OKMOX -TV wmmPHIBF '."v'-nXIUHVSUiM- STOP ANNOYING PEOPLE BY COUGHING. STOP ATTRACTING UNDESIRABLE ATTENTION. I Soli? I .11 1 mm UAWi tt ftt. Ou rt irmr t iuw Si Jrt rifffci re" HnWT M vi Pure and Pleasant Dr. King's New Dis covery Drives Away Cough and Cold. Makes You Feel Fine. You know how very embarrassing it is to constantly couph at parties, in church and other public places. Besides suffering the distress of coughing, you regret the annoyance to those with whom you are brought in contact, and decide not to go out again while your cold lasts, causing yourself much inconvenience. "Every winter," writes Mrs. M. 0. Cross, Granbury, Texas, "I suffered with severe coughs and colds, but since using Dr. King's New Discovery, I have not boon bothered or annoyed with either for over two years." Ask your druggist for a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery He will refund your money if not satisfied. News of Canbv and Vicinity A bright baby hoy ""' Into tin- pleasant homo of Mr. i M Harry J. Robinson. 1h I tl found Its tl"'"' 1" Wc.lnesila) ami In a month olil. Mr. Ilcrtha M. Hart chaperoned ft skating l.rtv to llw Daks on Siitnr.la evening. I'lght couples going down '"' enjoyed tho evening. m-a iiiiitv l lii vim culled to The It C. I'alnlon homo was the, ::;z;Vo7yh!v8HOpoF NOrmaN mltmarih Mis Helen vnterlnliied Homo of the BOTHERED BY STRANGER high m-nooi mum-in b m evening deu-led to f.00. followed, bv dancing. , , . , I , , ti,.. nvim una effectively il-' , Canbv. Ore.. Jan Interring New. From Southern Part of CUck.m.i County-Happening of the Week. 6TEFANI MILL 18 MUSHED Works at Full OUat and Cant nil Ord.ra I'll. (Sn-l-lall f -it ii lit- I lr,t .hui lit (Hih'i lull - With Hit' mill running t f"H I'1""1 ml t-utllug tl'' N""'" I''"111"- ,,'r ' before, tho Hicd.nl Lumber company I" I unithln to fill H or.W-m iiromi'tly. Tho mill was burned to inn ki" . i . ..i ...... 1 III 1111 1 1 orated ami red wax tho color scheme. , -,-. n. robbery of mo i'..-y "'',;',,,, ,M, ni! but waa cmploi.-ly r. Centering tho table wan an Indian has-, of Nl,rinan Sultiimish on Main w . ( (h ,.,., h renin . . .111.1 . . ..... I... '.i- 1 H.i.1 inMII lit I IV IllltU .... urn V I'll I I'll mill I .ii, r..,l fruit and caught from tho ,., 0 n.-r of tho moro liappciie.ll.i bo ... I iii.ii i built and I'til l operation in ro. on. lit.' fail ti"i. ...... ... ...,..1,1.ir.i.'tl..n. th.' I 111". Plllt " " lit full l lW'iM'lt) NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY ....... in ,vrmr.i w. re rod frlnnod cr.-..' parol ,.,,.( t tho tlmo. In tho m il.' nm , w ,,.,,,, ui had trouble which ccnlercd on tno out in.... i iv or MiiunnrM " ,7 ,L ! t fill nil or.lor I k h fonnod a r-d tulip. Tho .r-1 , W(, ,, Marry IhKur. h.i ; ro laior i ,v ,,laco card- marked l-laom for t he ; ,ulll, , ,y ,ho former -hortly YOUNQ PEOPLE GATHER Misses Wlmilo Kern: Kthol and rVm tturils. canbt Tuunu Harf Mablo ltrUham. Flora mil. i n An tll,r or o bororo mi.i.i.s,.. .-. M ' n,rthd4y ..." v iinlnmn. l.eola ' sn,rsh ho a worklnit ! Meet In Honor of uirinaay FUhor. Hazel' Farr. and Helen and j , ,;, l0, tho rear of bl loro. I . . .,.. l..ra. I.vlc i . u.. .t H... rear of Iho bnll.l- lions million. .. - ' . v'- ; v.l i-l,v '- intf lie i noil vnw a la .- i-i" . .. . , ... . : w ndow ladKO and canHonslv ,M,r, Member, o tno jnm,, of Mm I ....n.ir. U I.'IIIIH. Jl'lli. Charlie Hondo. Clarence Orem, K.i.i Qiilmi. Kay Morris. Clyde tiro.-". Ar thur Farr. Arthur lioberts and Lor raine Dslrom. Mr. and Mm. Jeff No, the uol we'd, are aealn at the Hull homo after a week s visit In I'ortland. , Mrs Lewis and children, of M'll wood was callluK on Lodno friends on Tuesday. Dphln Buifl tip'. Jan. M (Spe.-lall round in ho back of ,he hull.HhK but Mabl.- KnlKht. I l.r ; Mo. -e ih.-r . was no trn.-o found of tho man. 1 Shaw, r loieneo kiilKbl. W lllola M"'" effort mail wiihout sucoosa, CAN BY CARPENTERS ALL BUSY OREGON CITY DRUGGIST 0K DESERVES PRAISE , Almost Every Man Who Can Drl.t Nail at Work .i..i,. h..r., ih., sl.ni.le buckthorn bark lay mo ........ ... ; " . . .. . hi Ad neuter Is linrU at w. 1...1.U T i n siini) o i.eruiau .' "' slnun, ami Sauiuei i.rnu.ie. "."" Curlev. Kalph Coleman. Klmer He.-U. Kolnnd Hewitt. Melford ll.wltt. Lew is Mills. Fred KnlKht. K.-nneth Heeler, William Maple and Hnyco ', Urown. BARLOW KELSO. nr.,n.. M.,n.u nnrt n.lativps eathorcd I A number of school children have at"the'nome of Mrs. Goo. Ziegler Sat-1 been absent lately on account of sick TJTl o "vhUfti W. Oo.densop U erecting one of ofSilverton. Mrs. Zieglir passed to a I the lineM residences In this part o! hkher life Frldav. Jan. 16. after six : tne county on his nine acre ranch months of Intense" sufferin. She was The Jarl saw ml ,s running with an old Colony Pi-neer from Hethlem. . a full crew Mickclson & No.son i, Mo. She leaves a husband. Mr. Geo. mill is tw in operation now Zelpler. four children. Mr. Giesy. of; John and Lula Roberts, of Pover Clympla. Wash.; Mra. Rudy Zimmer; spent a fe- days oi their Nr.. anon man. Chris Ziecler and Henry Zie. ih Mrs Joel Jarl before retun.uu lfr. besides a host of friends to mourn ! to their studios at 0. A C. C.us J.ihn h'r demise. She as a woman wiio son and Albert Jonsrud have also ro v as kind and thoughful of all. ; turned to O. A. C. eNer ready to give a helping; Fmma Miller Hoist went to Orvrnn h?nd and do a favor for anyone. She City Monday and secured her u;vor. e. vas h'ghly respected and beloved by: Mrs. P. Hath, of George. cookln rll and her memory will ever oe tresn iur m(n ' ...... in the minds of all who knew ner. in terment v.as in the Aurora ceme'ory. f he wi"3 80 years old. Henry Gilbertson ha3 boughi. tne Lr.ne Gribble farm one mile north wt st of Aurora and will move his fem llv soon. Miss Ida Holvik. of Montana, has been vlsitius her friend. Mrs. Ida Tull. She left Monday for Portland and will soon return to Montana. Viney Kimsey is quite ill at h?r aunt's, Mrs. Toll's. The ll'crary soebty was postponed last Friday n tiht cn account of Un Io Rath has returned from his trip to liurns, Oregon, wh re he went to file on a homestead. Will Pell gave a dancing party In his granary recently. Milton Nelson Is on the sick 1 st. Joe Albel and Mrs. Elsie Coe were married Jan. 1 and are at home in K.-l so. For Frost Bites and Chapped Skin For frost bitten cars, fingers and toes; chapped hands and lips, chil blains, cold sores, red and rough skins, ihprp u nnthinz tn enual ltucklen's death of Mrs. Ziegli r. It w .:i ia..e Arnca Salve. Stops the pain at once nlare next Friday nisht. Jan. 23. Miss Hattle Irwin returned home from Portland Friday evening. R. E. Irwin went to Portland Jn day to see his nephew, Dell Ir-v'n. Miss Lizzie Zimmerman and Mr. 1 Ilott, of Portland, came up for Mrs. Ziegler's funeral. Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Bert Vail and daughter and Mrs. Poulson. all of Port land, came up for the funeral of Mrs. Ziegler Saturday. Chamberlain'a Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior for coughs and colds. It is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other narcotic. It always cures. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) MARQUAM. and heals ouickly. In every home there should be a box handy all the time. Best remedy for all skin dis eases, itching eczema, tetter, piles, etc. 2.'c. All druggists or by mail. H. E. Eucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. (Adv.) REGISTER BOOKS OPEN Cnnby. t're. .Ian :'' (Sprrlnll Hecliilratliiu book -ro opened toilai' ,.rk build iik now! by Jndno William KnlKht Nl one Mil. walks. in accordance with a recent voter reKitere.i uurmK " ;Vv fln.. became famous by curing I NEW HOME BEGUN ii ins ...... . ..... - .......... ..... i,. . ..iSneo a l ¬ ii ouiu oe iiliu "J '.. "' " ' ' ,-. , ... ,. .r. ,.r th,. city would do the work and Tho new rel.leee of M an Mr -h.... .bo li.iim.M.,nei,t against tho , Harry Hufm-r has boon b.-iiun ami will property. Hot vm-n l ami I.. men are , bo ready fr iH-eupan.-y at work at this alone month. npiiendiiitls and It has now been ill ..Av.,r.l that Jl'ST A SIMll.K KOSK relieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach and constipation INSTANT LY. Its quick action is a big surprise to people. Chlldron Cry for Flotchor's OlAr5?Trf AN D Tho HIimI Yii lluvo Alwnya llonirlil, mid vlilcli hat bora lit um for ovrr ilt yvurt, iMirimllio uluimdirn of - mi il lut bwu iiuulrt uiul'r lil xr 71 , JJJJA-r- H'I HUIMTlixloH l Jlllunoy, WiaT.cAU Allow no mm ImIwHv you In lliU. All t'oimlorfoll. Imllulloim iiml "JiiiI-ii-bmmI " urn but rtiMTiiiionU Hint trtflo Mltll mil Mtiliwitrr tbn lin.lt Ii ut lulaiit uml flalltlwn 1:tU'Im Ktliit i:j-rliuuuU What is CASTOR I A CimforU I w luiriiilo miilliitr for lor Oil. Par, corl.'. lrot niol hootlilnif h)rii. It U lotiutit. It contain) in-ltlior ilum, Moriililno nor olinr Nri-.t0 aiib(unco. It nil I It ifiiiiruntoo. II lotroy Horma nml tilln)- IVvorltlnio. l or moro (linn Ihlrly onr It Imit boon In oiuMtuiit tio for tli rrllof of ('iiiili.ittloii. 1 Inlul, y, Miul ollo, ull Tootblnir Trouble utiii IMnrrliii-ii. It rotfiibito lh Momiirli Mini llon.U, iMluilliiti' tlx' I'oihI, (jhlnir luiiltliy nml itittiirtil ltp, j lio t litl.lrvn' I'hiiim'ou-TIio iodirr'a I'rUud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS fDca-8 the SlfiTinture of Si The Kind You Have Always Dougif In Use For Over 30 Years In about a (Adv.) Mr. Freytag. of Oregon City, and another man was here last Thursday, the 8th, and spoke on horticulture which was quite interesting and ap nreciated. On account of so short a notice there were but few out to her them. They left with the understand ing that they meet here asain later. Charley McRoberts has rented one of Ed Albricnt's hop yards. Omtr Marquam has commenced to saw wood again. He had unite a lot of trouble with his machine since he started up. John Hartu. the present road boss, Is having some road planked, but while he is planking two or three hun dred feet of road he is destroying two v or three miles hauling the lumber. fieorze Wait Mrs. J. tl. uoiaon nas soiu ui swit, formerly owned by F. J. Ridings, to a company from Portland. Choir practice at Re-. Mr. Siock- well's every Iriaay evening. An Ideal Woman'! Laxative Miss Lcho LarKins suneu wsi ( who wanlg t0 take Raitgt or castor Thursday for Pendleton and also to o) whpn th(,re 9 nothinK better than Athena to visit her sister. Mrs. Tessa n, t-,.. Vow i i fo Pills fnr all hnw- MePherson, for a week or so while L, troubles." They act gently and nat- out there, iney mienu io ko uui ura!y on the stomach and liver, stin. far as Walla Walla. ulate and regulate your bowela and Miss IJertna Miner, our inipai.m: operator r'.ttred January 1st. and Miss SANDY. Dixon's sawmill is running again. Henry Koch spent Sunday at Sandy Ridge. R. I. Anderson was elected presi dent of the Firwood Phone Co. at a recent meeting and F. L. Mack is chief lineman. A masquerade dance will be held at Shelly hall Saturday evening, February 14. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Deaton and daughter, Sabra, of Lents, are visiting in Sandy this week. Otto Kleeman and M. Walton of Portland were in tou on business Saturday. J. E. Sinclair has moved his family from the Cassidy place to his ranch on the Hart road. Auctioneer R. J. Anderson conduct ed a big sale of livestock and farm implements on the Cornog runoh Sat urday. The county court has approved the nomination of Max Anderson for Fir wood Road Supervisor. Adolph Gardeau is again clerking in Meinig's store, after a week's vacation. Josephine and Hazel Dixon are on is clerking at the Wirtz hardware store. Let's have those chuckholcs be tween Sandy and Firwood repaired. IANC.C Tilting SCAT stATia Uvta I..J '. . .-v) l , (hi UAH1 iwj vwt v tr r"-1 lv.-. H'1 f lrq A'.W .W.' C- y i u'i'-'"j" V I fWw'.N.lfc -'l l A ' M..it .iiiri'iej MUD PUDDLES -PIMM MS ! SWftlLOW CASH m OOUBLE ANGLE STEEL REACH G'vinq tT.rct Hr Jt nd aliminAtinq all strain from Spre&Jer Boa A flench ai .ndipnab on s KmuT Spreadvr it i.onjWion. CAVT lllkt'0 Mai. 1 1 Shaw, who has been operator at The Dalles, took charge. First hall and snow of this winter fell here January Sth. Some few potatoes are be'ng sold around here. 45 cents Is the top price paid. Mrs. Cann. who lived nfar hre died at Scotts Mills Januar? !th. Sne was sick for a long time. She died from the effects of a cancer. J. H. Logan was called to Portland on account of the dtalr. of his eon who had tuberculosis for quite a while. tone up the entire system. Price, 2:c. At all Druggists. H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. (Adv.; JENNINGS LODGE. Chronic Constipation Cured. "Five years ago I had the worst case of chronic constipation I ever knew of. and Chamberlain's Tablets cured me," writes S. F. Fish, Brooklyn, Mich. For rale by all dealers. (Adv.i AL8PAUGH Mrs. Henry Githens was the guest of Mrs. John Githens Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hleple enter tained at cards Friday night. Those present were, Mr. and Mrs. John Giih tns, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Hieple, Jake Moss and Echo and Hazel Githens. Ed Still and sons are very busy building their concrete cellar. Frank Dowty, of Portland, wa vis iting with bis parents Sunday. The Modem Priscilla was entertain ed by Miss Minnie Htii-nman last Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sparks wer? Es tacada visitors Saturday evening. Miss Gussie Githens has been slrk during the past few days with la grippe. John Chens was an Estacada vis itor Thursday. ARE YOU LOOKING For a Low Down Easy Loading Light Pulling Manure Spreader One that will Last a long time and please you better every time you use it? Look no further. WE HAVE IT AND YOU NEED IT THE BLOOM MANURE SPREADER GETS THE MOST OUT OF THE MANURE By breaking it up fine and spreading it evenly Easy, sure control and no horse killer The only Spreader with a reach Farmers who have bought them say they are the best farm machine investment a farmer can make. See the BLOOM at the nearest Mitchell Agency or write us for Illustrated Catalog Northwest's Greatest Impement and Vehicle House PORTLAND, ORE. SPOKANE, WN. BOISE, IDAHO LIVE WIRES OBJECT TO OLD 8 V 8 TEM OF WASTE AND WANT ! HARD SURFACE I ROAD ENGINLLR IS BADLY NEEDED County Now Hdpltts In Hands of Mn Who Squander Funds and Glv No Rrturn Ti paytri Ar Slung Mr. V. Hohlmid'-r, Sr, illiil t lli limn., of l r iUukIiI' r. Mm l It' n.iilili. t'H Kuili 'riTi, llnii.il.i; nii'Miiim t ih ik ' 'f so J1-". ' month Mlin miun Hit- I'lillt-d KUlM tmm 'i.-ritmuy In l1,'l rtid ha. Inra s cli-ut uf Clm knliiUA i-.mii!y f th. 1M r,u yrnm Him wna a iiii-lnl ut Ih9 lirruian t'-ilik-r Knil iiml rburihol b v, t ( r. . V. r. ul l. Mt It ifoulft, slin limn V, Uliliindi-r mid Kor( of li nrr t'r-i'; :lll.ini. uf Imid. und Mrs I.Uit lUullncr .( I inn Sb.rt funrral i-rln will b krit ul ID o rlii -k tri.iu Ihf rrnldi li. 111 al.ii ul tbn I'mi-r Cr-i-k ihurtatf nnn u'l liH'K. H v. W. K. VukI t.illl !Ululr. CRANCf KCIP8 BIRTHDAf Hi'M-rul i-rillcliiii of thn prr.rnt tni-thi'ds if riiii'iidlii Hi" ruad money ,.r ih.. i-iintiiv ilin diiiuuiid fur a capa- bln road fiiiti'nii-r, and Iho formation i Tw.ntlrth Anniversary or fownt-, of banuo for thn rdncatlim of Ih. j of MiIwiutIi Body Ctl.brat.d. piolile on the hlKhway I'rolil.-m tr.i , ,,,...,"" , I,., i.rlmlpnl f.tur.-a of th wreilug MII.WAl K1K. Dr. Jan. II -Ti of thn Live Wlrri Tu.dy. J'"h ai.nlv.raary of th fonn.llh J.idK C!rut II. DlmU k ittrtrd ihf j MlUaukl.. tlrm.K". I'atrona of lis. t rltlclama thul wrra h-u.. d upon Hi-' bandrv, mi c.-l.-brnl.-d Haturday. Un f Dm aiut.. for thn way , MitKKln I,. Jnhnaon. Mri. Urllrii In which niom-y Ulm waau-fully mi ; nd otb.T clmrt. r in bur apok (very mud pmldlu and aruum-O inn oil. i.,..mlira or tun urm inai ion " i.r Join In thu dlacnuHlim or tli biiiij,'-i "i roula. 8uparvlior Incomp.t.nt. I In d.'durMl thnt llm nd aujn r vlaora lire ni'iH-aaarlly lnci)in"-ti'nl b.'- caime tlu-y havn not bwli Irul I In roud work and thy hiivn tpi-ni all oi thi-lr tlniu and cin-ntti-a In tho rnla iik of cropa. Ho mid thut In I In- Hal ot anpcrvlaora h kn.-w anvcrul xci-li'iit furmiTH but poor roud bulldi-ra. Hi pointed out Ihnt Marlon coiinly haa n V J. Cnlwr. and told how In thn punt four yniira Clnrknmaa J'. county him apt'iit SI7,,tlli on roana and rw.'lvi'd m ml urn for llm tnom-y. On llui ollmr hand, I'liiallllit county haa adopti'd thn road inaatnr plan and know a what bi'i-nim-a of nrry emit of money that ko' Into public n,K"' way and w hat urn- la madu of It. C.nrral Dllcutalon. fScorcn Itandall aiMikn of thn -xtrav-BKimco In pna. nl nifthoda and waumd tlm court to takn a aimi'l P' rma m nl road conatrm tlon; llarvi-y h. C'roBH d. larml that thu money la now apreiid ovr Iihi inui-h territory and l hut a fnwr milea oi niiru uiunu br i-fly rrvlnwlmc tllii K row lb of Ik- tirauan and reeoiiuiliiK Ihn i fforti t rn-ct a hall, mndn poaalbln IhnnlKb Ik lain Itli-hard Hcoll. At thn prrart Hum Mllwaukln tirmiKn haa X. n-t lu ra wlih ai'Vrrat nipllratlona on hut MlLiVAUKie CLUO ELECTS. C. B. Hanaon Choa.n Pr.ildint i Commarclal Organliatlon. MII.WAt'KIK. Or , Jan. Jl -The . nrn ira of ihn Mllwaukln ('oiiiiiierA. Club iiit-t Monday iiIkIiI and Wctnl II. Ilaiinon. prraldi-nl; Mrn. M u Itolierta, vlrr prealdmit; Mra. Man" I.. Johliaou, II II. Harvey and 1. Wt klua a ciinmUli-n on liiduairlen. II waa reported that thn movem' to namn acvi-n alrm-t In Kul' rn U waiikln la worklnit out. Hnvrral of tt-. petlllona hnvo been filed w'.lh II Council and ottmra am beliin mi ready. BULL RUN FOR MILWAU!! Ea Mayor Favora Tapping From Portland. way w oul-l b b- tter than many mil. a ' w" o oVUdVVw. Hulllv,,,, uued a nnlan of ediii-ul on omonit inn people - ! ! ,h aul.je.-t of better roa.U. I "'"" Pr.-poKltlon to conn ar aiona "" """J .. . I I in, .ii ih.. iai. I. ,r .vattim of r STRONG CANBY WIND PLAYS HAVOC UNION HALL DISTRICT HAS PARENTS MEETING HUNTING WILL BE AS GOOD ! . EVER IN 1914 AS Mrs. Nichols, of Oregon City, will make her borne with Mrs. Jennl" Jon-s for an indefinite time. Wiley Traut, who recently canr from the Middle West hag purchased three lota in the I. J. Morris aubdi vision and will soon build. At pres ent the Traut family are domiciled in the Haberman cottage. The social committee of th9 Com munity Club held lu first meeting at the home of Mrs. Uertha M. Hart on Kriday evening. A speaker will be s'. cured to speak at the next regular meeting of the club on February 4th Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayles received word of the passing away of the form er's father In Leavenworth, Kansas, on Sunday, Jan. IS. Mrs. Hayles will be remembered as Miss Mable Morse, and sympathy 'i being extended from her m?ny lodge friends that such sorrow has come to them in their new ly married life. Mr. Hayles is an only son and with two sisters are the only known relatives of the deceased. I). V. Woods have rebuilt the part of their house which was recently de stroyed by fire. We are losing two of our best know n families, James Delxing, who moves to Portland thig week, and the H. C Painton family removing to Vancouv er February 1. A new sidewalk hag been laid down from he Ha'orf store to the Meldnim station on the East Bide. May we be able to report new walks every week till our streets are improved as theyj Lot of girls nevr advance beyond should be and our roads also made I the literary department of cookhg passable. srliooi. The parents of the Union Hall I CITY THROWN INTO DARKNESS "chool dlHtrlet met In the school house U4WV on, ca nnM Friday and the Union Hall I'arent-. Although It la probable that moro AND MANY POLES DOWN Tea. her association was formed and chneM pll,,agarit imi,K wag doi... I The ,,,.. 0, the new organization he '"" ot 1913 ,,ln" eVPr u,! Canby, Ore., Jan. 19. (Special) ; i. . i.rn ,v, narpnta. the teacher fore In this country, the birds do not Can by was thrown Into darkness and an(j tj,B mdPnt (nto closer relation- seem to be depleted to any great ex- me xeiepuone ana leiegrapn sysiems in Bnp for tho .nefit of the school, tent, according to the Oregon Hports and around this city were completely ! Regular meeting will be held and an man, a magazine published under t.it- ueiiiuraiizeu eanr nuiiuay morning uy eff0rt will i,e made to put the assocla- direction of Hiate tiame wanmn w li the severe wind storm which struck t,m' n a prominent place in the life of Ham U. Flnley. V? a a "MU the community. with a favorable winter and spring, i .v , mT it l-i i lnm" nn ""oke "laay were: otihs thl magazine predicts that the com- of the Molalla fclectrlc company wag Evang Mrs. V orphal. Miss Edna fipenco ln(? .,.. w, ,,e lhe ,.Ht u hlnwn nnwn flv rinlpa nf Iho Pnplfip . .u a i r. , n. . - " i iiii leaniier. alio Blioerviwir jireiiiou .uv. ihut I'll ,lll mja n iumv l.lr.lu Vedder. The officers of the newly- jrh(r tho open season as llllt and formed as-ociatlon are: President, tht hunting will be Just as good. Mrs. John Koblna; vice-president, Mrs. i Hattle Vorphal, and secretary treas-' urer, Miss Ella Evang. j i ''j V - , ? j , ' WILL EXCITE INTEREST. States Telephone and Telegraph com pany were blown down In the city limits alone; the wires of the Postal Telegraph companies were blown down, and other damage was done. Men were rushed to this part of the county by all the companies concern ed and now the repairs, for the most part are completed. lease llu.e neiievi .i nun a uouu , . - , .... ,, Roads league would teaeh III.- people "'' ' V." tlm a.'lunl-rondlllona and show them Just where lhe present system la faul ty; I.. Sllpp gave some Inside fuels on the s.-lecllon of supervisors, while John N. Kelvers spukn of tho IIUIMI ronlra.'t law. In Ibis connection, Justice Kelvers pointed out thai the aliile law requires the county court to If contracts for all work for more than liuiid on th-' romls, whether th money Is to bo ex pended out of the general fund or from the apecliil levies that are made. After thn adjournment of thn meet ing, Ihn following were chosen to form the Cood Koads league and to lay plans for the Initial campaign that will be slart.-d: II. Iv Cross, chairman; Jesse Hazel, M. J. drown, (irant ll. Iiiinli k. John N. Helvers and M. I). Lat ourelle. Following was thn menu: linked Virginia Ham Hashed llrown Potatoea String Iteans Ilread and lluttnr FTiilt Hnlad Hot Mince Pie Cheese Coffee FREEL IS ACQUITTED ro nu cscsM) Bunts circuit court after a Jury trial on the charge of selling liquor without a II- William Miller, of Canby, Drops 8idewalk While Playing ! (I'ortland Oregnnlan.) J. T. Free), Jr., wag acquitted in the The Pre.gr.-ss Edition of the ' Morning Knleriirlse, of Oregon cense. According to the evidence In the hands of the officers, he was conduct ing a blind pig around Cherryvllle but the Jury could not hold him on the Canby, Ore., Jan. 19. (Special) William .Miller fell on the sidewalk while playing with several companions' rharee that waa hrnnt-hf .-i. m. and broke bo'h bones In his arm Just: m inP rolirf The trial occupier tho above the elbow today. He was hur- attention of the court through the dar ried to Dr. Stanley Wang and the in-! and the verdict wag rendered after an juri-u arm uresneu. 11 is expecieq inai i hour S deliberation. me noy win recover in a snort tlm. City, appeared Sunday and fol lows the lines Editor llrodln 4 established a year ago. There are fifty-six page within a neat cover. The halftone vlewg of places and people of Clackamas County ghow well on calendered t paper and the text Is well writ- ten. The story of the resources and opportunities of Oregon City and the county Is an old one to 'f Oregonlans, but In the East It , The man who tries to buy popularity will excite lively Interest In peo- f,ets stung. pie looking thl way. One thing that anybody can do Is ,v to predict weather. SANDY 8EC0NDS ORGANIZE A baseball team composed of thu younger generation of Sandy, Ore., to be known as the Handy second team, wns organized recently. John McCor nibk was elected captuln and Lewis Prldemorn, manager. PARTY TO TOUR EUROPE Charles E. Runyan, who has been court reporter for the flfllh Judlclnl district for a number of years, Mrs Runyan and Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Clark will leave for New York March 1. and will sail shortly afterwards for Eu rope where they will spend the gum mer monihg motoring over the con tlnent. They plan to include every country in the Old World on their trip. Mllwaukln. At Ihn aiinclnl ekd last yeur thn town was aulhurlied ' Issue water bonds to thn amount l.ll.mm ..llher to purchase Ihn pr waler plants, or erect a municipal ' er pbinl. No agreement could ' reached with Ihn owners of the wij plants, of which tbero are two. brl no bids were nrfernd for the bow The meiiHiirn carried with II autlii, lo pur. base Mlnthornn rlprings. wai. r supply, but there haa bni Hint llila water may not be pure, r sides It Is known that Hull ,l,m Is pure. It was thn Judgment lip Hlrnlb. the. ex Mayor, that a wuukln should get Hull H possible. An expression or in r on thu subjnet will be railed i mass meeiing. A FAIR WARNING. Ong that Should be Htedad by 0" City Residents. Frequently the first sign of trouble la a alight ache or pnln ' loins. Neglect of thlg warnlnK the way easy for more fj troubles dropsy, gravel, llrlght ease. 'Tig well to pay attention W" first agn. Weak kidneys en" grow wenknr and delay Is of""" genius. Residents of this U plnce reliance In Donn's Kidney ' This tested, Qunker remedy hai J used In kidney trouble over 50 yjj la recommended all over the cl" world. Head the following. J. F. Montgomery, West 0" City, Oregon, aaya: "I was tro by kidney and bladder mV., had a dull pain In my back ''r kldneya. While I have uaed only box of Doan'l Kidney Pills, I K ate their worth. After I '.,, lhe pain left and my kldneya au der were In much better ghsp For sale by all dealera. I J1 -centa. Foater Mllburn Co.. New York, sole agenta for me -Slates. ., , Remember the name lxn . take no other.