ttwtttttpt? ISTC. FH11UY. AlMvMT, 21. 10H. OltEOON Enterprise News Service Covers Clackamas County 2 i JENNINGS LODGE. A number from this place attended the spelling bee nt (Hailstone on April 15th. There wore twenty eight con tent ant representing seven schools. At first roll call our school wis the onlv one whose contestants were all still in line. Mitts Krouse, of Glad stone w as winner of the contest. Miss Francis Sandstrom remaining longer then the other pupils from this place, wns given a check hy Mrs. Altman. Those taking part from this place were: Francis ami Mlllnn Sandsirom. Bessie Roberts and Clyde Jones. The men of this community will ob serve flood Roads Dr. un Saturday. April 25th. I'icks and shovels are lie in g prepared. Much Improvement will he made on Jenning Ave. and the Gladstone, Jennings Lodge Koail. John Jennings was l-talnem visit or at Prinevllle dm Um tha. week, re turning on Monday. Mr. and Miss Ogili-n visited their father nt Liswin. on Monday. A number of matrons enjoyed a trip to Vancouver on Thursday. going over to spend the Jay with Mrs. Harry Palnton. A luncneou was prepared for twenty and part of the time was spent on the garrison grounds and a visit was paid to the Deaf school, after which ice cream and cake were served before the guests depart. Mesilames Edd Uoethe, L. Wilcox. A. C. MacFar lane. Harry Robinson, Hess Vtruechert, Bertha Hart, Jennie Jones, Delia Rob erts, A. F. Russell. Mrs. Colby and Mrs. Harry Hayles. of Portland; Wm. and Elizabeth Bruchert, Lester Rus sell. Halmor Roberts, Alice Eve Mac Farlane, Keith Kenneth and Allen Wil cox enjoved the trip. Mrs. Edd Roethe has recovered from her recent illness. Mr. Will Jennings is bedfast, threat ened with pneumonia. Dr. Stuart is In attendance. Rev. E. D. Hornschuh, of Portland, delivered an Easter sermon on Sunday April 19th. at the Grace Chapel, l.tike oi.c kn. hu trt Rev. Hornschuh is a very interesting talker and the j -11 I.., annMU-intiVfl AllllienCe. DfO- siuau. i' 11 . "IT" - nounced it an excellent sermon. Rev. G. W. Plumer, of Salem, Presi dent of the River View Camp meeting Association, was a Lodge visitor on Friday. Lunching with the Hugh Rob erts family. . Mr. Miller of Portland, is visiting with ihe Abbey family. The young son of C. E. Warner, who fell thirty feet from a tree some two weeks ago, is Improving and again ab'e to be in school. Mr. Vulberman's new cottage Is about ready for occupancy. Mr. I'l herman purchased a tract from Mr. John Jennings and has put out one acre in mammoth blackberries. A ball game between the Oak Grove and Jennings Lodge teams was played m the ball ground at the school house on Saturday afternoon, ine uaa i Grove team defeating the home team. Doris I. Painton. of Vancouver, was a week-end visitor at this place. J Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nason. of Wal- j lace, Idaho, have returned home a'ter visiting with the Ertgham and Sin-1 claire families. ' Mrs. G. W. Card and children are ! enjoying the week with home folks at , Vancouver. Wash. The benefit dance given for the im provement of Jennings Ave. on Friday evening, April 17th. was quite a suc cess sociallv. But financially did not net as much as the committee naa an-1 ticipated. About 30 couples enjoyed ; the dance. The hall was very pret-: tily decorated for the occasion with clusters of Scotch broom and bunches j of lilacs. Mrs. Nora Snashall, of Portland, and Brenton Vedder. of Gladstone, have been recent visitors at our scnooi. Commencement exercises are to be hoM h ihi Rth prarip rrnriuates of the Jennings Lodge school at the Batdorf j hall on May 15th. There are six grad-1 uates in the class. Mary Pierce, An-1 nie and Glenn Russell, Mary Brue- chert. Clyde Jones and Hazel Brtgham. j A petition to the County Superin-I tendent and members of the District j Boundary Board to take necessary j steps to consolidate all of school dis tricts No. 48. Parkplace; No. 64. Clack-) amas, No. 114, Jennings Lodge, ana No. 115. Gladstone, into one district for high school purposes only, is being cir culated. The petitioners are In favor of constructing a suitable building on the west side of the Oregon City and Milwaukie road nearly opposite the entranqe of the Chautauqua Park. Mr. C. E. Warner has purchased a motorboat and made his first trip to Portland on Monday. Mrs. Warner and Miss Painton accompanying him. SANDY. J. E. Sinclair is putting up a new barn. Anton Malar Is on the sick list. C. F. Rarber, of Portland, Is spend ing a few davs on his ranch. Dr. Barendrick has broken ground for a fine residence on Main street. Geo. Wolf is bulldine a new fence in front of the Sandy Hotel. Negotiations with the P. II. I.. & P. Co. regarding the lighting of Sandy have received a serious lolt, and we are liable to remain in the darkness for sometime yet. Max Anderson lb repairing the Mt. Hood road this week. The once famous Sandy Concert Hand has been rejuvenated under the directorship of Chas. Bennett and dubbed the Sandy Booster Hand. Gertmde Meinlg has charge of the Btate traveling library at Sandy. The hooks are- to be found at the postof flce. Rev. E. M. Smith preached at Dover church Sunday afternoon. Joe DeShazer, of Dover, spent Mon day In Sandy. The Sandy Commercial Club held another booster meeting Wednesday night Albert Wilkins and Artie I.amper were not absent or tardy at Firwood school last month. ME.A DOW BROOK. We are sorry to hear that Miss Ma bel Chlndgren Is sick yet. We hope she will soon recover. Henry Schiewe returned home Fri day from Idaho, where he has been for the benefit of hla health. He ia much Improved. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Chlndgren and daughters, Misaea Vivian and Marie, spent Sunday at Nordllng'a, of Union Milla. Mr. Btuart bought about seventy hog and several cows to put on his place. Mr. and Mra. Hlddink spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Chat Beck's of Cot ton. tjeveral persons from here attended the ball came at Liberal Snnday. Mr. Mikkleaon. of Portland, was out on business a few daya last week. Mra. Nordllng and Mrs. Oscar Hult spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. P. O. Chlndgren. STAFFORD. Miss I.ydlit Aeml and her slBlter, who Is to be an April bride, were home for the Easter holidays, and Mis. Holton and daughters spent Ihe holi day nt Mr. Oae a. John I. Gage returned to his home In St. Helens on Saturday last, after spending throe weeks at hla fathers, helping alHMit the place, and with the help of Albert Schati put up quite a string of wire fence. Mr. Nussbaum Is continuing the good work on the wire fence. Farmers, as a general thing, are replacing the worn out fences of either rails or boards with Wire. Fred Baker has a force of men with three teams using the grader on the road, and we hope soon to he able to get out without the danger of sticking fast. Mr. Tlileman Is the good Samaritan to pull autos out when they get stuck, and some wag put up a sUn In red paint, saving. "This Is stl'l the road to i Portland!" It looks like It might take a good share of that $(100,000 Clacka-j "is voters are not going to vote to j fix this one road so It Is passable. The bovs bargained with Mr. Gage for a ball ground, and are going to i tal-e away the lane fence hevotul nis water tank and prepare It for prac tice In the near future. Mrs. Gage and son. John, attended 'he funeral of J. S. Tonnbs Tuesday. The services were held at the Crema torium, and the body cremated .by re quest of the deceased. Mr. Toombs, his widow, was the first teacher In this district before Stafford had a name. The Ladles' Circle met with Mrs. Weddle las' Thii'S'lay and spent a pleasant and busy day. On Friday the young ladles met at Mrs. Aerni's and formed a club which will meet the fourth Thursday in each month. Mrs. Thomas's sister-in-law died of measles in Oswego last week and was taken to Tualatin for burial on Thurs dav, but when the casket was opened she looked st lifelike they would not burv her until a physician was calltVl to apply tests and determine if she was really dead. All were in hopes she was merely In a trance as she leaves seven little children motherless. Miss Dolores George has finished her musical course at Dallas and returned home. She will take a class in mu sic soon In Stafford. A good share of the old orchard on the Hayes place is being cut down and burned. Saturday. April 25th, being the reg ular day of the meeting of Tualatin Grange, they expect a good turn-out, as noted speakers are expected to talk upon the good roads question in which we are Interested. fl nn "r I SJTMM We sell Myers Pumps of all sizes, also water systems and engines. We will make you right prices. W. J. WILSON & CO. Oregon City, Or CANBY HDW. and IMP. CO., Canby, Or. HAZELI A. ! large crowd of people attended the preaching and Easter exercises given ' by Hazelia Sunday school. j Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Thomas, of Staf-' ford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Houtz Sunday. Mrs. Fred Lehman visited with her , sister, Mrs. Frank ChildH, Monday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Stelnhilber, Mr. ' and Mrs. Wilson and daughters, MiHS i Kate MacVav. were amonz Haze!iai!e ' that attended Easter services in Port- land. ! Mrs. F. Hultberr visited In Portland Monday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pollard, from Os wego, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. j P. Pollard Sunday. j Mrs. Tledeman, formerly of Hazelia. but now of Oswego, has been spend ng a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Jim Hayes. Miss Lucille Duncan spent the week end at home. Mrs. John Wanker spent Friday and Saturday In Portland. Mrs. Shipley and son, Milton, of Os wego, visited at the Fred Lehman home Sunday. Miss Ethel Thompson, of Oswego, was a Sunday guest of Miss Ethel Baker. Mrs. Geo. Nagel, who has been sick with tonsilitis Is much better at this writing. Harold Baker, who works In Port land, spent the week-end at home. A number of Hazelia farmers are hauling potatoes to Oswego these days. WILSONVILLE. Potato buyers have been numerous here lately. Mrs. Marion Tonne- and family went to Portland on Monday to attend a ma- stcale given by Professor tirahwi. will celebrate 'TK hi. ,,. Iliu fiMimllng of the older. licM Nniur Miss Holm, of Portland, spent a few ,l:,y evening with a -upper and a . dnva at the llalalgla home last week. , clal lime. v i Mrs. H. W. Graham and Miss H. M. People over In r.M..I .1 - J Graham attended the musical., given I are going to observe ) ' Professor Graham, on Monday eve- ( -''Vb; ""The Misses Christina and Anna Ba-jtl.e men who work, by tlx- I"'"''" talcla came homo to attend the Corral' thai section. They expect to Max a Crock school entertainment, ou Sat-(Jolty lime aa well evening I ltev. K(a nllondiMl PMtrti t t'ti'i r Glenn Knlor visit. -d 1.1. grandparents 'once of the M. E ,-hur,-h al rorost Mr. and Mrs. Riddor. for a few days Grove last week. tut week T"" 'I"" "f UWX . Mrs. Kd Baker anent Saturday In ; w ill plav "A Junior.' at I'oner a then Port land, returning the same day. ac Ire Friday evening. May 1. companled bv her daughter. Mrs. Tur-, l.eroy D. alker of t a bx. was an nor and husband, who spent Sunday j Kstacada visitor W ,''H; ; ; .. .. Finns Kraxlieriicr. Itepiilillcan ranui- Mr and Mrs II D. Aden attended date for the nomlnatlcn fur ropresent the wedding anniversary of Mr. and , alive, was calling upon v""r" 1,1 r" "Pressor dXr visited, he W school during the week. j The sum of S:t.S0 was roallred al the basket social al Corral Creek school, on Saturday evening. Hops are being trained at present., indications seem good for the com-1 nK yfar. I A large number of young people. 1 evidently belonging to some hiking dun, toon me tram ai niimmmhu- Sunday evening, after walking several miles. A number of residents are planning to attend the Champoog celebration, on Saturday, May 2nd. Mrs. A. E. Say. Harold Say and James Say came home from Newberg to attend the Corral Creek basket so cial. Don't fall to attend the plav entitled "Home Ties" to be given on Saturday evening. April 25th. In the A. O. 1'. W. Hall at Wllsonvllle. by the Epworth league society. Mrs. H. P. Aden has the leading part In the play and Is sustained bv a strong caste of good local plavers, w hich will Insure a aplen- did performance. ESTACADA. Mrs. C. F. Ixiwe and little s -n were among the Portland visitors last Sat urday. The Ladies' Aid had an entertain ment at the Family theatre last eve ning. H. M. IxHiney. who spent the past year visiting relatives In West Vir ginia, returned home last week . ..i......t .1...., i. r.,,u,riu,l .-V irn i'i-.,;,iii him.- id i i i - . . . . i from the meeting of the Garfield Dor- The Eagle Creek comedy was a mud- , the doctor scratched off (he number cas Socletv at the home of Mrs. Dun- ducking Di''k Gibson got when the ; of the proscription, stating that there l0D h"re he wns riding stepped on one j was a plain clothes man operating In track meet Is to tnke place it the et. of a broken rail, which Hew up , town and the bottle might got Into hla school house this afternoon between i and hit the horse, causing his heels , nanus. This testimony of the witness the four classes of the high school. , to rtv up and sot Dick Gibson In the ! remains uncontradicted except that Some of the local baseball snorts : middle of a stream of water at least j Ihe doctor In hl own defense lestl got busy last week and clreu'aled a two Inches deep, with fully two feet ; fled that Uiyton represented Dial ho subscription paper to raise monev for of soft ooze at the bottom of the' was nervous and needed a stimulant. " -i! rusty tin much, I I -'----" Myers Pump PATENTED. Metal Valv seats may eorroda or rust. GLASS VALVE SCATS CANNOT. Mstal Valve Scats harden tha check leather quickly. CLASS VALVE SEATS DO NOT. The patent Myers) Claas Valve seat is well protected) and Is Usi ng as any baseball purposes at Rataeada this season. The ground will be made In gf"'d condition and every arrangement for the National game will be arranged o that the sport can begin soon. Es- tacada has a number of first class ball players. The C. I. C. ladles are planning a May Day party to take place May 2. J- A. Conway, who has been very with pneumonia, Is reported to vry much Improved and hopes are now entertained for hla recovery. Mrs. M. H: Evans and Mra. Sparks went to Portland shopping Saturday Mrs. Walter Glvens visited Portland Friday. The Firemen's dance last Saturday evening was a most enjoyable affair. There was a good crowd and the mu sic was excellent. The Good Templers, of Currinsvllle, have the contagion for presenting a play and will give "A Family Affair" at Ely's hall Friday night. Born To Dave Eschelman and wire. on Saturday morning, April ISth, an eight pound boy. A petition, circulated and very gen erously signed, for the removal of bells from cattle and horses which are al lowed to run at large, was presented to the city council last week. George Furgeson, of Union, Ore., vis ited his friend I. D. Wright of the State Hank, last week. " The Corner 8tore," as presented by the Garfield Grange In Estacada last Friday night, was fairly well attended and aemed to give good satisfaction. EafTi one who took part did their parts well and received much praise for their talent aa actors. Milton Evans was a Portland visitor for a couple of days last week. R. I). Klmmel moved to his new house the latter part of last week. The family have a very comfortable borne. j Tbe Estacada lodge of Oddfellows tacana nnu vicinm " -" - EAGLE CREEK. . ,. J. Chapman was the dinner guest ,,f Mnli Hewlett Inst Thursday. Mn( R(,y ivuikLimm wenl home last ......t m with her parents. Mr. :mi I Mrs. G. Moehnke. for a few days. Dick Gibson la the delighted pos sessor of a lino roll. Ills brother. H nnu. Is also the possessor of a young colt, of which he Is very proud. Carl lmglnss was a Barton visitor Sunday. Mrs. Heater la working for Mrs Hewlett. Mrs. I'ossle Douglas was a Portland visitor the first of last week. Mrs. McMillan returned from Port land Simdav afternoon, accompanied bv a lady friend. The regular aesslon of Eagle ( reek (;rnngi wns held last Saturday with aN.ut flflv members present. Including a few visitors The p!.ins for the May tiw..l. The leading i feature of the prog rain planned Is a speech by (inventor West There will e rocHatlons and souks, also music by the Currinsvllle baud, and a dance In the evening at Cogswell s hall. A Woman's Work Committee was organ ized with Mrs. Dick Gibson n chair man and Mrs. I.lnda lloffmolaiein and Mis Ethel Hale as assistants. The ! Granger are planning lo have their h ,l ii iite. 1 !..rir.. t ie Muv li en C. I The Est,,.,,, library I. hecoinlng a popular place as a rosl r.H'" aa w II as being well pntrunlrcd for reading matter. You wouldn't drink frcm a cup ftiih a clean glass at hand I Well then, why pay as much, or nearly as for a pump with a metal valve seat as ton A with the CLASS VALVE SEAT? metal seat and far superior. For the sake of CLEANLINESS and service BUY a MYERS PUMP Portland Spokane stream. Hut when uick ui - laboring over his trousers the next day this incident was pronounceu a hb edy. MOLALLA LOCALS Molalla, Ore., April 22. (Special ) The Mothers' club will meet tomorrow afternoon at the borne of Mrs. Fischer, of Liberal. T. E. Read, of Liberal, Is seriously 111 at the hospital in Portland. He has been operated on twice for appendi citis and tha doctors think It will probably be necessary to perform an other operation before he recovers. Ilurrel Cole Is absent from school on account of Illness. The ninth and tenth grade students took the final examination in spelling yesterday and all passed with flying colors. Miss Lora Judd Is apprentice In Nena Dunton's milliner shop now. Misses Ruth Herman and Bernlce Engle were both compelled to go home from school yesterday on account of a sudden Illness. It Is thought that the water supplied by tbe school well Is the fault. The measle scare at Liberal has blown over and the children are again In school. Cough Medicine for Children. Too much care cannot be used In se lecting a cough medicine for children. It should be pleasant to take, contain no harmful substance and be most ef fectual. Chamberlains Cough Rem edy meets these requirements and Is a favorite with the mothers of young cniiaren everywnere. For sale by all dealers. (Ady.) ST UART CONVICTED ON L QUOR CHARGE DEFENCE WILL SEEK WRIT OF REVIEW IN CIRCUIT COURT ACCUSED PHYSICIAN IS FINED JI0O Recorder Lodr In Decision Reviews Evidence Offered at Trial Mon day Prosecution Uncon tradicted, He Saya City Recorder Ixider relumed a de cision of guilty against Dr. C. A. Stiiarl who was tried before him Monday. The dofouilnnt was charged with giv ing a liquor prescription to a person not In need of It Dr Smart waa giv en a fine of $100. Clly Attorney Sonne bel represented Ihe city. Gordon E. Hayoa. attorney for the licensed doolor. said Wednesday even ing that the defence would seek a writ of review In Ihe circuit court, as. according lo the city charier, no ap peal ran be made from a derision In the recorder's court. In rendering hla decision Clly Re- router l. ooer saw "The testimony of ( . I-avton was to the effect that on April 1.1. ISM. Dr. Sluart al ljivton a request wrote a prescription for one pint of whiskey. Ijivton further stated that he told the doo'or that ho was not sick and dldn t want to protend that he waa sick In tird.-r to get the liquor, but merely wanted It to drink.. After getting the proscription from Dr. Stuart. Iivton had It filled at Ihe drug store and re turned to the doctor s office with the filled bottle and gave the doctor a drills or H nuer mmim imim n ,A i Boise Engines Water Systems Implements Vehicles We will gladly mall vou a copy ef eur new upon receipt off your name and addroeo. log No. and etete purpose ffor which CLARKE3 Rev. Hartlng. the elder of the Ger man M. B. church, preached In the German church at Clarkes. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Hottemlller and son, Edwin, were In town last Satur day. The EngllBh M. E. church had an Easter program Sunday evening and the exercises were good. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Wettlaufcr were In town last week. Miss ElBle Elmer, from Portland, was out over the Easter holidays visit ing her parents, Mr. Sam Elmer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Iluol spent Sunday with Mr. Zwahlen and family. Mr. Fred Boss, from Oregon City waa out and visited Mr. Zwahlen and family laat Sunday. Mr. Luke Duffy, the assessor, went through Clarkes last week. A HEAVY BURDEN A Bad Back Makes Life Miserable For Many Oregon City People. A bad back la a heavy burden. A burden at night when bedtime comes. Just as bothersome In the morning. Ever try Doan's Kidney Pills for it? Know they are for kidney backache and for other kidney Ilia? If you don't, some Oregon City peo ple do. Read a caae f it: , . Joseph McDermott, Washington Bt , Oregon City. Oregon, says: "I was al most flat on my back with kMney and bladder trouble.I waa so lame and stiff that I conld hardly hobble around and It was all I could do to get up In the morning. My kidneys were Ir regular In action and the kidney se cretions were scanty. I used several boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills and I soon sot well. I think even more l.'.icJ'' ; ...r,,,,.-....:.:;..:: ; alcohol a nit i tNr. ANrijrlaUf IYrpMin ErAi 5lmll.iiliihi'HwljnllWtd ling llr btonvktB mid llowvh i IYomotes nitUmfjVfJ Ik'&s ated Ita jQulUllH DL'tlW ()Hiint.Mi)riihinf iwNutfil Not N au c otic. jkytiiMxmamax IMHlfT' lit ip nkm Arvrfrd Rrwdv furCOmto' i inn . Sour SUinva h.DUrrtw nfsiWLossorLtf. he Sin Si! NEW YOWK. Ki.t Copy ol Wrapper. highly of Dunn's Kidney Pills now thou I did when I publicly recommended them a few yenra ago. They have cer tainly done me a lot of good." Price .'.Or, at all dealers. ItoB'l lmplv ask for a kidney remedy-get I man' Kidney Pills- the same that Mr McDorinolt had Foster Mllburn Co.. PrMt.. HufTalo N. Y. (Adv.) to 9 Pump catalea Aeh for cata pump Is wanted COUNTY COURT In the matters of the vacation of Golf Park. Ordered that the petition to vacate be granted. In the mutter of the petition of II. F. Watts for a gateway. Ordered that said petition lie grant ed. In the matter of fixing tolls over Mt. Hood and Barlow road. Ordered that the tolls be the same as for year 1913. In life matter of a special election to be called for purpose of voting on th i....lne: of bonds for road purposes. Ordered that a special election he hsd on the 16th day of May, 19M. for such purpose to raise $fi00,000.00 to be expended on the following roads: Road No. 1. Grays Crossing roBd, from county line between Clackamas and Multnomah Counties to the North boundary of Oregon City via Clacka mas, except any part of such road within limits of any Incorporated town or city. Minimum amount to be ex pended, 170,000.00. Road No. 2. Oregon City and Can by, known aa South End or Lazelle Road from the south boundary of Ore gon City to north boundary of Canby via New Era. Minimum amount to be expended, $75,000.00. Road No. 2. Canby and Aurora road. beginning at south boundary of Can by, and following present road as near CUM For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of Id Use For Over Thirty Years Vh MMai mmmmt M irt as prm tlcabln. pnrnlli'l Ub tbv Suuts cm I'acinv In Ihe r Hy llinltn of IW low; I lii-iicn frtim the m!h IwuiidirT of I'nrlow to Intersect Wnlemwdft mid Aurora Road, I hence tn'hjlrtwrl Varloti County line. Mlnlttma tiwt to bit expended. 1?,ltiKt 110. Itoad No. 4 The Canby and road leading generally south fmiatke d:y limits of Canby on the south, lol lo lug present rond from Caiihr lo Newly; thenroeast from s point It Inter-cU sctUtia 15 and !! T.I 3. K. I K. on the Liberal and MmIi burg rad, to crona roads one nlM east of Murkabnrg store. Mlnlttma amount to be expended, $H,Ot'o00. Itond No. Molalla lioad. bi-clnnla at clly limits of Oregon Ct'r " city limits of Molalla. to be expended, ISO.oiiO' Itoad No. . The Heaver Cntek ro from IntcreiK tln of Molalla road &" h ading lo Heaver Creek store. Ml mum amount lo be expended, $0,noi Itoad No. 7. The liedlaiid lUti from Its Intersection with Grays t'rus lug road easterly up Ihe Abertiethf mad a dlMtanre of eight tnlleii. Mini mum amount to be expended, $ Is.OoO. Itoad No. 8. lloud leading getiertll; eastward from Clackamas to I.oiU from Its Intersection of tlrays Crim ing mad and Oregon City road to IU Intersection with Oregon City audi gnn road near the south nppricis linker bridge; thence easterly d gnn road to a polnl on tho line W Iween the Artbue and Wheeler cll near the rtclbhoff store where Ihe lo er road Intersects the Uigan Msi thence along said lower or river rod to Barton via proposed bridge ot Clackamas Illver. Minimum stnount lo be expended, $(17,000.00. Rond No. 9. Dumaacus road. fr point of Intersection of road from Clnckumna to Baker bridge along P" out line as near as practicable for distance of three miles from said Inter section oliit. Minimum eiH-nilllri $ Road No. 10. Boring and m&1 road from point where road crone the line of P. II. I P. track at Hf Ing to point where the rond Intcrm-cU the city limits of Sandy, snld road M neai as practicable the pre'"''', line of road eiifft and aouth from Boring via Kelso. Minimum amount to be expended. $30,000.00. Itoad No. 11. Blnfford road lead"1 west In general direction from city lim its of Willamette on the west to croM roads at Stafford. Minimum amoui' to be expended, $24,000.00. , Road No. 13. Oregon City and 0 wego road, beginning at a point where present road from Oswego to Portland Intersects the north boundary line of Oswego and lending northerly present road to Multnomah County line. Minimum sum to be expended $6,000.00. Road No. 13. Milwaukie and Sell wood road, beginning at a point when said road Intersects the north boUB' dary of city limits of Milwaukie and leading north In a general dlrertW along present road to Multnom1 County line. Minimum amount to b expended, $10,000.00. Found A Cure for nhsumatlsm. "I suffered with rheumetlam for lJ years and could not get my right h to my mouth for that length of writes Ue U Chapman, Map"'0 Iowa. "I suffered terrible pain J" could not sleep or lie still at si!"; Five years ago I began using Chsauw ... ... . a rtnfltni Iain's Liniment and In two waa well and have not sunw- - ffered rheumatism since." tor si y .t) dealers. ,A Gentlemen are necessarily WJ because a gentleman never i" himself. m W aVl on a 1 UM5 5v V