. ,. f. . ' I I Tim enterprise It the y Clnckamm County I NrW, r Out prints ,1, u! the ,,,, " t (wnwiiMl County. I I'll y ' ICHTH Yl AO-No. ?0. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE 4. . 4. f t 4 - fv The Clackamas County Fair at Canby will b big- o" and better than tvtr this year. ' 4 . - 4- 4 OlfKdON CITY, ORKOON, KIM DA V, MA Y 13, 1911. ESTABLISHED 186 W HILL WINS HEARER'S HEARTS 00..D IMiAIVI EVANGELIST TALKS onc. I INC OF HIS FAVOH- itl nonoy MASS HUNTS FOR MISSING WOMEN WEST LINN SUES FOR ROAD MONEY TWO CASES REPORTED TO CLACK- CHARTER PROVIDES THAT TOWN AMAS OFFICIALS IN LAST SHALL RECEIVE ALL ROAD FEW DAYS ! TAX COLLECTED W. V. S. WINS IN INJUNCTION CASE JUDGE CAMPBELL RULES THAT STREET 19 8TRCET IF IT 19 IN USE OR NOT OVER 400 ATTEND MAY 23; AN ALL AT MACKSBURG SECOND CETTOCETHER MEETING 18 CONSIDERED GREAT SUC CESS BY ALL DAY EL BAN CELEBRATION WILL BEGIN EARLY IN MORNING AND LAST ALL DAY SULLIVAN CLEARLY TELLS BOND VIEWS ENGINEER APPROVES PLAN OF PERMANENT HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION glflS ILLUSTRATE LECTURE j MOTHER LEAVES EIGHT MONTH BABY COUNTY WILL flCKT, SAYS HEDGES MAY TAKE APPEAL TO HIGHER COURT FARMERS FAll COOD ROAD BOND; TWO FULL BANDS TO BE EMPLOYED , WILL LOWER HAULING COST, HESAYS Fn,ou. 10MII Bt""" ' Hua1 ' M.,ry'nll lfiill"ll Mr- "'"' F.irm li Thoroughly Described Nut the Slluhteit Trace le Found of City Acrote River Second to Sue for Conttruction of Treetle on Water Either Myetery Oaf flea Offi cial of Multnomah and ClackJinaa County Fiipoe Collected for Highway Work Amount Involved la Large li,,- I1 . i iln i I.- uf I'it. - 111,,.- n r 1,111 k mil H l-Vllllli. Is of i "' "" "' I r. ,nlo pri-miml III- nv Into1 '"" K 'rl. tl li HIi.TlIf Mum In in" hum i w ilii'H, mil nil irmt' HI i-lllii r nf On in Iiiih ln'i ii funnel. Thflr ' ilinupiu urnm e In no (-1 )ii I 1 1-1 mid hii : midden Hint I lif nffli IiiIh Iiiivii liurillv tin' nlk'hii Ht clue In tln-lr w lie m-iiIiuiiih. j Sheriff ,Mn mi iiiiifis-ii.il Tui hiIiiv cviii- i 1 11 K tllllt lll HIIH lllllllllo til flll'1 111" .ll if ' I I In i!l I- ,i-. -li in ll I' tiru.1 I',. IV It; - ll il., ! .,n I! . v. I . 1 ' ,-! ll:.- , I t! , . , ii ! i , I -li , C init' i In (V i- I ml! i r II, ,, lent (i;tiri-- , r l,, .in v , le- Hull' ' ' 1 lu-.tii U, I. I' ,,' tl,.. ( ii fair slued iiiuI mint up- i all'lll'IU ' Hi llltMl tl'n llllll I'l l I llr. Hills Inlk unit iiIoiik ii,. favorite ! tit- uini n urn, It I llll'l I I lllMl riM't I Vl Iff- ,: ,1 III ill-Kull t'lty lie a hunt M llin lutiiiuslun lin wan (ivi-li win nf thank nml th loni; , lll.lt flllllUI'll IlllnWI ll llOW lll. ,, lin- l)i Hirer nml Ilia theme. II kriuw n t'lm kiilimit fit rm i, hi tlu nmlli'iirt'. mi. hiTu not In li'll voti w hut ti i i,i allow you imi una t - 11 : , , Mr. lilll. l iili a ihoiiIk ' i , n tlir null our uoirntiU'iit i 1,1, rinmtiilillv our ioiiila-1 ini; towiiril lin' riiH'a. r.v- , l,, ;.' hiilloll lllliai lliivp u n",i . mil to ki'i i Ilium IIhti' you Inn- i'ii'l roinlit." Hn fvli'wi'd j ,.ii. Ili.it till l'i ll il'itli III nlllrr , ii I iri'Koii lim.inl rmiHlrnrf- ( , ,, , ni liUliwiiV. noliihly flat- j 1 : i nml Miiltiiomiili. nml ' , iii,u llirllt fi':itun of till' ' in a InmilliK li-mio III llli'in , mi,1iivi il. Mr. Hill W'tli' vi ,,rk "rnllHlnirtlvi'." nml , t ., In i nmilK iro'-r- j : .i'.'i'i for Ki'iii-rntii'iih. . t ,n. Krynote of Plan. ... .,. i of roiiBt rm I Inn In y . plilll 'YlMI MIIIV. , , hi Imllil roiulu nii'l li., i..:iniln l)l 1,1.1 'l" ' nal'l thi- Mii'iiU- !.,. , ,1 i!., ii-- hhIIv of ll roin- - iprinnT 1. 1 lull' t,'l'IHTIll ' 'Mi uml I m i' to IiIiiiiik for i'l." In -ii.! " fur i' i-rtii ll li i I'!,., ,ii. h (in 1m n r"ml li:i,l. -r i" our IiIuIhaiivh I ln In ii1 1.' in ii'l li ,i I ii, you liuvn no i i.i,,,r'-li. in ' " pliiii of nui'l roii"lnif l:, ii Y u hi-- nil Ihuuku niul Inill'lrii ni l tV n- ,ti urn nil. Von tlin w wimii ulHiut rivi-r tlm roiinty nliil l .il il.i iiui Ki-t In ri'tiirnT" Mr H i! i tnii-ri'HiliiK inn rn'loii of hln a.n "urli In lirni'lU'iil roml litillil Ins, In I, ii Hfuri li for know liuliro on r,-.i,l,,i: irurilon thai Ii il liliii loiruv.-l vrry iiilllmd roimiry on luirih. nml nf lii I mil n ii 1 1 .-ii t It in of lit h own uli nl r,i l i.' Icli wim lir-i tiiHi n mm n Kt.iinl-, r, p ".rn fur Hii' I'nlli'il Slati-n mm! nit, r.v - I'l ii.uitt'il tiy otluT tuition, ii. iii i , iilluo.l.ili'll'' HtMiliiiiii'. Tin.1 I.- i i. , .... in'iiiitlfiilly illiiHtruti'il wllh f I I i i hi.- from nil hut tlx- wurlil, I,,- ,. Iiuvvlin: tlio rotiiiil lift Inn of I" , ,. i. ii inlli-i of i. riimiif nl hll'li v., . . , I ' m; to il farm lit Marvliiil, , ii, up alum: (liu t'ultiimilii, i i,! , i i ipitlii r i-liuril. '"I In1 111 ' tl till I" ' II I'UOll i.iuiikIi f"l nri." b ilil H i' tiifiilvi-r, ' Imt I 1 I,, I, mi, I a si'.ii'in tu null ini1 ai 'I ii Uli ilii In l'i i,l i;, .- cuiiiii'li'li( i iicliii'i-rii in- ImiiIi I, n null' of t-lo' tin i -I ri.uliviiv In t In- iv,, 1 1, toil'iy. Kli'M"l Ii in 'Iri'd of im ii'-li-lilinrn niiiin iIowti tu I" 1 1 rc!rl,r,iti' tin- rnliilili'lloll. Tlli'y I il wouldn't vim''" lu lutki'il IiIm ci'. M.iryhlll Road Described. Tli'' i.iinuiiH Mnrylilll mini Ih ii liard Sirf hh'.hwiiy wild u rnlHi'd rcn- !'i. iillt'iil ilniliiiii'ii uml ciilvortu vii- MMVMi-jiry, Mr HiII'h own rmlur folowid tln lila.i'ra mill -t wiih iiiliilinlzid In nil di'iuirt liy liiadv imikIih'itm. Ilfiivy Tin- ( lly of Wi nt I, Inn muilo .1, A. TuMm, I ri HKiiri-r of ( l.-u kainii" fouiitv, ili r.-iiilaiil In ii null rilnl In tliu clrrult foil r I Mutuliiv for nil ill" mini tax minify rulli-ili'l In 1!HI up to April I'V tin. i xiii-t ii n i 1 1 1 1 1 of w hlrli Ih not know ii. kIIkIiU'M Inn f ulili li woiild l.-ml to tlm ' " '"' ' li'irti r or i Ht I.ltin pro lut iill',i of tlir mlnnliii: Minn i n nml , ilili-n thai u town hlinll lu u roml ill Sln rirr Woril .i.f Miiltuomali coniity, , tri t l.y lim-tr nml tluit nil tin- money w Im luia lii i'ii noiini'd, ha I n uniililo .. ,, . , . . ,, , tn trine tu I'm In I tint illy, iililiom-li i ' ' whi n laat nwii dn of tin woim u koIiik to Hint town mill Slii-rl'f Word tin H aunt ni'Viral di'iuitli-B nut tu in il.-vur to find tlii'iu. Till I IIHI' llll ll M'.-lllH till llll'Hl atiirtlltiK I Hint of Mrn. (Irini Miiify. Kin Unit with I, it fatlur, K. M. Mill-Hi-It nl Wlllinni-lli', hut Iiiih ii IihhI,iiii, lit Tin Ii.iIIi-h. Sin li K nil fli;ht nioiitli old luihy lii lilnd lu-r mid Ikt fiilliir I frnnllf ou r ti I h illHiiinur inif i' Winn lat n'ii Mr. Maufy wn at hhi' Suuilii rn I in i r li- Mallim lildillni n frli-ml huiiml fur Sali lil iriiiiil hyc. Tlinl im Sumlay nfliTiiiHin. Wlion III laui'lrti r fnlli-il to r t urn to III lioim j ii n i'ii'rti i tint f nhi-r Im-i'iiii tu worry unl lali-r nutifli-d tin aliirlff'H nfr'-f. Sfifral iufsllili rout.- taki-n liy tlif tnliuiliiK woman linvi hifti fi, loHi'd down, hut .-u li him irini'd fruit Im. Tlm trli-nd iirrliid In Sali lil nml wlii-n c-alli il ,y Iuiik dl'itanii wni u ii i 1 , li In I limn a iiv llflit on tin ulii ri-ahoulu of Mr. M.i"i-y. Mr-i. .Maim')' I 11.1 vmir old. five f. i l hit lin Ih-h tall. w. Ii-Iik III) iioiiiiiIh, and Iuik l.iri-.- hlui i vi' nml lliliI hrimn lialr. W In n i-lii' loft luT lioini Sunday ilio wore n llflit tan ult mid a dark 1.1 im lint tnuniU'd Willi hiiiiiII , j i'IIuw- f, nllu-rs. 'I'l ilu-r fiuu Ih that nf Mr. J. 'iliiiwalt. Sin- Hud In a lioiiHf hont m ar .1. iinliu- Imli-i niul wlu n last urn wn wjlklm; on tlm ronti'y rrmi,n mn unl wn not on lln pi Htdi i f tho rivi-r tuwnrtl ilHwi'k'o. Shu told ri'liitlvf w I, tui nlu' Iffl liuuiit Hint "hi' kuIhk to Port hind. Sheriff Word, of Mullnoiniih i-ouiily. win the flint In ho iiotlfiid nml lie told Sheriff Mums hero the do- lull of the fiiHe. It I nut thom-lit prnliutilo thnt thero I unv funnel I luu lu lwi'i n the two iIIh-i .iiii'iinini'e. Mr uinwall nml Mrs. MaHm y lived In illfferetit part of t lio j eunnty nml n far ii known hud nevfr j met. ilei-i.i. Vfl ni-li, VJi-IU lilll Ul III UlU i NO! LAND ARMS i tiiliied hy the clly for line upon enmity road anil itrei-t within Hie limit nf the city. To iiiote the emi t word of the charter: "All roml money colleftoil diirllii! I'll uml (lurlm Hiilmeiiient year nriliiK from road tuxe on prop erly lovliil In Went I .Inn hy tliu rounly court of t'lai-kmiiii county or collect, ed iimler the .i-ni-ral law for the Im pno i im nt of mad and clreft within tiald clly, Hint 1 1 Iii-Ioiik i xi-liihlvely to West I. Inn and ln under llio exiiu-ive control of tin iincll of Wi-hI I. Inn. Tin ireiiHiirer of Claeknina county Khali Vi ep hiii h money Kepnrale uml pail Iroin the other tnoniy In his lum Ik mn) iliall not depuKlto It In unv eiiutity fun, I mid fhall from time to lime as urn -ti ni o lice pi three month turn the nalil money then In hi hands over tlio treasurer of West I. Inn." i The county court ha levied n upe. ; dnl roa-l tnv of eliiit mill en the road dltlrlft n liliti emlirafi West 1 Inn. Wllh the lart'e assessi'tl valuation of West t .In ii . w hli h liniuili'S the proper ' tv of the Willamette nnd Crow n Colutn ilia mill. Hie Keiieratim; plant of the j l'ortliiml Hallway. I.lrhl d 1'uwer coni panv, tor.etlier with laine relil estate ;hol'liiiis, an eli-.ht inlll tnx mould ' iitiionnt to innrli meney ulthoiu-h the plaliitlff In the complaint Klateil that det'iiltelv known. I'lumtv Atiorney Iteilu'es wlion ashed what notion I ho county would tnke in ithe mailer replied t lint the fioht would ! ht' carried to the finish. The clause j In the charter which provide what the i tre:iun r shall do nml shall nut do nnd I thai w hli h attempt to make the city jof West I. Inn a road district will proh nhly ho the center of the county's nt .lack, mild Mr. Hodges Monday. West l.lmi Is the seeund oily In the county to sue for mail tnx money col- I looted In the city, filadslnno last I summer won liy default In the circuit court hut the payment lias not boon niaile hy the county. Mllivnnklo I mild to im planning to sue tho court for rund money mid It Is further related , Hint attorneys liavo hoon ctiRiiKoil to ! propnro I ho onno. Street May te Returned After 6elay of Week Steam Englnea Barred Circuit Judr" ('uniph'il ruled In fa vor of Hie WllhiiiH-tm Valley South ern Hallway company I'rlday nrti moon In tliu In, um turn niil t of (iiarles T. 'louze ni-alnst t tl it t company. The plaint Ifr clii.'mid that the city could not clvo the railway company lin- rliiil to l.nll'l ltd luu- altm Water the "street" ha never heen ued bh inch hy the puhllc nml Is not In hiii h a coiidlllun Hint it could he used. On Mil I'rniind the council had no rlcht to i:rant Hie franehle, lialmi d Hie plain tiff. The plaintiff also claitm-d that tho city wn imuillhi: to the railway company tho rl jlit to appropriate the Htreet to ll own u' to the ovclimion of any ell li n. Olicuaalon Turna Toward All-Important 8ubject and Farmera Ap prove of Bonding Plan for Highways A true spirit of frienihip, of friend ly coupi-railiin hctwrin the farni'-r am! the townsman, was evhi nt at the sec ond of theV. rlf of Ori'Kun City Com mininl cluh ict toi'i-ther meetlm-a held at Mai kshuri? Thursday cvenlni.'. The hall wn cmw ded and oHtimatesof the iiumher pn si.iit varied from 400 to 500. Thero was not a note rf conflict present at the nicotine. Kranz Krat-herKi-r. a prominent fanner of tho MacknliiirK country, presided and do-liM-red the openlnK address, while tho ineinhers of the Commercial cluh, hiisi lies men from Canby, and farmers John d In the discussion. The food road bond Issue formed in prominent part of the evening's dis P.iradrt, Rose and Stock Shows, and Other Features Will Make Occasion B g Day for Oregon City .liub'e Campbell In 1,1s rulliiK held that the mreef, as It liai been d-d. r,.USHn nlthnm-h C . S .Nobel city end- i-ni-.i, .is n mni-i ii.-iii.-r or inn niT-r of c treiton City waH the only mem HUl'll U COIUIIIlon HH II l-UIIIIl 111- USI'll UH u thnrnui'hfaro. He said that Mr. Tooze who own nbuttliiK pruperty. forfeited all rh'hts to the Htnet when It was vacated to tho city. .hidco Campbell warned tho railroad company that steam loeomotivi-s could only no used during the period of con struction nnd thnt as soon as the trestle was completed all car must he hauled wllh electric trinities. Mr. Tonzi' stopped all wt,rl on the tristle several weelis ai-u Li the Injunction. It Is pro!, able that tho work will be resume,! sunn, although no official statement to Hint effect has been Issued. Tho ir Mlc Is to be built aloiiK Water street from Twelfth slr'-et south. Mr. Too'o or his attorneys would not s iv Pridity cvenlni; whether or not uli appeal would he made from tho ruling of the circuit court. her to t!lk on mads Ho took up u!l sides of the bond Issue and described n an engineer, tho many advantages of a permanent hard Biirfaee road. Ho slinwi d that with a permanent road, built by the use of bonds, the final cost would bo lower than merely keep ing tho present sustem of mnd and dust roads "in repair." Mr. Nonel'g talk was one of the features of the even ing. Six or seven farmer lolnod In the securing , discussion after Mr. Nobel had finished his remarks and strongly favored the bonding phn. One prominent mem ber of the Commercial cluh said upon his return, to Oregon City Thurs-ny evening that Hit bond Issue would car ry In tlu M:u ksburg country by a great majority. There was no one to laKo tne opposing stand t the meet- PIM1S FOR MM 23 inc. all speakers being ln"favor of the j the evpninK- May 2! Is to bo a pn'a day from the time the sun r!:es In the morning until sunset that nipbt, if the plans belm; formed by the Joint committees ma ture. Two full hands will he employ ed; two parades, one of three sections, will take up a prominent part of the day's program; a rose show with the most beautiful flowers In all of Clack amas county, and a stock show In which will be the best of all the cattle of the north Willamette valley are the attractions which are promised for the new combined Hooster Day, Stock Show and Rose Show. The first event of tho day will be the big stock parade In the morning. This parade will begin at 9:30 o'clock and will go the length of Main street twice. The big afternoon parade will bo divided Into three sections: the s' hool children s section, tne automo bile section, and the float section. This will he the big feature of the day and it is around this that the committees are centering; their efforts. It will be by far the largest parade of the day nnd one of the largest in recent years in Oregon City. Plans are being worked out to take at least part of the procession up on the hill section, something new In the history of the spring celebrations. The Stock and Rose Shows will be gin In the morning and will last all day. and all day long the sound of mu sic will bo almost continuous. One band will stay In the city until late in Experience of European Countries in Solving Road Problem la Used aa a Fit Example for Clackamas County. The decorations of buildings will nan or permanent n g uwavs. II. T. Mdtain, ex-presldeit of the i form one ot tne leatures or tne ceienra Commercinl club, spoke of the object ! Hon. riizes will be awarded to the of tho meeting in place of T. W.Sul- store which Is best decorated. (By T. W. Sullivan.) Since the question of bonding thin county in the sum of JOOO.Oou to pro vide fund with which to secure the construction of hard surface roadways on the main trunk roads of the county leading from the market placei and shipping points out Into and through the populous country districts. I have had many personal discussion with .sincere, open-minded men as to tho cost and value to the community of such roadways and whether we would he justified in bonding the county for such purpose. Many frankly admitted that, before going Into the matter suf ficiently to understand It, they were prejudiced against the movement and opposed to the issuance of bonds, hut after the pian had been made clear they could see that only a erutt good to the whole people would result. To the many others who are still In doubt or do not understand the great econ omic benefits that will result, I wish to address the following statements. giving facts and figures. In the first place the bond act pro vides how and where the money raised under It shall be spent. This must be clear to all now since the county has, in carrying out the wishes of the pe titioners, mostly from the courtry dis tricts, to place this bond measure be fore the people at the election to be held on the loth day of this month and in compliance with the law, st'ected the roads to be Improved in a perma nent manner as provided for and de clared the minimum amount of nunty to be spent on each road so Srleoted. Only permanent roads can be huilt under the bond act. Good permanent all year roads are one of the greatest factors In increas ing the prosperity of the farmer and OUT-OF-TOWN MEN EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON PRACTICAL ROAD BUILDING llvan. who was unable to nttond. Mr. Melintn said that the object of the ses sion was to promote harmony and friendship between the farmer and the business man (or the benefit of Clack amas eotmtv. Judge Cnmnbell fol lowed Mr. Mi-Main and itavp his view ! of town 'float second, $1. MUNITIONS FOR HUERTA ARE ON VESSELS WHICH WILL RE TURN TO EUROPE Mil- r. rm k , tl:.. , , In. ills iiui, Mippoiin and wall urn used wl, ri ver necessury to keep the roml ni1 mi a i-ei'tli' grade, nnd not only per liiaii' iu i Put (ho nrtlHlic side tin Icon carefully observed III building tho r.ia li. They were finished four year if" ami never n penny hn been spent en r, palts since, ulthoueh Ihey tire nil- I f luavy truffle the year round. Scenes of Oregon Shawn. The lecturer hud an nbundiint num ber of henutlfullv tlnled scone of t'i'-iii.ii Hint brought hi nudlenco tu a rcallznllon of the fiift Hint tho ire.Ml srenlc ooiililry III the world Is In tins very slnte. The iipenker prnlsed tho work of luhn Yeon of Portland, who hn given two year's service to the county of Multnomah in the cause of good roads. Mo attributed Mr. Venn's notion to n iVveliipment of II f)iillo general "foot but of service." Ilo modestly re .""ineil from mentioning his own notlv V' ti the fiiuse but his nudlenoo roul "i ,u nnconseloiiHlv Hint "Sam" Hill --.is Hie biggest rond builder of them all. T. W. Sullivan Introduced the sperk ''f In hi aide nddres nnd nt Iho ron ''liisinn ' lid; "If overv mini In Clack "i iiiniitv had hoard Mr. Hill's nil ''"sh timp'M we would need have no " r nver eiT (,n., NEED OF BLOCKADE IS AVERTED TAf ICO FALLS BEFORE REBEL Material of American M.Ike Which Wat Shipped to Hamburg and Reloaded Into German Boats for Mexico VILLA TAKES IMPORTANT SEA PORT AFTER LONG AND HEAVY FIGHTING the oiilcomo of tlm bond m OLSON WINS ORATORICAL CONTES I Clan, ia 01 ,, ............ .. . school . """" in in ino nnny ni 1,, n V 0,""rlr"l eonii'Ht held j,', "J ' ""ny 'Kit. tier sub- ll, , r '"'lie's Message." lu iireMi.i,i..,i. e fir e e it m ht, u -,. '"Id each ilelU-er..,! -...I sent Siinerlm, i .... i.-.i mi oranon. "mco i i 'l""'-'"avanwapreetat Miliie, u . , ""' f"'i'''HiniitM and tho ,, , '"" orations folhi Win Utile Nf'! Said No," William Rose; Mvr, ' "'"in Irf'ad Them." '": ' I it 1 1 . 1,,' "", Flre'" Jolm ' Until Tr- '""r"'"'" Vlerhles Ileese; Hoy Amiir.'. ' Knr"" ,rlHh: "A "ltti..'.,."l'""n' I-'recmnn Heeso: hlbltlon "T-.:.,f K ''" Olson; "Pro- "Hkorson. WASIIINOTO.V, Mu O.-Tho fen lure of Iho dny in tlm Mexican Hltuu Hon wn Hie action or a Cormiin steiim iihlp coinpnny In rofimliiR to land nt Puerto, Mexico, n cnrKii of munition coiiHlKiied to (li'ueral lluorta. Tho Cormiin steamer KronprltuosHln OeHlo, reported to bo r-nrrylnir armn and iimuiunltlon to lluerla, returned to Writ Cruz without debnrkliiK her war Mote nt Puerto Mexico, nnd It w ih announced thai tho munitions on this nnd n second (ionium steamer, tho lla varla, would bo rtunied to (iornuiny. Tho possibility either of n seizure or blockade of Puerto Mexico or of nn, act perhaps liitorpretnhlo ns n viola tion of tho niilltury statu quo In favor of lluerla thereby wn ('Unlimited. Secrelnry Hryiin expressed sntlsfac tlon over tho Incident. Ho said that ns fur us ho know this order on tho part of Iho steamship people was volun tary; nt nny rati OFF BY FIRE The coming Hose Festivnl, Itoostor I Hay nnd Slock Show on May 23 was Hid main subject discussed nt tho reg ular weekly meetliif; of tho Live Wires. Many siiKKestions were offered to mnke the day a success. Itev. T. H. 1'ord was appointed a committee of one to mnke arrangements with all churches and loikes nloiiR Main street to keep their buildings open during the celebration to servo ns rest nnd lunch room for the lame number of people expected. Hubert Schuehel, rond supervisor, spoke on poml roads nnd told his ex perience wllh pravel and crushed rock, lie urKfd the advantages of travel, I claiming that It was not only cheaper but better suited for the roads. He ob jected fo tho proposed bridge across the Molnll.i river at Mendowbrook. J. V. Wilkinson, n carrier working out of Canby, said that the most Important item to consider in road building Is top drainage. To properly solve this question is to answer the question of rond construction, said Mr. Wilkinson. The menu was: Unkod Clackamas Tig Ksenllopod Potatoes. Asparagus, with Egg Hot Holls Fruit Snlnd Ice Cream Cnke Coffee of tho pet-together meetings. .Mr. Dest decorated business house. t anipnoii approved the plnn and said that they were a great aid in develop ing the county. O. E. Fn ytag spoke on publicity j work nnd the aid that he as the secre- $2 i rary oi me punuciry nopanmeni coma Iho to the farmers. I. Adams discus-j I si d tho subject of boosting and showed ; j the new spirit in Oregon City, using. I the activity of tho business men to se-! I cure n hitching shed ns nn example. I C. I.. Eaton, and Gilbert Hedges also spoke. Tho party, consisting of about Ha members of the cluh, left Oregon City shortly lifter 6 o'cloek. The trip to Macksburg was made tliro'j;h Cnnby where a pnrly of 12 accompanied the Oregon City m, n to Macksburg. reducing the cost of living for all. Good Some of the prizes follow: Out of permanent roads bring the farmr near town auto parade, first J20: second $10. cr the market (I. e. in time required Local auto parade, special prizes, i to reach It) and enhances the value Orange float, first, $20; second $10. i 0f the farm on that account They r Hulire float, first. $20: second, $10. i mjt the farmer to haul his produce to Pest commercial float, first, $13. Out i the market or shipping point at any first. $2n; second. $10. time so he can take advantage of the PROGRAM FOR BIG Federal Garrison Is Believed to be on Way to Mexico City Sharpnel Does Effective Work For Victors WASHINGTON, May 13. Tamploo, tho Mexlenn enst const seaport, sec ond In importance only to Vera Cruz, wn stormed nnd raptured by the con stitutionalists todny. The federal gnr rlon of several thoosnnd men, nfter wlthntnndlng a throo-dny bombard ment, wns driven out of the city and wn reported tn hnvo retrentol by mil townrd Snn Luis Potoid. honing to effect a junction with a line renching inio jvioxioo i ii v. Constitutlonnllsts nt .lunrez. how ever, said thnt this rond wns hold by their troops under Henernl Kubulo COMMERCIAL USES OF EELS BE ONE OF SUBJECTS STUDIED AT PLANT TO Gultlorez: thnt thev nlso held tho rail ho bad not himself I road to Monterey nnd thnt tho federal communicated witn Hie (icrmnn am bassador hero no with tho Gorman gov ernment nny request Hint theso our goes he hold up. I'ndoiihedly the solution of tho ques tion reached today relieved tho state department from what promised to be nn embiirrassliiK sltiintion. Wllh no American, warships nt Pu erto Mexico, nnd consequently without the menu of preventing the binding of these nruis nnd nmiiiunltlon which might used ngalnst American troops Inter on, tho only feasible method of effective action wns an nppenl to the (iormnn government to stop the deliv ery. For Its part, Oorninny doubtless would hnvo been grout ly einbnrrnssod by such a request, for tho reason thnt it hnd no authority to interfere with Its own commercial linos In legltlmnte business, except in time of war, and It la, of course known to all European government Hint the government of the 1'nlted Stntea I not ready to ad mit the existence of such conditions. Iet it be hoped that the nominees will tnke, and allow, a rest during the summer. forces' only retreat lav in nn overland .march nernss swnmplnnds. French ordnnneo captured by Gen jornl Francisco Villa at Torreon Is bo I lloved' to have made possible the Ink ing or Tnmplco. General Pablo Gor znles. commanding (he constitutlonnl lsts there, bognn a heavy bombnrdment Mny 10, and kept It up until Into yes terday, according to advices received by the nnvy department from Renr Admiral Chnrles J. Hadger. who In turn received them from Henr Admiral Henry T. Mnyn, off Tnmplco. A midnight last nlcht the rannonnd Ing wns resumed, and It continued nn- til tho oonstltutlonnHsts fought thrir wny clenr Into the plnza nt Tampion shortly after noon todny. Tho perfec tion of tho fresh shrapnel did In a few days for Gonralos whnt Villa, with home made bombs, wns unable to ac complish In week before Torreon. Advices at the navy deportment were thnt the federals fought every Inch of the way before giving up the city, but It Is considered possible thnt some of this fighting may have heen In the na ture of a rear guard action, holding the constitutionalists at bay while the garrison entrained. BUNCH OF ROSES PRICE OF TRIP COMMERCIAL CLUB PLANS AN NUAL RIDE ON FIRST DAY OF ROSE FESTIVAL DAY GO CT D n MOTOR BOAT RACES WILL NEW FEATURE CHARLES SPENCER COMMANDER BE FIVE ROSE QUEENS ARE NOMINATED TWO RIVER STEAMERS ARE SECURED Mayor Will Deliver Address of Wel come at 10 O'Clock in Front of Court House Two Bands Secured Limited Carrying Capacity Will Prob ably Make Tickets Scarce Long Before Day of the Event A bunch of roses nt least a foot In dinmetor will be the only chnrgo to the member of the Commercial club who wants to take the annual trip of the club on the opening day of the Port land Hose Festival, June 9, on the steamers Ruth and N. R. Lang. Tho boats will probably ltave Ore gon City about 9 o'clock so as to be at Portland In time for the start of the parade at 11:. to o'clock. Each of the Oregon City will probably have a new nnd strange Industry within a short time James P. Kellev hns re quested the city council to permit him steamers will be decorated with large to erect n building on the city property on the river bank in wnicn no win build an experimental plant for re- senrch work inui the commercial uses of eels and fruit waste. Kolley with his partner hns been working In n small laboratory In Port Innd but the work has reached such a stage that It is necessary to secure more, room and t, be nearer a supply of eels and fruit. Oregon City was selected at once as the best site for the new lnboraiory on the larger scale. At first it wns planned to build a house boat for tho plant but later investiga tion proved that n building; on the shore which would be accessible to either wagon or boat would be bettor. The men nro working on a process of using eels to secure oils and chick en feed. Ity tho process there is no waste, all the raw material being turned Into ore of the two products. Fruit waste will be used to transform Into various commercial products. The promoters have not completed their experimental work but believe that within a few months it will reach such a stage that the work can be carried on a commercial basis. Mr. Kolley briefly explained the plans to the council. The matter was referred to the street committee with power to act. banners, advertising Oregon City and Clackamas county, and wita ever greens. Notices will be sent to each of the members of the club telling of the plan and advertising early reservation. Last your the tn.) was a decided success and the boat were reserved to their legal .... n... 1 . .1... capacity, -..mi persons, iiuih ""-"ic mi- lay or tne trip, intan's as wen a grown persons are counted by the fed eral authorities who place the limit on the carrying rapacity of all vessels. Tho committee will present tickets to all who apply until the limit of 2S0 per son Is secured. The unusual opportunity was secured by the Commercial club through the courtesies of I!. T. Mertain and the Wil lamette Navigation company. The committee in charge of the arrange ments consists of: B. T. Mcllain, M. I). Latourotte and T. W. Sullivan. Those who make the trip will be ex pected to take basket lunches as cof fee alone will be served aboard the steamers. TOOZE RE-ELECTED Fred J. S. Tooze, who nas been city superintendent of the Oregon City schools for the last five years, has been re-elected to that position for another year. fi.uO. i hest orices for his nroduce when a good Pest decorated hose cart, $13. Cow- demand is thero for it nnd Ween him boys, first. $3: second, $2. Plug ugty, more independent of the middle man on foot, best sustaned character, first, amj jn closer relation with the eonsunv $2; second, $1. most unique make-up, ; ,,r t0 the mutual advantage of both. The heavy cost of baa roads falls on the entire population of the community served and affected by such roads, but this heavy cost falls In a greater de gree on the farmers who are the prin cipal haulers of produce over these bad roads. The average cost of hauling, by horse drawn wagons, a ton of freight or prod uce a distance of one mile in tnese Vnited States over our roads of all kinds Is 23 cents, in this state it is considerably more, while in Europe over high grade roads the cost is but 7,,cents. The average cost In this country of hauling a ton one mile over our hard surfaced roads is but 8 cents. The difference or saving in hauling cost alone is great and will savo to the farmers, stage lines, rural mail car riers and others having to haul over the countrv roads many thousands of dollars each year In excess of the cost of these hard surfaced roads if the peo ple are wise and fully alive to their own best interests by voting for the bond issue and constructing hard sur face main trunk roads where designat- , ed by the county court. This saving In hauling over hard surfaced country highways as compared with that over present average roads has caused one prominent paper in an adjoining coun ty which first opposed the permanent road plan before it found out by Its own investigations of the great econ omic gains to be made by the con struction of such roads through the country to exclaim: "Were all the bad roads to be made into good, hard, level roads, the annual saving In hau1 Ing over the country highways of the United States would aggregate the mighty sum of $7,!i00.000,000." This one Item of annual loss to the Ameri can people would build fifteen Panama canals.. "It all the highways were Improved this seven and a half billions of dol lars would go to those who do the country hauling, chiefly farmers, who in turn would share the benefits of these billions with the city and town people who form the market for the country hauled freight. It would cut down the cost of living but cutting down the big margin existing between retail prices in the city and cost of production in the country. It would put these billions every year Into the pockets of the American people." In addition to the -great saving In the cost of "hauling over theso roads as above set forth is the further advant age, to the farming communities at least, of the better social and sanitary conditions .they will bring about as well as the better facilities they will afford to the children to get to and from the district school, especially dur ing the winter or rainy season. I have said that good permanent roads bring the farms nearer the mar ket and enhances its value on that ac count. This is a fact and a very sub stantial benefit will accrue to the hold er of every acre of land In this county served by such roads and are In addi tion to the benefits already enumerat ed and set forth. For example, In Vanderburg, county, Indiana, the town ships that have built hard surfaced brick roads have found that farm lands have Increased in value, due solely to such cause, on an average of $15.0(1 per acre, while In other sections where they have adhered to the ilrt roads the lands have decreased $15 09 and more fer acre. The program for the Rose Festival, rtooster Day and Stock Show began to take definite shape at a Joint meet ing of the committees from the Com mercinl club nnd Rose society Wednes day night. The premium list for the stock show and the floats in the after noon parade was completed aud ap proved, arrangements were made to elect the rose queen and other details of the day completed. A motorboat race In which two handsome cups will be the awards, will be one of the new events introduced May 23. One cup will be given for the winner in the 16-foot class and one for the free-for-all. Charles Spencer, of Canemah, was appointed command er of all the water events. The course, appointment of Judges, and arrange ments for the day will probably be in the hands of Mr. Spencer. An address by Mayor Jones at 10 o'clock In the morning In front of the court house will open the official pro gram of the day. On behalf of the city he will welcome the visitors from out of the town. Two bands wi'' play before and after the opening addresses. Shortly after the short program in front of the court house is completed, the stock parade will begin. The big parade of the day will be held In the afternoon, beginning at 1:7.0 o clock. Dr. A. I.. Peatle was elected grand marshall of this event and with his aides will have complete charge of it. Prizes will be awarded to the best decorated automobile, the best grange float, the best lodge float, the lodge with the greatest number In line, the best commercial float, best out-of-town float, and most unique make-up. and best sustained character and the best riding cowboys. Five girls were nominated for rose queen. Miss Marie Sheahan, Miss Iulse Walker, Miss Madge Bright bill, Miss Hester Denneman, and Miss Florence Grace. Other nominations will prohably be made within the next few days. Votes will be given at lo cal stares and each candidate will be given 15,000 votes as a rtart The prizes for the stoclt show are divided into four divisions. One class Is designed especially for the farmer The rose prizes will be given for each of 15 secttom. (Continued on Page I.)