Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 17, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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CIT1 KNTKltPltfHE. FRIDAY, AVHIL 17, 1014.
. . circuit t'o'irt of Ihn flint
i irn in hi for Clackamas ('( I.
. Allen Mnmlmll, Plaintiff,
...i,. j, Mumliall, Defendant.
1 -J' India J. Marshall, above named
Vi'i f!t'V.,"!(n of th Bliilfl of Oregon,
J, ... Ii.-r.t.y r..(.ilr..l to appear and
".... c.iiiiiliilnt fill"! Kll'l XU
'" , nhovn tlnd Court ami
". r,.rn i ho 24(li ility r April,
II nd If you fH W",r "J
J i HiM'iy i" ''" f"r "": rj":'
v for In II... roi.iPlint. which I
lllu,r,.(, l.irrr-r . .-,
mid tlin
mid fur
Attorney for l'lwltff.
.Mn-l( Cnurl of Hll .of
;;:, for y ,,r i m
Minnie Hl''t). I'lalliHff.
Alii Hifln. Defendant,
i.. , inn of t tin Htatn of Oregon,
vmi nr.- l.-n-l.r required lo appear and
anam-r lh. nimlilnli.t filed Minimi you
In i In' ntxim mimed mill on or lisjjnre
ii. .tnv of Aurll. 19M, said date
l,iK in., iliiy died ly Hi" court niul
Ih-Iiik "Ix week from tho publication
f UtiH mi iiiiik.iim. mid If you full lo p
piiir ..l ti iiHWr Bnlil rouiilnli.t for
mini il.ir.of, iilnlnlllf will ply to
Hi., nmrl for tli rt'llcf prayed for tu
ll. iiiinpliilM, tov.ll: a Decree of Di
vorce dlnniilvliig I tin bond of tnatrl
i,,iirv now !! I II K between plnlntirr
uiul defendant on Hi" ground of cruel
iv uiul I ii l i nut it treatment, niul for
tuili nilu r mid further r.'ll.'f mi till
ri tn.iv ni'ciu eqtiltuliln mid Jut.
Thu I.IIIIUIIOIII U published liy tlii.
order uf J. I'. Campbell. JikIki. of Ihn
Clrnill Cii.irt of Hi" Coutity of f lacka
i,ui Suiii' of Oregon, mid order
made uiul entered thin 2nd liny of
Vim h, I'.'U. at III" 'In'" prescribed
fur ii." piit'll'-iitlnii of thla miinuioii
for u w"'k beginning wllli thn l
mil, ilut. l Miir.'li tilli, 1914. mid ronlln
ulur 'rv mi'k llii'rt'iifl.'r mul ron
llnitlr.K il' I""11" of April 17, 19H.
W. A. Ill'ltK.
Atlorni'y for rtnlntiff.
In tin' np ull Court of th Hlnln of
Hn iMti. ("r Clin kniiiiiH County,
Tllhi' Mrl.miKl.Mll, I'lallitlff, ,
Anihr Mi l.ii'O-lilln. llffiitldnnt.
Tu Aml'i-im.' M' l JiUKliMn, lmvo liulllfil
In ih tiumi' of th Htato of Ornnon
)nii nr.' li.-ri'l'T nipilr.'d to apprnr and
ntiHKi r Ih.' n'ttipUliit filed HKnltnl you.
In lit.' li".' mill, d milt, on or ln.fom
lln Il luv of May. 1914, an Id data
I'i'Iik tin' nplratlun of alx w.N'kafruin
Ihi. flril pulill.ntl.in of thla auminoua.
ami If rmi f.ill to appear or anawer
until i-.'inilnliil, for want thereof. th
liUintiff will apply to tho court for
lhi n tli-f prayed (or In her complaint.
Cur a (I'H'rve illanol vltiic thn tionda
of miirliiiiuiy now nlallnit between
(Hi. plii(lff and defendant. Thla'
iimruoriH U piitillahed liy order of Hon.
J. I'. rainpliell, JiiiIkx of tha Circuit
Court, n tt U-li order waa mado on the
Nib .In v of Mnri h. 1914. and thn time
pMrrlNi'd for pul.lloHllon thereof In
ill o.kii, lii'glnnlnn with thn laaun
(ln'cl Krlilay, Man n 20th, 1914, and
rnnliniilnt; earh week thereafter to and
Iik'IiiiIIhk Krldiiv. May lit, 1914.
Attornnyi for Plaintiff.
I,, II... r-l....li i',...pl nf Ilia Cliitn if I
tirciviii for the County of Clnrka-
Clara Klluta I'mltli. Pnlntlff,
Jin k Howard Smith. Defendant.
In Ihn mime of tlin Htntn of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
linnwer the complaint Ulnl aitiilut you
In the above entitled unit on or be
fore tho Int day of May, 1914. which
dale In morn tlmn lx week from thn
duln or the llrnt publication of thla
wmtnniiH, and If you fall to anawer,
tor want thereof the plaintiff will take
Jnili'inent BKiiltmt you for Ihn rnllef
prayed for In the. complaint herein,
t wit : r a decree of divorce forever
diHHiiiving the bond of matrimony
i.nw i xIhIIhk between plaintiff and ilo-
leiiuiint, nud that hn bn divorced from
d. feiiilani, and that alio bo allowed to
reHiiim. her maiden name of Clnra Kl
l.na Si huchnrdt. and for aucta lrther
relief an to thn court may aeom Juat
ii uu liUIIUIll0.
Tl.ln nummon la publinhed hy order
m I tie llouorabln J. V. Cainphell, Cir
cuit Judge of tlin County of Clacka
num. Slum of OreRon.
I'ated, March 13lh, 1914
11. W. 8TR0N0,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
I'lrnt publication, March 20, 1914.
IjihI publication, May 1, 1914.
In Ihn Ciiiiitv Court In the State of
Orecon. County of Clackama.
In the Matter of the Estate of AR
Handera, Deceaaed.
Notice la hereby given that the un
doralaiied Executrix of the !n.8t Will
and Kntuln of Ana Handera, Deceased,
haa filed her flnal report In the above
named Court and Hon. II. S. Anderson,
Judge of aald Court has aet Monday,
April 20th. 1914, for the hearing of
said final report and for the settlement
of wild Eatate. All person Interested
In said estate are hereby warned to
Vkkn dun notice of time and place of
aid hearing.
Executrix of aforesaid.
C. H. DYE, Attorney.
Dweil. 20th of March, A. D., 1914.
Notlc of Final Settlement.
Nouc, in herby given that the under
"iRiiHt, Mtiuiniatrntlx of the eBtotn ol
narie, W, Not,tt doeeaaed, ha filed
" County Court of thn State of
fnm for the County of Clackamaa.
,,, "nHl account a mich adminlstra
ami that Monday, the 4th day of
y,.A- ' . 1914. at the hour of 10
A. M. of anld day ha been
"wi hy tln (.ourt for tna nPar1ng of
II. Z .'nB, to ,',,d rePrt " the iet-
lint.. J ...
-'i mia 3rd day of April, A,
Nob u a!,rlI, of lhe MUt9 " C. W.
f'lmiu U" dH,',,mied.
A-m1nfs,rttAriMxM0ND' Att0rne"
N-mi "eulor Notlc. " '
ors ? .h. hn lixlnted execu
Howl",, M",,e of V'HItam Jackon
J ZTlVsn person hV,n
"otitled to nL ald e,Ute re heret,y
Prope"' the me with
tag to law .V T crtlfte "word
10 'w. t the office of Brownell
rl.il'l' I
.,..,..iin and for mini
.,.. . Hut Court mar
1 . .,' wiiiliiililo. Tlil summons I
" , , 2 j I r "'" of Ihn lion-
"!'"'"" i,l Co.irl. The (litio of tlu
nh""' ' ' I . , 7 1UH. Thd dale
A Hlolin, it OrKon City, Claekamai
Counly. Or.'Ki.n, will. In alx in. ml In of
Inn (In l of thn p.ilill. Hilon of thla nuc
lei., Hilled, April ilM, IIII4.
and J. P. W'tlOlil.K.
ICmiculort of tlin nalatn of Wllllmii
.laekaon Howli.lt, doeeaaed.
HKOWNKI.I, A HTONK, attorney, fur
Final Nuiiua,
Notleu la herol.y irlvi n tlmt I tin mi
iteralKiied, aduiliilnlnilor of thn ealntii
of Hiiiiiniillia Julie Havla, duceiiaed,
haa llled lila final iieeount In aald
I'Mlatn In the County Court of tliti
Hlul.i of Ori'Kon for C'liiekainiia Coun
ty, unit I lint llin JiuIkd of anld court
luia apiioluted Momliiy, tlin 4th day of
May, IUM, lit III o'clock A. M for
hnrliiK olili.etlona lo aald account and
for aolllliiK mi Id catnln.
Adinlnlalrnlor of thn ealati. of Hainan-
tha Jim Davla, deceiiHed.
llltOWNKI.I. HTONK, Allorneya fur
Final Nolle.
Nollcn la lierehy kIvi-u that tlin un
deralKlied, ninculrli of thn vntatn of
J. W. I'lllllllilecr. deeeiineil, luia filed
her flnal aiToiuil In aald ealntn In the
Counly Court of the Hlntn of Oregon,
for Claekaiuaa County, and that thn
JiiiIkb of aald court luia appolnled
Moii.tiiy. thn till day of May, 1914, at
10 oelm k A. M. for hearliiK nlijeclloii
to aald account and for lettllnK autd
Kx'iilrl of thn entnle of J. W. t'nl
tnateer, (Im eaaed.
tiKO. C. IIIIOVVNKI.I.. Attorney for
Nolle to Contractor.
Healed lilda will lie received hy the
County Court of Clm kama Counly,
Or.'Koii, up to and IneludliiK the 17th
day or April, 1914. at the hour of 10 no
n'cliM'k A. M . and then opened, fot
thn linproveiiHit of county road
lendhiK from Mllwaukin to Oreuoii
Cllv and coininoiily known a thn "Itlv.
er (load from atatlon NniGS to HlaMon
Sal. I Iniproveineiit ahnll li rincuted
III aecordauca lth the plana mid apec
ineatloti on fll.' In tlin offlcn of the
Counly Clerk of Clm katnii County,
All hid to lie directed lo thn Coun
ty Clerk of aald Claekaiuaa County, at
Oreiton City, Orca-ou, and marked
"Hid for lliiprovetiient of River Itoad,"
and ahall lie accompanied liy a certi
fied check for five ier cent of amount
hid. which chock ahull lie forfeited to
aid Claekaiuaa County, ahould the
aucceHaful Mdder fall, neuleel or re-
fimn for a perliHl of five duy to enter
Into a contract and Din aatlafnetory
ImiihI to Kuarnnten thn complellon of
thn work, and thn fulfilment of tho law
renpectlnK houra of lalior and ninter
Inl fiirnlahed materliil men, etc , and
will lie required to hold Clacknmaa
C it y harmleii renpis'tlnK (InniaKet
accrued during Ihu proKreaa of aald
Improvement. Thn rlKht to reji-et any
and all hid I reaerved.
W. U Ml l.VKV. County Clerk.
Nolle of Final Settlement.
N'otlen I hercliy Klven ll.nl the un
derilmieil, admlulalrulor of the ea
lntn of Lenin J. Krl, .l.cenneil, hnn
filed In the counly court of the atate
of OreKoti. for the county of Clark
anina, hla final accounf a nueh ad
in I ii Inl mtur, and that Mondiiy the
Mill day of Mitv, A. I). 1914. at ten
o'clork a. in. of anld day haa been
fixed hy (he court for thn hearlnn
of objection to aald report uud the
aeltleuieul thereof.
Dated thla loth day of April, A. I).
C.ll.llKItT IIAI'OM'M,
A l ni t ii I h ( rut or of Hie entute of l.ewla
J. Krl, )eceaed .
Attorney for Administrator.
In thn Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Carrie M. Suramin, Plaint IIT,
Krmik N Hornson. Defendant.
To Kra nk N. Hornaon, tho above-named
defendant :
In the name of the Slate of Oregon
you am hereby required to appeur and
answer Ihn complaint filed against you
In the above entitle.! suit within six
week lifter the date of Ihn first pub
lication of Ihi summons, and If yon
full to appear and answer anld com
plaint for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to lhe Court for the relief
prsyed for In her anld complaint, to
wit: For a decree of this Court dis
solving thn mnrrliign contract hereto
fore and now exlntlng between the
plaintiff and defendant uHin the
ground of desertion, and for such oth
er niul furl her relief as to the Court
mnv eem meet and equitable.
This summons is published by order
of thn Hon. .1. 1'. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled Court, nindu and en
tered April 8th. 1914.
Datn of first publication April 10th,
Dale or last publication May 22d,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Sheriff. Sal.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
urogon. for C acknnum I'mini.
Grace C. Talt, Plulntlff,
August vos and Augusta II. Vosa, his
who; i nomas j. Leonard: Sherman
Cela, unmniTlod; C. K. Tatro and
Lena A. Tatro, hla wife, Annie M.
Mnrkua, Margaret Huley. Curt U von
Sanden and Wllhelmlna von Sanden,
his wire; Elwood Hanson and Hat
tie Ilnnsnn, hla wife; M. T. Hylde
lund and Mr. M. T. Ilyldelund, his
wife; George E. Qulggle and Fannie
E. Qulggle. hla wifn; A. L. McKenzle
nnd Mr. A. U McKenzle, his wife;
H. A. Calof, W. I). Haynea nnd R.
Adama, Defendants.
Hy vlrtuo of an execution, decree
and order of sale Issued out of the
above Court In the above entitled
cause to nm directed nnd dnted the 7th
day of April, 1914, upon a decree ren
dered and entered In aald Court on the
3rd day of April, 1914, In favor of
Grace C. Talt, plaintiff, and agalnat
August Vos and Augusta 11. Vosa, de
fendants, for the iiim of IG3S.75, to
gether with Interest from the 27th day
of May, 1913, at the late of alx per
cent per annum, and the further sum
of $75.00 attorney's fees, and the fur
ther sum of $22.05, costs and disburse
ments herein, and the costs of and
upon this writ and against the defend
ants Thomas J. Ieonrd, Sherman
Geia, unmarried: C. E. Tatro and Lena
A. Tatro, his wife, Annie M. Markns.
Margaret Haley, Curt U von Sanden
and Wllhelmlna von Sanden, hla wife;
Elwood Hanson and llattle Hanson,
his wife, M. T. Ilyldelund and Mrs. M.
T. Ilyldelund, his wife; George E.
Qulggle and Fannie E. Qulggle, his
wife; A. U McKenzle and Mrs. A. L.
McKenzIo, his wife; II. A. Calef, W.
I). Ilaynes and R. Adams, barring and
foreclosing them of all their right, ti
tle and Interest In and to the premise
herein described, commanding me to
make sale of the following described
real property situated In Clackamaa
Counly, Htntn of Orexon, In the fol
low Init manner, to wit:
That thn Knat ten acre of thn tCaat
half of thn Northweat (inirti.r of thn
Norlhwnat n'l'Tter of Hectlon 2fl, In
lownnlilp 3 Houlh, IIiii.ko B Kant, of
(lie U'lllainello Meridian tin offered for
anln and old flrnl; Hint then thn Went
ten acre of Ihn NorthwcHt quarter of
thn Northweat quarter of Heel Ion 21
III Townnhlp 3 Houlh ItniiK" S Knat
of the Willamette Merldlim be offerwl
for an In and anld; I lint then Ihn V.hhI
half of thn Went lift If of Ihn North
west quarter of Ihn Northweat quarter
and dm Weal half of Ihn Kant half of
Ihn Northwent quarter of Ihn North
went quarter mid Ihn Houth half of thn
North weal quarter, all In Hectlon 20,
III Townnhlp 3 Houth, Itiinrn fj Knal
of Ihn YVIIIiiinclta Meridian lin offered
for mile and aold.
Now therefore, by vlrtun of anld el
ocution, decree and order of anln, mid
In compliance with thn command of
aald writ, I will on Ihn 9lh day of May.
IIHI, at ten o'clock A. M. at thn front
door of thn Coutity Courthouan In Ore
Hon City, Cluckaina County, Orexon,
ael al public auction, auhjoct to re
demption, to thn hlKheat bidder for
canh In hand, all thn rlitht, till" and
Inlereat which Ihn within named rio
fi'iidniit and all of them bad on thn
2 7 III day of October, 1911, thn date of
Ihn inorlKUKe herein foreeloneil, or
allien that date had In and to tho above
denerlbed property, or any part there
of lo antlafy aald decree,
Bherlff of Clackamaa County.
Ily II. J. HTAATH, Deputy.
In thn Circuit Court of tlin Rtnte of
OreKon, for Clio Unman County.
Madallnn (iennler, I'lnlnllfT,
John P. fientrlor, Ilefendiint.
To John V. (JetiKler, alxive named d
In thn namn of Ihn Rtnte of Oregon
you are hereby required tn appear mid
annwerthe complaint filed analnnt you,
In thn bIkivo named ult, on or beforo
thn 2!.tl. day of May, 1914, aald date
beltiK the enplratlon of alx week from
thn flmt publication of thla rimmona,
and If you fall to appear or anawjr
aid complaint, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to thn court for
thn relief prayed for In her complaint,
to wit:
For a decree. dianolvliiK Ihn tionda of
matrimony now exlmlnx between the
plaintiff and defendant. Thlx iiimmon
I publinhed by order of Hon. H. H.
Andernon. Judiio of thn County Court
which order waa n.adn on thn lilth
day of April, 1914, and the time pre
acrlbed for publication thereof I alt
week, beiilnnlna; with the laaun dated,
Krlilay, April 17th, 191 1, and rontlnu
Init eiuh week thereafter lo and In
eludlnif Mdav, Mnv 29lh. 1914.
Attorney for Plaintiff .
Wants, For Sale etc.
OOOI) KUKSH COW for anle by H
Kell. New Kra, Orexoii.
"OU HAI.I-JKreMli Jeraey Durham
lie Her. fen lie. (ieo. Hamilton, j
mile out Molatla road and H mile
went from (inrdner comer.
A numlicr of the world tourlsta were
inked what made the greatest Impres
sion on them uud which of the place
they visited i.ix'aliil tu tl.ein moat.
Here are the answers:
C A. Comlnkey London game. Pari.
Mrs. C. A. Coinlnkey-AudicnL' with th
pope. Purls.
Janira J. Callahan-Audlence with th
pop. Nlre.
Mr. Jnmn Callahan Audlcnca with th
pupo. I-omlnn.
Mrs. Pmilel Hiirdln-Au.llenc with th
pop. Purla.
John J. MrOraw Auillenc with th
poiie. Paris.
Mm. J. J. McGraw-Audlonc with th
pope. London.
Ixiu Comlskoy Dirt In China. London.
Mr. U I'onilnkey Auilirnc with th
pnp. lion.ltm.
Tip O'Neill-Til painting 'Tai-adlM."
Mnllow, lrvlun.1.
Juinri Mi'Alcur Spot where Marc Anto
ny dellveri-d hln oration. l.on.lon.
1-nrry Doyle lllckihat. Melbourne.
Walter Inversus Heceptlon In Aus
tralia. Melbourne.
An.ty Rllalit-Kt. Prtrr'i In Home. Paris.
John Knber Hrnnlcknen. Nice.
Dr. Frnnk r'lnley-Chlldren of Japan.
(leora WllUe Btromboll. Parla.
James Thorpe iolns home
Jame Mullen Pnlntlnge of Pompeii.
Wlcklow, trelitn.l.
Huniiy llern-SI. Peler'a. Sydney.
Lee Miuiea Audit-lire with the pop.
Dick Ean - Collneum at Rom. Th
Mike Doolnn-Statusry In th Vallcan.
Fred Merkle Klna Oeora. Tarli.
Ilert Kenney Klna Qeorae. England.
A. P. Anderson London game. Mel
bourne. Jack ltlla KIiik George. Melbourne.
Herman SVliaefer Audlenc with th
pope. London.
Mike Donlln-Audlence with th pope.
Tom Daly - Audlenc with th pop
Htev Evnn
-Audlenc with th pop.
lluck Weaver Btromboll. Tarla.
Illll Kleni PnmpelL London.
Jim Scott Architecture of ancient Rom.
Jo Hem Th pyramlda. Pari.
Harry Rpnrrow lllu Jacket on th gun-
Doat Helena cheering. Parla.
Han Lobert London gnm. London.
Sam Crawford-The aphlnx. Pari.
Mr. Crawlor.1 Pompeii. Nice.
Mr. N. R. McLean-Sunset In th In
dian ocean. London.
Mr. Hugh Keough-Beautlea of Colom
bo. Sydney.
Bill Ryan-Trip through th pyramid.
Jo Farrell Japanese rooting. Colombo.
Mr. Farrell Audience with th pop.
Ted Sullivan Departure for home. Parla
Trie Speaker Audlenc with th pop.
Wear-Ever Hotlery and Paradl
We offer tor a limited time only, alx
pairs or our finest 3Ec value Guaran
teed Host and a pair of our well
known Men's Paradise Garters for on
dollar, postpaid.
You known these hose; they stood
the teat when all others failed. They
give real foot comfort. They have no
seams to rip. They never become loose
and baggy as the shape Is knit In, not
pressed in. They are Guaranteed for
fineness, for style, for superiority of
material and workmanship, absolutely
stainless and to wear six months with
out holes, or a new pair f rt.
Don't delay send In your order be
fore offer expires.
Dayton, Ohio.
Exponent of Nw Agriculture Bllv
Another Eden Posaibl.
. Kcatoru tin) Harden of Eden. Adam
ami lOve lived eiially In the Kiirdiin
been un.. It will full of hurveit yielding
tree, niul thn curne lluit fell uxu man
waa thn fact that uu bail to Krow innll
atitflf llku Krnlii nnd vcKelubloa, the
herb of lliu Held, by which moaiia be
atn bread In the iweiit of hi brow.
Tho man who think till Donnlble la
Dr. J. ituaaell Hiulth. profoanorof lndui
iry In the Wharton choo of finance
uiul commerce. Uiilvernlty of Peuuiyl
ranla, who told 500 of the leading
poiuoloKlHt of the country that the
coat of living mats In their hand. Lie
Have the American PomoloKlcal iocle
ty no mo of the reaulta of bo 18,000
uillo Journey he haa recently complet
ed for the uulvenilty, atudylng the poa
alblllty of new agriculture.
"Tree are the great engine of food
production," be aald. "and we ahould
at once beglu their extennlve utlllza
Jon. KuroHj and Africa are bowing
I the way. Portugal ha orchard of
acorn bearing oak tree that are far
more valuable than farm within forty
mile of Philadelphia. The great trou
ble Willi the A merli n n pomologbit Is
that they are too arUtocrntlc. They
have been too proud to think about
feeding pig. yet the pig feed problem
la one of the big problem of America,
for the pig eat more than we do.
"There I evidence In both Europe
nd America to Indicate that properly
selected and propagated ouk trees can
be made us productive of pig food us
la corn and do It much more easily
and for u grciit deal louger tliue. The
suckers tlmt arise from the stumps of
two varieties of Pennsylvania oaks
have produced good crops at the ages
of three and seven years respectively.
I have seen .ncoru orchards bearing
well In Spain ou nx-ky slopes so steep
that the farmers only permitted the
Utile pigs to go In. because the big
ones might fall and break their necks.
"The tree offers the beat menus of
utilizing rough and brokeu binds, also
arid In mis and In some cases the best
of lands. Since we have learned bow
to bnttl plants we are now ready to
develop as food for man or boast
dozens of iew crop which can easily
double our productive urea. At pres
ent harvest yielding trees cover but
one-tlftletb of our productive area.
Some of these possible crops are the
walnuts, pecans, shagbarks. almonds,
olives and .lull's for human food and
the chestnut und persimmon for plge
nud to n lessor extent for man. the
honey locust bean, the mesqulte bean
(of the west) nnd the mulberry and
the many vnrlities of oak for forage."
Appropriation For Hog Cholra.
The I'uitcd States senate has passed
a bill providing un emergency fund of
$.Vk).ikM) with which to fight hog chol
era, which threatens the country with
a Mirk famine. Senators from the mid
dle western states said that If some
thing is not done tu stop the ravages
of cholera the loss this year will ag
gregate $'JO0,(O.000.
It wns pointed out that at least 00
per cent of the hog deaths In the Unit
ed States come from cholera. It Is
tho puriiose of the department of ag
riculture, which nsked for the passage
of the bill, to tight the disease when
first It breaks out In any place.
"From a practical standpoint," say
experts of the department "the Im
portant thing Is to recognize hog chol
era as soon hs possible. Good serum
may lx depended upon to protect well
hogs and even to cure a large per
centage of those In the earliest stages
of the disease, but It will not be of
much avail when used upon hogs that
are already visibly sick."
Car of Marcs.
In mild weather nmres must be kept
In the open sheds outside, both day
nnd night Each mare should have a
special place where It Is tied to re
ceive its grain feed. If fed from sn or
dinary trough the more vicious marc
may kick the others, and gobble most
of the feed. Roughage may safely ti
fed from racks Id the yard.
for the Nxt On.
Nagger I've put one poor chap on
bis feet anyway. Mrs. Nagger Whom
have you been fooling your money
away on now? Nagger Your next
husband, madam! I've bad roy life In
sured. Loudon Telegraph,
That Held Him.
A man started to tell his wife the
other day about a woman who mad
ber own go wo.
But the wife silenced blm by telling
about a man who made J10.000 on the
stock exchange.-Exchange.
Light, Ventilation and Sanitation Are
Important Consideration.
Assistant poiillrymsn Montana agricul
tural experiment alallon.
I'oultry houses l.ro generally divided
Into two classes, the small colony
house and the lurgo stationary house.
Colony house sre usually built on
runner and can be enslly moved from
plure to pluca. They are used where
the birds are allowed free range. This
keeps them on clean range and sup
plle an abundance of fresh greep
The large stationary bouses are used
where a considerable number of birds
are to be kept on a small area or
As sunshine Is very necessary to the
health of the poultry, the bouse should
bo arranged so us to admit the greatest
jeosslhle amount
Ventilation la another very Important
factor to be considered. It makes little
difference bow the poultry Usuae la
ventilated so long as It Is thoroughly
done and a draft does not blow on the
The straw loft furnishes a very con
venient and successful method of ventl-
latlon. Its greatest drawback Is that
the straw collects a large amount of
dust and dirt. If strsw is nsed It
should be cleaned every year or two
and the house thoroughly disinfected
before the clean straw Is put la. In
ventilating a house with straw, boards
or poles are laid loosely across at the
desired height and about two or three
feet of straw Is laid on these poles.
There should be a window at each end
of the loft and tbeae should be left
open at all times.
The dirt floor is the cheapest and.
some authorities claim, the best It Is,
however, easily contaminated by dis
eases, la hard to keep clean and freuh,
and unless thoroughly drained It la
dump In addition to the other dlaad-
vantages. If the dirt floor Is used, from
four to six inches of the surface should
be removed every year and replaced by
fresh earth. In addition. It should be
spuded up at least once each year and
sprinkled with lime.
The concrete floor is the most exen
slve. but when once built It Is ierma
uent. It is easily cleaned and disin
fected, but Is very bard on tl.e feet of
the birds. This disadvantage may be
easily overcome by covering the floor
with a thick coating of dirt, which
should lie cleaned out and removed at
least once n year. If a con. rete floor
la lo If built the foundation must be
very firm. In milking it the dirt should
be removed to the depth of about one
foot, the excavation filled from six to
eight Inches with large stones, then
covered with coarse gravel nud about
four Inches of cement laid on this
foundation. This gives a good drain
age and kee is the cement floor dry.
Wood floor are more commonly used
since they ure cheap and easily laid.
With such II. Kirs the building should be
set on a foundation of rough stone or
cement or on posts one to three feet
above the ground.
Hslping Indian Farmtr.
Agriculture among the Indians is be
ing made a feature of the work of
some of the county agents in the west
ern states. In Thurston county. Neb.,
the local agent bus brought about co
operation between his association and
the local Indian department The In
dian farmers come to blm with tbeii
problems and are accorded the same
treatment as the white men.
It has beeu a matter of doubt until
recently as to Just what agencies were
responsible for cross pollination In ap
ple orchards. It was thought that the
wind was a factor as well as the
honeybees and other Insects. It bas
been proved, however, that the wind
bas very little to do in aiding cross
pollination and that honeybees, wild
bees and other insects are very neces
sary for the transference of pollen.
To determine the importance of the
honeybee and other insects as factors
In cross polllnntlon an experiment was
carried on by the Kansas experiment
station under the direction of James
W. McCutloch. assistant entomologist
Wind was not considered in the test
because It was found that wherever
apples were grown far from an apiary
only a small amount of fruit was
It was found that tame bees were
the predominating Insect visiting the
flowers. They visited tbe trees from
early morning until sundown. Cloudy
or windy weather seemed to reduce
their number, and they did not beglu
flying until after the dew bad left th
i - -
Always en Hand.
Stranger Tbe stock In this Jewelry
store seems lo be pretty low down. Do
you suppose I could get any sort of ring
bere? Wag Certainly. Rings are
things always kept on band. Balti
more American.
Th Good Bid.
There is no object In nature and tbe
world without ita good, useful or amia
ble aide. V.'bo discovers that aide first
In inanimate things Is sagacious, and
wbo discovers U la tb animate k liberal.
Harvey E. Cross
W have now movd to our prmnnt quarters In the Beaver
Building. Nxt to the Andrn Building.
Real Etat Abstracts Main Street,
Loans, Insursnee. Oregon City, Or.
D. C. t-ATOURETTE, President T. J. MKYEX. Cashier
Tte First National Bank
of Oregon City; Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00.
Tranact a Oeneral Banking usinesa. Open from I A M. U I '. It
Easily the class of the league. Great
est Infield In the game, very strong in
pitching and receiving departments.
Fast outfield, fair defectively, but
strong with the stick. Lots of natural
ability and a greut leader In Connie
With Walter Johnson and Joe Boeb
llng going right. Senators should an
chor In second position. Best back
stops in the league, with fast bard
bitting outfield. Infield combination
a crackerjack. i'lenty of bustle all the
Not aa formidable as It should be.
Great outfield In every respect In
field showy, but of tn and out order.
1'ltrhing staff likewise affected. Mucb
depend upon Carrigan's ability to
keep the team on its toes. Lacking In
ability to work "Inside game" aa it
Callahan keeis bis team playing
above Its real form. Great deal de
pends upon Ed Walsb's ability to come
back as a pitcher. Other box men, with
exception of 'Itussell. not consistent
enough. Considerable speed In the
outfield and Infield, but finer points of
the game are neglected.
, Clsvslsnd.
Weakened by Federal league. Pitch
ing staff, their best bet hardest hit
Good leader in Birmingham, wbo must
Photos by American Press Association.
L Walter Johnson. Senators; t Eddie Col
lins. Athletics: S. Tris Speaker, Red Sox;
4. Ty Cobb. Tiser.!
develop new burling and outfield
strength. Entire season should be de
voted to process of upbuilding.
Found A Cure for Rheumatism.
"I suffered with rheumatism for two
years and could not get my right hand
to my mouth for that length of time,"
writes Lee L. Chapman, Mapleton,
Iowa. "I suffered terrible pain so I
could not sleep or lie still at night.
Five years ago I began using Chamber
lain's Liniment and In two months I
waa well and have not suffered with
rheumatism since." For sale by all
dealers. (Adv.)
Shoes may come and shoes may go,
but men kick on forever.
However, poverty may kep a man
from making a fool of himself.
Tire Tube Reliner
28x3 $ 7.20 $1.65 $1.35
30x3 7.80 1.95 1.40
30x3 H 10.80 2.80 1.90
32x34 11.90 2.95 - 100
34x34 12.40 3.00 2.05
32x4 13.70 3.35 2.40
33x4 14.80 3.50 2.45
34x4 16.80 3.60 2.60
3Gx4 17.85 3.90 2.80
35x4 4 19.75 4.85 3.45
36x44 1985 4.90 3.60
37x44 21.50 5.10 3.70
37x5 24.90 5.90 4.20
All other aisea In stock. Non-Skid
tlrea 15 per cent additional, red tubes
ten per cent above gray. All new,
clean, fresh, guaranteed tires. Best
standard and independent makes. Buy
direct from us and save money. 5 per
cent discount If payment in full ac
companies eacb order. C. O. D. on 10
per cent deposit
Dept A Dayton, Ohio
William Hammensl
Phones Pacific (2
Home A-181
AH legal buitneis promptly attended to
Deutscher Advokat
Will practice In all eourU, make
collections and settlements.
Office in Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice tn First National Bank
Bld, Orogon City, Oregon.
I W. S. EDDY, V. Sn M. 9. V.
' Graduate of tb Ontario Vetert-
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and tbe McKlllip School of Sur
t gerr of Chicago, is established
ai rasuion Diaoie, rum ou, Be
tween Main and Water 8ta.
Both Telephone
Offlice Pacific, Main 65; Home,
A 95.
Residence Pacific, Main 184
Attorn ey-at-Law
Notary Publlo
Estacada. Oregon.
Clackamas County
B10 Chamber of Commerce.
Portland, Oregon.
Full equipment of maps, plate,
abstract books and tax rolls.
Agents tor Clackamas County
Lands, Money Loaned, Titles
E. F. A F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys & Counsellor at Law
-eee e s i
! ee e e e-
We make a specialty of Install- J
lug water systems and plumb-
lng In tbe country. We carry '
the Leader tanks and Stover en-
glnea. We have a full line of t
Myers pumps and stray pumps. J
Prices always lowest
720 Main St Oregon City
Phone 1682. I
0. D. E B Y
I Attorney-at-Law
Money loaned, abstracts furnlah-
ed. land titles examined, astatea
e settled, general law business.
I r, l f m .
uior nu ui urvBoa 1.117.
Tbe moat economical, cleansing and
germicidal of all antiseptics la
A soluble Antiseptic Powder to
be dissolved in water at needed.
As a medicinal antiseptic for douches
in treating catarrh, inflammation or
ulceration of noae, throat, and that
caused by feminine ills It bas no equal
For ten years the Lydla E. Plnkham
Medicine Co. haa recommended Paxtlne
In their private correspondence with
women, which proves Its superiority.
Women who shave been cured say
It is "worth ita weight In gold." At
druggists. 60c large box, or by mall.
The Paxtoa Toilet Co, Boston, Mass.
Johnson Gets New Trial.
CHICAGO, April 14. The United
States Court of Appeals today granted
to Jack Johnson, the - negro heavy.
weight champion pugilist, a new trial
on. one count of tbe indictment charg
ing violations of tha Mann- act, of
which he was convicted.
Check Your April Cough. .
Thawing frost and April rains chill
you to the very marrow, you catch
cold Head and lungs stuffed You are
feverish Cough continually and feel
miserable You need Dr. King s New
Utscovery. It soothes Inflamed and lr
rltated throat and lung, stops cough,
your bead clears up, fever leaves, and
yon feel fine. Mr. J. T. Davis, of
Stlckney Corner, Me "Was cured of a
dreadful congh after dottor'B treat
ment and all other remedies failed.
Relief or money back. Pleasant
Children like it- Get a bottle today.
50c and $1.00. at your druggist
Buckien'a Arnica Salve for All Sores.