Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 20, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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In Hi Clrrillt Court of (lift SUIti of
Oregon, twtoJiiMs i-oumy.
HylvciliT fllnr, rialntllt,
Frances M. Hleger, lifanlntit.
To Frances M. HliKr, above named
r. (miiliini:
In tlm name of (tin Hlulo of Oregon,
vnii are hereby required to appear end
..,.. Ilia nnnililiillit Hied UUaJliat
yon. In tint above named !. mi or
. r.r thn L'lilli iluy or iwircn, mn,
ulil Untu being dm riiilrullim of als
rrnm Ilia 11 rat DUlllll'lltllin (if
thla iinimciim, mid It you (nil In appear
or answer aald complaint, fur want
thereof, tha planum: win apniy in me
court for tlm r'IM prayed for In the
complaint, to-wlt:
r'nr a decree dissolving the liomli
of nmtrliiiouy now rUtlllK between
the iilnlnllir bik) defendant. Till iiiii
niniiK li published liy oritur of I Ion. J.
U. Campbell. Judge of the Circuit
Court, wlilrh order was inude on thn
4th clHjr of February, 1914, mid tint
II inn preacrlbed for publication thereof
In nix weeka, beginning with the laaua
dtd. Friday Feb, 6th, 1BH, mid con
tinuing rin'h week thereafter to and
Imiuillug Friday March 2D. 1I4.
ItOllKHT A. Mil. I. Kit,
Attorney for I'lnlntlff.
In lli Circuit Court of thn Hlulo of
Oregon, fur ('Urkuinua County.
M. M. JmnviMon, I'liilnllrt,
Mary E. Jatnt'ioton, lHtriulntit.
To Mry K. Jumi'imoii, uhovvnamed
In name of tlm Htnlii of Ori'Kou.
you art hereby required to appear
and anwir the. coinplnliit filed again!
you, In tli" above naiiK'd ault, on or
before the Sttth day of Mnh, 1914,
aid data being tint eiplratliui of all
wouki from tint drat pulilli ut ion of tlila
umiiiona, and If you fall to apar
or anawer ald romplulnt, for want
thereof, thu iiluliitirt will apply to I he
court for tlio rxlli'f prayed for In lila
complaint, towlt:
For a decree dissolving the liouda of
nialrlmony now edstlng between tint
plaintiff and defendant. Tlila aum
mona la pulillnliod by order of lion. J.
V. Campbell. Judge or lti Clrrult
Court, which order waa made on tha
4tb day of February, 1914. and tha tlma
prescribed for publication thereof la
all weeka, beginning with thn Issue
dated. Friday, Feb. flth. 1914, and con
tinuing each wi'i'k thereafter to and
Including- Friday. March 20th. 1914.
Attorney! for I'lalntirf.
(n tha Clrrult Court of the Ktulo of
Oregon, for t'litckiimaa County.
Muriel Orvln, IMnliittfT,
3. II. Orvln, Defendant.
To J. II. Orvln, above named defend
In tha name of thn Htato of Oregon,
you ara hereby required to appear and
answer tha nuiipliilnt 11 led aguinat you
In tha above naiiit'd ault, on or before
tha SUth day of Marrh. 1911, aald date
being the expiration of all weeks from
tha n rat publication of thia aiiinniona,
and If you fall to appear or answer
- aald complaint, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to thn court (ur
the relief prayed for In her complaint,
For a decree dissolving thn bonda of
matrimony now minting between the
plaintiff and defendant. Thin aum
mona la publlahi'd by order of 1 lott. H.
H. Anderson, JudKit of thn County
Court, which order waa made on the
6th day of Feb., 1914, and thn time
prescribed for publication thereof la
alx weeka, begin nliiK with tho laaun
dated. Friday, Kvbruary . 1914, and
continuing" each week thereafter to and
Including Krlday, March 20. 1914.
K. E. MI 1. 1. KM.
Attorney fur Plaintiff.
, Summon!.
In the Circuit Court of thn State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
Evallne Knorr, I'lalntirf.
fleorg Andrew Knorr, Defendant.
To George Andrew Knorr, above-
named defendant:
In tbe namo of thn State or Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
anawcr tbe complaint filed aguinat you
In the above entitled ault by the 20th
day of Murch, 1914, aa preacrlbed by
an order of Court for publication or
thll aummona, which aald (Into la more
than alx weeka after the date of the
flrt publication herein a! ordered by
the Court In the above entitled ault,
and If you fall to ao appear and an
awer the complaint filed heroin In the
above entitled ault on auld date, plain
tiff will apply to tho court for the Te
ller prayed for In aald complaint which
aald relief la for a decree of tho Court
forever dlaaolvlng and aettlng aalde
the marriage contract heretofore and
now existing between plaintiff and anid
defendant; for a further decree for the
reatorutlon of plalntlff a maiden name
and for audi other mid further relief
ai tho Honorable Court may deem
meet with equity.
Thla aummona la publlahed by or
der or the Honorable J. U. Campbell
Judge or tho above entitled Court and
aald order waa duly made and entered
In laid Court on the 3rd dny or Feb
ruary, 1914.
Attorney ror Plaintiff.
Date of flrat publication February
6th, 1914.
Date or laat publication, March 20th,
In the Circuit Court or the Btato or
Oregon ror the County of Clacka
- inn a.
f4 F. Hplgw mid Minnie E. Splgor, bin
I wife, I'lulntins,
ry A. D'Arcy, Jacob Hunankor, Bar
ah II. Tompkina, Curg Hunaaker,
Kale Nlcholna. Carrie Arnold, Alice
Oaten, Winnie II. Walte, John Hun
anker, Frnnk T. Ilurmcater, the un
known heira of Samuel D. Pomeroy,
flcivuHcil, iho unknown helra of Mar
fcrey I'omeroy, deceaied, also all
other persona or partlea unknown
Claiming any right, title, estate, lien
or Interest in the real eatate da
crlbed In the complaint herein, Do
fendunli. T Jacob Hunaaker, Curg Hunaaker,
John llunsnker, Frank T. Ilurmeater,
tbe unknown helra of Samuel D. Pom
troy, deceased, the unknown helra
of Margerey Pomeroy, deceaaed, and
ach of yon, also all other peraona
or partlea unknown claiming any
right, line, eatate, lien, or Intereat
in the real eatate described In tbe
complain herein, defendanta:
1" the name or tbe State or Oregon,
'On and each or you are hereby re
quired to appear and anawer the com
plaint filed agalnat you In tha above
-nit on or before Saturday, March 81st.
i9 I, aald date being the expiration or
f?b, weeka from and after the date of
tit 3rst publication of thla aummona,
and If you fall to ao appear and anawer
'or want thereof, the plalntlffa will
Pl'ly to the abort Court for tha relief
demanded In their complaint on file
Imrxlii. and will lake ludKliielit against
you and each of you aa followa, to
That you and each of you defend
ant! I in required to ant up III your an
awer to auld complaint thu actual na
tura nf vnnr mviiril adveraa and coll
llletliiK rlalina to plalntlffa In and to
thn following (learriniiu real propiinr,
annate In Clnckamaa Comity, Hlaltt of
Orendii, town:
l-oia (l),-(2), (3), (4), (6), (), (7),
(N), and (V), of Opportuntly, In (lack
amua County, Hiutw or Ornuou, In ac
Viirduucii wlili tha duly ntcorded pint
Ihereiif, of record In tlio office of the
ItecurdiT of Coiivitynucea III and for
aald County mid Htutn, and for a de
cree that plalntlffa uro the abaolule
owuura In fee almplo of aald real prop
erty abovu deHcrllied and every part
thereof, and that you defendunta and
ein b of you and any pnraon or per
aona clalinliiK or to claim by, through
or under aald defendunta or any of
them, have no rluht. title, lalate, lien
or Internal In or to thn aald reul prop
erty or any part thereof, and that they
and each of them b fomver barrod
n,l i.iiKiiiiiitil fmiii BHaertlnu or claim-
liiK any rlKht, title, eatuln. lien or
Internal lu aald reul property or any
purl thereof,
That plalntlffa' tlila In and to aald
real property and thn wholn thereof,
be forever quieted, and for audi other
and further nllef aa to tbe Court
may aeum Juat and oqultahln In thu
Thla aummona la piibllHhed by order
nf Hon. J. U. Campbell, JiiiIkh of tlio
Cln-ult Court of the Htute of Oregon,
for Clackainaa County, which order
waa iiiadn and entered on tlm 4th day
or February, 1914.
I Hit of flrat piibllcutlou of thla mm
moiiir, Friday, February fith, 1914. and
tint date of the laat publication thereof
la Friday. Murch 2uth. 1914. and thn
tlmn of thn publication of aald aum
inoiia la alx full weeka from and after
thn dutn of thu flrat puhllcutlon there
Attorneya for i'lulntlffa.
In thu Circuit Court of the Htato of
Oregon fur Clackainaa County.
Archie C. Wright, Plaintiff,
Mabel Wright. Defendant.
To Mabel Wright, the above-named de
fendant: In the name of thn Rtate of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
anawer the complaint filed aguinat you
In the above entitled ault on or before
Monday, the 2:ird duy of March, 1914.
aald date being more than alx weeka
from the date of the flrat publication
of thla aummona, and If you fall to
appear and anawnr aald complaint for
want thereof thn plulntlff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
In auld conipaint. to-wlt: For a decree
forever dlaaolvlng thn bonda of matri
mony now and heretofore existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant and for
lucb other, further and different relief
aa to tha court may aeem meet and
Thla aummona la publlahed by order
of Hon. J. V. Campbell. Circuit Judge
for aald Clackamaa County, Oregon,
which order waa made and entered on
the 4th day of February, 1914, and the
time preacrlbed for publication la alx
weeka, beginning with the Inane of Fri
day. February 6lh, 1914, and contin
uing each week thereafter to and In
cluding Friday, March 20th. 1914.
F11K1) J. MK1ND1-.
Attorney for I'lulnttff
In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
Jeaale Kawdlng, I'lalntirf.
Cornellua V. Kawdlng, Pcfcndunt.
To Cornellua V. Kawdlng, Defendant:
In the name or the State or Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
anawer the complaint filed aguinat you
In the above entitled ault on or before
tbe 20th day of March. 1914. that being
the laat day prescribed In the order of
publication of thla aummona; and If
you fall to ao appear and anawer aald
complaint the plulntlff will apply to
the Court for the rnllef therein prayed;
to-wlt: a decree dlaaolvlng the marri
age contract now existing between you
and plaintiff and changing plalntlffa
nume to Jeaale Goodwin, aa borne by
her prior to aald marriage.
Thla aummona la published In the
Oregon City Enterprlao, a newspaprr.
for alx consecutive weeka by order of
Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge or laid
Court made on the 30th dny or January
1914, the flrat publication being on the
6th dny ot February, 1914.
Attorney lor Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court or the State or
Oregon for Clacknmaa County.
Joacph Welsch, Plaintiff,
Mnrgiicrlle Welsch, Defendant.
To Marguerite Welsch, above-named
In the nume of the State or Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In tho above entitled Court and cause
on or before the 20th day of March,
1914. and If you full ao to appear or
answer, the plaintiff, for want thereof
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed ror In the Complaint, which Is
that the plaintiff be allowed a decree
of divorce forever dlaaolvlng tho mar
riage relation between you and the
plaintiff and for inch other and further
relief as to the Court may aeem Just
and equltnhle. Thla aummona Is
aerved upon you by order of the Hon
orablo J. U. Campbell, Judge or tbe
altove entitled Court. The dute or thla
order la January 30, 1914. The date
of the first publication or thla Sum
mons la February 6, 1914, and the last
date or publication la March 20, 1914.
Attorney ror Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of
Oregon for Clackamaa County.
Oregon and California Railroad Com
pany, a corporation, I'lalntirf,
Johan Mtlatecdt and Alice Mllsteedt,
his wife, Aaron Miller and Martha
Miller, hla wife, Defendanta.
To the above-named defendants, Johan
Mllsteedt and Alice Mllsteedt, hla
wife, Aaron Miller and Martha Mil
ler, his wife, and each of you:
In the name or the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
anawer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled ault on or before
the 3rd day of April, 1914, aald date
being more than alx weeka from the
20th day of February, 1914, on which
date first publication of thla aum
mona waa made; and If you fall to ap
pear and anawer tha complaint here
in, plaintiff will apply to the Court ror
the relief prayed for In Ita complaint
herein, to-wlt: that that certain dd
recorded In tbe office of the County
Recorder of Clackamaa County, Ore
gon, on the 22d day of May, 1911. In
llook 120, page 481, of tha Record! of
Deeda of aald County, and dated Aug
uat S, 1903, and purported to hava
been made, executed and delivered by
plaintiff to defendant Johan Mllatendt,
and conveying tha norlliweat quarter
of Heel Ion II In townalilp 4 Hoiilh,
Itange 2 Kaat of tha Wlllumntfa Me
ridian, Cluc.kumaa County, Hint of
Oregon, containing one hundred and
Ixly aerea, morn or leaa, he decreed
to be fraudulent, Invalid and void, and
that mid pretended deed be cancelled
and beld for nought and of no force
and effect;
Tli at defendant! Johan .Mllatimdt
and Aline MHatceilt, lila wife, Aaron
Miller and Marina Miller, lila wife,
mid each of you, be decreed not to have
any right, title or lutereat In and to
auld properly or any part thereof, and
that pliiliiMff be decreed to be the
ownur of and entitled to tho poaaci
alou'uud enjoyment of auld prcml!c,
frio from any claim of you or each
of you; and that you, and each or you,
bo decreed not to have any right, title
or Iniereat In, or lien upon aald north
went quarter of auld aecllon 11, town
alilp 4 aouth, range 2 eaat, or the
Willamette Merldlun, Clackumaa Coun
ty, Htute or Oregon, or any part there
of; That plulntlff have a decree aguinat
you, and each of you, for Ita coal a
and dlabiiranmeiit! herein, and for audi
other and further relief a! to thla
Court ahall aeem meet and nqultublii
In the premlaea.
Thla aiimmoiu la publlahed In the
Oregon City Knerprlae at Oregon City,
Clackamaa County, Oregon, once a
week for alx aucceaalve weeka, by ord
er of the Honorable II. 8. Anderaon,
Judge of the County Court for Clack
amaa County, Oregon, ptiratiant to an
order niado and entered on the 19th
day or February, 1914; and aald order
direct! publication or thli mm mona
to be made not lea! than once a week
for alx aucceaalve weeka, and that you
ahull ao appear and answer on or be
fore the 3rd day of April, 1914; date
of II rut publication being February
20th. 1914, datn or laat publication,
April 3rd, 1914.
Attorney! for rinlntlff.
Sheriff'! Sale.
In the Circuit Court or the State or
Oregon, ror the County or Clacka
mas. Kmmet I,. Ilench, Plulntlff,
W. R. McCurry, Frankle I. McCurry.
hla wife, Units A. Harlow and l-uura
I). Harlow, his wife, Defendanta.
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
maa, aa.
liy virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly lasued out
of and under the leal or the above en
titled court, In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
tbe Hith day or February, 1914, upon
a Judgment rendered and entered In
aald court on the 24th day or Jumiury,
1914, In fuvor or Emmet I,. Ileach,
Plulntlff, and aguinat W. R. McCurry,
Defendant, for tho lum of $3000.00.
with Interest thereon nt the rate of T
per cent per annum from the 29th day
or AugiiKt, 1912. and the further auin
of $:'00.00. aa attorney a fee. and the
coat! of and upon this writ, command
ing me to make aale of the following
dcacrllMd real property, situated In the
county nf Clackamaa, state of Oregon,
to-wlt: The South half or thn North
east quarter, and the North hair or the
Southeast quarter or Section 23, Town
alilp 2 South or Rnngo 7 East of the
Willamette Meridian, loguther with tne
tenements, hereditaments and ap
purtenance! thereunto belong or in
any wlae appertaining.
Now. therefore, by virtue of aata
execution, Judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with tho commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, tbe
11th day or April, 1914, at the hour
or 10 o'clock A. M.. at tho front door
of the Comity Court House In the City
of Oregon City. In aald County and
Stnte, sell at public auction, subject to
redemption, to the highest bidder, for
l 8. gold coin cash In hand, all the
right, title and Interest which the with
in named defendants or either or them,
had on the date or the mortgage herein
or alnce had In or to the above de
scribed real property or any part there
of, to antlsry aald execution. Judgment
order, decree. Interest, costa and all
accruing costa.
Sheriff or Clnckomaa County, Oregon.
liy H. J. STAAT8, Deputy.
Dated. Oregon City, Ore.. February
l"th, 1914.
Sealed Hlda will be received by the
County Clerk of Clackamaa County,
Oregon, up to 6 o'clock P. M., on the
12th day or March. 1914. ror the Im
provement ot a road leading from Mil
wBukle to Oregon City, and common
ly known aa the River Roud, from
Station HG fiO to Station 107.
All work shall be done In accord
ance with the pinna and specifications
now on file In the office or the said
County Clerk, and all blda must be ac
companied with a certified check for
ten per cent of the amount hid, which
bid ahall be forfeited to Clackamas
County, should the successful bidder
refuse to enter Into a contract with
said County.
Tho successful bidder will be re
quired to furnish a suitable undertak
ing to guarantee the completion of
said work and to guarantee the ful
fillment of the law resisting the
hours of labor, material furnished by
material men, etc.
Each bid must state the time with
in which the contract will be com
pleted, and will be required by his
nond to lave Clackamaa County harm
less in respect to dnmagea accruing
to any one during the proaecutlon of
the work.
The County Court reserves the right
to reject any and all blda.
County Clerk,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
Fannie Stein, Plaintiff,
Abe Stein, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
anawer the complaint filed against you
In the above named ault on or before
tha 17th day of April. 1914. aald date
being the day fixed by the court and
being six weeka from the Diibllcation
of this summons, and If you fall to ap
pear ana answer aald complaint for
want inereor, plaintiff will apply to
the court for the relief prayed for tn
the complaint, to-wlt: a Decree of Di
vorce dissolving the bonda of matri-
money now existing between plaintiff
and dcrendant on tne grounds of cruel
ty and Inhuman treatment, and for
such other and further relict aa thla
court may aeem equitable and Just
Thla aummona la published by the
order of J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
Circuit Court of the County of Clacka
maa, State of Oregon, and order waa
made and entered thia 2nd day of
March, 1914, at the time preacrlbed
ror the publication or thla summons
for alx weeks beginning with the la
sue dated March 6th, 1914, and contin
uing every week thereafter and con
tinuing the laaue of April 17, 1914.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court or the State or
Oregon for Clackamaa County,
Oeorge A lion Marahull, Plaintiff,
Delta J. Marshall, Defendant.
To Delia J. Marshall, above-named
In the name of the Slate of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
anawer the complaint filed agalnat you
In tbe above entitled f'ourt and cauie
on or before the 24th day of April,
1914, and If you full ao to appeur or
anawer, the plulntlff, or want thereof
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for In thn Complaint, which Is
that the plaintiff be allowed a decree
of divorce forever dissolving the mar
riage relation between you and the
rilulntlff and for such other and fur
ther relief aa the Court may aeem
Just and equitable. This intnmoni Is
served upon you by order of the Hon
orablo J. V. Campbell, Judge or the
above entitled Court. The date or this
order Is March 7, 1914. The date
of tho first publication of thll Sum
mons la March 13, 1914, and the laat
date of publication la April 24, 1914.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Sheriff! Sal.
In tbe Circuit Court or the State or
Oregon ror Clackamaa County.
E. I). Rood, Plaintiff,
Imdora Bterrott, L. H. Sterret, Bhaw-
Hatcher Company, a corporation,
and J. R. Dow lei, Defendaiiti.
liy virtue of an execution, Judgment
order, decree and order of aale, issued
out of the above entitled court In the
above entitled can He, to me directed
and dated the fth day or March, A. D.
1914, upon a Judgment and decree ren
dered and entered In said court on
the 21st day of February, 1914, In fav
or of the plaintiff, E. I). Rood, and
agalnat tbe above named defendants,
for the sum of Two Thousand Dollars
(12000) with Intereat thereon at tbe
rate of eight per cent per annum from
January 3. 1912. and thn further aum
of 8lxty-four Dollars and Seventy-aev-
en Centa ($04.77), with Interest there
on at eight per cent per annum rrom
September 1, 1912. and ror the rur-
ther aum of One Hundred Fifty Dol
lar! with Interest thereon at the rate
of alx per cent per annum rrom the
21at day or February, 1914, and for the
further sum of Sixteen Dollars and
Fifty Centa ($16.00) costs and dis
bursement!, with Interest thereon at
the rate of six per cent per annum
from the 21at dny of February, 1914.
and tbe coats of and upon the writ
herein commanding me to make aale
of the property hereinafter described;
said Judgment and decree being also
In favor or derendant, J. k. Howies,
upon his cross-complulnt filed In aald
suit and against, the defendants, Ise
dora Sterrett and U H. Sterrett, her
husband, for the aum or Thirty-seven
Hundred Ftrty Dollars ($3750) with
Interest thereon at the rate or six per
cent per annum from March 11, 1912
and the further aum of One Hundred
Fifty Dollars ($150) with interest
thereon at the rate of alx per cent
per annum from the 21st day of Feb
ruary. 1914; aald writ commanding me
to make sale of the following describ
ed real property, to-wlt: Lot numbered
two (2) and the north half or tne
southwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of aection five (5) in township
two (2) south of range three (3) eaat
of Willamette Meridian, containing
forty (40) acrea, more or less, and Bit-
uate In Clackamas County, Oregon!
NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of
said execution, )dament order, decree
and order of aale, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, I
will, on the 11th day of April, A. D.
1914, at ten o'clock A. M at the front
door of the County Court House In
Oregon City, Clackamaa County, Ore
gon, sell at publlo auction (subject to
redemption) to the highest bidder for
cash in band, all the right, title and
Intereat which tbe within named de
fendants or either of them had on Jan
uary 3, 1912, the date or tbe mortgage
or the plaintiff, foreclosed in aald ault,
or alnce that date had In or to the
altove described property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution. Judg
ment order decree, Interest, costs and
accrued costa.
Sheriff of Clackamaa County, Oregon.
By H. J. STAATS, Deputy.
Dated this 11th day of March, 1914.
First Issue March 13. 1914.
Last issue April 10, 1914.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court ot the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. In the Matter of the Estate of Green
McMurry, deceased.
Notice is herby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Clackamas, admin
istrator of the estate or Green Mc
Murry, deceased.
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified and
required to present the same duly ver
ified with proper vouchers at the of
fice of Gordon E. Hayea, Stevens
Hulldlng. Orepon City, Oregon, with
in six months from the date of the
first publication hereof.
Dated March 13th. 1914.
Administrator of the Estate of Green
McMurrv, Deceased.
GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney for Ad
ministrator. Summons.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, tor Clackamas County.
TUHe Mclaughlin, Plaintiff,
Ambrose Mcl-aiighUn. Defendant.
To Ambrose Mclaughlin, above named
In the name or the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you,
In the above named suit, on or before
the 1st day of May, 1914, said date
being the expiration of six weeks from
the first publication of this summons,
and If you fail to appear or answer
said complaint, rr want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief praved for In her complaint,
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and derendant This
summons is published by order of Hon.
J. U. Campbell. Judge of the Circuit
Court, which order was made on the
Hth day of March. 1914, and the time
prescribed for publication thereof Is
alx weeks, beginning with the Issue
dated. Friday. March 20th. 1914, and
continuing each week thereafter to and
Including Friday. May 1st. 1914.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
Clara Ellata Smith, Palntlff,
Jack Howard Smith, Defendant
In tha name of the Bute of Oregon
yon are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed agalnat you
tn the above entitled ault on or be
fore the 1st day of May, 1914, which
date ia more than alx weeka from the
dale of the first publication of this
aummona, and If yon fail to anawer.
for want thereof the plaintiff will take
Judgment agulnst you for the relief
pniyed' for In the complaint herein,
to wlt: For a decree of divorce forever
dissolving thn bonda of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and de
fendant, and that she be divorced from
defendant, and that ahe be allowed to
resume her maiden name of Clara El
lata Schuchardt, and for audi further
relief aa to the court may aeem Juit
and equitable.
Thla summon! la published by order
or the Honorable J. V. Campbell, Cir
cuit Judge or thn County of Clacka
mas, State of Oregon,
Dated, March 1.1th. 1914.
Attorney ror Plaintiff.
First publication, March 20, 1914.
Iast publication, May 1, 1914.
Notice of Final 8ttlement.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the estate
of Ann Rellly, deceased, baa filed her
final account and report in said Es
tate, and the County Court of Clacka
maa County. Oregon, baa fixed Mon
day, the 6th day of April, 1914, at ten
o'clock A. M., at the County Court
Room In the County Co"rt House In
Oregon City, Oregon, as the time and
place for hearing objections to the
aald account and the aettlcment there
Administratrix of tbe Estate or Ann
Rellly, deceaaed.
Dated, March flth, 1914.
JOS. E. HEDGES, Attorney.
Administrator Notice.
Notice la herby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of Ix)iils Haaselhrink, decayed, has
filed his final account In said estate in
the County Court of the Btate of Ore
gon, for Clackamaa County, and that
the Judge or aald court baa appointed
Monday, the l.ltb day or April, 1914, at
10 o'clock A. M., for bearing objections
to said account and for settling aald
Administrator of the estate of Louis
Haaaelbrink, deceased.
I1ROWNEIX & STONE, Attorneya for
Pricea will not be lowered on fresh
salmon for some time to come, said a
local dealer Tuesday, for two reasona.
One la the excessive rate chared for
fish by the express companies and the
other because the salmon fishing sea
son in the Columbia and Willamette
rivers la closed until the first of May.
The season was closed In the Colum
bia March 1 and in the Willamette
March 15, but both open at the same
time. The result la that all fresh sal
mon now being received In Oregon
comes from the Sacramento river, and
aa the expreas companiea have raised
their rates approximately 50 per cent
over what they were a year ago, prices
are high and will continue to be for
the balance of this month and through
April. The present wholesale price
for chlnooks, the only variety coming
In, Is 16 cents a pound.
It Is declared that both the Colum
bia and Willamette rivers are literally
swarming wltb salmon at the present
lime, there being not only enough
available to care for the demand lo
cally but more than enough to meet
the requirements of tbe ooast Thla.
however, is the spawning season, mak
ing It necessary that the rivers be
closed to fishing for the two-month pe
riod. This feature, added to the btg
Jump In express rates. Is entirely re-
sitonsible for the high prices now in
force, say the dealers.
Mllwaukle. Ore.. Mar. 17. (Special)
The new postofflce in this city is do
ing more busiiness than ever before
and local residents believe that it Is
due to the new building and equip
ment. For the month of January the
business of the office showed an In
crease of 33.5 per cent over the same
month lost year and for February the
Increase was 72 per cent. The new
office is well equipped with new lock
boxes and more have been ordered.
The office was opened in Its new
building March 1.
A. J. Lais has riled a suit in the cir
cuit court ror three notes which he al
leges are due from John F. Campau
with Interest. The total of the three
is $154.07.
Tire Tube Rellner
28x3 $ 7.20 $1.65 1.35
30x3 7.S0 1.95 1.40
30X.H4 10.80 2.80 1.90
S2x34 11.90 2.95 2.00
34x34 12.40 3.00 2.05
32x4 13.70 3.35 2.40
33x1 14.80 3.50 2.45
34x4 16.80 3.60 2.60
36x4 17.85 3.90 2.80
35x44 19.75 4.85 S.45
36x44 19.85 4.90 3.60
37x44 21.50 5.10 3.70
37x5 24.90 6.90 4.20
All other sizes In stock. Non-Skid
tires 15 per cent additional, red tubes
ten per cent above gray. All new,
clean, fresh, guaranteed tires. Best
standard and independent makes. Duy
direct trom us and save money. 5 per
cent discount If payment in full ac
companies each order. C. O. D. on 10
per cent deposit.
Dept. A Dayton, Ohio
The Eastern Star people had two
candidatea Tuesday night and afcerthe
Initiation a very delightful luncheon
was served, the committee carrying out
St. Patrick's day ideas in the serving.
Sat pw Wiaaill for CHT-CmrA-Tn A
MAMOND IklND rlLLS tm Bid mnij
Qolb vrtalllc bora, MM with laiOl
Bibboa. Takb ho OTaaa. at rmm V
taarlat mm mtk IW CIManTill V
Ult ! PILLS, for twratr-!a
pun tiih M Scat, Saiwt. Always aclUbla,
Harvey K. Creae
We have now moved to our permanent quarters In tha Beaver
Building. Next to the Andreaen Building.
Real Eatate Abatraete Main Street,
Loans, Insurance. Oregon City, Ore.
D. C. I-ATO0RETTB, PreeldenL
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, 960400.00.
Transact a a Oeneral Banking Bualneae.
A very pleaaant time waa enjoyed.
At the City Council meeting Tues
day night J. V. Ilarr was appointed
councilman to fill the vacancy caused
by the removal of W. E. Straight from
Estocada. A few sidewalks were ord
ered put down and the suggestions of
fered by the Civic Improvement Club,
were considered.
A car Inflff nf merrhnnftloA tmm Ma.
Mlnnville for the Cary Mercantile Co.
store arrived Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ijtwrey, of Estacada
hntri did nnt rn In California aa thpT
expected to do, as both contracted bad
coias snoruy arter arriving dome and
have been considerably indisposed.
The Civic ImDrovement Club had a
St. Patrick's entertainment Wednes
day evening which was well attended
ana mucn enjoyea.
A nrntrartpd effort will nmmna
next Sunday at the M. E. Church. Rev.
wra. rants ana wire are the evange
lists. Miss Sadie Ingram arrived home the
latter part of last week.
Prof. Ford was threatened with an
attack of the grip last week but has
about recovered now.
Brother Josiah." a three-act cnm.
edy drama, will be presented Friday
evening-, March 27, at the Boner Thea-
Rev. TVird. nf flrpmn C.ltv a
meat at the home of his son. B. F.
Ford, n Estacada, Monday night
Mrs. W. A. Hevlman went tn Pnrt.
land Tuesday to attend cat club
Mrs. Hlelnhnthem nt Rlvsr Mill
gave a party for her mother lost Sun-
aay, it oemg tne oatn birthday anni
versary of her mother, Mrs H. Siev-
ers, who lives at Viola, Those pres
ent besides Mrs. Slevers were her
daughter, Mrs. Wm. Hicinbothen and
children and Misses Barbara Westen-
teider and Freda Krupke. of Portland.
John Brown was hpr frnm Oreahnm
Saturday to adjust the loss by fire on
J. w. Hugnes residence at Currins
ville. Rov Oilbert. nf Pnrtlanrt vtoltoH ira-
tacada relatives Saturday and Sunday.
Mesdames Wm. Hicinbothen, E. E
Saline R. H. Pun-In W M Vnnu
George Dale and 6. C. Smith attended
the district convention of the Rebekah
oraer at MiiwauKle Tuesday.
J. W. Reed ta tnaLInu nltA A,lan.lv
V, V. . . V . A I . IJ 1 . C
Improvements to the Home restaurant
ounaing mis week.
The special meetings which are be
ing held bV Rev. (J M. Shlnnr ara ha.
ing -fu auenoea eacn evening.
w. s. pyie transacted business In
Portland Monday morning;.
Mrs. Fred Jorz anil rhlirfron vinitat
relatives in Portland Saturday.
A team belonging to T. J. Reagan
ran awav last Saturdav mil inii,r.j
a colt belonging to J. W. Reed so bad
ly that Mr. Reed had to have the ani
mal shot.
Miss Gertrude Jnnea nna nf tfca
teachers of the high school, entertain
ed the class of 1914, the faculty and
a few others at the hnma nf Wm tr
asche. last Saturriav a Van In tr flam a
were played and at 10 o'clock a delight-
rui luncheon was served. All report
a very enjoyable time.
Hurley Fellows was cjiltoH tn Pnrt.
land the first of the week on account
or tne death or his brother's wire.
Mrs. alter Poison, or Portland, vis
ited St the hoiTIA nf her naranta Mr
and Mrs. Harkenrider, last Sunday.
me tivic improvement Club held
their regular meeting Saturday after
noon. Amonff the nneatlnna hmtiffhl
up for discussion was that of buying
a Duuaing west or cary's store to be
used for club purposes. The proposi
tion Waft revlewpff fmm all alan1nilnt
but In order to have all members sat-
lsnea, tne question was left over until
the next meeting before being voted
upon. The club Is quite anxious to
procure permanent quarters for the
public library and for club meetings.
At the present time It Is Tenting a
Mrs. D. S. Flemmtng visited rela
tives and friends at Hillsboro, Ore., the
lattr part of last week.
J. W. Stokes was here from Portland
The Estacada nuhllc llhrarr la nnv
rendv fnr the noo nf tha miMi n
library board has procured furniture
nir me ouuaing ana made tne room
look very attractive. There are nearly
200 volumes at present and a new sup
ply of books will soon arlve. The la
dies of the Civic Club are surely to be"
coneratitlafpil nnnn tha mnnnor tn
which everything worked out to their
advantage in the establishing of this
uuraxy. aii praise to tne uivic CIUD
which is doing so much for Estacada.
The "Dls'ril.- SWnnl" whlh woa o-l.
en here Friday evening by the busi
ness men of the city, brought out a
crowded house and all were more than
pleased with the entertainment. W.
Givens acted the part of the school-
ma am and waa considered charming
as a young lady. The other characters
in the Dlar all did well tn thalr dif
ferent parts and received much ap
plause, ine proceeds amounted to
Dr. Wells, thn dentist, dlit nnt froan
his appointment at Estacada last wees
on account or getting hurt while play
ing basket ball. He arrived Wednes
day morning of this week.
K. M. Miller. General Passenger Ag
ent for the O. W. R. & N. railroad was
an Estacada visitor last Thursday.
Spring Blood and System Cleanser
Durine the wlnt pr mnnllii Immirf.
ties accumulate, vnnr hlnswt Kuinmn.
impure and thick, your kidneys, liver
ana rowei Ian to worg. causing so
called "Sorina- Fever" Tnn foal 1-0,1
weak and laiy. Electric Bitters the
iinug ionic ana system cleanser
is what you need: the all
kidneys, liver and bowels to healthy
action, expel blood Impurities and re-
bio your neaitn, strength and am
bition. Electric Rittara malraa
ioti 11 no new. start a four weeks'
treatment It will put you In fine
shaDe for vnnr anrlna- wnrv r,,..
teed. All druggists. 60 centa and
H. E. Bucklan A. f.n. pmi.w.iki.
r sw wuuia. (Adv.)
William Hammed
F. J. aflTBR. Cashier
Ope" from A M. U I P. ki
Phones Pacific 11
Home A-1S1
All legal bualneaa promptly attended to
I Attorneye-at-Law
Deutacher Advokat ?
e Will practice In all courts, make
e collections and settlements. e
i Office In Enterprise Building, a
I Oregon City, Oregon.
t Attorneye-ab-Law
Commercial, Real Estate and o
Probate our Specialties. Of- o
e See In First National Bank
I Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
J W. S. EDDY, V. M. B. V.
Graduate of the Ontario Voter!-
e nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and the McKlllip School of 8ur-
I gery of Chicago, la established 1
at Fashion Stable, Fifth Bt be- I
I tween Main and Water Sta. ?
I Both Telephones e
! Offllce Pacific, Main 65; Home, '
e A 95. 1
Residence Pacific, Main 184
Notary Publlo
Estacada, Oregon.
Clackamas County
610 Chamber of Commerce.
Portland, Oregon.
Full equipment ot maps, plate,
abstract books and tax rolls.
Agents for Clackamaa Couaty
Lands, Money Loaned. Titles
E. F. A F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys A Counsellors at Law
? We make a specialty of Install- i
e lng water systems and plumb- t
lng In the country. We carry f
I the Leader tanks and Stover en-
e glnes. We have a full line ot I
I Myers pumps and stray pumps. J
e Prices always lowest.
t e
e T9fl Main tit ftraana Rlu I
Phone M82. 1
e t
0. D. E B Y t
Attorney-at-Law 7
Money loaned, abstracts furnish- ,
e ed, land titles examined, estates
e settled, general law business, e
i Over Bank of Oregon City.
The most economical, cleansing and
germicidal ot all antiseptics la
A soluble Antiseptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as needed.
As a medicinal antiseptic for douche
In treating catarrh, Inflammation or
ulceration of nose, throat, and that
caused by feminine ills It has no equal.
For ten years the Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co.haa recommended Paztlne
In their private correspondence with
women, which proves its superiority.
Women who have been cured say
It is "worth Its weight in gold." At
druggists. 60c large box. or by malt
The Paxtoa Toilet Co, Boston, Mass.
Is Candidate for Republican Nomina
tion for County Clerk of Clacka-
mas County.
He was horn In Chleaen. TUinnlH.
Nov. 1865. From 9 to 12 years of age
ne worked in a tailor shop; moved to
a Kansas farm, laboring there till 21
years of age, took a homestead In N.
W. Kansas and tried dry farming a
few years, meanwhile picking up the
common and high school courses and
teaching school; attended Ottawa TJnl.
verslty and Kansas State University
for 6 years; was a Registrar of Deeds;
came to Oregon City about S years
ago; worked in Hawley's paper mills a
(ew months, and since has been an
abstracter here.
Ills platform Is "His Duty and Good
Will to All
Try him. The longer you know him
the better you like him. 80 his wife
and children say.
(Paid Adr.)