OKRflON CITY KNTKRI'KISR ,,.',iiv WHHITAHV27.1fl"- Rhodes Scholar From Oregon City Tells Ways Of English University WORCESTER COL1.F.0.E. OXFORD, ENGLAND. (Editor of the Enter prise.) For ome time I have wanted to write your paper few impressions of Oxford, but the press of various duties pleasurable and otherwise, has crowded out an opportunity for such. To the average Rhodes Scholar Ox ford Is a much more pleasing topic to write on In his second terra than In his first, (I might explain that the academic year is divided Into three terms of about eight weeks each) for In his first term be Is continually op pressed with the general newness of things, and the awkwardness or being placed In the midst of an English I n Iverslty when fresh from an Ameri can I'nlverslty where one enjoys so much freedom. To Illustrate how one's freedom Is hedged about here. all the colleges 22 In number, composing th9 V. of Ox ford, are surrounded by high walls surmounted with spirals of Iron spikes, and these are supposed to be (and are except to a few experts) an effective barrier to anyone entering or going out The gates of the college are closed at 9:15 P. M.. after which time no undergraduate can leave college, and If he he out after that hour he Is subjected to a fine, depending In amount on the hour of his return. But everyone Is supposed to be within col lege at midnight, and if one should transgress that role, he would prob ably be "sent down" (slang for "canned"). If he had not a previous excuse from the Dean. Then every undergraduate is supposed to wear a gown when out of college in the evening, and if he be so unfortunate as to be caught by the Proctors, (known as "Progs"), whose duties are to patrol the city searching Into vari ous and sundry places for students College) much to the chargln of the prog, who didn't thing he was being "ragged" all that time. I do not, however, wish to criticise surhrcgiifnttons, for they wore made for our English brothorn and not for us Americans. The Question Is often asked: "IVi the Rhodes scholars get Into the life of Oxford?" From my knowledge anil observation I can positively say that they do, both In scholarship and nth let les. It was only last year that the Ore gon won here at Worsecter won a great scholastic distinction by taking a first In "Croats" (Latin, Creek, phil osophy, etc.) and It Is true that the scholarship of the Rhodes men Is fur above the average of the Englishmen Perhaps you have noted that last autumn In the freshmen sports (track I work) the Rhodes men from different parts took 63 4 out of a possible 72 points, and of those the Americans took 43. This was so notorious that action was taken by the athletic board and Rhodes men were barred from entering tho freshmen sports in fu litre. At Worcester college here there are NEW SHIPS FOR COAST ORDERED STATE" OFFICIAL WHO SHOWS GREAT INCRA9K IN TAXES MAY BE BUILT IN PACIFIC STATES SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS CREAT DREADNOUGHTS ARE PLANNED Bill Carrirs $ 1 40,100.000 Exclusive of Amounts to be Expended for Armament M.irg"i Is Given ' WASHINGTON. Feb. :' - Formal approval was given the administra tion's two-battleship programme by the house naval affairs committee to day after the small navy" men had made their final stand against n. The navy department's construction t plans wore changed so as to provide, for six Instead of eight destroyer and, for additional submarines. As report ed to tho house, the bill carries au np propriatlon of JUO.'Ji'O.iX'H. exclusive; of amount to be spent uir armor u armament, and fixes the building pro fiv Rhodes men, two third year crnnitne for the coming fiscal year as II ROUND OVER TO GRAND URY QIIISON AND III8SELL ARE LEASrO ON OAIL AFTER FIRST HEARINQ RE Thomas B. Ksy and three first-year men. All of follows these have taken very active part In jit-clas battleships of the the college and varsity athletics, vary nj(.h,,t ,,.,.j al largest iKwslble ra .tin. if notion, to ran among lin ing from the varsity boxing team and sports team to the college Rugby team, or tennis team, or rowing crew. At present rowing I? the all absorb- SI KM. Ore. Feb Zl -Pointing i out that state taxes since the years i;tiM mid w: have almost trebled, while the state's population has In creased since then less than one thlrd. State Treasurer Thomas II. Kay In n address last night before the Marlon County Republican club charg ed useless ami unnecessary slate off) elals. commissions and department with being responsible for consider able of the increase In taxes, and ad ing topic, and In about two weess nei ...,..-,.,,.. n.ifl.i.ooo. eii i " - , . viK-ated a general curtailing of state world's dreadnoughts. Jl.M'O.ui'u eai o. ou)t.ndllures in th future, exclusive of armor ami armament. One powerful 4?0o(on 12-knot sea Torpids (or toggers I will he row have the good fortune to be in the Worcester college boat, along with another Rhodes man (from Califor nia). Each of the colleges enters one Togger (boat of 8 men) in the races and a few of the largest colleges en ters two Toggers. The Toggers are conducting themselves In any manneri rowed on fixed seats, and tho "eights" Improperly, he will be hailed before! a the summer term are rowed on slid the Proctor's court and fined five shill tng goats. Ings. If at any time a student be; The are rowed ou the Thames found smoking with his gown on, he ,t. . n.tni . tho Nisi and on will be fined the same amount Then fjr8( jpht of ,hat rver ro,, woul lj thiy can be built there as cheaply as one must always w-ear his gown when, , h h .'hoat race thev can bo built on tho Atlantic Sii torpedo boat destroyers, 000 each. Thro? ccaft defense submarine of 500 tons each. Jii-'.O'H', designed for use on the Pacific coast Four harbor defense submarines of smaller tvne. I.IT.VOOO each. Intended for use on the gulf coast and at Pan ama. The bill provides that the defense submarines shall be built and main tained on tho Pacific coast, provided going to lectures, or going to a uon , , ho d on . hrIV )s (factulty member) for tutoring, etc. b one-third as wide as the Willam No student Is allowed to frequent j P,i t the suspension bridce. The any public house, (saloon, etc.) at anyl arrangement Is as follows: The boats time, or be in restaurants or pool ar(, divided into three divisions, there and billiard halls after 10 o'clock P i Deing about 30 boats In all (som col M and if any student be caught talk- eges having two Toggers) and the Ing with a girl he will be fortunate If ! fjrst eyf.nt g the race of the boats in he escapes sc holastic decapitation tne tnr(j division i numbers 20 to 301 These latter rules are very good In, Thv re lined nn in their order, with! themselves, but ran be carried to ab-labout flftT vards of open space be , TU.,,,. J Jn Italv surd lenghts. For Instance, one of tween f!lcn boat. The object is for! "wusttuu 141 the Rhodes men from the States, who. eacn t0 trT and ' hump" the onei came over this year, and whose char-!anPad of t.V: to literally strikoj acter. I may say. Is quite above re-j s bow aca(nst the stern of the boat! coast and 'laid down'- on the Pacific const. The two-battleship programmtne wa approved, H to 4. Representatives Tribblo (Ceorglal. Heusley. (Mis souri!. Vlthorspoon( Mississippi), ISuchanan, (Illinois) voting in the negative. STORMS FLOOD ORANGE GROVES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HAS REC ORO RAINS AND TOWNS ARE ISOLATED proach .had been to a theatre, and while waiting outside after the show for his companions to come out, he merely displayed bis Southern gallant Want Roosevelt For President ahead, (except the loading boot which, of course, tries to "row over"i keep from being bumped. When mv hrtat hnmna the nnp flhe.ld of It I ry in a social amenity to a young lady, lho tw0 bats D,,u ovtT t0 the side COSENZA. Italy, Feb. 21. A thous- In pass-ng, but was seen by a proctor; nni1 . .... of the ,ht for ,na, Kalian-Americans held a belated MUCH PROPERTY IS DAMAGED Railroad Service In Many Counties Ditorganlitd Many Are With out Homes Two Die In Flood LOS ANOE1.ES, Feb. 19 Two live were lost and damage estimated at sums ranging from Jjou.Muu to Jl.uiai. 000 was wrought by the storm which TEll STORK OF . AURORA CANBY TRIP Jug, Filled With Brandy, Alcohol and Wtr Two Drink of Btsr Caused all Trouble, Say Gibson Jim (Ilbson and Harvey lllssell were hound oer to the grand Jurv Tuesday afternoon by Justice John Helver on a charge or giving liquor to minors. The crime was said to have hern com milted near Cauby while the defend ants were on the way from Harlow to that rltv. (ilbson was placed under i0 ball and lllaael under 1)0 According to the testimony of (lib son at the hearing, tie nail linen in Aurora and while there purchased quart of lllackberry brandy. He thou secured a gallon Jug and after putting the quart of brandy In It. fllM It with water and pure alcohol and started oif toward Harlow, Parlow ha a saloon and when he reached that town he drank a couple of glassc of beer be sides several big drink from hi Jug, according to Clbion. After he left Parlow, thing became misty and rather vague, he ay Somewhere, near the Canby gravel pit he met lllssell and Hlssrll took sev eral taste of thtT content of the Jug. so the story goe. From this tliit, Clbson wa unable to tell the adven ture of hi friend and himself until he awoke and found himself In a bam with lllssell and several small boy, all drunk. Every Student In Every School Is To Study Alfalfa and suspected of an ulterior motive, and, as a result, was summoned be fore the head proctor to be dealt with severely. On statement of the facts and in consideration of the fact that he was an American, hence unfamil iar with the customs here, he was "let off" wfth a fine of 1 pound ($-1.90) and "gated" (not allowed to be out of college after 9:00 P. M.) for the rest of the term (3 weeks). Naturally an American is, on the whole, "bored" with such regulations daw in other words the boat that I Washington' birthday celebration made the bump went up one place. I here today. It happened that all of, S So that every student In every school In Clackamas county may know the value of alfalfa ns a farm crop. Superintendent J. K. Calavnn will send a notice to every ohm teacher In this county to prepare for "alfalfa Wl-ek." This week will extend from March 9 to M and every day the pupils will learn new things about alfalfa. They will write essays, will recite lessons, and read lunik pertaining to Ihe crop. i Kverr tlav the toucher will teach nine sent a record rain to six Southern Cal- w ,, ln pinnt ha for the farmer Ifornln counties during the past twolr the h.-st sol) for Its culture. The days. At several points near Ui An- j International Harvester company Is gelo a precipitation of from six to to1 rooieralliig with the loenl schools oinm incnes was recorueu III the P- ami every teaeliir In tti run., IV will In fact, few of the Americans wear, k ' d cold shower: their gowns in the evenings, pre er-1 a n.2( a huCe 8,pppp (breakfa8t is , ,.,cu - induced In. (all the crew men eating Vk, a,.u ,.a, iuc -" ,.k or if ,h oYnpnse ol oilier- After the third division has finished them were temporarily In their native the second division races, and then ! country and In the vicinity of ( ozen.a the first. This process is continued I gu an effort was made to get them to for six days. Thus a boat might gol mother for the occasion. The gather Ing was held In the city hall, where a boom was started for Colonel Roose velt for president In 191S. Oscar Straus. Gifford Plnrhot, 1-rank Mun- sey, Hiram Johnson and Albert J. Ileverldge wore Indorsed. Frank Yuz of W'Blla Walla. Wash., presided over the meeting. up six places ir it were sunicieniiy good and not too near the top of the first division. The most Interesting part of the rowing season to the crw Is the training, which is as follows: Get up at 7:30 a. m. (dragged out by tne coxj caught than to submit to the regula- together.) ; Mr.,.,, Iun r,f tvn men tlon. There s a goon story nere or themselves to furnish hiw an Amar con uvea caticnr nut nna ' F . , "i.T. I.L. .... t . .. v " ..-.! the brepner; a licht luncn is auoweu mpui ..u.uui uls fU.u. 1UC l.n(i .hp. -ow rora two till tour or wueens college are supposed to ne, .Br , , h tak. . cold Bhower at neutral territory, and the prog can-i . . h . d have -tea" not get you if you are on them. This! 4 of one cup of tea and chap was caught near these steps and ?wtt'cd"nsbV8rnM8 " At 7:00 in the hastenedto take his position on the . " ' '"8' " her at the steps. The prog thought he wouldnt J- " . . d another nu8ky meal be outdone and knew that this st a-1 ra "'" th dutv of dent would have to leave before; n are aI1 ln bed twelve, a she would have to be In "'e l" ,,, t. .iinrL-f d. or Pr6 J.:l.; ,.n. flrinVS As 8 re- IJ I 111 IIIIIK Dl,w..p5 . suit the men are wonderfully fit when PREPARE EOR FLIGHT college that hour, so he, the decided to camp on the steps and wait : ,)r "!"K 1 Aar., .. .v. i , i . .i u 1 sun uie nieu nic -uuui.. . ior tne American io leave, ucd ur t . ff would get him. So both parties stuck, the raceB cme "' , , onffir!l,n.,v nn It out. each eyelnc the other cunning- I think I have dilated suff .clently on ly. When the clock reached about 'this topic for the .present, to exhaust one minute to twelve the American1 your space as well as my time. Spare walked complacently up the steps and; time is even scarcer in training sea entered the cnlleee gate at the head son than at other, of the steps (being member of Queens' G- BLliNAK1J -ul'u" Washington to Sir Cecil Sprlns-Kice. which the Ilritlsh ambassador cabled to the foreign office. It follows: "The state department is asked to advise the British embassy that in structions had been sent heretofore to the American cinsul at Juarez to make a most searching Injuiry into the circumstance attending the d'-ath of William S. Penton. The consul has been ins'.runted to rmike every effort to secure the exhumation and exami nation of the body of the deceased, to taVe the statements of any and all the warifc.-H's v. horn he can find, to em ploy In his investigations medical and legal assistance as far as many be de sirable and to do everything in his power to elicit the facts." BRITMN TO PROBE DEAMBENTON NEW YORK, Feb. 21 Lieutenant John Cyril Porte, of England and Lieu tenant John II. Towers, I'nlted States Navy, mentioned as the aviators who will pilot the Rodman Wanamaker flying boat in the contemplated trans Atlantic fllnht, came here today for a conference with Wanamaker. (ilenn H. Curtlss. who is building the flying boat, is also here for the conference. Following the conference, It is plan ned to take the aviators to the Curtiss factory ut Hammondsport. N. Y., to In spect the work already done on the new flyer. I "I have been sent to investigate the I proposed plan," said Towers, "and I l cannot give even a personal opinion on the flight until the proposition has been laid before me and explained." between midnight Tuesiluy and a. in. today. The orange growing: section and tho railroads suffered tniisl. The three trunk line entering l.os Angeles, the Southern Pacific, the San tu Fe and the Salt Uiko railroad, were compelled to route all trains over a Santa Fe branch Hue. Santa ilur- bara nud towns In tho foothills were still rut off, ulthough the former was expected to regain rail communication with the outside tonight At Covina, In the fruit growing sec tion, the storm wrought damage esti mated at J 100,000. Orange orchards were washed out there. The body of Harold Sell, a rancher drowned there yesterday, waa recov ered. The body of Kmmet Osterman, the U-year-old boy drowned at Santa llnrbara, was believed to have been swept out to sea. Many houaea were destroyed in this city and In the outlying county 35 miles southeast hundred of acres were Inundated. The homes of 30 Mexican families In the same district were swept away. receive a bulletin on use of alfalfa. the growth and ENGLISH GOVERNMENT HAS RE SOLVED TO LEARN EVERY ""T5BTAIL OF INCIDENT WILL GET INFORMATION FIRST HAND Notifies American Government of In tention and Asks United States That it Counsuls Are Protected GORE CONGRATULATED ON HIS EXONERATION E! LONDON, Feb. 24 The P.ritish ' government has Invoked the good of-; O'ntrary to early expectations, It is fices of the United States government '"K'nninK to appear that there will to urge that there shall be no interfer- ,,e nmneruus candidate for represen ence by General Villa with its invest!-,i,t,ve ,n "'e Republican primary. K. gatlon Into the death of William S. a 01'ls' f'f 0ak ('rove, who waH proml Benton and the reriorted disannear-, n,'nt 'he recall movement last Aug- ance of two Englishmen named Laur- !lst; an''""nced his candidacy for the i- -,i iiwinr; ence and Curtis. The Investigation Is today. He favors lower ed that William ish consul at Galveston, who has been " 'en wa W, or weaver Creek, is instructed to sunolv the most com-: ' "'" lu MlaK! rare Ior lue to be made by Charles Perceval, I'.rit-' '?f's- ls, reported ish consul at Galveston, who haa been ''rlssen'hwaite, of to plete reports obtainable. Republican nomination. He is coun- tv fealer nf iL-cioMa anA ..n Sir Edward Grey rirltish foreign , ,lfT annolntment by the county court! C. Hchuebel, who was in the house la:t session, has announced hi candi dacy for re-election, and H. S. Clyde, a local Grand Army figure, Is also a rand date. It is understood G. T. Hunt, of Garfield, will enter the field as a Republican. ft , A. , v i r ' -v 17 UMkMtt UamU U.& Uim aII U. S. Senator Thomas P. Gore secretary, told the House of Commons today that Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, Iirit- l;;h ambassador at Washington, had been Instructed tj inform the United States government that Great Pritain considered it essential for a UriMsh consul to visit the spot where lien ton was killed. I Consul Perceval was Instructed to, ask the United States government, as Great Britain had no means of com- HOOD RIVER, Ore., Feb 19 A municatlng with General Villa, to in-fcampaign for a proposed bond Issue struct the United States consul at for better roads in Hood River county Juarez to Inform General Villa, and to; was launched today, when the resi request an assurance that the British , dents of the ten road districts of the consul si-ould not be interfered with ! county met to select an advisory board" Sir Edward Grey read a communica- of five member tn i,tu, .v.- ,on from the state department at conntv court her Katurt.. uH6- Want Good Road. OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Feb. 18. United States Senator Thomas P. Gore was swamped t .day by a flood of tele grams whicn poured ;n on him con gra'ulat ns hlrn on hi:t victory In the .. "i. null fiamaie suit brought against him by Mrs. Minnie E. Bond, who ac- cused him of attacking her while they were conferring together In a Wash ington hotel last March concerning her husband's candidacy for the Okla homa City Internal revenue collector-ship. Treatment 8ueces. SALEM. Ore., Feb. 24 After giving it a thorough trial for six weeks on boys sent to the Institution. W. F Hale, superintendent of the State Training School of Hoys, announced tonight that nitrate of ailver waa a positive coure for the cigarette bablL WEEK'S OFFERING OF BUTCHERMEATSHORT UNION STOCK YARDS. PORT, LAND, Feb. 21 -Receipt for the week have been: rattle 1634, calve 4, hogs 5702, sloep WlM, Cattle. A big week on ibis market, particu larly the first half. Offering of butch er cattle, cows, heifer, etc., were ex tremely short of trade need com par ed with steer consignment. The best quality grain fed bullocks sold at $7.xn to $S.H0 and cows, $ti.7S to $7.00. Hull trade was slow, hut calves ruled firm. After Monday n-i-elpt were not ns heavy as expected. Hogs. Hogs were the real fensation of the period as they opened up on Monday at $S.r,r, and got to JS.75 by Wednesday In the face of a ib luge. The bulge was not a spasm either a It main tained a firm front right up to the close of the week. Buying of swine was spirited and competition among killers to get stock of any weight o long as It had a smooth finish pro duced a real live market. Sheep.' I -a nib transactions carried off the honors In the sheep house. Several lots of medium ewes went over the scabs, and a bunch of yearlings at $i;.00 comprised the bulk of mutton sale. The best grain lambs sold at $6.75, the first shorn stock of the seas on arrived this week. Summary: Cattle market steady to firm; hogs strong: sheep and lambs steady to firm with a upward tend ency. ,i The. following sales' are repres7it atlve: I M steers 167 steers 125 steer 5 cows 19 cow 7 cow 5 cow 164 hog 626 hog 1213 hog 7181 1600 hog 6 bulls 2 bull 2 calve 1 stag 492 lamb 106 yearling 100 ewe 70 wether Wt. Price 1124 tX.OO 1196 7 90 1290 7.70 1256 7.65 1270 6.50 10H0 6.40 98 5.75 950 5.5(1 199 8 75 202 fi.7l iM 8.65 178 8 60 1250 5.50 1510 5 00 120 $.00 1330 5.50 88 .7s 7 $00 103 4.75 82 5.00 E SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 24 -Dlsap pointed In love, Abraham Pepper, of Tacoma, Waxh., rnlled Mr. Dorothy Johnson, his former sweetheart and a bride of a week, Into the hull of the hotel here where she wan spending her honeymoon toduy. shot her dead ut her husband's feet, and then shot himself. With a bullet In his head. Pepper wa rushed to Central Finer gency hospital, where hi chnncc for recovery were said to lie slight. Abraham Pepper and F. L. Johnson. manager of a Tacoma music store were reputed to be rivals for the hnnd of Miss Dorothy Danhauser. Pepper had kept company with tho young woman for five years. It was said, hut Johnson waa successful In love, ami a week ago ha and his bride left Tucnma for a honeymoon In California. EX POLICE LIEUTENANT 13 GRANTED A NEW TRIAL WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Onaon Dvl)mril Nw In tin of Induilrl, Payroll! ana rM" of Labor and Inlsrprlio. (Prepared by III" Htsto Bureau of In duslrlc and rllatlatlcs I HAI.KM, Or, Feb. 35 -During Ihe pn.l week th Huprenm court ha tie elded against lbnr Coniiiilssioiier lleff in hi contention (tint the rUht hour In for public work applied l all public niploiiiioiit, such as (Miller, flr'mn, lalrt rmploye. rlc, The rasa nf frank flleltler, paper box manufacturer at Portland, agalnat the Public Welfare CoiiiiiiUalon wa nrgmd before Ihe hlbet court here, and In either r. will b appealed lo the Supreme court of llm United Slates A r proi(l of Doing and Har vey of Marshnclit ha beu (pending two wrk at Portland buying iur rhaiwlue direct from Ihe manufactur er, to eliminate middlemen' prom, and reduce Ihe high coat of living. The Oreron Wooden war Manufarl tiring Co, ha an order for sixty car loads of buttertub from the Hwift Parking t'o. Prairie City ha new flouring mill operated bv electricity grinding thirty barrel a day beside fend. Amity people voted down a rlly wat erwork proposition recently but the matter I tn be brought up In a more tvractlral way, W. I ChappeM. of OakVllle. will r tabPih an up to date rrramery at Med ford. Th aboard of education I plan ning lo add a first etas gymnasium and swimming lank to tho Marshfleld high chool The Farmer Manufacturing and Supply Co, of Handon, I taking steps to establish a rher factory. A fifty room annex In the 81. Fran ru hotel at Vlbauy I being complet ed Central Point I considering a water svsiem with a pump system forcing 4tH gallon per minute through th mains , The Madi III Oregon movement re ceived substantial encouragement t I P.im tinA t.i... Northwe.tnrti Hank liii,, ,,'1'4 land, f.00,000 balm (, rt " 'wt fe brick. " ' Th" Ku e Frull tlror, Xi Hon I tcudlug ronlraei (nr I 14 nerragn or vegetable fur t "nnri I Tha f4prlngflltl pUnim enlarging ilia hoi mnufi,eiitta "f ' parlnieiil lo employ !,( 7 mora liuuda. Hll Ihe ereel 1 00, lo cost I U. mio, Tha Tidewater mill at p,,f, barn reconlruc(ed and U I he Pythian flga. of Aur,lr, ).. et a iwoainry urn g Mix , ii.; -1 lit "'IK lltMlftH. t.i uw lino nun ,,hIi ,.r i. . i ,u spring. Th Ml. Helen ('rroaollni Dlllng large order of lrri,,j ' and lira for Manila and India. . A f.'O Oiul central heating l t ( been liiitalled by the First Ntiu Hank of lalla. i Plans for 110,000 high chtMt th Fulton Park dlstrlet. 1'or aro In ba ready by the mtddk t March The Herman Turnrerrln. nf r land I rout pint Ing big club and gfmnaalum at rot of m lii.ooo. C, rower In tha vicinity nf Hhrrr rarnlml mora than 1 150,000 for o hop recently. Tha new cannery creeled a (U, by Hunt Bros , of Hsn Ftni lie give etnployniant lo !&0 pnrsimi 4 Ing Ihe seamn. tn their big fight for pur itt upply Pendleton prop' will next tot on a forty thousand dollar born) u Work ha begun on the Oral two of tha Pacific Highway from M4!at to Central Point enormia wl'hlp llltold aurfare. Marlon county I awakening N tha brp of agr and will vole s:,o.ouo gtMMt n,l bond Imuc S8 DEFINES HIGHWAY POLICY BLAMES LACK OF CONCERTED WORK FOR CONOITIONS NOW EXISTINQ a " o ! RtSULT HAS BEENTREMENDOUS WASTE Man With Hort ItnH Nttdtd to Oo Into th Country and Co optr at With th( Road Supervisor tha county, and t believe I untbrf si their trmiMT, have another and im er ceated conviction a lo county t fair Thny see their asrinn till e on the umn ple e of pro rtr iiii higher and higher a the trn it,t : and Ihe rain of levy climbing up lm ! the heaven at the ame I'.mn. Ibe i en a great and Inrrrasllig iii'inT j money flowing Into the count) trtt ' ury year after year, ruining tna , thosa who ar well abln lo pir tar.- taira, and from others, to wtu ta U. payment mean real sacrlfb". mi the people are demanding reault. w neersaarlly In road altogether, bill I the rotirt house and outalde of It. W very where that leaks shall b t prd tin and InefTlrli nl and rarrlea t naticlerlng 1h done away with Vou tell me. Mr, Kdlior. hy tit rotnmon man who pays hi m.iv h to the countr lreeMry every i,H who never aerka an office and duett'. v -mi i one. hnan't a rkbt to belirteiti eHi t that there ihall be the namas! fleieticy and economy rjerclse.l in Ua : iDiiiiru-i no nl of rounty affalta til inri fnl bunlneaa man put forth lilt nun, ii-' iiH-nt of hi own prlrai bnst tie..' No man ahould court Ihn ofTlrai rounty judge and ricllly not I 'lie iiiotii-y In It. but I have iul3 made up tn v mind that If the imtnlnm 1,11 the different tickets, ai lillej tt Ihe office, do not by their riperbnci nnd pndeioilon give promise of grl i r economy and efficiency In count affairs. I will run a an Indepi-nJitf rniidldute and carry the goapel u( fir em y Into every precinct of t county. tin the contrary, If a man l selects,, who by hi known qualification! mat s'trea up to the atandard of effk-ZeafT detniinded, I shall be only too $M V I glv him my hearty upport ' iiauvky k. num. I Charle Becker was Al.ltANV, N. Y., Feb. 24-Former Police Lieutenant Charles Meeker of New York city, under sentence of death In Hlng Hing prison for the murder of Herman Rosenthal granted a new trial today. Ihe retrial was grnnted decker by the circuit court of anneals. Hl of Its members voted In favor of bis ap plication for a new trial. Justice Wer ner opposed the application. Ihe courts opinion was written l.v by Justice Hli:ok mid the lower court's decision was reversed a a re sult of errors by Justice Ooff, who pre sided at Her ker'i trial. Four gumen under sentence of death for the actual killing of Rosenthal were denli d new trial. It was aleger) at Itecker'a trial that 5.50 ' gunmen killed Rosenthal at Peck ers Instigation. Suffragist Jailed. I.O.Ttf),V, Feb. 24 Ijtwrence Houa man, the author and artist, and H. W. Ne.vinson, the war correspondent, were among ill non-militant snffra gists arrested tonight after a demon (ration in Parliament square against Premier Aqulth attitude on forcible feeding and the "cat and mouse act." OltK'itiN CITY. Feb. Zl (Kdltor of the F.ntc rprlsel - Your anniiuno inent of my probable candidacy for couti'v Judge is a Utile confusing In rune of the statements attributed to me My attitude toward better rndt In Clnckumn county, and my cout h" ion In ri-mird lo svstrittatlr nnd ei-iuioml cut road construction I known t- many of our p' ople. The gn-.it ob Jectlon to Ihe present method la that the road money Is acut'en d out am ng 59 supervisors, each one of wlioiii ia a law untn himself He beglna work! when he pb nsrs--makes s road na he' pleases nnd where he pleases Mont all these men are absolutely honest, rreat many are Intelligent and quite a niimlier have some rmd etperlenee, but there haa never been any super vision over th.- supervisor, so thai the work In on- rond illstrlct would dovetail lul l Ihe work done In Ihe next adjoining. The supervisors oftenllme wl'h the very heal Intend ins f nd them' Ives In the conditions of the fine whose tnlla Hamaon tied torether and turned loose. They all pull, but In opposite dlrec lions Who hnan't known, times w'th- ou numb. r. of one supervisor making An oritlnn(.p , provMl) ,i.. csrrr a half mile of rond In one place Just I ,, ,,ffr(., , rp ry ,h 1 a imtch the nest supervisor making a i ,,.,, ,, r,,f(.rm)llin ers small bit of new- road the next year In i Kr ,,.,, , , ()f (h hU another direction and so on "ad n lro , ,,,l)7 (nU h wr nnltum. So far no fnr reaching en ., . iiti, bv a vol of I tlnuou plan that embraces t Its pe .11, " by City the principal thrnughfnr. , of the co j ' (". " X'hS t ly nas ever neen nootif i Ii v our coun'v court, and this has bd to tremenilous wnsv Kvervbodv knows It, nnd no one i ares to defend the lin k of sva'etn nnd plan, who car' s to be honest w th hlineslf and the tnxiuiver of the coun tv. Hut the verv moment nny move, Is made In the dlro'llon of prenter ef ficiency nnd better r suits . for the money evpended. n lot of fellows rush PREPARE FOR VOTE ON WATER QUESTION lornev Chrl Hchuebel hroiiitht beforo Ihe clly council, pn nblv at their net nieetlng next V nendny. Tho ordinance provides that the cl council may call a special election cuuaed to be placed on the ballot all regular election any nieaaure. It wil be used for the first time In this clt' unon th nronosed nine lino from tk ' o, n 101 hi leiiows rush i . . .- ,- . - . . , . rm Into print and howl their beads off tr,''"h '"I ,,f tha C llickamaa to Off he efreet tlit.1 snnm one s trying to K " v rob Ihe honest farmer. 1 " " ' Now I bd notbint: -o do with ti... rriT OTA HI I Pnnrin passage f the I'll rond law. nnd did I.KrAI MIIkM kK flll not know It was on the statute books UlALHI U I Ulll l UI IlLHIA j iiiiiii in jiinmirv or tnis year, titir senator nnd representative In the leiMsliiture kn-w 't nnd Mr. C. K, Hpence. tnnsl. r of the state grange, ac-knowleili-ed that ho helped to frame the law This law. ns I understand It, romp. Ik nil rond work In any rond district receiving over $1000 of rond motiey, to be done under the dlroctlon NKW YORK, Feb. 4 Willi tbek amounting; to many millions, J tortn accompanied by tero we16 , of Ihe counlv surveyor or routilv road. I that hiiH iirnHirut,wl h nn.lro eentt1 mailer. The law I ambiguous, and'wegt for tho past 30 hour veered mleht and ouch' to be a lot more def-l the south and east and awept throWj Inlt'but there was practical ngree-llhe Atlantic state, Went Vlrg'nla " ment a to what the Intent of the leg Tcnnegsc last night. Todny H "j islalura wa. I be lost over the Atlantic ocean, arrofj- Now under the In ' whnt I best to I Ihe Unlletl Htnte weather ' be done? Allow the county surveyor i pert. wno may, m may not be, a good road man, have chnrt'e of the rond con struction of the county or ' It not saner and more In accordance with common sense to appoint a level-headed road maker: not necessarily an An ..Ir. enV.,Fln. nf . Ineh flf ) In New York city Inst night was diinJJ cd on the heavy blanket left PJ,,'f;f we. k' storm. The mow quit fa"1" early today, with the thermomctef IO HnvrilAI M l.... mm-n Thft fH engineer, a mnn with horse sense who I temperature drove hundred of how can go out Into tho coun'y and plan less men to munclpal lodging nou- f with the supervisors and co-operate - with them, weed ng out the liiefflcl-nt one from time to time, and build and construct the roads of the county ac. cordlt g to a system and plan that will compr hend and embrace the whole county and will lead to result. Now, Mr. Editor, what better cheme have you or any one else, under the law, to propose? Hut the taxpayer of Grant Inert. ClircAOO, Feb. 20. Increase wage, approximating $100,000 annOJJ ly were granted yeterday to trainmen of the Chicago, nurllnPJ Uulncy railroad by a board of ar tratlon. which ha been fitting three month. i