OREGON CITY ENTEIvLMtlHK FltlDAV, KU' IQMUKlt 'Jt. WX SHOULD TAKE PURE AND PLEASANT DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY. YOU WILL GET QUICK AND PERMANENT RELIEF, Stops Cough, Loosens Chest, Soothes Inflamed Throat, Nose, Bronchial Tubes and Lungs. Start Taking It at Once. Dr. King's Now Discovery rss origi nittd 43 yenrs ago. Its wonderful power to stop coughing, cure, colJs, relievo bronchial and lung affections, made it quickly popular. Its UK steadily increased. Now it is un douWedly the most usel prescription for coughs and colds in the world. Millions of bottles arc sold annuully, and thousands tes tify to its merits by testimonials and con tinued use. Why experiment with unknown and untried remedies? Tleasant, tried and true, Dr. King's New Discovery is guaran teed bv your dmggist to help you or money refunded". Get a bottle to-day. Keep it for emergencies. "Typhoid pneumonia had left, me with a dreadful cough," writes Mrs. J. E. Cox of Joliet, 111. "Sometimes I had such awful coughing spells I thought I would die. I could get no help from doctor's treatment or other medicines, till I used Dr. King's New Discovery. I owe my life to this won , derful remedy, for I scarcely cough at all now." Quick, safe, and reliable for all throat and lung troubles. Sold by KV I 1 I K-.Wi. ;1 mm as? niLmsalliiJ ftirturrtetrriT CHICACO.Ilt. COUNCIL RAISES ITS TAX LEVI THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FINDS THAT IT DOES NOT GET ENOUGH MONEY LOSS OF SALOON REVENUE CAUSE Win. (!rlsttliwatto 3.M Join M. Junes s 40 P. H. Sagcr Win. Shannon Win. Monk SCHEME ED TO KILL SALOON FORCES MAKE DOUBLE SURE THAT WETSCAN GAIN NO PLACE OF ADVANTAGE T 00 mm EE WATER REPORT CLEARS UP SOME THINGS NOT PERFECTLY PLAIN TO ALL VOTERS ASK CANDIDATES MANY QUESTIONS HAKES SOME CAREFUL ESTIMATES Want to Know Position of All New Men on Possible Issues that May be Submitted to Their Vote Later Pure Water is First Essential and Comparison of Costs Second in Importance Stationary Expense Left Out Regardless of supreme court deel- j Councilman F. J. Tooze, chairman of sions. Oregon City may be a center of ,he "l'0'3' committee of the I city council, on Thursday made a snp prohibltion. i piementary statement to the report of Monday the drys hatched a plot to ; the committee that was published In present to all of the candidates for ! detail in Thursday morning's inter city councilman at the forthcoming prise. This statement was made at election a statement similar to the the request of The Enterprise, because ones submitted to candidates to the ! of a few apparent discrepiences in the legislature. The statement will con- report, and for the further reason that tain a declaration that the candidate, if elected, will vote to prohibit sa loons in Oregon City whether the su preme court upholds the last election or not. people might readily form the im pression that Bull Run water could be supplied at an average cost of $ 1 .KG per consumer. Naturally the Interest charges on the present indebtedness 'of approximately $$4,000 would still have to be taken care of. regardless of The dry forces contend that the i hat system of water is installed in city council is not forced to grant Oregon City. Councilman Toozu saloon licenses under the law unless clears up these points in the followiug Can Use Discretion. It chooses to do so. The proposition that now confronts the prohibition element Is to get an expression of opinion from all of the candidates at the election as to how they would vote on a matter of this kind were It presented to them. statement "You having called by attention to what may seem to some an error in the council pure water committee's report of yesterday merits reply. In the estimated cost of Bull Run water for Oregon City said cost based upon Though the supreme court were to j per capita consumption at Gresham throw out the last election In ac- j the number of gallons total per day cordance with the contention of the , is 90.000. Basing cost to Oregon iCty wets that it was not held at a legal j upon consumption per capita in real time, the city could yet get the bene- ; dence districts (containing apartment fit of Its decision against saloons by j houses, etc., requiring large meters) a refusal on the part of the city coun- j the total number of gallons per day cil to Issue licenses after the present ones had expired, It is said. Want to Know. In order to determine how the is 169.290. The final estimate for Oregon City Is, however, neither of these estimates but an estimate based on both and the result is l:!0,000 gal lons per day. In this final estimate newly elected city council would j of C0Bt including depreciations, su stand upon such a proposition, the perintendence, operation, etc., there drvs have determined to submit a statement to the candidates asking them for their views and declaring that. If they are elected, they will vote against the renewal of all liquor licenses In the city whether the su preme court decision is in the favor of the saloons or not. The reason for this action Is, the drys claim, to give the city the full benefit of Its last election. They hold that the people of the city have once declared themselves against the sa loon and that they should not have to put up with them just because of some leeal flaw in the time that the elec tion was held. They believe that the appears: '"Cost of water $8313.83.' (should be four cents more) and farther on "Pay ment sinking fund $2000.00." These two Items total $10313.83. "Under the above estimate of cost of water only, however. Is the esti mate total $10313.83. this Includes the $2000.00 sinking fund which is segregated below. Now you probably, at first glance, read the $8313,83 not taking into consideration the $2000.00 making $10313.83 and concluded be fore further Investigation that this $8313.83 was based on 'Mf.WM gallons which would be too low an estimate. issue Is that ths " People do not " is based upon the 130,000 gallons. want the saloons, whether the elec tion itself was or was not legal. 'Asked why the committee did not ada the interest on the indebtedness of the nresent Dlant about 8X4.000 Double Protection, 1 10 tne C0Bt of r!un nun water, I reply: In order to carry out that declara-1 The present Indebtedness is a sta tion on the part of the people and to , tionary matter In that It will be the protect them against the efforts or a , same for any system employed, the possible adverse decision, the plan is now to ask the various candidates to sign such a statement and sbow to the people of the city the position that they would take iu such an cmer. gency. It is contended that the expression of the people at the polls is In the form of Instructions to the members of the city council and that the coun cilmen. as representatives of the people of the city, should vote as present deficit per month (which is approximately equal to the Interest on our present debt) Is considered, the present rate of $1.25 for water for residence use only should be advanced approximately 34 cents. Otherwise a fair comparison of costs of other sys tems proposed Is impossible. "Believing, however, that pure wa ter first, and comparison of costs of service to consumers under the sev- ewn 1 nmnnocd nl'ino Initntlnr WfiTla i c a li i) uncu 1'iuii n iui.iuuiiji. un, those citizens have directed In the : Bull Hun and the Clackamas project last election. I second, are the phases of paramount , . . u,.j. - . interest to consumer the committee In Their Own Hands. jd Mt add an otnerwUe ou(? re. The drys also claim that the city pot gufn gtatlonary expense as result council Is not under any obligation to i from tne pregpnt A(.bti tne collection grant the saloons licenses If It cnan;eg or extensions which can not chooses not 10 oo so anu mai m 1 1) est;mated wtn fajr degree of ac ter Is in the hands of the city fathers i curacy d,lring the period of improve entirely. When the licenses of tue j mentg gllcn ag are now undftr way city expire on January 1 In the due I here course of events, tne council can, i i .., agRlire you tnat I am glad to an- that time, reiuse 10 iunuer i iww. a)1 questions seeking lnforma- them or to renew tnem. - tjon m regard to the report, as my This, it It believed, ivuuld have tne j time will permit, same effect upon the city that the election would hav were me su preme court to sustain it. . , . No Saloons. ' ' By this plot, the dry forces hope to give the city no saloons and to gain for the people what the declaration of th rotes at the last election showed was wanted a saloonless ciy. They believe that the city would be doubly protected. It would be dry the su preme court sustains th election in this and other cities that voted on prohibition. It would also be dry were that decision against the prohibition forces and the city council stood by a determination not to grant "censes to any saloon until the people had an other chance to express themselves two bears hence. t v Calavan. the newly elected county superintendent of schools t withdrawn from the race for council-j man In ward number three. They Liked Tali Feathers. Toward the? end of the eighteenth century upstanding feathers became quite the rage for the fashionable wo man's beadgear. A writer Jn the Lon don Times of 1795 illustrates the epi demic: "At all elegant assemblies there Is a room set apart for the ladies to don their feathers, as It is Impossible to wear them In any carriage with a top. The lusters are also removed on this account, and the doors are carried up to the celling. A well dressed lady who nods with dexterity can give a friend a little tap upon the shoulder across the room without Incommoding the dancers. The ladies' feathers are now generally carried In the sword case at tie back of the carriage." Street Improvements Must Bo Mads Within Year and Same Con tracts Have Been Let Other Expenses Oregon Cltv will have a 10 mill tax levy. The city council at a special meet lug Wednesday afternoon, raised the levy that had before been niailo to moot the Iocs of the tuxes from the saloons. The finance committee found llmt the loss of reveuue from the sa loon licenses under a dry regime would cost the city the difference be tween a levy of eluht and one-half mills and the 10-mtll levy. Of this amount, nine and one-half mills will be spent for general pur poses and the other one half will be devoted to tlie interests of the city-li brary. The amount will be J'-i.1.0 on an assessed valuation of $2,715 000. practically the same as was raised last year. Some time ago the council, at th recommendation of the finance com mitter, fixed the levy as before at eight and one-half mill for all pwr poses. The committer discovered. however, that the administration of city affairs could not be conducted on that basis and asked for a special meeting in which to reconsider the levy and raise U to meet the loss from (he saloons. The ordinance had just reached Its first reading and had not passed the stage at which it could be reconsid ered by the council. The city fathers will have another meeting at 5 ocIocK Thursday afternoon to consider rou tine business. Cleverness and Stupidity. There Is no harm In being stupid, so long us a man does not think himself clever; no B'hhI In being clever If a man thinks himself so, for that Is a short way to the worst stupidity. Mac-donald. COUNTY COURT EXPENDITURE IN GENERAL FUND FOR MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1913 Win. Davis Win, Oyer K. 1.. Shaw T. .1 llatulall Chas. F. Kly .. A. V. Cook Joel Jarl T. H. Wortlilngton t S. F. Sharp Christian Kochor Leslie O, Katon .1. V. McAnulty C. V. Farr It, Strolb K. tlross Henry Swales PnM Josl S, A. I. Hungnto tioo. Koohler Win. Pale W. W. Tucker A. J. Hodge John Kolsecker It. U. Holooinu II. S. C.lbsou C. C, Borland J. II. Itlsley J. V. Powty John linffney Cioorge Aaklns Frank Fish Wm. Thompson E. B. Miller ' F. T. Smith John Turnldge Newton S. Nana Fred Klnn John Snmnolson Mrs. J. Samuelson Mantle Cleason Anelta Haas Rudolph Samuelson 3-6" C. M. Fierce 5 00 J. A. Vonada .00 I.lnle Anderson I.fU'j Mrs. O. V. Shopard 3 t' j A. M. Vlnyard 00i 1.20 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.20 220 3.20 SS.Mi 3I. 2S 40 3l.Su 33.40 27.40 27.20 27.20 Sfl.SO 30.110 32.40 31.10 30.30 32 00 33.00 3ii.00 32.20 .1500 27.80 31.00 31.20 31.40 20 2.40 6.fi0 5.00 5tW 5.00 6.80 HMO IS.tfO .oo S.i'.o s.ro 2.20 2.20 . Clerk W. I Mulvoy , , . , Recorder Utilise Coohnin K, I', Hodman Class I'nidltoninin Co Treasurer Alice Hwlgnlns - J. A. Tufts Coroner Win. J. Wilson I Dr. Hugh Mount I 8pt. of Schools Pioneer Transfer Co t 1), K. Frost , Broiilou Wilder Hnuuoii ft Co Mrs. S. K. Cox II, M, .lames T. J. tlnrv Wells Fargo Co Harry Itargroavea Fashion I. Ivory Stable Assessor Clara Mitchell t &"" M00 .$ Kl.0'1 , 115 00 , 10.00 . 3.25 $ 62.00 l.oo 15.10 10.00 5 10 8 r.r. 11.1. 10 2 0.1 12 05 127..H 31.01 a.oo 27.55 2 00 O. w. ..$ 22.50 .,$150.00 . . 25.00 f 25.00 , . . 20.IH) . ,.t 8.50 ...I 2.00 ,..$ 21.35 , .. 15.H0 tiortle WIIIhoii Extending Tax Roll J. O. Slants Surveyor I). Thompson Mcldrum Harry Cray County Veterinarian John Hughes W. R F.ddy Fruit Inspector K. Freylag Board of Health J. Wilson Current Expense The Pacific Telephone Co. Home Telephone Co Court House Frank Hunch I Oregon City Ice Works 2.30 The Worrell Mfg. Co 113.1! Jail K. T. Mass $100 01 County Poor, F. T. Barlow .. 2"0 H. F. Padnham 21 l' H. F. Padgham 14 13 C. J. Bentloy 10.00 Car) F. ljirnoii 22.73 1 Adams Uiuls Noble, Jr Kosftoll I.. Ilolman .. dark IS.fio' Oregon City Hospital ., County Court W. H. Mattoon $ 22.00 J. W. Smith u 14.50 II. S. Anderson 3.23 Circuit Court Mrs. Moreland $ 9.55 J. E. Marquam 8.00 H. D. Say 6.00 j J. C. Bradley 3.00 A. D. Gribble 3.10 Frank Sawtell 7.00 Wm. Dyer 4 .09 John Gaffney 3.40 Jerome Avery 5.40 H. II. Hughes 2.00 J. C. Miller i 8.00 A. D. Gribble 4.40 Noah Egll 5.fio C. E. Miller 5.50 Clarence Johnson 8.00 Leonard A skins 5.00 H. Johnson 6.00 D. C. Howell ' 4.10 Newton S. Nave 16.C0 Albert Thompson 6.60 J. A. Vonada 5.00 Mrs. L. B. Anderson 23.00 Lula Clark 16.40 John Turnldge 16.40 Jas. Downey 16.40 H. L. Hutching 6.00 Anthony La Bache 6.00 H. F. Gibson 10.00 W. Givens 14.00 Sherman Lyons 10.00 E. H. Hill Johnnie Brat ton . . Alice Haas A. Woolsey L. H. Maddex .... Mrs. L. H. Maddez R. B. Beatle Fred Stelner 10.00 5.40 6.40 ' 7.00 4.20 4.20 3.50 3.60 J. S. Downing 18.4" Mrs. Frank Dodge Weston McKlnney 4 00 Itubv Mocnche MM L. S Mary Moeneho 16 00 Mrs. C. J. Pnrker 2170 Justice of the Peace. John N. Clovers $ 88.30 I). E. Frost 97.20 Mrs. Hardy Rock 3 90 S. A. Tucker' 3.90 E. M. Tllton l ' Oscar Clyde 1-70 Ida Calkins 1 93 Lilly Schmidt 1.30 Bala Marcum 190 Percy Cross 3.90 Steve Green l"n Joe Bell l "i Otto Werner 1") Ed Pamperlne 3.50 K. It. Faulkner l "o W. E. Griffith 1"0 D. E. Frost 1 70 C. G. Falkner 1 "0 E. M. Tllton t."0 H. F. Gibson 4 30 Harvey Gibson 4.30 G. A. Stone 4.30 Francis Chrlstensen 4. .10 Otto Stoulke 4.30 Martha Burkhart 4.30 Alice Haas 4.30 John Allen 4.30 C. I. Noble 4.30 J. J. Noble .'. 4.30 4 25 II 00 jo.oo 27.50 7.oo .M 1 so SO 00 D. E. Frost .. J. E. Church , Wm. Sheahan George Grover W. A. Holmes . John Smith .. 1.70 1.90 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 J. W. Shay 1.70 Chris Hartman l."0 E. L. Shaw 1.70 E. T. Mass 1.70 C. S. Coleman 1.70 Frank Baker 1.70 Carrie linker 1.70 E. L. Shaw 2 40 Sheriff L. C. Smith Bros $ 43.50 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 2.75 F. A. Miles 121.00 Western 1'nlon 1.20 E. T. Mass 51.10 D. E. Frost 11.25 Wilson & Cooke 35 Ed Reckner 3.20 Tax Department. CIs B. Pratt $ 67.50 Fr.d ("lack Win. Hammond Mrs. Kly Smith Mrs. (5. E. Woodward Denis Donovan 12 50 Board of Water Commissioners 2 00 J. J. Tobln 4.75 A. R. Stephens 8.0O A. King A Co 10 00 Mrs. W. F. Sohooloy 10 00 W. 8. Jack 12.00 W. W. Everhart 60 0" 8. W. Weaver 7.75 Win. Danforth 15.00 David E. Jones 5 00 W. T. Gardner 10 00 Mrs. Brndtl 10.00 J. W. 8. Owens 20 00 Sam Booher 16.00 N. H. Smith 1000 Dock Mosler 10.00 Mrs. Jessie Allen 20.00 Patton Home ..... 16 00 Alice Cnrr 10.00 A. J. Rosenthal 20.00 Mary Buol 6 00 Peter Erlekson 1500 Sarah Gibbons 20.00 Ambrose Pluard 10 00 Henry Spless 10.00 Ella Payne 10.00 W. W. Everhart 25.00 County Physician Dr. J. V. Norrls f 2 20 Dr. II. V. Adlx 35.00 Indigent Soldier Meado Post No. 2 $ 25.00 nsans - The Stato of Oregon $ 45.93 Election W. Smith $ 9.5,1 Geo. V. Ely 1.00 Fashion Livery Stablo 8.00 Chas. Noblltt 12.00 W. Wilson 5.00 Williams Bros 50 Frank Ott ' 2.47 J. C. Marquam 1.19 W, E. Kelso 13.60 This New Illustrated Book For Every Reader 3 a rfs fra il t l ., t I f U.. i I I I.I.J I fa, il I J W J l l 1CERTIFTATI0N I PANAMA ANDTHE cMlk TO f-r- PRESENTED BY THE r7?IA 1731 Hi IL ORfctiON CITY ENTERPRISE. jjj 1 j i AS EXPLAINED BELOW L Cil See the Great Canal in Picture and Prose JTjJ SlMJlJlIlIrllrlJMIlJrlJllHJi Read How Yon May Have It Almost Fre Cut avt th mhnwm Mopon, mnd prrtrntt It t thl otrt with th n pcflM amount herria ftH opaHm th iyi HtwtM (whlrta rvrra th ltema of thm coat of parkins;, tnpr front tho factory, thrrklnu, clark hlro And other ftMeswawf fcXjpKNBJfi Uenu), mnd recclvo jqum cbolco of those book: PANAMA AND THE CANAL ipeciai paper; oouna in iropicai rea veuum cioin, i stamped in gold, with inlaid color panel; contains e than 600 magnificent illustration?, including beau- 4 I pages reproduced from water color studies in col- j This beautiful biz Tolume is written by Willis J. Abbot, a writer of international renown, and is the acknowl edged standard reference work of the great Canal Zone. J It is a splendid large book ot almost SUU pages, yxn on special paper ; bound in tropical red vellum doth ; x 1 0 a it i iicrsirrn lllle 4 a. more i -w iuiiiu" .j oaeci renrodgced . i. i . -.il r i ormgS tnat lar surpass any worn oi irnnr cnaracicr. . i jr(sst ' and see this beautiful book that would sell for $4 under usual I kmmt ! 'conditions, but which is presented to our readers for SIX of tl 1Q I the bor Certificate ef coneeati elaUs, and only tha I! f i Snt by Mail, Postaf Paid, for $1.59 and 6 Certificates 5 Panama and j the LanaT A ek er i Irak rr Tiui im Certificate of axioorutiva datoa T 4 rl'O photo- f plafM are I ftiJ Midi- I tirtssE I Rflcnlar ortavq !: tt irtfr prrtlrnr Oi- nme ae tli 14 Tnt. m: mom hi hhi r-jhwn clh: contains oalr frmphic rnirodurtlona, and th rnlir plai ittMl. ThM hmk would Mil at t2 nrv. r ana Mia, tqt M pr-iwntrd to our reailns rjr SIX of the Ce ice ana onif m Sent trr MalL Poetade Paid, tor 67 Cento and 6 Certificates. C. A. Keith Orpgon City Enterprise . O. WIsslngtT W. A. Ilcylman Chas. Kly P. A. Cross E. C. Warren O. W. Harrington 10.00 W. U Mulvey 15.00 riunny Owenby 9.00 enner 8.00 sman 11.40 Ona He fl. Mes 1.0S 1.98 1,00 4.00 3.00 John S. Owlngs John S. Owlngs Wllllum KnlKht E. L. Davidson John N. Slevers E. U. Davidson 29.30 W. V. Rogers 8.60 A. D. niimett 1.C0 M. H. Iing 4.00 James Nichols 6.00 School Dlst. No. 60 1.50 Chas. Thompson 15.70 Ruth Smith 14.00 W. H. Smith Chas. W'aer D. H. Purcell John Straight Chas. E. Smith J. h. Jones John E. Smith O. W. Wftldron Fred Hogg P. E. Luras II. Peckover J. K. McCormaek John Kent Christian Korher W. W. Jesse J. T. Oglesby T. A. Campau R. W. Zimmerman C. 9. Tull Joe King Erickson Wrolstad John Heft Arthur Staben A. Thomaa U P. Duffy John 1 Klein Kriink Juisr AIImtI M'M'lMik" V. iiuiiiiiMiior . Win, lli'riimii Kn-d Kauiriilh Hvnwt Croek Hull Assii, ... W. (Irlsi'iitliwiilln 1 1 i'ii. HrlimMt James IIim'shii l.uliil Vnretll I ion. (1. lillxiu .1. M. Tlinma Adolf Asi lmlT f, K, Mi'tiiiKlu Otto AstholT A. C. Tlinnias I.. II User l- M. Mormui J, W. HtniiK C, M. Uke t). W. KorliiK I.. I', lllrliey M. II. Wheeler I, . KlUer W. K. Itonney Clamle Wlnslow r'rniik' lliulrlrka (', A, Urauluiid John I'. Hult W. II. rVhlilTer W. H. Curbed A. Davidson A. M. Vlnyard .". C, N. Walt C. V. Ilomla . II. IL KoliS C. V. I'routt Wilson Kvana M. J. l.eo D. 11. Dlnilek J. K. I'utrh F. M. Itoth t. It. Mark J. W. 1.1-lser City of Cauby J. N. Youna W. T. Johnson (). It. 1 1 nrc m il It. M. liolroinb Krank Talbert M. It, Webster U D. Jones W. K. Wel. h C, W. Harris (1. C. Mi lntyrr. I'nrnell Averlll Chas. A. King W. A. Rtoao V. M Stone Thomas llrown Wanl II. Uton I., II. Fraster Maxwell Telford li.-lib n t'.anotm W, Johnson - Clari-nrn I,. Katon - T. M. jnK T. AldrlrJi J. II. Wewer Hubert Jonsrud - John Kelaecker J. II. Iteelillti Chas. Sluirnke T. H. Milan W. A. I'roetor (leo. Martiney James Hell Uo Hath J. M. C Miller Paul Dunn Perry T. Shelly City of Sandy A. W. Cuokn i W. It. Dallas John Mulleitholl - Nels Itodtun HuKh l ay J. C. Elliott Henry Hock Alexander Hews John Affolter H. II. IMell Joseph DeHhaser C. A. Keith Krnnk 'antra M. E. (irnfenhnln School Dlst. No. 83 Harvey Gibson N. E. Stlnglejr Alex Haker M. C. Clover A. D. llurnett E. T. Trulllnger August flerhartiis Henry Wllbern II. Epperson P. K. Mtm J. A. Ingllsh C. Krlgbaum John K. Kly II. M. James W. A. Jones W. A. Heylmnn J. P. Woodlo A. 0. Ames . .' J. F. Lovelace I. . M. Hotithron II. R. Klmmel Estneadn Fire Department A. II. Miller Hans Paulsen Nicholas Rath Adolph Wlederhold Henry Johnson William Held Frank Ahnert Ilrenton Veddnr Paul C. Fisher J. C. Paddork T. N. Hums E. P. Carter 3.00 Chas. T. Slevers 3.00 C. W. Tarrlsh 3.00 Ed Harrington 3.00 Merlon Hell 3.00 Wm. Hammond 3.00 Hugh Hall 3. tl II. E. Cross 3.00 Fred Oerber 3.00 F. W. Rclliliofr 3.00 0. A. Kohl .;. 3.0 W. P. Klrchem 3.00 A.,J. Johnston 6.0(1 O. D. Robblns 6.00 U Kohl 6.00 Harding Grange 6.00 0. W. Atwood 6.00 8. A. Cooke 8.20 E. A. Woods 6.00 M. E. Gaffney 6.00 W .A. Garner 2.00 W. E. Millard 8.00 Jerome Avery 3.00 F. T. Shnte 3.00 J. T. Grace 3.00 W. II. tlottemlller 3.00 M. E. Kandle 4.11 258.13 21.C5 2.58 104.45 .50 8. US 4:.M a.oo 3.00 .1.110 6.01) J.on 3. (10 a no ifcoo it.on uo 6oo U.oo 6.00 A.IIO (101) 6,00 too 00 d.tm 6 no 6.00 fl.ou 3.00 4. r.o 8 50 4V 4, VI 4 VI 4.50 4 5o 5. f'O S.oo 3 n 3.00 3 oo 600 3.00 3,00 8.no 00 3 uo 3.00 6 00 S00 Too 6.00 6 00 6.00 6 00 (1,0.1 10 50 6 00 6 00 6.00 6 0) 6 oo 13 00 6.00 3 00 6 00 600 6 00 6.00 6.00 6.10 6.00 6 00 3.00 3.00 3.00 SOU 300 3.00 3 00 S.oo 8 80 3.00 3.00 3.00 6 00 2.00 7.S0 11.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 K. I.elelilwiilsn W. II. Wiittliiur.T , , Wm, Iliiilierrord Heboid District No, III D, C, Voder H. It. Tiiylor Willis llrown .... John H. Owlnip .,, J. fl. No., N, It. (Iriiliam ,,, Hrhool fit, nUi 3 Jen. K. OKlrnby 1. W. Hrrumllii A. D, (Irlbl.le. I W, Hmlili II, A. Wright (leo, HiiIIi-iIiiii, C. D. KeeMIng (I. W, Hramlln ' 1. K, Colo (1. V, Adniiis ' Frank Hnwi.. ,, II. N. Everhart U A. DniiKlierty J. M. P. VI. It T. H, Hllpi W. II. Koiile II. O. Colo l, C, Hoyles K'verman Itnldiln W. W, Kverharl Fred H, Coleiunii tlraime No. 310 Win. Hliliitltrr T. It. A. Hellwood (1. W. lirown ' (i, Wlliig.T Will, C.illlisell James J. Kelly C. A, Ukl N'. It. Ilurvey I.eo Johns.ui C. II. Cminsell F. C. Harlow Samuel II. Horlnni City of M II w auk In D. M. Hentley J. K. Miir-iunin Hartmi Ja.-k John A. Hl."r.i A. W. Albright J. T. Drake V Myers Gen, A. Hrown I. J. Tbornn (5. F. Mlghells John tin m y Geo. W, Cone II. A. Heater Dm Id Hherrubl" School Dim. No. 27 ... II. II. Sii.xlicraos .... D l TrullliiKer A. 1. Larklns K. J. Mnpln W. Waldorf J. T. Kaiis (1. (1. Graves K. H. Miller D. II. Voder It W. Hitter P. A. Mohr M. O. Smith C. W, Carol hers K, Noblltt A. S. Thompson D. McArthur John Kaiser T. W. Hlanrhard D. E. McArthur '. Arthur Hlanrhard Wm, Heerdt A. J. Hodge Warner (Iraiiiso It. 8. Mel-auglilln A. Dullard John F. Rlsley II. Thlessen 6.00 12 00 6.00 6.00 6.0(1 6.00 6.00 600 2.50 12. 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 John It. Oatfleld Chas. A. Wortlilngton hll T. Oatfleld J. 0. Kuks C. A. Rlsley ! Otto Naef Chna. Wortlilngton Ernest Harris T. R. Worthlngton E. C, Warren W. W. Thompson H. E. Woodward II. W. Trembath C. W. Evans J. J. Tobln Chas. E. Murry 6.00 3.00 Harry Kellogg 3.00 8, A. D. Hungate S.OO 3.00 rims. K. Murry F. V. Humphry E. M. Waldron O. D. Eby J. O. Slnats Henry M. Templelon J. C. Hradley David Caiifleld J. U. Swafford I,. A. Nobel A. E. Rugg A. F. Jack E. 0. Roberts W. 8. Eddy Perc-y Cauflold John Lewellen W. H. Stafford A. E. Smith Levi Stcadman M. M. MoGechan H. R. Green E. W. Scott Jas. Shannon W. D. Andrews E. Tl. Androws J. V. Green Jas. Roake Sol 8, Walker F. C. Hurke L. O. Harding E. II. Lowe 3.00 3.00 3.00 9.01 3.00 8.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 11.40 6.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 8.00 6.40 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Chas. W. Kelly .;," Chaa. S. Noble "'"" John JLowry ' Roy II. Cox ' D. M. James M. H. Long 5.2 'i ,6.25 6.21 6.2f 6.25 7.2.5 6.25 3.00 6.00 6.00 7.40 M. U. Kienera II. W. Koehler 1 Thos. iJiy J. T. Cook O. E. Thomas J. H. Cox Arthur M. Vey M. J. McDonald II. II. Hlckner Jim 8klnner F. E. Davidson E. W. Cochrsn "' 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 9.00 6.00 6.00 II. R. Davidson i r 1 1 m.A An naS 8. y . ...miiiiittu r