Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 26, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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These Symptoms Call for Dr. King's New Discovery, With a Rec
ord of Cures for Over 43 Years
Back of It.
Dr. King's New Discover' is
not a cure all It is prepared
to treat and relieve every kind
of cough and cold of infants,
"children, adults and aged. It
was originated during a severe
cough epidemic 43 years ago,
was an immediate success
and is probably the most
used cough and cold prescrip
tion in the world. Your
money refunded if Dr. King's
New Discover)' does not re-j
lieve you-
Don't put off getting" relief.
Buy a bottle from your drug
gist today.
"It cured mo of a, dreaJful
cough," write Mrs. J. F. Davis,
Sticknoy Corner, Me., "after doctor1!
treatment and all other remedies had
failed." Excellent for coughs, colds
or any bronchial affection.
Mr. A. F. Merti, of Glen EUyn,
la., write: "I had a hard, stubborn
cough that I had doctored for oTer
six week without my getting any
bettor. Our druggist finally recom
mended Ir. King' New Discovery
and my husband bought a dollar
bottle. After using two-thirds of it
my trouble eased down, and it waa
not long till I was completely cured.
Pr. King' New Discovery surely de
serves all the praise it gets." Sold by
The past three or four days has been
exceedingly cold and frosty and cold
rain has set In this afternoon.
The basket social held at the Grange
hall lart night was a decided success,
the proceeds being 133.90. There were
onlv ten basket. A cake was put up
for the ugliest man tn the crowd an J
voted on at five cents a vote.
Mrs. Churchill and daughter, Vesta.
Ifft Mondav for Unn County, where
they will spend the holidays and visit
relatives and friends for a few weeks.
The Library which is kept at Mrs.
Chun-hill s will be taken to E. J.
Maple's during the absence of Miss
Vesta Church, who is acting librarian
and those who have books borrowed
id please return them to Mrs. Maple.
Miss Olive Jones, who was taken to
th Portland Sanitarium a couple of
wf el s aeo. is still unable to come home
rut Is reported to be Improving slow
ly. '
Constipation Poisons You.
If you are constipated, your entire
srstem Is poisoned by the waste mat
ter kept in the .body serious results
often follow. Use Dr. King's New
Life Pills and you will soon get rid cf
constipation, headache and other
troubles. 25c at Dnigeists or by mail.
H. E. Bucklen & Co, Philadelphia and
St.-Louis. (Adv.)
The Christmas exorcises at the
schoolhous Monday was a complete
success. Thi uuuse very Artistic
ally decoraUd. being under the able
management of Misses lnei aud
Gladys Snodgrass. after the procraru
a short visit was paid by santa . laus.
who was exceedingly generous, not
r.nlv to the small folks but the large
ones as well were remembered. He
evidently had an over-supply of soap
and vegetables on hand, but everyone
seemed to be satisfied.
Archie Cumins is visiting friends in
The school teachers Misses lnei and
Gladys Snodgrass are spending a two
weeks vacation at their home In Mu
lino. Elbert Larkinand fam'ly spent
Christmas In Portland with Mrs. Lar
kins mother.
Elmer Graves is working In Mulini
at present
Will Miller, who has been workinf
In Kerryston. Washington, Is home for
the holidays.
The "Canby Business Men's Club"
are planning to have the Molalla mail
ent through Canby. If a mail car can
be secured on the P. E. t E. trains
Molalla will have a much better service-
The "Canby Cannery" after a little
remodeling will be put Into operation.
An experienced man is here to take
charge of the business.
Hurst k Young are opening a ma-j
chine shop on First and E streets.!
They will manufacture telephones, d'
repairing and various other kinds of 1
work. i
M. J. Lee has a franchise before the
city council of Canby for a power
plant He will furnish lights and a!
water system for the towns around j
Canby and Oregon City. .
J. B. Manley passed away at his,
home In Canby last Tuesday evening j
at 7:15. Mr. Manley has been a resi-j
dent of Canby for the last ten on
twelve years. Funeral services will
be held Friday, the 27. at the River-j
aide cemetery. Portland, Ore. !
The Canby IHgh School lost a weekj
last month on account of sickness, j
They are making it us during the boll- j
days. i
The girls and boys of the high school
will leave Friday afternoon for Park
place where the will play the boys and
girls of the Parkplace high school.
A large crowd witnessed the Christ
mas exercises of the M. E. church.
They will play "Queen Ester" some
time next month.
J. Wilkerson, an old mail carrier, or
Canby, Is off his route for a few days
on account of sickness. This is the
first time In about ten years that sick
ness has kept him from his work.
Miss I. A. Downs, who is attending
O. A- C. Is spending the holidays with
her parents.
Stomach Troubles Disappear.
Stomach, liver and kidney troubles,
weak nerves, lame back and female
Ills disappear when Electric Hitters
are used. Thousands of omm would
not be without a bottle In their home.
Eliza Pool of Depew, Okla.. writes
"Electric Bitters raised me from a
bed of sickness and suffering and has
done me a world of good. I wish ev
ery suffering woman could use this ex
cellent remedv and find out. as I did.
just how good it is." As It has helped
thousands of others, it surely will do
the same for you. Every bottle guar
antted, 50c and $1.00. At all drus-
gtsts. H. E. Bucklen A Co, Philadel
phia or St Louis. (Adv.)
Grandma 1-euthold. who was very
III with pneumonia, la able to sit up.
This la a remarkabl. recovery as slis
is 78 years of age.
Miss llanel Kerr In homo fn,m Mon
mouth for her Christmas vacation.
Mrs. J. N. Ripley Is spending
week In Portland. We offer our sym
pathy to Mrs. Tom Ripley whoso
mother passed aay Friday last at the
home of lier daughter.
Everyone- remember the Society
meeting at Kedland School Saturday
Deo. 27. The subject will be: R
solved, "One Can Learn More by Head
lug and Meditation, than by Travel aud
Observation." A. Koteheni. afflrnm
atlve, Mrs. Oat ho, negative.
The shooting match at Swarti store
Deo. 20. a largely attended. Paul
Courtright won the 2S pounds turkey,
while many smaller ones, ducks and
chickens disappeared quickly.
The Redland band's concert -was
well attended at Fir Grove school last
Friday evening. The school children
also gave a small program.
Clyde Newell came down from Ska
mona to spend the holidays with home
The cosmopolitan play was attend
ed bv all the high school students from
this place on Wednesday evening a
week ago.
Quite a little excitement prevailed
when fire was discovered at the S. H.
Dill store on Thursday noon. The fire
originating from a defective flue. Con
Hminiii mas done on the up
per floor whk-h Is used by the Dill
family as living apartments. Water
doing much damage to a valuable li
brary. . Mr. Smith, father of Rev. H. V
Smith celebrated his eighty-eighth
birthday anniversary on Friday of last
week and In honor of the occasion
Mrs. Smith Invited In a few of old time
friends to a birthday dinner.
Mrs. J. H Batdorf has returned from
a trip to Alberta. Canada, where she
spent a month with her daughter.
Mr. Wm. B. Jennlnss. who has been
ill for some days is at the sanatorium
where he may be submitted to an oper
ation for ulcer of the stomach.
A number of ths members of the
Sunday school of th M. K. and Congre
gational churches of Oregon Clly, who
reside tier, attended the Christmas
tre and supper on Tuesday evening.
Ths Jennings l-odge school house
was taxed to It capacity on Wednes
day afternoon when the patrons of dis
trict had an opportunity tn see what
excellent work Is being don under
the present teachers, Mrs. Minnie H
Mtmim aud Miss Campbell, The room
was most beautifully decorated with,
the Christmas colors and a lr"
Christmas tree In ons corner of the
room added further to the pleasing
effect of the red and green decorations.
The programs wer Christmas t:.a
hand decorated with sprigs of holly
and tied with ribbon, the work of the
pupils. On Friday afternoon for lis!,
an hour the children have ben mak
ing little gifts for their parents and
their .needlework, basket weaving,
clay moulding were on exhibition In
the primary room. The primary
grades mad thres cloth scrap hooks
of rat out pictures, which wll be sent
to th children's wards of on of the
hospitals. Th pupils also sent a bar
rel of fruit and frothing h Boys
and Girls' Aid Society In Portland ditr
lug the week.
Th following program waa well
rendered and ths general comment
was that th school at this place coul.i
tank with any of th rural school of
On-con: Greeting by Clyde Jones
Shine Out O Blessed Stiirs In Bethle
hem, pramary room; Why Do Bells
For Cnristmas King, primary room;
Piano duet. Dora and Minnie Reothe:
The Three Kings. Francis Ssndstrom
Wsnd Dryi. third and fourth grades;
King the Bells o( Christmas by (he
school: Mammy's Christmas. IHiris
Palnton; Santa C,laus Song, primary
pnp'ls; Chrlstmss Children of Other
Lands, Fifth and Sixth grades; Sil
ver Stars, girls of seventh and eighth
grades: 1 Wonder Why. Minnie Ho.
eihe; Piano duet. Miry Pierce and An
i.a Russell; Sandman and Christmas
candles. Mtss Campbells pupils;
Boundaries of Christmas ly iiienu
E. M. Borne, of National Mercan
tile Co, of Kenton, was an over night
visitor with the II. Roberts family on
Wednesday. Mr Born wss a former
resident of Oregon City.
J. A. Tucker and wife vlU" I'""'
laud Monday. , ,.
Miss Rachel Reed, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs J. W, Heed, arrived home
F May from Seattle. Wash., where she
been attending th Sut. I'nh ;
sliy. Mr. Reed went to Portland l
'"'MIsi'T'dllh Chapman has moved to
Portland where a good position awai -her
along th musical line. 81m I
return Kalaeada one a wee to
look after her music class. .
Miss Klirabeth Held, of Garfield has
returned horn from Seattle to spend
the holidays. .
Mrs Krasler went to Portland Frl
day and visited her sister until Sun-
dV It Cary and lf spent Christ
mas at th home of Mrs. Cary par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Blokes, lit I ort
'"if m. Wagner was a business visit
or at Portland Friday.
Milton Evans visited Portland Frl-
Mrs. A. K. Morton mad a Irlp to
ortland Tuesday.
Some officials of the P. R. '
Co. csme up from Portland Tuesday
and while her had th misfortune to
havs their car get off th track, which
delsved them for a coiipr of hours
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stokes, of Gar
field, hav gon to Portland to spend
th holidays.
u II lt.,lt. arrived from Eugene
Tuesday to spend the holiday vacation
with Kstarada menus.
Miss Myrtle Wuodl Is enjoying her
vacation with horn folks In Kstaoad.
Th public schools celebrated Christ
mas Friday afternoon, each room hav
ing a stnsll tree and program.
Wm Dal. Jr. Is asslsilng Mrs.
Grimm at th depot while Mr. Given
Is confined to his horn by sickness.
Miss Nellie Hayes was In Portland
last Friday.
Mrs Chaa. Kearna and daughter, vis
ited friends at Portland a couple of
davs last week.
Mrs. Johnson, wife of ( A. Johnson,
has been very HI st the horn of her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield. o(
Kstarada. for th past rfoek but Is on
th way to recovery at this writing-
A. Johnson. Kstarada' postmaster.
Colds and la grippe seem to be visit
ing most everyone In these parts.
Pete Berdene and son. Ed. came in
from Oregon City Saturday with a
load of feed.
Pete Berdene and Clyde Smith has
taken a grubbing Job near Molalla.
Harry Scboenboni, who was married
Sunday at Molalla church, went to
Washington on his honeymoon trip.
Sidney Smith has finished hauling
potatoes to Canby for Carden Smith
and reports the roads In bad shape for
this time of the year.
Mrs. Jones arrived here Tuesday
from Portland and Is visiting at the
hnme nf Vtr and Mrs E. A. Jones.
I Mrs. Ernest Jones and daughter was
I visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. Strykeria. but
j is home now.
I Ralph Howard, of Eastern Oregon,
! are here to spend the holidays with his
j parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howard.
! Grandpa Wallace, of Clarkes. wai
i calling on C. Smith's folks Saturday.
! Sid Smith and Merle Jones went to
I Molalla.
J Bob Bullard and family made a trip
! to Oregon City Saturday and transact-
', ed business w hile there.
i The farmers are busy building
I fences and cutting wood.
I C. Smith has been busy clearing a
1 piece of land until the rain stopped
the work.
How to Bankrupt the Doctors.
i nmmlnpnt New York physician
says, "If It were not for the thin stock
ings and thin soled shoes worn by
women the doctors would probably
be bankrupt" When you contract a
cold do not wait for It to develop Into
pneumonia but. treat it at once. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy is intended
especially for coughs and colds, and
has won a wide reputation by its cures
of these diseases. It Is most effectual
and Is pleasant and safe to take. For
sale by all dealers. (Adv.l
Mr and Mrs. Leonard Parmenter.
who have been working in a lotting
camp In Washington. f. h
Saturday. The camp in which Mr.
Farmenter was cooking closed down
VbedDMrs. J. Hayes left Sunday
night for Fresno, Cal.. where they will
Usit relatives over Christmas.
Miss Clara and Gina Gilbertson left
Friday Tor their home In Minnesota..
Herbert Keebaugh went toCottage
Crov. Tuesday to spend Christmas
with his sister Mrs. Harding.
Mrs. Towne, of Tillamook, was vis
iting old friends here the first of the
Miss Ivah Harter. of Pf"""1;. '
visiting old schoolmates here this
The. entertainment and tree Tuesday
1 ne emein " Tn entertaln-
menD wRa.xcepZnany good and much
t ta due the teacher In their traln
Zf of the children. Mis. Lewis has
one to her home near Astoria anji
Miss Cblnn ha. gone to her home at
NEm-r.of Mcaear.i. n.itin
hi. iter, Mrs. E1U TulL
Croup and Cough Remedy
Croup is a terrible disease. It at
tacks children so suddenly they are
very apt to choke unless given the
Kroner remedy at once. There is
nothing better In the world than Dr.
King's New Discovery. Lewis Cham
berlairi. of Manchester, Ohio, writes
about his children: "Sometimes In se
vere attacks we were afraid they
would die, but since we proved what
a certain remedy Dr. King's New Dis
covery is, we have no fear. We rely
on it for croup, coughs and colds
So can you. Sue and $1.00. A bottle
should be In every home. At all drug
gists. H. E. Bucklen & Co. Phila, St.
Louis. (Adv.)
St A V
StATIB uvia
eewMNi I
or Ao co, J
1 I
ll J.J I s-l I
fM4.A4s4A r otHN0CNT HAKt
m f lv v
' T
Cyjy ,. j' TtL
iWf 1 W I Uvnq Jftt U4t Jssd mn4tf.q I
Gvnq 0"wt Drf 1 Jsd limtnttlt
I1 strain from SprtfjoVr Bo
A RacK ic9 mdspnftbia en ft
Kjnurt Spreadr a il on aWoa.
For a Low Down Easy Loading Light
Pulling Manure Spreader-One that will
Last a long time and please you better
every time you use it? Look no further.
By breaking it up fine and spreading it evenly-Easy, sure control and
no horse killer-The only Spreader with a reach-tarmers
who have bought them say they are the best farm
machine investment a farmer can make.
See the BLOOM
the nearest
Mitchell Agency
write us for
Impement and
Children Cry for Flotchor's
The Kind Votl lliivo Alwnjri HongM, Ami Mhli-li hnt Wg
lu ii so for over HO rir, hit borno (ha liniiUnr-,
mid li bwn iiiiulo timlcr Ms x r,
, UMrllo lll e It illtuiu-y
CCVV5i' AlloW l" tOll0IVfl JOI 11,1
All Onuiirrfrlls, ImHutloii ml m.IiisI-b.immI urn luit
i:iiMrliin iil Hint Irlflo Willi aii.1 rntliittirrr (lie li.-uin, 0j
luluDta mid i'lilldri-iiLxrrl(iu'i ih'uliit LxHliuuit,
Cnalorli in Imrmli'ss nliafllut for Cualor OU,
corlo, )r nul hoothlitir Hyrnp. It Is luniit.
ttinlnltia im-HImT Opium, lorililno imr ollit-r iircoi0
iibalniirt). K l l gwirinlr. It lslry Uoriii
nml Ui)' IVvrrlslinoa. Tor mora tliiui flilrly rnr It
lilts bri lit ronstunt n tor tli rrllcf of t'oiistlpulloii,
I lutiilfiiry, Hlml oll', Mil Trlliliiir Troubl.a l(
lHirrli.i-i. It r'irult lb Monmch nml liuwrU.
nsslnilliifo tlm IimmI, Ulnir brultby it ml nutiirul lcp,
Tho CUlldrt-u's l'liimoru-'l ho Mother' 1'rlcud.
Dears the Slgnnture of
- -
The Kind You Have Always Bougll
In Uto For Over 30 Years
Edmund Lamy, Skating
Sharp, Out For Honors
Photo by Amerloaji I'rsss Asiolatum
EUJLt'NU I.AMY, tlis sst.T skstlim crsr. la risf
,h k .hi. ac.m. Us. year Urn, nd ' ' ft
rao and Ilia S.w Jcrs-y l d'fM,,11 l7 " Drof-slol
th. .... thtic aK.lo and I. out with . chall.nit. to all prof
ItilKhts of ths slwl hiade , , M u to
.rln hi. amatrur d.y. Umy wss th. cUs. o tbs BJ ,
Psrhlim bis ymuBif bnlir. Claudius, th. irl' of th. trad T ini r
Z . .h. "Juy -irl.l-- down ,.sl and wl.h . IHU. uior. ..p-rtw
lloi. should sMitiul his tutor' lirllllaiil rwoird. .
The passini? away of Thos. J. Spoon
er at his home in Portland on Nov. 30 i
the tnlfinV BVilV Of fitH Of ttl6 Pi"
outers of this country, who had seen :
Mr. and Mrs. A. Worthlnzton werf;
pleasantly entertained bunday by Mr
and Mr. Fred Lehman.
Miss Harriet Duncan came home
from Eugene, where she has been attending-
the University, last Saturday.
She will spend the holidays at home.
The Popcorn Bee, given at the Hugh
Baker home Saturday nifiht, was well
attended, and all report a fine time.
Will Cook is at home for the holi
days. A lare crowd attended the Xmas
services at Hazelia school house Wed
nesday evening. A delightful program
was given by the teacher and pupils,
the tree was decorated beautifully, but
Santa Claus failed to appear.
Mrs. 8. S. Boutz spent Thursday with
Mrs. Fred Lehman.
Mrs. Chllds has not been Tery well
but we are glad to note she is np.
Mr. Lehman and family, Mr. an
Mrs. F. A. Chllds, Mr. and Mrs. Worth
ington spent Xmas day with Mrs. Ship
ley, of Oswego.
r-Ar.T,n n Tier 1R (Soectal)
ii Mamio r-iark left Thursday I
oneers or this country, wno nau seen ........
the changes of more than 50 years of evening for Seattle ana win e.
the Pacific Northwest. ! for her home at Skagway Alaska
Mr. Spooner was born In Knos Coun- within a few days She has been
ty, Illinois, in me, and with his wld- spending several days with Mrs.
owed mother crosed the plains In Myrtle Hart In this city.
18.-9. In the Immigrant train were Mrs. H. A. Shandy and J''Blter.
Andrew Roundtree and the party were . Mrs. Guyman, were in the county ac-ai
met and escorted to Walla Walla by Thursday.
Captain Reynolds. In I860 he with his i Mr. Ingles, a farmer living near this
mother and sisters removed to Ore-'city, has purchased a cottage on fcx
gon City where they lived for a num-1 ter street from John Loder and jwiu
her of years. He was In the employ i probably move Into bis new home
of Pope & Sons as a plumber and ' within a few days,
tinsmith ! Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Foster movtd
In 1874 he married Ella B, Jennings j Into
S r ! Rd vjslted Portland t.e
' "V."are l MV. and Mrs. Dave Catto vUited
luruea iu u.w ... - B... nr.H eveninit.
their borne on a beautiful sue coin-; -
manding the Wlliameue on pan ui
the Jennings donation land claim at California Woman 8triouly Alarmed
Jennings lx.dge. Mr. Spooner was one hort t,me B(0 j contracted '
of a family or nine cninren oi w..u,u .T,re wnlcn g;Uled on my lung' ,
but one survive, Mrs. Runyan, of Ta-, . .,, . ,pi of annoy-
coma. Wash. Other members of the t would have bad coughing .
iamuy are u.a wn..u .u. ...-, llt and my i,ingi wre so sore an i
ford J., Clyde T.. UMdoa H, and P seriously
Lloyd 8. and one little granddaughter, aed 'A Rfr)end reC0mmended
who was a bosom companion of th .ch b.jIaIn.g CouKi Remedy, saying
grandfather and who together enjoyed ; J" ,t foKr Tearl. J bought
the ouu.f-door life, boating and fish-, ."a ,t "eliev ed my cough the
-Many Christmas part,. an mily !
Wm. Jacob famllle entertained OT "7
large number of Portland relative. WI.V.,. . .h.nvtul. a
I Geo. Morse returns on rniay ii k--
Seaside after a Uy with hi children I Christmas approaches, for having no
I at thi place for the past two months, j friends?
visited relative at Portland Sunday.
C. Wlsner and family have gone to
The Dalle to spend Christmas with
The Civic Improvement Club held a
meeting Monday and made sacks for
the Christmas tree.
Mr. and Mrs. McWIllls and family
went to Portland to spend Christmas.
Mrs. C. P. Wellmsn. of Paloalto, Cal.,
Is spending the holidays with Mrs. K.
W. Bart left.
On account of the Public Christmas
Ire, entertainment Wednesday even
ing, the Sunday school of the M. K.
church gave their Christmas program
Tuesday evening. The church was
filled to overflowing with a very ap
preciative audience. The program
consisted of music, readings and exer
cises by the smaller classes. All dIJ
well and their efforts Vere well re
ceived. Beautiful Christmas decora
tions were in evidence and the even
ing was a very pleasant one.
W. Given. Estacada's station agent,
pastor and Justice ot.the peace, la on
the sick Hsu
.. W. WlcVlund of the River Mill
went to Portland Tuesday to spend
the holidays.
Mrs. Fred Jorg and children were In
Portland visiting relatives, last Sun
day. A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. J. Walt t Cazadero last Friday.
I A Snmtr has accented a Dosition
as bookkeeper at Cary Mercantile Co.'
Miss Laura Stormer is waiting on
customers at Cary's store.
A most enjoyable affair was the pub
lic Installation of officer of Estacada
Lodge A. F. k. A. M. and" the O. E. 8.,
last Thursday evening. After th. in
stallation ceremony, the company re
paired to Hotel Eitacada where a ban-
(iiet supper was partaken of. The
menu was very elaborate and the din
ing hall artistically decorated for tho
occasion. C. W. Devore acted as toast
master and during his remarks pre
sented the Past Master with Jewel
of his office. After the exercises III
the dining room and the feast, all r-
r.,.lr..,l tn Ihn IllllllV of tllfl tlO'l'l and
(n)oyed a social hour. Miss Chapman
nnd Mr. Horner furnished music dur
ing the supper hour.
George Dale, who Is studying den
tistry ut a college In Portland, Is hortie
for the holiday vacation.
8. Horner, who was veiling at the
homo of Ills wife's father In KHturadii,
left for his home In Illinois Monday.
Thn entertainment and basket so
cial, given by tho teachers of the
Eagle Creek school was a big success.
The basket and cakes sold brought
tifi, the prices ranging from $1.00 to
i'J.nu. The proceeds are to be us d
to buy sn organ for the school. Edd
Hates was auctioneer and II. F. Cogs
well, cashier. The scholars did excel
lent In their part of the program.
Tom Odt ll's new bonne Is nearly
completed under tho workmnnslilp of
Chris Umgwell.
Guy Campbell attended the fat stork
rhow In Portland last week.
Howard Umgwell made a business
trp to Portland last Monday.
Roy Mitchell, of Sandy, visited his
uncle, It. F. Forrester, Monday.
Mack Hugglns Is very busy remod
eling 'his house.
Some careless persons threw out
some salmon heads and killed four
good dogs In the neighborhood.
Mis Emma Forrester Is sick with
bad cold. .
Mr. Mename's children have had the
George Epperson la busying himself
this winter at shoemaklng.
. ..... fi(SD:ll)
(anemali. ure., i--. '
-Lenora Wanotony. th Twit
old daughter of Mr. anu "; ' ',,
onty. died at the home of br
t eight o'clock Saturday or
The baby had been sn ;irl" V
heart trouble for a nun. ' '
The funeral will be held TuesdsT
ternoon and Ipterment made In .
inah cemetery.
The Jones Drug Co.
from Oregon City P"'!'1" '"r wl
.luring here the simple l'"'"'."
and glycerine ndxinrs. kn"
ler lka. This simple Gern in
edy first became famous ty
appendicitis and It has now In
covered that JL'ST A SlM-Lt V
relieves sour stomach, B" lTANT.
stomach and constipation N
LV. It quick action 1 a hi "'J,,
to people.
uo sn!
If a man is too lasy iu - - , )L
tell the truth he's apt to H
Money Wten wins the first bH
but seldom the second.
' Baker Ar. run going to bsv. tb
wedding bells peal forth when yot
marry Miss Oldglrlf
Young Husband Not much, old Banl
Mlu. will b. an ontolled gony-Judg..
The microbe never w'
who is not aware of Itsjxisie.
If men had the K'"c0n?0S
there would be fewer cases ol
Distance In point of time esW
ates the colors of romance.
If you buy more than Ju B
can afford, charge It up to bigs
of living.
Most of"u7"pend more J flm, t
money-for good nd sufficient i