OKEGON fHTY FiNTKRPlUSK. KKIDAV. MAKCIT 27. i r Enterprise News FALL FROM BUGGY F, . .. .. ... i. Molnlla. nrw.. ittiir. .u. ii -"" ?,::r.r:,in1l,t,d from Tanby . MotaU today Prairie early vf er.iay mornnm Tnnailnv wllllll Mrs. VoRt US rill- Inx In a buRpy nor Pchafor'a mill, tho apriiiK aoat of tho waKon broke and throw hor and nor " M pronnd. lV.th women reoeivui at nous , Injuries. She was marly .J Jar old. ... . w . l.na manV fHdfll . na V38 .MT. lin. .. loved and respected by all who know her. She was burled this afternoon In Adams' cemetery. Rev. S. K. Witty officiating. MOLALLA AFTER NEW BRICK SCHOOL PLANS ARE MADE FOR STRUC TURE TO HOLD MORE Molalla, Ore.. March 20. (Special) The Parent-Teacbers' association in thA school buildins yesterday afternoon. The house was crowded! with interested parents. Superintend ent J. E. Calavan was present and made an interestng address. He rec ommended the co-operation of Molalla and the surrounding districts In build ing a new high school building at this place. The sentiment of the public was In favor of building a new school house but some thought a wooden building would be the best, while other pre ferred a brick one. A committee was appointed to look Into the matter of the consolidation the districts-and was Instructed to call a meeting within ten days. Many from Molalla expressed them selves as willing to build the new school but believed that the outside districts should help keep It up after It was built. If such a plan Is adopted the pres ent building will probably be moved to the edse of the school grounas ana imx1 for a evmnasium and for the man u el training and domestic science departments. The new building would be constructed where the present school house now stands. If the new structure Is built, a four year high school course would be giv en, more teachers will be employed, and a laboratory fully equipped, ac cord'ng to those who favor the plan. FARMER HAS PUBLIC SALE Molalla. Ore., March 25. (Special) Hans Larson, a farmer living aliout two miles northwest of Molalla. had a public sale yesterday. A large crowd was present and everything sold for a good price. Mr. Larson has rented his farm of 40 acres to Grant ltabcock, who will take possession the last of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lar son will go to The Dalles Friday to make their future home with tbeir daughter, Mrs. August Bramer. The Ladies Aid society served lunch on the grounds. This money is to go towards buying furnishings for the new Methodist parsonage. PROGRAM DRAWS CROWD Molalla. Ore., Mar. 23. (Special ) The entertainment given by the band in Tobin's hall Saturday night was considered a success. The hall wa3 crowded. A program of fourteen numbers was rendered and proved to be very In teresting. Among the interesting fea tures of the program was a duet by Miss Loraine Lee and Master King, of Canby. These children are the age of eleven and twelve years respectfully. Another Interesting feature was a fif teen minute sketch, "No News, No Cure for Nervous Prostration." MOLALLA WINS Molalla. Ore., Mar. 2.1 (Special) The Molalla High school baseball team journied to Marquam yesterday and walloped the Marquam nine to the tune of thirteen to nothing. The cal boys are confident of making a good showing this year. MOLALLA LOCALS Molalla, Ore., Mar. 25. (Special) Ben F. Steinlnger has contracted h:s potatoes to W. S. Hurst & Co. of Hub bard. Mr. Steinineer raises the Bur bank potato and has about two car loads to Bell. J. R. Moore, of Main street, and W. A. Wood, of Molalla avenue, exchanged residences yesterday. They made a trade last fall and Mr. WoodB now oc cupies the Moore residence while Mr. Moore lives in the Wood bungalow. Mrs. I. C. Steinlnger and her infant son, Ira Jr., who have been ill with the grippe are improving. Miss Olive Morey, of Liberal, was in town shopping yesterday. Miss Mae Dickerson, teacher of the Union Mills school, will teach her last day there next Friday. There will be a program given in the evening by the school children assistrd by Miss Dick erson, Miss Ames Clifford, a high school girl of this piace will be pres ent and preside at the organ. Miss Mabel Vaughan, of Portland, 1b visiting at the home of MrB. A. S. Clifford. L. W. Robbins was in Salem on bui ress the fore part of the week. Mm ATTEND FUNERAL IN CANBY ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY CROWD CHURCH DURING SERVICES Canny, Ore., March 19. (Special) Fully 150 friends assembled this after noon at the Methodist church to the funeral services of Mrs. C. O. Sannes. which were conducted by Rev. E. H. DownB. Short Scandinavian services were held at the house by Mrs. Rev. A. Naka..3. Mrs. Sannes was born In Norway, December 31st, 1S57. Twenty-three years later she came to America and settled In South Dakota, where she married 0. O. Sannes. In 1901 they moved to Oregon and settled in Canby where they have lived for the past thirteen years. After the services the remains were laid to rest In the Zion cemetery. Mrs. Sannes is survived by her hus band and six children, Mrs Olga Sand ers, Miss Mabel Banner, Oscar 8annes, Conrad Sannes, Henry and Rudolph Sannes. The pallbearers were: E. F. Hove, J. Samuelson, H. Oleaon, C. Ha- Hove J. Samuelson, H. Oleson, C. en, 8. F. Fisher ani Jdwaron. CANBY MOLALIA USE IS COMPLETED TELEGRGAPH WIRES BETWEEN TWO CITIES CONNECTED l Panbv . Ore. Maf. t. Vaf. !. (Sporlull . - th- ,..i0l!rM,h wits tnitn- (or the first t'mo. 1 n. iro m' n,,Vls. tho two towns aro coinpl.'ti'il ami aii- Mrs. po.lson la vlaltlng at tho lion..- olhor top haa boon takon In bl.ullliK f ,r bnll.T, Mr. Klmor J on on. M.iii.ni riiMir iii the ontslilo worlil. I in lirahain vlalt.il hor lstor, Mra. Vho railroad haa boon In oporation for soim, tm,. bnt duo to tho faot that ,n (in ,ho ,, . do!imt h in R WIW ,H-essary. llow-, . i h th rtovlonmont of tho Mo- ' ' ' . ' .l.a latla country and tho growth of that city, other trains will bo put on the run an.l tho aid of tho loioKrapu win. ho ii,d,iil The Hue of polo follows the right-of-way for tho entiro distance. rurcDH star INSTALLS OFFICE toiw.xi ...... - u ' - Panby. Ore.. March 20. (Special! Seventv-five persons attended tho mooting of the Kastorn Star last even- Imr In the Masonic temple. Among .......... . ... - -, them were: Cllde Kvans. past granu Patron: Or. J. Francis Prake. worthy Srand patron: Holon Rleach,r wor- thv crand matron. There were also a few others from the grand lodge of Portland. Two candidates were in itiated. This gives the lodge a mem bership of 32. The following officers were In stalled: Mrs. Tillie Slyter. worthy matron: Charles Hates, worthy pa tron: Mrs. Caroline Wang, assistant matron: Miss Mable KenKnight, gec- rotary: r t-l.l Iraaaiimr- roiarr: .nr.. ' iV-in Sirs Bel Bodge, warden i olio. n . the Installment of officers and lnitia- tlon. several short speeches werej inline l' J n'mc m .- - a supper was served. ENTERTAIN AT CARDS Canby. Ore.. March 19. (Special) j Many were pleasantly entertained this ( afternoon at the home home of Mrs. E. A. Priest. The afternoon was, snent with cards. In which Mrs. Grant, White won first price and Miss Mil- j dred Wang the "booby" prize. Those who were present are: , Misses Fay Johnson. Lillian and Mil-j dred Wsng. Grace Patch. Emly Spoo-i lock. Lorraine Lee. Leverne Eckerson, I Paphine Bissell and Mesdames V. H. Hair. M. J. I-e. L. Eckerson. K. E. , Bradtl. G. White. M. P. Sailor. C. N. Walt. B. R. Lee. H. P. Bernnett, Adam Knight. Andv Knight. C. Evans. G. Gra-; ham. H. J. Hewitt, E. King and L. ; Bates. j CANBY TO PLAY MOLALLA j Canby. Ore.. March 23. (Special) The Canby baseball team will meet: Molalla next Sunday In the first game ! of Its season. The game will be ; played oh the Canby Fair grounds, i Brown. KenKnight and Whipple will be the three lead batters for Canby, the line-up will be as follows: C, Brown: P., Coleman, IB., Gurley: 2B., Hewitt: SS. Whipple; 3B., Mitts;! while Deetz, Hampton and KenKnight i will watch the outfield. This lineup will probably not last long for there are many other promising players who will be out looking for a place. They will all be given a chance and the line-up will probably be decided after the next game. j VISITS LODGE Canby, Ore., March 20. (Special) J. Hudson, of Portland, the supreme master of the Artisan, was here last evei.ing and paid the local lodge a vis it. A large banquet was given to cel ebrate the occasion. Mr. Hudson made a short talk concerning the lodges. GIVE SURPRISE PARTY Canby, Ore., Mar. 25. (Special) The lookout class of the Canby Christ Ian church gave a surprise party in honor of the fifteenth birthday of Miss Welleta Knight this evening. The evening was Bpent with games and music and a light lunch was served. STUDENTS TO DEBATE ROADS Canby. Ore.. March 25. (Special) The good road bonding plan will be the subject of a debate between the junior and senior classes of the Canby Hiah school a week from Friday. The seniors will debate the negative and the juniors the affirmative. CHILD HURT BY ATTACK OF ROOSTER GERTRUDE STITES, AGE 4, SE VERELY CUT ABOUT EYES Milwaukie, Ore., Mar. 25. (Special) Gertrude Stites, the 4 year old daughter of C. E. Stites who lives at Milwaukie Heights was severely In jured about the face and eyes Tuesday af't-rnoon. The little girl was playing in the yard and was attracted by a rooster which showed fight, and before she' could bo roRcuod the rof.ster had spurr- i,r t. v? liTr V kl nH ro. rt th. tv, "nii 'I will be permanently Injured. .01 . . J.. '.' " ' . V 7 - GRANGE MEETS AT DINNER DAY m'or 0000 1 Milwaukie. Ore.. Mar. 2L-fSi,elah -The regular "dinner day" of the Milwaukie Grange was observed Sat- urday afternoon and was is largoiy at- tended. Several delega'es from (he various granges through the fy,nnty wore present. During the afternoon session a number of candidates were Initiated. Several topics were under discus sion during the meeting and especially the good roads question in which the memliers are great boosters. ACQUITTED IN JUSTICE COURT Milwaukie, Ore., March 25. (Spe cial) l-ome Garbarino was acquitted of a charge of "illegal possession of fire arms" In Justice Kellogg'g court Wednesday afternoon. Garbarino was arrested by Warden Edwin March 15th. Chambsrlaln'i Tablet for Cont;pa tlon. For constipation, Chamberlain1 Tab lets ar excellent Ebbt to take. mlM Ha-'nd gentl In effect. Give them a trial for sale by aU dealer. m WILSONVILLE. H. W. lin.hi.in an.l .!. Th.union o i.. 1 1. iw.., imiv. Hn .Iiik Graham nml .loo Thornton ,.,...-.. ..., for SIlllHOIl Mrn. Colonial., who haa hi1''" very 111. Is somewhat Improved. Mrs. Flbi'son ami young aro via- nine nl Ihn homo of Mr. ItillHon I Mrs. aIIhoi. linker relumed on Tiles- .lav from a trip to th Rosnllty, wnoro alio Kpont tl.H w'ok omt Malttnir rt'la - M Yonns dnrlnir tho wook. M. Hovworll. will Mall hor ilansM - Hniioy for aomo tlmo. arrlv- lmT ,,x, ,.,. Mm A.ibrov Wtvil ami alstor, ton- Thompson, attended tho funeral of Mr sharp at Stafford on !; .... .1.. 1 Tho t'lioml Society of Hood View , in- m- ........ ra.o nun iii.,..-,". .. - mot at tho residence of Kd Haker on 1,r,,.,l.h11 ,, funeral a. rm.m from tho Friday evenliiR. , Jtoxt: "And llo ahull wipe nil team, yulto a number of Wllsonvllle real-, f ,,,. ; dents attended Mr. Shan- a funeral on Vmliirl1 , (inl(( Ul, nr Friday afternoon ii i iiH m r Yoni.R ontortaln .11 1 . Will. .ll". llr Mount was. -allod to atlond Andy I Haasolhrlnk on Thursday afternoon. Mn Tavlor. of Portland, gave a very , Interesting talk on Homo Missions, at tho M. K. church on Sunday evening, rtun.iav evciiiiiK, -. . .. ,..., ,, ,uw. , min i' n v t ie r,,,.i. m-h h..seilmo male .luartot of the churih. h " ; ''7 . f , . , ,,,, ,,,,, n.ombor. s.. l. nwmnt ' anil r a ,-ilf.,,i.1 ,.r..:.i...l a .lla- J ' "; " '7. ' Viilacn. 1 seems to have rooovoml. and no new cases have been hoard from. There will bo sp.vlal Foster ice, at the church on Faster Sunday. nn,t flte.1 mi for a harbor shop, by Asa Mack and with new chairs, etc.. every- j llr M.,,-k UHIIK IB III lit;" has also installed a pool table, soda '(J con(oclkmlTy , om ,mr, ' hn.,k. ' 1 R u Mn) ynk nn.bst. Cora I BIAMQ livid or ao ow-oi 1AOCC TllTlMb !' DOUBLE ANGLE STEEL REACH Givino, Utrt Dull j"d hminjtino all itrtj.n from SprejJr Bo A Roach .fd.io.niot.U on a y Mjnuro Sprejdc - ARE YOU LOOKING For a Low Down Easy Loading Light Pulling Manure Spreader One that will Last a long time and please you better every time you use it? Look no further. WE HAVE IT AND YOU NEED IT THE BLOOM MANURE SPREADER GETS THE MOST OUT OF THE MANURE o By breaking it up fine and spreading it evenly Easy, sure control and no horse killer The only Spreader with a reach Farmers who have bought them say they are the best farm machine investment a farmer can make. See the BLOOIVI at the nearest Mitchell Agency or write us for Illustrated Catalog Senly and Dwlght Seely have beftn and they, th.' niK.-lves, are Rood, honont, Carl Kirch. 'in whb a Stono vlrillor Hun-flcf-ted di'leuati-s from tho local bo- ; upright boys and we all like thorn, and ( day. cioiy, to att.-nd the l-Jpu-orth A&v.f. , lil;e to hoar tln-m talk, but not whon The Junior b.-iHolmll t"inn of Lower convr ntion at. Wood burn this weex. j we are tryini; to listen to a Bjieakor l,oi?ini playod tho Juniors of 1'ppor U Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Aden entortainod who is entili.-d ti our full attention. Kan Friday, doreatliiK thom by one A fou frif.nrln Infornittllv r.n litnl'i v I v,,n. ..t l.n - ... M r ,1.0 B.h.,.l vm.m in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Eilori wno vl!iit"'1 ,f"'m lllBt wr''-k- Mrs' Mari,,n VounB ontortainod aiKi.ii iwoniy lany irii nns at hor beau- uiui iiiimo, on Wednesday alternoon, with a few larger ones and no serious March IHlh, at "500." Dainty refresh- complaints heard, therefore we con ments were served during the after- elude the school Is doinc well. . noon in cafeteria fashion, Mrs. YoiinK i k; . vrAz , - .. " ' ; 7." wa' '"n.a. : awarded the nrt ri iwn ,iJm! 1 iii-..r ut.,,u m ton a (he second nrlze. which was also some ! r.ne aroiui prize, whicti wan also w)nie i I lit 1 fill Ull iri.ni'tipa and Vf ni T Uf I Thornton was the recipient of the oration for enlargment of the gall, Is 'llM'"r; "r ' T r- ,f U,,n '" consolation prize. Those prent up- now wilh her daughter In Fast Port- W7;.k- .' lr"""i .1 ''""n V"TK Ul on this happy occasion were: Mrs. ! land and all hope she will bo able to ' r"hl"nlH v','ry h"Ky lirown, Mrs. J. W. Thornton. Mrs. Nor-; come home soon. HubIo, her daughter r ,,' l"Tl" ,nf WP, k ris Young, Mrs. Joe Thornton, Mrs. II. ' is keeping houso for her father ami ' J Tl ,' ,"' ,a"'1 f,l,,",n" vl"- W. Graham, Miss S. M. Graham, Mrs. brothers. , frl' '.ds in Hogan last. week. H. I). Aden. Miss Uose Graham, Mrs. Mrs. lioekman ha returned to her . J"'"1 ''"h"n,, tn rnlsfortune to Rudford, Mrs. Wiodormann, Mrs. My- daughter1 after a week's visit with 1 '"" v,,ry lm,llv wnlle trlm" ers, Mrs. Chalupsky, Mrs. Hassolbrlnk, her son and family She Is still nulte ",iuK ,r"'" ,y dro.plng a branch on Mrs. J. peter, Mrs. Dill Miss Wolbort,! feeble. ' ft- Mrs. Norman Say and the hostess. Mrs. M. C. Young. At the ball game last Saturday, the nooa view team won from the local team and there will be another game on Saturday afternoon on the Wiison- vnie diamond. STAFFORD. After these week of beautiful weath er .-viarcn seem preparing to March oui ii He a lion, Owin Thl iu ... 'llVj K Service Covers Clackamas County , bloom lM.ut two ' r cr ,!. Son... hav,. pI.mii.mI early Br - Irn ami th.. aprlng' work ir m. , ..... " " rrn"' , u .,,,,1 has be.m koIii merrily i.l.mKi." ' lh(, m,.,rvUr ,,r r.m.m u. .n. illHirU-l. hu. a snuill force of m-n trv - Tlu community shocked hi"! to pinum Unit Frank Sharp l.a.l H'I . , , , Mitn , 0 Vlis k II ; u,ml, lu, ),,. ,,.K nunc dais ! , , 11...,,im.11. .,i n iraln.sl nnrao lia.l boon aont mil on Krl.lay. nm u ,rimi, hoalthy man ho ha.l t.. v.r boon aorloualy al.-k that ii.ivo.io i .mill nt'illl. Ho Ulltt ll IUHH r,fP,,,f j mil) UM ,v n nm iv, ,l In .ho , 1,li;ll,orUH, ll hla llfo. Ho Mvo , . , , Hi.-r. thn-o i ,n,nTa nii.l hla inollior. ho la ntlll ,.,,. fnim r. ul lllnoaa. A ung IiriM.,,,s follow oil him to hla i ,ast MUw plaoo. and houtx'd hla ' ' ' ... u.lt. .......H tf IjllSllllll. : ..I1...I It. 1,11.. fisilll "auuu,..r .....o ...mm. Mrs. Frud OUIonatadl wiia laKen J a hospital In Portland laal wook in iiiui.tro aomo a.nu m .. .i--.". tlaitom wore not allowed to see but nor ni i.-u,- hi, num.' ... . .. i.. ,. ...iii. ...in.' it ti l ,t iij kVU ,iv ir last weoK. s no naa I'oen in oinir uoi.n i"i o,','- mrbanrn at' tho rhai.ol last Sunday night by whlaperlng and oven talk lug aloud, although re-iuesled to doalat. sorv-iThey wore throaton.d with a trip to Oregon Pity which would have been tho preacher pleaded for then., saying that they wore thoughtless, but per- (Kind llltmnt no ll.ur.tHIIti'l. '!l inero- . , fore they were lot go for the time be ,,.. (,no of the boy. Is tho a.m of . ,iw and the other of a family well thought of by all who know them AtHtOM ttvta aVt 4V -I I 'f t ' g V "t 'J r. rrlMt"'' ' " f J.',7-'w,''"" i:, 'j , I Oiv.no, UtrKtni.lllJAd.liminjttn,, I i-j V I It, M,. .l. 4 r at it i.on have visilod the school rooms this! Those who have boon on tho sick yr- th'roforo cannot report how It 'list aro: Oriindpa froinor, N. II. Smith is proKrossini;, but the yard seems to nml Mrs. Frank Itlobboff. All are im- bo full of happy, active little tots, The Ladles' Circle met with Mrs. zm, "i - - . . . . ?m':?e ''k. I""1 ,'d. "? Print 't.. , ? Jr ,.:..u.!.... ... . ' J ... , ' . nam;8 and aueH upon its pat?f;s. namea un,i .x., nr,r iii u,.a VY L'..!.,.!. 1. . 1 a .Mrs. Ida Delkar Is on the sick list. BARLOW. Th. t. ,.,, r. . ' The Young People' Sewing Society met with Miss Chlnn at Mrs. Kari-i man1 Thursday evening. Mr. Josle pnnrmntor and children ! left Saturday for the logging eamo near Etna, Washington, where she wilt Join her husband, who I cooklnv In the camp. Mr. and Mr. M. . Llnaahl, of Wood- burn and Mr. Hurgoyne, of New Era, took dinner at R. E, Irwin1 Sunday. I 1 rlvV. t rnm, M ih, la li Hnlunlav. , rl rn , r ... " .... , ,,, ,,liy ilh Sau.li.u-M family iu. Sun.hiv ,,...,..,,,,,,1 .r ; ' Vi ,. H'1iro m,,,,,- ,v ..mili.it ( , ,-t . tl Saturday. SI... In now ( Zlmm,,rm- Is itpiMiillt.K weeks vii.'itlloll l honm. dm. t:l.rth ationn.n me tin,. In l)r,min 4'ltV. Mr and Mra Joaao alton.lo.l tho la .IIoh' aid at Mra Sl.eppi.rd a near Mm'kabui'K htat Tl.ura.lav. 1 ho la Ilea Inilt.d Hi" Jil.lKK out " !'' (Iiov oimld roRlalor. A number from hero nUomlod Mr. Ilrownolla lo.-ti.ro In t'anby Sunday O.olll.lR. , , r Mr. Ilorlloaon .-rt luoa.iay n-r -m Mrs. lona KoebaiiKh was vlalllmt lo r mi cut! i. M , , ' V " " Mra i ''" Mr. ami Mra. J. A. Atiurowa irfel a slater and famlW. of droio up In their auto Sun- LOGAN. A railroad ineetliig aa hold In the l'tan Cranio hall Monday owning. , March S3, which w., wo I at on, ...I r.ier.i.Min ,-,-ii. . ,. -' . nri i4ii, i,-f i. ,,r a 1 1 ii... -- . . , ,. llarrv McMurry waa a i.ogi.n nan or Similar. Tll0 ,,rtl ghS.-ho.l will give their ' drama." ..milled " alley rtrm at ll.o U-gan hall Saturday ovonlng, Mar.h Harry I aid. r .....I Kn.oat (,orb.r .p.i.l .Sunday at hon o. Itudolph Johnson haa gone to III- I ho st, kliol.lra of the ear t ro. K , Prvamery held a meeting m .no rrea... IT) .llllllll I',. I. r., t , "'--- ... . I ... 1, U,. oi. c.e.i e.-r.'.nrT . . " .president. "rectora F. S. Itbdihoff. II. Haider. W. P, rviii in in, iuik. Wren Mumpowor. Northwest's Greatest Impement and Vehicle House PORTLAND, ORE. SPOKANE, WN. BOISE, IDAHO provlne. ALSPAUGH vvorv ,. u ,.,.iovin,r n, 1 -,ber w, ?,,y : thi'lr grain linn snravlng the r trees. l Mrs. .1. W. Dow.y drove to Kagie Saturday with her now. buggy "orso and brought, honm a ni'w tr.i .sprayer. Mrs. Ncmh Hflfilo wan vlRitlriR with I P-cho and llazel G then called on I Mrs. Noah Illeple one day last week. ! Mrs. ( has. Sparks waa an Kstacada I visitor Saturday. MIk" Hattle Itoyer I staying with Mr F,.zaP Hi..0ie g ? " " Tn Mothtr' Favorite, A cotiKh medicine for children hr.nM he hrmU. It ihmiH Kn nloao. inl tn take. It ahniilrl h effMrliiAl chamberlain1 Cough Remedy I all of thl and I th mother1 favorite erywhere. For ale by all dealer, (Ad.) If - MV.I. .- ,. ..'iJu. :-- Al l Ollut, 1 I'LM I IN r, AYrih-ialilf Prrp3intfl,inCr.li slmiltillinlili-nnxljiKllWiii llnf, ilu- bin, ta mul IU.t.4 lYttmoh's Diijatkmflirftf 4 rk'ssawllViU'tmliliniriflw Outum Mitri'tutY rr?tufil NotNahcotic. ik.yirVAiw.'imttt.t W w- .tair AMUI- (V Anr, K if, . Wl An.frrl lWmrilv forfiwffc' linn . Sour SU.Mh.HUtU" VonuJl'ifttilMiiiartynM lu-sa aiut Loss or Jiiur. rvsuiai Sivnwt of TTI Kti1 Copy ol Wrpj, JENNINGS LODGE. The sudden panting nv u( Mn Waller I oil Sunday morn :tt rauni'd a mirrovt In thin cuiiiiiunll v Mm Hi. lie una utile In r.-c.'lir. l.,'r frleii.ln i n Salur.li.y nti.l a nnly l k j n few I., Him 1 11" .lit imiiI at thn on I v dnuKhler f Mra. and Mr W. A (iriH-n. of I'ortland. aixl born In Ublo nti Auguiti II. I ss ami una al moat :i:i yistra of age at the tlinn i.t her di'inUn Wbi-u a clilbl ahe r it.oird to lllli.ula and later l Wniibliig Cui, lotta. Iiit al.e rompli'ie,) hr-r ,vj in nl Int. In (he VahiuKt"ii IIIkIi rh. nil In linn. Ki.r ni yrara aim (aught In the grnd'-d a. IliHtla of Waal. Inglon. where ahe rii)nv.-i a lin rlr i le of frlnmU. Him aa aim. an earn - wnrk. r In her honm town In the M K. I biinh. Ttir.'n )rrara an alin ram, tti Or.'uoii ibiih li.tr iiarnii. m,,.i Ion Jntm '.'5. I'.'U. aa mill-.l In mar. rbiKi Ui J. Wnlti-r lto l and nlin tb.-ii Ima inii.li. b.-r hnmn at Ihla plow, lu-ri. Iht aiiimy dlaiNnltlnn tnn.lo mini V ni'w frli-mU nlnrc roin Inn o i i .... , , , J..nnlnKa Look.. I In fi nrrnl a.'rvlrra ,,,!, , . .,, ,, .. . . .. look plan, nl in., ar I mbTtnk n pnrlom on W,....,,y nfi.trnon 5; "S . n..mb..ra...',llWfr,m, ...lapbirr lion. II. II Kii.uioiiH and ir.. i-m.-r tiiln.'d m mimb.-r of lli..r Portland rrl.'iid im Sunday. Ir. and Mm A. W. Mi,r.'. Hr nii.l Mm l llfford MiNirr; Mr. un, Mm. tdiliib l.i. Mr and Mm Win Cr. r.in, and Mm Willi riol.l wen, illmii-r ku.-hIh. Mm. Albert I'lerc la numliii tier Hlaler, Mm llniiion, of Ard.-imald. and lust week rereliei) word that her oilier nlK'er, Mr. Cnvlurd, of Ti'ini. was seriously Ml. M. i;n)ir, ,M,., , the ImIki. last miiilllier 0 Mrs lii-Korrest. who him spout anino tlmoul lleml, Or- Kon, urrlvo honm till Week. For I he plonsum of MNa Hlnan, of I.ewUlon. Moiitmiii, Mlna Ivy mid Mr. Hoy lliildorf enl.rMiliieil with diinr. Init parly mi Friday evenliiK Inal. I'rof. Ilowrn's nr.hesirn furnlslmd thn mu sh'. I. o rriMiui ami wafers worn aorvml by tho llaldorf fiimlly. Mlaa Hlonn has spout nnruii weeks vlnlllliK with thn limns H.-niard and llntilorf fainllloa. The March s.-lal nlvon by thn Par ent Teachers' Association on Friday last, proved a (b-IUIUful affair, Mrs- il.'iinos Hess liniechort, fl. F. Ilrllten and Mihb Cam nbel I belnif thn boa 'sses. The diTorittloiia worn all of Kreeii, I he (IreKon irriipn mid ferns bn Iuk nrrniiKod In brown willow bnskels. II. (I. Starkweather iokn on tin. early history of Orcein, or tho llinver rolns and showed how thn (told ilust was wolcheil In the early days and also a number of thn nold coins. The sIki.I llcancn of tho ()reon stain seal was particularly IiiIitosCIiik and the hos lesHes worn very forlunaln In sciir Iiik Mr. Starkweather for thn after noon. Mrs. C. K. Warner kiivii us some of Chopin's comiinsllliiiia I Tim Liuidlnic of the Pllnrlms by MiicDow- en. .ii rs. .loii n Waldron favored with a number of Irish airs. Flvn primary pupus nave two muiKS. And Miss Ml Han Handstroin rend an essay on thn America II a k written by a llttln Klrl In Iowa. St. Patrick1 iunch and waf er worn served from a table which wns very nltrnctlvn with 11m bowls of ilairoillls. AlMiut (Ifly worn present. Mrs. TniHcott, of (iresham and Mrs Starkweather, of Hlsley, were out of town Kunsls. Mrs. Kdith Tniscolt spent Friday callliii' on l.odito friends. Sim was Mrs. I,. Wilcox's L'liest to dinner Mrs K'lla M. Spooner spent several v ,s, zcx '"'r. .urs. Friday. . A IHMo daugh.er came on Wcdno. day last ! gladden the home of Dr. mid Mrs. C. I,. Ilaynns. The four Ix-st spellers of thn Iidgn schfHd will attend thn spelling bee hold in (ilndsione on April lliih. Thn Concord. Pnrkpliice, Clncknm, F.ast Cliickamas, Joniiliig 'Lodge nnd Glad stone schools will be represented. Those con I est s hnve been arranged by the County Superintendent. As a fur- iner incentive to arouse enthusiasm In the work a check for 12.00 will b given to the pupil of (hi school should she or he be the best speller In the contest. Mrs. Hugh Roberts spent Saturday with Mr. Altman at Montavllla. Mrs. George Ostrom haa been ser iously III at her home the past week hut I somewhat Improved. Rer. Morris Heverllng, of Everett, Wnsh., ho relumed from a trip to the home of hi parent In Oklahoma and will remain at the Iidge for a few day, where he hi having some work done on the River View Camp Ground lln will spend th week at the Hugh Robert home. A number of minister chose Tue- HIT I Tor Infuntu nnd ChUdrfin The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of dor l.i .alt on I Ii. Ir pmi.e ti IV? pluin. AllKiliit thi'lll wern lln b arU of Or.-..n City; IC.-i.tl I lor ii huh ami II. F.. Ib.nnkAi I'orlUii.l ami !(. I VI or lunlllt. i l.,iil Mr t loli-. win. r'i-ltl Itiutnt ; l,u pla.'i'. U liailnil the ni'imfX : Mix ll.-l.-ii I'lilnlnii iik-iiI hl-mJii ; Vnie i.nx-r lil. her pamiiln, Mr c ; Mm Kd I ItiM-ibn and family m ! Mr, and Mm I'aluloi.'i tu-U j Mr. and Mra, K A Haiulrm o f , liuul Sunday at th Ul(. k : ii.ii-i.ia of Mr and Mr TMa i 'or dinner an I In tlm rvrulnii JCr j Mra. .Vrai aakexl In a few la lut , I '.it era were laid for thlrtom lit ; Mumn biiin.v : Arthur llolwrta. who haa be It. aeveral wlia wilt, am-aiiii. I provlnx, but will hain In im tl Hi,t,ii.ti. , ',,w init rb I tor il, ii,ri,i i..... - .. ardinwai n ' . i r. . ,i . , i . i i r.'lward lllrliinnlid. rap lain of I . . , . - .. . tarhlnrlit if Ixijr amula of Hrrr' i.m. . o , , ,1,1. 1 lZ thM? "' 1 . j . T,n""Vh f 1B Ar,p,; : m Ii.hi wmt (bo V,,,.a Thi-atM' j I'urtland Timadav to aon tlm met plrliirra of KvanK'dlim ' I u v vi iiih kw.M.d. of I'oriUtt ! r-,,.,fl 1 t i...r i.l .. ,t,hiii1 i alrknras. ' Mra. A. T. I'lnrcn. of JemilnKS ldr la vlallliit at thn honm of thn Hit""1 family 1.I..I..I, U'.rnrr nt I'orl lull ll. VlallO his bn.lher. K.inll Weitnor. at thn W of A. tllovrr last Wr.lima.lay nvrnlw Mra. Iiennla, of Korrat Orovn. u f at tlm hmnn of her parent. Mr. iv, Mr J W. I,rtr-''' i ir. iilanny and I.U lf '"'! f i... f Portland and Mm i (Hover i.n.1 Mra. IVrrlim. of St. i& , wrrn Kiieals at thn homn of A. j Sunday laat. 1 Mlsa llorKreavea. a teacher " Ardenwal.l school, spent thn at thn homn of Mlsa Isabel Mnlhrt, f Clnckanui. ' Mrs. 1'helssoti and daunhter. Mln. tvs TlieUaon, worn Kiirsta honm of A. C. iH.rry near Krn.l '' lion last Suinlnv. Thn Ardenwiild school haa sinndardlzed and will oon ri'l"', slniidard pennant. Hull Hun water wa put Into1 school last week. S The camera man paid a visit to;, school mi Friday lust. All am nnxi for thn return. ' liirl Mollify, of Ooldeiidiili', ; wns Ihn Kiiest of III nnrln, DuvMli ley last week. f Mrs. J. W. Price is III. : H. A.ploby. who has linen vlillW In thn mist has returned. An ; and two cousins came with hln, Mis Han'renves. Miss I'len. H"1" Hansen and (ila.lys Smith atlnndil "llluehlrd" leclum Tuesday. W poet to see i tin play Friday. Amom: tlm InterestliiK tinnica r ,,,lvod at the school thl wwk a letter froin Itewnrl, a city of liihabilanls situate.! on thn ""tJJ.., the llajpulanl Desert of Indl 'r ti.fli.r u-iiM ..rllfi.n l.v thn mill. lion class of tho Cart high r"fJ'1t, was n replv to one sent oulM,,ffl. .iiii-oiii. in lilt, .'ikiiiii KiiKi'-. nrlr 1 linn vlnir Ihn letter wns a verf B0' I ell dritwlng of their most rointnIlC ; veynnco, Ihn bullock cart. . Miss llargreaves, Gladys P,lllnRfj Miss I'len attended the Ca.l"nn ; feather recltnl Tuesday evening , Nrrll FREE lindnn "Evrlya Tinfo" Thsw" Those two lionutlful 1'Ih-c ' nlar Jewelry ar th er m " ? m clety woman In Now York n" j, largest cllles. They (ire neat ana gaut gold lliiished nrtlcU'S thai gluiklen (ho heart of avory lrI iVefT man, no mat tor how yoimK or ila atyllsh and attractive. gJ Our Fret Offer. V are "ftLv Spearmint Chewing Gum and a to place a big box of thl nn". ful gum Into every homn. en the breath whiten thn to" . aids digestion. It I rotnMnf plonslng to all. To evniT lady . us but 60c we wll hlp MJ0lif regular Be packagae of the 8 IJJ"" Gum and Include the elegant necklace and "Evelyn Thw" brs" , absolutely free. ini oner is ir . . . i in nne y imoi more man a - lhu. Dealer not allowed to vc.lZ AMERICAN SALES COMPAQ Dayton, Ohio. (AdT.) f For Over Thirty Years CASTOi