Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 20, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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    ",771ET''itTK."yitiiAv .KimiiAHYaumi-
PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 18. Fran
H. Curtis, former warden of the Ore
. fon penltentlnry nd now head dep
uty of the criminal department In
Sheriff Word office, today was twice
Indicted by the grand Jury on charge
of blackmailing. P. J. Hayden, pro
prietor of the Arcade rooming house,
for $25, on the night of January 16.
The first Indictment alleges that the
deputy attempted to extort the amount
by threats of arrest and Imprison
ment. The second charges the act
of receiving a bribe of $25 from Hay
den on promise to refrain from arrest
ing the proprietor after accusing blm
of aiding and abetting a crime.
Circuit Judge Morrow, to whom the
Indictments were reported by the
grand Jurv. did not require bail of the
accused deputy. He stated that he had
no fear that Curtis would do other
.i.a ihnn mwir In the case at once
and that the necessity for bail was not
apparent to him. Later he had a talk
with Sheriff Word. In which he sug
gested that Curtis make an appearance
an,1 submit himself to the Jurisdiction
of the court by filing a demurrer or
other pleading to the indictments.
Bediming at the northeast corner
of section 11. T. 4 S. R. 2 E. and run
ning thence west 1 mile; thence south
u. mll- thence west S miles: thence
north 14 mile; thence west H mile:
thence south to Molalla River: thence
up Molalla River to crossing of south
line of section 34; thence east to
southeast corner of section 31. T. 4 S.
R. 3 E.: thence north mile; thence
west 1 mile; thence north H mile:
thence west 1 mile; thence north 4
miles to beginning.
Begin at northwest corner of section
6. T. 5 S. R. 2 E.. running thence east
to Molalla River; thence up Molalla
River to where said river crosses the
tount line of section 31, T. 5 S. R. 3 E
thence west to southwest corner sec-j
tlon 31, T. 5 S R. 2 E., thence norm
6 miles to place of beginning.
Milwaukie Height.
Begin at the intersection of the di
vision line between the husband and
wife's half of the George Crow D. L.
C. and the Willamette River; thence
down said river to south line of Mil
waukie; thence easterly and northerly
on said south boundary to Intersection
of the west line of the J. D. Garrett
claim; thence south on said west line
to the northwest corner of McLaren's
land; thence east to northeast corner
of McLaren's land; thence south on
McLaren's land to Foster road; thence
easterly on Foster road to McLaueh
lin's east line; thence south on Mc
Laughlin's east line to north line of
Oren Kellogg D. L. C; thence west
atong me norm one ui uiu naim,
sounty boundary of Milwaukie Park,
the north line of Pinehurst, and the
center of Courtney Avenue to the Will
amette River, the place of beginning.
Milwaukie No. 1.
Begin at a point where the Willam
ette River Intersects the north line of
the city of Milwaukie; thence easterly
along the north line of said city to
intersection of main line of the 0. &
C. R. R. track; thence southerly along
said track to Penzane street, Sellwood
Addition to Milwaukie; thence south
erly down said street to Fourth street;
thence southeasterly on Fourth street
to Whitcomb street in Qulncy Addi
tion to Milwaukie; thence southerly
down Whitcomb street to the line of
Mr. Holt's and W. H. Grasle'g land;
thence southerly on said property line
to Foster road; thence northwesterly
on said Foster road to the property
owned by Miss Sinclair; thence south
erly on easterly line of Sinclair prop
erty to Kellogg Lake and an Intersec
tion with city limit9 of Milwaukie;
thence westerly on said city limits to
Willamette River; thence down said
river to beginning.
Milwaukie No. 2.
Begin where the north boundary of
city of Milwaukie limits Intersects the
main line of the 0. & C. R. RI track;
thence southerly along said railroad
track to Penzane street; down said
Penzane street to Fourth street ;
thence southeasterly down Fourth
street to Whitcomb street; thence
southerly on Whitcomb street to line
between the Holt and Grasle property;
thence southwesterly down said prop
erty line to Foster road; thence north
westerly along said road to the prop
erty owned by MIbs Sinclair; thence
southerly along the easterly line of
the Sinclair property to Kellogg lake,
where same Intersects the south
boundary of Milwaukie; thence south
easterly, northerly and westerly along
the eastern and north boundary of city
limits to place of beginning.
Mount Pleasant.
Beginning at a point on the quarter
section line running east and west
through section 14, T. 3 S. R. 1 E.,
where it Intersects the top of the
bluff; thence following said bluff In a
northerly direction to th city limits
of Oregon City; thence the south and
southeasterly limit to a point where
same Intersects the Molalla road;
thence southeasterly on said road to
intersect the north line of the Vance
Claim; thence west about 19 chains to
northwest corner of a 25-acre tract
now owned by R. Petzold; thence
southerly to northwest corner of land
now owned by David Scherubble,
thence on same course to the most
northerly corner of land now owned
by John Gaffney; thence following
said west line to most southerly corn
er thereof; thence southwesterly on
a continuation of said Gaffney' line to
the north line of the J. 8. Howland D.
t mile; thonc outH 1 mile; thence
west 1 mile; thence south 4 tulles;
thence east on south line of section
31, to Willamette River; thence down
Willamette River to beginning.
Beginning at northwest corner sec
tion 7. T. 2 8. K .4 Id theme east to
Sandy River; said last line being lit
the center of the Oregon City Wagon
road and to continue on to the river;
thence up Sandy River to where It
- i -, ui
crosses tile line nuuium u......
south through section I it, T. 2 S. H.
K thence south to V; section corner
on south Hide section 2S; thence west
i mile; thence south mile; theme
west t mile; thence north S mile;
thenco west 3 mile to northwest corn
e.r section :tr.. T. 2 S. U. 4 K.; thenco
south to south fork IVep Creek:
thenco down Peep Creek to section
iin.i between sections SI and
thence east to section comer on
south side said section 21; thence 31
mile: thence west 4 mile; theme
north to place of beginning.
Beginning nt northwest corner sec
tion 27. T. 1 S. It. 2 E., thence east
34 miles; thence south 3V miles, j
thence west 3 miles; l hence norm
mile: thence west S mile
east 3 mile to place of beginning.
Beginning nt a point where the Tual
atin River crosses the west line of
section 19. T. 2 S. R. 1 E. thence
south on Meridian line to Willamette
River; thence down Willamette River
the most easterly corner thereof;
thence southwesterly on said claim to
north line of section 17, T. S 8. R. 1 K.
thence west on north line of sections
17 and IS to the northeast corner of
N. W. Vi of N. W. V; of section l",
t.Vneo south to S. K. corner of N. W.
V, of N. W. V of said section IS;
thence west to Intersection with south
easterly line of the White claim;
thence northeasterly on said White
clnlm to the N. E. corner of 22 acre
tract now owned by W. K. Young;
thence northwesterly on said Young's
land to northwest corner thereof;
thence following said Youngs west
line to the north line of a 90 aero
tract now owned by Rlttlnger; thence
northwesterly on Rittlnger north
line to the north line of said While
Claim: thence southwesterly along
north line of said White clulm to 1 16
line running cast and west through the
northwest quarter of section 13;
thence west to northwest corner of
the S. W. of the N. W, V of said
section 13; thence south'" mile;
thence west on said quarter section
line to the Bluff, the place of begin
ning; this precinct consists of all the
territory within the boundaries of
School District No. 43 and 109.
New Era.
Begin at northeast corner section 17
T. 3 S. R. 2 E thence west 1 3 4 miles:
thence south Vi mile; thence west to
intersect the southeasterly boundary
of the White claim; thence northwest
erly on White claim to the northeast
corner of a tract of land now owned by
W.E.Young; thence northwesterly to tl, m, between sections 20 and 21.
Young' northwest corner; thence j 3 s. R. 1 K.. thence north to N. W.
southerly on Young's west line to!(.orm.r sections 16; thence east to
north line of a ?0 acre tract now owned j Willamette Hiver; thence down said
by J. and C. Rittinger: thence wet:rtt.r to Tualatin river; thence up
to the north line of said White clnlm; j Tualatin River to beginning,
thence southwesterly on said White j viola.
claim to 1-16 section line running east j Beginning at corner of sections 4. 5.S
nnrf irpl thmui'h th V. W tl ilf fltV- ! i o T - C P '1 I.' then,-., ftnllth
" ' " - - r- i. ..-..... ,., . I ,v
tlon 13. T. 3 S. R. 1 E. thence west to 0I1 line ,.tween sections S and 9 to 1 " " "
X. E. corner of S. E' Vi of X. E. V, ! m,r,h lilu, M. Richardson Claim; Slr,,"t' ' k",,wn '", "", ,,,""k Hl"A
of section 14: thence south ' mile; ! .,.,. est on north line said claim "n on center line of County street
thence west V mile; west on quarter Ao s,.,.,lon line running north and.'" "m,,h """'"r' "f Falls lew Adit
section line running east and west jim,h through section S; thence south "un ,"pnrn ,'!",'r"
through said section H. to the top of , v, corner on south side of section I VM V,PW Addition to top of the
the bluff; thence northerly following ,-. .hence west 4 mile; thence south ,,luff: th,,nc,, """H"' "" "V ot
top of bluff to the north line of Milton ! o miles; thence east fi miles; thence
north 1 mile: thence west 1 "jmlles;
thence north " mile; thence west H
mile; thence north IV, miles; thence
west 4 mile; thence north 1 tulle to
center section 11. T. 3 S U. 3 E..
boundary; thenco westerly on north
line of city to renter of rouiity roa'l
loading from Oregon City to Portland;
thence northerly along center ' !
rood to Interned north line of Green
Point Addition; thence westerly to
Willamette River; thence southerly on
Willamette River to beginning.
Oregon City No. 8.
Begin nt Intersection of center Hue
of Madison sired with the north
boundary of Oregon City; thence east
erly to northeast corner of Kra Fish
.,i'l.lnc thence with Abornolhy
Creek up stream to the mouth of New
ell Creek; thence up Newell Creek to
north line of Newell I). 1,. C. thence
west on north line of Newell and
Holme claims to southeast corner of
the Oregon City claim; tnence wei
to center line of Grant Street; thence
northeasterly wllh center line of Grant
street to intersect the center linn of
12th street; thence easterly oil center
of Grant street to Intersect with center
line of Madison street ; thence north
easterly on center line of Madison
street to beginning
Oregon City No. 6.
Begin at Intersection line of Madl
son and 12th street, thence easterly
along center Hue of I2ih street to cell
thence ter line of Grant street, thence south.
erly oil center line of Grant street to
Division lreet: (known also as Han
dall l-ane thence westerly along ren
ter line of a IPIvlsloti street to Inter
s.rt center line of 7th street; thence
westerly along center line of 7th street
to center of Madison street; thence
northerly on center line of Madison
street to place of beginning.
Oregon City No. 7.
Begin at Intersection of center line
of John Adams street and 7th streets;
thence easterly to center of Harrison
street; thence southerly on center of
Harrison street to south boundary line
of the Oregon City Claim ;(henee west
tj, T. Watt
Clma. Unit"
Wm. I.IIHe
8. Mill
F, 8. Baker
J, J, Italian
A. . Smith
Alfred Harrier
0. W, llatlai
I O. Colhurn
Orvul Walts
Emerson Walts
Newton Monk
Irvln llowk
District No.
W. II. Coutnell
O. P. Iloclhe
H. O. LaCure
K. K. Roelh
District No.
G. T, limit
Geo. Hathaway . r, . . .
Ben T. Haw Una
A. H. Perry
A. J. Tucker
District No.
(1. T. Thompson
Ktcd Moehukn
A. A. Allen
District No.
John Wallace
It. K Parrlsh
Ktod Bninner
J. J. Berg
Jam.' Beeson
Nat ScrlUner
John Carlson
Carl Carlson
Bert Cola
Mr. Pulse
Hurley Fellow
D Mclntyre
Frank Hoes
District No.
A. I.. Wldstraml
Albert Eytiian
District No.
Paul Klelm
H. F. Gibson
J. C. Miller
T. E. Brown
W. Brown
S. Wymore
It. I.. King
Brown Claim: thence westerly on
north line of said Brown Claim to
Willamette River; thence up said riv
er to south line of sections 10 and 11.
T. 3 S. R. 1 E., thence west across the
river to northwest corner of section , thence west l"a miles; thence north
IS. thence south to Willamette River: I t, mie; thence west 1 mile to begin
thence down said river to '4 section . nK
line running north and south through
section 27. T. 3 S. R. 1 E.. thence
south to V corner of south side said
section 27; thence east 1-3 m le;
thence south Vj mile; thence east I
mile; thence south S mile; thence east
1 mile; thence north 4 mile; thence
east V mile: thence north 4 mile:
West Linn.
Beginning at a point where the south
line of the Jesse Bullock Claim inter
sects the Willamette River thence
westerly on said south line to section
line between sections 14 an 13, T. 2 S.
R. 1 E., thence south one line between
sections 14. l.". 11 nnd 23 to north
tiluff to Inters'-ct an easterly projection
of the south boundary of Oregon City;
thence weterly on city boundary to
center line of John Adams street,
thence northerly on center of John
Adams to place of beginning.
. $
thence east 3-4 mile; thence north 2 j n,le of Samuel Miller claim: thence
mile; thence east 1 mile: thence north
1 mile to place of beginning. I
Oak Grove.
Beginning at a point where the di
vision line between the husband's and
wife's half of the Crow Claim Inter
sects the east bank of the Willamette
River; thence east on said division I
line, also called Courtney Avenue, and
continuing east between the plat of
Milwaukie Park and the plat of Pine
hurst and along the north line of Orem
Kellogg Claim to the northwest corn
er of said claim; thence south on east
6 00
10 00
8 oo
west on north line of said claim to
the northwest comer thereof; thence
south on west line of said Miller claim
to l section line running east and
west through section 27; thence east
to quarter corner between sections Ifi
and 27; thence south 4 mile; thence
east 1 mile; thence south on east line
of section 33 and on east line of sec
tlon 2. T. 3 S. R. 1 E.. to the Willam
ette River; thence down said river to
Beginning at a point where the north
line of said claim to most northerly j bank of the Willamette River crosses
corner of the McNary Claim; thence j
southwesterly on northerly line of
said McNary claim to most northerly
corner of John Baumgartner land;
thence southeasterly to Baumgartner'
northeast corner; thence southwest
erly along Baumgarnter's southeaster
ly line to the east line of the Rogers
claim; thence northwesterly on east
erly line of Rogers claim to the north
east corner of plat of C'ovell; thence
southwesterly on north line of Covell
and north line of Roethe's Willamet'e
River Front lots to Willamette River;
thence down the Willamette River to
place of beginning.
Oswego No. 1.
Beginning at a point where the cen
ter line of "B" Avenue In town of Os-
the section line between section 19,
T. 3 S. R. 1 E., and section 24, T. 3 S.
R. 1 V., thence north on Meridian line
to northeast corner section 12; thence
west 2 3-4 miles; thence south 2 miles;
thence west 'i mile; thence south to
Willamette River; thence down said
river to beginning.
Begin at a point on the Willamette
River on the north bank thereof where Theodore llucrth
It crosses tho line between sections 1 'Hvera
and 2, T. 2 S. R. 1 K., thence north to! Il,n K''"
northeast corner section 35; thence
west on north line section 3.', to north
west corner thereof; thence north to
'4 sections corner between sect Ions
20 and 27; thence west to corner
between sections 27 and 2S; thence
District No. t.
J. J. Kadderly
C. E. Battln
(V A. Battln
Wm. Mundion
A. It. Klrkley
District No. 5.
W. K. Wheeler $ 20(H)
II. A. Beck 0
M. H. Wheeler 15.00
J. Itnet 0
District No. .
Sandy Rldgx lumber Company
('has. Kretis
District No. 7.
Gilbert Vanderhoof
T. lempsey
G. Pickens
Wm. Winter
Lex Irvln
Boh Akin
Geo. G. Glbon
II. Jackson
M. Tire
Otto Aschoff . . .
E. It U-af
F. E. McGugln
District No. 10
J. M. SlmlU
Kasper Wheeler
C. H. Duncan 1450
District No. 11
2 25
4 50
1 12
, 10.00
. I7
1 o
, R 00
. 3 00
. 4 h
. .1 00
I 00
I 00
, 2 00
.$ 13 00
M 10
5 t.O
. 1110
.$ II 7f.
1 00
. 175
S 00
J 00
1 50
4 60
0 60
SO. do
3 no
6 00
I (Ml
4 50
I 00
II 25
ft no
7 oo
4 oo
I io
Morrow Son $ 2 50
J. W. Smith 17.60
W. II MattiHin 2000
wego entended would Intersect the I BO"th to Tualatin River; thence down
Willamette River; thence westerly
along the center line of "U" Avenue
to the west line of city limits; thence
so.ith to section line between sections
3 and 10, T. 2, S. R. 1 E.; tbence west
on section line to northwest corner of
section 7, T. 2 S. R. 1 K., thence south
to the center of Tualatin River; thence
down Tualatin River to west line of
section 34; thence north or. section
Tualatin river to Willamette River;
thence down said river to beginning.
Oregon City No. 1.
Begin on east bank of Willamette
River at foot of 7th street; thence
easterly along center of 7th street to
center line of John Adams street;
thenc e southerly on center line of John
Adams street to city limits; thence
westerly to Willamette River; thence
line to Vt corner between sections 27 j northf-rly on Willamette River to be
and 28; thence east to Vi section line Kirriliif.
running east and west through section 0re9n City No. 2.
27 to west line Samuel Miller claim; "egin at foot of 7th street on east
thence north on said west line to north-' ''!lnl( of Willamette River; thence east-
John Murphy
Frank Murphy
E. L. Pt..,.
District No. 13
J. T. Fullam
A. Schneider
District No. 15
Wm. Fine $
A. II.
.$ 1.00
west corner of said claim; then.:e east
on north line said claim to section
line between sections 22 and 23;
thence north on section line between
sections 22, 23, 14 and 15 to south line
of Jesse Bullock Claim; thence east
erly to Willamette River; thence down
said river to place of beginning.
Oswego No. ?.
Beginning at a point where an east
erly extension of "B" Avenue Inter
sects the Willamette River; thence
westerly '.long center of "B" Avenue,
and an easterly and westerly extension
of said avenue to the west line of Os
wego; thence south to lection line be
tween sections 3 and 10, T. 2 S. R. 1 E.,
thence west on said section line to the
Southwest corner section 6; thence
north 1 mile; thence east on township
line, and county line, to Willamette
River; thence down Willamette River
to place of beginning.
Pleasant Hill.
Beginning at a point where the north
bank of the Willamette river Inter
ect the section line between sec
tion 27 and 28, T. 2, 8. R. 1 E., thence
north to northwest corner section 22.
i. o a. k. i e, tnence east Vi mil
L. C; thence outheaterly along the thence north 2 mile- thence, west
north line of said Howland Claim to mile; thence north 1 mile; thence west
D. j.
S. A.
rly on center line of 7lh street to cen
ter line of Madison street; thence
northerly on center line of Madison
street to 11th street; thence weHiery
on center line of 11th street to Will
amette river; thence southerly wllh
said river to beginning.
Oregon City No. 3.
Begin at Intersection of center line
of Harrison street with center t!ne
of 7th street; thence easterly on center S- A
line of 7th street to center line of PI
vision street; thence easterly on cen
ter of Division street to an angle In the
city boundary; thence southerly, west
erl", northerly, westerly, otherl'y and
northeasterly to Intersect the south
boundary of Falls View Addition;
thence northeasterly on center line of
"County Street" also known a the
"Plank Road" to south line of Oregon
City claim; thence easterly to center
line of Harrison street; thence east
on center line of said Harrison street
to beginning.
Oregon City No. 4.
Regln on east bank of the Willam
ette River at the foot of 11th street;
thence easterly on center l'ne of 11th
street to the center line of Madison
atreet; thence northerly on center line
of Madlaoa treet to north line of city
D strict No. 18.
District No. 23.
II. Kaif $
Geo. K. Ogebjr 4.37
('has. K. Oglesby 100
Dave Shepherd 2.00
James V. (H:leby 1.00
District No. 24.
August Stuwfl $ 12.50
Clarence Johnson 12.50
Frank Spagln 2.00
Solon K Inzer 6.00
John Hchwaubauer 2.00
lx.nl Spade 14.43
I'onard Akln .' 1-60
C. E. Mitts 12.00
S. H. KaufTrnan 2I.C0
District No. 26.
Trullinger $ 6.72
Douglas 2.11
Grover Hondas 2.00
Aron Beugll 3.00
Douglas 9.00
District No. 29
Arlo S. Gray $ 3.00
District No. 31.
R. deNeul $ 10.00
Fred Baker 13.75
Harry Gebhardt 4.00
Frank Gosser 2 00
Harry Gosser 2.00
District No. 34
Edmon $ 10.00
Colson 8.00
Kaiser 20.00
District No. 38
J. Baumgartner $ 3.12
District No. 41
George Kitzmlller $ .75
Iee Cooper 75
John Affolter no
H. H. Udell 4'o5
District Ne. 46.
D. Hatu f J OO
Wm. Mornnd $
E. C. Womer ,.
G. W. Harrington
Ruth Smith
K. W. Scott
W. V. Roger
P. A. Cross
Oregon City Enterprise
Oregon City Enterprise
II. II. Hughe
County Court.
J. W. Smith $
W. II. Muttoon
II. H .Anderson
C'Ren & Schuebcl
T. M. Word $
Miller Parker Co
Roy Hinds
Win. Esch
Western I'nloii Telegraph ....
E. T. Muss
W. G. Henderson
Frank Busch
W. U Mulvey $
Hogg Bros , ...
E. P. Dcdman $
I-ou Cochran
Alice Dwlggln $
June Drug Co
J. A. Tuft
The Typewriter Exchange . . .
CI B. Pratt $
J. O. Staats
Court House.
Frank Busch $
Pacific Tel. ft Tel. Co
Homo Telephone Co
Portland Ity , Light ft Power
Jones Drug Co
Circuit Court
Geo. A. Brown $
G. G. Faulkner
D. E. Frost
Jarob filter ".
Ed Surfus
J. M. Tracy
fl. P. Davl
V. Hollander
J. U. I.andes
C. E. Battln
Mat Justin
P. T. Shelly
W. A. Proctor
Mrs. Moreland
Irene Ilussock
Helen Ilussock
Fred Smith
John Htormer
Oustav Engehrecht
Fred I. Ins
Fred Matthles ,
II. R. Melvln
H. M. Bobbins
W .O. Dlckerson
A. E. Bell
M. E. Dunn
A. MoConncll
John Burgoyne
J. M. Gillette
W. J. Wilson
E. F. Veteto
Jennie Hartman
A. Plgueron
Hugh 8. Mount
H. W. Trembath
S. 8. Walker
E. J. Daulton
Dr. W .8. Derby
Ed Surfus
Marie C. Gellnsky ,
W. E. Gellnsky ,
T. I. Turner
A. J. Monk
Michael Kroll ,
John N. 8 levers ,
1 "0
10 30
24 00
22 M)
20 do
10 00
3H 110
4 (HI
4 10
61. 3S
2X 45
6 40
2 Oil
6 00
4 20
2 20
J, FUlier ....
W. W. Myer
Al TboiiiNS .
lieu tl.MM'h . .
I.. W,
K. H
,.. 140
,.. 100
,.. I4U
... ($0
... B40
... 410
. ., 100
. . . 1 00
. . . 1 00
. . . S 00
. . . S 00
, . . 6 00
6 00
. . . i 00
. . . 3 00
,., 5 20
. . . 90 00
... 4 20
. . . 4 20
... 17 60
... 17 60
. . . I NO
... 9 20
... 4 20
. . . 1 20
. . . 7 0
. .. 4 SO
. . . 36 00
. . . JO
. . , 1 30
. , . $00
. . . 9 00
, . . $20
F. II. Iuti(ii 7 :o
Kd Re kner I 20
Ml A W. Nicholson ,
M '. HtHeklithd
Fd Old
Ceo. J. 1 1 nil
I., O. F.itton
Norinnii Itll'cr
V. M TIH011
K. P. Howard
Mrs. Victoria Howard
Ijo.cph (' Mil. hell ....
It G arret I .
Mary Mitchell
W. A. Garrett
I.. Johnson
I.. Hhw
A. Ilmdy
II. Marsh
Fred Vrlkr
Martin Boyle
I'ha Fly
ItIios. Scott
Harry Hhleld
W. A. Heck
6 60
I 70
I 70
II. N. Kverhart
Juitlce of the Peace
W. Given
Edwin lUtea
Claude W. Devore
At Haven
A. G. A nice
John N. Hlever
H E Frost 1 10 70
Brunswick Restaurant I 7T
1 1 re 11 1 on Ve.bliT 1 70
Ben (aln $ 30
John Owlnge 6 30
Dan Troyer 6.30
Frwl Voder 5 30
Wank Campail 6 30
Bud Thompson 6 30
E. Richardson I 20
W. W. Myers I 20
A. J. Surber I 20
W. C. Greaves I TO
(i W. McCnrver I.To
David Cauncld I 20
Tom Page 5 30
Alex Campail $30
IIihnI.i Oswalt $30
Herman Gerhnrdu 2 C
E. I. Shaw I 70
E. I.. Davidson 3 2o
J. C. Unities 2 60
II. C. (illtnore 120
J. A. Graham 1 20
C. A. Bradford 120
Wilson Evans I 20
Andrew Korher I 20
M. J. 1-e I 20
Andrew Holland I 90
Koan Htimnirrfleld 170
Dr. Stanley Wans; 10 00
F. I.. Kenny &
Charles Iteddlrk 6 50
C. T. Slever 12 5c
Wm. J. Wilson H o
D. Thompson Meldrum f 2 6u
Harry Shelly ion
. A. D. Iluugat 6610
('has. II. Hart t in 00
Postal Telegraph Co 25
Supt. of School.
J. E. Cslavan $ 9 90
D. E. Frost 13 61.
Ilrenlon Vedder 12:1 15
A. (). Freel 9 00
Mrs. Gussle Hull 9 00
M. 8. Plttmnn 6 00
Emllln C. Shaw 9 00
H. M. Jam. 133 50
Mrs. M. C. Voung 30 R0
D. 8. Voung 13 40
lloawell U Holiiisn
0. J. Ilanlley .,
K. T. Harlow ....
Dr. 1, W. Norrls
Uuils Noble, Jr
Harry Cooper
Israeli A Co
Oregon City llnsp'"'
K. C, Hacked , ., ""
1. I Tobln """"
Dr, W, K. II p.in.j ' "
Fred Clack '"
('barman A ('... ,
K. T. Ma
V, llarrla
Juvenile CeM
I). K. Frost
Mlnda K. Church
Wild Animal I
K, M. Whit.
J. A. Talbert ,.,
F. K Thomas ,,,
(Mill AacholT ...
William All
Printing and AaM
Oregon City Kutn.prlt
tat Pair
F. It. Jraae
Johnson Pros. , ,
Maltle I). Ilaymati . .,,
Slr of Weight! a4
Pioneer Transfer Co
Wm. Orlaenlhwalta ...
I', D Cunningham I i 1
T OtpsrlmM
Alberta Dunn
Nellie Hw afford .... ... , j
N. H.
J. E. Calnvnn 10 33
C. F. Anderson 9 00
Robert Bros 2 00
Northwest School Furniture
Co 15.74
Board of Health
W. R. 8 tu lib 6 00
Wm. J. Wilson 11.00
A. I.. Wllkerson 6 00
J. A. Vn Brnkle 4 60
Fruit Inspector
O. E. Freytag $ 0395
Stock Inspector
W. 8. Eddy $ loon
1., A. Brundes A Son $ 37.60
County Poor
Wm. Dniiforth f 15.00
David E. Jones goo
W. T. Gardner 10 00
Mrs. Bradtl 10.00
J. W .S. Owens 20.00
Sam BfHiher 1600
Smith 15.00
Mosler 1000
Mrs. Jessie Allen 20.00
Pntton Home 16.00
A. J. Rosenthal 2000
Mary II110I 6.00
Peter Erlckson 15,00
Sarnh Gibbons 20.00
Ella Payne 1000
Henry Spies 10.00
W. W. Everhart 2500
Mrs. S. I'renebost 15.00
W. J. Moldenhauer 10.00
l-oulse Ballou 16.00
Mrs. W. F. Bchooley 22.15
V. Harris 25.00
O. Wlsslnger 7.00
Dunmlres Grocery '. ... 6.60
Joseph E. Hedge 24.00
J. Blckner A Sons 15.10
I Adams 26.10
Wm. Dlckelman 8.00
W. H. Balr 4.00
Robbln Bros jo.03
A. D. Kenworthy ft Co 12.00
H. r. Padgham 24 S7
Mr. Anns Burrls $.25
George V. Ely 15.00
Frr Bros 24.05
8tanley L. Wsnj 20.00
8t Vincent's Hospital (4.30
Denis Donovan r.. 12.50
E. W. Simmons 11.00
CI Pratl
K. C, Ha. helt
Ti Rebate
II. M. Courtrlslit . .
Indigent Sole,
Mead I'oal No. 1 (1 A K
in inn inai.rr ni inn e
F. IMkcr and other Mil I
between Clarkaiiiaa anil f
( ciunllr. J j.
Viewer to nice! at l)na
tl It. st f aald road on Hi" D4
February. 1911
In the matter of the x ttjj
dent for franrhlae to Urn
Ordered that tald m-iius P
rd a amended by the r,"j
III thn (natter of rln ,
('ourlrU bt on dellliup' It ft
No. ;:6 and 333, roai
Ordered that warrant ixiPari
of $9 42 In par m.-nt of fy"c
In thn matter of claim fB1,
ft Hons for Indemnity t-ri-wi
He killed. 5r
Ordered that warrant w jj" t
nt for $.17 f.o ,w
In the matter of o.m iT
Kyb r and other ft rA) JVB
Ordered thai vl-. n"'rn''
of John Kyler on the loth tin
ruary. 1911. at 10 o'rlr null
In the matter of the U "
blue Valley Orchard Trvt.j
Ordered that Said pint )ss'
proved 'ei
In the matter of de. ,1. It Jef
poses from Mary Char.nsiiie
and Albert Itlgg and Antst j,
Justlna Hupp, to Clackn'Mi f I
Ordered that suld
cd and ordered record, 4 f,n
.. lowi
In the matter of the K',U1
Oregon Iron A Hleel Co tfit
to transmit electricity to fs- Ni
lev. Oak Grove. Courtney. ,1,ec
Park and generally on rotj.nul
vicinity am
Ordered that said frtoille
t run led aa petitioned for. B1'
In the matter of the l'elltpan
Starkweather and others tng
road $703
Resolution ped dlrerlhi'P0
or to make eiamluatlon l(n(
In the matter of (he pei'seac
F. Mc'ow n and other ftfi
road pm
Resolution passed dlfr::u0C
or to make an eianiln'1 od
In the matter of thaKW 1
win Done snd others fr tf",v
the Klehen mad. tftK.l
Resolution passed iJlre- itnct
or to make an .eiainlnsl1 anoi
In the mailer of th" petM
Bartell and other for
Resolution paaaed dlrfiW Dli
or to make an ejainlu11 r'c,
In the matter of MutH.urr
Indigent person. 1 tn
Ordered that she bo pHf :)n
month until further ord-t. i"e
In ths matter of the
Friday. April 4th. I n'st
time for hearing objecdonl r- sn
(.ration of Mid road.
In th. matter of tho Orm.f
Friday. April 4lh, 1914, fliwg:
time for hearing objection, usl
road. . .
In the matter of the MC'-
Friday, April 4th. 1914, $1,,,
time for hearing objects e ,
In (he matter of the 1
road. ig p
Friday. April 4th. 1914. lut f,
time for hearing 0lJtloWal
road. b2
In lh matter of the ,tri
weather road. I'l
Friday, the 4th day of;"
fixed a the time for "tB1
tlon to said road. tm
In the matter of the a' 0
tax on property owned M
Inn. ts t
Ordered that said t
aame la hereby cancelled-. rn(
In the matter of the I f '
, sd
road. .l(n,
Ordered that the flnl ,
County Biirvnyor b nd lVn
That the claim of E- Dw.7'
missed and the road 1 bfrtnm
to be a county road.
In the matter of the !
Wet Dlnn for all road
ed within ths limit of
Ordered that th Tre"0
amas County P 10 J
fifty per cent of money
In the matter of bond of (
aa enlleetor of tX'-
Ordered that tb. "Tc
$50,000.00 a aucb ti colle"sti
la approved. "