r. unity n n.iiiiiIi of ioiiiTi'Ii'
i ron I u.ik laiil mi Coml ItoaiU ilay
j T'ii i-rt'.rr float I ii t: il. lit of tin- h'af.'
I Uncoil. I'M i.!nkiin: fuii.l .issols. s
IH'OimI .v a i-i'i'sii hiilli'im at I emits.
I I'o.'S iii'iiity Iuih coiiiii!eil plans
i f.-r a l.uil'l.m; at t It Panama rxpoil
j Hon.
K'Imi'IH' w.ll i'ri'a'l oil all. I I if tin
'ilnst on ti'n l loik.i of prlm lpal rt-sl-
rrt.iirr i" n'' "'.
in!e.l.s of l'ttiuaK will iTi'it a two
l. rv iTl' k to.lKi' liall fl Ni l".
I iinitii r hlilpiin'lit l.i Nun lYiim l
io from tt.nl roinit Imi'luh niriii:iil
i'.l : :.s .0 i "ii for lln- fn l lo uri'l.B nf
Mat. Took I lit V Bi'lll ..7 ! I ' t
I lli' llllpn t'llimllll' lie II l Olllpallf
u.im lln. lowi'wi 1.1, 1, In I. r lln' Xnimli
( ii, I. 'il. it fillim; i mil ra- ' i
Hi,' Htalo craiito . -1 . .,' r oln
' il .ii llmlltiiu Urn hihi r ol Illi it l' I"
!'.'. foilll piOlllll'tH.
i I'oill.unl eolilriii'loin !"'' " hri
Noi.i' I'Mviitltiit tlio Till .iiiu'oW I'ay liar
l r I o !' i 't in i I it .
Sihirion Minoiili' I, . I ' lias inlopl-
I phuiK for llni i rri i ' ii of f"1"-'
nloi-v I'rlrk ImIi;i mnl o'M.i' I'Utlilliik'.
'Ilio M.x'iii' Imk'o nf Toil, 'il. will roll
mi riu-t n IwoKtory lirn k liall li"1 l'.v
i"i fi i t
Tin' Ktii'l work In il'.-' '" court
linns.' III Klallllllll I'.ii'- will l'' mini''
ai I'ortlaiul liy thi 'iiliwent Hlfi'l
i', i
Tlo' lliiilson I'liiiiT M i. i k A PrmlK
lilt: l'o. of I'ortlaiul nn.l Vanroinor In
ItiHialllni: il lari:i pl.mi ai llolil ("oil-li-r.
7 null's from Suinpl. T.
I iiiiiImt mnl creoKol. (inns aro plnil
iilna tu put ilown wool M.'.k on the
l.liiutoii rou, nut nf I',. 1 1'. mil
Wiilauu'tto vnlloy in, i i .Hi' s will In'
li.MI at tin'
forum ofTiiE peoplebeAVERS WIN LOOSE
m SCORE 17 10 5
a fi'iituro nf tint Ore
raiiama i'Xinsltlon.
Kilo no mnniifaeliii
for ii nlalo w liln oxli
Uri iiou prinlurtii.
Tin1 pant work tlir
wtTf 'U'hti'il for tin'
tlio nuuiii'lpiil plant.
in.i'l,' In-
I'lH Of
t tunc
M-mfccri of Meade Pobt Follow Stirr ng Mutlc of Flfo and Oru.n t
In Time of Civil War
I Tiie follow Pii ti-. r.it's. in, nil,. r of
.tlio pi'fl tin, I :i!rr-:. follow nl llo' .1!.'
ami drum corps wall ilio s,i:nl tliat
'mot I'd them to rh-irvo to tlio inusu' if
ilriim ami fiV in l'in' lull a cmiurt
I ai'i:
! II. S. Civil.'. l". tin" , com
:t,.l, r Pr.oil.- L ..,!. st!. Mimi hit
Thr I'.nrm an,! Firrit!e, a " r'l know n puhlicatioii JrvotrJ to thr inter- i Ai'juruu . n. o. A. Il ir.lin. 1st on .
rsts of the farmrr, hclirvrs that it has fmmJ thr trur solution of thr problem, j '-j 'y,'''.'""'.';,,,1;. y-'a'it" v
I Ins p.-.prr unulii ti.it c tnr ciiihiren nt a coniniunity ir t.iUL'ut in sucu a " at
that thr fascination of thr farm lifr wouhl be hnni'jht out stmnIv while thr
mm!:tions in thr citv wmih! rithrr br umittrJ or touchri! on Ihtly. In Jr-
M'ribitiL' thr plan, thr Farm an.! Firrvile JrsTihrs thr rttect on the
"What ha,l m.tJe the change? Just ;hi: tlir teachers hail been iten
more practical work to Jo in thr scho iN. They bail been "jitin the teach
;r - a farm slar. The ha.i been wirkinj in the schools on larm matters, and
t lie firls bail hren stmltiii conk'--. sewing, b.ousekrr;iin a:iil the care of thr
lioiic am! rh'hlren. Aiil thry ha. I forgotten about leaving the farm. Thry
b;u! been lining pleasant, intrrrst:n', practical work, am! they wrrr happy.
Thry bail comr to srr that tl'.ere is just as fascinating work, just as intellectual
work, just as hi;; work in thr country ,v any of them could epect to Jet in
the city and much higher work than most of them could rvprct."
Both of thrsr suirst'ons probably would have an important brariin on
the solution of the farm problem but it will take more than our rrmrdy to
corrrct the present condition. The education of the children, the development
of the social side of farm lite, and other plans would all work toward the same
end but it will take several of thrm to kerp the farmer and his children on the
liawllims. '.' :p Iowa Inf.; .1. A. Kan
l.lolpti. 4. ill Win. I ii r ; A. M. Z.-rki-l. .'ml
Ohio 'at; Trni Hurki'. illi III Inf.:
!;. Scrutoti, a.'th low a Inf.; YV. I!. Im
kox, .Mnl 111. Inf.; .1. l'. Paddock. Jl.'t
Mo. Inf.; 1'airlck .'inl.t'ilo. I'av.;
I. A. Ii'onmti. 1st pi t-.n. hllotncii: d. I".
Hoitmi, l sth Ohio Inf.: A la ck. HUh
Mich. Cat.: Th.M. Ilucrth. llth Wis.
Inf.: Kluard Jolititoii. sv'li N. Y. In'.;
.Miili.icl ilannon. lsi 1'. S. Artillery:
I. S. Vanillin, llth Iowa Inf.: .lohu
Kcllv, 4th f. S. Inf.: A. i lirtz. 7 ft U
IViin. Inf.; V. II. .M.'Clcllaii. 1 It It
Ohio Inf.; Daniel Slim. lsJiul X. Y.
Inf.: A. Stevens, l.lth I'. S. f. ; .1. .1.
O'Dea. 1st X. Y. Kncirs.: I). MrArthur,
I Hth III. Inf.: Tim Cannhaii, Mariti"
corps; J. J. -Mallatt, 12in Mo. fav.: I..
1". Morton, oL'tuI Wis. Int.; (i. . Doty.
I". S. X.: A. ('. lluimip. c'lih N. Y. Inf.;
.'ohii Murphy. !nt X Y Art.; I. II.
Il.idlc.v, lnt lowu ('lit'.; Or, null Wash
I'linii'. I'th Mo. Inf.: Martin I tut fv. L'uil
1!. I Inf.; A. J. Ilolihlc. inh III. I "a v.:
.1. It. limit. l'.uh 111. Inl ; l. Ii. liatln,
L'.'nil Wis. I ii f ; Thomas O'l.inrv. L'nd
l l. Inf.: It. W. TortiT. Mini IVnn. Inf.;
I. A. Walilron. (Till Iowa Int.; C. X.
let is, Htli hid. l.t'Kii'n: K. V. tlriuit.
i drum major) 1 U'ikI X. Y. Inf.: Den
tils Hot lo, Ith W. Va. Cav.; I'lixon Har
ford. 1st .Minn. Inf.: .1 A. Tufts, l:!tli
Wis. Inf.; J. I,. MnttocLs. l.'th Iowa
Inf.: Patrick Dale. L'nd Md. Inf : W.
M. Wilson. :!nl Wis. l av.; W. M. tinner,
::nl f. S. Art.: J. Man In. I'th Minn.
Inf.: Dan Molleo. 2ml f. s. Cav.- J. It.
Klowtrs, L'lltli Ky. Inf.; Ildiry larney,
L't'.'h hnl. Inf.; Tim .Nolan, iml Ohio
Ail.; John Acklev, "L'nd Iowa Inf.; J.
T. Mellollnnd. L'Tth hid. Inf.: T. M.
Killom:, 1st Win. Cav.; Dan lilley, Ma
rine corps; Jaroh Crit' ser, '.'L'ril 111.
Vet. Inf.: Ceo. II. Schioily, ICtll l'. S.
Inf.: J. W. Kiirnier. I'l'th Iowa Inf.; J.
C. Sawyer, Kith Vt. Inf ; Tlioimis Craw
ford, sr.th 1ml. Inf.: J. W. Alderman.
2nd Iowa MKht Art.: H. I.. Hull, past
commander of the post and marshal
of tlio day.
A BILL IS 15 KING DRAFTED for the initiative in the alleged in
terest of Sabbath kecpinir, which will seriously cut down the earn
ings of streetcar and railroad employes, and add enormously to the
expense of hotels, restaurants and all business that must be operated seven
days in the week.
The hill is in charge of a committee of the federal council of churches
:md the federation of labor, and the text of the bill is as follows:
Section 1. It is declared to be the public policy of the state of Oregon
that each and every person of either sex employed for waes as hereinafter
specified, shall be allowed a pert'ed of rest of at least one day of 24 consecu
tive hours, in each and every calendar week, to permit said person to improve
his or her, physical, mental and moral condition, to the end that the general
welfare may be promoted and the general health, intelligence, uprightness
and usefulness of citizens increased.
Section 2. Every employer of persons of either sex for wages, whether
such employer be an individual, partnership or corporation, engaged in car
Tying on in this state manufacturing, mercantile, or public utility busness,
or any other business conducted for profit shall allow each person, except
those exempted in section 3 hereof, employed in such manufacturing, mer
cantile, or public utility business, or any other business conducted tor profit,
at least one day consisting of 24 consecutive hours of rest in each and everv
calendar week.
Section 3. This act shall not apply to janitors, watchmen, or employes
whose duties include no work in excess of two consecutive hours of labor on
the day allotted for their rest period.
The proposed bill goes on to state that the employer shall keep a time
hook, with the names of every employe in it and the hours worked, for the
inspection of the labor commissioner, and provides a penalty for the violation
of the act.
is that which you carry in your pocketbook
or keep at home. It earns nothing and a
thousand whims and petty extravagances lie
in wait. "You should put your money to
work. It has earning power that is too valu
able to lose by laying the money away or
carrying it with you. We suggest lhat you
open a savings account at our bank. You
will thank us later on for the suggestion.
The Bank of Oregon City
The r.eloved One You object to
noraee because lie's not businesslike
Stern Pa rent-Certainly; he's only uft
er you for your money. Iteloved One
-Well. pa. doesn't that prove lie's bus.
Smyrna's Figs.
Most ot the go.iUKI.mtl) iMiiinils of fiK
imported Into this country mutually
come from a strip of land near Smyr
na about ninety miles loin; and less
than one tulle wide, this being the
world's chief dried flu district.
Memorial Oty.
IMItor Kuteriirlnn: Venter, I. ty, ev
erh"iv I It run k Itioil tin' union. Me
ntorliil il.iy hhs oi'orti"! wlili morn it
Iokii niiii'ii I. ii" i , r, U, h In lienor of,
our I'Mliliil ilea, I Mho K.ne III, 'if then
11, 'iilni: for wlttil liu i I 1 1. . t Him
II. Ill lloill ilntlliK Hie ii"(, 1-i.iim
iliiis of Illi' I'lill Mur. I'r.'iitlit Inl i ho
lilt: Io Hie woiion of III'' ninth, tills
lav Iiiim u,iiieil Hi mo'i mini ilu
heroi n of eierv Anietli nn war. In III
r Jii-I or iinlnni. i','l"' Hie 1 1 I r
iilleiilloii elt ill eil man low Io he
ntotv lllion III,,",' who rl-'l, Iluir III ei
ii I hi llie kitilefli'hl. A t"t nlih h
to ilne of 1 1 ' i r wars i;ne I,, i ll uti )n : .
the linlhliliial h.iI,i,t ulio inl;,l,,l,
I,, lievtm: In' uas rli:hl. In junilv i n
Mile, I In liln hll.tre of the rollillton iif
W e hiiie, In tills letinlrv of mil -i.
folloueil In the ',i,i,I,,k of thn ell
uorlil mnl iimleiit Hiikh Io I, ml, Inn;
moiiiiuii ills to thoi'i' who Iteriimi' the
lIlHllllKUliilteil b inlein III war Hie Nn
polooiiH, Hie III, nils, iiiul the I ''' "
Ami from the low polni of roiifll, I. It
In only riuht unit proper Hnl tlo e
tn nt leiiilern kIioiiIiI he lu hl up us
moili'ln for fntlirn follow i rn of the Co, I
of war.
The :i'Mh iluv of Mny! What (etui .
er ineinorliM cluster round thy nhiliie' ,
MeiiiorliH lluil sirelih from imov
home to merv Imltleflelil on Aiuerlenn
soil. May wo ever reli'liriile It with
sIiii'itIIv. I.i t us restore It tu purpose
jfor wuli'ti It us foiimli'd - to ileroriile 1
the sohllers' rnes.
I l'llt. Mr. t'Mltor. Il Hew 1 leeorittlnll '
jilav In want,', I. We want u diillm ! ,
'mil si'Par.ile ilay In uhleh to piiv a,
! Iiift tribute of honor to those lo r ;
hoi, I heroines an, I heroes they urn III
llie true sense -who their then.'
Ill' Ir homes, nil, I nil rise lllev lliol, to;
! holler the l oiullilon of (he In!, ot Inn
imi.'isi s. ll roes in tlio pe.u'i'ini w.uiis
of life. Men mnl women who hate nl
ways hei'll tllsplni il I'V Ihose w llo tin si I
III ' sr.'irlel mnl la, e." hut luted by Ihej
lowly Naari'iie. Those lie n ami woiu !
en who throm:h all the m-en luue
iMrti" the hiinleii of llie worhl. Those
turn mnl women who tire sh il ilouu
and their tented homos mid lli-lr ,
hoilles liurneil by your hrate ("I sa i
loon bums In the uniform of I'olorailo
inilltla, hired by the sanet Inioiilons
I'aptlst John IV Those from rblld !
hood to old ate to store op riches for '
the rich. It In for these that e should ,
si t apart ii Memorial ilitv. An, I If ukui j
illiients must lie ererte l. b t us ereet
ihem In honor of those brave lenders,
both men mid women, w ho have kIm ii ,
their nil, mid In our time mnl country '
are Htlll at (he bntlle's Innit III the
rreat slnn.fle for iimaii luaiu Ipatlon
from wuko shivery. i
U01!i:itT CINTllKlt. j
May SI. Il'll. j
riHITI. N'M, On', lune 2 'bin nf i
the 111111.1 dei lhlie I'.illns ol lite si il
soli in the I'.n llie l ''ii l hit, 'im w.ij
ui, ll litis nftel Itooil h Hie l'o, ll. Old
II, ,i i m from the tlai a to Hi" i""i' l
of 17 to '. The I ,i ill Ii am in ii' le to
po I out 1 1 hill on liill. Hie r.n 1,1
on nl, i pit, lo r, while Hi ikiT. who Kan I
III the l',, I "r thn l, ul loom, lei, I tiie'
I'lillforul.ilin down to N hlln !
I he i ,,l,l, nl sllilli'd off rl'iii" lllld It I
wnn Hie third liilillm In'toie the I'ml
luidi'in mini, their flmt run. hnl In
the fi nit t ll si I the I'l'iiti'in se. tired sit
runs iind lln Sues milled f I In Hie'
(Kill set Hut It wnn the Huh liiiilni'
Hint broin'hl Iii the I all') for the tiie
Itonlniis. Nine nu ll i-rosu'd the plule
mnl neii'ii loin wire pound' ,1 mil It .
the home Ii inn
Tor the opeiiliiM r nine Pilwein llie(
S, 'li.ll, on lllld lU'MM'in thin it f I 1 1 1 1 1 .
: 1 1 1 . n i oi rull pin Inr whom l.nru-.r
'ol erloll I'll toil III' reil'lltlv Ml;
i,,ll Hid. I ul. was tlio i hope to op
pose IIP C'T Hei'lltlse of litis fit, I, lilts
I'l-hef, who In it lell ham hd hnller,
I'll oil thn I" In ll lOid iltr, re
felted. I
A htlf il iitiioile of t tiud v 1 1 In fur 1
llblleil lllteri'li'll fir lh" II II II x iiji 1 1 y
larue wiik dat emwil of imiiers I tin I I
wnn nn hand Ml,n Ma.le Kin", n toe'
ilnliseitse, Hull, lit,, I nii'timl Hie lit"' a
oil the tips of her ti" s mid on red the ;
more t ii it ii :'i;ti feit of iii, mine in i .
Todny'n b.'ittliii! order:
Sai'iiiiiieiit" V"iiiit!. n Mohhr, !"'.
Absolutely Pure
l'nt. rf: Van Punn.
Tennaiit. I1
I ( . 1 1 it ill. i
M"inn, i f; II illimin
liill. p.
I'orlhoid - ll tlierefl, ss; Uodi'.i rs,
'.'b; ItoHiin. rf, Iterrlik, lh: llt.in. if,
lather. If; Kori s, :ih; Vulil.l, e; Klerer,
I'mplres - 1'hyle mid IH'liiuey,
Psclf'c Coait Lr.iuup.
San Kim ii
Venl e ...
I.on Ann Ii
H i ra nn ut o
I'l rilnn l . .
Oakland ..
isro .
ami Chyle.
POKTI.Wh. me.
The S "iiniors i . in
Heart to Heart
Tennyion and Shakespeare.
Tennyson loved Sluikespenre. The
Inst thins the dying nuthor did was to
mil for ii eopy of Sluikespenre nnd
rend fytiihellne." "1 hsiked lit the,
book nt mldnlu'lit." wrote his son I
"when I was sitllng by him lylns deiid.
anil found he hud opened on one of the i
passages which he called the tetnlerest
in Sliakespeare. We roiild not pnrtl
with this volume, but buried n Shake-1 had been ili'in
The Heroine.
"I see thnt MKs llurtuiby Is wearliu.'
a Cnrnegie nieilal How did she get It?"
"Haven't you ever heard about It':
Two years mm lat summer she was
riding a horse in Hie park one ilay. ami
the ti tii nisi I bolted with her. When il
seemed as If she would he killed a
yotipg man i .'iii'.'ht the niilinal and sue
reeded In stopping it before any harm
spenre with him. We had the book
Inelosed In a metnl box and laid by Bis
Cllgo Ifei
lune :! ( Spee la 1 1
hi. line the'r lin k
I III the third Inning fur Hn lr Hi t,. it to
the Si ore nf '.' to 1 titer the Heaters t
'iluy. Moran and llalllnati a h w.ili I
and then ll.iunali r lerlfleed, pu'lliu'
.Moran on third. Kl.iwltter th 'ii filed
'to lioaue mid Mornn stored ufli r the
end ll was m.'iile. The Heaters made
10 lilts find the winner flte.
"Lefty" Kvniis, u young ithmt with
ilols of sfr-nm. Mannger Mel'redle's 1st
esl . Itching stuff ml 1 1 1 1 loll, pleased
jl'ortlmul fan it who h.i him In net Ion
i for the first lime this nftermmil. Kvntis
siirtei the lOlllle with ')lllell" Kill
I wltt. r, ii llll'J Hi'iitiT, opposing him,
'nnd the late nrrltnl from New Orlenns
ttiiF the fav, rite. Althoufh a good
;erott'l turned out for the I'atiie, n ruth
I er cold wind made l oudltlolis uneiim
fottalde. I Today's biitt'tig order:
I Sai rniiu nlo Vimiig. ss; Mohler, 2b;
f'oy. rf; Vnn Ituren. If: Tennaiit. lh;
Moran. If; llalMtian. ah: llnminh, r;
Kliiwltter. p. j
I'orthiml-ll.'inerofl. ss; Itodgers, 2h; j
D"liae. rf; Derrlek. lh; Ityiin. rf; l.o-,
her. If; Kori s, "h; KimIht. o; l.'viins, p. I
One of the mightiest kings of thr
earth Is I'.uiperor Wllliiiui of (ieruinny.
Anything he says or does gets Into
print. The world Is Interested III know
ing tvliat persons In exulted positions
like his tulk ti I kiii t mid Imty they net.
Therefore n saying which meets with
his Imperial approval gels wide cir
culation. Here Is one:
"I prefer not to ls praised by any
body when 1 simply tu t tnronllng to
my conscience n nil carry out the com
mil mis which I should."
The saying has been engrossed for ;
the kaiser and he has hud several
copies of it flamed ami hung, one'
iiIhiVi. the tt-rltlne desk In lilu i.rU-nl.i ! 0
study in die piiliu e at Herllu. another j Ileal cstntn trnnsfers filed for record
In the mini yiu ht ami others In his w"h county recorder Friday urn
I'firliilw sl,,,,,ll'i,,- I.,,r..u ns follows:
The saying Is uo really the work of
the kaiser's originality. Its author wns
she did
'old Her
u t marry hlm."-Chl
Yacob Bloobenschlinger
Tells His Views on the
Prohibition Movement
Dear Mecster Editor of Der
Last Frcitag Katerina unci mo re
cofered enough from our last dime to
Oregon City to go by dot bur? again.
Katerlna bIir hadt some hi lion last
year's kraut, und I hadt some penniless,
so ve harness die oldt gray mare nop,
nnd ilrivas us down. Ven ve got by
Scfetith schtreet Katerina, Bho says:
"Shake," says she, "dy die oidt gray
mare oop here by her hill, und let us
valk down Main schtreet. I (intuit got
any more false teeth or hairpins to
schpare. So ve tied de old gray mare
oop, iiml valk down (lie schteps.
Across die schtreet by die new Cour
ier office I schtand me to admire die
architecture, ven a man cooms oop to
me und says:
"Is dis Meester llloobensfhlliiger?"
I Hay: "Dot's vat Katerina galls men
she gets madt."
He shook mine handt like it vas a
poomp handle, und says:
"Illoohenschlinger, ve look to you
to safe die country."
I answers me: "How is clot?"
He says: "Die whole bloornin conn
try is goin' to der bow-wows nilt (lis
brohlbition mofement, und ve expects
you to vork mlt your beohles to defeat
it ells fall."
1 asks me: "vat be you dot you
was so interested?"
He says: "I am a IJortland brew
ery achent."
I says: "Vat has happened die conn
He says: "See how brohibi'Ion lias
killed drade In Oregon City!"
I say: "Mine tiachbod Schmidt has
shoost been down by liortland, und he
dells me dot drade is worser yet as in
Oregon City. Has brohlbition In Ore
gon City killed drade in liortland ai
He says: "Oh, der Democratic ad
ministration makes dings bad in ISort
land." I say me mit satire: "Of courae der
dont vas no Democratic administration
ofc-r Oregon City? Undt der mills
dondt about half as many men as last
year embloy yet? No?",
He say: "But see dose hops!"
"Veil," I say, "1 vas oop by Seattle
a few years ago, und saw die piggest
Knter-! hop yariils in die vorld dere. Den 1
vas oop once ngain last year, und dere
va.sn't no Imp yardts any more. I usgt
what happened dose hops, und (ley
ten me dose hops hlay der groundt out
limit domit pay so veil Tike berries
und such dint's, ho dey chust iptlt rais
lug hops. It t ill he choost so In Ore
gon. l.'iid ven it gomes to scIioohIhi;
between der interests of mine leedle
the famous Dutch mluilral, De Ittlyter,
who lives In history us one of the very
few ineii who defeated tlio English oil
the sen.
iciiini'n mill n iiiv iciim'il iiiu niitner
likes liln: mid his motto, but. as n
famous Kngllsliniiin says, that's tin
other story.
It I-) Interesting to Ibid that the (ier
ii tn ii emperor, n mini of vust curthly
power nnd subject to no man's criti
cism, iicliii'itvleilges publicly and tells
his friends (hut he who heeds the coin-
Harry I.. I.lddell et ox. to William
ChrlstlntiHon et nx lot 4 nnd part of
lot 7. l'l -asnnt Hill park, nil being In
sections 1 and ", township 2 souih,
rnnge 1 east of Willamette meridian;
Howard Kiierlv to Krwin hin-rly, ' MKi
inici Ol l II 11 I in loi i, iiiiii'k 'S, lloillll'H
addition to Oregon City ; 1 10.
J. '. Wilson et UK. to f )ru Sitter et
iix., lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, block IS, Canhy;
John H. McKenzle et nx. to V. II
llllllard, 120 acres In the south H
northeast '4. and iiorlhenst '4, north
east V,, section 11. township 5 south
range ;i eitHt of Wlllametto tnerldlun
fulled States to Oregon Callfornln
l,,Mllu lit I,U .,' ,1. I ....
' " ' 1I..1I I f 1 ..II ,.f U.U.ll.,., 1
.I...M ,1... . I . , , llillll'ill'l I I', el ill., it I j ,'i n, . .
uutei pilose. .oiiriioniH unto linn us , ... .,. n ,mi
niiiinioi' n n"iiiii, itinto- e.."v ... ,
poy, i aeon r.iooiienschllnger, und a
little drade in lions dot vomit be In
fier or firmf years no more, I shoost
'lake dot Hchnuill poy efery dime."
"Hut," he sav. "vou vas Chermnn
und did you see vat der Chermans are
going to do mil. hrophibltlon?"
,1 says mit indignation: "Mebhel vas
a Cherman, lint I dondt haf to be a
chackaHs, aindt it? It makes der madt
room oudl all ofer me for some plume
galoot, to insinuate doe pecaiiHe I'm
Cherrnan I must he a boozer. Der are
more sober Clierinans as Americans
yet, und der decent Chermans dont
dank any man to schlander dom about
vat Istidt so."
"Hut," he say, "der Chermans lofe
bersonal liperty."
I say: "Vat. Is bersonal liperty?"
He say: "I.iperty to dake a trink
ven yon vants it."
I say: "Va, hut I dondt favor let-
ting a lot of fellers dot are too lasy
to vork get rich on mine .bersonal lip
erty. i lafor stricdt laws against
trinking anyveres except at home. Let
your frau be die saloon-geeper. She
buys die booze at zwel dollars a gallon,
ur.d you bays her dor regular hrlce.
Dere va-) sixty trinks In a gallon, so
she makes enough to puy die next gal
lon, und puis $i,!io In der bank, und,
by die time dot you gets ready to die
mit schnakfs in your shoes she lias
enough safi d already to gife you a de
cent funeral, und to finish baying off
der mortehage. Dot is bersonal lip
erty, but der saloon Is graft!"
He say: "Oxgoose me. I must
shoost dot next schtreet car catch."
I dlslendt to his coattail crack mit
der vltid as be vf nt around der Welti
hardt gorner, und I saldt to mineselfa
Der fool catcher dondt vas need to
go dead shoost yet."
Your mit senslbleness,,
praise. Moralists have told
so for many centuries und within us
the "wee, small voice" has whispered
It to us, but here It Is preached to us by
an emperor.
True, there was nnothri emperor who
said the same thing nearly two thou
sand years ago. Perhaps he wus n
greater emperor even than William of
(jeriminy. He was Marcus Aurellus,
the Itoimin ruler and philosopher.
He wrote:
"I have often wondered how It should
come to pass that every mini loving
himself best should more regard other
men's opinions concerning himself than
his own, for If tiny god or grave mas
ter standing by should cominand any
of us to think nothing by himself but
what he should presently spcuk out
no man were able to endure It, though
but for one day."
Little Tfilngi.
Are little things Important? Ask the
captain who brought his schooner from
Peru, not, as the owners hud Intended,
to Charleston, S. C, but to Charles
town, Mass. He will give you his
opinion of tlie shipping clerk who spell
ed the name of tlie city of his destina
tion with a "w" that did not belong
there. You t It's Com pa nloti.
"WTi.ii profession do you think
boy .Too hud better adopt?" asked Mrs.
"I diintio," answered her husband.
"Joe Is rather handicapped by circum
stances. The only profession he's nat
urally adapted to Is thnt of a capital
ist, and I don't (pilte see where he's
goin' to get the money."
Vancouver 67.1
Seattle fi7
Spokane CGI
Portland .107
Victoria 3G6
lamette meridian and all of section HI
township 7 south, rnnge i east of Wll
lamette nierldinn.
Ileal estate transfers riled for rec
ord with tho county recorder Thurs
day are as follows:
W. It. Wilson tn Alilana H. Hand et
at., two-ninth Interest in I0 neres In
tho southeast 'A, southwest Vt, sec
tion 21, township 2 south, range 2 cast
or Willamette meridian; $.1200.
William Iteldy et ux. to Frank L
Cole et ux., SO acres In the north '-4,
south Vi, section 21, township 4 south,
range 4 east of Wllliinietto meridian
II. L. Keats et al to V. L. Ryder et
ux., trnct of land In section 22, town
ship 1 south, range 2 east of Wllliim
ette meridian; I0.
John D. Anderson et ux. to I J,
James, lot 22, block 71, Mlnthorn ad
dition to Portland; $10.
Northwestern Trust Co. to Mrs. M.
A. Illcliarilson, lot 25, block "E", View
Acres; I0.
E. M. Howell to Rose M. Pone, lots
fi and 15, block 21, (lladstone; i1I.
E. fi. Caufleld to David McMillan ot
ux, lots 5, 0 and 7, block 33, iiouon,
A l.r.rl Q 1111,1.1,,,, a In W V. I..CI11II11II,
I't ,.r in t,..ul,inii 1 and 2. south,
range 1 enst of Willamette meridian;
FJL Roberts et ux. to Arthur Need
hum in -ar Heliwood Oardnns; $10.
An'ni Mover et vlr to Wllnmlna
Stucky 40 acres In tho northeast 4,
northwest 14, section .1, township 6
south, rnnge 1 east of Willamette me
ridian; $1.
Wllamlna Stucky to Moritz Mayer et
ux., 40 acres In the northeast 14, north
west , section 3, township 5 south,
range 1 east of Willamette meridian;
Paul Klaetsdi et ux. to J. W. Miller,
lot 4, block 37, First addition to EBta
cada; $450.
Edward Mcl.ees et UX. to S. E. Me
Dnugull, 62 acres in section 7, town
ship 4 south, range 5 east of Willam
ette meridian; $10.
Real estate transfers filed for rec
ord with the county recorder Monday
are as follows:
Francis A. Chapman et ux. to h. W.
Wltui.n K acrea in ttia nnrth U annth I
W, north , southeast 14, southeast 14, 1
Section "S, lowllnhlp fl south, rat,.,. 1
111,1 (if llllliin lln III ' r 1 , 1:1 11 : I, ,,,
I'enrl M llntl et ill to Mil'ln,, p
Wolff. I" I '.'. I'l l, k I, "Til" Hl,.nrr
I'hoe," l.'it'l.
li iilrli II All'll, d.e el vlr I 1 I X.
Si oil. lot r,. I'1,ii k I '. C01111I) iiddlt.'
to On mi CP) . I.'oiiu
I im Id ( lialiiirrs i t nt to l.mu It.
In lug. II mid i',s inn acres In tie
until 1 as! ',, I'lllo't r. towimhlp .',
s.ielll, rnlilte I i'ii"t of WlllilllieHn tli"
li'lliili; fl.
'A llliulti '. Weh ll 1 I u to II. I
, K 1 ' I' r. bus I. I, lis k :i. I d .ir!
; In si 1 ll 'ti ''. Ins 11 1I1 1 1' :l ' "illi, mm:" 7
e 1,1 nf WIH.IIM' He I'M rl'llllll. fin
j I'riiiels . I'lnii'111,'11 'I in to M I',
, li.it . fi 10 n s hi Hie s mill S. ninth 1 .
soiilheni't 'i. s nulieiisl section s
township . smilli. ruti"" I 1 11 .1 of
jlantelle Uteri, Hull; f;.'ll.
1 W II. Inwreiien it in to Fred I,
;:iffi,r,. 6 eri In ... llnn jj, ; . -y,
am! L'7, low ii'dtlp :t sn it'i, 1 tii.ru I . t
,of lllniiielli' merldlnii; fl
, I-'. It I'.iter et e. to pertlnlid itiid
.Origiui Cllt- llillri'inl ci'iiipMiiv, tret
of laud In I'lm KiiiiiiiN i niiiiiy f,,r rlt hl
of way; fill.
Heal I'statn transfers filed for r 1
ord wlili ih 1 "unit ris order I'm i
1 d it are as follow s
, 1 tin M Oi:l. flit- it tlr to A. IM. k
win, lot I lock I, Hurley's iiddni 11
to I'nithy : f :nn,
C. I. XVnlilo et m to Miilln e,, ,h
coitntv, SU ncris In the enst ',, n ,rili
least '.. section :'ii township 2 s,,t!h,
rtnge 5 enst of Willamette nn rhp.iit
W. I. Kkltim r to J E. Sklnm r :;
HIT' S In Hie .lelin Mark llntll.l . 01 I, ill. I
1I1I111: flu.
P t. It 1 IK' 11 1 HI 'TI it in to .film
si- lirolv. J inns in tou.i'h '1 siuli,
ranie mnl of Wllhiiti' tin no riib ui,
; loon-la P. Meldriitu et vlr. to .b.bti
It. NfT-arrllv e ut , 1 nnd 17 100 m nn
III sci linn I'l, loAiishlp 2 smith, ran."
;2 enst (d WIHuiiietti" ini rldlan; f'.iMI.
I ileal enlitte triilisfers filed for record
I w ith the county recorder Wednesday
1 nrn ns follows:
lleiirv Conlln In II. W. Hague, nor' 11
I Iiorlhenst l,. nnd bus (1 and tl,
Hon 27, township I soinh, riingo 2 o-l
of Wlllntneiti' inerlillan ; fl.
j I'lllleil Slates of America to .1:1111,1
Willis, 1 (( neres In the Hoiltlienst ,
seitlou 21, township h nit ll. ran
. ciiHt of Willamette merldlnii: I'ltirtt.
Frank Dnyloii et ux to llenverton ni
WillshurK Itullroiiil l'o . truct nf hint
for private Hue In Clm kiiimis county;
T. II. llochlll et ux tn William A.
illcrlill, 5 acres In tho north norili
(eiisl 'i. noriheast 'i. tiorlhwcst '.,
j section 21, township 2 sunt It, rnnge 6
least or Willamette meridian : $ tin).
I l M. tinynip et vlr to John W. Ih
tier, tract of land In ('liokamas ciiiiii
ty: $l.
John W. I Oder et ux to ('. M. tiny
rupcl iix. same tract ns above; fl
I. Inn M. Jones et ux. to John W, I.O
der, lot 7, bloik ST, fireg'ui City; fin.
Albert Harris et ti. to Jiiuln it.
ClirlHlmnii et vlr.. I.'i acres In hccIIoiis
:U tiiitl .11, township 5 south, range I
jenst of WlHanieilo inerlilliiii; f:t.".',ii.
FhI.iciiiIii Stale hank to K. J. St i en.
1.1 neres in the Friinkllii Pierce, ilnm-
Hon land claim; fl'-O.
W. II. Muring et ux. Io l.ucy I. IV
'meres In the south 'i, soullitv'sv
1, hectlon 1',. townsbin 2 south, rungs
4 east or Willamette meridian; fl.
W. II. Ilorlng et nx. to . F. llorlng
et ux.. 5 acres In th north '4, south
tvrst V,, Hiilltheiist '4, SonlheiiHt 'i.
seciloiis Ii lllld 7, towiisliiti 2 south.
rnr.no 1 enst or Willamette meridian;
M. J. Duniiey el nx. Io W. A. Penr
son et ux., !I.H acres In section 27,
township 1 south, range 2 cant of Wil
lamette meridian; 110.
United States of American to ('has.
C. Forster and the Forsler Lumber Co ,
1475.87 acres In ('Inckaiiias county In
section 1, IowiihIiIp K south, rnnge 3
east or Willamette merlillun, and snf
lion 31, township 7 south, range 4 east
of Willamette inerlillan; $IIS0.50.
Land Titles Examined.
Abstract! of Title Made.
Office over Hank of Orogon City.
Our Milady's Combination Toilet Per
fume oei.
This contains 6 of Mir most popular
preparations. .
1 Bottle Mllady'e Perfume
1 Lsroe Bottle Milady's 8hampoo
1 r.ake Milady's Cuticle Soap
1 Jar Milady's Rose Cold Cream
1 Sifter Box Milady's Talcum Powder
You know theee preparations, ttiey
are famous tor inoir pure quinines
and ngreeablo odors. They are being
sold tho world over at from EOo to
$1.00 for each preparation. Your deal- (
er would charge you not loss than
$2.50 for tho set and wo are offering
It to you for a limited time only for
FREE If vou will Bend In your order
now wo will Bend you absolutely free
with this set, One Simulation German
8ilver Vanity Purse, New York's La
test Craze. This purse IB of stripeu
design, two ball clasp, with cablo link
chain Sllkollne lined, ono side contains
hnlf nneket. other sldo with spring
coin holders, dlmo, nickel and quarter.
Wo will send Milady's Bet comi"'""
with Vanity purse If you order at once
for $1.00. Wo sell you direct, vrncr
now today.
Agents need not write.
Bend ten cents In stamps to cover
postage. Send $1.00 coin or mui'
Dayton, Ohio.