Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 21, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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A mistake r'f-ar-' a w "!
wk, stm lb Bi.Ti I' a
I'rvt-tt ihc.'M tat ba M:.' I
f'D .rt.
Mm. i;'j--fd l a .. '
lit la ti.: Wl.ii'ji f r a ! 1'5
Mr. Iuv!ri ii:ib"r. W -J
I'ii ,ia.'f4 la l'"r. s.-.ij ci S.'-r
Mi F-x-d &4 Vau T... C Tatars cf
I 'or land. ' l '..'i'-.i'n f.-T:
lb wk. f'.-r a few
Mr. aod Mr. B'- Grakara v'.itfi
r;!iT- & oor i.af f.n Tb :r
Ain-n V'"ct r.'i tui re'srae-l fr'?
Or'! ' :ri. vbTs t tin '. u
inr on a ; iT
Tb ('Sk ;,-"V A icii'';"a
a rr.'lrig o ttHvtti tn
Ir.r. Tb-y t fc!;-d r-
Vt4 t or.... th ci.m-a.'tit
, d et'-a N-tr.j rt eta.
n VVort. F.H'r Jcti. and Mr
IhxU.. r;n.-d ta fafir-Uy ot..
frun t.l-ir tr ; to the roit.
Mint rrr" ar trl w!( O
re-lria'.VB cf f .:-r;.-.:-alxt t;ry.
to Bit k w I I :d '? ft'hr, ::
p;j 164 f-r't.
0::tr T-Jd r-T.j (rt .! ar
p!4 ! Vra tiu? b bai
a a'iS me.ii'l.a f:.r taiL' ri-rit o i
tr:. f, NiJ lis c-cert:.U::6C
are Bc.r.i-;. '.!3 rr- :ait t .'.!
la li in' T H (h cail nxi'r,
U rr fjK-.iar on a.m
of kll ta(M atd ra(BJ,.;s
tfjjr l'iir ts a t f-t; ia th
Ji trafi. at Mir TUr h.f---L
J fvi-et U ia a ti I'.e
cl ( llri3ta
Mr TiiaTan. th bb:t ipjjb; 1
fj;nr.fsd'-r I of paMic in:r:;
mad c.t frci la t!!i ili.nrtrt
fce sa a:r r.
AaacttrTr,-tt ta t'n r-li-i
f tt arri-.ai of a t!.-U at lb"
hfsmn A Ur. r4 Mm. I.fot.'. In Al
t,-rta. (k!.zix- l!n. I.ico ui for-
d-i itt w:r harr wi;h br nata. W
J-,f7i in -.t,rraitiU.!:. tt bat-VT -eou,
as! bop that tit iit;i a-w 1
r ma bsJJ a Uiut, tol wn-'t
riS '.WaJars to t?.f.i.
V- R:nr an4 J.j-.i!.!-r f'm.l
-1 !- fur.nl .f Ur, H-Ln-r' ii-r.
tf-ar f'a-.r thi
! ri'.'-Ti'iar. n!
; r c'.r f"ir"ri curias' asd bai.k
r. r'r:.i.J o a!l tb-.t th oii jar
:t Tincir. ail "-f 'J''"1
!".; 11 v r?'rrs. fc n' w j-r of
. :: I ii: v-rn M to t. ir.4 b wtil
,- t .fih ;ii't t' ro-i' h ir.to rr
r t y ir rv,!o"lr .on.
-.tt t,;a,a:: ir-rt i'rry
r1- " " ,W Va?T.'r a! hT bora
Ii.- ri!r fc-n a V,nt f ,rtr
Irtadi r?-:lir! at th V.'jrrir farw
r:fr. of var: i kln-l bt i.7'..!.
!!' krai r fr-sSmn'. re m
r..! a d'-Hrb'fsl time ip'-r.t by
-.7T r .'.
fKi.i't furr'-t '.h! Thank z:vin iu.-
nr It b rivn fy in ijti- ah
t.f f V:ih in th tiiw-mt-t.t. ;
af-r tv ch-'rrh rtU-, at 11 oVi k
on Tlarjkss1vfc day. A bounti'n!
Jinnr siil ! a-rr4 fnm 1 'intli t
o'ckirk and ia th Tnin? from
antil o'clof k. Everyone ia cordially
Invito to attend.
' ,
8. M. Onnabr nd ton. Merle, b cr
quit III laM tk.
Mr. ar,4 Mr. Cha,. Khr. of Nb-
rort. srf ria'.y.f Mr. K!-r i itr.
Urt. Adamaon on thlr
la ek.
Mr. Adamson wnt to Oregon City
la- Thursday.
Th. literary swlety mt rrt.lay
Bteht mlth a. 1.1 attnoaB ano many
nssr Bj-tnt-rB wre ad-ld to th liat.
M! Hattle Irwin tra' to I'ortland
T. W. Irwin .wife and aoB. .
Mr. Irwin' mother tb ftrt of the
werk- .. , , , . . ,hj
Mrs. 8. M. Orm.iby hu entered th
contest for th anteraobile eivtn by
tn evening jeiram. ,
Mr. and Mr, wra. Iuer, of Aurora.
Inrr.r-i !
were shopping and calling on frtenln i , t oiVin came borne fron. Bull
here Tu'rs'lay. ..... .iRn m'her be wa working, one day
The sad awident of Louie Myers r.
death wa a rr-t Khot.k to ht many
friend here Tuesday evening. Th
rmiiv lisi th vmnathT of iiarlow. '
v -iw - ,
Tuesday Miss Helen McMorry and
Mr Hatipher, of Portland, were callers
of i. R. MoMurry . ,
The shooting match at J. P. Mr-,
Marry'. Kafir-lay was not very well ;
attended. 1
Mr. Dambacb, the teacher of North
Ixcan f:hool, wnt to bis home In
Oregon City Friday evening and re-;
turned Sunday. j
Mr. and Mrs. George Eaden are the
proud parents of a big baby boy.
Henry Christiansen who has been
working in Washington has quit and '
com home. -
Wllliatn Christiansen and Harry
McMurry are working for Henry
H'ir. .
Henry Balsmeler and family hare
moved In their new boose.
The Jap that were working for
Henry Huber have gone.
There will be a dance at Mr.
Christiansen's Saturday night.
J. W. Dowty was an Oregon City
visitor Thursday.
t'has. Sparks went to Portland this
week to attend a business college.
Mr. Dowty and John Glthens have
been building a stone bridge near
tbelr farms.
Mrs. Kdgar Hclple was a Portland
visitor Thursday.
John Glthens has purchased new
windows for bis bouse.
Echo Glthens was an Estacada vis
itor Saturday.
Wilsonville, Nov. 27
Thanksgiving Night
Good floor with th best of music,
which will Insur. everybody a
good time who cornea.
To come and brlnfl thtlr friends
A good .upper will be furnished ev
rybody by the Hotel.
r:--. Ticket, 75c
r. W. Far'Xt. A. K .Spark.
';.' ar.4 "rtk K- "'
I!:;:.uf-a frWir to - ta" f''-.I
7.-m V .rt..a ti --sr4 a ; '
la rju:.i as4 ot or Tt-if
A: a rt i '-f th Cii lm;"
rit r..i ut x,-if-ur t i : '
h rar r-. rj:;,c a? as!
i-.r'Aft: !-. A .:.;.-!'
ar r- !i'4 t a.-r-jfr
mr;i ' i.:;1 ei ta tfM
if.f ir..E' H f a jar.lar I. trary
-rt,y II Wi'.l'f. tr:Jr.: fit t.'.'
1-it.i. in tr fn-m
J A. S- r.r a Fc
las l tj
t. r r !l r
K. i i.'f-rv in a .. at lor.
ta-.4 Satar!.
jj jr t:'N. b to on' r";l-'
t-dll tf tvjia. crctir.; ut nv.
Sr x t-y 'r'7.A v-3
ir. as 4 Wr. Ha;:s4 ar
k. i tw:w la a to!'t tn tr
f jn rf ta. a'or bts r-s"-' at
V- K.inor l'rl of FortUa. '
r-TiT ti ?i';''Tl Bl-S fcr Ir-svi
Ml Yr1 fir
U S. Ijhat ae.1 fatrDy ln K,:
raU U' Bi to I.-ra'f ta fiEa
A r.ai r-!r-4 N.cJjt tr W".
j!.t rrtTT4 tS tfl of th
-atl ff Vr J"ri-- fa'i'r ir. la r .
t! ! j r-.'-. r.f Fcn-' inJ. Ta
inl a h!4 TB':r-4. atsa ta sarui
t..k t ti M-il-.ttCia3 cr.-
i,-,r?e i:r a PcrlanI ttai:
or .-.it aria v
Mr- J V.'. R-4 Li!,-1 IVrcl
Tb M''.t! 7-.'n fi' taJ a tact's!
!;: Friar M'tStt. M'b a r
r h of a b-. t'.r t !i e
tftr r'p,. rrat. K''. ''
E-'a-'ia. rr.ai-t-a tn th z
P-o;! tf thU B:cl?ort.ool. a't-nJ'--l
ti vxiaL O
' ktr. J. W. P.---4 L''riX"! a !.ir-s-tW'-r
f la-'T frurti-i TfctirBday and
Friday afteroooc at bt iIaRt
rrrre A tr -B?oyaM til.". saJ
ha4 at both of tbf af'TnTi eath
r-.is r4 a:i r"r; tfcat Sin. RH
bi an i4'-al n"-r.ai.ir M. Crj;
ciia favnr4 tfc mnr.ir.T ith f!
151 wiwt.cn f.n Tfc':r.'-lay anJ Fri
(Jir. tr. R. 'V. Cirr rav nm v
eai v!-'Kr. Mr. H. V. Adit r
rr f,r,v-n. The r'ii'al fart of t,i-s-aln!a-!5t
ss tl;-t:y appr-rU, i
p, th ri..r.t -j.nU5". U-
lii ifjim liiht r-fhni'ln-s t rprw-1
hy t;. !..'.
Aw.nz t'-, .cfjr-Iay vI-'Jr,ri In
P.rhfi4 V- niTti aaJ
F. '.V. lijr: -'t an 4 :. A. E. Spark.
Fri.f. For4. F. B. Guthrie. H. M. Jam-.'
and Frank Elng.
The Etara.la football boy srfn! to
ti IV--ro Fri'lay an4 f!-.-4 tft-
;:t:tt In to 0 in favor or. tJia-
(' A IjTXlTif-y
look a trip t tbi-
sritbra irt ot toe i -" "7' ;
to look at th country i'h the v.n-
of Erttini! a hoineBt'-ad. He d;d no.
su--4 i,o--.r, bjt return a',
some f-Jtur date.
; A tram Mony annouBtl
to U. Frank Kiti tb": ot-atb of ber
farh-r. sbo rut-i'tl In California.
; JrjL E,.j,f ,., oa th first car to i
i or-nt at the funeral sbicb took
, ".y.
, , tt,ct,, EainiC visited Fort :
f,-1' ' fc W
; - ' trankacted bu.ic-sa la
j rt"taBd Tuesday.
, A ri(r, c( BltiD ere Irf-E'Jn at.
, rhrlatian hur'.h of thia p!ac.
i. , ier; i L. Immi. of
. . , lh sanet:bt and fc
.ls,d br Mn 8tvn.
ho rooducta the sli.R-
Ir. s.
ui.. ':UIts Carrnt-r and F.raa
c b ww In PorllaD,i Satur.lay.
JJoyUn yo,lfl? n:a m-
tilr-d about a nw-k ago at fii'tners
i irj? B(nj( k 0TW the iyfc ;,r
f , , etUne alou an.
.. . .,lllM xw.cted.
He a
" - .
', k ;C1)S, of an in'-t. 1
band. He wa able to returt, to his
! work Monday.
' . . .. .. ., .. .i i- i,
UJ(J ai inn iio-.'!
vtted their families and the I'.:l.. l:abs
to rne-t with them after the b'lam
et.ion la Saturday nlKbl, and one
0f the U.st vx times of the seafcon
was the renal. The ladies carried
baakeU filled with chicken, caU-s.
p saladi. ete.. and the spreal they
rv-ed was of tbe very best .tiriety
and kind. Games were played and
everybody enjoyed tbe etenln? very
a. S. Job on was in P-tiand sat
urday night and Suntlay vwltins n.J
sister and family,
Mrs. U. S. Morgan enjoyed a visit
Wifl her aimer. Mrs. Idlema;., of I urv
jand. Saturday and Sunday,
Harry Morgan visited hom-t foiks
0ver the Sabbath.
The operetta at jjoqb n.'i
Au, 5r.lnsr. was attended by a )arg
number of Kstacada young people,
who report the entertainment a yrf.nl
A most Enjoyable afternoon was
spent at the A. .. I.indsey bone by a
company of ladles on Tuesday. A
most delicious luncheon was served,
such as tbe hostess Is famous for pre
paring. The duplicate whist club was en
tertained for six o'clock dinner and
i cards following, last evening at tbe
Dr. Adlx home.
Social functions In Estacada of late
are quite numero is. There seems to
be an epidemic of "At Homes" among
the ladles and now that revival ser
vices have begun, there is no lack of
Contractor Al. Llndsey In doing
some building for E. E. oallng these
J. It. McCurdy formerly of Esta
rada, was shaking hands witU old
friends at this place yesterday.
Babies need a perfect skln-coverlng.
cli smntinn raim them not only In-
...frorinr hnt binder tbeir
OINTMENT can be relied on for brief
and permanent cure of aufferlng ba
bies whose sum eruptioni have made
their life miserable. "Our baby was
.fnirted with breaking out of tbe akin
all over the face and scalp. Doctors
and skin specialists failed to help. We
tried Dr. Hobson's Ecxema Ointment
and were overjoyed to ee baby coro
Dletely cured before one box was used
writes Mr.. Strubler. Dubuque, Iowa
All drugglata. or by mail, 60c. (Adv.)
.. ,- i-....t ..j u u
tWU. Taan-Uy .rk fr
Itii 'rWay .'..-..: u",a t
rf .f Vr I Wr W rft If "
ar.4 trui'if-'Tt rttiTl at tlwir b
a.4 r.t a fcAfcttt r.iu ata
ka. Af r ;r.-J.j. tr.- l.n. Is
rhit a.i4 iUnaj to f :'rii,
rrK' sr -f4
..rta lrnj'i- tt f4 ("
Vb. R" I . r ' i i . .
luit- '"r- i i;rnt k-M i- r-;:'.'-n;Sci
nt j' ir-l A M
r.t ir,.-: i4 : '. . u ISr ' ..
r. A f..-. t-f V0 d --r.vf A f
'a rf T" !MrJ ; 1 f. a-k
trwi r ciafirtfl a t'n "I
Vrv R-f ' f IkiJs a
Ni; js-itjit iitbr iJ. J F.
; r x r ' t. 6.c: i3t 1-5 s
i S :)! t. , J rri a: ti
-. t:.-;-.: i!u' a'tT i-'-G lJ
wfc 1 V:; a-v ry r.. xl f lsf4 to,
t. int-e.x ar.4 kar b sia v-
Mr al Vb Will IVi'a
C:,it if Mr. a-4 M-b. lU.r
T. a tan cf 1" Sa t'n '
ia F-ix t"r a f r a irr.'M t-
Krar.'" o.
Hwt'f I !::. ta r'tjra.-4 fr-ai
b. t;rabr rla-.-n la rsrry t'-r-j.-tt.
A. H A:;r.'.ii bj v.rxh- 4 io
r-t.t V.-r a learnt arl
( ;.o. Sa-.i1!! it::rt. frf-l M i.'
F'-r'a-.3 S.-:'.
Tr b tj ;art;- in l'-r.z'
Cr-k !a: " at .fr-a Ul.'.n'i ai l
1! F Ccf';; .
A TSaJimr. Ja-' i 1-' '
at r..-i; hi! lay r'
K -! t-.r ! r r-a-
T. F-j-h i .-.-. tat a
trart rTjttiir b.i f, r Jj t'-t
T!:T -;t to lir Burim 03 tu.
: TI t t o t j r
yi of tb rti'-irvn Ibat bat l-
f at iia j a: c k b't'.t r
- .' 3 t
It" a:
Cwiq 0"rx1 0' 1 td ! rwt ri4)
A bcN t 3-stM on a
Kirjr 5i-eW (S is on j WjMon.
For a Low Down Easy Loading Light
Pulling Manure Spreader One that will
Last a long time and please you better
every time you use it? Look no further.
By breaking it up fine and spreading it evenly Easy, sure control and
no horse killer The only Spreader with a reach Farmers
who have bought them say they are the best farm
machine investment a farmer can make.
See the BLOOM
the nearest
Mitchell Agency
write us for
Dlancbe Duncan has been bating
dental work done.
Mms Marv W'ortblneton has been
visiting at her brother, Archie's for
the last few days.
Mrs. Fred Lehman was a caller at
her sister. Mrs. Frank Cbilds, Thurs
day afternoon.
Hugh liaker ha been quite sick.
Max McMan is thinking some of
getting him a cabbage planter. As
Max Is one of our progressive farm
ers and be a!o believes In scleiuiilc
farming and believes In tbe dairy pro
duct t rrake both ends meet.
A. Nellson has been digging pota
toes the lawt few days. A, Helms is
helping him.
A numbr of Hazellalte attended
Grange at Tualatin Saturday.
There will be a Christmas treo at
Hazelia schopl bouse, a program will
oe given by the school.
Miss Julia Wedde spent the week
end at beme.
The murder and suicide committed
early Thursday morning by Frances
McCabe, was a shock to the neighbor
hood. Both McCabe and bis wife
were laid side by side in the Sandy
cemetery Sunday. A large crowd was
in attendance. Tbe two children,
aged ( and 2 years, are left to tbe
care of tbeir grandparents.
George Roberts, who baa been in
this neighborhood for th past year
left Tuesday for Montana.
Most of tbe farmers are digging po
tatoes and plowing when tbe weather
A. C. Nanney, of Albany, Oregon,
x to Kl. Fri-Ly ..4 p-trck"!
th rUtrrM J'f m.i "
;r( imiulnl from intviU.
;!. - . U- txt of Ur
r)Irl rir-:'al s3i iw4 af
cor tl- Bkw l' rjt lerB
ar.4 ttekavf U of or. ; : .)!r-V.
I; Hi- t--r tb farf tu iar Us l
art !'ja. bj' c-t;-4 a
ft rit' s4 H-rreas 1 :vr i
l-n.'.tnt 0 b . f.-Ui".
7b rrtc4a aa4 DtU'-"" of (i.'jrt
Ha3"ua t Ma xT;r ta.-tj
a- .r-lajr t-xbt
It T H Hk! ai4 : frva P '
a. Ahdt, ttct-4 tir ci'-t:a.
Vlr". W. R irtic :.-. c-.' l.;s a. J-o
tut dnriRt t
IS J JX r-T-;i.r if S-tVl
cj vrd. a. wstoaifj
a j.-i!.-hr of rir aa J :;. tr'-'
x'.. of i fcursiji la b
'. i 1 fat 'R' 4 f.r r!. .
I'u .-'. bt i-a.j J.J- ar.1 Mr.
II '. i;a.m".-. a l.:.ft at f
t"r.rr,r fr I J f la IVfV.AIld ft-r
r.'-.lt. M Mabl Mvnt. rw
-if.eBi -tt to Harry VI k.x'-r ti
is. .rx-. 4 rvatCy. (I'l't u:3rB
,( in rf r.r.r tarty Vir.c M:n arab
Kaa-raalL Mr lit!-. Vr tWftv
V r a:4 Ur aa4 Mr Ws. I.Mia.'
Tt r-a:ar Far dI T.- . s--r" bs
i-s b-!4 at tbo h-k 4 tv-. os
ti fraoii of Not. H k. AJtrr
ti fitj'jr or4r of b:o. tb r
jwrta trtca tb oVtt,Ti to tb
ftt t"i-5rr i V'tr aaj l'rot-
Tricl'-n' A'Ut!i Bff (tiro.
Mt. i-rba M Hart r:v'.B a itt
tri:. r.t t.ri-il r- ;xirt i ta Urtl no
iit i i-f tk r iia'.B a: 1 J r5t
I V a :.-;.- fna Ik ar:.. ul-t
ri.a s-r oa asl ot tb
';.-!' rt it tb ttr.i-r.:..-n Mr
J. r- p.l of tfc kjt!5rt ff th.-tr:.r-4
l-tt of tb tiu.a c-f ti.
-,n !;:. t at u-. m
. -rt l r tb aftrrs-vB. aaJ a rro
f.'ar.: ta;f bo'ir tu vnl la di-
i-.l th k'ti4 of trv teat ar !"!
to t. :i fb..4rr Mary Jar. Fasntoo
t. 1J tb t ry cf lb t.r.c r bfvad
r:.in in b-r t rbi.J;-b say. Tb
A-x-u:i-a s.li (it a kijI at tb
A.. 1II
y- " rltq-. j!vv' igW
J Hatdorf ball on the evening of Dec.
'th. A program of music and read-
Ings and a speaker from Portland
will be among the attractive features
followed by refreshments. Tbe next
regular meeting will be held on Dec.
12th at the usual place at 3 P. M.
Mr. Alvin Reed, of the Eugene Uni
versity came down to attend the font
ball game in Portland was calling on
Lodge friends.
Mr. John Richards, of Oregon City,
was a caller at the Painton home on
Mrs. Hodges has returned from a
month's visit with her daughter at the
The Fraternal Union, of "America,
met at the liatdorf Hall for the pur
pose of electing officers. The result
was as follows: President, C. P.
Morse; Vice-President, Lorraine A.
Oiitrom; past President, Mrs. Jessie
Ostrom; Secretary, Her (.ha M. Hart;
Treasurer, J. H. liatdorf; Chaplain,
Dr. W. E. Hempstead; Guide, Ivy liat
dorf; Captain, Oscar Erickson; Inner
Guard. Jennie Jones: Outer Guard,
Roy liatdorf; Stewards, H. J. Robin
son, Louisa D. Morse, Alice Maude Mc
Farlane. The regular meeting night will Ve
held on Saturday evening of each
Mrs. George A. Ostrom wa a week
end visitor in Portland. She wa ac
companied by ber small daughter,
Mrs. Emmon entertained last week
with a prettily appointed luncheon at
her home, her ionor guest being
Mesdames Overbolt and Daley, of
Portland Mr. Wood of this place.
Mr. Harry Robinson ia on the sick
lut -'.". .f,J o feu
Mr II. C rl
toe, I drUUr.g
Ur r. MJ T-Kr at low..
a, t
A. C. M arlD c "
prx-rtT to a Mr - '
Wa'k. Vr M.rtr. ):! pr.ta'1'
fcv: ta Sxbr f'' Tb faw
kit I t frva'it ip.4 la tb awrlal
a'r'rt of tb rtuDiaaaliy.
,r aeJ :.'. Il'ur 5 '
plrvwai t Vtif4 V tb' l""
a r ot:i
txl tr-Uf U.t Ml K,v'
rfria?4 l'b I rriT for
M. V! W in a4 kr tr)4
rr a:
V Ktbl TV't pn '-i
,n M Fs.r.1
A J ttVj.il .irtta r
V-t N-it. Krj". V.a .'l r
! .r4 r.4 V l? F"J. ' Uir
a;- tJ a t-uiifu: !:-' din
or a tb l'r"-,l
T.Ubt. if yvJ f"! dU an4 tu;4d
or tvi wt ar.l (t-!!lal'-i
lab a :
!.v, cf ("i.aas'-riaia Ta.i.
s!:l fl ai! nsbt l!tr.rro
t an I o '
. ir a!-
(A l )
Tl Ft! It OrxM-
Tb f.i -r f -t.f.l. t,.i:ii.J lf-!-,..
..!rrat.-.;i- of t.j.:!.x::!y fjitb.,
It i th a r -. iii.lir-l b4 orf j
i f lb r'Wxu j!'I t'lfrn Iu4 ;
of t!i M!.t-rrariou xA ba tvu j
kVIi J.tril-!i!.l In It ti:I a.-tl'l
j;u . a of VI iv.tu.tiMtljulMii. Tbli ,
tjjw f fr.'l b.il -1 l-nm i "f j
u::it au'l , ;.'t i-I fiu ! b i
ru-I-r'ti tit iinrVnl hji w .tt tb j
tj"; fr-iisi t!i ft y uioti'imi'iila' rt-1
t4 t It. t. :itiirti- a!!y. Th ilr j
ft-t. itn.janitlnr y nnlrrn 111 j
lt s'f'Kati"ti. tlrltrs fr- ni It. al '
ft that HU.I-, t.. ti Umg ci.i.1- j
r-. t!'. ..o'T u: i'f iltt-tiiT hl- ll j
opc'iI (th tb i uli.tr nii.'il of r4 ;
u.t fjt.r-l -N York r"'i- i
Mil :l Nst.
Kni. kr - W it I s hantu't) i
t.'Lr - (Vni in It. fli .t Ji OiuK'. j
.NVtr York Suu. i
i wt v'v.-:
V.- v t
4 J
cvr 'iik -- i
f-j -
fw MA.tw
h"4 r ' -
Impement and
8ig of Gibraltar.
There have been many siege of the
famous rock of Gibraltar, but the
greatest was the une sustained from
the combined land snd sea force of
France and Spain, 1779-83. For four
year all tbe powers and resources of
tbe science of the time were exhausted
by the assailants without success. Un
der the Inspiring leadership of Blr
George Eliot tbe besieged mors than
held tbeir own In one of the most
memorable sieges In all history. pesr
son's Weekly.
Arctic Iron Min.
Tbe richest and perhaps largest Iron
ore mine in the world Is at Klruna.
Lapland, as far north as northernmost
Alaska. The climate Is milder than
that of Alaska, and tb mine i worked
the year around.
Mot Ancitrtt Music.
Tbe most ancient piece of English
music in existence, "Hummer la leumen
In," is quite modern In comparison
with a score of the "Orestes" of Eurip
ides, dating from the fourth century
B. C. which wa exhibited at the In
ternational exhibition of music at Vi
enna some years ago. Even more an
cient I tbe chant "Tbe Blessing of tbe
Priests." wblcb was sung in tb temple
of Jerusalem before tbe captivity and
I (till In nse in tb Jewish synagogue
In Spain and Portugal
au oiitL j rn ci.r
s!s.ijiii?5 ft jfi!iito
:;- 5j in iillxa.h i
fk'M nrl ft-MXocUi.il area
(uw MorjvV rr.4ir
Im aw-
ArwrKi Rnr4 f Ctwn
thia . Sxff Skim fcUUtrS'i
Wormi I rsrvukrm jrtrliV
r.uartlV'Jwtir lU FwJ
Ctact Copy Wrappef.
Captain ' (J"'
lily's 191 Fastball Ttim.
Mists and Fogs So Thick That They
Turn Day Into Night
London snd lindnni-rs hat bn the
butt of nisny a K' Juke, bill perhaps
tbe olilint subjtt't of lb humorist 1
tbe Ixmdoa fK Tb mint, which I
roinmonly called "ea soup." date
back to tb seventeenth rvtitury. Tber
sre records ss fur buck as thnt which
Inilliste tint til rity suffered evon In
I ho dnyi from minis as lutense a
any of those of today.
In Noteinlx-r. IiKKJ. John Erplyn
mmle a not In hi dlnry to tbe effect
that there was "so thick mint snd
fog that iopl luxt tlii'lr wsy In th
streets, It being so Intense that no
light of candle or torches yielded any
direction. ItolilM-rle ar committed
between the very lights wblcb ar fix
ed between London and Kensington on
both sides anil while roadie sud pas
senger were passing. It began about
4 In the afternoon and was gone by
night. A I th Thames they beat
drums to direct the waturmen to make
the shore. "
Visitors to Ixindon In thou day
were In the bahlt of making fun of
the fog Just a the visitor of today.
Condoninrs. Spanish ambassador In
Queen Elizabeth's lime, said to friend
who was returning to Spain, "My com
pliments to the sun. whom I bar not
seen since I came to England."
In Elizabeth's time the burning of
coal was prohibited while parliament
wa In cession. So dens were tb
fogs during the, year of 1813 and 1814
that when the prlnc regent tried to
make bis way to lint Held, tbe home of
Lord Salisbury, he could not And bl
wsy and wa compelled to forego th
trip and return to Carlton House,
which be reached after a succession of
accident. New Tork Sun.
"I'm sorry I snubbed that young bank
clerk on the street yesterdny."
"Failed to know him. ehr
"Yes; snd today be got even. I bad
check to cash, and be failed to know
me."-Washlngton Herald.
On th( Water Wagon Tee.
"Don't you think man hi greatly In
fluenced by bl envlronmentr
"Not always. I once knew man
wb'o drove iprinkllng cart for nln
year and died of acuta alcoholism."
Blrmtnghsm Age-flersld.
Wonder If It would do any good to
advise buying Christmas present at
tbe latest possible moment.
L. ' 1 '
-it . 1
Tor Infantt anrl Children
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
Thirty Years
Heart to Heart
Frum Kui'i; luim-t u im a
a. I ml ui.uiil 1 1 u .iL an Aiurrfi-ti
k'rrfiii tut in ii .r-!i:,:i in tMi
oitintrv It lititur thMly uj firvillt
lu I. iii.ii in.- mi", ot- in .artilt 9WM
it lliil nf I'ur I'.j;..ui l.iti It BiUts
Ihp oid tu-ill li"'r lUiik uf IL tl:ul
In li Ii or In friii..! aul coiucukl
ram luii k i.. tin. -! ci. 'I Uiiilllatitl
from tb tuttt i-rirlil. uf tb Uill Bar.
Ilrtv I lb lU'iu,
A "sutrruiiint now niaad In "
dirti?-i la s Oruimi Jr for 3.U0
urtluYl.il ltv Tb. y r Bautnl to n
p!i r tbiM toru otf 1'J tiMfiM-l and
lu ll or smskhrd by rule bullet ur rtil
drn over by srtilirty brU ur lb
terrible bi.it uf lu.'ifliiii tavafrr
Tlire tlsiiiaii4 artili l.il t,;'. Think
uf lb ssu-rr-sai uf !iii-rjr ttiry rrpr
line llier wrr .1.'i uattiral k-ff
wtih b Imre thlr tiir prmnllj to
r They mart' tin siy from hum.
Jul ss you snd I. riM.Irr, Irjio oor
own home in go l our diHy toll
Now th bit II Mtt'.uc n Ittka
osttletleld with tb buillr uf thou
sand who. prhn luor mmlfully.
hut been psrtl th tmlii snd peril of
eonllnilH ll with llinl li'! t"il uB
A crli Ihiv. untillii or 1
a. ! pain. IwUt and pull off III rtt
uf liiiiert. so lh lliiil of nirn hT
bceu lwlt.-d and tm "ft lo xnlifj
tb warmaker. th limters after trr
"rltury, the prmnl snd sinliltlc'U.
Think of lho 3.ii nrtin -Ul llmbi!
Was Shruiau rlglit lu hi cUsrsrlerb
Hun of wsr?
"llut w do not nisk wsr." the real
rs ssy. "It Is mmle by lb ttmea,
who do not send men to di-ib iul
wounds utile there I no other wJ
"I""'1''" i
The other way I opening It h"
men along lb Ptb of International
arbitration, of dlulin f dllT
Br... In Ibis hli!ht and most bos
urnble of national and International
pursuit our own govfrumrut H
Ktatesmen and king d gorertJ
ments do not nowaday mak war. l
b waged by th "plf Iheni"'!''. tai3
Ihelr Is the finnl decWon In tb wc
menti-us question. "Wsr or P""-.
If th vole, of a liathm l unmltW
lily opK,e.l to war Do president, king
or emperor will coerce It Into tb wJ
of lnuKhter of fellow men. Only "
people themelves csn tsk that roto,
lo the csus of International P
all ran help
ir inrougnoui wi "- - .
of hamlet nd vlllago snd town b"
city Join with on voice In denouncwi
war ther will be no more war.
Klppr" nd Rd Horrlng.
The kipper Is a !." brrlng cured U
moke. The Inle Mr. John Wo.lgcror
Newcastle-on Tyne and Yarmouth wm
tbe fortunate discoverer of thl met""0
of treating the herring. TheproceMO
producing the red herring I nl.'K'n
o that of the bloater, the dlffereDC
being In degree. The "red" variety
more thoroughly salted nd n"
dried. Tbe one advantage of '
method lie In the preservative qu'
thereby developw1.-Westmlnter U-
ett. '
Hlp' v.. .
A bachelor on a frm I
belples a a munlcd boy in I pw
tory. Atchison Globe.
A Night of Terror.
Few nights are more terrible thjj
that of a mother looking ofi bet '
choking and gasping for breath a
ing an attack of croup, and not-"
In the house to relieve it. Many
er have pa.sed night, of terror
thl. .Ituatlon. A little lbou.
will enable you to avoid all thl-
berlaln' Cough Remedy I
cur for croup and ba never
known to fall. Keep It at nn0;AdT.)
al by all dealer. 1
IT For Over