Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 28, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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    . I ...... ...Ullll
K. II. IUr and wlf t , -
nmer lrow and wife lo IhirU
Klatry. tr la ( It. II. 1
. IL I r : II
Jt4 IL Vldi"a to r. Ra-
to and wit. M H. la Jtr.f ljitr
J T. Rplger and !f to RoLvff A.
Teonaa a4 wlf. Irayl five U
portuaKf: I
MrW T. Mark aad wif In Jmv
IWaltv and rrl la l'hlanter
1 l l.f: HO.
I'rrd II lUrrla and wife to Al
!iiiT. M"k 1 In ' It.
Alk- Haliry lo t"rd It. lUrri and
wife. bWwk II la Oak Orwf; fl.
f. R- Kl and wl to tl. W. Hil.
lea IraM Blh la Wflaow rr.a I
J.n iwrreth and wife lo f.ll'a'th
T.r-llrr. K S B. K. e-riioa
. W. 4 H W. V, ctlvo 11, T. 4
S R. I E ; f 14-
ltry K. Moorw and hmtand it WV
r H Iok.. H I I H W. aerllKP
iy T. J 8 R. 4 t: f'-w.
I W.; ,T -""'. f..
I ta-....
Km J. A. Twfta. tL ctfy. U
fowr keiXbera wcViet aa
uxal rr AU arw cuul war vt
raa aa 1 rlvw fc tw . TVv arw
Jte J. M. Rlrkay. ot MaaiW.
w.; E. M Rwkaiy. a:o cf MUwa
Iv. Wla: O. T H Rxkaby. o New
U.Vi. Wl. as4 Wuliarw Rtrkaby.
of Novta.yor', W U,
U lte.H an w, JL1 Hki
M. Warwork Ln. ..
la a raa r.;:d alti rr'lttaa4
C'.-y H ft arkocl f r4 tk rnx. t4
k!i..'I Wt:lay aad ' o.'f
rk a erf 4 la I
TO H0i0"
iitiMiMit inprriior.rPT s... .
Puri ird Pleasant Dr. King's New Dit
co try Drives Aay Cough and Cc!i
Makes You Fed Rne.
You knowhowvery embarrassing
It il to constattly coogh at parties,
b church and other public places.
Besides suffering the distress c
coughing, yoa regret tic anaoyaacc
to those with whom you are brought
ia contact, and dee'de not to go out
again while your cc!d lasts, causing
yourself much incooreniecce.
Tiny wrlUs Jfru IL 0. Cro,
Qnzlzrj, Ttua, "I rser! iti.irrtT
conglj k4 col I, I'.t ilaoe uiz Dr. Elrl
3r IjroTT, I Lire not two LctiftI or
szaortd with eiiitr for our t years."
Ask your druggist for a bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery He wd
refund your coney if cot satisfied.
with lov. and affw-n,,' cl'ih-,
K.rt a
K. Adfaon. aern. 2 T
Ik cJlr. W.Il ! IS"' ay
rni to l ! 144 o
ftA!Cf!..9 r Imt or.
(f.t a nti H ih' after
warta rn4. ike cm wt all
tkrtrots. lh $Mtf !
or4 tkaa aar rf l' :.
lUrrUr prvft:f ka tke b-t rUlm
r U pJafW. Tkla rhl U
the c tkl baa tk d''lBcHw o
ttg tile oely o com oft W-tor
u ta a cam with Mr!sh!lt.
tb wjtS tt wa firnl dfid
it MX Imbs.
Anl KkonU la Ihi gnvip
ai raa'am. lllajatoo. ktrlxuhll
asi l'n-Uy.
W. U Mnlvar. fottB.r f, .
h.U. of j..t,a al. i;rth '"' ft.
Ibk 117, ltt..o. in, .
T anc tuiM vr t t f.s:t.
r ; rtr. o ltn cHacx aa4 :k tarttr
that tt. tfc oU cam faaui wkii
ta aa-TTT4 r ned to a far
W. I lil.berd
puy T- r.ror a'arteil la t
trrMi tirr aa Vim ct a!
f ic'.W Ull. aa4. wi'k a clr f):l'
.furw It. ra W yart f' a tfvb i
4owa aad tid ID acorw wisk ta p-1
pr cURe. j
Ac: tk tt r Myr ;
alsioat auil oil th wu r.nnt. r
tir. c .B the ft:4 4 J xria Urforv I
bls T4t IT fWatlft. j
Ta tie ui b off a wk
from rr.lay. i
OTTCON'OVr.R A nirrUt li
msm wi rrete. to Mi Ort"
Oct aad ilouaral readier tr t& coua
ty Jrk We-::tay.
a 1 R,;t R. W4.T.t c( kn-". rw
a unuw ltrc rrcca the
rouaiy rVr W-Uly
JFTA Fl.UKE.tR At Vfowvr.
CTjd R. Kerr, of Orf CMr. ae 1
V-M Em Jewell c Graneevt.lew
I'U were avamel
1 fc, fl. I a, f
C O ltonoian in l
trmrU lnr. ,
A. J Marra lo I'.rry kUrr
.if. jv.,
llir'l lift ,u" Ho.
ItamtKM Cemetery ta. lalton, t j
irr K. Mmoo, blork l feriet.ry;
O lieraon. N. W. bl, k u
rr: 111 U1
i W38
SALEM HAS STARTED a nSre hau icfxw that ha hern ionl
workable in oflwr cita-i rTt mm tunpt.e in Ur;e nurnSrr anJ
hrre thrr can talk, rraJ, and pjy games free from leoarian inSjrrun
of all tort. The plan ha worke A in all of the cities kere it ha been r"
a thorough trial
The coF.er inclwJes all of the aJvanrar that are mually ptn
by the be Y. M. C A. organlatim. It pr'riJes a place far men to cither,
read, anJ plar uch earne at they den're and ' free from certain revrktinc
r-ith which the awntiation wnwWt in member.
Absolute freedom in the room of the organization i jpven to them.
TVy may gather rhere, read and vnckt. They mar there await orrorTum-
t for work. Odd job of all ort conve through Lie ciunnej ttut wen an
institution ofTrr and the men are lent out through the effort of a rr-ina-r
who tpend all of ha tune and devote hi attention to the affair of the organ
The irMtituti'n a rton sectarian. It ha no church affiliation. It plans
svork for the mm who me it room and offer them all of the advantage
that a V. M. C A. can give. Such an organisation would be a r-n to
Oregon City where ne awciational rheme ha been rrd and failed and
would, po."bly. be the vilutiwi to the problem that confront the city in pro
viding tome place of amusement and recreation for the young men who now
loaf around the itreet before aioon and cigar tor became they have noth
ing more interesting to do.
Certainly some such proposition hou!d be tried. There are crow d of
young men on the streets of the dty every day who are either without work
or have no definite plan of recreation for their leisure hour. With the
alon driven from the city, the men who spend a large proportion of their
time and money at the ban hould be provided with ome form of legitimate
amusement and ihould have a place where they could spend their leisure
time. It b necessary that tope cheme of the kind be started here at once
and the coffee house offer one way out of the dilrma. Some of the most
the affair of the citir and at where such institutions
J.ave been established are identified with their working and are either officer
t.r member of the board of director of the organizations.
A Night of Terror.
Few alirhu are more trrlMe than
that of a mother looking oa br cbiH
cboklnf and aaaping for brth dir.
Ids an attack of croap, and nothing
In th boui t r!ive tt. Many moth
t bare puwd clarhta of terror to
this iitnatlon. A little forethooebt
slll enable yon to avoid all tbla. Cham
berlain' Cotuth Rmrly U a certain
eure for rrotip and ba never been
known to fall. Keep It at band. Kor
Mle by all dealer. (Adv.)
Unchanging Man.
Mortal man 1Ttv hot little differ-
erxe In uplte of the dlverxity of rar
and rllmate. and to analjzlrijf the
Ei'TI;tlan sv almt find oarnelve re-
,fAi-A. Int-lle-tijal man Uo manl
f-u a alnauiar Identity of rlratlon
and'bellef from the Mle to the Gangt
and from the Kurotaa to the Aruo.
Mermre da Kroe.
The following warrant hare remained In mj elite uncalled for for a
period of aeven year. Therefore. nnlea the person In wbone favor thejr
are drawn appear property Identified, and draw aald warrant on or be
fore ry;eiiit-r 15th, 113. the ame will he cancelled.
Uated, Nov. 2Ub, 1413.
County Clerk.
Name Amount Date
V. V. Clarluj $3 00 July . W
C. U. Hall 170 Mar. , Wfi
Huaan R. Curry 40 Deo. 8, 1005
Henry ConMl 1.70 Nov. 3, 1S05
Al Drill 120 .Mar. 9,I4')
Mr. J. Frahllck 6.10 July , iVm
D. Oorire 1.20 Mar. , ISO
Vlftor Halter 2.01 '. July 6, liOC
Altert Johnijn 170 Harrb 9, VM
E. K. Ja-k 2.00 April , VMA
(I. W. KwehaiiKh 1-20 Nov. 10 1 SO
Y. C. Mlllhorn 1.7't July . ISO'S
M. M. Mlnnin 1-10 March 9, ISO
Wm. Mollne 2.S0 May 4, IS
d. W. rerelful 1.70 April fi, ISw
Dr. Chaa. I'fyffer 1 70 Nov. 3. 1S05
I'aul I'nie 2 00 July C. ISO
Pleasant Hill Cemetery Ann. ... 2 00 July 6. ISO
B;hool Dint. No. 103 2.00 July , ISO
D. V. Hhaw 120 Aug. 3, ISO
A. W, Bhlpley 1.70,. March 9, ISO
Chaa. 8w,u 170 March 9, 190
Frank Know 1.70 May 4, 190
A. L, Htlmpaon 1 20 Aug. 3, ISO
Daniel William 120 May 4, ISO
Name Amount Date
fl. Aeiteter $1.75 fiept. 7, 190
Krnent Afboff 75 Mar. 3, 1905
W. V. Adarna 100 May 4, 19u
A. Iiaka 75 Dec. 7, 1905
Oacar llama 3 Aug. 2, 190
f. Dlrkenfeld 75 June 8, 1906
J. N. ISramhall 1 Aug. 4, 19)5
C. Carolhera 50 July , 190
J R. Kdwarda ; 1.M July , 190
j' Eteel 73 Oct. 5, 190
E. T. Crider 8 June 8, 190
Frank Gutiverbet 1-50 Feb. 4, 1901
V Grimm 1-00 Dec. 7, J 908
John Hammelman -GO Nov. 8, 190
Oil Hanaon " Dec. 7, 1903
Koll Herring 7 May 4, 190
8am Hlllman p June 8, 190
Ueu Hubbard 1-20 Nov. 8, 1906
William Huggln rf Jan. 6, 190
n John : 1M Nor- ,90J
ZL- Jefferwn Aug. 2, 190
John jlc 'ao. Al Nr0,r- f 5
J v Kendla 2 25 Dec. 7, 1905
A KIeb 1-70 Mar. 9, 190
f I Kntf 75 Mav ,90
Klchard Macock" k'.TMso
Jo, Mlckleaon J J
::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::r;tiSa
P'aBnhbta. I:: ..- Sept 7. 10
I i . ... 160 Apr. 7. 190B
R.rCer M May 4, 190
C. H. f;yfr j 37 Dec. 7, 190
Krank Bhain Maf g J90,
P, Btageman 1M Jun, g i9M
A. Welnb ' l i0' Aug. 4, 1905
Henry Wornock -
THE LNTERPRI5E wants you to know that this is really the greatest offer ever made by newspaper for the benefit of
its readers. Here is a great big beautiful book that would actually retail for more than $4 under usual trade conditions.
But it is printed in train-load quantities; it is distributed only through newspapers; it is given to you for the mere cot of
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that it is not to be classed with "premium" books; that its output is solely through duly papers; that it is not sold at stores;
that it is the acknowledged standard work on Panama and the Canal; and that it was planned and printed wholly and
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See the Panama Certificate in Another Column of This Issue
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Panama the Canal
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tells the wonderful story of the greatest achieve
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Present Six Certificates, of consecutive dates, printed elsewhere in these columns daily and the expense amount of $1.18
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