Enterprise News Service Covers Clackamas County CANBY NATIVE SON OF SCOTLAND BURIED w C. CLARK, OF CANBY, LAID TO REST MONDAY Canliv. Or?.. Feb. 9. (SpeelnO The turn-nil of V. C. Clark, who died here Bt his home luat Saturday was held today I" the Methodist church. About lOi) of his friends attended the services which were conducted by Rev. W. T. Milllken, of Oregon City. Af ter the service the hoy was laid to rest In tho Zion cemetery. The pall bearers were: E. H. Carlton, F. A. Rnsenkrans. F. 11. Hilton, William Knight, Dr. Weaver and F. 11. Flem mine. Walter Cross Clark was born Lenarkshlre, Scotland, on January I, 1S1T. He was educated In (hat coun try. At the ape of 19 he came to this country where he staid a short time working as a draftsman. The same year he returned to Amercia, w here he married Miss Issabella Katnege In 1S6S. The newly married couple re turned to Scotland and while there Mr. Clark was offered a position as a draftsman of one of the largest firms In London. Soon afterwards he was transferred to Glascow. where he was given a position as chief draftsman. After a few years In this country Clark's health became poor so he re turned to America, then the worked two years as chief draftsman In a ship building establishment in New Port. New York. Again he was forced to move on account of his health, this time he came to the Willamette val ley and settled in Cauby. where be has lived for the past sixteen years. ' Mr. Clark is survived by bis widow, i SUPERINTENDENT TALKS INSTITUTE' E. CALAVAN AND N. C. MARIS SPEAK BEFORE SCHOOL Cauby. Ore., Feb. 10. (Special) ! FOR SECOND TIME IN THREE J. E. Calavan. county superintendent ! WEEKS BOY IS CUT IN HEAD of schools, and X. C. Maris, spoke be-: fore She pupils and teachers of the j Canby school today. Mr. Maris ex plained the prizes that will be given: West l.tnn. Ore.. Feb. 11. (Special! to the students having the best farm ' For the second time in three weeks products on exhibition at the fair. The ' Jimmie McKfferty, age eight, accident pupils cf the Canby High school and y chopped his brother, Patrick McKf grammar grades are planning to have ferty. age three, in the forehead with a large exhibition of farm products) an axe at about 12:30 o'clock this at this year. i ternoon. Patrick was taken to an Ore- Mr. Calavan told oi -.he speakers' gon City doctor and the wound, which that will be present the twenty-first of j is not serious, was dressed, this mon:n at the gathering of the At the time the accident happened teachers in Canby. F. Rigler, of Port-i James was chopping wood. Patrick land, who has been the school super-! was watching his older brother and inttndent in that city for the last! playing with the sticks as they fell seventeen years, will be here. J. A. 1 from the axe. The hand of the wood Churchill, the state superintendent, spliter slipped and the axe descended and N. C Maris will speak. This ' on the forehead of the younger boy. meeting is especially for the parents ! The fact that the axe hit a glancing and Mr. Calavan hopes that all of the i blow and with but little force was all people who possibly can will be pres- j that saved Patrick from probably serl ent, The Ladies' Aid society will ; ous injury. serve dinner in the basement of the! T Methodist church. CITY BEAUTIFUL IS SUGGESTED ! PORTLAND MAN SPEAKS BEFORE CANBY BUSINESS MEN Canby, Ore.. Feb. 10 (Special) "A more beautiful Canby" was the ; subject of the lecture by Howard j Week, of Portland, before the Canby : Business Men's club last night at Its regular meeting. The talk was illus-j trated with stereoptlcon slides. ! Shade trees on every Btreet was the ; principal recommendation which the ! speaker made, although many other, Ideas were suggested. The club will . have a special meeting February 23 at j which time the improvements, sug-; gested by Mr. Week, will be discussed and some step taken to carry them ; out in this city. While here Mr. 1 Weed was the guest of Mayor and j Mrs. W. H. Bair. TEACHERS OF COUNTY TO MEET WILL GATHER IN CANBY FOR DAY OF SPECIAL INSTRUCTION Canby, Ore., Feb. 5. (Special) On the fourteenth of this month the 'eachers of Clackamas county will as semble in this city for one day of spe cial instruction. Many of the mid terra examination papers will be exhibited and the work for the rest, of the school year will be discussed. Several school IRRITATING COUGHS. DISTRESSING, lill:HW.UH mtM tar Mattel MiMsu mtmmm. km 4 I 19 lk'--ornW I Aj fecMCACO.tU. 'fl ni.ihorliies of stute-wldo Importance I will speak besides many from this I county. (reparations are lieliig mane ncrc " receive tho teacher. Many of them will he forced to remain over night and (l will be necessary to make extra pro vision to accomodate them. Don't You Believe It. Some say that chronic constipation cannot be cure. Don't you believe It. Ctianilvrlaln Tablets have fund oth. ers-w-hv not you? Olvo thohi t' Thev cost only a quarter. For sale bv all dealers. lAl,v- MOLALLA FORM NEW FARMER CLUB OF PUPILS I PLAN EXPLAINED BY EXPERTS; in S OFFICERS ELECTED Molalla. Ore.. Feb. 11. iSpeclall I Siinerintendoiit J E. Calavau and V J. Maris, field assistant of the exten sion department of the O. A. C. gave a talk to the school children at the 'Grange hall yesterday afternoon for the purpose of organizing an agricul tural club of Industrial workers, In connection with the school fairs. The members of this club must be between the ages of 10 and 19 years. There are no dues, but In case money ! is necessary, an assessment of not ; more than i5 cents a year per mem : ber may be made if two-thirds favor ' the levy. No student may take an i exhibit to the state fair uuless a mem ber of this club. Such a club was organized and tne following officers elected: President, : Koss Saw tell: vice-president. Miss Na iomi Bobbins: secretary. M;ss tthel Wells, and treasurer. Itorrel Cole. Fifty-two pupils signified a desire to him. members. Mr. Maris said tie had never organized a club with more than forty-three member. HE HITS BABY BROTHER WITH ANIAXE ; STANDING ROOM ONLY AT PROGRAM MOLALLA BAND HAS SUCCESSFUL I ENTERTAINMENT Molalla, Ore.. Feb. 9. (Special) A house so crowded that even stand- in? room was at a premium greeted the entertainment given Saturday evening by the Molalla band at To bin's hall here. The hall was lighted i by electric lights, for the first time,! the current being furnished by Iter- j strom and company, who operate the mM'it,cr nlrtiira uhnc hurp ' Among the interesting features of the sixteen number program was. a solo, "Dovour Troupe," by J. H. Stone, instrumental music on the flute by William Staley and a solo by little Miss Bertha Redmond. The music by the band was also excellent and was highly appreciated by the enthusiastic audience. GET LETTER FROM FAR OFF LAND LIBERAL PUPILS RECEIVE WORD FROM HONOKAA Molalla. Ore., Feb. 9. (Special) Letters, all the way from the Kapu lena school, Honokaa, Hawaiian Is lands, and written by children of nine and 10 years, were received today by the pupils of the Liberal school. The letters are said to be very In teresting and tell about the country, the people, the public school sys'em. and other conditions of the islands. DEPRESSING COLDS. Surely and quickly yield to Dr. King's New Discovery. It soothes the inflamed and irritated bronchial tubes, stops the cough, in many cases instantly loosens the cold and aid3 expectoration. Don't be annoyed and suflur from coughs and colds. Take Dr. King's New Discovery and lie cured. "Owing to a severe cough and lung trouble I could not work at all for several months," writes Lewis Chamblin, of Man chester, Ohio. "Two of the best doctors could not help me. My weight ran down to 115 pounds. Dr. King's Xtw Discovery cured me, and I now weigh ICO pounds." "I am an old lover of your most valu able Gob-end to Buffering humanity Dr. King's New Discovery," writes Jennie Fleming, New Dover, Ohio, "for it cured me of a dreadful cough of three years' standing. It was bo bad that I would cough until I would be speechless, but, for the quick relief of your wonderful remedy gave me, it's worth more than all the remedies I ever used before." Thousands bare been helped in the same way, by Dr. Kin;:'i New Discovery. It is not a new mediciae, but one that has been nsed effectively jr.r. Ihan forty-three yean for the crre ; "orgM -nd coH. Your drug, gist will refund jour money if Dr. Kinri New Discovery Joes not help you. Start taking right now. Sold by Although tho children nr.t but lilnei and 10 venr old. the wrlttlng l sunn i i,e far better than many of the I high school student are aide to pro duce. 1'he object of tin correspond ence Is to bring the pupils of the dif ferent part of Hie country In close personal touch with each other. Kill THREE OFFERS AT ONE SESSION MOLALLA COUNCIL SURE DEATH TO FRANCHISES Molalla, Oro . Feb 11.- (Special! Two clivtrto frani'hlsi'S wi-ro voted down, ami a third laid on the table at a nn'.'tiiu of tho 'i'V I'ouurll last nleht Tho frani-hlso proposed by Fred St-hafer was tho first to bo taken up lv the ooumll and the f rst to l voted down. This was uuUK.lv fol lowed by similar action on the one brought up by M. J. I.e. The Molalla : Klectric company's franchise on the table. Schafcr will present a new franchise at the next meet In of tho council. Two ordinances passed their second n-adiiiK. one Mccnsimt peddlers and the other reKUlatlnK chimneys. At the next meetiiK! of tb council, the sub ject of water will ho taken up. NEW DEPOT DEDICATED AT MOLALLA BUILDING CONSIDERED FINEST OF KIND IN COUNTY i (Special) l,.1..M,i Or. Feb S Th ii. ,u Portland. Kuitene. and Fast ern depot was dedicated yesterday be fore a lame crowd It ia considered the finest In the comity. The buildinc is modern thromihout. Tho floors are of cement and the en- MIPtMKt TutinC DOUBLE ANGLE STEEL REACH G'v.n CT.rrctDf Je d f liminjtif) All ilra.n from 5prjds?r Bo A Rrt iidi n)ipnat4i on a M I A 1 1 I r n trnK Q - . . B I r IW - I Kjrtsjf t Sptxr ARE YOU LOOKING For a Low Down Easy Loading Light Pulling Manure Spreader One that will Last a long time and please you better every time you use it? Look no further. WE HAVE IT AND YOU NEED IT THE BLOOM MANURE SPREADER GETS THE MOST OUT OF THE MANURE By breaking it up fine and spreading it evenly Easy, sure control and no horse killer The only Spreader with a reach Farmers who have bought them say they are the best farm machine investment a farmer can make. See the BLOOM at the nearest Mitchell Agency or write us for Illustrated Catalog 'ire (structure has been built with an id'-a to niHke it substantial and sani tary. The office of the station anent is located In the rent' r of the buildinK with the freight department on one (-nd and the passenger on the oth' r. The waltim; room which ha been fin ished up In polished wood and has a beam ceiling, is considered one of the most commodious and comfortable In this section of the Willamette valley. PICTURES SHOW CARE OF TEETH Molalla Pupils Taught Lesson In The atre by Movies Molalla, Ore., Feb. 10 (Special) In order to show the pupils of the Molalla school the causes of decay of ter-th and their proper care, the Ore. Kim Dental association invited the eachers and pupils of the local school to attend the moving picture show viven by Dergstrom and company In their new theatre. The pictures showed the condition of the teeth af ter neglect; their proper care, the causes of decay and a dentist's method of examination. The pupils march ed to the theatre In a body. The Best Cough Medicine. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ever since I have been keep ing house," says L. C. Ilames. of Mar bury, Ala. "I consider it one of the best remedies I ever used. My chil dren have all taken it and it works like a charm. For colds and whooping; cough it Is excellent." For sale by all dealers. (Ad.) GRANGE TALKS ASSOCIATION ' . - Molalla People Would Form Parent Teecher Orusnliatlon m.,im,i Or., vvh 9 iSneilll -A parent leuclicr association for .Molalla the most liniiorlant subject was the most Important 'j' l.rv.uglil before the regular n Ins tho Molalla Grunge which was held I this city Saturday nftern.H.n. Ml- pcrluteudcnt J. IC Uui gave a ta Ik l which he urg.td Ihe organza Ion uf such a body and whi.-l. hy a talk by Professor t 1.. t oo, .. r along the samu lino 1 1'" speech.' h h.h educator, were well n ce Ived and Plan are being made to I.okIii organ t-atlon a( once. There was to Itavs ii oro a i" iin i a talk bv a member of the I III-, ''y'V?"0n,,7ylU!,, T " Vlll.bi,r( school with which postponed on account t mUuMm M f,rm(,ry ,,, , at that "''hool. j r(,( (mi smniimi t port ,,,, r-.n w,., niMPLETION ' " '"'''N I"" "' n,'"r 1,''rl,l"y- BUILDING NEAR 9 COMPLETION . ( U(i vnu.Mt c. . .'m.I.II. Will M.u. ' M" w K ,,HV" New Structur. .1 MoU I j . Will Hv Bpl!WHirhlllld. Tlt,y from 8tor.l.nd Offices Mol.tuxllln Molalhl. Or.. Feb. 10 .- (.speelull ,lt.,,. ... ,.,.. ii.,,,,, m The barber shop and confectionery j Htoro which Is belli consTUcteii ny J. Marean Corbln on Molalla avenue Is iiearum completion. This l t story billldlnc and will haie an elab orate store front. Poetors K U Todd and W. S. Perby will occupy offices up sialrs They hav purchased a new supply of offlct furniture. The build Iik is constructed under the super vision of Amos IteiiK'le. MOLALLA LOCALS Molalla. Ors., I'eb. .V-(Spec bill Ailolph AdiH'ii. who has been taking the short winter course at t). A. I'., has returned home. . Ceo. Shaver, who Is a'.tondlns O. A C. is 111 with tbo measles ami His par ints have been summoned to his bed-, side I I he liiKn scnool stuuents navo jusi i finished the midyear exams. The ' ninth tirade did especially well In nl j cebra while th tenth grade passed in history with an sxerK of ninety fho per cent. i T J . . ll I" ' m.nt -t Ml i B M J DOUBLE ANtkE 5TEELREACH lL f ii i on Wnjon. BALL AT MOLALLA Molalla, Ore, Feb. 11. (Special) There 1h to be a masquerade ball In Vobln's hall Saturday night. Special music will h" furnished and prizes will be given for the best masquerade lady and gentleman. ARDENWALD. The Anlenwald school under the di rection of Muses Liena Clen and (ier trudo Jlargnaves Is progressing nice ly. Recently the pupils organized a club called llnj Searchlight, which has for Its oMect Ihe Improvement of the school. ThiT'j are two divisions, each of which gives a program on alter nate Friday afternoons. A weekly pnner, called tbfl Bearc&tife'it Flash Ib edited by the clutt. ;' Howard Mussel, the little son of Mr and Mrs. fleorg Ilussel had an acute attack of Indigestion last week. How's This? Wo offer One) Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bt cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENET CO., Tol.do, O. We. the understs-ned, have known F. J. Cheney for the lt 16 years, and brllevs htm perfectly honorable In all bustni-M transactions end financially able to carry out sny obligations made by his firm NATIONAL BANK OF COMMENCE. , Toledo, O. Hell's Catarrk Cure I taken Internally, actlna; directly upon tbe blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials fn ,'re. Price 71 cents pr bottle. Bold by all Dnifclite. Take Hell s really Pill fee eaeetlpetloe. Friend sre glad to sen blui out MKrtlti- .Mr. A. Illover WHO wn qilim eri oiinlv burned ahoul Ihe head and hands, by I he explosion of hi gasoline engine I slowly lliipiovllig The Country Fair held at the Anion uul.l mliiHil hmiHe lust I'rldav under ',,, H..ice of Ihe Christ Ian Fudeavor ,,,, wlml , J,,,,, M(;,r Al. Ah,Hlli vU , nu,,,,,,,,, ,lbl , Mr ,,,,r,,r h'M ,,,,, , , f, acre , Mr. j, A. Sutton, formerly of Heltert eM-. I lo go Into i i.tislnes ..".tin- ,., , ,,,, . . , ., ,, . .,.,. ,, u.,,iv h , vnt.ntl,.n In tho I'ortland ehool there wir nimilier of vlHltora In at lendaticx at Ardenwnld aclimd: unions 'whom w if ii Cernld and KeniiKth Alt now. (;iady Stephen". Henry Haxtlnn. Mary Itlchmond and Mia Mary I'leu, l At the recent cat uliow of I'ortlund. "Susan Jacolm, ah eighth smdc girl 'entered all cata and brought homn lx I prlM-t. ' The niiM-k (rial glvrn by Snd dlvlsloti of tho SearehllKlit cluli laat Fridny ;Sn very well atlnnded Tho court room wan crowded. titimlid of par ill n hclhK prt'tellt. Fdwnrd Hleb niond nerved a )udt;e; Julia Marek. prtHeciillns attorney, and Kenneth Itavot niton, ey for the defense. Nellie I'rlco. nherlff and Mildred I. Mult wa ; the rrlmlnal. CLARKCS. V, Fatr and family are III of the measles Fred ."allien was In town last Hal M.,KCrUAls VrtK wf IM f ttk MMt I f sjs-mha l)Mnftt Ct fKsMiA.t R-sl Northwest's Greatest Impcmcnt and Vehicle House PORTLAND, ORE. SPOKANE, WN. BOISE, IDAHO urday. Mr. and Mrs. Kdd II110I spent Runday with Mr. .wahlen and family. Willie Kli'lnsmith Is sawing wood for lluol Ilros. H ('. Klelnsmllh Is 111 of tho measles. Kugeno Kleinsmlth was In town last week. Fred slid liertha Zwahlen were In Colton and visited Albert and Km ma llaiicr lust Hominy. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Ilottrmlller were In town last week. (!. Marquardt purchased some Ittiff Orpington chickens from Mr. Hughes In lleaver ('reek. Frank Nicholas and family visited C. N .l.arklns and family last Sunday. Elmer Klelnsmllh was In town last week. Highland Orange had a meeting last Saturday. Horrible Blotches of Eczema. Quickly cured ,y Dr. Hobson's Kc.ema Ointment. C. I. Caldwell, of New Orleans, l.a., Blati a: "My doctor advised me to try I)r. Hobson's F.ezcma Salve.' I used three boxes of Ointment and three cakes of Or. Hob son's Derma Zema Soap. Today I bare not a spot anywhere on my body and can say I am cured." It will do the same for you. Its soothing, healing, antiseptic action will rid you of all skin humors, blackheads, pimples, Eczema blotches, red unsightly sores, and leaves your skin clean and healthy. Get a box today. Guaran teed. All druggists, r,0c, or by mail. Pfeiffer Chemical Co. Philadelphia and St. Louis. (Adr.) ill! Al.t UHOL J riK t'KNr. AVrtff 1 jlitr PrrpsrgLfiCr Aj lmll.illir$ihrFlJjnilllit;iti HJh2 ll biurtwlB nrsilhsMli 4 Promotes D i ft' I Umflmf J rvus and Ifcttronlitni nrMw Ujsum Mtiqihuv itr.'taral. Not Nahc otic. iSMI A rrfrfrrt IWtnr dv for f umflps lion. Sour Shiuah.lilsiilw NVorms Jl rvuliu Jrvrt tut tuutndLassoruxr. TuS 5naisrtos h im.1 Copy ot Wrspysr. MARQUAM. Miss Sbaw. our t" IcphotiK operator, has hi-r brother fniin rlhrrnian county with h-r fr a few days Mr Hoy Murky, who has been In the hospital Is hciine niinln and Is III! pr Iiik. Tllinan Clap, who has been sick fur some lime Is better Choir practice rery Friday nlhi at Mr. StM-keir. Kverymm Is e mum to attend Henry Hjrtli has been d"lus some carpenter work for Wallace Albright Miss liertha Miller I worklul In J. C. Maniiiain s store. Mrs J. C Maniuam, who has been sick Is soinn better at this wrltlng (lur school children and teacher. Mr. Mooro and Miss I'leu will give an entertainment In the hall Friday even Ins. Feb. SO. A number of lite ouns iopln from here attended Ihe skating rlnk at Mt. Ansel last Friday night. U N. Jones and llntise Olson, who went out lo Wasco County a short time ago, are expected lo return soon. STAFFORD. We have had a couple of light frosts since tho groundhog saw his shadow last week Monday, and miim very pleasant dnys while Ihe rest of the time wo have had delightful and con t'tiued rains. Mr. Cage's new auto (ruck stands under cover until such time. s the 'Slough of liespond" beyond Tledo ni n n s Is nindu passable. Mrs. I'owell ramn Saturday and on Monday Mr. Weddln, he( linker slid one of tho Hchats loys earh took a load of furniture lo her new home near Annn Hell station on the Ml. Scott line, where she ha bought a house and lot at (hnt place. Ian Thursday Ihe teacher and pu pils In the primary room were smoked out of the building, the elliows of the stove having become filled with soul. August Helknr and Hob Hchats attend ed to It, so that school was resumed In the afternoon. Miss Anns Nemec has been keeping house for Mrs. Km in a llssseltirlnk for the past two weeks, near Wllsonvllle, as Mrs. Ilasselbrlnk was stricken with appendicitis and had to he taken to a hospital In I'ortlund. The Frog fond Grange holds their fortieth anniversary on Saturday, the 14th, and the ladles met on Wednes day to decorate 'he hall. Oswego Grange holds their fortieth anniversary In April. Charlie I -arson was around this week repairing telephones, pulling In new bntterys, etc. WIL80NVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wood and daughter went lo I'ortland lust Satur day lo see "Utile Women" being layef there. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have located at Ihe old llnrtshorne place and are mak ing big Improvements all around thmn. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron McConnell at tended the funeral of Mr. McConneH'a cousin. Stella McConnell, at Sher wood a week ago. Mr. Ilethme has resigned his posi tion as teacher In t'nlon district, and experts to furm. Mrs Chns. Wagner lias been III for a few days. Tho rare-lit Teachers' Association held a meeting In the school house on Friday afternoon, at the close of school. Mrs. Marlon Young spent a few days In the Hose City recently, visiting relatives. Andy Ilasselbrlnk was taken to a I'ortland hospital on Thursday, Feb. 5th, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis, and his hosts ot friends are pleased to learn that h Is getting along nicely. The; Hood View Choral society met at Btallncher's home on Friday even ing. Miss Alice Todd won tbe prlr.a for Impersonation of a lllblo character. The Corral Creek school had a read ing match on Friday afternoon, sides being chosen hy aWrren Green and Claire Hay and the counting of credlta gave the victory to Claire's side, by a big majority. Miss llrltt, of Newberg, visited at the Angus farm on Saturday and Bun day, after which Miss Jessie Angus returned with her on Monday to New berg. The "Suffragette nab," given by the M. K Church Gleaners' Club, on last Friday night was a splendid suo cess, and netted over forty dollars for GASTQRIA For Infant! wnd Children. The Kind You Have 1 Always Bought 1 1 Boars tho Signature of For Ovei Thirty Yean the treasury of the Young Vmf club. MIAOOWBROO. IV II Chfiidsren. Mabel, lUtk i Hub. n Chlodgren went to Orrgos Friday eteiilug In hear the glee 9 from O. A. ('.. of which Ju-s (N gren Is a member ' Mr Chs Kirk, furmerly nt I'' plsre. bill noW of So UtlMB trf.i . visiting friends and neighbors , Itnlph llolman and Mr I'hss most of their sheep tn Mr I'sriir Msple I -sue, A number of person BttmeVeV basket hall game at Colton Httn evening between Colton and Cos; 0 of Oregon City Mts F.tnltle llofstetter hll staying at Mr. Marshall's ot di ss Ihey all have the nirn.i'S. Mr and Mr Unit Hlsiulniwi children spent Sunday at A. U '. kins . Mr Htewrrt. of I'ortland Nl of men surveying some of k'l i Sgilll last week. Hubert and Glen Orrm i-nti' day last week visiting Mall's Multnomah station. BARLOW. Mr. Tullmun went to Hslrs week to attend the funeral id sh Mrs Iturdtrk entertained the aid of Ihe Synod l.ulhern hurra nesday. Clarence Ijiudsverk wml te I land Saturday, where he sill M course of studies at (he Y V C I Itobert Ogle returned lo his It from I'ortland Monday, oh'-r been fur the winter. J'din Ogle, of Aurora, wss Is Tuesday. ' Mrs Itrudwlg went lo hirtlaeT her daughter, Mis nni. evening. Walter Irwin, of Albany. " hi uncle. K. K. Irwin. MnaT- J Mrs. xmeiit and son. K'l'sf went to I'ortland Sunday to W her physician. Geo. Voteto, of I'ortland, upw1' day with his parents. Theolln Irs'n was h"tn ' I'ortland for the day Sunday fieo, Oglesby, of Needy, r'' Friday night at the literary on the road question It K Irwin was visiting rl' In I'ortland Sunday. Tho literary meeting wss wrf tended Friday evening. The pr was the heat of the season and generally conceded that owr W' Is thoroughly educational. Miss Lena Grlbble. of MuckS and Miss Haphlne lllssel. of Ci with other young people, attend! literary inenllng Friday evnlnf both look part In the program. I Ortbble reciting and Miss lllssel ling and singing. Moth of ill1 rendered their seleottons besuW Mr. Howe's family have tskJ session of their new bungales The city Is laying a cemcnl front of Mr. Wiirfel'a store. t HAZELIA. Mr. snd Mrs. FVed lirhtu Sunday In Oswego, guest t 1 Shipley. . The Misses Nina and Malx-I were pleasantly entertained Tt afternoon hy Miss Klhel Haksf- ' A. Helms, Frank Chllds, Mr ' berg and others, were among H lies seen In Portland ThiirKilM The I'resldlng Klder of H' Wilson, and son were giicit and Mrs. 8. 8. IWiiits 8aturl' nlng. . Mr. Msrgum, f Canby. th Agent, was canvassing Ih's 'lp hiw.H lha lnl ulr 1 Mrs - llif bnr,l 7.lvntf was h noon calrer h Klalo bnrtis Miss Kthel Thompson, from Sent Sunday with Miss K'H "l Mrs. F.arman was plesssntlf talned by Mrs. A. Helms Thuf Mrs. F. A. Child wss s WJ guest of her sister, Mrs. Fred V Thursday. ,v Hill llullock Is clearing l"4 Neilson. kl Theo. fltelnhllbrr has pnfw" new team. BOY IS INJURES i m . ... i.bun 10 pnf by Dra. Guy and H. 8. , oelva medical attention front w Rocker for an tnjnred hiP Z brought In from 8co where been living with his parents. A Use m m w h 1 GUSTOS I ) II I" Wl W a sy In te ta CO th pr ss tl Wl In tl foi an th ed ho d tli I If as I aci l: oc of tr lo bei tal flar ( pre wit the ttoi be con ata f clu con var agr mei est i con gen er, exp ars res aiei 'vati T will hall rooi T foil' Hak Spo MEl T! bell V L firm was meo com repr