KNTTCKPK I SB. Kit 1 DAY. MAY'J'3. 1!M t. OKEflON Enterprise News Service Covers Clackamas County ass ......- Mil JENNINGS LODGE The Oregon City lit;;h School senior clans enjoyed themselves on iVJnr Island on Thursday evening, when about forty at tented the cbms picnic Unuhonts cninvved tllt ulcnlivr to Ccilnr Island, which Is an lilt'iil picnic grounds. leliclous refreshments were j served hy the committee. The mtdorf halt w laxou to us utmoKt capacity when on Thttr!toy evening. May 14. the Sth grade com nieiiceiiieut rxerclsea wore held. The hall wan beautifully decorated in the pink and green, the class colors, and the pink enmnntlon, the class flower, predominated in the artistic decora Hons of maiden hair ferns. The eas end of the hall was banked with fir and above in pink was the class mot to: "We have crossed the bay, the ocean lies bevond." The class num bers six. and Mary Fierce, Mary Uruo chert. Annie Kussell, Hazel Hrlgham, Olen Russell and Clyde Jones have the honor of beine the first class to grad uate from the school, although Arthur Roberts passed the Nth erode examina tion two years ago with an average of over The program given by the 1J14 class was well rendered and shows the marked efficiency of their teacher and pilot, Mrs. Minnie H. Altman. The fol lowing Is the program: Class March. IeClaire Ostrom; piano solo, Annie Russell; selection. "Barefoot Hoy," Clyde Jones: vocal solo. Mary Pierce: selection, "Snowbound." Glen Russell; class history, Mary limechert: piano solo. Hazel llricham: presentation of diplomas by H. X. Smith, chairman of school board. PBrt II: chorus. "Why Don't Thev Visit The School?" Pupils; Mother Goose Pantonine. "Primary grades, (a) Queen of Hearts. Vivian Spooner; th) Jack Horner. Jack Hamp ton; (c) Mother Hubbard. Vernon La Cure: (d) Little Miss Muffett. Gladys Caldwell, and Spider, Elizabeth Urue chert: Uncle Sammy, boys' chorus; hoop drill, fifth, sixth and 7th grades: The Owl and the Pussy Cat, by Sidney LaCure: Alice MacParlane, Fred Sand strom, Georcie Yale: Indian Club Drill, 6th and 7th grades: Little Girls' Troubles. Little Hoys' Response, by the first and second grades: City Bands, our boys: chorus. "Good-Night" school. Mr. John Mclver. of Portland, is building a four-room cottage on the East County Road. Mr. Mclver ex pects to be able to remove his family to this place by July 1st. Mr. Edd Pax ton, a former resident, has the contract for this new home. At the first election held in this precinct, 109 voted. The bonding ques tion was voted down by an overwhelm ing majority., The Jennings Ixdge pre cinct was set aside as a voting place this year by the County Court. John Jennings being the first chairman; . Mr. P. D. Newel and Mr. S. H. Dill were the ludses, while Clyde Newell, i Clara LaCure and Lloyd Spooner served as clerks. The Mildred H. of Portland brought a jolly crowd of pionicers to this place on Sunday afternoon where they spent some time at the Clarkson and Spooner camps on the banks of the j Willamette river. j A number of new families arrived j this week to spend the summer on the shores of the Willamette, which is so ! beautiful at this place. I Mr. and Mrs. Gunmen will occupy i Buena Vista, at the Emmons home during the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Mc-! Kay will be permanent residents and ' have leased the Vivian Dent cottage. : The I. J. Verily family are nicely lo cated at the Trevitt house and the 1 Detter family have the Shevefleld cot-1 tage. ; A number of our young people at-' tended the skating party at the Oaks ; on Friday evening, when the Jefferson High School, of Portland, entertained, i Those attending were Mrs. Adeline ; Dow. Eileen and Flora Dill, Fern Hart, ; Mable Rricham, Helen Painton, Ralph ' Madison. Clyde Jones. Will Cook, AI-! vln Reed. Percy Larsen. Mr. MacDon- j aid, Mr. Tucker and Arthur Erickson, Arthur Roberts, Coleman Dill. Miss ' Miller, of Portland, was one of the Jefferson High School graduates, who extended the invitation to the Lodge ! young people. j Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Near and fam ily of Mt. Scott spent Saturday boating I and fishing, later calling on friends. Mrs. H. C. Painton and little folks ; were week-end visitors with relatives, j Mr. Painton coming over from Van-' couver on Sunday and joining the fam ily return home on Monday. Miss i Mary Bruechert accompanied them to : their home. i Mrs. Henry Smith, who resides on ' "Fruitvale" place, seriously sprained her ankle on Saturday. Dr. Guy Mount, : of Oregon, City, was called. The Fraternal t'nion vill hold an j Ice cream social on Friday evening. May 22nd, at the Batdorf hall. , The May social of the Parent-Teach-j ers' Association will take place at the home of Mrs. George A. Ostrom on j Thursday afternoon. Mesdames Le-1 Claire, C. P. Morse and Ostrom are to j be Joint hostesses of the affair. The . ladiea are invited to bring their sewing and an Item of Interest. Mrs. Minnie B. Altman. who has taught the past term at this place, de parted on Monday for Monmouth for a visit with co-workers in the educa tional line. Miss Helen Mclver, who Is soon to remove to this place, was one of those chosen to act as maid of honor to the Queen of the Rose Festival. The gas company is laying the pipe line on Jennings Avenue, connecting the mains on the County Road, a num ber are contemplating using It for cooking purposes. Dr. Eddy was a professional caller at the Lodge during the week. Miss Clara Miller was the motif of a pleasant bonfire party on Cedar Island on Saturday evening. About thirty en Joying the evening. MEADOW BROOK. Mlsa Emille Hofstetter returned borne Friday from Sellwood, where she ihm last two week visiting . .. v Mr Cha. Holman returned home Tuesdkr from Boiae. Idaho, where she has been Tismng ner us.", Allen Larkln. la Improving .lowly from the back et he got from me Tr"?nd Mr. P. C. Chlijdgren. Ma bet Roth and Haben Chindgren spent dJn plowing for Tom Florn, whoght prt of Cbaae'. ple of MrMr8te. of Gresham. wa. out call CftSSf Sunday and Monday. Goodbye you JZ??L now people can get berries lie. HA2ELIA New. has been .carve here at Ha selia, everyone bus been too uuuy pmni lug potatoes and such, HiU-IU school closed Friday and the teacher and pupil gave nn entertain-: metit. A nice program was rendered after which Ice cream and cake w. rej Sl,rv,d. I Misses Vcrmi Price and Delta Kobe rr,,m IWti.m.l were lines s Mrs. S. S. Bout 'Saturday and Sunday, Miss Lucille Duncan spent the week-' end at home. We are glad to note that Miss Mabel Wanker has fully recovered from her operation and is up and apparently as well as ever. Mr. C. C. Ilortland's attended lheclr- ens in Portland Tuesday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Walling, formerly of Hazelia. but now of Portland, were guests of Max Stuart and family Sat-; nrday and Sunday. Miss Marv WorthliiKton. of Oswego, , has been visiting at the fluids and A. , Worthlngton homes. Mr. and Mrs. Hultberg were delight-1 fully entertained by Mr. and Mrs. S. S. lxiiitr. Sunday evening. I Mr. Tledeman, a retired Hazelia, farmer, who now lives In Oswego. Is j the proud possessor of a new Ford , auto. ! Malvln Carter and family were re newing old acquaintances in this vtcltt itv Sunday. A number of farmers are picking strawberries these days. Mr. Wilson, the presiding elder at Hiuelia. spent the evening Saturday at Mr. Duncan's. Mrs. MacVey and daughter. Kate, spent Sunday in Portland. Miss Nine Wanker visited nt the Eastman and MacMahan homes Sun-, .nd Worthing- ton families, from here, attended the n.,n,i.i. f n..wn Tuo.. j v .virs. iiiuioeiis hbi.u i" v, Friday We are glad to note most ladiea from Hazella were proud enough of tneir;ana visiieo me i..-. (...., ... riL-ht tn eo and vote Fridav 1 Zwahlen and family last Sunday. w T ln.l..-. u-ao ch.timlnT In Portland Tuesday. " " r H W a Ntgativ. "H said hit felt imuitlv unmuininvl because you turned the ens down low when be was calling on yon." "Well, he needn't feel encouraged. It takes a dark room to develop a nega tive, you know." Philadelphia Press. ALSPAUGH Evervbody tn this vicinity attended the Gratige picnic Saturday and report Ii n .U 1 11 S i! ll fT J t " a ""ln,ti7.1ii''. . "1" T'.fh I We sell Myers Purees of all sizes, W. J. WILSON & CO. Oregon a fine time. Miss Emma Dowty went to Portland Monday, where Hhe has a position. Mrs. Riding and daughter, of Mo lalla, have been visiting with Mrs. Mary Hieple. Mrs. Ridins Is Mrs Hifple's sister. John Githens shipped a load of wool this week. Lawrence Alspaugh is working In Estacada. Mr. and Mrs. Lang, of Portland, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Githens. John Githens received a supply of froRS from Chicago last week. He Is thinking of startini? a frog farm. Miss Emma Dowty and George Doug leg visited with Mrs. Jack Brown one day last week. EAGLE CREEK Mrs. Annie Eastland, of Montana, was the recent guest of her brother, John Douglass. Mrs. Eastland once resided in this neighborhood, leaving here about nineteen year ago. Mrs. Linda Hoffmeister called on Mr. Menane Tuesday afternoon. Saturday being an Ideal day for a picnic, there was a very large attend ance at the Grange picnic It was Judged about 800 were rreaent. An entertaining program wa rendered, a pleasing feature being a May-pole dance performed by a dozen little girls, who did splendidly. Governor West arrived in time to partake of the sumptuous dinner, after which he made an Interesting talk. After the program all who wibed shook bands with the Governor. At the cl-e of the May pole dance Governor West and the lit tle dancer had their picture taken. The proceeds from the stand during the day were over $100.00. A. J. Chapman. Mis fclitn t nap- nun, Mrs. Roy Douglass and Mrs. R. mw. howiw ..miay. , - 1 J. JV ';'' V" IT; - um - wood. ...., .Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Douglas, w. nt . uroon i u i uesu.ij ... """'" wedding of the latter, brother, Fred Moehnke. II. S. Gibson was nn hstacada visitor - lues. lay. a l.i in! or' Mrs. untie ovuie m-u.,... i Tuesday of Mr. Fred 11l",ffnl,,'H . Charlie Clesler is helping Mr. Mc Mlllau plant hla potatoes- SANDY. One hundred and eight-two votes were polled in Sandy precinct FrNlav at the prlinarv election. Tlilrlv-el.-hl women availed themselves of the op portimltv to vote. K. K. Jarl. of Kelso. sient Sunday In Sandy. The Sandy ball team won1 worsted In nn encounter with the Damascus bovs Sunday afternoon. 0. W. Howard, of Portland, Sundayed at Jim Dlvon is cruising timber, w I Wlru Is In Portland. Finite Wondland is on the sick list.; I I. Anderson is at Pleasant Home. Mrs. J. K. Sinclair has returned from Hull Run. Will llosholm spent Mondav In I orl- land. . . , , Warren Wilkin, and Gottfried Mnekl -are working on Jim lvMiacrs new barn. I The follow ing pupils of the Flrwood school were neither absent nor tardy during the school month ending May ' Vy. Albert Wilkin. Arthur l-ninper. : Pearl Dixon, Josephine Dixon. Mildred ivsharer. Ruth DeShazer. Grant Do- ' " ""-' ' 2Z1Z- I ' CLARK ES. Xfr. and Mrs. Fred Boss, recent new- ly-weds from Oregon City, were out air. aim .urs. iv . ii. i..-i...ui. "... j m r and family nend Sun- dav with the Mr. Zwahlen family. Clark Bros." barn burned down a u-opV a.-o Sunilav and seven head of horses burned to death. . Mr. and Mrs. Mossa, from lxvgan. were In Clarkes and visited their ; daughter. Mrs. Edd Buol. last Sunday, j The Highland Grange band Is going I to play on Booster day, Saturday. i WILSONVILLE H. D. Aden has a new automobile. Sam Galbreath bought a car load of J rusty Bj IllUUIIy PATENTED I 1 3 I ' k01 VS.. K Metal Valve seats may corrode or rut. CLASS VALVE SEATS CANNOT. Metal Valve Seats harden the check leather quickly. CLASS VALVE SEATS DO NOT. The patent Myers Class Valve seat Is well protected and Is a last Ing as any potatoes here, which were loaded Mon day. Miss S. M. Graham has planned a party for the members of the eighth grale, of Corral Creek school, in honor of the graduates. Great preparations are being made for the motor racss, to be held at Rutteville soon. A large vote was polled at Wilson ville this year, It being much easier for the voters to be able to vote without the long trip to Pleasant Hill, as of old. The Hood View base ball team beat the Tualatin team last Saturday after noon in a closely contested game. Don't forget the school picnic on Fri day at the school grounds. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Graham and fam ily, and Mrs. Wm. Graham and chil dren visited relatives near here last week. Mrs. M. C. Young, and sons Doris and Wallace went to Oregon City In the auto last Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. W. F. Young, Austin and Lucy; Mrs. Wood and Miss Hayman. Corral Creek school pupil are very proud of their school mate, Austin Young, who won the championship of the county on Saturday afternoon, at the county seat, and brought home the beautiful trophy presented by E. E. Iirodle for the winner. Quite a number of Wilsonville resi dents are planning to attend Booster day at Oregon City. A very delightful party was given as a surprise to Paul Jaeger by hla moth er and brother last Saturday evening. Games were played, refreshment were enjoyed and Arthur Jaeger, our famous photographer, took a flash light picture of the assembled guest. Miss Mary Brobst, Wilsonville' most talented musician, will appear In con cert for two number, on the program, Ir an BUY XVi tr L 'i' '; l i " "V," ,,,, ..,,. ,rlum. ' Friday evening. May J'Mh. In IN.ri I ESTACADA. j esau. Mis. Hay INchclinaii went to Port laud Monday to take care of a Wcr who Is very III. i 1 1,., imll name lu re Sunday, the local team won the nam' f1'"111 n '""j1 Iroiii Portland, by n score of t i. ' v.,i Sun. av lev nli mo i in in ' 1 1 it u- I ni ill of I 'itrt 111 til. i K. H. livers. O. K. Siiinh and C II ' iiiti.ithein' of this nhiee are ileleuiit f-,ii, t lie Oddfellow lo.b e to MeMtnn ' illle this week, where the Grand 1 la being held. ! Is to haie tuo new rural, r.,ni.. Hie Ilrsl 11 June Th" Spring water and Kstacada Star route will be 1 changed to a rural route and a new j route will be established to IHnlge. I Horn -To Mr. and Mrs. C. l Noel. M.iv l.'i, a S pound gill, j The Grange-picnic a attended bv ! a large number from IMaca.l.i and all , report a good time. l The .chool at this place will close (bis week with regular lessons at least. The commencement rerole nogm I Friday night. ' Kveryhody who attended the basket social at the C. I. C. room FrMay evening, report n m.ii en lovable time. 1 Dr. Sllner was here from Sat- urday to see one of the Kliniuoll dill 1 dren. ; I'ostuiasler Johnson visited Portland relative oyer the Sabbath. Mis Kinnm Uiwl. sNier of Mr Charlie Spark., vlsll.d here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook, of Portland, : visited at I ho U. J. Howe home last ' Sunday. ! E. M. Kellog drove .1. W. Heed' tour- car to Oregon CHy last 1,-lday to T' , ,h"fS',rl!;,,,'r "l" ; that place for a game with team to he high 'srhtHil Iiovh. ! Mesdames L. E. P.. dills and R. W (',lrri w,,t to McMllinvllle this week s delegates from the l.x-nl order of uoi.os.u.b ... i'... .o hoing held nt McMllinvllle. riu ,ui in in er.e.ii.i.K ... ... " ' , Gladstone. Ho U at that place now supervising the building of a residence, j W. Given will preach the baoralanr- eate sermon at S oclock P. M. at the Christian church next Sunday. Miss Gertrude Morrow has accepted a position In the telephone office at McMllinvllle. Oro.. and will leave next WP(k. Election In Katarada passed off very quietly, the main Interest being the bond Issue question. Mr. and Mr. W. S. Pyle and Mr and Mrs. W. F. Carey went to Portland Tuesday to hear Chaut.cey Oleott In the drama, "Shameen Dhu," which wa. I You wouldn't drink from a tin cup with a clean glass at hand I II Well then, why pay as much, or nearly as I miieh fnr 9 nnmn with 3 natal knlua ct IVI U iuilip n.Mi m Hiviyi iu.iv vu AS FOR A Myers Pump with the GLASS VALVE SEAT ? metal seat and far superior. For the sake of CLEANLINESS and service a MYERS PUMP .at. ' .-.J Lrwr also water systems and engines. We will make you right prices. City, Or CANBY HDW. and IMP. CO., Canby, Or. produced at the llellig three nights. Misses Sti-lla Weaver and Kathlenc Booth, of Portland, visited with Mr. and Mrs. II. o. iloswell last Sunday. Marshal Ames is bunting up In the mountains. C. W. Devnre transacted business at Oregon City last Saturday. Mrs. ll. W. (,'ary visited In Portland this week. The Estacada State Bank Is receiv ing some exterior Improvements this week. Mrs. E. K. Ruling returned Saturday evening irom a vUit with her mother and other relatives In the eastern part of the state. The Senior Class Day exercises take place Filday evening In the auditorium of the high school building. The Civic Improvement club, which has charge of the 41b of July celebra tion at this place, have already com menced work on the program. "Grandpa" Dillon has bought some of the Zol.rlst land Just north of town and has commenced the erection of a modern home. The Mutual Improvement club held It last meeting on Wednesday, May 13. The topic for the evening's discussion was, "The Resources of Mexico." Af ter the discussion the following offi cers were elected for the next term of office: President, C. W. Devore; vice president, Dr. R. Morris; secretary, Mr. F. B. Guthrie; treasurer, Mr. J. W. Reed. Tennis players of Estacada became enthused last week and called a meet ing for organization. Mr. W. S. Pyle ) wa chosen president; Mrs. Guthrie, vice-president, and Miss Eva Wash,) secretary. A ground is being made on the bill in the east part of town. Barney Schonbnrg and wife, of Bull Ron, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stunner and other IIiIh place last 1'lldi.v John M.'Cnid.i , forineilv of this place but now llthiK In .Molilalia, xlslied In for u row hour, la! 1'il.lnv. Mr. ami Mr.. T J. lla.'liloii: r, of Portland retunied heme (he Inner part of last week niter a ten da.' I"H Ihto will! their daughter, Mr., lied .lolg. I rank N'agle, of Multnomah, I. lied Fnlncada relative for a f' w days last week. MILWAUKIE PASTOR 18 MII.WAVKIF,. Ore, May H-llei. II. II. G.'ll wa reappointed pastor of Mllwa.lkle i-'Miiigclllal rhiircll at the annual lreg.ui conrereuee of the Evan gelical association, which closed nt the I'lr.t Evangelical church, Tnooina, Sunday night. The conference, which included nil of Oregon and western Washington, us attended by M min ister and six laymen. Bishop Horn of Cleveland, presided. Rev. Mr. Gell preached the opening sermon last Tuesday night, and ncle.t as secretary of the conference. F. lilrkeineler attended a a lay d. 'legale (rom Mllwnukle. A missionary program wa given nt the Mtlwauklo church Sunday night by the Young People's Alliance and the Women Missionary society. Mr. O. II. Ilnd.lon reported on the convention of nary oclotlc hold last week In the First German Evangelical church, Portland. Msklng a Silk Or. Time hav changed g.Hllrnl. lite the day of the Garden of Edcii. when single t!,t leaf wa supposed tu U boon the wanlrulie of the uiother of men. Mine. Eve. Nowaday. JapauoM M-leiitlst have (Igurwl. It rviulre UNH Iniiiu.In of uiultierry leave to make a Ingle dre fur the miMlern woman. ElghtiH.u uiotln alio do their part In making the drvsa. they having laid th eighteen package of egg from which were hntclie.1 the 0.4tU wonn that ate the 2SS pound of mulberry leave. There worm produced alniut 08 pound of cocoon, from whlcn were reeled ten skelu of raw silk or 16 iMutid of llk.-Nw York Tltuec 4P WM& Portland - Spokane Boise Engines Water Systems Implements Vehicles W will aUdly mall yeu a copy of our ft w Pump c.t.lo upon rclpt f your nmo and addr. Ak lor ct lo No. and tto purpose for which pump I wantod Language of th World. A very prwixe computation lias been made by A del nun. representing the unrulier of IntiKiiiiKes In (he world at 3,424-037 Asiutlc. M7 Europeun, 270 African and 1.024 American. This num ber Is far too small. It Is impossible as yet to reckon tho number exactly until we are sure that each unknown tribe of savage man bos been brought within the knowledge of the world, but It la not on overstatement to estimate the language of the world at more than com. New York Sun. OF LOCAL INTERE8T 8ome People We Know, and We Will Profit by Hearing About Them. This 1 a purely local event. It took place In Oregon City. Not In some faraway place. You are asked to Investigate It. Asked to believe a citizen's word; To confirm a citizen's statement. Any article that Is endorsed at home Is more worthy of confidence Than one you know nothing about, Endorsed by unknown people. F. H. liusch, Jr., hardware merchant Main St.. Orpeon City. Ore., ay.: I had an acute attack of kidney and bladder trouble. I found no relief un til I used Doan's Kidney PHI. After finishing two boxes, I was wel. I have never needed a kidney medicine since. I am glad to confirm the endorse ment I gave Doan' Kidney Pill after I first used them." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don t simp ly ask for a kidney remeay get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Busch had. Foster-MIIburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. (Adr.) asm ai.hhii.i, j f k k l id r ANctfrUiUr Prrrwrmlun slmil;iiliKifrK.iiHl,inillWiiU llnii!a'bitinuttisuiullliiv'i.i IVinwIt'RDijttmlWii m-ssaialRk'fonuimni'ittH Oimim.Muqihmf nurMin.Tl. OT'AUCOTIC. Anrrferl RrniriK forfimllri Hon. Sour suinu-h.iiuriwi WormsA oiiTilbwii.rrtvriii luss oil LOSS OK SLhtP. IV Sin SiiKtW NEW YOWK. Eiu-t Copy ol Wrppr. 3E ' Federal retreated from Tampion." Perhaps the rebel fired a gun or two at them. Tho reason a woman I afraid of a mouse I that ihfl know It can't hurt her. A fatted calf niaketh a full .locking. WATER LINE IS PLANNED MII.A WAI'KIK, Ore.. May 14 City Engineer J. W. Morris submitted plans for laying an eight-Inch pipe Una to connect with the Hull Run water sys tem In Portland at the meeting of the city council last night. The cost will bo a little less than $20,000. The re port was adopted and the city rocordnr was Instructed to advertise the snlo of water bonds to the amounted of $20, 000 authorized. LOCAL EGG MARKET Much strength I shown In the local m.rit for egg- I'rlce In some In stance, are . lightly nlajw. while In other place, they are firm but mi changed. ' . While the general price of eggs holds State of Ohlft, city of Toledo, l Luch County, ( w Frank J. Cheney mnkr oath that h I senior partner "f the Arm of F. J. Cheney Co., doing bualnesa In thn City of To ledo, Couniy and Btnte aforraald, and that said nrm will pnv the urn of ONK HUNUKKD DOl.l.AHH for each and ev ery cane of Cutiirrh that cannot bo cured by th ue of HAl.t.'H CATAIUlll CCim. FRANK J. CHKNKV. Bwnrn to before mi nd uhTlhed In my pr-"nc:e. till 6th day of Dftemtwr, A. J). 1886. (Seal) A. W. OI.KABON, Notary 1'uhlic. Hall' Catarrh Cure la tnliin Internally and art directly upon the. hlood end mil rnu aurfaeea of the syatem. Bend for tMtlmonlaia. free. F. J. CHF.NKr A CO.. Toledo, a Bold by all Dnirglai. 75c. Tak BU'( FkBlly fills for eooMlpauoa. -v-!5 tTSlLLUMISa SHOWS STRDIGTH CASTORm Forlnfunta and Chtldren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signaturo of Use For Over Thirty Years GASH around 1c a dixen, nm of I'otlUnd creitniKrlr r ri'imriiil to b mi uni from lo to le a doen above thin While thpnft Intercut deliver Itliir Mippllri, which nti'iiiia a coat of nearly Vc i diKnti, thl doe nut nuke up lor the difference In prl' charged far fn sntiin grudt' of I'K'I n roiuvimf ltl Front trct. Ill uww quarter It I bU'VV tho IKK market I being mtinlpVi.UA by liilereat who hne been very hnvr p uliilor In III 1 1 brown egita fmo Chin. These Mongolian PpH'n ntd lo be showing heavy aloch htr itnd speculative Interest are n ndy to begin taking profit. Tho Clilni ix et I gi-iii-mlly of very small lro, Ii i deep brown and hn a red-llh tint m Hint none rn be deceived If they n amine their pun base. E What It I believed will be Ilia last California strawberries lo be rwolvsl in nr.i,Mii ihle aefiMtin cunin 111 HiitOp dav, the total shipment of Florin Dor lur amounting to approximately im rriitea of 20 pint each. In addition U theao there were fair receipt of 0n gnu, but nothing like what had hen expected. Wholesaler received aunmfJ Haturdnv that early Monday hi dred of rrnte of Oregon berrlo til be on hand nnd more will rome In dur ing the late forenoon. Price will probably be a little lea than baa bo aaked thl week, although It I nee sary that buyers remember that f . crate contain 'ii lull pint im HKiiltmt the 1!0 pint In a Florin era- Tin. four hnnlleU will innkt t slight difference In price. II ti ' pi-cted they will open Monday nt to $2 a crate. The scison the California betrli has been a most profitable una flrHl thu berries arrived In mineral" condition, but after a few day im proved and those n Ived witiinj morning were splendid. HUN BIG A! YARDS lioeelpl for the wee at the Prt; land I'nlon Htockyard have been Cattle ll7, calve K9, hog 33'!, MP Oit:i. Cattle Cattle receipt le than ' nine period a week ago, bulk nrrl'ln tho first half of thl week. Kxirt'"" top on best hay fed light steers $r-'"; 1...11. mt -ir. ... t? im floe car 01 limn neiiiiiH f i,du i anlect corn full stuff brought $ til ioJL 0,V Choice cow and beef hull stew firm. Very little butcher W ferlng. J i ii.. .. i.i u , ,. Im low T1 ' TTSr .even amy period, llof X. ,oT2"loweyro the Top, IH.30 to $ '0- , . Hbeep A hlg run of mutton nj Inmb this week from a HlOO to 1W more than the period a week a Only a fnlr demand for mutton ruW the session. Kwes and wethers 3" lower; lambs fairly steady on the mo desirable grades; very little sprW stuff offering. The following quol tions show the trend of the marW Dent yearling wethers $5.00 to $W beat old wethers $4.76 to $5.00; M ewes $1.00 to $4.25; best yearll llainhs $5.00 to $6.25; spring Iambi I1 to $7.25. The following sale are repres' live: 25 steers . . , 155 77 152 793 hogs 745 165 3 2 cowa .... 1 1 2 hulls 2 heifers .. 1 slag 2 calves ... 142 lambs ... 143 yearlings 1254! 1112 T.l T.M 7.25 l $. l . J5 $.8 I t ttf i 4f 1166 lioo 191 166 176 250l 11.151 ... 0 "...101" 1625 1160! 14T.44I l0i ... H 101 10H 151 wethers .. 182 ewes ....