Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 20, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    OWKdON OJTl KNTmtrUfHK. KK IDAY, WAMWAUY 20. 1014.
Nolle to Creditors.
In hereby given Hint the omni-
f tlni HlnHi of' Oregon, '"f
ty of (iiiikinnii, him m tumliil
,tii1ernlgiicd executors uf the
! Knll of F.IUnbclh Uncoil
,l.. eased. All person IiiivImk
I'.nlimt lh nnlil present I In m
inilerslgncd I'xiM'iilurH ul the
Jos. K. Hedges, Khi.. I" I'"1
(1 building, I" Oregon Clly,
wlihln six iniiiitliH from tlm
his notice, wlili proper vouch-
Fubruiiry t:illi, 1914.
of thn Will mill F.hIiiIo of
illl Huron limning, deicnm-d.
1 1 FJ MUCH, Attorney.
irctilt Court of the Hlnto of
i, fir Ciiickiiinit Comity,
r BiiKor, I'liilnllff.
. vs
M. Htegcr, lli'fi'liitnnl.
ICI'S M, Htegcr, above limned
iiHiiin of Hid Hlnto of Oregon,
hereby required In appear and
ihn oniniiliilnt Died against
l ho above named suit, mi or
lit 2l h (lay of March, 1014.
k being th expiration of l
mm the Ami publication of
mom. mid If ymt fnll lo mp'nr
ar said eiimplnliit, for whiiI
thn plaintiff will apply lo Hit
r the relief prnyed for In tliu
it. to wit:
decree dissolving thn IioihIm
Imony now exlnilng t t n
tiff mid defcnthint. Tli sum
pudl Inliod hy order of Hon. J.
pbell. Judge of Hin Circuit
Mi h order win tmidn on the
of February, 1914. mid thn
scribed for publication thereof
cks, beginning -wlltl Hi" l""n
rlilay Feb. filh. 1914. mid con-
each week thereafter lo mid
I Friday March 20. 1914.
Attorney for rinlntlff.
'Imilt Court of th Slate of
I, for Clark jiuiaH County,
ainesson, riulntllT,
Jamesunn, Defendant.
1 K. Jnmeiimin, above-named
name of the Hiato of Oregon.
hereby required to appear
vr Hki complulnt filed against
thn above named suit, on or
ha Suto dny of March. 1HH.
a being the expiration of six
11111 tha first publication of this
s. and If yon full to appear
er said roinpliilut, for wiint
the plaintiff will apply to the
r Hi relief prayed for lit his
it. to-wlt:
decree dlmtolvlng the bond of
ny now existing between the
and difiiiclunl. This um
publlihed by order of lion. J.
bcll. Judge of thn Circuit
I'hlrh order wit made on tha
if Februiirv. I'.IH. nnd thn time
I'd for publication tin-rent U
k, beginning with the limue
rtday. Feb. tiih. 1914. nnd con
ach week thereafter to mid
KtlJny. March 2oth. 1914.
Attorney for I'lulntlff.
In Mid riiiiipnlnt, In wit: For decree
forever dissolving thn I10111U of inntrl
liiony now mid lieretoforn enlntliiK ba
lw'ii pliilnllff ll dereniliuil and for
mirli oilier, further nod dirferent relief
hi in Ihn court tuny "''"'in meet hii'I
'I'lilat mil on In pulillHlied by order
of Hon. 1. II. Cmnphell, Clreiill JudKn
for mild Cliii'knmiiii County, OnK"ii,
which order wim 111111I11 nnd entered 011
thn till day of February, IHM, mid thn
Hum premTlhed for piiblli'iilliiii In nIk
wvekN, In Klniilim with Him Ihnum of Frl
day, February Ulli, IVM, mid coiilln
iiIiik ani'li week Hieri'iifler to and In
cliidliiK Friday, Miinh ZOIh, 1H.
Atiorney for I'laluilff.
Publication of Bummoni.
Ill Ihn Circuit Court of thn Hint of
OreKon, for thn County of Clai'ku
F.ininn I.. Delaney, I'lalntirr,
William J, Delaney, Defendant.
To Will 1m til J. IMaiiey. Defendant :
In thn inline of the Htu'n of OreKon,
you are hereby untitled mid required to
appear and miNwer the complaint of
plaintiff In llm nbovo entitled Court
nnd ( iiiian on or before Hat unlay, the
I'Kth duy of March, lltlt, nnd If you
do not o appear and answer, thn
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
thn relief prayed for In thn complaint,
In wit;
For a decren dlNmitvlnR tha bond
of matrimony heretofore and now ex
IhHiik between plaintiff and defend
ant, mid that by aald decree thn maid
en inline of plaintiff, to wit, Kuiiua I..
Iilakeiiinn, b restored to her and that
bn hnvn mii-li other and further ro
ller bn to thn Court ahull aeem meet
and cqultahln In the prcmlHe.
Till ui on In publlnhed by order
of thn Honorable J. I!. Campbell, Judice
of thn Fifth Judicial Dltrli t. Incbub
In. Cluckumaa County. OreKmi, which
order wa made and dated January
Still, tlt, dlreclliiK Hint Hie NMine be
published In thn tlri'Kou City Kuter
prim mica a week for Nix HiicceNHlvn
we. ka, and thn datn of thn first pub
lication In January 301 Ii, l!Ht. and thn
last publication I March I'lth, l!Ht.
Attorney for I'lalntlff.
UreKou City, tlreaon.
In the Circuit Court of tlm Statu of
(rKou for thn County of Claika-
J. F. Hplk-cr mid Minnie K. HplKcr, hi
wire, I'lullitirfN,
Mary A. D'Arcy, Jacob Ilunsaker. Har
ah II. TompkliiN, Curx llummkir,
Kate Nicholas, Carrie Arnold, Alice
Ohicii, Winnie II. Walt", John Hun
aker, Frank T. Ilurmeter, thn un
known helra of Samuel D. i'omeroy,
deceased, the unknown helra of Mar
gcrcy 1'iiliieroy, deceased, also all
other persons or parties unknown
rlalinliiK any Hunt, title, estate, lien
or Interest In the real estatu de
scribed In the complaint herein, De
To Jacob Ilunsaker, Curx lluiiNnker,
John HmiNuker. Fnnk T. Hiirmester,
thu unknown helrN of Samuel D. l'oin
troy. deceased, I lie unknown helra
of Mariccrcy I'omeroy. deceased, and
each of you, also all oilier person
or parties unknown chinning any
rlKht. title, i-stute, lien, or Interest
In the rial estate described In tbu
complain herein, defendants:
In thn niiinn of thu Slate of OreKon,
you and each of you are hereby re
quired lo appear and answer tha com
plaint tiled aKitlnst you In thu above
suit on or before Hnlurduy. March 21st,
191 1, said dntn be Inn tbu expiration of
l waeka from and after llie dnt of
the first piibllcutlon of this aummons,
vln, Dnfeiidant. I and If you fall to so appear and anawer
. Orvln. above iisincil defend I for want thereof, the plaintiff will
flrrutt Court of thn Rtato of
n, for Clackama County.
)rvlD, I'lalntirr,
nam or the Stain or Orciion.
hnmbf required lo appear and
h complaint filed aKulnat you
bova named suit, on or before
day of March, I91t, Raid dale
expiration or six week rrom
publlrat'on of thl Numinous,
on fall to appear or answer
oplalnt, for want thereof, the
will apply to thn court for
f prayed ror In her complaint,
decree dissolving the bond or
my now vxlstlux between the
and defendant. Thl Bum
published by order of lion. H.
rson, Judxe of thn County
vhlch order waa luadn on the
of Feb., 1914, and thn time
d for publlcHtlon thereot la
k, bCRlnnlnn with the Issue
h"rlday. February 6, 1914, and
UK each week thereafter to and
I Friday. March 20. 1914.
K. K. MII.1.EII,
Attorney for I'lalntlff.
Circuit Court of the State of
n, for Clncknmna County.
Knorr, I'lalntlff,
Andrew Knorr, Defendant,
arite Andrew Knorr, above
j defendant:
) name of the State of Oregon,
hereby required to appear and
tha complaint filed agalnnt you
ihove entitled milt hy the 20th
March, 1914, a prescribed by
r of Court for publication of
unons. which aald dute la more
1 weeka after the date of the
bllcatlon herein as ordered by
irt In the above entitled suit,
you fall to to appear and an
e complaint filed herein in the
ntltled ault on anld date, plain
apply to tho court for thn re
zed for In aald complaint which
lef ll for a decree of tho Court
dissolving and setting aaide
rrlage contract heretofore and
sting between plaintiff and anld
,nt; for a further decree for the
:lon of pliilntlff'i maiden name
such other and further rellof
Honorable Court may deem
Ith equity.
s'ltnmona la published by or-
t Honorable J. U. Campbell
t t i above entitled Court and
' r wa duly made and entered
rt on the 3rd day or Feb-
19. , l
1 W. C. CAMPItEI.T..
Attorney ror Plaintiff.
publication February
or first
or last publication, March 20th,
V 8ummon. ' ' 1
Circuit Court ot the State or
in inr Clackamaa County
C. Wright, Plaintiff,
Wrlcht. Defendant.
lei VVright, the above-named de-
;nt: ,
e name of the State ot Oregon.
1 h.T3by required to appear and
the complaint filed against you
tbnv, entitled suit on or before
', tha 23rd day or March. 1914.
'e f elng mora than ilx weeka
'nte of the first publication
atimmona, and If you rail to
and anawer laid complaint fori lara.
apply to the above Court for the relief
demanded In their complaint on file
herein, and will take Judgment agulnst
you and each of you a follows, to
That you mid each of you defend
ant bo required lo set up lu your an
wer to said complaint the actual na
ture of your several adverse and coil
illct.ng claims lo plulnllffa In and to
ho following described reul property,
slluato In Cluckumas County, State of
Oregon, to-wlt:
lit (I). 121. (31. (41. (5). (tl), (7),
(S), and (91, of Opportunity, In Clack
ama County. State of Oregon, In ac-
ordauce with the duly recorded plat
thereof, of record In llie office of the
Recorder of Conveyances in and for
said County and State, and for a de
cree that plaintiffs are the absolute
owners In fee simple of aald real prop
erty above described, and every part
thereof, and that you defendant ana
each of you and any person or per-
on claiming or to claim by, through
or under said defendants or any of
them, have no right, title, estate, lien
or Interest In or to the Bald real prop
erty or any nart thereof, and that they
and each of them be forever barred
and estopped from anscrt'ng or claim
lug any right, title, estate, licit or
Interest In suld real property or any
nart thereof.
That plaintiff' title In and to said
real property and tho whole tnereor(
be forever quieted, and ror auch other
and further nllcf as to the t:ourt
may seem just and equitable In the
This aummons Is published by order
or Hon. J. IT. Campbell, Judge of the
Circuit Court of the State or Oregon,
ror Clnckatnaa County, which order
was made and entered on the 4th day
or February, 1914.
Dnte or first publication of this sum
inona, Frldiry, February 6th, 1914, and
the dnte of the last publication thereof
I Friday, March 20th, 1914, and the
tlmo of the publication of Bald sum
mons I six full weeks rrom and after
thn date of the first publication there
Attorneys for Plaintiffs,
flnn Hundred Twenty five ($I26.0
Dollar with Interest from December
I Kilt, IIM.1, at pel cent per annum;
and the sum of Klght Hundred (IH011.
001 Dollara with Interest from October
71 Ii. HHI, at M per cent pi r Muiiuiii:
nnd (inn Hundred ($100.00) Dollar
with liileresl from December IHIb,
IDI'l. at A per reul per annum; and Hie
mini of Twenlvtwo and Twenty-five
II Ircdlh (122 2M Dollars, cosl of
said suit; and thn cost of mid upon
suld Writ.
K, T. M Ann,
Sheriff of Clackama County, Hlule of
Hy II, J. HTAATH, Deputy.
Ill the Circuit Court of thn Statu of
Oregon, for the County or Clackama,
A. c. Thorn, riitiiitirr,
Henry C. I'rudliomme, Co., a.corpora-
lion, John A. Henderson, rreuenca
J. Mitchell, Nora M. Mitchell, Port
land Trust Company of Oregon, a
corporation, Homer D. Itrown, Veva
I.. Ilrown, W. J. Dnwe. I.ydla A.
Dawes, llessln I,. Allen and Marian
I. Allen. Defendants.
To A, O. Thomas, plaintiff, ami 10
Henry C I'rudbommn Co., a corpor
ation. John A. Heiideraon, Frederick
,1. Mitchell and Nora M. Mitchell,
In thn nmnn of thn Slntn of Oregon:
You are hereby required to aptmar
. . ,..t... .1 . u
ami answer uie rross-roiiiiuuiiii in in
lefniidiint Portland Trust Company of
Oregon filed against you In thn above
etit'lb-d suit on or before the Hth dny
of March, 1914, and. ir you rail to an
swer, for want thereof the s'ltd de
fendant Portland Trust Company of
Oregon will takn Judgmi nl against
you on prayed for In It answer and
rro complaint herein to-wlt:
That thl defendant have and recov
er of the defendants, John A. Hender
son, Fredrick J. Mitchell and Nora M.
Mitchell the sum of Fourteen Hun
dred SlKly-two ($1,402.00) Dollars
with Interest thereon at the rate of
seven per cent, tier annum irom aim
after February HI, 1913, and the fur
ther sum of One Hundred Fifty
1 1 ISO tun Dollar a attorneys fees,
nnd H coat and disbursements here
Thai the mortg ige dated August 1,
1912, rrom the defmdiints Jonn A.
Henderson. Frederick J. Mitchell and
Nora M. Mitchell given to the defend
ant Henry C. Prudhomme Co., and as-
ilgned lo this defendant be declared
to bn a Hen iiwn the premises there
in described, to-wit:
A parcel of land In section one (1)
township two (21 B'uith, range four
(t) enst of the Willamette Meridian.
described as follows, to-wlt:
IVulnnlng at a point which I 1320
feet west rrom thn east lino or said
sect Ion 1 and S2.r, reel north rrom the
sou'h line or said section: thence north
21 degree 1H minute east In a point
which Is lfi'-O teet north rrom tho south
linn or until section; thence west to
a point which I 19K0 reel west rrom
llm east lino or Raid section and Hr0
feet north from the south line of suld
section: thence R'liithwesterly to a
point which la 2310 feet weat from the
rant line or aald section and 825 teet
north from the aouih line of anld sec
tion : thence east 990 rent to the place
or beginning; containing 19 acres more
or less; except'ng therefrom a atrip
or land 15 reel In width off the north
side and the enterly aide thereof to
Im used for rond purposes. All In
Clackamas County, Oregon,
to secure tha Raid Rum. That th Raid
premises bn sold In the manner pro
vided by law and the proccrda ther
of applied toward the payment or the
costs or sale, the costa and disburse
ments of this suit. anl the payment
r such JiidiMiunt or decree a may be
mndn herein.
That the derendnnt John A. Hen
derson. Freder'ck J. Mitchell and Nora
M. Mitchell and each or them and all
persons rlnimlng through, by, or under
them be hnrred and foreclosed of all
eslnte, right or fqulty or redemption
In snld premises and every part there
of, except the s'atutory right of re
demption; that any party to this suit
nuiy become a purchaser at aald sale
and that this derendnnt have such oth
er and further rel'ef as to the court
may seem meet end equitable.
CAHKY A KF.nil and
ciiAiti-Ks f.. Mcculloch.
Attorneys for Defendant Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, 1410
Yeon P.ulldlng. Portlnnd, Oregon.
This summons Ib published In ac
cordance with an order of the above
court made nnd entered on Janunry 24,
First publication, January 30. 1914.
Last publication. March 13. 1914.
noiitaliilnit eighty (HO) teres, mom or
less, excepting therefrom the south
eight hundred and twenty five (H. J2T.
feet of thn Hoiithwet on quarter (H,
W. ) of the loulhcaat one quarter (H.
K. 14) of section one (I), Township
two (2) Hoiitli. Ilaiign four (4) east
or (tin Willamette Meridian (w'th the
exception of a strip fifteen (If.) feet
wide across the east end of said land)
containing twenty five (25) re more
or less, all altimlo In Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon,
sud miperlor In right to any estate In
or lien upon Hie aald premise owned
or claimed by the defendant Henry
C, prudhomme Co., John A. Hender
son,' Frederick J. Mitchell, Nora M.
Mitchell, Portland Trust Company of
Ongon, Homer t). Ilrown, Veva L.
Ilrown, W. J. Dawes, Lydla A. Dawes,
llesslo L. Allen and Marian I. Allen,
or either of them. That the premise
above described bn sold in the man
ner provided by law and the proceed
of said sain bo applied toward the pay
ment of the rosis of said sale, and to
wnrd the cost and disbursement of
this suit, nnd the payment of auch
Judgment and decree as shall be hero
in made In favor of thn plaintiff. In
cluding his attorney' fee, and the
balance, ir any, paid Into Court ror the
benefit or whomsoever ahall be decreed
by thn Court lo be entitled thereto.
Third: That the said defendants
snd each of them and all other per
ons claiming under them, be barred
and roreclosed or all estate, right or
equity or redemption In the said prem
ise and every part thereof, except the
statutory right of redemption; and
that any party to this suit may become
a purchaser at suld sale; and that the
purchaser be let Into possession of
the premises upon production of the
certificate of sale; and that the plain
tiff have such other and further re
lief a to the Court may aeem equit
able and just.
This summons Is served upon you
by publication and In accordance with
an order ot tjie Honorable J. I'. Camp
bell, presiding In the above entitled
Court, w hlch order Is dated on the 21th
day or January. A. D., 1914, and re
quires you to appear and answer the
complaint herein within six weeks
from the datn of the first publication
of thl summons.
Date first publication, January 30,
Dale last publication. March 13, 1914.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Administrator' Notice of Sale of Real
Notice la hereby given that pursu
ant to an order of the Couii'y Court
or the Btute or Oregon, ror Clackama
County, made Jan. 14th, 1914, and
tiled aame duy, the undersigned admin
istrator ot the estate or Samantha June
Davis, deceased, will fell 30 acres of
land belonging to aald estate, describ
ed as follows, to-wlt:
lleglnuing at a point 6.10 chs N.
and 8.32 ch. W. of the corner of Sec
tions 10. 11. 14 and 15, In T. 2 S.. K. 2
K. ot tho Wll. Mer. Clackamas County
Oregon, thence south 2fi.l0 chs.;
thence East 11.49 chs.: thence North
2ti.l0 chs. and thence West 11.49 chi.
to the place of beginning, containing
';0 acre, more or less, said sale to le
at private Bale and to he made fron or
after the Itith duy ot February, it'H.
at :h" office of P.rownell & Stoue,
Caufleld Building, Oregon City, Ore
gon, and made upon the following
terms: $10u0 or more cash, and the
balance to be paid by a note signed by
the purchaser, secured by a mortgage
upon the real property herein describ
ed. JOHN E DAVIS. Admlnls rator.
DROWNELL A Stone, Attorney.
rata or per rent per annum from
the 2nd day of February, 1911, and the
further sum of $250.00, as sttonny's
fno. nd the further mm of $20 00,
costs and disbursement, and tha coat
of and upon thl writ, coinnandlng me
to make sale or the following describ
ed real property, situate In the county
or Clackamas, state or Oregon, to-wlt:
The West halt or the North hair of
thn South half of section Ten (10),
Township Two (2) South of Hang
Five (5) Fust or thn Willamette Me
ridian. Ix-nted In thn County of
Clackamas, State of Oregon,
Now, thererore, by virtue or said
execution, Judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
or said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
7h day or March. J DM. at thn hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door
of the County (,'ourt tflond tii thn CHy
or Oregon City, In aald County nnd
Stole, sell at public a net lea, subtest tin
redemption, to the highest bidder for
!', H. gold coin rash In hand, all the
right, title and Interest which the with
in named defendant or either of them,
hnd on the datn of the mortgage here
in or since had In or to the above de
scribed real property or any part there
of, to satisfy said execution, Judgment
order, decree, Interest, costs and all ac
cruing costs.
Sheriff of Clnckamas County, Oregon.
Hy H. J. 8TAATS, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., February
4th. 1914.
Notice of 8herlff Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon ror Clackamas County.
John O. Slcret, Plaintiff,
Emma Johnson, It. F. Hart, and E. R.
Hart, his wife. Defendants.
Pursuant to a decree entered In the
above entitled court and cause on the
lMh day of December, 1913 .In favor
of the plaintiff and against the de
fendants, and an execution duly issued
upon said decree on the 2Sth dny of
January. 1914, I will, on the 2Sth day
of February. 1914, at the hour of 10:30
o'clock A. M., of aald day, at the front
door of the County Court House la the
Town of Oregon City, offer for Bale snd
selfto the highest bidder ror rash the
following described real property sit
uated In the County of Clackama,
Stat-of Oregon, to-wlt:
The West half (V4) of the South
west Quarter ) and the Southwest
Quarter (14) of tha Northwest Quarter
(Vi) of. Section Twenty-two (22),
Township Three (3) Sou'h of Range
Five (5) East of tha Willamette Me
ridian; to satisfy the following sums adjudged
to ba due to the plaintiff, to-wlt: the
sum of Two Thousand ($2000 00) Dol-
Ith Interest thereon at the rate
lereor thn plaintiff will apply of I per cent per annum from Anrll
:ourt for tha relief prayed for 16th, 1912; and tha further aunt ot
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County or Clacka
mas. A. C. Thomas. Plulntlff.
Henry C. Prudhomme Co., a corpora
tion. John A. Henderson, Frederick
J. Mitchell, Nora M. Mitchell, Port
land Trust Company of Oregon, a
corporation. Homer I). Ilrown. Veva
L. Ilrown. W. J.- Dawes, l.ynia a,
Dawes, Hessle L. Allen and Marian
I. Allen. Defendants
To John A. Henderson. Frederick J.
Mitchell. Nora M. Mitchell. Homer
1). Ilrown, Veva U Ilrown, Hessle
L. Allen nnd Marian I. Allen, above
named defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
anawer tha complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit on or before
thn last day of the time prescribed In
tho order ror the publication or thrs
summons, to-wlt: on or betore the 14th
day or March. 1914, said day being aft
er the exp'ratlon of six weeks from the
first publication of this notice, and It
you rail to so appear and answer, ror
want thereor the plaintiff will apply
to the Court ror the relief prayed for
In his complaint herein, to-wlt: for
decree of thla Court:
First: That the plaintiff may have
nnd recover of and from Henry C.
Prudhomme Co. thn sum or rorty-elght
hundred and thirty five and 20-100
($4835 20) dollara with Interest there
on at the rate of six per cent, per an
ninn from December 13, 1913, until
paid, and the further sum of five hun
dred ($500.00) dollars aa his attorn-
eya' fee for the foreclosure or the
mortgage and the collection or the
note set forth In plaintiff's complaint
herein I and fnt the further itnm or his
corts and disbursements herein
Second": That the plaintiff mmt-
face described In the complaint herein
be declared to be lien upon the mort
gaged premise, to-wlt:
The land bounded by a Una begin
ntng at t point in the south Una of
the southeast quarter (9. E. H) or
Section one (1) in Township two (2)
south, of Range four ( east of the
Willamette Meridian, thirty-two (32)
rod west of the southeast corner of
said Section one (1). thence north
on tiiindp IIOOV rnAn lhnp weal
I one hundred twenty-eight (128) rods.
I thence south one hundred (100) rods,
thence east ona hundred twenty-elg'it
C.ruce C. Talt, I'lalntirr.
August Voss and Augusta It. Voss. his
wife, Thomas J. Leonard and Sher
mand Gcla. unmarried, C. E. Tatro,
and Lena A. Tatro, his wife; Annie
M. Markus. Margaret Haley. Curt
1 von Sanden and Wllhclmlna von
Sanden, his wife; Klwood Hansou
and Hnttlo Hanson, his wife; M. T.
Hyldelund and Mrs. M. T .Hylde-
lund. his wife; George E. Qulggle
and Fannie E. Qulgele, his wife;
A. L. McKennle and Mrs. A. L. Mc
Kenzle. his wife; H. A. Caler. W. D.
Huynrs and R. Adams, Defendants.
To the defendants, Annie M. Markus,
Margartt Haley and A. U Mckenzie
and Mra. A. L. McKenzie, Curt L.
von Sanden and Wllhclmlna vou
Sanden, his wife.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit within six
weeks from the 9th day ot January,
1914, the date of the first publication
of this summons nnd If you rail so to
answer, for wont thereot the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for In her complaint, to-wit.
that she have a decree ot this Court
foreclosing that certain mortgage given
by August Voss and Augusta K. Vosi
to James A. C. Talt on October 27,
1911, covering the following described
property: Tha Northwest quarter or
the Southwest Quarter and the South
Unit or the Northwest Quarter and
the Northwest Quarter of the North
west Quarter of Section 26, Township
3. South Range 5 East ot the Willam
ette Meridian. In Clarkuma County,
Oregon, which mortgage la for thu
sum or $775.00, together with Interest
at 6 per cent per annum due In one
year trora date and was assigned to
the plaintiff In this suit, and for such
other and further relief aa ahall be
This summon Is served upon you
by publication for six weeks In the
Oregon City Enterprise, pursuant to
the order of the Honorable J. U. Camp
bell. Presiding Judge of the above en
titled Court which order was made and
entered on the. 7th day ot January
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date or first publication, January
9th. 1914.
Dnte of last publication February
20th, 1914.
Publication of Summons.
In tha Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas
Ixrenzo Flgone, Plaintiff,
Lulgl Ferrettl. Defendant.
To Lulgl Ferrettl, the above named do-
In the name of the State or Oregon.
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled action on or be
fore the 28th day or February, 1911;
and ir you rail to answer for want
thereot, the plaintiff will take Judg
ment against you, foreclosing all your
Interest, Hen, and equity of redemp
tion lu un undivided one-quarter Inter
est in the "Truck Market Garden" lo
cated on a part of the H. W. Scoit
farm, consisting of 40 acres, more or
less, located near Milaukle. in Clack
amas County, Oregon, together with
the lease thereon, and crop, five
horses, three wagons, and all farm ma
chinery, tools, etc., belonging thereto.
and that the same be sold and the pro
ceed thereot be applied to the pay
ment ot tho costs and expense" or this
action, and the counselor foes or the
sum of $50, and the amount due on
that certain note for $900, dated Sep
tember 7, 1911, with Interest at 8 per
cent, per annum fro.n date; and that
detendant be adjudged to pay any de
ficiency that may remain atter apply
ing all of said money as aforesaid,
and for Buch other and rurtiicr relief
as to this court may seem Just in th
This summons is published by the
order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled court, and entered
on the 15th day of January, 1914. the
daU of the first publication hereof 1
the 16th day of January, 1914, and th?
date of the last publication Is the 27th
day of February, 1914.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court ot the State ot
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Jesle Rawd ng, Plaintiff,
Cornelius V. Rnwdlng. Defendant.
To Cornelius V. Rawdlng, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby requlred.to appear and
answer the complaint filed agulnst you
in the above entitled suit on or before
the 20th day or March. 1914. that being
the last day prescribed In the order or
publication of this summons: and if
you fail to so appear and answer said
complaint the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the reller therein prayed;
to-wlt: a decree dissolving the marri
age contract now existing between you
and plaintiff and changing plaintiff's
name to Jessie Goodwin, as borne by
her prior to said marriage.
This summons is published in the
Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper,
for six consecutive weeks by order of
Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge or said
Court made on the 30th day or January
1914, the first publication beli.s on the
6th dny of February, 1914.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the ''tabs of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Joseph Welsch, Plaintiff,
Mareuerlte Welsch. Defendant.
To Marguerite Welsch, above-named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled Court and cause
on or before the 20th day ot March,
1914, and ir you rail so to appear or
answer, the plaintiff, tor want thereot
will apply to the Court for the reller
prayed for In the Complaint, which is
that the plaintiff be allowed a decree
ot divorce forever diBso!vlng the mar
riage relation between yea and the
plaintiff and for such other and further
relief as to the Court may seem just
and eouitable. This summons Is
served unon you by order of the Hon
orable J. U. Campbell. Judge of the
above entitled Court. The date of this
order is Janunry 30. 1914. The date
of the first publication of this bum
mons is February 6. 1914, and the last
date of publication is March 20, 1914.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for -the County of Clacka
mas. Emellne Jane Hoffman, administratrix
of the Estate of George Thomas
Hoffman, deceased, plaintiff,
I, Takao and 'M. Takao, hti'wire, and
II. Takao and Y. Takao. bis wire
and First State Hank of Gresham,
defendants.- "
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
ny virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, amy issuer, out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled court. In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 3rd day of February, 1914, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered in aid
court on the 2nd day of renruary. ii,
In favor of Emellne Jane Hoffman, ad
ministratrix of the estata of George
Thomas Hoffman, deceased. Plaintiff
and against I. Takao and M. Takao,
hi wife, and H. Takao and Y. Takao
hta wire, and First State Bank ot
Harvey E. Croe William Hammond
W have now moved to our permanent quarter In tha Beaver
Building. Next to tha Andreten Building.
Real Catat Abstract Main Street,
Lojne, Imuranc. Oregon City, Or,
D. C. IJtTOTJRBTTB, President. F J. MBTKR, Cashier
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00.
Traniaet a General Banking Bualnae. Open from I A M. P. M
Notice to Creditor.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County ot Clackamas exec
utor or the estate or Annie Engdabl,
deceased. All persons having claiuu
against said estate are hereby re
quired to present them to me at the
office of Wm. Hammond In the Heav
er building, Oregon City, Oregon, prop
erly verified as by law required, with
in six months from the date hereof.
Date ot the first publication, January
23rd. A. D. 1914.
Executor or the estate ot Annie Eng
duhl, deceased,
WM. HAMMOND, Attorney for Executor.
Phone Pacific (2
Home A-1S1
All legal business promptly attended to
Deutscher Advokat
Will practice In all court, make
collection and settlement.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Sheriff Sale on Execution.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County or Clacka
ma. The Hank or Oregon City, a corpora
tion, Plaintiff,
F. F. Johnaon, Detendant.
State or Oregon, County ot Clackamas
By virtue or a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
ot and under the seal or the above
entitled Court. In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 8th day ot January, 1914, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In aald
court on the 8th day ot January, 1911,
in ravor or the I'nk ot Oregon City,
a corporation, Plaintiff, and against
F. F. Johnson. Defendant, for the aum
or $250.00, with Interest thereon at the
rate or 8 per cent, per annum rpini
the 10th day or March, 1913, and the
further sum of $50.00, as attorney's
fee. and the further sum of $14.2'),
costs and disbursements, and the costs
of and upon thlu writ, commanding
me out of the personal property of
said defendant, and if sufficient could
not be found, then out of the real
property belonging to said defendant
on and after the date ot said Judgment
to satisfy said sum ot $250.00, and also
the costa upon this said writ
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
or said writ, being unable to find any
personal property of said defendant's,
I did on the 9th day of Jan., 1914.
duly levy upon the following described
real property of said defendant, situ
ate and being In the County of Clacka
mas, and State of Oregon, to-wit:
Lots 6. 7, S. 9 and 10 or Block 9 or
Oregon Iron and Steel Company's First
Addition to Oswego, according to the
duly recorded maps and plats thereof
on record in the office of the County
Recorder In and for Clackamas Coun
ty, State of Oregon.
And I will on Saturday, the 14tn
day of February, 1914, at the hour of
10 oclock A. M.. at the front door of
the County Court House In the City
of Oregon City, In said County and
State, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder
for U. S. gold coin, cash In hand, all
-the right, title and interest which the
within named detendant. or either
or them, had on the date or said Judg
ment or since bad in or to the above
described real property or any part
thereot, to satisfy said Execution,
judgment order, decree. Interest,
costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff or Clackamas County, Oregon.
By B. J. STAATS, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, January
9th, 1914.
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probata our Specialties. Of
fice In First National Bank
BIdg, Oregon City, Oregon.
J W. S. EDDY, V. S M. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario Vetert-
narr College at Toronto. Canada. 1
and the McKllllp School of Sur-
I ,,1 V. VU.tmU, la
J at Fashion Stable, Fifth SC. be-
tween Main and Water St.
Botb Telephone
I Offllce Pacific, Main 65; Home,
J A 95.
' Residence Pacific, Main 184
Notice la hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed executor
of the estate of Ernestine Holzmann
deceased; all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby noti
fied to present the same with prop
er vouchers duly certified according
to law. at the office of Brownell &
Stone, at Oregon City, Oregon, with
in six months of the date of the pub
lication of this notice.
Dated January 30th, 1914.
Executor of the tstate of Ernestine
. Ilolzman. deceased.
Attorney for Executor.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
E. J. Kelly, Plaintiff,
P. J. Johnson and Llllle Belle John
son, Defendants.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
By virtue ot a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
ot and under the seal ot the above
entitled court In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 16th day of January, 1914. upon a
judgment rendered and entered In said
court on the 8th day ot January, 1914
In favor of E. J. Kelly. Plaintiff, and
against P. J. Johnson and Llllle Belle
Johnson, Defendants, for the sum of
$350.00. with interest thereon at the
Notary Public
Estacada, Oregon.
Clackamas County
510 Chamber of Commerce.
Portland, Orgon.
Full equipment of map, Plata,
abstract book and tax roll.
Aetata tor Clackama County
Land. Money Loaned. Title
E. F. A F. B. RILEY,
Attorney A Counsellor at Law
We make a specially of Install-
lng water systems and plumb- 1
Ing In the country. W carry
the Leader tank and Stover an- j
glnes. We have a full line of I
Myers pumps and stray pump. !
Price always lowest. I
720 Main St Oregon City
Phone 1682. I
I O.O. E B Y
Money loaned, abstract furalah-
ed, land title examined, estate
a eettled, general law bualneea.
J Over Bank at Oregon City.
The most economical, cleansing and
germicidal ot all antiseptic 1
A soluble Antiseptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as needed.
As a medicinal antiseptic for douches
fate of 9 per cent per annum from the treatliif catarrh, inflammation or
20th day of April. 1913. and the tui- ulceration of nose throat, and that
' I A V w l.m nln. Ilia II ho, tiA asmiAI
ther sum of $40.00, as attorney a lee,
Gresham. Defendant, for the turn of
(128) rod to the place of beginning. $4239.12, with Interest thereon at the
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed execut
rix of the estate of FelU A. Dillon
deceased; all persons having claims
against aald estate are hereby noti
fied to present the same with prop
er vouchers duly certified according
to law. at the office or Brownell
Stone, at Oregon City. Oregon, witn
In six months ot the date of the pub
lication of this notice.
Dated Jan. 30th. 1914.
. Executrix of the estate ot Felix A.
Dillon, deceased.
Attorney for Executrix. .
and the further sum or $13.25 costs
and disbursements, and the costs of
and upon this writ, commanding me to
make sale of the following describ?vl
real property, situate in the county ot
Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wlt:
Beginning at the quarter on the sec
tion line between section 8 arid 1,
township 2 South, Ranges 2 and 3 East
of W. M.. running thence North 89 de
grees, 43 minutes East 8.62 chains;
thence South 9.28 chains: thence
South 89 degrees, 43 minutes West 8.62
chains; thence North 9.28 chains to
the place ot beginning, containing
acres ot land, situated In Clackamas
County, Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of sail ex
ecution, Judgmeut order and dfxre.
and in compliance with the com mac d?
of sa'd writ. I will, on Saturday, the
21st day of February, 1914; at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door
of the County Court House !n the City
of Oregon City, In said County and
State, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all
the right, title and Interest wh'ch the
within named detendant or either ot
them, had on the date of the mort
gage herein or since had in or to the
above described real property or any
part thereot. to satisfy said execution.
judgment order, decree. Interest toets
and all accruing ccsts.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By B. J. STAATS. Deputy.
Dated. Oregon City. Ore, January
20th, 1914.
caused hy feminine Ills It has no equaL
For ten years the Lydla E. Plnkham
Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtlne
In their private correspondence with,
women, which proves Its superiority.
Women who have been cured say
It Is "worth Its weignt In gold." At
druggists. 50c. large box, or by mall.
The Paxtoa Toilet Co, Boston, Mass.
O IUND rOXS la odA
cttllic bora, eoled wufe SloctO)
Takm no otsi. r7rV
hi ak iw rui-cucs-TCae V
wld metallic
IA BB.AriLL,for twntr-a
yrart rrtmrded u Bnt.Satot. alwtye KelUblav
Aked Quits.
Charles F. Akcd. ot the First Concre
gational church, ha resigned the pres
idency of the San Francisco church
federation. He will not attend the
meeting of the executive committee to
morrow in the Califomla-s'reet Me'h
dist Episcopal ehnp-h, having already
announced his Intention to Secretary