OR EO ON Om ENTEUPRTKK Fit TO AY. NOVKMT.KII 28, 1013. ' 7 SIRES AND SONS. ,. lin I""'" lwt- r,rfh;i' '- ,,r 1 "' 1 II,..-, I" HwAiwrl. - i uIihTii. i. "-,,,", 0 Nw n''l ,.i wn lim.le lure. l1'' f 1.1 M .ril.l TW ' ru. ft, hi .u'l"1" " ,.! of N'W Vork for ...ut Hi cMiiiir. . ..I ma. m.rr r"' ...... r,.l naill ; .i.. c . ' ' j,wr. . .... ..t Ml, lilunn . 'h . imv.rtiii""it roiiiiiilln who will B" i" .. ... ..L .rx tavtlfi W fl fO- i . ii -l iinrkRi " tf.ES... ':"rK '":!: 1 Tl k. . ilCVMi.-"-' WUIta- T. Mm git Flippant Flings. It lm Ju.t riiiiui tu I ha mi r fur (tint Tnltoy wml fiiin IkIIitm tu hL wife. Wlint n lot nf l.'lHiirv ii muiii Im when hit dHitii't uliit ! New York Pres.. A HI. l.uiiU tviiiiiiui Intrusted I'.'M.im.) to n lawyer n ml got lun k alx.ul (.'i.tmo. Tim nlliiiiii'X rniildn't tmva been fi-ol- Ing very vull tlml diiy.-Plilliidelplilii Inquirer. A MIotirl Judgo Iiil ruliit Hint . wiiiiiun Iiil rllit tu tint a broom- llik on hr IiiihIiiiihI, The vuimiiiiii I'letllier writ Invented lion too Boon, Toledo 1 1 In ilii. Cost of Living. Chicago look fur n ri.iitliiuiil rl In bm'f prlt'tn. An iiiMiir. itlrvi-llnn wwm Im. Hi niily mm Iwi-r irl c kiiiiw.- lipln.lt l ri TriMi. Nowly .rrlvtsl l.nl.lr. nulling that tlm prlco of milk U unlnii up, tin vo re. Kill tu lirotct nKillnxt lii'lllK Imrn Intu mil mi lnli.Niititlili wiirlil.-('hli'iiii Nw. Old Kltii ('"ill In tiTrlliln ml. A tirrlliln oul U hn. Ilo nil I. fur your II, ll rail. Willi kII' And he tiikc you. YtNulrra! Iiulnvlll Courier-Joiirunl. V.ry ThovgMful. Hln Hi In (leyiiiwl. ronmlnntloni nnd niiihlileriili. Iiimliiind, I midiir- Ulllllll." Yi".. WlicmniT Iih Ii unfiic in a Inline In ttlnner Im ill wily nntllle III. wire l.efiireliiiiiil."-ciPi iiK Trlliuii. An Apology. An fidled ml 1 Ilii r' liMiklnic gentle- liiiiil entered I lie i-illlnrlul Hiiiictllili one iifleriiiiiiii, iiirliiliiiliiii: '"J'lmt nutli'ii of my dentil I. fiil.e, nlr. 1 will lioriu- whip yon w 1 1 hlu mi Inch of your life, nlr, If you don't uimiIukImi In your neit In.ue," Tliv editor In.erted the following licit Uiiy: "We elremely ri-Kret to u nmiuie Hint tho pnriitcn. I'll In our limt lnue will' Ii mIiiIkI Hint Mujor llhir.er win demt In wlllniut foundutluu." De troit l''rw I'ritMi. Notice of Final 8attl.mnt, Notlr:e la hereby nlvnn thut the tin rtornlnned ua ailmlnlntralor of the Ka (Hte of Peter Uuidln, deeeuaed, ha llled hla llniil acrount In the County Court of tlm Hlatf of OrrKon for Clack niniiit County, and thn'Juiku of auld Court by an order made NovemDi r 6th, Itil.'l, luia aet Mmiduy tho fcth day of l)eeemhi r, 1HKI, at ton o'l lix k A. M., ut tho Courthoudo at Oregon City, Ori'Kon, aa tlm limn and pluen for hear. Iiik of objectlona thereto and the ant lleuii'iit thermif. iJHted November 6th. 1913. JOIIM KHANTZ, Admliilntrntor of the ICluie of I'utcr l.unilln, Deeea.ed. OOKDON K. IIAVKH, Attorney. pen, Chisel and Brush. . o p,vl.l.i. '" wl" n'euu ' u,.. . ...i..mliir Taec I. n r. '.n,,,...r wh work ha. .t ABm.. .,..., tia a.t Caweln. Ih -boin.'nl . i.i. nw volume o MS ofl. .-! "All ZZtL bi .".1 in""- wh" l,,ve Br E.mMM.iu f.m- iH-oJ-IH-r C..nt. forUo.u Abra. bkenM r.-lde..t. re.,tly cMirat rfkUBlnriylbltdMrthdny III the N.w York mll.. I"'' hvu.U for IS, tluin thirty year. AHlv In MktillU ..M. fi"x tor B,"u Wm wl kruk English Etchings. , . amy nifn rmlirrale from Bngl.wt lot tint tartj "" lollon ..licl'-.l rden. la H pof. park. w. founded lu IXX. lirtK In the Indian ervl-. Prlt ah army nurnea are not allowrj t fear In the atailona where they are it work Tito order waa laauwl " jiari ago. Th. Bank of Englauil ta not the lar- pat bank In Knelawl. IU dejioalta iDooot to H'.U.770.W. while the do- ,.iiior(h Ixmdou County and wt lulfr .re Hin,5W,nii0, thoae of the Uadoa City .d Midland lOl.OdO.OiW ud Uwm of l.loyd'a M33.WH.W". Of Ceurae. Of rourw your own way of t.rnln I tlTlng I. the bartlet way tber ta. Clilf.10 Nrwa. Aviation Notes. A Oerinan rhetnlral (ilunt whleh yield, iiiurh hydrogen Ka a. a by.r.Ml Ui t baa built a thntt mile .le Hue to Ul'l'ly It to dlrlk'H.le Imllooiia. A dummy aeroplane aeoured to a pivot, but ewnyed by the wind, ba lieell dimlgned to get atu.lelita ai'iUaini rl with the .eii.ntloii of flying. In a I'art aeriHlyiiainlr Inboratory for letting nuxlel aeroplane, wind pt41a up to .evenly one mllea an hour are prutluerd by Ingeiiloua machinery. Household Hints. Medl.-lue botttea. drink or food hould l rovered tu the .li kriwin. Htl. k . pin through the ork of every bottle that routaln. polwin. and thl may anve tragic mlHtakea when ae.k- lug niixlli'lne In the ilnrK. If the cloth iiihiu the table of the liv ing room bad little welghta fnntened awurely to nu b of Ita four cornera It would not be dl.pla. eU ly every one who hnpencd to tou.h It lu pawing. Science Siftings. Th ere raimot a. a moleeule. an atom or an rleetron. Tnklne- rociiluime of the tarlou. m..viiu.nla of the earth, Demon tak Ing a three mile atroll baa traveled BJ.W mllea. 1-very brat of the heart aenda two otin.-.-a of IiIimnI Into the hair-Ilk blMl v,.el ralle.1 eaplllarlea. lining the air cella of the lmig. and from tula air the blood la tlllnl with oxygi'U. ImpoMibl Iioi'tor-I'erhapa It'a your cooking thnt'a reM.iiiiHilil for your hu.bnnd'a tllii-HM. Ilea gut a bud I'lixt of gna trllla. Mra. NewwIfo-OiiMlrltla! Hut I alwaya roik on a eon I range never tl.O gllM. An Old Soldier Fritnd. "I .aw your fnther Uiklug yon to the wood ahed yeeterdny morning, Willie. Wlnit hnd you been dolngV "Notliliig. lie Ju.t took me out there to mtet a eoldler friend of hla." "A aolilleM Who waa her "That feller Corpornl I'uulNhment be'a alwnyn talking about"-L)etrolt Kree I'reita. Ha Haard Plenty. Firmer 1'nri.nlp had g"d JaF nt Brlet. III utile fet.-hi d B"1 prlera. Iiid an lie I i.ulil a nl e pline of cloth to bate ninde Into a ault of clothea. But uu lil h..ii.emird way be loat It. Bluf.irtiuie wlib h nimovl Mra. I'am tip very imt. Ii. Overburdened with br grlevame. be told a neighbor lout It the next day. xtrongly con drawing lier biinband'a careleaaiie. 1 week Mer the nelghlKir met Mr. rrnli. "(iiMHl morning. Mr. Tare alp." mid the iielglibor. "Heard .any thing yet nl. ut your I'Mhr l'ariilp amlltt kiiIiv "Ye." he anld aoleiuuly led uwiirnfiilly. yet. phlliNniphl.-alty, "I have uioniliig. noon mid iilgbtr Iiiilon Mull. Weeda. Terbaiia If we could penetrate na ture'a rel we ahoiild And that what we call weeda ar more eeiientlal to the well being of the world than the moat tirecltiua fruit or gralu.-U.w- thorn. A Duadvantaqe. IjiI.v-I lh von would paint m a t"nn at i-n Murine I'alnter ImrM" llilr, mndnm: "Hut other nrtlxta paint lonna at M-a " "Yea, but I'M aeen one." Summon.. ii the Circuit i unit or mo siuie oi Oregon, for Claekumaa County Mluiilu M. Hone., I'lulutllT. va. heeler Dunn. Defendant. To Cheater Huno. above named defend aul In the name of the Btttto of Orcgou you are hereliy required to appeur and auawer tho complaint died agalnat von in the hove named ault. on or bo- fore the Kth day of Jan, 1914, aald date being the explrutlon of al weeka from the tlral publication of thla aummona, and If you full to appear or anawer auld complaint, for wain wereoi. me plnlntlff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint lk.'ll- Knr decree (I .aolvlng me oonua oi matrimony now cxlatlng between m Plaliitlff and defendant. Thla aum .... . . I I .... LI mom a oul.imnea ny oruer oi iih. ; AnilenHin. Judge of the County Court, which order waa made on the iih hv nf Nov.. anu me preiM-rlbed for pulillcalion mereui IiiuIiie with the laauo dated. Knday. Nov. 2Sth. 1913. and coir tliiulng each week tnereuiicr J Including Krlday, Jan. in, ii. . - I1WI1W NKI.l. it BIU.-r.. Attorneya for IMulntlff. Bird Dog. Bird dnp have been known a auch fur only nlxnit three or four ceiitiiriea. So far a. we know, tho Duke of North omherlniid, .Utwnth century, waa the Unit trainer of bird doga. Th duke followed by othera who trained &K to "..( blrda. but It waa not till tl beginning of the nineteenth ecu lry Unit any reliable record of . dla lloet bnind of bird doga can b found. Tli Uordon netler waa founded by the Duke nf (iiirdon about ISOO.-Nevr York Aniericnn. ONCE A FAST, NOT A FEAST Thenk.glvlng Waa Not Fatal U Tur- k.ya In Early Daya. Turkey did not figure In the original Thnnk.clvliig feaat but It became a feature of that historic meat ao long .... Hint the rcaaon l lot lu oblivion. On the original ThnnkHglvIng day th n..,i... r.ihere ranted alid gnve verbal thnuka th.it they had been aaved from the crlla of the ea and rinltld to . i.. ...... iii (tin new land tilting ...., .,,ri of occupation nnd nd Ing the Um In Hlble reading and In prayer Ibe colonl.ta regarded It aa an ....i .wolon of much aolemnlty. It wna not until tliinwn year. (he aettllng of Maaaachuaetta that Thankaglvlng day recelvcl offic a.1 cognlxn.;e. although It waa generally ol,Herv.Hl by chtm hgolng and-a ter few yenra of ateru fnitlng-a better dinner than waa aerved on week day. Thua by tb'Kreea the feature of the pvnt day otHanie the dinner that ac conipanled . A Candy Cornucopia. A cornucopia form.,1 of nougat o, imiUea an effective lauie .;; .on'at ThnnkHglvIng and c,, break It up and eat I . ftrrw.rd. It may I tri with candled ornngw .nm,. ".urrona glace, .nd other Mntlca la Creditora. In the County Court of the stale oi Oregon for the County oi t-tacaa' In the Matter of the Katate of Thoma McCabe. Dcceaaed. v,.it,- t herbv given that the un designed bna been appoln'.ed admin utrnmr of the eatale oi inouiaa r Mcf.lin rlweaaed. by the County i-..nn nf th State of Oregon, i-ii.iinii conntv. and haa Qualified. All peraona having clalma agaiuai aum estate are nerctiy noum-u m !-:.... the name to the untU'rsigneo ai oanu i-i,.. wa.. Countv. Oregon, with prop er vouchera and duly verified within olv nuilltlm from the date hereof. Date of flrat publication, November "X. ,913- THOMAS McCADE Admlnlatratortif theJCutate of Thomas K. McCalie, I)eceaned. (H)ltDON E. HAYES. Altorney for Ad- minlHtrator. Bherlff'a Sal. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ut Clncka- tnna. C. K. Corbett, I'lalutlff, va. 0. Hulllvxn, Defendant. Htnte of Oregon, County of Clackamaa, ... Ily virtue of a Judgment order, de- ri'fi and an execution, duly la.ued out of and under the aeal of tho above en titled court, In the above entitled caune, to me duly directed and dated the 2Hlh day of October, 1913, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In aald ourt on the 14th day of April, 131 J, in favor of C. E. (iorliett, Plaintiff, and again J. 0. Bulllvan, Defendant, for the aum of J5G0.00. with Interest thereon at the rat of 7 per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1909. and the further aum of 9.1 taxea for tho yeara of 1910 and 1911, nd the further aum of 175.00, aa at torney' fee, and the coata of and up on thl writ, commanding me to make aale of the following deacrlbed real nronerty. altunte In tho county of Clackamaa, atate of Oregon, to-wii: The Northeaat onarter of the North eaat nuarter of Section 36 In Town hi I) 4 South of liange 3 uaai oi me Willamette Meridian, In Clackamaa County. State of Oregon. Now. Therefore, by virtue of aald execution. Judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the com mand, of aald writ, I will, on Saturday, the tith day of December, 1913, at the hour of 10 oclock A. M at tne from door of the County Court Houao In the Cltv of Oregon City. In aald t our. iv and State, aell at puullc auction aubject to redemption, to the hlgheat bidder, for U. 8. gold coin casn in hand, all tho right, title and Intereat which the within named defendant or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or alnce nad in or to tho above deacrlbed real prop erty or any part thereof, to aatlaiy paid execution. Judgment oruer, aecree, Interest, coat and all accruing cobib. K. I. MASS, 8herlff of Clackamaa County, Oregon, I)v H. J. 8TAATS, Deputy. nnted. Oreaon City. Ore., Novem ber Srd, 1913. quarter, of th northeaat quartir of ectlon alx, townahlp three aouth of range five eaat of the Willamette Me ridian, Clackamaa county, Oregon, Now, Therefore, by virtue of aald execution, judgment order and decren, and In compliance with Ihe com mand of aald writ, 1 will, on Saturday, the Cth day nf December, 1913, at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M at the front door of the County Court llouae In the Cltr of Oregon City, In auld Coun ty and Stale, aell at public auction. aiiliject to redemption, to the blghi.al bidder, for U. S. gold coin ra In hand, all the right, title and Intereat which the within named defendant or either of thern, had on the date of the mortgage herein or alnce bad In or to the above deacrlbed real prop erty or any part thereof, to aatlafy aald execution, Judgment order, decree, Intereat, coata and all accruing coata. K. t. M Ann, Sheriff of C lackamaa County, Oregon. Hy II. J. BTAAT8, Deputy, : PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Harvey f. Croat William Hammon,d CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORNEYS AT-LAW W nav now moved to our permanent quartera In thy Btav.r - Building, Nxt to th Andr.n Building. Rl Estate Abitract Main Street, loane, Insurance. Oregon City, Or. JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN WEINHARD BUILOINO be Final Notlc. Notice la hereby given that tbo ui,- deralaned haa filed hi final account b Admlnlatrator of the eatate of rei- pa refli nronerty of aald defendant, er Redlger, dcceaaed, with the Coun-1 stt tiate and being lu the County oi ty Clerk pf Clackamaa county, ure- clackamaa, and State of Oregon, to- ann. and tho Court haa eei iwonuay, w t. ill of Ixita 1. Z. 3, 4, t. o, ' the 22nd day of December, 1913, it the an(j g jn Hlock K. In Wllaonvllle, and hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M in iur Lola 1. 2. 4 and 6 In Iilock II, In wii- County Court room In the Court i0nvllle, all In tho County of Clacka- Houae, In Oregon City, Oregon, aa me mna State of Oregon, and I will on time and Dlac'e for hearing an, ana an Saturday, the 20th day of Decemiier, obiectlon to aald final report and tne 1913. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., dlacharg of thla Admlnlatrator. Bt the front door or tho county court Dted tbla 18th duy of NoveniDer, House In the City of Oregon City, in A. D.. 1913. I raid County and Stale, aell at public AI.HLll l u. luu auction, auliject to redemption, 10 me Admlnlatra'or. I hiKheat bidder, for U. 8. gold coin. DMICK t DIMICK Attorney for cat, in hand, all the right, title and Admlnatrator. I intereat which mo witnin nameu ue- fendant. or either of them, hnd on ci..i I ihe date of aald .'Udgmeni or (nice nun 1 1. iw ihn i:n- in or to the above described real , you are hereby required to appear and deraluned baa filed hi final account property or any part thereof, to aaita-; answer the complaint of the plaintiff iji.i.iin. nf the eatate tinv sa a r.xecuiiou, juusuiriii u,..-., unt.u .m" fc..."v ... Hted, Oregon City, r rd, 1913. Or., Novem- of $356.40 and also the costs upon this said writ. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution. Judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the comiuand ; of aald writ, being unable to hnd any personal property of aald defendant a. I did on Ihe 17th day of Nov. lsi f. duly levy upon the following deacrlo- Flnal Notice. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned admlnlatrator of the estate of Nel Nelson, deceased, has Sled hi final account In aaid estate In tbo County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamaa County, and that tbo Judge of said court haa appointed Monday, the 15th day of December, 1913, at 10 o'clock A. M.' for hearing objection to aald account and for aet tllng aald estate. ' DANIEL, H. PURCEIA, Administrator of the estate of Nel Nelson deceased. imOW'NEI.L, STONE, Attorney for Administrator. . Summon. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Louis Roth, Plaintiff, v. Mercedes I-aMonte Rotb. Defendant To Mercedee La Monte Roth, above named defendant: In the name of the Btate of Oregon, lohn Arnuette. deceased, with the decree. Interest, cost ana an uccni County Clerk of Clackamaa woiiniy, ing cobib. ,...,,. .nrf lh Tnnrt haa aet Mon- ' k. T. MAoS. dav the 22nd day ot uecemner, 110 loiienu 01 L.. t r , nvi.k A. M. tit the Ily n. J. 8TAAT3, Deputy. County Court room In the Court House Dated, Oregon City. Oregon. Novem- at Oregon City, Oregon, aa tne unit.- oer mn, and place of bearing any ana an 00 Jectlona to aald final report and the iliKcharcH of thla Admlniatratc Dated thl 18th day or wovtiwr, A. D., 1913. ra JOHN AKytll.1 1 c. Administrator. ntMiPK A DIMICK. Attorney for Administrator. Oregon, for Clackama County, Ida Steelman, Plaintiff, va. Henton Steelman. Defendant. To Heaton Steelman, above named de fendant: In the name of the Slate of Oregon . . ,. j . . . a. von are nereDy requireu iu uki U the Circuit Court of tho State of answer the complaint filed againat entitled court on or before the 27th day of December, 1913. that being the day fixed by the Court for you in which to appear and answer herein, and if you fail to appear and answer within said time, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demand ed In hla complaint, to-wit: For m. itpprpA ftlmwlvlnff the bond Bummona. .in.. .., k-...n,. ... In the Circuit Court of the State f,lgtln(l between the plaintiff and de fendant and giving tho plaintiff an absolute divorce from the defendant Oregon, for Clackamaa County. lessie Druy, Plaintiff, v. u'niir rtrnv Defendant. To Walter Dray, above-named deienu Rnt : In the name of the State of uregon you, in the above named ault, on or before the 28th day of Nov., 1913. aald date being the expiration of ix week from the first publication of tnis sum mons, and if you fall to appear or answer said complaint, for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the court J nut. Careful of Your Property Oot of the secrets of our sucoess In the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Phrm, nrrir. n DoinW Kitt 612 Main Strttl wiivj vii iv yV nwiwvii ... vi I 4A14 Ofllc. Both Pbon. R.ld..c. rno. Pioneer Transfer .Co. .Ub.,.h.d 1SI 8ux"' to C. N. Oreom. PURKITWE, SAFES AND PIANOS MOVED BY ECTERIENCED HELP. PROMTT A5D RELIABLE SERVICE SAND, GRAVEL AND BRICK Ratea Reaaon'.ol. Baggaf Stored I Day Tt- of Charg Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER Summon. In the Circuit Court of the Btate of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Vincent Newell. Plaintiff, Creolia'Auoa Jenetta Newell, Defendant To Crcolla Anoa Jenetta Newell: In the name of tne iuie 01 ui.- You are hereby notmea anu nmuu to appear and answer Ihe complaint of the plaintiff in the aoove a...i ennao on or before the 22nd day of January. ln- anu j..u u aonenr and answer, the plain tiff will apply to the court mr u.b llef prayed for In the complaint to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds or matrimony heretofore and now exist ing between plalnlin anu min.u' That the plnlntlff have the c.nre, cus- .,,,1 i-nntro or tne minor Crcolla Jenetta Newell and that pluln tlff have such other and further relief to the Court snan seem n.-ci ... ...v prIr1!il!0.,.'.nii.innB is published by order of the Honorable J. l Campbell. Judge of the Mh Judicial District. Including Clackamas County, ureic.11, w ....... der waa made and dated November "nd 1913, directing mat m i'" published In the Oregon City Enter prise, once a week for alx auccesstvo weeks and the date of " cation la November 2Sth. 1913 and I th. last pub lcation a janunrjr . -" v JOS. E. HEDiiKl Attorney for Plaintiff. Oregon City, Oregon. Summona. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackama County. A. L. Levy, Plaintiff. va. W. F. Welgand, Francea J. weigana PJ. G. Pike. h. Iulae Stlne. w 8tlne. Claude 8. Harris, Elsie Har ris, W. W. Harris, and Ella Harris, Defendanta. To W. F. Welgand and Francea J. W el gand. his wife. Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer a complaint. filed against you In the above entitled ault on or be fore the loth day of December, 1913. the aame being the flrat Monday fol lowing six weeks' publication of this summona. and If you fall to ao appear and answer, for want thereof .the plaintiff will apply to the abovo en titled court for the relief prayed for in .niri eomnlalnL to-wlt: For a decree that plaintiff have and recover the sum of Twenty-Five Hundred Dollars i r.nn no) with Interest thereon at the rate of six per cent pre annum from iha oy.h rinv nf January ana tne further ar.m of $250.00 attorney' fees and the costB and dlsbmseraente of ihu nl.nve entitled suit, and mat me mortgage executed and delivered by W F. Welgand and Frances J. Wel gand. hi wife, which at this time by virion nf the various assignments la owned by the plaintiff, on the follow ing described property in tne iouiuj of Clackamas. State of Oregon, to-wlt: All of tract "J" Clackamaa wversiue, according to the duly recorded pint thereof in the office of the County Clerk of sold Clackamaa County, be decreed to be a first lien upon said real property, and that plaintiff aaid mortgage bo foreclosed and that aaid real property be sold upon execution and order of sale as la by law provid ed, to satisfy such decree, as plaintiff may obtain in said suit, and that the defendanta and each of them be for hnrreH and foreclosed of all right. title or Interest In or to ald real prop erty or any part thereof, and that a proportionate part of the amount ro oii,rf unnn aald sale shall be applied to the payment or me piunum and disbursements of this suit, plain- i-a aiinrneva res. ana me autumn found due plaintiff In any decree ob tained by virtue of this ault, and that plaintiff have such other and further relief as the court may deem meet . n Ani.llnhlA. This summor.a is published by order . .h. unnnrniilA J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court duly made nnd entered on tho 3rd day of No vember. 1913. Attorneya for Plaintiff. Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Ore. vou are hereby required to appearand for the relief prayed for In her corn- answer tho complaint niea ganiv piami. vou, In the above named suit, on or For a decree dissolving the bonds before the 2nd day of Jan.. 1914. aald of matrimony now existing I between date being the expiration of six the plaintiff and defendant Thla weeka from the first publication of summons Is published by order of iht mimmnna. and If you fall to ap pear or answer said complaint, tor want thereof, the plaintiff will apply Hon. J. U. Campbell. Judge of the Circuit Court, which order wa made nn the 16th dav of Oct- lsu, ana BROWNELL & STONE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. WB"1-1"!'. " .r." r; VoV Time described for publication 10 me COltri tor 'V" "-'"- - -I. koclnnln. wllfl In lmr enmnlalnt to-wll: mereoi t bia ,nJl" CT?L.r th Sonde the issue dated. Friday. Oct. 17th. of matrimony now existing between 1913. and eonttauUii j each there- the plaintiff and defendant, lnis aiier 10 uu iu.-.uu.uB nmmona la puMlsnea Dy oruer u. ioiu, Hon. H. 8. Anderaon, Judge of the County Court, which order was made on tho 17th day 01 r.ov.. 1910, the time prescribed for publication thereof is alx weeks, beginning with tho tRKiifl dated Friday, Nov. 21at, 1913, and continuing each week there after to and Including Friday, jau 2 1914. UROWNELL & STONE, Attorneya for Plaintiff, on the grounds of gross and habitual drunkenness contracted alnce marri age, and continuing for a period of more than one year, and on the fur ther ground of wilfull desertion con tinuing for a period of more than one year Immediately preceding the filing of the complaint herein. This summons Is published once a week for six consecutive weeks in ac cordance with the order of the Hon orable J. U. Campbell, Judge of tho above entitled Court, dated the, 7th day of November, 1913, directing that the first publication of summons be on the 14th day of November, 1913, and that the last publication be made on the 26th day of December, 1913. RALPH A. COAN. Attorney for Plaintiff. Date of first publication, November 14th, 1913. Date of last publication, December 26th, 1913. Summona. Summon. In th Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon In and for the County of Cla-'ka- mas. Iw1b A. Stevens, Plaintiff. versus Mary Steven. Defendant. To the abme-named defendant, Mary 8tevens: In the name of the State of Oregon, you Phone Pacific 62 Home A-151 BROWNELL A STONE Attorney-at-Law All legal buslnea promptly attended to In tho Circuit Court of the State of are hereby required to appear and answer n7 riol,.m mnntv. th. complaint of th. plaintiff hied against Oreeon. for Clackama County Philip H. Weston, Plaintiff, vs. Annie E. Weston, Defendant. U'REN A 8CHUEBEL Attorny-at-Law Deutscher Advokat Will practice In all courts, make collection and settlement. Office in Enterprise Building. Oregon City, Oregon. vou In the above entitled Court and cause. within six week from the date of the first publication of this summon and. in ?o Annta E Weston7the above-named the event yo fall .0 to do. pUjlm.ff w... , defendant: . ,h J"nJTS ? in ihn name of the State 01 ure- tor in ma iumiu... - --- gon you thereby required to ap- a decree of this Court d.aso.ving the gon, you tut. iic.cu, ... ,.,, A. .., -...rimonv heretofore and now aglsT you'in he abTve'entltied uJni between plaintiff and defendant ffi on ?; 28th day of November, and restoring pla.nt.fr to all the ri.hu A D. 1913. said date being six weeks after the first publteaton of this sum mons. If you fall to appear anu n.. swer. the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his c. u. o Notic to Creditor. Notice I hereby given that the un dersigned haa been appointed admin istratrix of the Eatato of Merritt t. Prlndle, deceaBed. by the County Court of Clackamas County. Oregon. All persons having claim, afloat the said Estate are hereby notified and required to present the jMime Mr Ifled with proper vouchera at the or flee of Gordon E. Hayea. rooma 3, 4, 6 and , Stevena Ilulldlng. Oregon City. Oregon, witnin aix . ' . t Date of first publication October 1913' SARAH J. PRINDLE. Administratrix of the Estate of Mer ritt F. Prlndle. Deceased. GORDON E. HAYES. Attorney for Ad mlnlatratrlx. c UTouRirrrn prid.nt UErm- CMh"' The First National Bank of OreRon City, Oregon CAPITAU loOOOO-OC Executrix' Notic. Notice I hereby given that the nn- a t,.. heen annolnted execut- aerBiniiM --.--, . .1.- 1.-1,10. Ac rlx of the eatate 01 n ceased a'l persona having claims I. estate are eherby notified to present the aame with proper Inocher duly certified according to law. at the office of Urownell ft stone, ' " .Tmrix. at Oregon City VithlnalxmoMhsthedat. of the v4?:z6Zm Executrix. .. -.u 1011 UROWNELL A STONE, Attorney (or ,.,nint flipd herein, which is for an absolute divorce forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing ueiweeu the plaintiff and tho defendant, and for such other and further relief as tr. the Toiirt may seem meet nuu equitable, and for hla cost and dis bursements herein. You will please take notice mat mm Summons is served upon you personal ly with a certified copy of the com plaint, pursuant to the terms of an order in tho above entitled suit, made 1,.. 11.. oluwa nnniprl lurcuu iuuti. k h Honorable J. U. Campbell. Judge thereof, on the 15th day of October. A. D., requirms iua. nnhiinotion of this Summons be made once a week for six successive weeks In the Oregon City enterprise, u requiring that the first publication be made on the 17th day ot October A. p. 1913, and the last publication on tut 28th day of November, A. u., BRADLEY & EWEKa, Attorney for Plaintiff. 517 Chamber of Commerce llulldinb Portland, Oregon and Sigrld Plaintiffs, Sheriff' Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tne uouniy 01 v.otn- mas. Edward S. Rackstrand Uackstrand, vs. F Hart and E. R. Hart, husband and wife; Ethel A. Hart Lomman and R V. lomman, husband and wife- I. T. Hart anu iarn na.., hnahanii and wife: Emma Jonarud, r.rco h. Root. Defendanta. State of Oregon, County of Clackamaa, n. irtnn of a Judgment order, de cree and an excution, duly issued out ot and under tne seal 01 me ' entitled court. In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated .v. .-.h nf October. 1913. upon I UB ' . .. A Iwm ..M Judgment renaerea ana euiereu .u .0 court on the 10th day of October, .0.1 i ...nr of Kdward S. Uackstrand and Slgrid Uackstrand, Plaintiffs, and againat B. . Hart ana iu. n. nn.., n.i..j.nii for the aum of 1800.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 7 mi. rant ner annum from the 13rd day of February. 191L and the further snra of IIdO.oo, a uomrj i. enrthee mn of 1100.00. attorney . .nrf tho cost of and upon this writ, commanding me to make aale of the following deacrlbed real property, situate In the county of Clackamas, and privilege of a single man and forever divorcing plaintiff from ald aetenuam. This action Is begun by the above impd Dlaint.ff against the above named defendant for divorce upon the ground of desertion and abandonment for a period of more than one year next preceding the commencement thereof, and this summon la nerved noon you by publication there of once a week for six consecutive week In the Oregon City Enterprise ,a newspa per of general circulation published at rw.m Cltv. Clackamas County, Oregon the fleet publication thereof being made on ih 14th dav of November, 1913. ana me nni.Hcation thereof being made on the Kth day of December, 19U. Dy orner u. the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and en tered therein on the 13th day of Novem ber, 1913. rated thl 13th day of November. ARTHUR L MOULTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Pcwtoffice address: 312 Lewis Bldg., Portland. Oregon. A D. C. LATOURETTE I Attorncya-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate . our Specialties. Of- o lice In First National Bank & Bldg, Oregon City, Oregon. J W. S. EDDY. V. M. B. V. I Graduate of the Ontario Vetera nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKllllp School of Sur ? gery of Chicago, la established at Fashion Stable, Fifth SL, be- tween Main and Water St. I Both Telephones ! Offllce Pacific, Main 65; Homo, A 95. Reldence Pacific, Main 184 CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorny-at-Law NoUry Public Estacada, Oregon. Sheriff'a Sal on Execution In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the doumy 01 diuuuv- mnh. Andrew Welshaar, Pontiff, v. Thr.man Edear. D. B. Tendleton, Sh.m and Jake Cole, uetenuati.s State of Oregon, County of ClackR- mas, ss. virtnn of a ludgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal or ine aoovo ...uinj roirt In the above entitled . 1 .......J- n rl J.lM cause, 10 mo auij utreic. the 7th d3y of November. 1913, upon a Judgment rendered ana eniereu m said court on the 23rd day of October 1913, in favor of Andrew weisnaa.. Plaintiff, and against D. E. Pendle ton, and W. S. nynn anu . yan. Sureties. Defendant for tho sum of $356.40. with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum trun. the 16th day of May. 1913. and the further sum of $25.00 with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per .nm fmm the 23rd day of October. 1913 and Interest on $100.00 at S per cent from October 23rd. 1912 to May lth, 1913, costs and disbursements, '.k. Mitt nf and noon this writ. .,m.nrtin me out ot the personal property of said defendant, and if .ww.int r no Id not be found, then out of the real rroperty belonging to said defendant on and after tho date Summona. In the Circuit Court 01 me dibib u. Oreeon. for Clackamas coumj. Lottie Fallon, I lalntlff, vs. Wm Fallon Defendant. To Wm. Fallon, th above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you aro hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or Wr.m ihn fith dav of December, 1913, said date being more than six week from the date of the first pub ii,ir,n nf this summons, and if you fall to appear and answer in aaid suit on or before the said 6th day of De cember, 1913, for want thereof, plain tiff will apply to tho Court for the re lief prayed for In her complaint, to wlf For a decree awarding to the plaintiff herein an aosoiuie uivurv from the defendant on the grounds of desertion, and for the restoration of her former name, Lottie uavis, aim tor auch other and further relief aa to the Court may seem equitable and nmnpe This summon w iiuumuru nt tr. an order of the Honorable H. S Anderson, Judge of the County Point of Clackama County, Oregon made on the zzna aay 01 u"'. 1913, directing said summons to bo published once each week for a period .t. rnnaeciitiva weeks in the Ore gon City Enterprise, a newspaper puu- liohed In tho aDove coumj mm and of general circulation tnere.it. E. J. MENDENHALL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Date of first publication, Oct. 24th. 131S- . r.k Date of last publication, iw. Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, 510 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Orgon. Full equipment of map, plat, abstract book and tax rolla. Agent for Clackama. County Lands, Money Loaned, Title Perfected. E. F. A F. B. RILEY, Attorney A Counsellor at Law a n. 11Y STRAIGHT SALISBURY We make a apeclalty of InsUll- J Ing water ystems and plumb- t Ing In th country. We carry ? the Leader tank and Stover en- a gines. We hate a full Un of Myera puma and tray pumpa. , Price alway lowt 720 Main St Oregon City Phon 2682. - I Attorn ey-t-Lav Money loaned, abstract furnlh i ed, land title examln3, estate. J ettled. gener' law bnslne. Over Bank of Oregon City. Tra, frwm I A ai. U I P. executrix. ncta a 0nral tanking yli