Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 20, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Wants, For Sale etc.
Choice hop wot for salo, $.1.50 poi
thoiiMnd. A. McConoll, Aurora.
Route 3.
FOH SALE Frosh cows, Hugh Jane
II F. 1). No. 1.
FOR SAl.K Nursory stoik, fruit
tree Rtul bt'rry-plnnts at host
prices. Address, A. J. Walker. Mil
wnukle, Oregon.
1). M. Klomsen today officially fil
tered the race for Republican nomi
nation for sheriff by filing his papers
with the county clerk. He pledges
himself for a clean and honest admin
istration. Mr. Klemsen has been a resident of
Clackamas county for the last Si
years. When he first came to Oregon
City he was employed as miller in a
local flour mill but entered the groc
ery business several years afterwards.
He sold his grocery and opened a sa
loon about seven years ago and con
tinued In that business until the re
cent dry ordinance took effect. Since
then he has been engaged In the groc
ery business.
Receipts for the week at the Port
land Villon Stock yards have been:
Cattle 127(1, calves 3. hogs 340.1, sheep
Cnttle In the cattle division, bulk
of bent grain fed steers offering sold
from $7.70 to $7.S"i and one load
brought $S.00. Nt much choice, hay
fed stock was in evidence, Hutrher
cattle trade was ftrm only for rows nf
which there was a liberal showing
ltest ones realised Jti.fiO to Jti.7."i. w ith
the usual discount on lesser grades
Hulls sold up to $".t;0 and were un
steady. Receipts were large Monday,
when more stuff arrived than the total
for the other five days.
Hog Swine market not only main
tained firmness but strengthened Its
position five to ten cents. Several hnn
! dred choice light hogs brought $S.t0
j during the first three days but the
i bulk was an JS.50 to Js 55 affair. Kill
ers from all over the northwest were
in the yards for hogs and business was
leMremelv brisk. The close was steady
to firm, $S 50 to IS fill.
I Sheep- Sheep house transactions
j were confined mostly to Monday and
'Tuesday, flood (train wethers were
scarce but n liberal offering of ewes
selling from 1X50 to $1.75 according to
i quality prevently stagnation in the
'million department. Uimb market
: slendv to stronger this week with best
quality selling at $ii 75 off cars. He
liolpts not so large as a week ago.
i We never met a man that got the
credit he deserved. As a rule, he gels
tllinil from Mma and descending the
AiiiHfon from Us bend waters to lis
1 mouth. Thev reported finding bones
of members of the explltlon headed
1 Into the same territory two osrs ago
led bv V. II. Cromer an f cadel of
WeNl'lVlnt. and W. II. I 'ago. a Chicago
' teacher, and erected a cross to their
I memory.
rnmin im amuhu
NKW YORK. Feb. IS.- Captain J.
Campbell liesley. a Hrllon well known I
on the Pacific coast; Franklin H.
Coates, J. K. Ilolbrook and J. W
Punno. who left last summer to cx-
..i I.. .)...... .(.t.mti.i.l tinrtliih of I
severe there, allhougtl the amount of
damage done I I known Miner-
left Itielr work underground slid made
their way to the surface, believing
themselves to lie Imperilled III H"'
mines Windows and walls w
cracked III both places.
Old-time Hunters
Mistake Whistle
For Wild Animal
RKNO, Nev, Feb. IS All earth
quake shock occurred If re at 10 IS a
m. The shock was violent and lalel
about three seconds. The direction
was from southeast to northwest.
The earthquake suock broke win
.lows and cracked walls. Hundred ol
pirsons, badly frightened, rushed lulu
the streets from buslnes building
and residences. A portion of the front
wall of an apart incut house crashed to
the pavement below and several ped
strains liii.l h narrow escape.
Reports from Vlrg'nla City ami
Carson sav that the shock was very
l uable to find thn cougar, Inn men
started home, and stopped at Ihit wei
digging: machine mi lbs llilllbar plaea
Mr Hill, who tuns the muclilnn was
qii ltlug woik Slid as lie greeted Ills
callers Im pull" it Ihu whistle runt nn
his engine. II then that Hie
A History of Clackamas Rrj
The coiililrr surrounding Cauby ouiws the tolnl
lllllll,!. I.. ....... ..
Ill" search. r..r t u ..
shril moaning Z
woodsm..;, ,, ur,, nM;,S,1(,
en for Ihs err ,,r ... 1 '" i
fliN i
in o
llO WVKU. 0" I" -The
rrles of a siipix'S' d ci'iigar i-r.aii'd a
near panic In the Udell ills riot Mu
dav mid hunting par lea. led h II M
HeWlit, who whs a sharpshooter "lui
lug the Span'sli mrrlcn war. ami
Mr Iv T Hull, who tin been on grlM
lv hunt In the Rocky Mountain start
ed out to round ill" the big ml. The
party wa alnto"' iunipdid at on-'
time, when a lar.-e rabbll, Jumping out
. , t I ..... -,..rll.,.l ltl.
Or a lC"l Ol lllieil ! - : .
. .... ... .. i,...i ii, no crushed r" k highway,
Dinners n imj n'i'' - i - . ,
rd hillside, whi r. Ihe supfosed cougar ' gravel, anil
l.i.inw line bov In the imrtv was I her.' are 1 S
so hndlv frightened that he ilmppeu
hla kiiii i ihI clliulied a fir tie.
Hi., iioiili. east and sontli. comprise
Road I strict No. 17. a district prou
ni.lv embracing about ten squars
utiles, and Ivlng between the Willam
ette and Mulalla rivers.
This district which Include a long
til of the old Hsbni road, ha A total
road III Icage of .1(1 mile to look af
t, r. Since l!'7. $17 "HI tJ l)ve been
lieiit oil the roads of No If and dur
ing the last two )ear over $1000110
of this amount ha been raised by the
, ,le of Ihe district by special levy.
ill ill- 30 miles uf road, there are
lug till perloil
Figure (roui
a follow:
I nun
mio .
.... . . I
II !!."
N" " tlvKlu
I. K.
hn i
Special levies, I'M;,
Total expend' d
in a ii rv ii i r.nt u
if em
"jl the
i t
I mm tlm.rgn Kix-ttJrr
m work, after 1'ies Il..' ,
iporvlsed the woik fw..'Jr5;
Work on the construction of the
crossing over the tracks of the Soufh
em Pacific company on Fourth street
will probably be resumed within a
wwk. The city council will on next
Wednesday evening pass the ordinance
authorizing an agreement with the
railroad company, releasing that cor
poration from liability in case of ac
cident. This agreement has already been
executed and the new contract with
the Baker Contracting Co. has been
signed. The construction on the
crossing was ordered stopped a few-
weeks ago by the Southern Pacific
company because of the neglect on the
part of the city to enter into a written
In order to seek the aid of the coun
ty in the improvement of Division
street, a committtee from the city
council will go before the county judge
within the next few days.
It Is planned to improve the street
but in only the cheapest way possible.
As half is In the county and half in
the city any improvement planned by
the council could be taxed against the
city side only. If the property own
ers on the county side were to help
with the improvement, it is the opinion
of local attorney that their aid would
take the nature of "free will offer
ing." The council will attempt to secure
the combined aid of both the property
owners and the county in the improve
ment. It is estimated by City Engi
neer Noble that the entire work
would cost in the neighborhood of
$4,150, Raving for the county side of
the street $2,075.
There is a fairly steady tone in the
egg trade and quotations are gener
ally ruling at 25c a dozen. A few
small lots were sold a fraction below
this but others were asking a fraction
more. The average price 13 25c for
case count.
While there were again liberal re
ceipts of eggs, the market was in bet
ter condition than during the preced
ing week owing to the fact that the
former big surplus was out of the way.
With local prices on a parity with
those ruling in California, the outlook
is for a steady feeling here. There is
no doubt that the price will he af
fected directly by what happens in
California within the next few weeks.
With the promise of a coming
spring, the hens of Clackamas County
are getting busy and as a result eg3
have taken a most remarkable drop
In the last few days. Where a week
or two ago the local supply was al
moBt unable to meet the demand, now
the market Is Wooded and almost ev
ery farmer's rig, which comes to town,
is filled with the product.
Potatoes continue to slump and all
other prices seem to have a downward
trend. This includes oats, barley, and
corn. There is no other recent decid
ed change In local prices.
Farmers continue as strong holders
of wheat, and the market whi!r. firm
here, is rather inactive. Little busi
ness has passed here recently. Hids
for club are general r.t fsfcc a bushel,
tidewater track basis, but farmers are
asking more money.
The market for oat and barley is
likewise quiet, with the latter weaker.
No change Is shown In prices here;
In fact so little business has been
shown In the barley trade here re
cently tbwt it is hard to establish a
rt foi
rYr a
Vs Is
rt. w
I This is for you, Mr. Country Reader. It is a personal appeal to you and tells of nn offer which has ln Arranged for you alone. Head rvery word of it for never Mortem,
the Enterprise extended so liberal a proposition as tins to its readers.
We have been able to secure a limited number of the famous National Vacuum cleaners which have been sold from one roast to the other for price. rninK froin rigu
ten dollars. By sacrificing personal profit of every kind, we are able to extend to you an offer which is one of the most l.lernl ever offered to the people of Cl.u kamn. loun h (;
But we are not prepared to spread this offer broadcast over the state. The machines are too expensive and the numlrr in our ,ossrssion far too few to make this offer pull. J.
We want to explain it to those only who are interested enough to answer this ad. rK
Read every line of this message. Study the picture and then write today. Tomorrow may be too late. Our numlwr of cleaners is limited and we reserve the privilege t, ,,,
canceling this proposition at any time.
Do you spread dis
ease and dust by
When you sweep your carpets
or rugs you scrape away the
surface dirt and pound in the
rest. Beating knocks out the
dust and injures the carpet. No
matter how much you sweep
the dirt and dust which is un
der the surface of the carpet
remains there. In fact, every
time you go over the floor
with the broom, you pound
that dirt still further into the
carpet and make it still harder
to thoroughly clean the floor.
Ask your physician if it is not
true that sweeping sends cur
rents of air filled with disease
germs, lint, and dust through
the room. A broom spreads
disease, it takes the dirt and
dust and germs which have
been tramped into the room
and spreads them through the
house. After sweeping, ev
ery article of furnifure is cov
ered with dust and the air is
full of fine particles.
A broom not only pounds the
dust into your carpet, it also
pounds down the pile. Lvery
time vou sweeD. vou Dound
still more dirt into your carpet ;
vou fill the floor covering still
fuller with dirt; and you make
your rugs and carpets a dis
ease-carrying, a germ rilled,
and dangerous thing.
This is a picture of the Nationa
Vacuum Cleaner. Notice its
shape, see how compactly it is
built. Every piece is just the piece
for its use. Every part is exact;
scientificly exact.
This machine complete weighs
but 4 3-4 pounds. It is so light
and so simple that a child can op
erate it. An easy move of the
handle and a pressure is brought to
bear which will draw dirt and dust
through the thickest carpet.
It runs as easy as a carpet sweeper
and is twice as easy to use as a
broom. There is no backache, no
strained arms where the National
is used.
There is no wast effort, no waste
time with the National. The Na
tional is the exponent of efficiency
and expresses the highest point in
simplicity. When you use the Na
tional every motion produces the
greatest possible amount of results.
ULi.&tr-K::.L. :
s J
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ttM "A,
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In t
r tl
Or do you believe?
dustless and gen
less house cVeaf
f. t
a d
Is I
L Ft
Tie National Vacuum CM1"
dixs not pound the dirt i
the tarjrt or fill the air-
diitrasr-carryinK cmn
draws out the dust iinJiiIgon,
i or
germs. , v.
When you clean with tVl. It.
tional, you draw the rJut the i
through the nozle nrJirJf",'
the tank. You take oil J11
dirt at the surface of thecrt th
and at the same time dm if yo
dust through the carpet
from the floor it srif. T.11"'
Cleaning with the
gives no t hante (or the fl"
grrous disease grrms loipttndern
" M. wh
through the room. Ihcwday f
, , ii ..trlbed
is confined to the tanvl Weks
not le transported thro J;uf
the house and allowed to riding
on every article of furnitu"
The National is necrssary!
you for the protection of on!'
health, for the proper cat1"8 k
your furniture, and thorceAn
i Oeorg
house-cleaning. If you tned d
to rid your home of du'ire'he
you would rather that fJ
carpets are clean all the wrMa
through, then you should ummi
a National for the proper pul)llc
of the best Vacuum Clea""
the only way to attain tha
e entti
vlll sp
rer dh
i exlstlr
We reserve the ripht to cancel this offer at anv time without nni! TVi ia r1n in il. fart it.t l,- l::-J t r.t l; . .i : A i-,t
i i . . . i.i 1 i i ii I -" i'vt uui a iiiiiuru nuinurr oi incsc mucnincs at tne present time an" jfuf N
that the proposition is so liberal that they will probably last but a short time. Ui n
I with
We do not explain this offer here. Only those who show enough interest in the famous National Cleaner to answer this advertisement will learn the wonderful opportu
r tin
e are sure that you will be surprised when you learn of our offer; you will say that you did not know that a newspaper could extend so generoy p!f
trirrt r
lid (
which is open to you.
We have disposed of many of these cleaners in Oregon Citv and the nearbv towns to niihtrrirrr in il ,K;l F. I . l .i t !..: off.
.ji i i 1 . : . J ------- - -- .- V.....J. Mm iuiic, in nui one iasc una mere uccn a comiJia"" .
anyone said that these cleaners were less than represented. These cleaners are being used every day by dozens of Clackamas county housekeepers and every one is sati
If you have a neighbor with a National look it over, run it. note the ease with which it is operated and t)e thoroughness with which it cleans. llu
SuUffer"16 b 0rCg0n City ffiCe l 8e? 3 C,CanCr' WC gIad l 8,'0W yU ,llf machIne- exP,ain how il works- and te yu of 0Uf y"te0f'
Drop us a post card and we will send you a letter explaining to y'ou the proposition. By writing for information you involve yourself in absolutely no way. Write Tod. Lxir.
'gnn r
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tabfll V
the na
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Even a girl with a poor complexion
can win out If she has a rich father.
-ei couri