OREGON CITY ENTEUPItlSR. FRIDAY, NOVKMIIKIl 2S, inn. NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTKESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY STAFFORD. A special chool moot Inn was held at the school house on Saturday even. Ing to levy a tax to pay for aome needed work upon the school bouse grounds, vli: a number loads of crush ml rock where last winter it was a sea of mud. and some outhouse built, and tertaluco; at tne homo or .Mr. aim Jin. ESTACADA. Itomor Hnrritnan, a former Estacada loy, waa her over tlu Sabbath from The Halle. Karl Schultte came over from Port land to see the football game, Tbe "00', club was very nicely en wlhout friction a one mill tax was let- led A number of the young people met at Mr. Seedlings on Saturday evening for a surprise party and spent the hours of the evening very pleasantly with mimic and (tames. Mr. Teppelman traded his plate Just above the cemetery, and moved to St. Jones on Monday, and the other famly took possession. Mr. Schati sold wood on the stump to a party who has men cutting It into cordwood. They are to cut 600 cords, and a woman and family have come to board the men. and a board house has been built for her use near the woods. Gordon Hayes has men clearnlng land where it had been started on the old Hayes place, and they also have built a board bouse. The men who are building the tele phone line along the Meridian road, have been string the wires the past week and it looks like the new line will soon be In working order. Mrs. Helen Rablc-Varna and hus band came out from their home in Portland last Saturday and a "Wel come Home" dinner was served in their honor on Sunday at her old home by her mother and sister. Mr. Var na's mother and father, and an uncle and aunt were also present, and a few- invited guests. Needless to say it was a happy reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moatr are re joicing over the advent of a baby boy last Sunday night News comes from Mrs. Agnes How ard, who lives at Waltsburg. Wash ington, that all four of her children are having the measles, which is epi demic at that place, threatening to close the schools. Mrs. Howard is a daughter of Mr. Gage, and formerly lived In what was then called West Oregon City. STAFFORD. We are enjoying a seasonable rain Just now, and the face of nature looks clean and green. Joe Neniec bad a shooting match n Tuesday, and among the other fortunte nim-rods. Claus Peters ' got three geese. Mrs. C. M. Gage of P-andon. Coos rounty. came to Mr. Gage's on a Tlsit Ttnsday evening. A new family has moved Into Mr. Toffelman's house and Mr. ToBelman has moved to St. John's. The Udies' Circle met with Mrs. Adolph Delkar on last Thursday. The school gave a Thanksgiving en tertainment on Wednesday. MEADOWBROOK. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holman and son Charles, and Mrs. May Yoder attend ed the wedding of Mrs. Ralph Hoi man's brother, Milo Blair and Miss Y Oder's 'sister, Miss Grace, at Hubbard Sunday. J. F. Chase left Wednesday for Port land on a business trip. Mr. and Mra. H. Kerns left Wednes day for Portland, where they expect to make their home. They will be missed by their neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Orem and tamlly arrived from Lake View Monday. They expect to spend the winter here, Mr. and Mrs. C. U Standinger and family are moving in Charley Kerns' bouse. Mr. Standinger expects to work In the new saw mill on the Mo lalla. Mr. Stewart has some men out on his place he bought from Bob Snod grass. He expects to do some improv ing on it. Ida Burdine Is visiting Mrs. Milton Chindgren at present. Julius and Paul Schiewe spent Sun day with Glen Larkins. CLARKES. Miss Bertha Zewalhen came home last week from town and she is quite well after her long illness. Mr. and Mr. Louis Grant, from Washington are In Clarkes on a visit to ber mother, Miss Rinar. There was a special road tax meet ing last Saturday in Timber Grove school house and the special tax lost. W. H. Wettlaufer was hauling road planks last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bottemlller and daughter, Mary, were in town Friday on business. Frank Nicholas hauled some pota toes to town for Elmer Greaves. Miss Dora Marquardt went back to work in Oregon City again. Clyde Ringo was in town last Thurs day to meet some relatives from Washington. Mr. James, the supervisor of schools, visited the Clarkes school last Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Buol were on the sick list last week. Eugene Cumins sold his sawmill and timber to A. Larkins and Mr. Jones. Miss E. Stout came home to stay a while. Mrs. Zwalhen is home from town. Henry Kleinsmith was in town last week on business. EAGLE CREEK Some of the farmers of this neigh borhood were busy hauling potatoes to Eagle Creek station the past week. Mra. HesterGitnens and Mrs. Clara Bullard were visiting with Mrs. How- lett last Monday. Ob Saturday evening, December 6th V! Krhn Oithens will give an enter Ulnment and basket social at the school house. Ail are invited to at tend. A. W. Cooke and wife, of Damascus, were the guests of Mr. and Mra. How lett the first of last week. H,nrv ndeu and wife risked with James G'bson Sunday. Mrs. Clover and Mra. Mary Trul llnger visited with Mra. Howlett last Friday. Mrs. Essie Chapman ,of Portland, MUs Edith Chapman and Mr. and Mra Roy Douglass were tbe dinner guests of Mr. and Mra. R. B. Gibson Sunday. Willie HofTmeister took aome tur keys to the Sandy market on Tuesday. On Saturday evening last there was a party held at Mrs. Clester1. Quite a number of the neighbor! were out and spent a pleasant evening singing songs and playing gaiuea. A. K. Sparks last Friday evening. Hie usual good time Is reported C. and G. Krlgbauni, extensive fruit growers In the Garlietd neighborhood, shinned their yield of prune Inst week. A. F. Benson was a business visitor in Portland Tuesday The special meetings at the Chris tlon church, conducted by Rev. Roy Dunn, of Gladstone, are being well at tended and considerable interest I shown. Mrs. Ida Holder and little daughter arrived the latter part of last week from Minnesota, to make their home with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Holder. Mr. Holder and wife went to Portland to meet their daoghter-ln-law U D. Walker made his weekly visit to Estacada this week from Canby. B. O. Sarver and family have moved from Estacada to Sprtngwater. J. A. Loonev has taken up his resl dence at Springwater, moving with his family ast week, Mrs. J. W. Moore, of Caxadero, w ho has been very ill. is Improving under the care of Dr. Havtland of Estacada. A large number of people stood in the rain and mud last Saturday after noon to witness the football game be tween Oregon City and Estacada and when the score resulted in 12 to 0 In favor of Estacada. there was great re- iolclng. The same etenlng the boys attended the moving picture show all together, and a still greater demon st rat ton over the victory was made. Our bovs played six games .during the season and lost but two. They are now champions of Clackamas County. Mr. and Mrs. Shields, of Minneap olis. Minn., who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Shields' sister. Mrs. C Wlsner. left on Monday for The Dalles for a short visit and later w ill go to California. Gay lord Kieth. of Portland, was here Saturday to witness the football game. E. E. Saling has been having exten sive repairs made on their residence northwest of town. A. L .Lindsay is doing the work. Will Cary and wife Trent to Portland Yesterday to see the play. "Within the Law- at the Heilig. J. A. Somers. until last week book keeper In the Estacada State Bank, has decided to remain in Estacada and will find employment which will give him more out door exercise, as bis health has not been very good for the past few months. Estacada peo ple in general are pleased that Mr. Somer and his estimable family are to remain In Estacada. Mrs. F. E. Guthrie went to Portland last Thursday, returning the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cary visit rela tives in Portland Sunday and Monday. A large quantity of prunes were shipped from Estacada to the Willam ette Valley Prune Association at Sa lem last week, from the Estacada Fruit Growers' Association of this locality. The car contained 25 tons, the indi vidual shippers being P. F. Standish. Clark Denny, P. M. Wagner and Thom as Butler. It was quite a disappointment to Many Saturday, when Mr. Ford of the Estacada schools, called oh tbe lec ture course. Not enough season tick ets were sold to warrant his continu ing engagement of the course. Mrs. E. P. Prescott, left for htr home in Portland today, after quite an extended visit here at the home of her sister, Mrs. Henry Dubois. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stokes are guests of their daughter, Mrs. Roger Cary, for Thanksgiving. A crowded house greeted those who took part in the school entertainment j Tuesday night. The program consist-1 ed of recitations, drills, music, etc., and was highly pleasing to the large j audience. An admission ree or i. cents was charged, the proceeds to be used towards tbe purchase of an or gan for the school. Some of the high school girls sold candy and with the proceeds of 4hls sale and the enter tainment, about $25.00 was realized. J. A. Tucker had a turkey and goos shooting match yesterday, using rifles and there were a large number of con testants. T. Nlcoli, w ho lives at Cazadero, was arrested, charged with not having an alien gun license, and had a trial be fore Judge Givens Tuesday afternoon. Geortre ('. Brownell, of Oregon City and C. W. Devore represented the de fendant, while the other side was rep resented by Game Warden Patton and E. W. Bartlett. The Jury was out but a short time when they brought in a verdict of not guilty. The marriage of Miss Anna Allen and Mr. G. F. Surfus took place yester day at 1:30 at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Allen, of Estacada, Rev. Givens performing the ceremony SEATS FOR BATTLE SOLD LOS ANGELES, Nov. 26. One of the greatest crowds that ever attend ed a fight at McCarey's Vernoon arena was expected to see Leach Cross and Joe Rivers in their sched uled 20 round match in the famous fight shed tomorrow. Practically no scats remained on sale today. NO TIME WASTED Prompt Action Is Pleasing Many Ore gon City Citizens. Get down to the cause of every thing. Bad backs are frequently caused by weak kidneys. Help the kidneys to get rid of kid ney backache. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kid neys only. No time wasted trying to cure other troubles. Oregon City people endorse their merit. Mrs. Elizabeth J. Pace, 12 Twelfth St., Oregon City, Oregon, says: "I suffered off and on for years from kidney and bladder weakness. Noth ing gave me relief until I began us ing Doan's Kidney Pills. They acted on my system, quickly removing the trouble. My health has been much better since." If your back acbs if your kid ney bother you, don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ask distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pill, the same that Mrs. Pace bad the remedy backed by borne testimony. 60c all stores. Foster-MIIburn Co, Props, Buffalo. N. Y. (Adv.) FAMILY ROW B FAVOR OF BROTHER W. 1 Mot'abo, brother of Thomas Fraud McCabe who shot his wifo and committed suicide at their Fir wood home several days ago, won In the suit before the County Judge And ftrson over the matter of the admin istration of the eslnte, Nouli C. Kuhn. father of Mr. Me- Cube came Into the county court and asked that the letters that had been pranttd to McCabe bo withdrawn and that the petitioner be granted the ad ministration of the property and the custody of the children Instead. Af ter listening to the testimony of both sides of the house all day Tuesday, the court finally decided that the ap pointment of McCabe would stand and refused to change his mind on the sub ject Gordon I Hayes" represented Mc Cabe while Judge Geisler-of Portland, was attorney for the petitioner.' BROWNELL HAY t INTO A E Current Comment "The prison system," say a reform er. "Is a form of slavery." True. Ami for that reason It ought to te avoided. Cleveland Leader. "The Mexican tango," a London pa per call tbe situation across the Klo Grande. Wouldn't St Vitus' dance de scribe it more accurately r Now York Trlbuue. No tipping Is allowed In the uulon station at Portland, Ore. Tbnt'a a long way to go, but people in search of now sensations might And the trip well worth their whlle--Clevcland Plain Dealer. Perhaps it Is true thnt Emperor Wil liam Is thinking of entering a yacht to nice for the America's cup. If he dooa he will be cordially welcomed If he come over here to see the captain all her. Boston Globe. DECLARES FOR STATE AND NA TIONAL PROHIBITION OF LIQUOR 8ALE OPPOSES THE SINCLE TAX DOCTRINE Want Law Enforcement, Good Roads, Propsr Us of Militia, and a Dry Stat Not Yt D- tarmlned George C. Brownell, may be the third candidate for governor from Ore gon City. On a platform of atate and national prohibition, favoring good road, op posing the (Ingle tax, for enforcement of law, and the use of the militia only In rase of extreme necessity, he may decide to get into tbe field. In a statement that he Issued Wed nesday night he said: "I have re ceived requests from many friends In all part of the itate asking me to en ter the race, but I have not yel de termined what I shall do. I will an nounce my decision within the next few day. If 1 do decide to become a candidate, my plutforra will be along the line of national and slut prohibi tion of the manufacture or anln of In toxicating liquors except for scien tific, medicinal, or mechanical pur poses within the atate of Oregon: th support and maintenance of good roads; opposition to the single tax; the enforcement of law now on the statute books. If become a candi date and am successful, I should not use the state militia to crush the la boring men who are lawfully organ- CLUB IS FRIENDLY TO BOTH Fi With proixT protection to the In (crest uf the city and thu property owners, Ihe Oregon City Commercial club favor the passage of Ilia two franchise now before the city coun cil. At the dub smoker Wedliesdny night, the mutter wn brought to the attention of the member. The or- giuilialton endorsed thn franchise of both the Cnrver and tho. Clmkanm Southern lino and by an unanimous vote supported them with tho amend ment that the city 'council look ran fully Into the Interval of tho city and tho owner and ee that bolll were amply protected by the term of Hie (imminent. A musical program entertained the member. A Scotch solo and whistl ing song were given by Harold Hwaf- ford and a comedy act ihruugn tne courtesy of Manager W. A. l-ong of the Star theater. Two boxing umlchc were pulled off to the amusement of the member after which Captain Evan kept the crowd In turmoil for sometime. A delicious feed rollowcu the entertainment. Town Topics. Cincinnati tins compromised her fight for a new wnter npply by ewtnhMNU- Ing another brewery. - Washington I era Id. ' Chicago la the only city In existence thnt enn announce nn approaching hllxiinl though It wore a special or der. Washington Post It cost more than I.1.0t0.0ti0 a week to run the city of New York. We will Ingly accept tbe comptroller' figure for It. but banged If w believe It I worth the money. Manchester t'nlon. Iitoia uvea I Sri- f i,mtk Apron jrfTZ , T.hm 1:1 . . APOOM live 1 I ijUCX f-g.tT?J0' J INO,PlNOlNT UAHl double angle steel reach (svwia, 0t 0' Jr tmd limifMtinq Hitrin from 9preJr Boa A 4cn in aidiin iiublt en a Hjnur Sprtdr a it nwilWon. XV w CAtT-fttlU HD HKJK1 forMfi) t4Ar ttf Ct) ARE YOU LOOKING . i For a Low Down Easy Loading Light Pulling Manure Spreader One that will Last a long time and please you better every time you use it? Look no further. WE HAVE IT AND YOU NEED IT THE BLOOM MANURE SPREADER GETS THE MOST OUT OF THE MANURE By breaking it up fine and spreading it evenly Easy, sure control and no horse killer The only Spreader with a reach Farmers who have bought tl em say they are the best farm machine investment a farmer can make. See the BLOOM at the nearest Mitchell Agency or write us for Illustrated Catalog Northwest's Greatest Impement and Vehicle House PORTLAND, ORE. SPOKANE, WN. BOISE, IDAHO Local Briefs A. B. Cummins, of Clackamas, spent Wednesday In Oregon City. W. C. Marquam, of Canby, was in the county seat Wednesday. James Fullam. of Redland, drove into Oregon City Wednesday. C. J. Carlson, of Heaver Creek, was in the county seat Wednesday. Mra j. J. Ewalt, of Springwater, spent Tuesday In Oregon City. Charles Haker, of Beaver Cretk, was in the county seat Wednesday. Mrs. J. T. Friel ,of Cherryvllle spent Tuesday and Wednesday In Oregon City. Ijuis Funk, a Redland farmer, was in tbe county seat the fore part of tbe weelc E. Waldbaum, who recently sold his dairy at Mt. Pleasant, moved to Port land Wednesday. C. E. Ramsby, formerly of this city but now of Molalla, waa In Oregon City Wednesday. izlng to better their condition or wages. About the only legitimate use for thn. militia In times of peace Is as a patrol along the border to keep the I Hindus out In their desire to compete with tbe wage earner who are native citizens." If Judge Iirownell decide to enter the race, he will be the third candi date from Oregon City In the hunt for the governorship of the state. W. 8. U'Ren and Grant II. Dlmlck have al ready announced their intention to ask the support of the voter at the primary election. ARE BEADY FOR USE The official ballots for tbe city of West Linn at its election have been Mra. J. F. Splger, of Twilight, left , printed and the name of tbe candl- for Spokane Tueaday to visit her ) dateg tor 0ftic9 on Dumber 2 are be daughter, Mrs. E. H. Bishop. i , ,. Miss Evelyn Harding, a .ophomore ,or the P0"'8' at the L'nlveraity of Oregon .arrived f -Th following are tbe candidate; Wednesday from Eugene to spend tbe ' J. B. Lewtbwaite, mayor; recorder, Thanksgiving holidays at the home of ' jamei Ncnolls, U U Porter; mar- Hrdmr1''' Mr aD1 Mr" Ge' A'iha1' C- Green- P- Wlnke: tre"" Mr. and Mr. William M. Powell, of "rer, Meta Flnley Thayer, M. E. Tacoma, former residents of this city, 1 Clancey; alderman, six to be selected, are making a visit with Mr. and Mrs. ,T. II. Davenport, Frank A. ilammerle, H. M. Templeton before an extended j N. T. Humphrys, Ira I-ytsell. K. Mc eastern trip. Mr. Powell and Mr. Larty, L. U Pickens, 8. B. 8hadle, 8. Templeton were schoolmates In Mas-1 Charle Shield, O. Tonkin, A. G. acbusett and came west together. Vclpp. DAMES AND DAUGHTERS. Minn Ruth Law'estnbllshed a world's air record for women nt Garden City recently, when she made a flight of 8o0 feet In altitude nlmut ten minute In duration with a passenger aboard. Mile. Krancolxe Prudent of Txtuhans, Hnone-et-LoIre, who was accidentally reglxtered a a boy at birth, hns been summoned to perform her military service and declares her willingness to do so, provided she obtain a vote. Princess Wlgensteln, tbe oldest ac tive society woman In Europe, Is in ber ninety-fifth year and lends an active life. Klie dunce, It Is said, with the grace of youth and has just finished a play. Fifty year ago ihe established herself at Lausanne and has lived there ever since. Her chalet la. the center of Intellectual activity. Ir. Louis Pearre, recently appoint ed as assistant to Ir. Klmon Flexner of the Rockefeller Inrtltute For Medical Research In New York, ha served as the only woman on the atari of the Johns Hopkins hospital and was ap pointed to the psychiatry ataff at the Pblpps clinic. Dr. Penrce was prepar lug to take up this Important work when she received the Rockefeller assignment. Pre4dnt' tertaria. Once tbe president answered hi own letter. Today tbe White nous staff Includes forty secretaries. n V. It w -""- Children Cry for Hotelier's ilAfTrVfrr 4i ; Tho Kind You llitvn Alwny llonirlit, oml v Licit Im l,orl, lu tiiut for over UO jiar. iu liornn tlio slunutiire o( -A Kiul lint l)fii iiiikIo iimier Ms per fS S ft V-y - onul HTlalot ahico II iifu,.y, WAfJcUcAi( Allow iio oiio todcoHvn you In tlil. All Counterfoil, Iinltnlloim mid JiiNt-na-irood " nro but i:Krlint'iit Hint IrKlo villi mid milunifcr Ilia lit'iiltli u luLuit mid Children-r.iporlonco iiuJut LiorliucuU What Is CASTORIA CnatorU la a linrmlesa niiatltuto for Cnator Oil, Pur porlo, Drop mid Hooihlnir Kyni. It la plcusimt, ( contain licit Iter Opium, Morphine nor other Nurootlo , aubNtniu'o. Ila nge U IU guiiritiitoo. It doatroya Worm mid ulluy iVvcrUhni'aa. 1'or mors Hutu thirty ymra It luti been la ronstunt titi for tho relief of Count IpttUon. riiitulency, Wind Colic, nil 1Hhlnir Trouble J Ilnrrhin. It rciriiluto the Moiimob. und Ilowrhu nlin!lotc tlm Tood, giving healthy mid liuttiritl alccp. Tho Culldrcu'a l'uiiucca-Tlio Jlothrr'i l'rlcud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Dears the Signature of Tlic Kind You Have Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 Years SPORTING BREVITIES New York, Nov. 2 Kreddle Welsh lightweight champion of Kuglatul, hold today a popular dm-lslou over I'll II Hloom or Urooklyn, aa a result of their 10 round bout here. Philadelphia, Nov. !6.-Eddl Col lln. th star second baseman of the Philadelphia Athletic, has. turned down an offer of $ii,000 by a federal league club for hi service for three year. ! Angeles, No. 26 Normnndle avenue school boy are Ihe i)Jietlest Vlcla In town toduy, Christy Math tn Jr., enrolled yesterday, lug 81 ilmaelf brought til (on to school. A perfect attendance record waa report ed today. San Francisco, Nov. 2d. Carlton Wall, club man, "mixed II" with an usher at Pavilion rink during last night's fight. When the unher re fused to give him thn eat hi check called for, Wall got busy wllh hi fists. He got the seat. Anapolia, Md., Nov. !. The Navy coaches paid special attention today lo the Individual players of the Navy footbnll eleven scheduled to meet the Army tenm In New York Haturtlay. DON'T LET BABY SUFFER WITH ECZEMA AND SKIN ERUPTIONS, llables need a perfect akin covering. Skin eruption cause them not only In tense suffering, but hinder their growth. OR. HOBSON'S ECZEMA OINTMENT rn be relied on for brief and permanent cure of suffering ba bies whose skin eruptions have made their llfo miserable. "Our baby was afflicted with breaking out of the skin all over tho face nml scalp. Docton and skin ipeclnllHt fulled to help. Wo Irbid Hr. Hudson's Kcjeina Ointment and were overjoyed to see baby com pletely cured before one box was used" writes Mr. Btrubler, l)uliuiii, Iowa. All druggists, or by mall, 00c. (Adv.) FORUM OF THE PEOPLE Dr. Schultx I Answrd. GLADSTONE, ORKOON, Nov. 20. (Kill tor of the Enterprise.) I must beg pardon of my friend, tho good Dr. Hchultze, for my delayed answer. The Enterprise containing his article fail ed to appear In the Gladstone office. tin Haturday on my way to the south ern end of the county I called at the Enterprise office for a copy of this paper und here Is to you my old iricnri. Un October 5, 1913, you hnd an ar ticle in tne Enterprise making a num ber of chnrges against me In relation lo tho health officer's removal and the nppolntment of the new man. That article of October 5th was answered In the Enterprise In less than a week, now after waiting more than a month you come sneaking In and begin your article with the assumption that bo cause these things were published In the Courier you did not rend them and was not aware of their existence until a "friend" called your attention to them. Now Doctor this is certainly refreshing. Within one week of your article of October Cth my answer ap peared In tho same paper the Enter prise. Please get a copy of that pa pT and read It. Now In this your lat est production you say: "The matter Is of no personal Interest to myself whatever." Will you tell mo please why you made so many false state ments In your former article coupled with the positive assertion that "you wanted to place the fact quarely be fore the people?" And that you "de fended your brother physicians"? Your statement are the rhlldren of your bralu. Will you now stiaim-rutly desert them? It wa only a few week ago when you told u t ml for the sterlllMtlon act, hctituse, as you stated "It would not be right to let certain people bring children Into the world to become a burden to the rrsl of hiimsiilly." And now you who ap peared on the scene announcing your self a Ihe defender of your tiruthcr physician, you who 'tVi-Uri'd you wanted lo "place lhrV squarely before thn people," y'ryjho nmde as sertion which you tist wer "tli fncts", are you going ro turn tall and quit? Are you going to desert the rhlldren of your own brain? Did you bring THESE children (your sists- menlai Into the world anil thru let them become a burden to Dr Norrii? I he willing to adopt your produc tions? I placed a romplulnl ixalntt Dr. Norrla Inst winter, put It In lb hand of Ihe proper authorities, (Mr, Htlpp ld It wa the proper authori ties.) THE HTATK HOAltll OK HEALTH. Dr. Norrl was notim-d and had me lo face for months an y:m Dr. Rchulue know very well. Tlicrnfor your statement that I "shrink from meeting Dr. Norrla'' Is just n fala aa those prectedlng. Dr. Norrls was present at hi In vesication and had an attorney at you also knew. We were facing rach oth er all day In the court room and be had a chance to prove the things you allege. All the testimony Is on hand Dr. Kchulti and will be placed at tin dlsiMisnl of the people when we meet This testimony w taken down hy ths stenographer who came wllh Dr. White. Cople were secured by th editor of the Courier and Prof. Webb. In the presence of witnesses a num-U-r of copies were made anil all ray statements In the papers were from these records. After Ihls evidence taken by the committee from the Ktat Hoard was placed before tlio Htats Hoard at Its regular meeting Marcht 27 and 28, 1013, their finding were communicated to Dr. Norrls. Dr. Norrl answered on April 1 U follows: "Dr. Calvin 8. White: "My resignation as health officer of Clackamas County will be handed to , the County Judge as demntidid by th Unite ollnrd nf Health. "J. W, NORRIS, M. D." Dr. Norrl had a chance to meet ev ery charge, and If he will come out to our meeting to present a few truth he will be given an opportunity. Dr. Mllllken aoeins to bo rlitlit after all In his estimate of you when n snld: ' It was conscience ami 'llle made you act as you did. You sdmll tho conscience part by saying science makes cowards of us all." Yu have placed mo under obligation for the aptness In placing your quotations. On October 6th, after laboring hart to bring forth those children of your brain (your atatemonts) you "Fool run In where angel fear tread." No one hns been found who dare to take issue wllh you In the clinracterl.allon of yourself In IMJ quotation, for you have abundantly proven It In your false statements. You are also proving your other your artlclo of October 5, THAT You "Incontinently retreat precipitately when you refuse to meet your own statement In puI'Mc. after declarint that you wanted "to present the ibcu squarely before the people." ' do not forsake your offspring o ' gloriously, If you refuse to meet your at' mem thnro will be but out n-aw-,B' one you give In your last article ij science mnke coward of u J' Now Doctor, I fully expect to meet y and make arrangement for that met ing, so get ready to own your eMW you brought Into the world, It be wrong to desert them or to co' pel somebody else to tnke rare i o them. Do not fall to bring Dr. or rls with you. HENRY SPIKS3. FILL THIS OUT, IT WILL PAY YOU Name ' Postofflce Address I live miles from on road near I have acre of land. There are acre under cultivation. There I an Incumbrance ot against the property due on I would like to borrow $ :....for year, giving thl property aa security. Do yon want to ell your farm? If you have mortgage on your farm, or if you wish to borrow money for development purposes, or If you want to sell your farm, B will be to your advantage to fill this out and return to us at once- WILLAMETTE VALLEY MORTGAGE LOAN CO. AURORA STATE DANK UUILDINO AURORA, OREGON