Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 21, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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Node for
L.vy of Additional
I n1""' Nolle" In linriiby Hlvtiii Unit wn, tin-
iniilnrslKlii'd lux I'liyiTK, riihslnllini nf
It'll iT rent, of 1 tin Tin payers In
thing . ,0W,,( mid til Howl DIstilcTNo, 4!l, Cliickutiiii Conn
.(..Ml ran' a . .4 V . 1 irillMlll. Ill' Mill V VI VH III II M' II 111 1 111.
f ,n.lnri"''
, . ,,, i.i. viUMr. ' s i i"' ii'mhi inmriit no
hi. ..Ill Willi II - n I in . i. .. i ii ...in i .. .. ., ...
iid u'liiiifi. . ii linn iiiiirn win iiu a muni ittu nr in
l"r i fur ll"'"""' "m,"r1"' 'Tux Payers of mild District In dun
' t ut I to use-""""'''' try CU.ti Hull, ill (liirlli Id, on tin. 2::nd
i"' ' ry, will''" 1 diiyof November, llil.'l.sl ld:;!ii i.VIim h
II"1"' . ml unit llxtf II i A M. to void mi mlilliliiinil hm In i,t
""". . ., ..
I'...... I iiu ioi.ii iiii ihihi'h, un iirim'l
mm I""'""". ,.rtl. Jwm ""K"
tt '"" I'llrl, k HlM.plKT'1. gin
..i in. i. ii
It I "Tu fr. Il -"!
. ... ..... IIoicii. "Hiotl
oV-.im-J . NoW ,o it rainciii' i
riiiiniiu 1 ' . ..
Lrl-d II"" 11,1
I'd hy nit act or U" Icgliiliituru In 1913.
Niiiiiniii Elllty, W. W. I'urli r, II. A.
I.nlliirro, M, Lnlliirrc, II. , Trow
Im.i:k, A, (. Willi. '. ml., I'u.il Hum e,
1. Iv Mini, Win. W. Davis, .luliim
Krlt'Ki'P, Air Irwin, J. J. D.iviii, Ar-
lluir (I. Iinrd, II. II. Andi'i-H, lien. II,,!!,
(i. T. II. ml,
bullinl " '"'"' Nolle, for L.vy of Addition!
I iil inoeiy ''"'"i ,"' i Tux.
. 1 1. ..... Hutiri IkaV '
, rtinMilnK ii i Nollrn Ik linvlty givi-u that w (In
liter nl"''' !.!"'"
('ii n-r ci.nl. of Hi" 'I'm payer. In
It.. lid District No. Ibi, CIiicRiiiiiiih ('null'
IV, (ir.'Ki.ii, liint. v k I v 1 1 in it l. in Hi,.
Tn I'livum nf mild llniul iilKtrli l Nu.
llil lliut llmni will lot it iin'i'iliiK of Ih"
Tax I'iivi'M of mild ilu.t In (i.ili
I. iiwn i.ihiMil Iiu un.', on lint H'Jiid iiu)
of Novi inln r, I'.tn, t Iwn o'i tin k I',
M , to vol it on in I. Ill I. .mil lux In mild
liUlrlrl fur pmd liiirpiini'ii, iia pruvldid "lull r Ht hMiIi Mm wit Ii In liuiin'd d
H'IIU." V.r (Hf l Hlr Will-
,nk . .i. l lurk In It
izr " wut,i ,n"" ,M,tf,"""!,
'"'1, un"",. k !.'. tl.nl h. bud
" .... ..i.i hi find ! out'
11 ll. ."iniuior I" '"' ,",,M,
iriii """ ""....y;-rrt..
I, . Uf Al-ri.r k',1 iHith of lil-li
;:,.'.. '. :r..
.... I ili... it iMtlll W1II1UUI .. . . .1 .1.. .1..
i i.u rmiii'ti i' - vniii'ii ih iiuritv L' i vi-ii i ii ii i r nil'
Ikirq ' ... rli-rto- H.i . ... ... n... .. 1..V...... ' ...
Hi.ru tllltK'mtKni'll 10 i ttyiTB. t:iilli.ini ink in
of Hlr waiivr ..r ri.n( (,f ti,,- 'I'm I'liy.-m In
llciftil dilnlrlrl No. D, ( liirkiitnim I (lun
ty, Or.'Uim, lii'r.diy uhf iioilni to t In - -lux
iu)'im of mild Komi I Mslriil No.
b tliut lli. ru lll I.k n iiH'i'ilnK of tli"
Tux I'tiyiTi nf mild ll.iiid lihirl. t In
Klt'.ir'H llnll lit ItnrliiK on Hi" 2 1 1 duv
of Nnvi'inlii r. 191.1, at 2 o i lin k r. M ,
to vote mi Hililltlntuil tux In mild IM
irl' l fur road imrpoHi ii. im provldiul liy
un ni't of th ii;liiliitiir In liM.'l.
C. M. Uk", M, II Wh-i li r. 1 Hit
nr. II, .A. Ii"k. C. A. Wlinli.r, q K.
tl. llorlitTK, (ii'o. A. Turn-
tln-rioii ut tin. n,in of (1 ni.f cut mr
11 from Din 2:tn duy of (ji;tolinr,
H.i:i, mid Inti'iiHt on linotii) S pr
'i nl finin (li'lnl.ur 2:!rd, Ml:! to Mny
l''.lli, ClKI, r.ihtu nil. I. dlKliurHi'inmilN
mid Kin rortii of it 1 1 it ii (Mm t Ii m writ',
nniiiniiiiilliil! inn out of tint piTMi.inil
inop-riy of mmI.I ilili.iiiliiiiin, mid If
mitrirli-nt innld nut Im found, tlnui
out of lint ri'iil prupiTiy tx-loiiKtiirf W
uli ili ri tiilniitn on nnd nfh r llm diitn
of mii ut .liiili:in.ii to millHly xiil.t huiii
of l:i:..H.i inn) iiIk.j (,miH upnn ihlii
mild writ.
Now, 'I'lii'ri fniii, by vlrluii of "iil.l
.ii . unnii, ju.icnii ut oril"r iui'I iM r.-n, ,
mid In t-t .in I ! lien wit 1 1 tin. i iiiiii iiiii.l i
of nu lit writ, Iii'Iiik imiililn to Inn! miy
p. ihiuiiiI proiiTly of hi. nl ili ffiiiliint H,
I did on tint 1 'III (lav of Nov. I'.) 1:1,
duly li vy upon thu fnlli.wltiK .I.-h.tIii-i
d n :i propi rly of mild d.'f. milium,
ulttiiii" mid Iii'Iiik In tliit County ol
1'liii'l.iiiniin, nnd Hint., of Ori'i'oii to
wll: All of t-olH I, 2, .'I, 4, 5, ', 7
i. ii. I K In :l. ii k I', In WIIhiiiivIH", mid
l.u I, .', 4 mid r, In I'.l.i'k II, In Wll
Hon villi., nil In llm County of Clii.'ku
tn ti m Siiiln of (in rM, nnd I will on
Siiturilny, tint 201 Ii diiy of Ii. ri intii'r.
lul l, nt llm lioitr nf 10 o'l ln. k A. M..
tin. front door of Hi" ('nuniy Court
lll iiiHi. In tin. City or Oi.Ti.u ( lly, In
!.:l. ( 'oil til V nil. I lltlttii, ll.'ll at public
I in ir'li ii, h.il. I. '. I to i'."l.'niillnii, to llm
ti IK In Ml didder, for II. H. Cold loin,
. i iii.ti III liiiutl, nil til" rli'l.l, till" nii'l
tuxi'H for tha yunr of 1 f 1 0 and 1911,
and tli fnrllior Hum of $75.0(1, an l
lornoy'i f", ninl tint roBtii of and ii
on tli Im writ, roiiiiiimiilliiK mo to innkn
mil" of tint followliiK di'Mcrllmd rul
proinrly, alluiiln In Hid county of
ClitrkiiiiiiiH, atatn of (Iri'Kon, to-wlt:
Tim Nortlii-aat qmirtnr of tlm North
en hi (unrti.r of H.'ctli.ti M In Town
nlilp 4 Hotttli of HaiiKO 3 KiihI of tlm
WlllmmllH Mi.rldlnn, In CliK-kuuiini
( 'on ii I y, Hititn of Ori'Kon,
Now, 'lln'rofor!, by virion of mild
(xi'i tit Ion, Judmni-tit order mid (Iitob,
mid In ('iintplliinrii with tint com-
iiihiiiIk of mild writ, I will, on Hultirdiiy,
llm ilth day of Doc.mnliur, 1!I3, nt tho
hour of 10 oil'M'k A. M., nt ihu front
dour of tlm Contity ( ottrt IIoiihh In
thu'Cliy of OrcKon City, In mild Conn'
ty and HtnV "ll nt tun. lie, auction
Hiilijoct to n ddiiptloii, ti tlm IiIkIichI
lildtliT, for U. H. (told coin ciihIi In
hand, all Hid rlKht, tllln nnd Intcrcat
which th'i wllliln niitui'd difi'iidnnta
or (.'llhcr of them, liad on thn dale of
llm inortitann heroin or aliice had In
or t' tho above deacrllied ri al prop
erty or liny nnrt thereof, to mitlafv
inld execution, Jiidmnent order, decreo,
InlereHt, coatii and all nccrultiK roatit.
HIierlfT of Clackniiiin County, On-Kon.
Hy It. J. HTAATS, Deputy.
Dated, Ori'Kon City, Ore.. Novem
ber :ird, i:ii:i.
tiy mi m t nf tho li-xlxliiiur" In I it I -I,
l.o.iln A. Hull, Norn K, Hull. J. T
Wnllucc, I,. Ii l.i'tion, I'lora I..11..11, i.
V. Wllnoti, M 1 1 lit u Ii WllKi.11, W. II.
1 .4.11011, I,, A. Jacob. .1 ti 11 C, Flintier
W. II. I.MnitM W. N. Knan.ly. II.
I,. l.lvltiKnlon, At. nu 1. I.lvlnitiitiiii, K
M. I .lit villa. John Quail. H. It. Lokiid.
Notki for Lavy of Additional Road
(eiiiliuitH. or either of Hi. in. Imil 011
the diiie of mild .'iidKtiiciit or htm " hud
In or to llm tibovii diBirllied mil
liropeily or any part 1 1n r-of , to h'i.U
ty mt ll Execution, iidr.ui. nt order,
deep ". Intercut, -onU nnd nil uccril-
i:. T. M ASS.
Klicrlrf of Cliickiiinaii foiiniy, iirer-on,
lly II. J. ST A ATS, Ileum)".
IHili'd, OrcKoll C'lly. oreKi.tl, Novetn
b. r 17th, I !IU.
OMt'i Tha Co'.i.'rT
B.ttiavn'f Ratort.
f Iteetliovell I" III" lllipi'l
lii un imtr.-lwm of etir.W.
curd at th
Tha retort
knithi-r "
.. . i.,Hir hint left I''"
Llilna'a l--lu-ii.it-. mill l hl I""1-"
Sit mol. "Johnnii V leethovii.
Ll .n.pri-t"r " Tli imi.l.'lnti rr
U thanill hyiirtl. -..ll n
..........1. bruin nronrletor." It l not
iiff-i.i"- 1 .
.... ,, en- Hint tt'.'l1"' ' frtuiint ; tlwynii". A,
! .1 I i ron. ('. K
0 u hrotli"'-
tli" 1 ,
Notici tor Levy of Additional Roid
....... 1. In.rbv islveii Hint e,
M,d,r.lui.. d T I'nyeri. rot.Hlnl.iK .
,rn per retit. of the Tux I'nyeri In
Ud Imtrh l N 47. Clui kntnna Conn-
... i.
tltrSMll. lu rel.y HMD lion.
Krl. knoll. J. II. Jotmrud,
W. II. Telford. K. M Moritun. I.. l.
Turner. W in. A. Mornml, S. K. Card.
John A. Itlchey. II Jnlniitoii. W. II
llorlni:. t. W. llorliiK. A. Iler.. ti-lni'-r
JolniMin, Victor Johimon. S. H
t In
T ryr
i.f r.il.l Itond lilnirlcl No.
Notici for Livy of Additional
Witicii Ih heli'by kIw-ii that
I iin.li ralKiied Tax I'liycra, nuirtUllntl of
I ti 11 p.-r cent, of the Tux I'liyern In
Itimd timiriet No. I,- i liiCKiitn.iH
(I th.ll llli'ix Willi'" meetlllR Of tilt! . comily Orel'iin. hereby kH" not Ice
. . ... . ..a... I., "m.h'm
T rera or mild nimnn 111
Hull ( Onk lirove, on tho 2Sth rir "f
V,tMi.!..r. ut T :u. o'clock I'- M
to mi.. n n.l.lltli.nal lu l ' "''
trlrt f r rtcnl i.ui H.i.e, 11 a provided by
m ,'l ut Hi" l -ulalnluro In I 'JH
II I) Siiirk.iitlier. Allc M. S'nrk
xrxtlur. Ji.hu y. UUIey. Ur
.! CliiiM', It. M. Itlchurdtion, W. J.
W.l.. r. (I. I' lloelli". I . no".
C Al.v1.11.l1r. Ii. Ii. Jonci. Miimnnt
W. Wi.rililiixt.ui. Will W. Thoinpaon.
I ('. Wiirr. n, M11 M. Warren, It. K.
Emm..n, Win. Hall. Herthft Hull. Mr.
C. W. Itlali'V, Sarah Itlliearaoli. i. M.
ltol!K-ll, C. II. Naef. DUO Nuef, ('.
W. ItUby. K K. Itoethe, Cha. Hcd
nnd. t'.'l'. M"rn", Klora i. Dill. B. II.
lull. J. A. Johimoii, 1". 1). Newell, Uura
Nrwell, John S. Smith. Mr. J. D
Rrallh. Mm ti. S. Taylor. 0' JJ
Txvler. tieneva S. AdiiniH. W. r
Krueit.r. It.11 K. I.lllli. Klla II. Illaley,
W. II. J. niilncH, Mlai Anna Uliieamon,
IMer M. Itln. nraon. Flora II. KllKurr.
A. V. Zuticbr. J. II. (Iralinm, I., a.
Armntroiiis. W. M. Itleo, Jutlua UriM-tJ".
F. I. Cox, tluy ('. White, Mattlo C.
ArttiMroiii;, S. I.lndany, Henry Bcheuf
tier, Mule Scheuffler. Mnrnarel ('.
Ptiret. I.. A. Iliillurd. i. II. Bliupe. M.
E. WiitT.II.Jt. W. Htorer. II. N. l-'rxillt.
Jnn. Wrnv, Chan. A. W'orthlnKtoil.
W. II. WcIIh. II. 1). Dldi, II. I. 1'BKet.
. - .. . ....I .. ..... i.i.
to the Tax I nyera 01 mini noun
trlrt No. II that there will be a 11 1
InU of the Tax Payer of Mild lialrb I
III Kant Ml. Scott ScliiHd II. mi" at
Lenta It. V. D. l-:Ht Mt. Scott, oil 111"
;it il.iy of Now'iiiiier. at K P. M.
o'cliM k to vol" un additional tux I"
mild DlMtrb t for road purimcH. mi pro
vided by mi act of tin- IcKtiiluliire In
J W. Uiebcr. C. A. lien, n,
Katine. W. A. I lrlch. C. V. Zit'"r,
Chnrlea Uebtock.
In the Circuit Court of llm Stale,
Or.'i'on, tor Cbickaniiia Comity.
IikhI. Ilray. Plaintiff,
Waller Univ. Defendant.
To Walter Hray, above nntni-d defend
ant :
In the natiie of Hie Ktute of Oregon
von are hereby reiitlred t 'i up pear and
HtiHWi-r the complaint tiled nKaltmt
Voil, In th" above lintued milt, oil or
l.elore the 'Jnd day of Jan., I'Jlt. until
date helm? the expiration of nix
weikri from thr Hrt pulillctitloti of
thlH KiiuiiuoiiH. and If you full to ap
pear or niiHwer mild complaint, for
want thereof. Hi" pinlnllft will apply
to the court for the relief prayed un
til her complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dlHKolvInc the bonds
of nia'rlniony now exlmlni? between
the plaint iff and defendant. Thill
I HUinmoiis Ik published by order of
I Hon. II. S. Aiidemon. Judn of tP
County Court, which order wan made
on ih" ltlh day of Nov.. It'll, nnd
the tlni" prescribed for publication
thereof Ih mx wcckh, ncnuiuuiK
thn iHBite dated Krlilav. Nov. 21st,
t'll'l nnd contlntiliil! each week there
after to and Inclu.litiK Friday, Jan
Attorneys fur l'laliilllf.
Nnilca for Levy of Additional
v.. 1 1.... 1. herein' tlun 111 at we.
uti'derHlKtied Tax Pner. coi.stallnix of
ten per cent, of the Tax Payers In
1 niMiriei Vn fi.V Clackamas Conn-
Hl'WU .'..'.. . ., .
tv. ()ri'Ku. hereby Kivo nouco 10
fax I'uyeri of mild lioud District No.
r.:.lhat there will be n mectliiK of the
Tax Payers of said l)l:rlct In the
. . . . . ..i..t.. 0... ...... nn the
l. llOOl IIOUSO Bl t llilli.
2:iu duv of November, 1t... at -o'ebx
k P. M . to vote an additional
tax In said District for road purimsea.
as provided by an act of tho 1ckII'
'7 (' Hiiyson. D. W. White, F. K.
Coc'kcrllno. J. S- llnndolrh. r. U I nck
erllne. II. W. Cnuss. II. I'. Mat . . .
J. K. Ul'my. K. T. Hateson, J.
Setiler. II. H Mattoon.
Final Notico.
V...I.... la lii.rellV ClVI-ll tlllit tilC l.n-
.i..Vu,,.i..i turn lllid Ills liiiul licMiiii;t
.... .l..,l.!lclr,.lnr- of III" I'StlltC if
1H l.llllli.i.." ,
John Ar.itette. decensed, Willi Uic
County Clerk of Clackamas County.
Drenuii. and the Court has set Mon
day, th" 22nd day of December. U'.J
at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. M the
Count v Court Mom In the Court House
nl OreKon City. Oregon, as tho tln.u
nnd Place of henrini; any and all oil-
tectlona to wild final report an:i
dlscharite of this Adminlstniioi.
iii.ieil ihla lSlll day of Novc
1 11 i'ii:t
DIMICK & DIMICK. Attorney for
: iber.
Notict for Levy of Additional Road
Notice Is hereby nlven thnl '. Hi"
unilerli:iied Tux Payers, consisting of
ten par cent, of the Tnx Payers It
Raid District No. 43, Cliickannii Coun
ty. Oregon, hereby Klve notice to Hie
'Tax Payers of said Itoail District No.
that there will be a meelliiR or me
Tux payers or said District in Wll
kerns hull at Kasle Creek, on the 2Sth
day or November, 1913. af one o'clock
P. M to vote an additional tax In
mid District lor road purposes, as pro
Weil by nn act of the lealslature In
H. 11. lilbsoti, J. W. Cnhlll, W. H.
Wouille, (), p, Strtihl, II. 8. C.lhsou,
W. II. DuiiKlas. W. K. Doitalaa, Alex
linker. K. M. Clark, Fred llolTmelster,
Cfo. V. Jinld, W. C. liOimwell, K. U
Trullltner, It, F. CoriwcII, N. K. Stlnn-l-y.
Ward Dotiitlaa, W. 1 1. Haker, U
S. linker, L. A. Frvieman. W. U Smith,
1- M. Henkle, II. F. Forester. A. V.
Sheriff! Sale on Execution
In the Circuit Court of th" r
()reKon, for tho County "f Mnltno.
Andrew Welslmnr, Plalntirf.
Tho.naV,,Kd:ar. D. K. ,;",l",,;n'
Hnsee and Jake Col.'. Defen; '1'
Stati; of OrcK.m, Comity of ( Incka-
pTvTr'mi of a judgment order de
cree and ar. execution, duly ''''"
f nd under the s-nl of
...... .-..... 1,. 1 i above wit it leu
eniuieii t ....... .,,,
rniiHe. to mo duly 111r.11-.. .. .. -
Ihe 7lh dav of Nove.ul.cr. .
. ...ulereil nnd entered m
Ja ,1 court on the 23rd day oMWoWr,
.... ..f Andrew Welshnnr.
ii. :., .. . n.alnst I). K. V'-mllo-
. " ... xv m Flvnti and N. F. Cana-
. i..fi minnis for the sum
It $356.40. wlih Interest thereon at the
rate of 8 per cent, per annum from
riV'hd'ayof Mav. 'I! A - J
...... ....a. riT . -.1.1111 Will.
1 1 1 1 1 11 1' I nun.
Final Notice.
Notice Is hereby Riven inai m
dcrsluned has filed his final account
a, Administrator of the esluto of ! et
"r HedlKer. dceeased. with '. Cv. n
tv Clerk jf Clnckamas County, Ore
son and the Court has set Monday,
Ihe 22nd day of December. 1913. at ee
hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. in lti
"... room tn the Court
House, In Oregon City. Oregon, ns the
time and place for heurliig any and all
objections to said flnul report and tne
dlscharKe or itus """"' " "'
Dated thla 1KIU uuy 01 iiu..i.-.
W- ,913" ALflKHT D. ERIV
... ....
r. nixiiciv Aiioriieyw
In the Circuit Court of the Htateot
Oregon, for Clackamas County, '
A. L. Levy, Plnlntlff.
W. F. Wcliainil, Frances J. Welgand,
N. tl. Pike. I lnnlHH Stlne. W. F.
Stltie, Clnudn 8. Harris, Klsio Har
ris, W. W. Harris, and Klla Harris,
lii-f. -in hints.
To W. F. WclKand and Frances J. Wei.
Kiind, his wife, Defendants aliove
In tho name nf the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
i.iiHwer a eomnlulnf filed against you
In the above entitled suit on or oe-
tore the 10th (lay of December, 1913,
ibe Maine hcinit the first Monday fol
lowing six weeks' publication of this
summons, and If you fall to so appear
ii,i answer, for want thereof the
iilnliitlrr will aDnly to the above en
titled court for the relief prayed for
In said complaint, to-wlt: For a decree
Hint plaintiff have and recover uic
sum of Twenty-Five Hundred Dollars
(12300.00) with Interest thereon at the
rate of six per cent pre annum from
the 2Mh day of January .1913, and the
fun her smn of 1250.00 attorney's fees
nnd the costs and disbursements of
the above entitled suit, and that the
mortgage executed and delivered by
W. F. Welgand and Frances J. Wei
gaud, his wife, which at this time by
I virtue of the various assignments Is
owned hv the plaintiff, on the follow
ing described property In tne couni,
,,f Clackamas. State of Uregon, io-u:
All of tract "J" Clackamas lltversiu",
m-enrdtiii! to the duly recorded plut
thereof In the office of the Cuiinty
Clerk or said Clackamas County, be
decreed to be a first lien upon said
real property, and that plaintiff's said
mortgage he foreclosed and that said
real property be sold upon execution
mill nrili r or sale as is by law provid
ed, to satisfy such decree, as plaintiff
may obtain in Raid suit, and that ihe
defendants and eacn 01 mem 11c un-
.r liiirrcil and foreclosed ol an rigin
int.. or Interest in or to said real prop
,..t rr nnv narf thereof, and that a
....npllnnolH .in rt nt the amount rc-
ilil'vi i-.nii ...... -
nlled unon said sale shall lie applied
to the payment of the plaintiff's costs
,.i.,l illKlnirsenients ol tnis suit, Pui"
ior nitiirnevs fes. and the amount
found due plaintiff in any decree ob
tained by virtue of this suit, and that
plaintiff have such other and further
relief ns t ie court niuy ui-eu. ........
n.iit ontilt.'lllle.
This summons Is puntisneu oy uiu--i
of the Honorable J. V. Camphell. Judge
of the above entitled court duly made
and entered on the 3rd day of No
vember, 1913.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Ore.
In tho Circuit Court of tt. dune 01
Oregon, for Clnckiimns county.
Philip H. Weston, Plaintiff,
Aniiln K. Weston, Defendant.
To Aniiln K. Weston, the above name'i
In the nnmo of tho fltate of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer Ihe coinplulnt filed
against you. In the above entitled
Court, on the 28th day or November,
A. D. 1913, said date being six weeks
after thv first publlciiton of this sum
motiH. If you full to nppear and an
swer, tho iilulntlff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for In his
complaint filed herein, which is for an
absolute divorce forever dissolving tho
bonds of matrimony existing between
the plaintiff and Hie defendant, and
fur inch other and further relief as
to the Court may seem meet and
eqiiltiiblii, and for his cosis and dl-
I biirsements herein,
I You will pleiiHe take not leu that this
Summons is served upon you personal
ly with a certified copy of t-'ie coin
plaint, pursuant to the terms of an
order In the above entitled suit, made
by the above named Circuit Court,
by the Honorable J. V. Campbell,
Judge thereof, on tho 15th day of
fieiol.ir. A. D.. 1913. requiring that
publication of this Summons be made
once a week for six successive weeks
in the Oregon City Knterpnse, aim
requiring that the first publication be
made on the 17lh day of October A. D.
1913, and the last publication on the
2-Sth day of November, A. D., 191 J;
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
17 Chamber of Commerce IlulldltiK
Portland, Oregon.
Harvey E. Cross William Hammond
Ws hive now moved to our permanent quarters In the Beaver
Building, Next to th Andreien Building.
Real Eetits Abetncts Main Street,
Loins, Iniunnes. Oregon City, Or
from the first publication of thlssum-
inons, and If you fall to appear or
answer said complaint, for want there
of, the'plulntlff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for In her com
plaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving tne oonas
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant. Thla
summons is published by order of
Hon. J. V. Campbell, Judge of the
Circuit Court, which order was made
on the 10th day of Oct., 1913, and
the time prescribed for publication
thereof Is six weeks, beginning wltn
the Issue dated, Friday, Oct. 17th,
1913, and continuing each week there
after to and Including Friday, ov.
28th, 1913.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
This summons Is published once a
week for six consecutive weeks in ac
cordance with- the order of the Hon
orable J. V. Camplielli Judge of the
above entitled Court, 'dated the 7th
day of November, 1913, directing that
the first publication of summons be on
the 11th day of November, 1913, and
that the last publication be made on
the 2ith day of December, 1913.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication, November
14th. 1913.
Date of last publication, December
2th, 1913.
Sheriffs Sale.
In the Circuit Conrt ot tne state m
for Hie county 01 v,iui-i-
Careful of Your Property
One ol the secrets of our success
In the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Phones, Office SO, Residence K62 . 612 Main ftrtel
0mo. Box. PboaM IS Resides 3 Pb. Mala I6H
Pioneer Transfer Go.
Established mt . . , .
Rate. lUaaonabla. BUCK Btrad I Days Fra. of Cbarg.
Agency for the celebrated MT. ROOD BEER
SucMior to CL.M. Oreensoaa
ft o . . r. J. Vrm. OaaWe
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, 500J)0.
Tr.ns.et, . aM(r, rj,!,, w(Mat m K U " '
and Slgrld
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
i ua. iwwn nnnoinifu uumui-
i- f thn Kstato of Merrltt r.
- II. .Innnafll llV II1H I Ut UIJ v""
of Clackamas County, urcgo...
person, having claim. Z
..ia ii'utoia nrB nncuj
ulred to present the wine duly W
ui.i with nroner vouchers at tne ot-
L . n in v. Haves, rooms 3
nc 01 , ritv
I i Cavonfl Hill lllim. UH
Uliu ,""' V"-.. V. , .hortnle
Oregon, within six minima
hereof. . .,.., n,i,
Date of first puuiicnuui.
31st, 1913. .,., , tintvnt.R
Administratrix of the Estate of Mer-
rllt F. l'rindle, neceaseu.
CORDON E. HAYES, Attorney for Ad
ministratrix. .
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice 1. hereby given that he un
dersigned as adtntn straior ui
VlJSS l-unty
1913, ha. set Monuuj rL i
nember. l..... - - CUy
at the t,ouni."UBO -(Vrcgon.
as the time and place for hea -
lng of objection. iun
tlement thereof.
8,cd Novemoer j -"
Administrator of the Estate of Peter
Undln, Deceaseu.
fik.sitft ftal.
tn the Circuit Court of the State of
,n. rr the County of Clacka-
C. E. Ooroetl, riai""".
v.- . .
J. 0. SuUlvan. I)etenaan,
State of Oregon, '
SS. . .... nNtAr Hiv
':r.Tnd an exertion': duly Issued out
rjlvor of C. E. Sorbett, Plaintiff.
Lnd .gain J 6. Sullivan. Defendant
r 1550.00. with lntereat
e a--a:
I annum iru' m -- ai
.a ih further sum of 9i
Edward S. nackstrana
n. F. Hart anil K. k. nari,
i ifn- Kinpi A. nan
...i n v' t.omman. husband and
wife- I. T. Hart and Clara Hart,
husband and wife; Emma Jonsrud.
r.o.,r.r H. Root. Defendants.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
Hy "virtue of a Judgment order, de-
J . Jv iaattaA nil!
cree ana an excuumi,
of and under the seal of the above,
entitled court, In the above entitled
CRuse. to me duly directea aim
.k ou.h Hov nf Dctober. 1913. upon a
judgment rendered and entered In said
J n .. ...... .1.... r nnlnhor
court on tne mm unj '
1913 tn favor of Edward 8. Itnckstrand
.mt 'sIltIiI llackstrand. Plaintiffs, and
against 11. F. Hart ana j;-. k. nmt,
Defendants, for the sum of 800.00.
with Interest thereon at the rate ot
7 per cent per annum from the 23rd
day of February, 1911, and the further
sum of $150.00, as attorney's fee, and
the further sum of $100.00. attorney s
fees and the costs of and upon this
writ, commanding me to make sale of
the following described" real property,
.iiiinte In the county of Clackamas,
.tola nf Dreeon. to-wlt:
TV. r. H.nal till if of the southwest
,f thn northeast Quarter of
section six, township three south of
range five east of the Willamette Me
ridian, Clackamas county, Oregon.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution. Judgment oraer anu aetreo,
.i i rnmnlinnce with the com
mands of said writ, I will, on Saturday
the 6th day of December. 1913, at the
hour Of 10 O'ClOCK A. M., Bl uuui
f ih County Court House In
the City of Oregon City. In said Coun
ty and State, sell at public auction.
...hwt to redemption, to the highest
i.ijh fna IT. S. gold coin cash In
,.rf '.ti ihA rlcht. title and Interest
which the within named defendants
or either of them, had on the date of
..- mnfiiiini herein or since had In
or to the above described real prop
erty or any part tnereoi, xo biiu
said execution, Judgment order, decree,
Interest, costs ana ail cc'"
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon
. Hv B. J. STAATS, Deputy.
n..n nroeon City. Ore.. Novem
ber 3rd.' 1913.
. Sheriff. Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oreeon. for the County of Clacka
Heln Kulper, Plaintiff,
fltto Lehman, Josle C. Lehman
r-Hiiirin A. Ambrose. Fry & Com-
nanv. a corporation, defendants,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
Hv vlrtiip of a ludgment order, de
erce and an execution, duly issued
mil nt nnd under the seal of tho abov
mitttipil court, n the above entnica
cause, to me duly directed and dated
tin. fith dav of October. 191.1. upon
Judgment rendered and entered in said
court on the 2nd nay oi ucion-r. uio.
in favor of Heln Kulper. Plalniin, ami
aunlnstaOtto I.. Lehman and Josle C.
.ehman. Defendants, for tne sum oi
000.00, with Interest theron at me
te of 8 ner rent, per annum mm
the 2nd day of Feb.. 1513. and the fur-
Iher sum of J200.00, as attorney s ree,
and the further sum of $10.00, oats
and disbursements, and the costs or
and upon this writ, commanding me
to make sale of the following aescrio-
ed real property situate In the county
nt rtnekHinas. stato ol Uregon, io-wh
Itegluning at a cedar gate post tn tne
Ninh line of Section 34 and which is
".1 fi.ct S Inches East of an iron pipe
HfIkii In the irround in the North line
of said Section 34, and which said ced
ar nate post Is tho eelantisneQ lniuui
point between the Northeast quarter
nnd the Northwest Quarter of Section
ju. TownshiD 1 South, Range 2 Eas'
wtiinniptte Meridian. Clackamas Coun
iv Oreeon. as witnessed by a certain
contract and agreement which Is ru
.,r.iuH in thn Records of Deeds for
rinrlmntHs County. Oregon, In Hook
121. and at page 3G9; proceed!.!?
thpnee South In a Southerly direction
along the line of fence established
thereon 40 rods to a point; thence at
rli:ht angles In an Easterly direction
394 rods to a point; thence at right
angles in a Northerly direction 40
rods to a point; tbence in a vei
erly direction 394 rods along the
Mnrth line of said Section 34, to the
nlai-o nf beelnnlne. containing 10 ac
res, more or less, all of which is lo
cated in Section 34, Township 1
South, Range 2 East, Willamette Me
ri.tinn Pliicknmaa County. Oregon.
Km' therefore, by virtue of sail
cnniinn tudumpnt order and decree.
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
',9nn .lav of November, lsu: ai iuc
hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. at the front
j,.n, nf ho Cnuntv Court House In
tho ritv nf Oreuon City. In said Coun-
tv nnd State, sell at pubic auction.
oiihteft tn redemntlon. to the highest
l.iiiiinr fnr l!. S. aold coin cash in
hnrt nil the rieht. title and interest
which the within named defendants
or either of them, had on the date of
the mortgage herein or since had in
or to the above described real prop
erty or any part thereof, to satisfy
said execution. Judgment order, de
cree, Interest, costs and all accruing
C08U- E. T. MASS,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
nv n. J. STAATS, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, October
22nd. 1913.
In U' I'lrcuit Court or In Htate or "re
Kim In and f.r the County of Cla-'ka
r-wla A. Blcvins, Plnlntlff,
Mary Steven., Defendant..
To the above-named defendant,
In lite name of the Btate of Oregon, you j
arc hi-rctiy required to appear and answer;
the complaint of the plaintiff filed agalnat
you In the above entitled Court and caune. ',
within six weeks from the date of the
flrat publication of thla summons and, in
Ihe event you fall so to do, plaintiff will :
apply to the Court for the relief prayed '
for In til complaint herein, to-wit: for
a decree of this Court diMolv'.nir the
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
(In Equity.)
I.averna I. Glbbs, Plaintiff,
Harry L. Gibbs, Defendant.
To Harry L. Gibbs, above-named de
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint made and filed
against you in the above entitled suit
by tho 22nd day of November, Nine
teen Hundred and Thirteen (1913) as
prescribed by an order of Court for
the publication of this summons, which
said date Is more than six (fit weeks
after tho date of the first publication
herein as ordered by the Court In the
above entitled suit; and If you so fall
to appear and answer the complaint
Sled herein, In the above entitled suit
on said date, plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief prayed for
i,nn,i nf matrimony heretofore and now
xlHtlnir between plaintiff and defenitant : In said complaint, whlcn sal a relief is
and restoring plaintiff to an me riffni ior a uecree oi mis tjoun iorever uis-
and nrlvlleires of a atngle man and forever , solving, annullng ana setting astae me
divorcing plaintiff
from said defendant. 1 marriage contract heretofore and now
This action Is begun by the uujve
named plaintiff against .the above named
defendant for divorce uiwn the ground of
d section and abandonment for a period
of more than one year next preceding tne
commencement thereof, and this 8ummon
rved upon you by publication there
of on.-e a we-k for fix consecutive wetm
In the Oresron City .Enterprise ,a newFpa
existing between plaintiff and said de
fendant; for a further decree chang
ing plaintiffs name of that of Laverna
I. Gibbs to that of Laverna I. Over
ton, and for such other and further
relief as this honorable Court may
deem meet with equity.
This summons is published by or
der of the Honorable J. U. Campbell.
of general circulation published at judge of the above entitled Court, and
OreRon City. Clackamas County, uregon.
t'.te first publlcalfrin thereof being made on
tho Hth day of November, 19U, anu mu
last publication thereof being made on the
:''ith day of December. 1913. by order of
the Honorable J. V. Campbell. lulne o.
the above entitled Court, made and en
tered therein on the 13th day of Novem
ber. 1913.
Dated this 13th day of November. 191.1.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Postofflce address: 312 Lewis Bldg..
Portland, Oregon. ,
said order was duly made and en
tered in said Court on the 8th day of
October, Nineteen Hundred Thirteen
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Dated and first publication October
10th, 1913.
Last publication November 21st,
Phones Pacific 62
Home A-151
Executrix's Notice.
xt.i. i. hpi-flhv given that the un
dersigned has been appointed execut
- .h. o.tote of Louise Kleeine, de
ceased, ail persons having claims
.int aald estate are eherby notified
. . B.h nfvmfiT
to present me .amo
Touchers duly certified according to
i. . tha nrrtra oi urowneii at omiio.
fnr executrix, at Oregon City,
Oregon, within six monms oi mo
of the publication oi in b""
Vn. 7th 1911.
BROWNELL ft STONE, Attorneys for
executrix. . .: " . . : .
In the Circuit Court ot tne aiaie ui
Oregon, for Clackamas xoumy.
Henrietta A. Slpes, Plaintra,
t ninn. riafonrlnnt
Tn A L. Sloes, abovc-camed detenu-
t thn nnmo of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
nlnlnt filed acatnst you
in the above entltlea suit Dy me
day of November. lu. as prescnuou
by an order oi uoun ior iniuin.....
of this summons, wnicn sam umo
more than six weeks alter mo ulo
of the first publication herein as or
dered by the Court in the above en
titled suit, and tf you tan 10 u a vv.
the comolalnt tiled herein
In the above entitled suit on said date,
plaintiff will apply to the court for
. . IM until Anmnlnlni
the reliel prayea ior m v...f'
hinh .aid relief Is for a decree ol
the Court forever dissolving and set
ting aside the marriage contract here
tofore and now existing um "
tiff and said defendant; for a further
decree for the restoration of plaintiff s
maiden name and lor sucn omer u
further relief as the Honorable Court
may deem meet wltn equity,
n-kt. nimmniti Is Dubllshed by or
der of the Honorable J. U. Campbell
Tun nf the above entitled Court and
gald order was auiy maue uu
ed In said Court on the 8th day of
October. 1913. ,
,. Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication. Oct 10th,
In the Circuit Court ot the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas Lounxy. i
Lottie Fallon, riaintiff,
Wm. Fallon, Defendant.
To Wm. Fallon, the above namea ae-
In the name of the State of Oregon
. , . . I A .n .nlUI.P
you are nereoy requum
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entltlea suit on or
before the 6th day of December. 1913,
cnid Hate twin ii more than six
weeks from the date of tne nrsi puo
licatlon of this summons, and if you
fail to appear and answer in Baid suit
nn ne hpfnre the said 6th day of De-
i .ftio fnr wont thpreof. nlain-1 I
t I 1 1 1 U ( l , UUi iwi " "" ' ' ' I A
tier will aniilv to the Court for the re- .
lief prayed for in her complaint, to-1
...it . Cnr riM-ree awarainE 10 me
plaintiff herein an absolute divorce
from the defendant on the grounds of
desertion, and for the restoration of
hnr fnrmer name. Lottie Davis, and
for such other and further relief as
to tho Court may seem equitable and
This summons is puuuwku
ant to an order of the Honorable H.
S. Anderson, Judge of tne louniy
Court, of Clackamas uouniy, urcsuu,
made on the 22na aay oi unuun,
1913, directing said summons to be
published once each week for a period
of six consecutive weeks In the Ore
gon City Enterprise, a newspaper puu
liahed in the above county and state
and of general circulation therein.
Attorney for riaintiff.
Date of first publication, Oct. 24tu,
Date o'. last publication, Dec. 5th,
Attorneys-at-Law ,
All legal business promptly attended to
e-a-a-ea a
Attorneynt-Law -Deut.cher
Will practice In all courts, make
collect'ons and settlements.
Office in Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice In First National Bank
Bldg, Oregon City, Oregon.
D. V.
W. 5. EDDY. V. 5. M.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and the McKilllp School ot Sur
gery of Chicago, Is established
at Fashion Stable, Fifth St be
tween Main and Water Sts. J
Both Telephone.
Offllce Pacific, Main 65; Home, J
A 95.
Residence Pacific, Main 184
Final Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
..inniiH administrator of the estate
nf Kola Vnison. deceased, has filed his
Anal apcnunt in said estate In the
r-mintv fmirt of the State of Oregon
for Clackamas County, and that the
Jndee of said court has appointed
Mnndov ihe 15th day of December,
1913. at 10 o'clock A. M. for .hearing
objection to said acvount and for set
tling said estate.
Ininlnla.rntnr nf the est io Of NelS
KTnlenr. HPCPAJied.
BROWNELL & STONE. Attorneys for
Notary Public
Estacada, Oregon.
Date of last publication, Nov. 21st,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas umm;.
Ida Steelman, Plaintiff,
l,n..n Qtaalmnn. Defendant.
To Heaton Steelman. above named de
fendant: .
i- th. name nf the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
.n. war tha complaint filed against
. in tna ahnve named cult, on or
" ' tail aaM
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the county oi iv;r-mas.
Louis Roth, Plaintiff,
vs. ..
Mercedes LaMonte Rotn, ueienaanu
To Mercedes LaMonte noin, nuo.o-
named defendant:
in tha name of the State of Oregon.
n .ra herehv reauired to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff
herein filed against you in the above
entitled court on or before the.27tn
jn nf TWemher. 1S13. max ueius
the day fixed by the Court for you in
which to annear and answer herein.
and if you fail to appear and answer
within said time, tne ptainun m ay-
ply to the court for the reiiei oemauu
A In hla nnmnlAtnt. tO-wit:
c iu mi- ' . . , .
For a decree dissolving me douu
of matrimony now and heretofore ex
isting between the plaintiff, ana De
fendant and giving the plaintiff an
absolute divorce from the defendant
th. Tmnnda nf aross and habitual
uu mw r. " ' . . i
drunkenness contractea smce
... and enntlnutnz for a period of
more than one year, and on the fur
ther ground of wilfull deertlon con-
. i i tnr a nenna nr mora) iuau uiic ,
year immediately preceding the filing
Clackamas County
510 Chamber of Commerce.
Portland, Oregon.
Full equipment of maps, plats,
abstract books and tax rolls.
Agents for Clackamas County
Lands, Money Loaned, Title
Attorneys e Counsellors at Law
'ofthe complaint herein.
We make a specialty ot InsUD-
lna- water system! ana piums
lng in th country. W carry
the Leader tanks and StoTer en
gtnes. We have full Una ol
Myers pumas and stray pumpa.
Prices always lowest,
720 Main 8t Oregon City
Phone 2682.
Money loaned, ab.tracU furaiaV
i ed. land titles examined, state
i etOed. generml law bualne.
Orer Bank of Orego City.
a a ee mm '