Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 12, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Many Have Filled Consumptive Graves Because They Neglected
a Cough or Cold.
You nercr know how soon a cold
will become serious malady. It
may be in the head to-day; in tho
lungs to-morrow and the next day
you may be fighting doadly pneumo
nia for your life. It'a much the same
with cough. Inflamed and cough
worn throat and lungs offer the best
chance to consumption germs to be
gin their murderous work. There's
only one way to preterit these deadly
diseases ret tine a hold on you. As
soon as a cough or cold attacks you,
take Dr. King's New Discovery until
pu are entirely cured. Sometimes a
dose or two will do the business, sar
ing you suffering and a doctor's bill
Thousands of cures like these below
prove its wonderful power to cure
coughs and colds.
"I feel sure it's a God.oend to hu
manity," writes Mrs. Eflie Morton,
Columbia, Mo., "for I believe I
would have consumption to-day, if I
had not used this great remedy."
"I tako great picnsun in recom
mending your Dr. King's New Dis
covery for tho benefit of suffering
humanity. It's ft thoroughly reliable
remedy for all coughs, croup and
lung troubles. We nave used it in
our family for fourteen years with
the best results. It saved my mother
when two doctors gave her up. She
had a very severe case of pneumonia
and was in bed seven weeks and part
of the time 'out of her mind so
that she did not know me. I told
father to get me two 50c bottles of
Dr. King's New Discovery, which
he did, and on taking it she soon
began to improve, and four bottles
cured her entirely. You may pub
lish this if you wish and I will an
swer all inquiries, with postage en-
losed for reply.
Tours respectfully,
"TYm. Cogger."
Sold and recommended by
Mr. Talman. who bought the Porter
place arrived here with his family
from Texas last week and has takej
possession of his property. Mr. Por
ter moved with his family to Cauby.
Miss Olive Jones was taken serious
ly ill last Thursday with sciatic rheu
matism and was removed to the Kasi
Side Sanatarium. Portland. Friday.
Her friends hope for a speedy recov
ery. J. J. Mallatt left last week for East
era Oregon to be near his son, George
who was reported last week as having
small pox in his family.
M alalia Grange No. 40 will hold
their regular meeting next Saturday,
whvn the losing side in the recent con
test will give a banquet to the win
ners. Mrs. A-thur Mallatt went to Port
land Sunday to vist her sister, Mrs.
Cured of Liver Complaint
'I was suffering with liver com
plaint," says Iva Smith of Point Wank.
Te.as, "and decided to try a 2jc box
of Chamberlain's Tablets, and am
harpy to say that I am completely
cured and can recommend them to
every one." For sale by all dealers.
hunal in the liaptist cemetery on
Tuesday. A lame concourse of neigh
bors and friends met at the church
to pay the last sad tribute to one who
had been brought up from the cradle
in their midst and again we are re-
minded that the young may die, and
the old must die.
The Itaptlst church Is holding reviv
al meetings this week with good at
Mrs' Ilockman .Is somewhat better
of those dizzy spells and ran walk
about the rooms again.
The school is tawing an epidemic of
chicken pox, at least a number are
afflicted with something resembling
that disease.
Word was received that Mrs. Julia
Gage was returning to llandon. Coos
County on the Hreakwater, which sail
ed Tuesday.
The Ladies" Circle will meet with
Mrs. Gage on Thursday of next week,
and a full attendance It expected.
This Christinas month, there is to
be a unique Christmas pie.
The Misses Brobst went to Portland
on Thursday to attend the Melba-Ku-belik
The village stores are well stocked
with Christmas goods.
The "Farmers' Society of Equity"
will hold a meeting on Friday evening,
in A. O. U. W. hall.
The Parent-Teachers' Association
held a meeting in the school house, on
Friday afternoon, at the close of
Miss Helen Murray, our popular
school principal, was in the Rose City
on Saturday, visiting relatives.
Norman and Harry Say received the
news of the death of their brother-iu-
law, Arthur Draper, of "acute pneu- j
moma, on Saturday, December 6.
Miss Mae Baker visited her parents
on Frid.y and Saturday.
Franjf Seely is very ill at his home,
and bus been under a physician's care
for soibe time.
Ths "Onion Grower's Association"
shippel another carload of first class
oniony on Saturday.
The Hood View Ladies Aid Society
hare elected Mrs. A. Clutter for Pres
ident for the ensuing year, which will
Insure the society a wide awake and
capable leader.
Mr. Swartz has been In a Portland
hospital for some time, and has been
very ill.
The choral Society of the Hood
View district met at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Baker, on Friday even
ing, and a profitable and enjoyable
time apent by the members. The
next meeting of the society will be
beid at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Murray and Mrs. Hasselbrink,
of our village school, are planing to
give a Christmas tree at the school
bouse, which is being looked forward
to with joyful anticipation by pupils
ana other who are aware of the com
ing event. There will be an excellent
program which is already being prac
ticed. Santa Ciaus will in all prob
ability arrive during the evening and
empty his sack of good things for old
ana young and even it It should rain,
we have no doubt that "Old Santa"
is familiar enough with our Oregon
winter to bring along his umbrella,
oil-cloth and rubber boots.
Have you subscribed for the Enter
prise for the ensuing year? If not,
do so at once, and send in your items
to the correspondent, who will gladly
receive them.
Fit His Case Exactly.
"When father was Bick about six
years ago he read an advertisement of
Chamberlain s Tablets In the papers
that fit his case exactly." writes Mis
Margaret Campbell of Ft Smith. Ark
"Ho purchased a box of them and hi1
has not been sick since. My sister
had stomach trouble and was also ben
efited by them." For sale by all deal
ers. (Adv.
Miss Lavine Widows has been quite
ill with quinsy sore throat, but she hnn
sufficiently recovered so that she is
able to be at school again.
Martin Widows Is suffering with an
ulcerated tooth.
Geo. l'.erg has been quite ill but Is
able to be around ayain.
Dell Irwin, of Albany, visited his
uncle, R. E. Irwin. Wednesday.
Mrs. Jas. Erickson went to Portland
last week to do Christmas shopping
for the store.
A sewer pipe is being laid down
Main St. and the Pacific Highway
which will drain the upper part ot
Do not forget the literary Friday
Mrs. C. G. Tull went to Portland
Wednesday of last week.
The Ladies' Aid of the Synod Lu
theran church met with Mrs. Slatager
Paul Rod by, of Portland, visited El
mer Irwin last Sunday.
Constipation Poisons You.
If you are constipated, your entire
ystem is poisoned by the waste mat
ter kept in the body serious results
often follow. Use Dr. Kings isew
Life Pills and you will soon get rid of
constipation, headache and other
troubles. 25c at Druggists or by mail.
H. E. Buckler) & Co, Philadelphia and
8L Louis. (Adv.)
This vicinity had a alight frost Mon
day and Tuesday night
Men are hauling rock on the worst
places between Stafford and Hazelie
and while It makes wheeling on those
place pretty rough, men are glad to
be able to use the roads at alL
Mr. Bpanaeberg. 8r, of this neigh
borhood has a petltin In circulation,
which la being very generally signed
to be appointed supervisor in this dis
trict. He baa bad sixteen years In
th same office In other communities,
and while we all know It is an appoint
ive office, still a well signed Petition
may show to the -powers that be
the wishes of the people.
Miss Christina Wilkins died at St
Vincent's hospital with PPnd!1cl,u
and was brought home to Stafford for
How to Bankrupt the Doctors.
A prominent New York physician
says, "If it were not for the thin stock
ings and thin soled shoes worn by
women the doctors would probably
be bankrupt." When you contract a
cold do not wait for It to develop into
pneumonia but. treat it at once. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy is intended
especially for coughs and colds, and
has won a wide reputation by its cures
of these diseases. It is most effectual
and Is pleasant and safe to take, lor
sale by ail dealers. (Adv.)
The Jennings Lodge Community
Club held its regular session on De
cember 3. President Newell giving a
talk on whether the Club should con
tinue or not, as there has not been
as much interest manifested of late.
A committee of five consisting of
Messrs. Ostrom and Sinclare and Mes
dames H. J. Robinson, Hart and Miss
Farnui; are to formulate plans for the
betterment of the club to be submit
ted to the members at the next regu
lar meeting on January 6. Mrs. Hugh
Roberts, Mrs. H. J. Robinson and A.
C. MacFarlane are on a committee to
aid in street Improvement A num
ber of new members were taken in at
the last meeting.
One of the most successful socials
given by the Parent-Teachers' Asso
ciation was held at tbe liatdorf hall
on the evening of December 5. The
ball was elaborately decorated with
ferns and fir branches and a number
of baskets of ferns were suspended
from the ceiling and were greately ad
mired. A' program of songs and a
reading by Miss Kern were enjoyed.
H. J. Robinson and Mrs. John Wal
dron responded to encores as also did
Mr. Pntz with a zither solo. The
children's songs were accompanied by
Mrs. Altman on the piano and were
well received.
Mrs. Durham of Portland, spoke of
plays and recreations and Miss Ward
gave the children of the primary and
the higher grades as well as the par
ents, some very pretty folk dances,
which was an attractive feature of the
affair. Pumpkin pie and coffee and
doughnuts were served to about 110
people. Mrs. Geo. A. Ostrom and her
efficient committee deserves much
credit for the success of the evening's
The new borne of Mr. and Mrs. D.
J. Abbey Is rapidly going op and
will be ready for the family about the
Brat of the year.
Mrs. Ingram haa purchased the
Klrueae cottage and I netting nicely
settled In Ikt new homo.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V .Morse enter
tallied a few friend at cards on Thurs
day evening.
Mr. and Mr. Edward Illinium;
Mr .and Mr. Sinclare and Mr, and
Mr. A. C. MacFarlane. Alice Kvo and
Donald Mac Farlnae, llaiel ud Ma
li In Hriifuim and Mr. and Mr. Mono
made up the tublc for the game.
Mr. and Mr. J. II. Welch have loft
ther summer home here and taken
apartment in Cortland for the win
tn Word ha been received Unit Mr.
Flora lleckner. who underwent a ser
Ion operation In San Francisco 1
now able to leave tbe hospital.
Mr. Miilarmio h had a most en
joyable visit from two of her school
rhum. Mr. Star of Konnevillo anil
Mr. Stnnnnrd of Portland.
The Hlrd lecture by Wm. U Finely
on Tuesday evening wa farly well
attended. A petition was circulated
at tho close favoring a game reserve
from the Clackama on the louth to
Oak Grove.
The choir of the Congregational
church of Oregon CHy, heard Melbu
on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mr.
Harry Robinson and Mr. Uirralne Os
trom were the Jennings IahIko folk
who made up the parly. The choir
under the leadership of Harry Robin
son Is doing good work.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hose, who have
resided at this place for the past nine
ear, will leave for Houston, Texas,
this week.
On tho 5th of December the Dis
trict Boundary luihrd detached the fol
lowing territory from Concord or
school district No. 2S. to be annexed
to the Jennings Ixidgo district No.
114: Beginning at a point where J.
(i. Uoelhe north boundary line Inter
sect the Willamette River, thence
eastcrlv along fnld north line to the
center of P. R. I., C. Co. right of
way, thence along tho center line of
snld railroad right of way in a south-
Pursuant to a rail by the Preldiuil
of the Oak drove Fair Aiaoruitlun, a
meeting waa held on Monday even
lug, December H, nt the residence, of
Mr. 11, l.ee Paget to doleruilno what
ulunild bo dona with the monoy In the
rroaaury. By unauliiioiia vote II was.
decided (he money be held iiilaet, and
used to finance another fair, to bo held
in September, 1VM.
It wa also decided that a mas
meeting ha held Tuesday evening,
December 1, at tho Oak Grove school
house, to elect officer for the Fair
California Woman Seriously Alarmed
"A short time ago I contracted a
'vere cold which settled on my lung
and caused me a great deal of annoy
ance. 1 would have bad coughing
spell and my lungs wre o sore and
inflamed I begun to bo seriously
alarmed. A friend recommended
Chamberlaln'a Cough Remedy, saying
she had used It for year. I bought
bottle and It relieved my rough the
Ural night, and In a week I was rid of
the cold and aorencs of my lung."
write Mis Mario tlerber, Sawteltn,
Cal. For ante by all dealers. (Adv.)
Mis Mable Fanning visited friends
In Portland Sunday.
The Masonic lodge of Eslacada has
Invitation out to member of their
order anil tho Eastern Stars, for a
banquet on tho evening of Dec. IS.
The banquet supper w ill be served at
Hotel Kslacnda.
People living on Terrace Addition
will have a sidewalk to connect wi:!i
! the walks across the creek.
I Mrs. Nenl Cronann I employed In
I the Cary Mercantile- Co. store.
Attorney Devore transacted busl
I ness at Oregon lily and Portland Sal
i nrday.
i Landlord 1-aurry attended the Ho
tel Men's meeting ut Portland Inst
A nunilM-r of I be official of the I'.
R. I A P. Co.. paid Kalaeada a visit
In I heir speclnl car Tiiedny.
Warren Unrr wa homo Sunday
from IVrtlnml,
Lloyd Haling fell on (hit lew near tho
school house Tuesday and struck 111
head on tint sidewalk with such force,
that he wa rendered uiu'oiiHcloiia for
oiiio time. Dr. Adlx waa called and
lie wa taken to hi houiii near town,
where It i reported ha la getting
along nicely,
erly direction to the present norm i W1,,,K
boundary of school district No. H. ()n B,.00nt f the serious lllues of
The District Boundary Board also her mother. Mr. Carl Cary I 111 Port
gave us the following described prop-1 Uin-i thl week,
erty from the Gladstone or school di Mrs. W. K. Havlland waa In Port
triit No. Ill: Beginning at the norih-, hiiu Miturday culling on relatives and
Mr. and Mr. Cahlll, Mis Echo
(lllheii and Mr. It. B. (Ilbkon mt
at the homo of Mr. Hewlett last Wed
nesday evening and held a prayer
meeting. Theria will he prayer meet
ing every Wednesday evening at Mr.
llowiotti. and all are wolooiiw
Tho Sunday school la Intending to
hnve a Christum tree at the achnol
house Christina eve, They will also
have a vhort program.
II. H. Gibson wa a Burton visitor
There wa a large attendance ut
the basket social and entertainment
Inst Saturday evening at the chuol
homo. An Interesting program, con
slstlng of song, recitation, dialogue,
etc.. wa very well rendered. II. l
Huntington auctioned off tho basket
which brought $39 55. Thero were 13
bnket. Till money I to bo used to
pun base a teacher's desk.
Krneat lloffmelster nn neen nam
ing apple to the station for Will
Douglas. Ho was taking a load down
tho other day, when u hn wa going
down the hill, the coupling pole broke.
Thev renall-ed It. but had to leave the
load there over night and take It on
the next day.
Mr. and Mr. Cha. Spark were en
tertained al dinner by Mr, and Mr.
A. K. Spark, of Estacudu.
Hester liltheii and Mr. Dick Glut
eus were the guest of Mr. and Mr.
John Glthctis Monday.
Frank Dov.lv spent Sunday it home.
Mr. und Mr. John Githeii spent
lOI lrf-tMCIN. I
TILTING Or o .omtmi I
f AT ' '
. i
l. I ff t
,,r7.'Tr.',J" J I INOteiNetNt KAKl
(WaV'1witliJnAl X
,! -I l 'll I nt t e V Ml 'J
loirfttnq 'J( iJ'T
Inq fckltf ifcl.vTi
IJS I 0"vmqBirtDtjl,limintiri I Slll imiC lMt.l , Ri.tf
double Angle steel reach
Gvtnq Drct Or jlf wj limtnattinq
H strain from SprtMtWr Bo
A HkK t s ihd.spsj nbW on a
Kmurt Spre4dr ami iton jWotx
For a Low Down Easy Loading Light
Pulling Manure Spreader One that will
Last a long time and please you better
every time you use it? Look no further.
By breaking it up fine and spreading it evenly Easy, sure control and
no horse killer The only Spreader with a reach Farmers
who have bought them say they are the best farm
machine investment a farmer can make.
See the BLOOM
the nearest
Mitchell Agency
write us for
Impement and
Chlldron Cry for Flotchor's
Tho Kind You lluvo Always JIonM, nml which lm
In lor over i0 yrurn. Ims bornntha slinmt,,..
- " Iwn ml under hi Jl
WutXAMU Allow no una to Uriel v y.uV
All Counterfoil , liiiltntloiis nml JiiUiu-;mhI urn bia
fciperlinoiil tl"t trlllo w Itlt nl cndiuiiit'r tlia lienltli
lufunt niitl t'lilMri'iii.XvrUtiic nguluat -Lij.eruiiout,
Cnatorln Is a linrmlea snlatltnt for Onutor Oil, Yar.
irorlo. Props nml Noolhlntr Nyrnpa. It Is luunt i
iiittiln licit Iter Opium, JUorpliliio nor other JWetiti
substance. It nue la Its guiiruntc. It destro) t)r. ':
nml ulliiya IVveilslinc. Tor nioro tluui thirty y,.Mrg !!
Ima been In con tunt ti for tlin relief of t'oiiMifi,,,.i; '
Wl.nl folic, ull Tcethlnir Trimble , f
" ' " - it miii IE...,,
. . .. ...
I llllllll-IU T,
nixliiillntcs tint I'immI, giving licultlijr nml imturul le..i.
Tho Children's l'litiucci-'! ho Mother's l'rlcud. W
Dca3 the SIgnnture of
The Kind You Have Always Bough!
Use For Over OU Years
Christmas Hint
Jim ths Thills' for Iht
Children' StofUlnS
Isn't llil the rnlint lit t lu rnly k lit
you ever in) lie tlx proilucl of
i tlin fi-rtlle hriiln of VsDMir lilrl tio
; tl rut limilii 1)1 itt fur a iiililiiltflit "irml."
i Till) little fellow noulil lie Jtmt III
i tiling for lliv rliililrvu'a Clirt.tnii
lluw U lie ninile? Tho en. Iet thins
In tl worlil liet a kiikIIj- iiiily of
tmiig tintliilrkii, itne Inrc rnl.ln.
nmmliiiiiilliiw. slnioiiil. iii nun. Tlieil
you are remly fur the Kraukeiwteln
trlik-iimkliii; mini.
It I heal to Ik tin ou the leu anil
arm flrnt. To iimke Die leg itKk
east corner of the Peter M. Rlnersou
D. L. C. thence southerly along the
east lone of Rinearson claim to the
north boundary of the plat of Meldrum
to the Intersection of Steele Avenue
extended, thence southwesterly alonK
said extended line of Steele Avenue
and continuing In tho same direction
along Steele Avenue to the southwest
corner of the plat of Glen Echo, thence
northwesterly along the west side of
Glen Echo plat and continuing on
same point of compass to the north
west corner of a 2.10 acre tract be
longing to E. O. Secley, which said
point la on the south boundary of
school district No. 114, thence In a
westerly direction along the north
boundary of tbe J. W. Meldrum tract
to the Willamette River.
Mr. and Mrs. James Lee DeLong
have Issued invitations for a 500 par
ty for Thursday evening.
Friday afternoon will be the regu
lar meeting of the ParentTeachers'
Association. A good attendance is i
desired as matters of Importance will J
come up. ;
Saturday evening the Fraternal
Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Wright have rent
ed the McCunly resdence.
Mrs. Lilly Vallman, of Fosll, Ore.,
Is visiting at the home of her sister,
Mrs. E. II. Kellogg.
Rev. 11. L. Dunn, who has been hold
ing meetings with tho assistance of
W. Givens, at the Christian church
for the past three weeks, closed the
services Sunday night and returned
to his home at Gladstone yesU-rday
The concert at the Family Theatre
Tuesday nlnht, given by Mrs. Steph
enson and Mr. Dunn, was well attend
ed and seemed to give rery good aat
Isfaction. Tbe M. E. church and the Cbrlatian
church people are making great prep
arations for Christmas.
Ms. Ingram of Falls City, Ore., is
visiting relatives In this vicinity.
On account of the next regular meet
ing of tbe C. I. C. coming the day be
fore Christmas, the date was changed
to Monday, Dec. 22.
J, A. Tucker will have another tur
key shoot befor Christmas.
Edward Shearer, of Garneld, car
Y.Ju1 f, U nCiDK P,8"J !J Itl 1 ried off several prlies at the Chicken
Katdorf hall, atid the members of the
newly organized lodge have asked
many of their relatives and friends.
Virginia has been tbe name given
the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. W. Card.
Mrs. T. J. Spooner and sons and
grand daughter. Miss Vivian, have
taken np tbelr borne at tbe Lodge and
are getting nicely settled at their
borne on tbe banks of the Willamette.
The man who knows the leas gen
erally thinks he knows the moat.
Show In Portland last week.
Mesdames E. W. Bartlett and M. K.
Morton entertained the football boys
and Profesor Ford and Gutbrie Tues
day evening at the llartlett home.
Mrs. J. A. Somer will entertain
friends today at ber home In the east
part of town.
B. McClean, of Portland, had a law
suit here Tuesday to recover damages
for goods be alleges were damaged
enroute to Portland when a leal livery
man moved him.
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Mlas Hazel Glthens attended tho
entertainment at the Douglass school
houso Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve llleple enter
tained a number of their friends one
evening last week.
Mrs. Albert Klthchlng and Mrs.
Clara llullard were the guests of Mr.
John Gltben one day last week.
A nelce and nephew of Mr. G. W.
Dowty from Washington has been vis
iting with him.
Out of th Frying Pan.
'Toor girl! Uer life wa a desert
before ahe met and married blra, and
now look at her."
"Tea, I know been having hot
time of It ever sines." Bt Louis Republic.
Dr. Hobson's Olntmtnt Heala Itchy
The constantly Itching, burning sen
sation and other disagreeable forms
of eczema, tetter, aalt rheum and skin
eruptions promptly cured by Dr. Hob
son's Eczema Ointment Geo. W. Fitch
of Mendota, 111., says: "I purchased a
box of Dr. Hobson's Ecxema Ointment
Have had Eczema ever alnce tbe Civil
war, have been treated by many doc
tors, none have given the benefit that
one box of Dr. Hobson's Eczema Oint
ment haa." Every sufferer should try
It. We're so positive It will help you
we guarantee It or money refunded.
At all Druggists or by mail 60c. Pfeif
fr Chemical Co, Philadelphia and 8t
Louis. (Adv.)
two of the ratln ou two toothplek.
ami to the rml of earb plora n al
mond for a foot. Tbe arm are mud
In the mime wny; except for I lie liinul
tbe almond ire hlmiclied. Now run
two marshmallow through a tooth-pli-k
for the uinn'a boily, II bnan't
any neck. Ilavo rendy some melted
clioeolat and dip an urn nee tlek In
this mixture ami with It make large
dota for the button on bl eont and
for bl farinl fen t lire Now attach
arm and leg, and when a good alzed
flit ha been raklnlily placed on hi
bead for a bat ths man la ready for the
Idtal Ltngth For Ssrmon.
What Is the Ideal length for a Ker
inon? The tii-tlu I mined, hy Dean
Hole In hi "Memories." Hy way ol
illiiHlrntloii. be tell a story of a sher
iff' ehnplnln who hml ome nuked a
Judge what wa the proier length of a
sermon. "Well, twenty minute," was
the aniwer, "wllli a leaning to tin
sldo of mercy." That I good advlee
and. by the way, It I advlee which
Queen Victoria would have henrtlly
approved. In 1W the queen present
ed a pulpit rIiih to the Clin pel Royal,
Savoy, and it w timed for exactly
eighteen minute. There waa no nil
taking the hint If yon wanted to
please tbe queen you stopped preach
ing at eighteen minute.
It is going to be s great hardship for
soma men of wealth to be compelled
to bsve their fortunes guaranteed un
der pure money act
Allium! riiuildi te .InKimilnn la ifioi,
III the potato trl While no hit.
IliT i limine la aiiiiiiiiiii-cil In qu-iit-t
lull, there I. Ilttl,. Im Iinntl-n ingoni
liiiyei to tnkn bull) i,i;, lur run
fancy, eeei !im It mid en-n f,r tut
quality lit trml" I far from brisk,
lironer are liilii ninr. dupoti-
tlllll III let Ril of khiiih nf tllrlr IU-
pile. Hume thai wrr.- ufdri'd frvn
Mir to l a eeiitul a ! r il.o:oir
now seeking hiiyei ( Th lo
cal trade ha prrfctlcnlly all of III l
tneillutu ri'(iilriiin-iii nml la But Is
rllned to spirnliite ou the future.
Only a few cliunn. were rriwrtri I
I lie ciilii.ll Ion of the I - u I Miuiki'.a rt
tiny and most of the qimtutiuua atio
ed ali-ady with the d.-iiiuiij wore or
lea firm IhrouKll the day
While tiiinlni' hn mil licca parti
culnrly brink, trade hua mnioi aha
rather well lately and lh muimlMl.a
liunai' riKirt rondltlina aumtlut
better thlin they hnve lie a,
I'ork dropped illnhtly In Price fmta
Iho qtiolatlou before. IVed alJ
allowed a weaker tcm'rti'7 aat tM
fluetimtloti were downward.
Pork price were subject to fluctua
tions In the local market Monday a
the general ti no showed alcna "
weakening. The price dropped
shade but no. decided itmnK "
uoied. , ,h
Tiirough the other quotntlona, tn
tone waa genernlly firm and "J
price steady. Iluslneaa tint M
aomewhat quiet In the minmlsatos
houae for several day and Irade aaa
not been what It wa a few '"
tMerrltt Wllln-A.nt
Willainotte. Ore.. Doc. K.-O1"
-A young pullet, owned by L
Junkln of thl. city, broke all rcor
around here when she laid an
seven Inches long n way and sm
the other and weighing . ,unD,
It Is said that the young s es do
not seem at all haughty over lis ' s
derfui foat but continues lla WU
lies like a true servant.
KTU7 YOnK. Dec. I- Tw,eL? '
team, had ..food the test : 'two-,,
riding ana were in - u-Mtof
the alxday bicycle race In M
Square Garden. Trailing Ind
the Kopsky-Keefe coniblns I m
In s aerieo of sprints. nr upl
before 11 o'clock last ' 5
five times. Added to, he ' PT ,
losses, this put them eiKht V
hind the leaders.
Name ,
Foatofflca Address , '"'!-
I live mile, from on
I have acre of
There are acres under cultivation. There Is an lncu..ibrn
of $ against the property due on ' .
I would lilte to borrow f for yeara, glvln
property aa aecurlty. Do you want to sell your farm? ilVro
If you have a mortgage on your farm, or If you wish to
money for development pnrpoiea, or If you want to sell your f
will be to your advantage to Oil tbla out and return to us at