Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 27, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Thi pqulnocll.il hurricane
In hot pursuit of c Irs rot ten.
John Rooki'fellpr, past amends,
Va calmly raking dividends.
The Incrcmnit from StandarJ Oil
Reaponded nicely to hla toll.
Said John. "1 like thla tort of thing;
It'a good to be a money king.
"It haa Ita drawbacks here anj there.!
Hut on the whole the a;wrt ia fair."
The income tax collector alowed
Hia motor cycle In the road.
IT- a..-.... . k - , i k : I -
And then approached him with a amlle ! '"'ft L - .5 mar be ph1. here and there
. , t , ,k1 j .h.1 no do not give a whoop outdoor: ,
we think Invade the w indow a and he , fc f
door: they perforate the kitchen sink, J ' ' .,, i
' .. i in.. .1.1..- .. a Tk. " " .-
mm mair uiuu'iu.nr iur iivvia. iu'?
which haa boon unable lo do anything
with the I'roslilont on the anlTrage
quentlon aa an evening mar. will be
come a morning star, me moon win
be full on the 11th. The moon la
working on the Vice IVaMenl. Aft
cr the 50th the month will be tinder
the Influence of Arlr the Ham. the
fimt alun of the to.llac. which auc
eei-da I'lucca the Ktsh. IVoi'l lrn
The pall of Lent ahall fall upon ' The robin aha!! awake the morn
The tango and the minuet. I With aweet apotnphea to day,
And in the bllaa of winter gone The early daisy ahnll ailorn
The colt ahall turn a aotnersel The quiet apacea by the way.
The wind ahall make the weath r vane The women folka ahall ahake the .i. n. la an examido. Thoae born tin
Fmrf w nm around the stick. I ground ,. r the Influenc of Arlea. upon the
under the Influence of Plseca. whose I CONSl;L ,s INSTRUCTED TO IN
i tvlun extends to March Jlat. do al l
I tit
' most all the fishing that Is done, (irov
; cr Cleveland, who was bom under thla
other hand, are dreamer, and are too
Shall push 'the mortar through the1 And the President shall hide .round busy looking ah.d to keep their ey a
f .1 . . 1 1 u - . . . v. ...... ... ... . M . l. ..I. t. ....... I ft .. ih. , . I k
111 ut'aui) i'i Biuuriit'uvs, on m ii:iii mm. i milium .i.-it i-i .ii .
i an example. There will be a good
Thla la the spring we long have vt of limousine weather during the
sought and mourned because we had month,
it not. The aky la very soft and blue.'
the bobllnk Is bobbing through: the Thn April with Ita sweet perfumea
aadlv dceolatcd scene is turning bean- Shall wander up the hrccie.
. . , ,. ..tifullv green, and old King Winter and To fill the world w ith cherry Hooma
We are not doing qu te so well as if hu mm have up (h( MJ , Xnmnd ,h ,vpn
II (P Pllll Plll'UlM lit 1 1 mix., iui etui aw i v
The Ilemocrats shall chaae the tmsta
Throutih trackless dcaena of debate .
And in the hope that llnerta busts
The Government shall watch and
m-rtant plan for tutnre .i.e.w.ma iNlvv BUILDINO TO B OF
Oregon and Washington harimra has, " "r "Ilea,
said he. in manner
"Friend John,
"Your Income statement la it filed?"; ftr), ,h(l rheif9 )n Huerta's bed until
! h cets but little rest, they hit the
John Rockefeller turned around j house cat on the head and knek the
And cleared the meadow with a bound.; china galley west: they spit and sput.
ter In the soup, and overturn the roy
Villa's Mrsaagt Thought to Man that
Mtdical Cuamlnation May b
Performtd by Amtncan
Nor did he falter In hia pace
Till he was In bis hiding place.
he said, and mopped
"Great Scott!"
hla brow:
"How many taxes are there now"
al wine: they make the household kop
the loop and knock the fig kaf from
the rine: they mutilate the royal purse
and render hazardous a meal, and are i
The festive calf, for spring revealed,
goes castle walking up the field. The
southern winds are soft and sweet,
though watching out for snow and
sle-t. The meadow lark Is on the mead
with music suited to our need, and up
lean situation, which haa centered on
efforts to determine how constitution
al sis executed William 8. Ilcututi. a
Hrillsh subject, was broadened tonight
when Consul tinrrvtt at Ntievo Ijiredo
waa Instructed to Inquire Into the
hanging by Mexican federala of Clem
cut Vrrgara. an American cldien.
been presented to Hie rbl f of army
engineers In this city by M)of Mor
row with the cooperation of the I'nlt
ed Stntea engineer III charge of the
coast harbora of Washington
This plan will secure necessary
dredging for Vancouter harlior and
the coast harlmra of Oregon. It pro
vldea for applUng the dredge Ore.
goti," now mostly used In Oregon har
bors. rxcltiali elf In the use nf Hie
coast harbors of Washington and Hie
construction of a new dredge for Use
In the rosst harbors of Oregon and at
Vancouver, W n Iteprrsmtative John
son. of Washington, railed at Hie war
department today to urge the adop
Hon of the pluii
nV!S MOIXKS. Ia. Wh. ?5. An tin
the sky In wedced row, the wild goose wc-eaaful attempt to dvnam.te the 1 be consul , a .llrectea by t slate
vault in me siaie treasurers ouue "'""' "n
here waa made early tinlay. after two officer of the lluerta government In
musically goes.
someone made of of statehonse watchmen h.d been
I bound ami gagged.
The safe blowera left the capltol
building shortly before daybreak with
only '. which they took from a cash
drawer In the treaaurers office
I i"1 d;1 're ,ha" lf " There mav be
The psychic missiles we projvt at , whose heart is dead to this dispbur:
March geu ".-me from Mar,, the ! TJ'? " Z'
god of war. and in the old Roman ; nonta,,. Pehlnd the one uoth,! ura .n t that kind, anyway,
calendar It was the first month of the mcn ,han powder flashing In the pan. !
year. One of the most unique and ter (ne darkne8S that has gone before .the i Th Bir,,lJ n- wllh Trlnss ad
rible controversies In history raged ha brutalitr of man. The wall mar I vance. sheds seven extra pairs of
over Its availability for that purpose : fa! tne fVrant die. and evil still mav pants. The fracrant mothball reap- w or h of capltol extension bonds, ac
from the time of Numa. In the seventh Intact- but let the world s opinion Icrs. and poetry cocks np its ears, cording to William C. Urown. stale
century before Christ, to that of Caes-i fly anj s'( tne di(rerenc, ( fact iij The bullfrog Kxme'h by the lake, the treasurer,
ar. Just before Numa came to the mJj .v, ... ,s, ,M .-i u,'.-. ; old gra planet is awake, and dead .
Stcond Floor WW B Largt M tn
First Uid for fir Suion
Council Chamber and
Comm'tttf Rooms
NKW YORK. Krb i- With the ar
the vicinity of Hidalgo. Mm, where rest of (wo nun. after the coiifr.slmi
Vergara waa killed. Karller In the day pf a third, the Hl.trlct Attorney s of
Marion Utcher. American consul at rice believes that the headquarters of
Chihuahua, bad been Instructed to In
slat that General Villa permit the de
livery or the body of llrnton to the
The safe contained about ?00 In widow for burial whrre she may wish,
currency and more than li ooo.ooci, Th h . ....i.im,,.,- i,
, worth of s urltle. Including K'oo.ooo
throne the Roman Senate raased :Kress humankind has made, the bet-! ,nin tM from the r valuta to do C0NVICTS FIGHT WITH
law prohibiting spring duck shooting. : ter trillmphs and small, the; the hesitatUm waltx. j PRISON MADE KNIFE
Numa, who was a duck shooter and ho,ts of consciences unafraid. Those!
nad one of the best blinds In the Pon-j ,ins(.en shot are very strange to neleh-i There may. of course, be one or two SAI.E.M. Ore.. Keh. :5.-Wtth a
tine Marsn, nullified the law by be- k.. u j n, vint. -. .u.,. , ivh, n.,i vn nitjt.nxr- nri.,.n l.ii. ti, .
ginning the year In March and throw- j m t0 he nnf ng matter; rjut e are confident that you ' conWct at the ata'te pemtentiarv. 'at- j1'1"1 " lM,ly hrn h"l, l j and then he would store them In van"
tag spring over to the heated sea-son. i thpv rpt our runners! Are no such wden man s that irVl llerm,!! R.vt..,i.u .",h. I helng taken to mean by the American ous garaaea throuahout ttu. niv In
r'tary Itryan to the senate forrlsn re
latlona committee of all the Informa
tion on the Heiiion Incident and Met
Ico generally In the hands of the state
department, constituted the principal
developments of the day.
General Villa s message of last night
offering lo permit the widow of Hen
ton or relatltra and an American offl
ia band of automobile thlevra whose
operations were nation wide haa hem
broken up According lo the ronfra
alon. the srtidlrate operated from New
York to Han Kranrlaco and from Chi
cago lo New Orlrana.
Charles Ruby, chauffeur, arrraird
January 32. Was asausrd of receiving
stolen goods, and pleaded guilty yes
tertlay before Judge Hwaun. to whom
he told the story of an alleged syndi
cate or thleirs.
According to Ruby, four men work i
Ingfor h m would steal automobiles
-ueu me nucas ana gone norm i ne i tabor dav an(, nghu theT neT,r gn,
m...,.,. ,,, tire and quit: they always take
Are no such wooden man as that
I com id. this morning and slightly
fi.'h Jfh , 1 1 V... , k MMt anrlr,p.l n.t.,.l U .. ..1 I . , . k . I
m 71j v v r T v the Proper sight, and never fail to ; sary of Mr. Wilson s Inauguration as ' head. Hoth convicts were being tak-
Houns. and driven back: beyond the Kon , nit They keep oie place In i President. Grapejulce will be opened I en from their cells to close confine
KUDtcon. j such a plight as never place was kept at the White House for visiting con-1 nient In the prison yard. As soon aa
Duck shooters held the fort success-j before: one can't put out the cat at ; verts, and the day will be quietly but j they were out of their cells. In the
fully until Caesar, who restored March 'night but twenty shells pop in the sincerely celebrated In Wall street, j third tier, Clarke made his attack.
as the first month of inrini and he run door: the thing fills Huerta with dis-i the Mexican national palace and a few- I
Graining the Pontine Marsh for agri- gust he doesn t sabe psychic metal; other places. Mr. Tart will give a
cultural purposes. Caesar bad no pa-1 and when he quits he'll put up dust , tango tea at New Haven, and there
tience with duck shooting. He was as high as PopocatapetL
subject to fits, and be found that
whenever a bunch of ducks cam In
to his decoys and he didn't get any. At any rate, the warning shot
will be Indoor fireworks at Hull Moose
headquarters in New York City. On
i March 21st the sun. which Is moving
Kills Man Ovtr Pig.
SI1.VERTAN. Ore., Keb :5 W. R
Smith, known about town as "light
ing Hill' Smith, was shot and killed
government that a complct medical
examination may tie performed. Sec
reary Kryan told the senators that the
I'mted Statea waa Insisting that two
American representatives be permit
ted to see the body and that 0110 of
these be an army surgeon.
OAK GROVE. Ore. Keb. !5.-Oiie of
the moat successful events ever given
at Oak Grove waa the school enter
be always had a particularly hard fit
This prejudiced him against the sport,
and he tried to ruin it. He was prompt
ly assassinated by Brutus and other
duck shooters, but he was very popu
lar, and the calendar remains to this
day exactly as he left it
In trust reform shall rouse the fats, in the spring equinox. This will pos-
north, will cross the equator, bringing; today by a man named Johnson on altalnment Tuesday evening at Groen's
And milliners shall show us what
The tariff cut has done for hats.
The hen shall try to overcome
The widespread dominance of prunes,
The drys shall chase the demon rum
Around the terrified saloons.
itively make Huerta resign. It will
j also round up the few trusts that have
; not already come in and s:gned the
I On March 10th the planet Mercury.
farm in the foothills of Cascade
Mountains, seven miles east of here
The men quarreled over the owner
ship of a pig.
IVn't boast of your credit. No man's
credit is as good as bis money.
hall. "The Affair of Kikevllle Hernia
ary." a college comedy In one act, by
the pupils of the Oak Grove pnplir
school, assisted by Grant Gleason, pi
anist, of Portland. It was given un
der the direction of Adeline M. Alnord.
of Portland
Plana for the proposed rlty hall ,
subliHllid at the West I. Inn riMu,r
meeting Wednesday evening t. y f 4
Hous-hutlng. of Portland, and u
probable that a definite 'lo(i,1q
or man wnnin a lew uaya
Two design were shown at lha
iltg by Hie Portland art hit I
were of colonial style, of briek
alru' lloii. aifd with large wtill
lars running from the ground to m
top of the bulling In both iUtm ti, ,
structure would be trimmed In t4
brick and would be pla n but dim
The second floor will be Used at I
meeting plai'a for the Itnpro.cm.u
club or any other organisation. aM
the first floor will probably be UivttV
rd Into lb council chamber, rc-ptkw
Mom, fir station and various mm mu
le rooms.
The building will probably h l gi
rd on Urodway about Sou f.-. rroai
the west approach of the snap. r.i,
bridge The lot la too by 1:1 si.d n
haa not Jet been decided whethor lbs
building will fa.-e lh north or ttw
A rounrll meeting will probably bt
called within a few data after lbs
suranr companlra would l called , committee has met and thoroughly t
upon to pay for the stolen automobiles i vesllgale Hm merits of the two acta
and ad'ertlsinent offering rewanl of plana. In all of the crratrr deta It
on Id be antwerril by Ruby, who ad
mltted he would return the ailtomo
biles for the reward and spilt the prof
Ha with the men who stole for him.
making from to $l(o on each an
tomobile atolen. He said that If the
automobiles were Invurrd he would
the tso sets are the same
The only othrr bnainrsa whlih U
brxHigbt up at the menu, was the rt.
port of the waii-r r,iirnii're. Th.l
committee nad was to bate confer.4
with the corrrap"tnlih( ummlttie
uregon t ity in rrren-nm t , at
ablll tbrtn In Ifpnll whl,-h Km tla.t in . . .
. " . , mem ix-ern in- IWO 111 ra I otiee r
each of the principal cllba of the tll- ,(, uae of water from the ao.iik
I nlted State The agents In the oth fr r the Clackamaa.
er cities also stole automobile and ! m
shipped them to New York for sale,' Mill Clo
here. Ruby declared RAYMOND. Wash. Krb H Kr
ery shingle mill on Wlllapa liar tor u
Soon now Alaska will detelop rap
Idly and rightly, and that will aid the
development of the whole Pacific
shut down today aa a result of an opra
ahop ultimatum gten the itnploye of
111" three Caae single 111 I lis yeatrrda.v
by President E E Case.
This is a direct and personal appeal to you; this is an advertisment with a mission in life, a mission of cleaner houses and happier
people in Clackamas county. H germless carpets, dustless housccleanings, and easy but thorough sweeping means anything to you
then answer this. But if you are satisfied with the present conditions, if you would as soon that your carpet is filled with dust and
germs, if backache and dust do not bother you, then, by all means, leave this offer alone.
"When you read this you may think
that its nothing but an ordinary circu
lation schemes at which the public is
suspected to bite but which bites the
public instead. But this is not so.
Through our purchasing power di
rect with the makers, we are able to
buy a certain quantity of these ma
chines at a low cost and now we are
giving our readers the benefit of the
a O
- We pledge our reputation as a
newspaper, we stake our name as indi
viduals upon this advertisement and
upon the statement that this is the
most remarkable offer made in recent
years through our columns. We would
not stand behind any deception nor
could we even approve of any exag
geration even upon such a worthy ar
ticle as the National cleaner or upon
such a bargain as our offer to vou.
We have not explained this offer
in the columns of our paper. The
number of elwners we have is far too
small to admit of such a county-wide
offer. We will send the details of our
proposition to only those who answer
this advertisement, to those few who
arc interested from the advertise
ments alone.
A government post card costs but
one cent but one will bring to you the
details of our wonderful offering by
return mail. But we are not particu
lar. Write to us, call on us, or send
word by telephone that you are inter
ested and vou will hear from us quick-lv.
We have secured but a limit
ed number of these famous Na
tional Vacuum cleaners. Owing
to this fact and the unusual offer
we are making at the present time
we are forced to reserve the right
to cancel this proposition at any
If you intend to take advant
age of this offer we would advise
vou to write at once for the first t
come will lie the first to be serve;
Even though we have a hundred
cleaners left by .March 15. we will
withdraw this offer by that time.
I lit one thing is certain and that
is. our last cleaner will have beei
disjK-ised of lonj before that time.
Tv. not hesitate. Write today for
tomorrow there mav not be ;i
ir.rlc cleaner left.
We mean every
word here. Read
it all and learn.
e...---j- -.-.-,- . . .
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The National X'aeiuim Cleaner is
the bfst hand power vacuum cleaner
on the market. It i light, easy to op
erate, compact, simple, complete.
There is no expensive and complicated
motor to break. Vou are imt fon-cd
to draw heavy bulky machinery oer
the floor with the National. You un
fasten n screw and everything is open
before you, ready to be repaired. I!ut
the National is so complete and so
simple that it does not m ed to be re
paint! but seldom.
No doubt you have longed fop a
vacuum cleaner. Almost every house
wife has had n vision of housecloaning
free from dust, and headache, an I
genus, and backaehe. The vacuum
leaner is the way. the only way in
which a carpet or rut: can be . le.u.ed
without dust ami a tremendous
amount of work.
Vou pull back the handle, a simple
and easy operation, and a pressure is
created in the nozzle with great suc
tion powers. This vacuum draws dust,
dirt, germs, and lint, notonlv from the
surface of the carpet but also from the
floor itself. The National draws this
dirt up into the dirt reservoir with
out any dust, like a broom r a duster.
The National docs not fill the air with
disease genus and dirt. The National
docs not cover your furniture with a
coating of dust. The National is
clean, sanitary, and thorough.
We guarantee to
surprise you if you
write for our offer.