Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 12, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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    i -
We Solicit Your CHRISTMAS
I I atan
!csl beta ti to ihc gift itHctf provides the im-ans of
(C(.iiiHj a piclurt ftoi y of llio most chcrislicl of all
home ilnys (MIRISTMAS. Wlifthcr for the young
ster or ''Krown-U' 'twill wrovt; a pleasure to all the
family in the pictures of all that goen to make tho thy
i int'rry. happy on1.
Kodaks and Brownies
$1.00 Up
Above is shown the Vest Pocket Kodak
onthebasisof qualitvand price only
We put Quality first, and so we offer you no goods so
cheap that we cannot unqualifiedly guarantee them.
(J In the matter of prices we expect to meet any com
petition in this State. On account of our large buy
ing for 4 stores) our prices are often lower than would
he possible for smaller dealers; on account of our low
er cost of doing business in Oregon City it is not pos
sible for Portland Stores to compete in prices in very
many lines.
(jf So not as a matter of duty or pride to a home store
do we ask your business, but only on the basis of
Quality, Prices and Service. Come in and look ever
our big stock, get our prices, consider the quality and
then if you can do better elsewhere it is your duty to
do so.
What would Oiriitlm bs without them? Our
ihrlvm Mit table are overflowing with good
bookn, tupwiully book for boy and girl nd at
priecu low a anywhere pn the wast. Select
lhm now while you fall f et the title you want. We
will Kindly order for you any title not in utock.
TOY IIOOKS in Taper and cloth 5c up.
CHII.IUtKNS (8 to 10 yr) Hooka 6c to fl .00
500 IIOVS & CI 1(1.8 HOOKS by Ih1 known auth
or many copyrighted on sale at 2J-S3-50c
Of recent year Including audi hooka at "Barbara
Worth," "Trail of The Lonesome Pine," "Girl of
Tho l.imbcrlost" "Burning Daylight" etc, at 50c
Christmas Cards
and Booklets
We have the Duvis & Gibson linen
the most urtixtic shown at prici-a
from Ic up. Special price in Iota to
Our Bargain Table
We huve pluced on our bargain
luhlc the remnant of our China
which we arec losing out; odd and
end of broken linen, Home slightly
soiled, manv an perfect an the duy we
received, the prices arc never more
than one-half the regulur prices, of
ten only 1-3 or 1-4 ordinal price. It
will puy you to pet first pick from
thin table.
l-.fl 1UU1
..'.'4 . -rA
l ' i w ..1 1
s -si
WATERMAN Pena $2.50 np
CAPITOL Fountain Pent $1.00
CAPITOL Self Filler Pena $1.50
Every pen we acll la fully guaranteed
whatever the price.
i m & m
if is
HKt'SIIES of all kinds at all prices. Our stock of Military Brushes
is more than complete. We have few doxen too many and have
therefore priced them so low that they are sure to go.
Christmais Candies
Pick it out now and we will lay proud of our stock. .
it aside for you. With the choice Xmas Boxes from 40c to $3.00
packages .elected from LowneyV. Our own bulk chocolates,
UKgM 4 Uuth's lines, we are any quantity, pound 50c
Leather Bags
and Purses
We have jut opened an express
shipment of new styles and designs,
fresh from New York City, and are
showing the very latest in Bags,
Vanities and Purses. Late styles are
much smaller and in odd shapes. Let
us show you.
Ladies Bags, $1.00 to $7.00
Girls' Bags, 33c to $1.00
Men's Purses 25c to $1.00
Men's Bill Books $1.00 to $5.00
.Men's Card Cases 23c to $2.00
New Perfumes
No doubt a new perfume Is born
every minute, but only a few come to
stay. We have over a hundred of
the most popular odors, selling from '
50c to $2.50 the ounce.
If you want swell imported per
fumery in fancy boxes, we have it and
also the well known odors in bulk,
such as Mary Garden, Dejer Kiss,
Sans Bois, Gardenglo, Hudnuts Du
barry, Pivers, Le Trefle and Floramye
andbut what's the use dozens of
others equally as good.
Toilet and Manicure Sets
Bought of the makers, we are of
fering you sets with the middleman's
profit cut out. Just take a look at
our Parisian Ivory, Ebony and Quad
ruple Plate Silver Sets, rangintr in
price from $1.00 up to $15.00
AI L I.ATKST FICTION AT $1.00, $1.25 $1 J5 jfl
We are acknowledged headquarters for Umbrellas.
W hnvo nil Ih nw lvloi nf handles for both
men and women: detachable and suit caso styles and
tho new 10-rih. Price i uu UI
And every one guaranteed.
Parisian Ivory
$50c to $8.50
Our Xmas Cutlery
The kind of knives, scisors, razors,
etc., that are guaranteed. If they go
bud or have a flaw in them we are
here to replaco them. See our spe
cial 60c knife. It the same that many
stores sell for 75c
"Ut year Parisian Ivory was eas
ily the most popular of all Christmas
gifts, so popular In fact that the coun
try over, was sold out before Christ
mas. It will be the same this year.
We have one whole show case devoted
to this beautiful line. Here are some
of the prices:
Hand Mirrors from 50c to $7.50
Hair Brushes from .... $U5 to $7.50
Puff Boxes from 50c to $1 JO
Trays, from $100 to $2.50
Nail Buffers, from 50c to $2.50
Military Brushes, from $3.00 to $8.50
Baby Brushes from 50c to $1.50
Comb from 50c to $1.50
Dollar Watches
Our Dollar Watches make very
desirable Xmas. gift for boy or girl
we have them small, for girls also.
Other watches at $2, $2.50 to $25.00
All fully guaranteed.
Cigars and Pipes
Here is where many women folks
fall down at least there is a stand
ing joke to that effect But we buy
only the popular brands and in many
cases we can tell you just the brand
he smokes. Let us help you with
your cigar or pipe present this year.
Box cigars from 50c to $10.50
Pipes from 25c to $15.00
Music Rolls
A large assortment in both the
rolls and the new folding and full
size cases. Prices ....$1.00 to $5.00
Mesh Bags
You must see these beautiful bags
to appreciate them, and your choice
is not restricted to half dozen kinds
and styles. We have nearly a hun
dred of them, and priced
from 49c to $7.00
Shovld be ordered now if you expect
Uua it Anrn in tima fnr Phrietmnfl
We do careful and artistic work at
lowest prices.
ielr tt bob till lino nf framoil me.
tures shown on big wings. They are
. . . i 1 1 n . ,a An
worm looKing au r rices lac 10 iu.uu
Can YouBeaL It?
J mm
The ever popular shaving sets for
him. Prices from $1.00 to $10.00
The Nelson large type Bibles are
the best known and undoubtedly are
the best Bible values ever made. We
have both the regular King James
edition, and the American Revised Ed
ition, m all sizes, styles and bind
ings. Bibles 50e to $7.00
Testaments 10c to $1.00
Prayer and Hymnals ....10c to $4.00
Holiday Stationery
We have thef amous Eaton, Crane
& Pike Co line in dainty boxes at
20c, 35c 50c and up to $2.00
A most desirable gift for ladies. We
also show Crane's Eaton Lawn and
Symphony Lawn, the two finest pa
pers in the world at 50c per box up.
M'MINNVII.I.E. Or. line 11 "Not
(till I v" .. ... .1. . ' 7. . . ..
lint mn ii... . . . .,
u" um trim ni .iiinii'ii iiiiiitii
Ms. 111.,, ..... i...,. ... . ...
I. 'M,.h:m oil llli.l.l.,. ...
'lie firm .i.. . .. ... .
. 'miii uir uio snooting oi
A- KodKcra. The Inrv waBOiit
"lilt twn h...... .' .n.
' " n, ni... it lll'l. .! VC1UK I
HS 11.11,1 I... !.....- . .. .1
- .,, jiiiiL'fi iii.iini.a lint niiin.
nce li,,,,,i..i . " . . 7 "
, "ipi'i'ii uir mtvo miinuea.
J'I'11''H illll.i,,na 111 u...... nl.l lliina
111 Ilia "
.. . ui.MiM-r oil in r iiiMiiu-
iilM.ut 12 miles west of tills
. ,v' "I Hie niountnn, where Walter
Ki.iIk.-m. the) deeensed, nlstv hnd a
'""ii'stcmi. Nrnrly every resident of
Vh, l"',i"1,,nl" district known as Pea
thl V WU8 1,1 attendance upon
th " . ,r,'"1 "I wltnopses. Iliitchens
,h , y "'" J'Tors cordially and
ou a, T'U l,n th(,,n they filed
ou' "f tlu, jry b0j,
rnlu" lrl"1 B conducted by R. U
r l!'r' r,1",rl t Attorney for this
'""'y. nK8N,., hy . y. Newlln, of
. ""''. f"r 1,10 ,a,e- Tho defense
lj "An"";1 ' d In a numterly manner by
C ,,: Kllk". ' this city, and George
; .,r-,m."""- of . Oregon City. One
wan taken up with aru-
.,. ,nf attorneys.
,.f ".""' ' ""e was tlie defense of the
rtmrrt i "'looura inuicieo lor
Holm . ,hH nrHt l''!"-e. JllilKft
to )"!" ''intruetlnn to the Jury were
Hail,. n "lth"T a verdict of man
""Khter or acquittal.
Mr. Bartsch Explains.
GI.ADSTONK, Or.. Dec. 11. (Kill
tor of tho Enterprise.)-To correct
tho article, which appenred In your
vnlualilo paper Docemoer .i. uiu
.ua - I.. a.ilt c F. HiiKiTinun
IU III" ii" , . ,
Hint the trouble- Is of two years stu tid
ing. 1 do not object to imoy dukk..
or bicycles on sidewalks, but do pos
itively object to the horrible racket
and noise caused by your boys from
enrly morning until lute at nltiht with
the four wheeled heavy hoys' wagons
on the hollow wooden sldewulk You
would ulso he driven to desperutlon to
get up in the morning to find tlie fron
feme and mite on the sidewalk and
tho mull box stuffed full with dirt
tiud ninny other nieiin tricks too mini-,-rable
to mention. All 1 ask of my
neuhhor and ther well trained (?)
children Is pence und freedom, on ac
count of my SS y"r of aije. I kind
ly usk my nrlKhbors to he lenient.
My decllnir years and health comP' ls
me to be In bed a gn at deal and ih.s
terrible noise caused by these rapid
going wagons I not apt to better my
phystclul distress. .
If my wife or I have offended any ot
our neighbors we humbly beg their
pardon and only ak In return to bo
treated civilly. cRL DARTSCII.
Vindicate Woman'a Good Name.
FirtWOOn. Or., Dec 11 . (EJItor of
,h; Knterpril-Mr.. Annie Klachcr
of Sandy, left her husband . l"am
F. Fischer, ana "
me for his trouble and Is clrc.latl .R
seandalous stories. I wi 1 W ' 'n"
dkallon of Mrs. Fln.hers PhiW
and character, that 1 have seen the
lady only four or five times a year
aim; that Ihave not met her nor com
municated with her for over a year,
and I hardly know the lady.
The facts of the case .ire that Mrs.
Fischer was virtually kept a prisoner
Inn their ranch: she was forbiuaen io
communicate with her lady friends or
even to answer the telephone. Mr.
Fischer hired a neighbor woman to
watch the telephone and report to
him unv conversation.
Mrs Fischer is only a frail woman
and aho was forced to do outside
work ,if that Is not enough reason to
ea man 1 can mention a few
more, but they might not look well
'"."believe Mrs. Fischer like .11 of
her neghbors. to be a gouu "
ous won.au. m E A pjg HER.
There Is bound to be some disagree
ment where there is more than one
commissioner In a city government.
Stomach Troubles Disappear.
Stomach, liver and kidney troubles
weak .ief.es. lame back and female
m disappear when F.lectric Hitters
are used. Thousands of women would
not he without a bottle In their home.
KM Pol of Depew, Okla.. writes
Electric Hitters raised me from a
. . ,i .nfferine and has
done me a world of good 1
cry sufferluB woman could use . th s x
ce lent remedy and find out as I did
. . . j it i." A. It has helpeJ
ust now gutm . - -- - - .
, thousands of others It surely wl II do
the same for you. r-'j - '
sntied, BiW and 11.01. At all drug
gists. H. E. Bucklen Co, Philadel
phia or St. Louis, Adv
About a year ago William LUHo
was arrested on a criminal charge
against his daughter. The case has
gone through justice courts grand
Juries and to the circuit court. Lillie
has won out and the case been d.B
mtssed. Mr 1 lllle gained much notoriety dur
ing the case. From the first he was
" ...r..v Ha had a large
I D1H OWU an.'"-.r. . .
number of witnesses subpoenaed in
his defense, among them Drs. Mount.
and Norrls, R. U. lieaue. aim. L.ru
larger of Clackamas: Mrs Wright of
Wllhelraina; E. C Hackett. V. A.
Holmes. John Hatton. Mrs. Nannie
Manpower. Mrs. Alice Carr and oth
ers. Only one witness was sworn, Mrs.
Carr and her testimony was that the
daughter, Hazel I.Hlie had said to her
that her father. Wm. Lillie. had never
harmed her but that her mother. I.il
lie's divorced wife, wanted the child
to make the charge against her fath
er and she Intended to stay by her
mother, whether it be right or wrong.
Lillie says the whole affair was a
conspiracy to ruin him In the com
munity and was the outcome of fam
ily troubles of several year s standing.
I Some gifts were better left ungken
the gift of gab, for Instance.
Philippine Females Do as Much Work
as th Men on Highway.
One would hardly think that a wo
man could ever outwear a mnn when
It comes to heavy road work, but such
Is neverthelosK the case In the Phil
ippines. In the construction of the
Paoay-Currimao road It is recalled that
at one time there were approximately
500 women and girls employed dally,
notes the Engineering News. These
feminine workers, receiving from 20 to
25 or 35 centnvo per day. according
to their strength and ability, are most
efficient when materinls for subgrade.
surfacing or gravel and sand for con
crete are to be carried a short dis
tance. They tie tip their skirts or
"pandllng" to be less hampered as
they work and wield shovels, load,
carry and empty their baskets with,
a teal that outclasses the men.
In the construction of subgrade,
raoay-Currimao road. It was required
to haul material about oue-balf a kilo
meter at one point This was accom
plished with women workers. Men
loaded the baskets at the borrow pits.
They are carried on the heal
As may be imagined, there is con
siderable talking done a the work pro
gresses, especially in the afternoon,
when the women begin to tire. On
conerete work women are used to ad
vantage carrying sand, gravel and wa
ter. They are not strong enough to
mix concrete for any length of time,
so men are employed for that purpose.
The 8ecret of England's Fine Road.
"What must impress every visitor to
England," said a man who had Just re
turned from that country recently, "is
their wonderful country roads and city
streets. Although I did considerable
touring. 1 did not find a siugle country
road nearly as rough as our own city
boulevards, and the pavements of Lon
don are Just as fine, although the traf
fic is very much heavier than in any
of our cities. It does not appear that
the English build much better street
paveajeuts and roads thau we do. The
secret seems to be In the fact that they
take care of them. Most of tho streets
in London are paved with creosoted
block, and as soon as a small hole or
depression appears anywhere there is
a man on the Job repairing it. They
follow up these slight Imperfections
Immediately with small repair gangs
and outfits. A little fence Is put around
the bad spot, and with their tiny kits
of tools and materials the men quick
ly replace the blocks with fresh ones
or relay them with new foundations.
In a short time there Is no indication
of any break In the absolute smooth
ness of the pavement, and only the
fresh tar reveals the fact that the
pavement has been repaired. In this
way there Is no chance for a pavement
or a country road to get Into such a
condition that It finally has to be re
luld. and this method also save a
great deal of money."
Notice Is hereby given that tha
County Superintendent of Clackamas
County, Oregon, will hold the regular
; examination or applicants lor mate
certificates ut the Court House, as fol
, lows:
! Commencing Wednesday, December
1 17, 1913, at 9 o'clock A. M., and con
tinuing until Saturday, December 20,
! 1913, at 4 o'clock P. M.
I Wednesday Forenoon Writing, V.
S. History, Physiology.
I Wednesday Afternoon Physical Ge
; ography, Reading, Composition, Meth-'
1 ods in Reading, Methods In Arith
j metlc.
Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic,
History of Education, rsycnoiogy.
Methods in Geography.
Thursday Afternoon Grammar, Ge
ography, American Literature, Physics,
Methods in Language, Thesis for Pri
mary Certificate.
Friday Forenoon Theory and Prao
tice. Orthography, English Ltterature.,
Friday Afternoon School Law, Ge
ology, Algebra, Civil Government.
Saturday Forenoon Geometry, Bot
any. Saturday Afternoon General His
tory, Bookeeping. .
Yours truly,
County Superintendent.
And every girl wants to swipe a
name for herself by marrying.
Into each winter some east wln
must bio J.
Marriage is apt to be a failure if
the female of the species spend more
money at the millinery shop than the
butcher shop . .
1 '